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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jul 1971, p. 13

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Invite, Friends to Recèplion Formier Deputy-Reeve o! Bowmanville Wesley Fice anfd Mrs. Fice wilI, celebrate their Fiftieth Wedding Annriversary on Saturday, Juily 17, 1971, with a r ecep- tion at their home, 109 Waverley Road from two to four and seven to nine p.m. Their fiends and relatives are invitedto help themn celebrate this joyous occasion. Co-ngrtuLlatïins only, just corne and enjoy yourself. ENNUSKILLEN Mis oreen Tnewini left Mr. S. Keisey, Hampton, Malton airpot Friday niigît, was Suniday supper guesi with July - th- to join Miss Donna Mn. and Mns.' H. Ashton. TDunnio, Scanborough, ln Eng- Mr, and Mrs, Nornian Howe Jai and then on to, tour and Normie, Oshawa, were Franice and othen European1 sunday evening visitors ai the COunPtries. R. Howe's. Mrls. Roger Lowe, Kathryn Mn. and Mrs. Erie Duggan, antd RicLhrd o! Las Vegas, are Toronto; Mn. and Mns. Robert ,spenýding a hioliday with ber Sconnar, Aunora; Mn, and Mrs. gradprensMn. and Mrs, S. Joe ýRekker and Scoti,, Bow- R. Pehick.manville; Mn. and Mns. Wayne M.and Mns, Angus King,lBeeketi and Penny were Sun-1 rteBniain; Mns. Harveylday dînner guests o! Mn. and! 0~ht shiawa; ýMn. and Mis. Mrs.: Murray Marshall andi LlôydRansbrryEnterpiîse, Andrea. weeSuntday evening visiton)sý Mrs. Clark Dorland, Lapeen, o!' Mr, andciMis. Geo. Inin. Michigan; Dr. and Mns. Clark Mn1. and Mrs. F. W. Wenny Werry, John, Elizabeth and were witl Mr. and MMs Wal- Peler, Etobicoke; Miss Wînni- laoce Marlow, Caesanea, On fred Cole, R.IN., Wilowdale;, Saudnocaino ielcMn. and Mrs. Gary Hanewich,l dînnen. shawa, wene Sunday dinner I Mn. ;and Mrs. Gilbent Gîb- gulesis o! Mn. and Mrs. E. A. son.Mn anid Ms.BortLuke, Wenry. MisOieLuke, MAiss n- Mrs. Eanl Trewin and Mn s.ý fre CoeRN. TronoM cs . H.ora, Oshawa,-were Fni- W. l.Munitjoy, Kýedron, wene day night visitons ai Mn. Royi We,,(daiesday dinner guesis O! Trewin's, Mississauga. bin. and Mrs. E. A. Werrv. [Mn. and Mns. Gordon Kirk,' An. and Mrs. John Lockhart, Pontypool, were Friday nighti NgaaFalls, wene Mondayîvisitors o! Mn. and Mns, E. A. !îsitons o! Mn. and, Mrs. S. R. Werry. Jehik.Mn. and Mrs. F. WV. Wen-yý MatrScoti Weîry is houî- visited Mn. and Mrs. Grantý 'iying wth aster John Williamns, Port Penny, on Sun- Werry" , Etobicoke. iday. Mris. Herbent Staifnp pent a. !ew daýys ,w th Mn4. anid Mns. lienncy SanoTnn.Z n1. and rs. GegTobin,MO ons wi0th Man)d iMns. F. Mr. and Mns. Alvin Fisher Dra;pr. and family, Winnipeg, have, Mn. ad Mrs. E. PR. Tay.)lor bee(n visiting lis, parents, Mr-, ne undy eenig vsiîor-sàand M Alilan Fisher and 1iis. n, anid Mns. HanvýeY Yel- brothers and sister, , lowleeps, Solinia. Recent visitons ai Wes Mn., and Mris, Earl Tnewia Cameroa's were Mn. aad ïMns. prnd Mrs. C. E. -Horn o! Osb- Ivan, Cochrane, Coutice; Mn. awva attended thie Trewvia ic and Mrs. Stanley Coverly and aie n Snda aIHayon Karen, tbenezen; Mn. and Mns. Commuin-iiity Centàre. Morley Flintof!, BowmanvIlle