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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jun 1971, p. 6

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GThe Caniadian Statesmran, towmanville, ,lune 23, 1971 Graduate Nurses HoId 22nd Reun ion The 22nd ann'ual reunion )If BownnvlicGraduate Nusr- es- was Iied aite Guild Inn,ý Scaboouion ThursdnLy, Sîxtee,,n from Bowmnanville travehlepd by Burjey Bus, 10 'h- met aI tic Inn by three G;radruates who live in Toron- 10 and one from Osangeville. The asrangements for tic dayiad býen made by tiese, a a short hbusiness nmeeting1 weeheld bafone gýoing to ti Cnppled Chi (ldien's Cents-e (On-ta-ho), 350(1 Mumford Rd." Tic afternoon went Fan o1 fatfor smci an întenestIng1 !nj-ect, and we md tb lenve wîshîng tint we could1 hiave mhd a grant deni mos-e1 Iii' 10 watci lihe ves-y Inter-c r-.tîing work being donc bo hip these youngstcss ecoma 1-tetfter ndjusted and equipped1 te. face tic worid witi ailier1 a heites chance cf living in1 oýtrasefnt socîety aind ean-ing a1 4od living raticer than ha-i lug left hehind and consid-i es-ad tic odd ona. On s-a*tuVning 10 tic Inn a delicious lunch was waiting for us, afler which we so- c-, on the beautiful lnwns wiici san to tic bluff oves-- leoking Lake Ontario. Evening found us ail ready for home, but always a wsh for good healti for tic fol- lowing yens- until we meet a.gain. Tic .fellowing attended: Miss Mas-y Yeung, Miss Ruth Hancock and Ms-s. Mas-hon Young of Toronto; Ms-s. Doris Cuil, Oranigeville; Ms-s. Jessie Wilcex, Cobour-g; Ms-s. Lois Lycaît, Janetvilla; Mns. Grace Bosrowdalc, .Oshawa; ,Ms-s. Emma 'Widdacomba, Hamp- ton; Ms-s. Ruth Pers-h anad Ms-s. Bessia Stephenson, New- castie; ,Ms-s. A'ura His, Ms-s. Mildred ,Foley, Mrs.-s Elsie Alids-cad, Ms-s. LauraButtes-y, Ms-s. Ruby Truli, Ms-s. Hester Bec, Ms-s. Lillian Emmerson, Mss Dorotiy McDoaald, Miss Velma Gay al cfBowman- ville aind oea guest, Ms.ý Guy, Oshawa, Oatario, Reports from - Womnen's Institutes Trie District Annuial was Lancaster, Blackstock, Mrs. hrd in SÎolna CoIrMmun ity H. Taylor; Hampton, Mrs. EalThursday, May 20, 197,, George Gilbert, Mrs. M. ývith oujr District Presîdent, Mountjoy anid Miss Mininie, M~rs. _R. Davis, in the chair,ilHorn; Newtonvïlle, Mrs. re The meoeting ,was openedc by Bowen; Solina, Ms, R. Lanig- Migg0 Caniada, foilowed ad by the Ins:.tiute Ode and the M rs. R. Davis gave ulierpý Mar'ýIY stewaýrt Clecreport, thankîng her Execui- Mrs Fra;ser gave the Ad- tive for being so helpful And dresa, of Wvelcom, ,hieh was how important it is to evalu. (ele o by Mrf. Chant. aie our time, We slhouId alsc The eora for the fol- sperid ail the time we cari Irowing members w as given with our family. She ýalse told bMs.A, Wade and Mrs. S. us of thie many friendships ________she had' gaîned through the Womnen's Institutes. The announcement of and formai ratification of 'District Directors was given by Mrs. R. Morrison, our Board Direc- tor. Pennies For Friendship were then presented by the IDistrict Directors. Minutes of the last District Annual were read "and approvedi. T-he finani- claêl report and tIhe auditors'i report were gîven. It was. moved and seconded that Pennies For Friendship be gîven again