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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jul 1971, p. 9

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Priek$ý420.OOO Baý,t ùiterod os,2he ome cîizens wîshîng to enjoy "the "I arnm ofie irat tb. cfte aeVincent Massey, luxury living of a rural take-over by Mr. Brown will tire -ounr first Canadian- estate". be benefîcial economîcally to bora Gover7nor-General,' bas "We worked on the senior Port Hope", he said, been sold for $420,000. citizen home project until Tire one catch in the 'deal RobrtMa t h ie Port yesterday,'" be said, "wirea the is that Batterwoodiszoned op property owner, who final contract of sale with Mr. for agrîcultural purposes only. purhasd atterwood la 1963, Brown was signed."Aplcto amdesv nanedtuday that he sold Batterwood was listed on eAlicysagtoHaomae Tsev tie 0-ar estate te John the real estate market for eral days ago to hpe thér Brwdîrector ofthtie War- $580000, but Mr. Marten area re-zoued la order to rnaeInstitution for Ment- poînted ont that la any prop- establsir an institution f alyDisturbed Childre r.' erty deal it is rare to get tbe meatally disturbed chblirea, Ony iree weeks ago Mr, askîng prîce. M artnnounced that a lux- Reports are firat Mr. Brown,. Township couacil receiveà ury hocme for senior citizens who operates Warrendale Ius- the application, discussed it oudbe opened at Batter- titution in Newmarkef, On- briefly and passed it on to wod t the beginnîag of tarie, is planning ta make bis the PlanningBoard for study. Jy.headquarters at Canton. Mr. Marten said that Mr. .1ha aready started toý Mr. Marten believes he will Brown will take possession of Cderiseil botir national and establisir a scirool to train tire estate September 1,- lo)cal eSPaPYers for seniorpersonnel for the institution Port Hope Guide. otry mb0srTeI C, tuighlightsio! C,-o n %ve ntFioû nIn ui WNhen 17,220 Rotarians col- TV in. the building next door. l-ected in Sydney, Australia, "You could have heard a pin frthe 62nd Annual Rotary drop," the Bowmanvle Rot- Wo)rld Convention, One Of arian said. th-at -number was a memberMr Morris ývas impressed f 'ý-_ te Bvý-_,anvll clbby the Australian interest and onMorris, of Morris Fun- participation in attendîng the eral Cýhapel, wasý there, alongfour plenary sessions. Ris only wihhis wf, Droth.y, bui1d-1complaint - There was not ai ïmg a 5danoliday in the'hall in Sydney big enough f0 Souh Pcifcqround the May accommodate ail the Rotar-i 1~to 0 Coventin. lns. Last hursay, h shoedl Ernst G. Breitholtz of Kal-1 alds n tledaou is mar, Sweden, wselected tnpandimpesion ofth World Presîdent for 1971-72 llotay evet'at he Bwmn-and assumed, bis office on the 'viecub's luchenmeeting1 last day of the convention. Hie hel attheFlyngDutchmlian replaced William E. Walk, Jr., Mvotor:; Inn of Ontario, California. To r, orrsthe-higblights Entertaîient was provîe cf th fiveday otary event for the club members. I i were wo adresesfine given ciuded'lassîcal and popula AySrEmndHlny the concert festivals and even world faous mounainj clîmb- a demonstration of a sheep es-, andthe othe by7 Dr. Nor- shenrer's talent, the national anVincet Pel Mîster of champion perforsning. Marbe Colegite hurch ln Prior to the convenion, the I~ Yrkan athr f "The Morr ss stopped off at Tahiti, Art f Psitve hîning." visiting nearby Moorea, and at Both peakî s wre Rtar- New Zealand where they visit- san, fomtheAukladNew ed steamy, volcanic Rotorua, Zealnd nd Nw Yrký City and the glow-wormi lit grotto club resectiely.at Waîtomo Caves, both situat- Sr dmund talked about ed wti easy drives of wr heis spearheading in IAuckland. esalishing schools and medi- They toured Australia from cal cenresl the remoteiMelbourne to Sydney, via mounainus reb o the Rum Canberra and the Snowy _iya.Dr, Peel gav an "in- Mountains. And bies lides apirng adres" onthework showed there was rea-l snw c'f Rotryan Uth (pilsopbyla thos utîs Sydney fow row wacbedandbead he Jue i to15 at Houston, NQ I S- 1X FOTe BICYCLE WIOUPONR GAS PURCHASE 0F $32100 OR MORE FaiatDra .W Juy st Second Draw - Aug 3l1d CreIn Today. Every puschase gîves you anotherchance PR O M PT E FFI IEN Phone 63-31 21 KN Sei OWMAviLLe wiro bas atfeuded i xWrd Conventionîs and iras, 21 years of service in tire organizafion, will be- there, renewing ac- cjnaintances and irelping teù represeuf the Bowman-ille club, Mr. 1Morris wastianked b6Y Ait Aluin, one world fraveller] ito another. OBITUARY MRS. T. W. H. WESTOVER. Tire deabir cf Mrs. Tirmas Ï W. H. West oves occurred autýý Memnorial Hospital, Bowma-8n-[t ville, on Frîday, June 18,., 1971. Mrs. Westover wbo hmd been in falling ireaitir for tire past five yea,rs wan a1e 741h year. Danghter of tire late Frank sud Florence Donaldson, tiraý1 former Alice P. Donaldsoný was bora in Englnnd'and re-1 ceîved ber education-in Eng-ý lair and Canadian acircols.