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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jul 1971, p. 11

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wv ekacat ian InVancouver1 rande e aelI ,cd ber fligelit hom-re ,on a Jurrbo Jet 747, Mr. aend Mr. Renard Ntlreals g and f1nily reajoyrrd aà eamning t9tat ele'aBy novèr the M Bruce Tilison, Edîtor Phono 987-4213 The nimn'i bail ieriw day t-hr men fee t G a e 8 S udents Visit Toronto Parliament B ic ng 'pscore3-1,an on Suirîday Bethaay. Bryan Mcýay la YV-junad his nlght ankle lai we,- Sneedlay's ganie and will not emlie e pleying fer Saine tre sidelinasç,, heviag lnjured is;i - ~ foot etwok Congrtula Io ta M. end Mrs. J seph Cuen h wer narnied an Setuirdla ] Poiitypýool United Churcii,.1 Mrs, Cauimen was the for-, mier iJudy Robrts.A na-'s ceptIan followed et the homeý of Mn. enrid IMnrs. Jaseph Cau -n ineas ýSnr., Pontypool R. 2.cý Io aal aur local gils en boys who weLre scaSflstu- f dents in thepest sohool y eangr congJ 9ratula111ýitions!n A speciel j wordaiprais.tne Vo re NMur-8 pIhy, satnoafi7Mn. anrd Mcrc stuident in (Grade- 1l in tind- ayCollegi, aVacat;iona) Ir- i stitta. Bruice bad an everageb Y: -,af 88.7. Aiea to Raadyv Le- i theanguep, son tif Mr. a±id Mrs. L Va r d on bethangue, Sa aloog -wlth Malene Hyo f - ~$.-.':Beheywapresented withp -' he envrscuip etGrand-g j.. !iew. Diane Plckýening nacelv- cl- e the, tnaphy for Public i ,,4Mn. and Mra. Wmn. Geil andE e ~femily hava heit ta visit rea-c tives in the Metîmes. Snowden Clan - ~ ~ nnual Pcnic A fewveeaks ega, bafore school closad for the vîsîtadJ somne of the outstanding featuras of the city, ,urnmrrer, tha G(rade Eight students of Newcastle Public includiag the Paliament Buildings where this picue t Sol in~a Hall had their annuel auting t Toronto where they wns takan. At left is their teacher Mc. Lyle McMahon. ___ O eturdayý, June 12, 1971, epproxlm.-ateIyý 50 relatives getherad et ai Ina Hall for a P L4 b ic j social a(ternoaa. Relatives Tlew asdeOroo Pulic cho ware prasent main Oshawa, iD - I Grape Ctve, Ebanezer, Ham- ilion, Toronto, Orono and Social anaroÉersonal Hoîds race, opboy's AthletieAward:B~~er:s M cIars o a/ uated frmi h Orono Public Alida Becker, top girls Ath: viitig there were sparts -for School et an offli-cie eoyltcAadadCey or-yugadodcnutd ETO HODAS wsanttnnc buheld la the Gener al Purpas swne f h ihtes ots cammit tée as fol- ED111t ÜN HOTDA8 atendaic f a o om, T u as da y aftarnoon, Tnophy for ahl-round achieve- Weked uateaiMst.Mr. uiebnoo- Juna 29th. Tha cý'eramony ia- ment during the school yeer.Rae tha prsentaton ai ise Conish nt onlBhotderptaofveoyasforo Y~lorence Ferguson were -Ms mer Clarke, High School tee- volvedth, rsnaiýof1MsCrihntolyod U t iv yes-y ,s,4,-.,1l-,bars,,,an,d ettrs as ,lla biz cadernp,çimfp hievemelnt Frownell, Kpnnssth wn ýýIdnae Andensa. n, Bowmaaville, 