next year. Mrs. ~ LIBILTY nsurnce to radley is to be Our delegate kcover Iyour lgal abilit or b the Area Convention, with cpve- , ur libiit f?'Mrs, R. Frae e-ghrý B'odily Injury or Damage to ternate ae en e i feroo Çhrsaisn It was moved and second-A f rom Z ed that a lettes- of thanks bheý premli;ss'en t to the Bowmanvlllei npertio1,n s . ( fa IL 7ay'IF rO.M'StLat e Smoan for the assistanceý premises t'hey have given Us Over threý Prdut <aisarising ont years. A fine piano solo wasli nf produevts sold or handled given by Mns. M Vice; it w-asi b1y you) some of the music from tWe Cmetdoperationns (workmovie 'Show Boat'. Therec dûpne by yon 'after eomf- ,were noResolutions this year. pletion and abandoument) A n address was given byý (jvtr if anly) Mrs. Morrison who was theý 0perationis f otractors Board Director from Beaver-f emplqYed by yen toI1. This was Mrs. Morrison'sl Conratulilabiliity (liabil- last year aýs director. Usingc ity for Podlv Injury anad a Flip Chart, she gave the1 roperty Damagae which you hîghlights of ber duties ass haeassiumied uinder any director.' She had attendeds cantract or agreement). the Offices-s Conference atN EMIPLOYEIR's Liability Guelph and other importantf Insuancemeetings pertaining t6o lie INMEDWIALPa.vments Women's Institute. Sh c me-î tioned anri -ect)m.menýded theT For urths- nforatin Cal radlng of Dr,. Chapmnan'st book "Humn-itiesq in Home-v * spun", also the W. 1. Story, James unsuancewhlch will be on sale by[ James, lnsurlticà,Dec. 31, 11971. I The )eWomns Isiue i;.ntae lhave r-eachrd the goal of con-I A-9-ncyL-" *te tifibtlaons celebnating l 24 Ring StFE, sBox 100 5hAnvrayi19,Ay noo luch v cleletpthes Royal Rtel onFebru-s a l' 12 192. hefurnishlng and nenovatîing of tie Lre Homestead is bclng continuedD with contributions fs-cm tic WI.branches. The A.C.W.W.1 will. be beld during the sumn-ý OffceResidence mer of 1972 at Osie in Nor--:] 6-56916352 way. Ms-s. B. Taylor gave ber 62-43repocf the Federation olr 63591Agriculture.f 1 Mn dinner, bc resuine agali -an 1:30 piTn. Everyone enjoy cd a very deliclous dinner after which we hald a verý interesting speaker in ti persoin of Ms-s. As-scott, wifg of Rev, Arscott, ministes- o: Courtice United Church. Hej talk was based on a poem b,ý Robes-t Frost, "Mcnding Fenc es" or '"Mendîng the Wali as At le callcd Ir Scotiard It is said that gooci fence make good neighbours. Ai. thougýi this îs usually trtie som.etimes tics-e are disputeý over ftences which lcad tc un- friend]y feelings. Mrs. Ar- scott's talk, was sh)ort but te tie point and show,ýed how we can ail he ,good neigphbourg l'and not ]et fenre,; separate us, A sl of articles was belç again tfhis year in the lunci hous-. We returnýed tb tie alter- noon session and Miss P, Leach led us in assernbly singing. Thc roil cal! was answered by telllng how many niem- bers there wes-c in eacl branci anid the numbe- pre- sent, aise descrîbing briefly an outstanding. psognam oi event of' theis- branci. Thic was given by tic District iDis-actûns. There were some vas-y intes-esting cvenfis and meetings given. MssFitzsirnmons speke for Jr. Girls work, and Extension !Sas-vice. She told ius that, the 4-H work was quite sutccess- lui thls year but that th-'re wera a few places liat i would like to get a 4-Hi Club g oipîg, Tiere were eight girl, s-ecaived County Honouns and seven girls who received Provincial Honours. She told us- of some of the niew pro- jects: Knack of Sewing wîvth Knits, Makinýg of Feit Hatsý Batik Printing, and some nx Sh-ort Couirses., Tic reports of tie Standinp( Committae cenvenors, Cus-ator, and P.R.O. were given. 