M1essrs. Fnank, Nielsenr, Don- Mrs. Sid Arnold, Mns. Deibent ;ïid Tnewi ia and Glen shon Flintof!, Mn. and Mrs. William 1lf Sunday,) for a mýotrip Preston, Oshawa. toi the iie provinyce-s and Mn. and Mrs. William I Nefounidland. iSpeans, Idaho, U.S.A.; Mn. andi M.andMrs. inim DnewIMns. Leonard Shaw were n- Oshawa, were Monday dinner cent visitons at Jim Staint-' guesýts of Mn. and Mns. E. R.,1on's. Tlaylor. Mn. and Mrs. Roy ýThomias Mi1'ss Eizabeth Wenny, Eto- and daughters visited ai Rus- bi~oe is holidayiag with Mdiss soul Stainion's. Weidy Wenry. 1 Mn. and Mrs. Jim Stainton. NIrs. H. Stainton accompan- Dave and. Doug visited Mn. ied Mnf. and Mns. L. Stainton and Mns. John Barlow and to thie St:ainton, pienie ai the !amily ai thibm cottage . ai Conservýation Area. Crowe -Lake. - Mn. and Mns. AI. Bristol, TT Donna and Shane, Hamilton, 1IAAII. N ývisited ai Ray Cameroa's ne-I cenly.1 Mi. anjd Mrs. LeonaridTiek 1Mn. Bevenly Cameron and Lesfnend, Toronto, .vîsied -ai Lindsy; Mn and irs, Ray Camenon's on Sunday. T'aylor, Bunketon, wene Sun-1 day alens ai Mn, anid Mns.1 Leslie Gnalam's.I Mn ai n Mns. A.Wiimee, 1MAPLE GROVE Necatewre Saturd-cay vis-- lions ai Mn, and Mns. J. D. Sympathy o! ibis commun-_ Caern'. ty is exteaded, to Mn. an di Mný. and Mn, Jim, Jones and Mns. Leslie Collacuit in îhl lnesScarbonough, visited su.ddeinpassîng o! ihein broil- Mn. and JMns. John Jones on eni-tawv Mn. Artbur Bell- Sat-1uirday. man, Bowmanville, also lis Mnr. and Mrs, Johni Jones Jr-, famîlyal. other relatives. Whitby, were SundIay visitons Will the teenagers bean in %Aih'île J, Jones !amily. mind July 23-24-25 wbea they M. G Bungess, Tammy w111 be spending tle week- ndNeitie, . a0INd]Mi ss Debbîe ead ,away. ThOmrpson, Bowmaa,ýlville, were Mn-. and Mns.' Fred Wright, Stunrday dinneri-gueifsis o! their MissBarb. and Bey. Wright gniandmoiher, Mrs. A. Thomp-- attendied île graduation pariy son, 1 for Canolyn Dewell ai île Mnr. and Mrs. W. Blackburai, home o! ber parents, Mn. and Carol, Dale' and Neil were Mns. Percy Dewell, Hampton, guesis ai île Geddes - Shack- Mrs, E. W. Foley, Bowman- ieioni wedding on Saiurday ai ville. was Sunday suppen St. Paul's Church, Bo0wman- gues't with lier son Mn. and ville. Mns. Tled Foley, -Mrs. Pearl Mn-. nd Mnis. E. R. Top oka Base Lime. son1 anid Cindy, omnvle Ms-AIlan ,Snowden ac-1 and is, mothn, Mrs. A.Ic()ompaied Mn. and, Mrs. Len1 Thlomipsoni, enjoyed ai. ovely I Goodmnjphy and daughtensý dinrai RockHae and a to tileir cottage ai Bancrofti tripici Buniey Fails and otber o!IMnr. n d Mns. BibilTavidson, points, sone, Westoýn on SundaH;y. Mn.Wisemsan, Sand- and'rcompaýnied by Master Scot Caol, Bwavle7eetl.DwEeee, peni lasi1 irs. eslie Gnabam retura- wkai Quî-Mo-Lac. Eýd hoe!Kr eona o- Cngault ons10Mn. and! piai2, BwavilOn Wedi- Mns. Randcy S.nowden ý(aeel nesday.Sheila Seymnour) on thein ne-1 TbeTewnf ml reumnincent maniage. wvas hi on Sunday la Raydon Mnad Mrs. Peter Priidh-1 Sr~eciI ' f L Y Sprt Shirts and Dress Shirts ;n short sîseve 2 *2 stle. Plains, fancy desqn or stripes. Ali Perma, 100% Polyester double knit, machine wéasha,,ble Press iin szsS M, L, XL, And ne lining necessary for these fabrics.58-Rg MISSES % C.OTTON SHIFTS 69 >i 99.0 Seelss style-.oîtto shifts i bright floral, E ' T-SIT designs, Perma %p ress, in sizes S, M, L.1,.ydMnfcue' lerneafn ult nte c'î T-shirt. rew rneck or V-neck incotton or terry e; pecial j,YY997e 0abi9 9 izs S, M, L, X L Re.tca6.0 0 3,99 ec Davey, Bowmanville, on Sun-e Du-m Association has issued alThe Cianaidian Statesmn, Bowmanville, Ju:y 14, 1971 j3_ day.