1char I, spent -,the -weekend with seno, nci -- ei ab -- -a ---ô ci-- ----timýv--- jy.and Mrs. Russell Mount- Mrs. Hachai Danois. asgadueiag criiaa.The but alsa had aarnnd a tatal aM ->vBar. tc, r.adcho L!,ol band also edlded ta the 54 points out of a possible U1 ~4y lcsokM.adM.Newcastle citizens celebra owrshe cho -te R'chord Saundans, Kingston, ilng birthdeys have bean n 1 >"prioe. ga ttgfr o Swaî an icdho leLtter. endowMr.nd , Ve. d uxbAl-c uin. andMrs. El 'G Cradle 8 are as follows: Hon lest year, with 39 points. A -ivile. Mr.and rs.Parcy Beacock, Alida Becker, Doug futhar 15 points wére obtein- Mn. e, nd Mrs. Naw,ýtoa Salbyý Tamblyn, Mr. George Hbr lc John Boots, Diane ad by Miss Cornish this yaar.ý ~adfamly end NMrs. Ednia Mrs. Ida Coucli, iVis. AdRod on Callanan, Hèenea Mr. Douglas Maffatt, pria- ' Pb tteadad the Osbomîe Semis, MNrs. Nettie ButiaranCrtig, Cheryl Carnisb, cipal of Orono Public Schoal -ica-ic onStudyJuylt Mn Winona Kay. Baît wiih- b ind aone onn1el makhog the prasentation of ~Xhswas held a, ýet heome ail a s foan gaod haalth and a1beat, Delbie Gardon, Mike the Achievemant Awardg for IvIr, end Mn. O . K. Oaborae, happ-ycyer ahead arpe xtenid- Huittoni, Jin McGîi, Daryl ý,1971 teted thet la bis opinion P.,2, BwT&v lla- h0a-d1a l', ________Mhlar Mak ercan, Naaýcy!this aadwasne 0of thie -R é-ic G UI0 Ta ytir, Pleina Vagg, Jayca this year wen Douglas H-an- ig eo Wacrny, Tarry West, Valenie cock, Grade 5; Michael Hut- Whîtie. tan, Grade 8; Anna Ciasielski, avig Busy Sea on Thnap ewerd winaars et the Grade 7 and Mark Breen, H CI il 1 B USY -S e is%àJn graduiation *were: Mark Mer-lGrade 6.-Orana Times. On Sa'tuIrfdey, Une th, two races were fiown by thbe club, .ne frain Mont PeierOha n5 ifles and one frin Chat hem, Ont., 212 mile's, with the^ following resuits.> MonI)lt Pelier, Ohiio - lst 1. ' Piper, 2nd G. Goodeil, 3rd Tfurcotte & Blakey , 4th L. Richarde, th G. Gray-, 6th Brown Bras., 7th R. & E, Luke, 8th L. Kinsmean, 9th K. Stainton & Son, loth J. trawn, llth Don Steinton, l2h M. Goulet. Chathamn, Ont, - lst Brown Bras., 2nd G. Gray, 3rd 1. P-iper, 4th M'Jý. Goulet, 5th De- ý,,PyStainton Jr., 6th L. Rîch- -ds7th R. & E. Luke, th Don Steinton, th K. Steintan & Son, loth G. G-'oodaîl, llth L. Kinsman. On June 12th frain Mont relier - let Brown Bras,, 2nd 1. Piper, 3rd G. Goodail, 4th Don Stalaton, 5th R. & E. Luike, 6th M. Goulet, 7th K. Notice --fÏLIDAYS - Charies Parber Shop Closed froin ~ .. A , ,4. Toms &5 NEWC4 "The Fasion Storef UP SAVE TOI LADIES',- CHILDREN S UMMER and S Girls, 6 ta o a9 Din Browaelh, Kathy Down. Girls and Boys 11- 12 yrs.I -bori Van Camp, bee Brown- aIl. Sack race-Bruce Snowdea, bLoni Van Camp. Magazine race-Mary and bant- Gaadm11urphýy, Thelmea Gilbenk m and Rase Allia. Piclng ciothes p)ins.