1Wc were entertalned with avery original and comical Jskit put on by hti embis cýf the Solina Branci- whicl everycne ejydvcry rmuci 1 There ,vas one question 'In Ithe question box, asking if Il 9was possible t'O have a coffe break in tie mos-ing session. Il was left over to be borcughi u11P at bie executive meeting. The electj.oi and instlla. tion of Ilhe roficers was con- 7du-cted by Ms-s. Morrison, A vole of thanki was given to Solina W. I. for their hos- Pltalitv bv àa member fs-oi tic Netietlton W. I. and ir,. vited tic District Annual t ba held in Nestieton nexi yens-. ,Thc District Annual e1oscd wlth God Save The Quenr. MAPLE GROVE Wý. Tic Jlu-îe meeting of tic ,Women's Insti'tute wa-S on 1Hs tos-ical Researcil and a mnt intcrestirng brief hustery, 'f sema of Our Pioncer Faniilies wý,erc rend by faily niemberS, Mrs. Gor-don Besse, convenerý 0f Hiisteniceal Resear-ch was in !charge of ~lie followhng prog- nn.Ms-s. Besse commcntcd on tlic motto - "Necessity is thie Mother of "Invention" froin a 1918 Book of Knowlcdge, giving a few comnmenita on tic histos-y o! thc cormen pin. Tic fIrst pins known we-e Éthe common thonnis after thcy wes-e inndened. Tient followed the splinte- cf bone, taken from smali animnais. Tic wirc pin was finit invented in England for Cathes-ine Howard. wifc of Hiens-y VIII, Pins aI fis-st were srade soiely by h and and, 50 were ves-y expensive. it is thougit thait Iis il whcre tie words "pin money" we-re des-iv- cd froni. Ms-s. L. C. Snowden coni- mcnted ,on lie ens-W settiern in bbc as-ca, chiefiy lie Conant, Bus-k and Truli familles. Ms-s. ILawrcnce White s-ead tic 25 year history of ous- Womern's Institute at Mapfle Grove. Ms-s, Es-nie Twýist of Salemi sang "Can't you bring back the !olden love days." Ms. Ken SmrfrBowt- manville, gave thit histos-y cf tic Stevens family.' Ms-S. Stewart Mos-ton gave the~ histos-y cf the Power f am- n y e e 'f r s s s I -~ T s I Form New Company of Rangers at Newtonville' Golden Legionnaires Elect Officers for 71 S-dl, une 1l3ti saw lie. final meeting of tC seasoný for lie Golden Legionnairt-s _atrd by lie election of, offices-s3 for tic follcwh'-ngi 'ffl-MRetirîng Presýidenit Jim Fais- turnedti, management of elcion oves to Comna des SJohnGison and Ron Richards- A f tlie local Lagion Branci Ciosen to officiate inli CI j u. lub' s activities ,7w ee li -~following: PeietAh Mav,-: in, Vice-Ps-es. Chas-lie Evanis,ý Pasrses. Jim Fais-, Secr-etaryN J ack Kniighit r-lce Treasus-er Mlasv. Allen, Ex- ecuîv mebesRay Swan and Bill Orme. ~ N-a Msic Directos- Bars-y Dcv- es-aux c Oîiawa i iavn to fustien hilsstde Michigan and ilb was wit s-e - gre. inht ha -einquiisied tic post he a s cccupied for the pasitwoseasons. Hs -a placemnent bas not been de!f iieynamed, but fusi-lieýr e On Wednesdiay, Junte 91h1 lie United Church in Naýnc- -Newtonville was the