ý Crn June 5, 1919 sire marricd Mr,. Tiromas Wm. H. Westaver wNbo predeceased ber. In 1936 Mr. and Mrs. West- over and famîly returned fýaj Eng]a-ýnd and lîved near Bris- j toi wirere tlsey pesîded u1ntil ccomhg back with tireir fam ily te Bowmanvîlbe la Febru-ý ary, 1947. Mrs. Westover irad: resided on Welington S-reet to ive witir er son and ami îly. As a bousewife berin terests centred around her~ fnmîly nnd home.Tire deceas-i cd was n member cf St. Johrn'st Anglican Cirurcir, Howmau-I, ville. Mrs. Westover îs survi-ad by ber son, Bill, and aLs- by twc sisters an'd a broth:er,, Mrs. C. Chsristîaa (Rose), Mrs. S. Hackîng (L-Illian), and Alf., aIlof Trn.Sire wss>, predeceased bY n son, Thomasý (Frank),1 " -re fnrlservice was bed rm Morris FL-nerai: C' hap BowmanvIllé ,ou conducted 21sf, andws by Re. R ayn of Newcast le. Interment waa11 îla Bowmanville Cemnetery., Mauy lovely floral tributesý as well as donations b tireý Ontario F.ear-t.Foundaflona- tested to tis+etem i wbicb tire deceased waa held. Pallbearers ,we'emesaL. Cecil Dý Werro0ver, nRober-i Sirred, Wllam Elîs Lre[ Raynes, EmndMje nd Pete Spaanna OBTITUARY »US. ILORNE POTTER t MrsornePotter cf Bow- P muvll aed 65, yearýs, pass- ~ I edaway sddenly on- Tues- I aJune 22, 197 1, at ber resi- deuc, 1 ClitonStreet, A dnu1gter of the late Tinas anid Isabela Fowler,l tieformer Ada May Fowler wiýas iborn at Lotus. On Aprîl 6,12, siremarried Mr. Laere Petrwiro-survives, Tiredecnsedbndresidsod at, 13 Cinfn Steetfor45 years, tSA. c m. A ioneif, Hber baud chî and homre, (rA Modarde), ona (MuayLClifrn, ikshns, ettye tMrl Row ar l) Mre Reta (us.V. uniar, atdi (Mrs A. hTemîinlaen Rel (Mrs WConnselly, Mny. (Mrs R iritaned M rlae ) chidrenone rent-rdandn Mrs Pttrwns predecensedi by~~ ~~ a o, i; auglirer. Donn; agran-dAou. ,Adam two sona-w, Walf and Ber; ourbrthesBob, Roy, Lews ad Crl;and two s5- ters, Tessa le, Vilette, Tirefunmalservice,, beld or Tiu 'dy, June 24, 1971 fromi tire Mrris EnemI 1Cirapel, was oudntedby Rtev. Han- aA . unrc S.Pu' Fowler, Jîm Poýtter, EauWa7- Mr. Doug Parkin. Among f he nrany floral tribý utes, evidence of tire esteear ur i and affection in wicirtire LIr5 z-' 1 deceased was held, were those from the famnily, relatiries and friends, and aiso from Gen- ée erai Motors Plant Protection, Specialty Paper, Local 380, AT:dsymaI iand R. M. Hollingshead Of lagiran, eruehon Jl Canada Lîmited. A lovely Wednesdynib afi to Bible was also recelved, by the,îing in s shftona family erom the United Steel- tion job t te' aworkers Union Local 2375. Hydro Sa icaia1 ýd ecut short on Rigugb Orno Drves opposite ïDariingtoa way,fresdel De eg ";I exep hehood of isc ir DooeIIttirac. He pulled-C Keith Wsalcal irarnessa center ,medîancf tà horse driver, is- placîng wellwylatof n at ireOroo tac oflat an ielpiessly whîle t]. to a h ïn- fl n spi ead from tire moi ..ou Friday tokÀ win and two the cab of the car. [r seconàd. Gerald Robinson Five or six traaspoî of ýplaced a wýîn and third place topped and eue cf tf finish at the sane meet, rmugt.r Inl tire sîxt r ace, 'Keîth irood of tire car audÏ drova Tire Littfle Hobo th ie tire fiarnes b a fîrstplc finish, TiereLittle guisirer. Thre rig Roba la oôwned by GrantI Far- manville lire De row of EBowýmanville and iras calied to theiresenE, been racing well tus year, off tire job. ln the thrr race Keitir drove Mr. Caliagiran sai Sir Edward Pick t1 a second just prior to tire fire place finish as ire dvdInl Wanu noticed tiraf since lu the ftir hand final race Pickering ire bad lst- cf tire meet.-Times. sumed nearly tirree Hi gh01way 4,0 ,cec al, c a tank of gi n'e la amage fgre Lren erpt-aalable. Mr. Claia n onatue- intas far as fiews o wr r.