-Betty bau Baker, Beilon catat-Terryad BtybuBaker. Couaitinig jelY basMs When the sparte wrecoin- pleted even-yon.e waiexeTaust- ed and huagry and we ail bad e deliciaus supper wich Stainton -& Son, th G. GrayI thf~ * * e auppesr conmmsitee nmad - 9th L. Kinsm.an. II,< l ar u i srenged la buffet style. Thé ChtaOnt.-lst Brown l.~~ iI a ;ei' sbies;sing wes sm n h Bras., 2nd H. Wsterlnk, 3rd:lalrîipoRssAin I.Richards, 4th T. Piper, th H o l A l:bn Goadmrurphy cnut R.&E.Lk, t Sa J J jflil~4L I'ii4 IjIe hbusiness meeting. The ton & Soa, '7th-G. 'Goode1l, oii xctv th M. Goulet, 9th G. Grey,, The 20th annuel Metealf ners. The afternaon concluded 0 'n-e, prvdadc- loth L. Kinsmen, llth J . family picnic was. held on with saine swimmrlng and the 'ried for a two-yeer-term: Brown, 12th Don Steintoa,I Suniday,- July 1lth, 1971, et rest enjayed vlsitiaýg and re- Past Prcesident - ben Good- 13tbh Devey Staintan. Orona Park with 50 adulte newing 'acquaintances. murphy; Presideat, Rasse Al- O ueit rmDan- and children in attendance. __________ in; Viuc-P!-esident, Mre. John ville, I1ll- 5Z8 miles, (oiily Ross Metcalf led la the sing- Mrs. Nd re t rwne ablrer oeday bird) - lst L. Rich- ing of grace, then everyone P TY O LMrNie, r. el; a blMe lad,2nd I. Piper, 3rd K. set dawn and thoroughly, an- 'PNeLCrry Bae, Mr. and Mrs. Steinton & Son, 4th Brown jayed a butospicnic dia- Ms a tna etre lert Bakrw, Mrad Mre. Bras., th Dan Staintan, 6th neir amidet ,thie warmth and hme frDaleinopi t rid AlCertlieoHyaes. adMs M. Goulet, 7th L. Kinsman, suashina -of the day. oefo optl rdyCaleHns 8th G. Goodaîl, 9th R. & E. Presdent Glenn Metcalf with. ber baby deughter. Sparts Commnittee. Mr. ad Luke, lth G. Gray, llth R. conlducetad e brief business Twa weddings of local in- Mrs. Ed. Werry, Mr. aad Mrs. Farrester. meeting. The minutesof îast terest will be taking place Joe Snowdea. Frain Chathain, Ont,. etya'picoic- were read by on Seturdey July i7th. Miss It wee decided ta hold the G. Gay, nd L Rihard, 3r M rý;,Nancy Barrabaîl and Mr. pÎciclenext yeer on) Juine18, G.~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gry n .Rcad,3r r.Ni ecl.Terry Fisk wililibe merried lan197,atSlnHl. Brown Bras., 4th K. Staintan The follawiaýg officers ware Orono iUnited Church et 1 M rs. Ara n Sowe eg & Son, tb J. BrowI th M. leecd for 1972: President. isCrl oatngstdta vroewa Gou Elet 7 th . insmn, th baLRay Shortt; let Vice Pras., and Mr. Hon Sutch aïra taoi ernaineIteh5ext yeer. R. E.Lue, th urott &Don Metcalf; 2nd 'Vice Pres., merried et 3 pin. la St. Jas- The meeting adjourned am- Blekey, loth, Dave Stainton Rae Abernetby; Scretary- ep's Roman Catholie Churcb, everyane picked up their dish- Jr., iith I. Piper, 12th H. Treasurer, Mre. Nei Mtcef omnvleè erebv sad parted for homne le- Weterink, l3th R. Forrestar. Table Cmite uryadbeemnvrile r etyfr ehacvoe tetudrtr On Juae 26th from n Dace-Gro ecali, Muriel, and of the grooms-ta-be when teur, Ill., 600 miles - L3 lPb. Rea