scensi of an interesting aventii, Br when six girls were ens-ouled hn ithe is-t eto iteHarris bRa-ngers. Taking pas-t ini this ceremcny werf-m left McQtl 1;iho right, Lieut. Germnaine_ bau Ja tHorw , 1 efrylml itty MEnie Twist, Saein, gve tfic r s n d M - Foley famîly histos-y. P e e td v hiMrs. Nail Bncwneli, Base, Lina, gava tic iistcry o! tic' van Cmpfam. Ms-s CP.cEwsdlcygv i Saiowden f amily lse-- Ms-s.Si,ïtapheJefles-ev, Bw hmanville, gave tfie ,histcry c-f ,tic -wesk cf tic Red Cross- 1cars-led on at Mapola Groeat and bldM of tic va'st asniouscf sawing anid kn-itting and aven, quiting ia;t was donc. Tic -wos-k fo icVthe - tClub whiîci w'Torgnnizedhby, Ms-s. Robes-t Jas-vie 10 brinig cenifos-Is fer eus- boys oyas-- sans -was alise given by Ms- JYeffcs-ay. Monay for tbii wos-k was sisad bricfiy by card par- h1ies and donations. Ms-s. Ivisonr Munday Bow.- nianvilla, gavean brie! histos-y o! tic school at Maple Grove and even a faw humerons avents during licelis-ca yen£s tiat, sic taught at Maple tGroe. 'Ms-s. Stuart Mos-ton moved a1 Ivote cf tinnks ho ail who !-ad s-tusned o give lhi) ai-nmily1 history as well ns te ous-imcmn- bars who had taken 'part, 1Tic following business was deait wth hy eus-Presidant,i Ms-s. Stuart Mostonî,. Thaes-oll caî "Briing youný rcldcst bock" and tlau some-1 3thhag about il prcvad rmost in-j tcerasting. 'Books iewas-c bougit, dnin aek ho tiche i~ IlA latter o! ianki.F was reâd, freni Strathaven Nursing H-omie, Bowmnanvilla,, for cook- ic esand harts cdonahted, 1A lattas- was also rndfs-cm ous- ndoptcd Konean ciud. Tic-e Good Nigibors report was1 given by Ms-s. Wm. Br-own. Thanki for candi sent to thairMa busbands wcre voicad by Ms-s. Fred Stevens anid Ms-s. How- Durting thle special everiing at iard Bradley. 1A donation o! $5. was voted honor cf' presentîng her,-dauightcr fer tic Good Naigibons work Capt,. Jean MeQuat l okedon for tia summer wien no WJ. mneetings arc held. Ms-s. Wm. f i' heEs-Jnnrd Lea oeta 'Naýeil is looking after the cf ,ich we will ha heanr1ing prizas for tic Grade VI class inter on. in boti oun scioocîs eiM-i. MssS.Mo-n tikd Hanb Prescott assisting. , tiosa wio sent food forthie Ous-.- District Dis-ecton, Ms-i.ýsalea'.allia District Anaiii and HowandCj ryder'man was Ui~s for our Tpewr dem-1 able to be ps-aient but lcon- los-tio and 10 tic laiesi gratulations wec givaa b eius- who ses-vad that nii. tA Ps- Secs-chas-y, Ms-s. Hownfrd Bs-ad- fitcfo$4.64was seailizedfs-cm lcy on ber eleclion as Ditittn ijgit. Prasîchant o! West Dus-am. e-reivtc ta-iie B Tic MUacDonald Furd iovel-W sa nie e a-e tic top and oun next Ontas-ic etn tNsteo nJ jProj ccl will hc tic pus-cînsel 1r nd a-ee bnîn tri s-g - Laird ard iiDos -en Doyle nre te ha iincharge e! g-tin1g a -pro(gs-alm readY. À cc ouiii au c y Itwamecidedhotnsand a te Mss Hs-eyBooks fer li1e CON WM. J. H. COGGINS pniÀnting e!i eus- W.I pscgrn1ms D Chas-tes-ad Accounlannt for 19"71 -72.