ý brochure, available a3t the MiT. 4iid Nrs.Herber Clarke Library, oniing th __________________________________ Wright, f ormry !Oshawp, v amou' l ueuswihn t ds fl 0fBwanîl, isict givinig 0ei octin Linda, WighIt, Toronto; Ms if l__ iI ours 0f openinýg and thf Janice Gorrill, Lindsay, mee-ain themne o! the, dis 'pla T r. Ay P .V viitisII- ýTo lMiaU k tD. E:n T- flfl uI M'ap aiso locattlà(,heVaRiou TheeDaySpe ia anbrý y De-rek SidenIus plt vîsît i the goild 'eeit, was 1hundrched yaz1Those THUIRS. - FRI,. SAT. - JULY 15- 16 - 17 and fmlBs ie Whiosy the i-eprs an ot the town i dd too.. g."Cnra soitInae:Iw ýweekn it r ndMs i ningo heps9 uh-American 1 îsmIcannot figure onit. BetwIenfl1ouise Museum, Ohaa;i0b Arthuir Martini, Mrtn iRod t is stili alive and welli- caused it to bnersord Barkerville, where the letteî inson Hlouse Museumi, Oh ~( werc Mc.iand Mrs. r, u nn te than Biiiih oI- Hw aotta at was postmarked, atid Lytton,, wa; Scugog Shores HTisto)rical! LOvI, Dexte, icîan Ms.ubia. At least it was for alte whole provinice is iiot'hing where it started its journce'.'Museum, Scugog Islanid: MWhfit-i H. Steini and K-athy Pyut, fcw w\eek in June. Anid 1 haveimore than a ioers museum, by stageteeirogy 0byAciehibMuum Michign; Mr. LeeBrowna leter toproveit. pece."miles of rugged rolinig clun Myrtie; Pickering Townsip h " c ec and Marloni, indianna. T1wey "What did I tell you Martha,J Inside the envelope is a short try. Who carried tIe mail overiMuseumi, Bogam6ito7 . Ial aIttendeid the gradai of they, are primitive onIt west"'. history o! the BXF's stage. I this distance? No one is pre(--County Museumi, TLindsa--yr,;_ v Carol eel als-o the part-, 'But there on the envelope is had a name .-.-O1d Tinigley" pai.ed to say and iT.fo l.iCtuy Vlae nLng hdatier parenhoe in apitro!goodBan-anwsiisea setvice would not have the temerieit3, Country Heritag,- S co t Hampton last Saturday. ard's Express beîng drawn by t!rom,1872, that wias ainýe years ta even hazard a guess. Townshipand Clarke Msu four galloping, blinkered hor- after Barnard startzd lis e x- .and Archives, Orono). APPROVE, ses, just as fi was back in 18721press company, until 1913. It will, I presumne remaîni APPRVE hen the mail stage ached its The -wagon, whose runlning one of life's sweet mysteries.I The Carke MVuseum andi Iasti P il - SII>EWALK SALE way over the Car" boo Road. gear J s made of solid oak, w..sIPerhaps in B.C.'s next hundrdie s is15to be openeid in The Bowmanville Tom in And a message aflirmis thatlrestorccd iný 1970 by a Van- years o! bistory as a prolvinceý EIGHT QUART CAPACITY Counicil bas given its officialimy letter was carried ail thîe couver collect .o! Canada ("God Bless them in 1 The group is well- organh sanction oa the annual Sid- ýway !rom Lytton, that's wel Thie message doesn't say their opthism, Martha"), thc jed and presently the display- waIk Sale which will be bel(-,'the Fraser and Thoimpsoii howv long it took to make thie answer will be found. are, being worked upon. in town July 22nd to July, Rivers meet, down to Vicia. 