Abernethy, Carolyn end achws peetdwt E H N Kiosan, J. row, 3d Nil etclf;Sports Commit- s'uinof moaey. b. Richrds, 4h I. PperiSh teeClairead Edgar Weri ry, MisCrmneIogae Cheryl Metoel ead Rais Mc-attending Quin-Mo-Lac Camp Miss eete Gen yug at wes uoaimously agreed near Madoc this week. est daughter of Mr. and Mre. on LtIot hold auir 1972 Family Pic- Congratulations ta Mr. ad Herold Green, hes been c- fic on SundayJuly)th, Mn. John Allen of the vil- cePta'd inta the 'Nursing Class agan e Orna etket 2:3 lage. They receatly celébrat- Of September 1971 eit Osha- nýýoon. ed their Sth wedding enni- wa Ganeral Hospital. A geiiý,Mr-, Nete Favrasworth, of ~ST E A genral intrcî wa veser. Tr,onta, le visiting with bar or ir sw o l btining informa- John Evansos hpresentlyieîstaî' Mms, Ina Pa m-er, tin f u acetrlback- dismeantling the shed that lies Mir, andM. Johni Keanan the îîiie Faily" round enihaevnta for- staod belind the churoh forancd sons Brdand Doug- matii(iu -n ily so meny years. les, Mrs. Wiliam Mraaî cro" Grdon iViatraîif wlas Mr. and Mis. Bill Lynman anid Mns. Ethel Bf'Ieckbauria, alectad and kïindly uons'-enUa-d are laaviog thus waak for 2i Lindsay; Mrs. Waynre Oliver, ta uindantaka tLhis pro.ject. fiva week vacation ta the Cenningtan, have been re- In casia, ar prasidant east coest. cent guesta with Mr. aa'd Mrs.3 miade ie few bhrief r emarkg, Don't forget Pontyjpool's Edison rMcGill. coneye bi thal~ taaIlStreet Fair and Dance this Mr. ead Ms eodWt comittees j.- charge e-nd th e Friday, July l6th. (Sêe Coin- snaddaug9htrKrna meetng ae djouned bodon;Mrs HoardScott, GretaMetclf ad Re Ah-ing Eveots) .L ernethy w r lacharge o te1 c At Tltona Park, Neweca -n~, hie ih r n sports. Rac ee enjoyed itle, an Saturdaý, July 1lt, IVis. Wltar Nealo idy byv the ebilîdrea, reiays ad Mr, and Mns. Bill Van DamRcyMGl eaedn cointeste by th adults, with of Brantford wene guests etlw, ee5 hiiayswîh hie prsete_ a ilwi-a feinily picnic held ho horoor grandlperefltr, Mr.. aad Mrs. prizes tai n- . Earl Oliver la Carnnîagton. af their 25th weddîng enni-i Mvr. and Mrei. Frank Sender- R, & E. buke, 6th Brown vansary. Tha Van Dam,, andtcb, B3ras,.,,7th M. Goulet. th K.and Van Wieringen families coch, Trta;M.adM. Steinton Son. ofPontypool attanded. oh itbnnwr Frain Chathanm, Ot ,tMiss Brande Van Wieringa nduesta letanek Wit. Mr Brown Bras., 2ad K. Stalatan b las nturned froinatw ndMF.Fn hie __ twO:lMise Nancy Bradley was &Son, 3rd Daon Steintan, Ith hnned wth a cominunity b. Kinsmn. tb b,. Richarde, aboer on Wednesdey aven- 6 Th . rowýn, th R. & E. )À JLY ~ ~ ,t lShkeJL 3s uk,8h1.Ppe,91 . ing ha thé United Chuircl VetqU Itsuday Sehool Hall, receiviag GraX, lOiiith H.J- Weetînk, Yii * I many îoveîy gîîts. lHer grand- DevaStento Jr, ith ur-mother, Mns. Douiglas L0zgen, let. I E l5t' - preseeted hber ýwitb crsge 3et Mary Pet Bradle, Mrs. R 4%1 3on Juily ndfai