-.ce ed, tire car ai ,a1966P r pa fre 'e free- wiatchedC,ýonvention se fire for into t 'trùcks ire driv- ipea tire put out extin- on/Bow art ment fînîsired id that ire md leaving or con- quartera Mont reals Bie onet Raceay wll ie tie. ste0c a ~ ~ ~ ~ S fie ydstitasmbly1 cfi -Jeîirovai'i fnesseJnly1 i14-18, t fo respp itdby local witnesses. It ine Aof eleven "Divine Na.meý" as- sebieof tire grcup te ireb irel,ýd lu Canada dnr.rng JIýY ndAugust. Comrïment ing m ia hm ! Divine Na-me"., Mr Bna vell, prsidig miisfr o tire BowmanvîLie coge- tion cf Jeirh's Witesses said "If islanukein i cour bellef that wve are lv¶ a't the thire wheni God's ldng- dmwll fulill thre Word ol nrnsCrator, Jehovah, bi des;troying those who pracý tie wickedness and tber mý-aking thls earth a paradîse.' Among the many things tý beconsidered durîng the con vention wilI be practical in formation from the Roiý Bible on how to cope wit the problenis of lîfe, two- f cinating Bible dramas, m terial to help one to g etý d1rug problem and ho,,w t vlew-. it, excellent informatIi oný the training of aldrer and other helpful informa tion to improve famïly Mie. Thre main addiress of tih assembly ta be delivered oi Suaday afternoon, and par ticularly desIgned, for tii public is ent1tledý "When A] Nations Collide;, Iead Or witir God." Over 16,000 are expected t ý ttend nt Moutreal. principal y from Quebec and Ontari but with a goodly number0 delegates from many partsc Canada and tire Unite, Statesý Tire convention at Montres will be beld In two ianguage with Frenchr and EnglIsh ses sions running simultaneousi at tire same time in differes sections of thre Raceway. Ses sIons will also be held li Gree,-k, Portuguese and Spar Thèse conventions eontri Thre Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Muy 14, 1071- 0 Cun cilNew S àfor the July meeting of Man- ,vers Township Council with .Reeve Harvey Malcolm pre- a sidfing. .e Communications rece î v e d f and read were from Messrs, >n Fulton, MeQuarrie, 1-1111 Wel- nden & Swa re advice on' a- severances, final approval of Hillview Estates Subdivision e by Dept. of Municipal Affaïrs, n from local resîdents re ski rarea sigas, dead end street, e snowmoblle hours ,etc.,» Health ,1l Unit monthly report, Waste, n, Management re approval ot dumps until February 1972, te Dept. of Municipal Affairs re ù- first payment of per capita o, grant in the amount of of $5,520.75, Greer, Galloway & ci Assoc. re advertisement for ?d new bridge, Dept. of Muni- cipal Affairs re draft by-law ,a] concerning entrance culverts. es The Clerk was instructed to s- prepare by-laws for the as- ly nt bute te the' rapld growth ci s- Jehovah's witnesses; fori- un stance last year more than ~164,000 were baptized as or- dained ministers, one every :.a teeminutes. sumption cf roadsanaa wateýý system ia Sandwood Es1ttes, Tire advice cf a LindJSAýý solicitor will be adhered te ln not grantiirg a eeac fo a parcel of land 11ttoe not have frontage en a pbi rond,' In accordance with tir-- Dept. cf Higirways reguiatîong,ý 'new entrance culverts are tr responsibîlity of tire propertp owner; alI culverts to, be iii place and be npproived 'by tireý jRoad Superintendent beforë, n building permit is sud A dend-end rond siga la t, ire placed nI,thie entract. e James St, mn tire vlae Bethany and annrw iî îndicating tire skiarnt , plnced at tire -corner me ately east cf' tirerawa fracks ta ak tretraýffic7,tê tire bank conr eor urr). ing off 7A Hiï,giray nortir.h A grant cf $25,00i te given fa Blacksfock Fair. William Cooper ealledcî tire Council and outlirred eL proposed ýsubdivisi'on for, tire- village cf Jnnetville, Carl Smith ealled on cana.ý cil, ard discnssed a, imai %ub- division for tire, village cf 1Bethany, .Plans for a subdïIvision-ý known ns Cedar Creat Villa, wns snbmitted te Coundil for r'onsideration la tire Behauy, ski aren, î ou 0 sTR - Oý AIS, X? ici by VA ROYAL CANAD AN PIPE BANU Ci 80 W-AAANVILLE ORANCOI 1711 pis CW 1 )_ oe, an, u r, e rate W M .ANVý1LLE il@@ 11::11 licili LU ERTY ST. S.L DIFFERENT AND NOVEL BOMIS COME ONE *ERSeET (IN CASE. OF RI MONDAY, JULY26 a* * for u91 ODý ULS * V-8 EINGIN! EUOMTCTANMSIO oWiER BRAKES adSERN TIC K ET S ---$1.0OOeacK AL IPRO-,CEEDS FRLIONS COMMAUNITY WORK r5l C r7 Il 1-41

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