200 mile trip to Victoria, but, Times. ON Y 2ceach 24th. "Y-ou see Martha, I told you itt nmust have taken lon ger Meeting la regular sesslin they would secede - firsIthe a - lot longer - than it d'id 100 2 -9 on Mnda eveing CoucilPQst Office, next - well you er go 1ý II~SII I.iJN agreed-to authonize a ban on 1JUSt wait and see." The teamis o! horses wene parking on -King Street be-i The postmank says il was !ed, wate(frcd, and groomei en r ndIs LsieQb W TftOIuDW LKSL tween Scugog and George mniaîled la Bankerville, Billy;iroute. Eveny !ew days tLhey Go p Together aMnadMsLliGoeWAC FO SDWAK AE during the hours o! business Brker' town, the place abou were rested. In the old days callers of Mn. and Mrs. Bi-d oven the three-day Sale pe- 65 mliiiles east o!Quesn(- iel weehowever, BX maintaiaed up The Clarke Museum and Mercer, Mn. and Mrs, llarveyl lod. gý)od - lots o! it - asi dis- to 360 replacement horses and Archives is a member o! tle Partnen, Oronio, aind Mnr andi The Bowmanville Cham-tben c(overed back in the mid-1800's. wr able to >suipply new Central Ontario Mvuseumis As- Mrs. Gordon Milîson, Ný"ew- McGeg __Hadw r o!Cmec,1gnzr fI sbr obleeta il 1teamsevery 14 miles. sociation and as sucli becomescate the Sale, will hang signs to was once the largest cîtyw _ " hc iloe osow, af!ilîated indirectly with 10 Mn. and Mrs. Walter iRahm, 95 King st, W» omnil indicate where parking is of Cicrago and nonth o! Sýan Martia, that Bennet' govern- other sîmilar groupsifth were Sunday dinner guests of Poe6324 available on side silreets and Facso In the 1-0 and mretblas stili a ways to go to district. Mn.PhdoMs. 623c-,2542e~ lots. 180si a eyliveIl bno ingte country back to The Central Ontanio Mus-Ohawýa. 'Moeeffl Special pua, r haeooepic bistl ht Reg 298 $2,Z pats n brghtfloal dsîgs Szes ta14- BROALOOMMATSReg.to I70î, MI N ds fshpl ralo as na .0*~S e ii~ed arra of olor 18' x 26' 99 Specal 8" 26..............39BOYS SIM RUNK GILS OT ANTSET (Bouci)Manfacurers cearnceof wim runs i Spcia purhas cfbriht rint tos wthlla, e7 xï 42à.~93tn tec yo.Szs4 a6.adpitsot.Szs4t X PEAL C HASE nL SBrig tfoa ddsoig hired ah wlin lrg 1.9 .0 9 9eai LUUR HNDTOtLtBYedSIM TNsirsiiGIRL'S HIFPTS K ings 0M 1"x 0.19 our69ateaochooOur eglclarantocf qality witrksNyoExetna lu ingy ooed rnsan stret.ch or terry stret sch in ie m szesu checks. Turhe ohfts ne ar e idealfor t h otr WRe eecin 9yec Sizs a n fcionl y sotet fwsale10sot.ecl Special 179"eaXh2p6"ntG. MISSS CUOTTE DR 3 ESSES ManGay cottonl inpr ns of sleevelss styles. Izes8 a Biknl orReula sylepatis i Jrse NlonCR MP NITofSwiandtuk anci Antronnlo.,Sze 4to Sianzesïn sSrt. Mzs 4to6X TOWEL AMEN'S SHIRTSg

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