Hlîbraanning and Joan Cbami 111-, 650mie. îdslietd. ssted with prreentigag ed et1:45 ai.Fhaon s. peniag gifts. Mrs. E an bidhaine 11:38 SRiACSetur Argue and Mrs. Ke incai da ,lt. Rcads nconducted gaines and con-, YS- MEN'S& BOYS' Brwn Brs,3d i. îPip,_.tss Te cnmite_ 4th K. Staintoni & Son, Shchar2ge of arrangements wem7re Goult, 6h Rý& ZýLuk Mre. Allen Johnston, Mrs. Oni July 3rd froin Peru. murray Loga, Mrs. Ken lad., 40miles -- 1. t I Pipe-rr,'r.Eal&gead Pioxrn ro.5, 3r, 1s1 Kea ,Sinclair. Miss] Rihr th K Étaintoo .W ERý . Prte, re.Ba I ge So. h F. , ELuke 6had ayes ria n Wthe:.n L. inman, 7tiýî M. Guleted iChurch unjuly 24th, Events Begin ai 9 a.i Expect 2Z 'AtOsha1 If the sceaofteHg land Gaîies etAeanr Park ln Ohw hsStra ig e on the number of pipe bands in campetitian, the enterprise S'hould prove ta be an averII- ivheim.lng b ]it. AlreactY entry forinsar pouring la infroIn el-mw baýnds ail;acro)Ss Easte'n Cn ada anid Northi-Easteirn United' 1States, At least two of these Lop ranked bande doi not nar- mlycampete lfthe regular series of Ontaijo ares, buit Pre maikig a special exc.ception for thle Oshawa Garres. Askecd ite reason for. th"is, Bihli -v- [nPgstane, Jr-., Gamnes Cheairman eugesed ta Prasthe ttraction la the above-avterage prize-ma-,ney being offeredi." It jqe apected thdt ïlîsaine 20 1bandý,ý la thrvee seprate rdew be c peigforioer$2,50000 in cashpres And la additlion, the gaies emite iile, subsidtizing the banda,' traivel- llng expen ses, as iS the 1Juual practice at other 1high]land. games cantests. One of the main attr'actionis in the pipe band campietition will be the Worcester Kiltie Band froin Worcester, Masse- chusetts. The players in the Worcester band are drawni meinly from the ranks af world chamPionship bandâ la Seotiand. Pipe, Major James Kerr bas himrself comrpeted ia numeroug world champion- ehIps. Another drawing-card is the IRC.AF. Pipe Band froin Canadian Farces Base et Rock- cliffe, a Cenadian Band with Tht Cânadlan ta sran owrnanvillê, Tule 14, 1971 Me Saturday opttos;aapox (PrfssoaiBand Cmei tiojtz- ta arprox. 5.00 p.]ýft 4 %Top Pipe (500 sslnal). Mâ h faa Coprit0n ai leadsatbero 5:4 psm.r5c00 im9 rh 1 os anHighland HGame irza arâ Moptti and ierenwcninue traugaut t)nI~c losng Cl,-rern-of John Kerrp o ipne or /fnstutlltop afterni. Awd rumCmperll.Nrt eric vaý,riner-ty o ter vetar old thie seand rco ps.planîin'huie, a ell, , iligth-Nem riI opal Heast nfor cbthshfwa Oshawa Higmhland Gailmâe ee1 Rpr ighlnd Ga bmesbus theY Gen- viçtatinl Trck & Fýifld M 1 - rea Camobel- Ti t learv iarit iî4 le met wahr poses mAdmission al the secnd cr eîa he at ta ti (he games asr ale- lîts ae ei-k eilat f r lemerof he nate PlaShv ennae aDehre prant GMcband but thyar hal hi e eens itinth oertin repain. In thei!rintcial The ames arsooedb prtis year thead siiore eea h saaCai~ fCn mrec ramrt third place fnshes and