ý 115 Liberty St. S.,.om vle Theetin losd whei WILLIAM C. H9ALL unson.ai il n Charte 1 LUIne. I 01 icee cream ntit asix e Cre-dAccounitar lioppad wti bas-s-es, teaanadý 361/a Klug St,. E., Osbawaý coffea was ses-vad by t 1ic gsoup Telephene 75-659 nicharge dusîng nouir socip alf;l heur, G. EDWIN M1AN-N, D.C. 1 ENff IELU Office: Mr, and -s Neil Sm)il in 15 E iS, , 0e! Horscy ýýand *dauiiters. Coumibuks. Phona 623-5509 lvisited witi Ms-. andMs\1 -s.1 Office Heu1rs: BY appeinîmnentIPred Smsand StuarI. Ms-. and Ms-s. CGos-don lo D en ia i and f:amuilyvlýsited aiM- Mr. and Ms-s. Ivan Ccci- DR. W i. M. UPELL, D.D.S. sana, Netieon;Ms- ndMs. 75 ~ ~ ~ Zap KigS.E omai aiCoci--ane aýndciPaul. Office Heurs:Oshawa, vîite-d w îtiM- to as.t A.day Ms-s.Leslie Ccisýi-ane, Clc>sed Ssay ad day ay Ms. rir-s Ry Taylor Of-fice Phone-6359 a onOiw;M- n XiR WILLIAM KENT, D.DS s-.Dn Fna ad chilîdre, Bowmiarivlhle Profeslonal BIldg. Por er-; s. aci nig 222 King SI. E. Suitle 106atBw nilews-vs- Office Houri: tors aI Ms-. Gos-don alo-s Waedas -9 6 Ms -.Roy Mostý-ton msas- e.xcept W'iAedaesdny aflernoon turnes-ihome fs-cm hiospitltie Telepione 6'23-7349 iconvalesce allersu-ay Ms.Elmas- Lac lýiad a herse In s U r a n c e - kill1ed iy lighhniing dusing a :recant md cis-m. Two bas-ns1 DONALD A. were struick aise but with ne Life, At.Home sros-ýrae Insus-anca Altes- living in, clouds of'I 67 Kinîg E., Suite 2A duit tes- à few weeks, tie cil Bewmnanvillc - Phoe 623-5962 tr-uck tint ended eus- mises-y -was Mcst welcome. O pio m e f rY a A residant wio placad box- esfor blue birs-d laityes KE&THf A. BILLETT, O.D. was gs-tified te find oneý box optom-etrist occupied this yens - ya is-î L43ln St E.- Bwmnaavîle o! thase iigily dssai 0ffice Houris: By appoiatment tenats Telehon.623-252 Ms-. Elmer La,, Ms-. Denn)isi Mroft. -Tue,- Titis-s. -Fs-I MNlcrr' 'd Ms-. Bussai Cc X .m. te5 pin. s-ana have bee n ss-esli Tuayevenijnga Snngau ,y Gulleni Judy Brown, Thelma Hoornweg,a nie who flew Up tb Guides tint c ees-iig, Kim s, Lynda Peck, Thes-esa Hoornweg and Capt. Jean uat. /Ith Ai Round Cord it Newtonville, Capl. Jean Hoornwcg had, the Theresa with henr Ail Round Guiide Cord, while nregotiations with a local rnusician, w-elI1 known to ail] in theý district, are ta king place and iti is hoped thaIt a definite announcement will b-e madle in the near future. T'he Goldeni Legion-nýires wiqht ail] ther friends happyr vaaintime and 1001k for- ward to seeing and singingt for them after September. PHIL VOWLES HEATIN 1EILS 17,,Liber-ty St.N. PHONE 623-7591 24 uToUR SERVICE, OGaio & Electric Furnace &Air Condition Inistalla- tions - Central & Wiindow Units - Clare ficla & Findliey vEquipment Free' Estimates Budget Teirns Avaitahie 1lIMI T O NE C ASEYP ER CU1 STOMER PROCOUSA.klA! I GA Choice Peas«si 9u-' 14L9 c CNTALOUPE9 e9 PRODUC E 0F U.S A, N.. 1GRADE CANADA Nce4 l GRADE 100 CýGREEN SUefX CHERRIES49" UOBR ?9 PRDIC 0 NION,0F S. AFRCA. ADO ZEST TO ANY MEAL SET&JICY soUTiH AFRICAN NAVEL swow wHtTE ORANGES 2 5W MUSHNROOMS 5.69 SA VEMORE WITH SENIOR CITIZENS ot pMTR ONYSAVRASSISTANCE Me ERO M NEY AVERPROJECT FEAUII ffONElSAIN COUPONS FREE LABOUR -~ ~J~ O-DY A ~GA0M~ r~EA~~ ~CALL 623-2461 bok litng Please tell usnow, before we print the new DO WM AN VILLE Directory on 'JULY 2Oth Look Up your listing in the current Dlrectory. i you wishi to have it changed-, cali your Telephone Business Oiffce at 576-9101, ®BdR Canada OPEN SUNDAY... o -- ' l :~ : p m ! Týlmrh nf iro t'remm tmA é>kpý

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