rec-merce as a irthal rbt aVstn ue33p.dal en--tol, attesringtan High- COlnelR . McLaugin O in eîf blndOi Gas heiArll thoînetena e banpode enterdtw qurts ShdlofEe pbfettion aad wlo,,n rt n dihlad ancPiing Compeii thir pipandc IJiitioins begin a Tnd coni necut "Nauralystthe rt amp at fteno.Otai pf wili bce staged drn h fe-Mrh tabpyand reel' 6L; ~ A,~ noan s8essioîý of the highln ige ts otnu aap 7t gamies, witb the first Land proximately 12 pmr. marching onto the field at ap-ý 12:30 p.m. - Opening Cere-1 proximately 2:159 p.m, manies, Massed Bands, Ado-ress Mr. Livingetone poifil utbyHonorable Robert gàtan that "aithough the pipe bandc bury , events will be of the gieatest 1:30 p.n. - Me's iPal interest ta spectators, rmany Výault; ta approx,. 2-15p.;* other activities mwili blI tking Women's High Jumîrp; ta ap-0 place et the sýame time, much proix. 2:00 pro. Caber Toas. in the mner, of a thriee-ýring 2:15 p.m. - Men's 400 Metre, BAA cirus." Over 200 campietitois Women's 200 metre, 800 metre A m re -Ypected ta perforin in thec racing (ta approx. 3:30 p.ff.) PU B~ ETN Ontario Open Highand nc-lGrade Three (amateutr) Reandc4, ETN ing Championshi, aotherCampetition ta apprax. 3:30 highiight of the one-day fOsi-pm. fTfrmn.OnaD ô val. This papular évent wll :0p..- Grd woPOE 625 begin early in the marning and (Semi- Professianal) Band Jane Perker, Lemnon _Meringee 22-oz. size or TOUR CHiOICE RHUBARB - APPLE 24 Full 8-Inch 4-oz. Size 9 Haif gallon- I C ECarton Cereal KeIIg'sCorn Flakes Whit'e, YelIow, Gxreen, Pink, Toilet White Swaln Tissue !9c 59C pkg. of 4 rollS 1SQ15C Tomate H einz Ketchup 3 5f.o '1.0 With Pork (285fL-oz. fin 37c) Libh's eans3 i-~i.oz.tins 8 8-c SUPER-RIGMT QUALITY, FR02I SPARE RIBS SýX BRAN«Po WIENERS What Does A&P stand For? Fairness, hoînesty, clepenclability an'-1 quality. W. established these business guidesz for A&P over 40 ye'ars ago. It is f rom this basic foundation thaf 5 many of our eurrefft-day policies have grown.- Our Raiincheck Polîcy, for example, which assures you that you wMI neyer miss out on an advertised item. Our complete andunndtoagaate - of anythlng yom buy at A&P, no matter who makes ut. Qualitiy standard->so l igh ithefwe quiaran- tee any prioduect bearing the A&P seali s equal f0, or better than the nationallýîy famous brands. When you tink abçîiout if,,,shoulIdn't Yeu b. shoppfing i A&P? ENf, PORK SIDE eUERRIGT R TWN Ctuo Ar8 -IDE BACON iHOPSY BRN, etmPO ýtA- tO -r ALAD Oý, r, 0m VOUR MOOE Vauum pk l9 OLE SLAW ca5~ ~I 'I~SL~, A~M ~L UN RAO LýE COTTAGE ROLLS 59 BOLOGNA CANADA ýNO ! IGRADE PEACHES QUART Bx 4 16-ozplcg 5 9~ Lettuce 2 I3 9 Green Peppers 2iz,9% Anl pî4eeI wiialn daste fetv CANA DA'S FIHEST RED BRAND STEER DEEF BONELESS BOTTOM CU ROUND STEAK ROAST$ BONELESS RUMP ROAST - SIRLOIN POINT ROAST lb NO FAT ADDED TCO BEF ROAST - N'T AT A PI

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