The Canadeiean St>ýate8ïnan, Bommanvi11e, Tilly 14, 1971 R AeFOR (LSSFID1 Tuesday,: 4:0,.m irths Deaths LoigEet Aricles for Sale Artïies for Sale Wanted ta en Auction Sales Auction Sales____ ECETWneand Pat BELLMANl at Dance at "The Wheel".1.. AUTOMAT Ca:eý 21" RCA TV, $55, 7 years oldITHREE bedroom house iy' th"' Sale of furniture and thingà À' O se, I fr0tc{Si TI eMemorial 14ospital, Bowman- Music hy Willy and thelprejecter andi screen. Phone Caîl 623-5196. 28-1* îvciflity of Bowmanville. [Jr- at Pethick's "Summier" Mie- rommWtbwlbecsdJuyi-uy <ine one) aF ;iie appyf heirville on Sa[urday, July 10, Country Rainbows, Saturd av,1623-2128. 28_1* GOOD used jog eart, $85;f gvent. 623-3961. 2-1tion -et iiaydon, i mile east ite be held atStiitevaýnt's Auc- 30!h inuiv.25 197, rthruncea thed uly17aprivailenoi cf theal,2iral utcm-y dJaughter PuîeBonni e ars97, Arîhur Beilman d Jly 17. 28 STDBAERSrvice, new arncss, $65: -623-5423. 28-11cf Enniskillno aur _ al 7HalSreDr.K.ABlet'ofiew1 ýb3 o- j1ý ',.1-71 t e s-iFor Reiit ven!ing, Juy 17, 7:0 n shawa, July 17, 6f, e cee rm Jl ' lhs, n Jly12 97, th 8 ears be n lovd husba cfPancake Breakfast, proceedslIand uscd parts. Graham's,'FARM trailer fer sale. Asking Cli bffdPtik ucine-Eeiiesoe cer V2Ags n icuiel82 vile A sstr o Pnn. father cf George and- ClIne for ne ore Hall, eatraO D r ordutbefo 8-0172-ese. Phn 2-17. 2- casienldchasrirs , ]ffe itbe,NO IE 0 DIS L TO 28 î' (Mis. Don Hannah). Service Jl 17,_7 ar. $1.00. 28-1 Irecreation roems. Hwr - HE er enhcs n als ere utTlheWetDîaHsor was held ini the Morris FuIneral Ntnle- 786che25.of drawersosingle bocksical Sccieendwiabldissolve uri t and Patricia Capel on Tuesday at 2 Special - Every Satui'day PayneNw n2l 8-125 Cars for Sale $165 monthly. Phone Walter VESTOK SALEScas a be s, singeous i v- ls ufcet neetdpr GRN-orto'clock. Interment Bewman- night-All the Fish and Chips 28,- E190Hod - rak Real Estate, 623-3393. LI * TV tablesEsonsscr membersedesigeoteere,- (nec Wlo)Are very preukd ville Cemetery, 28-1 yeu eau eat for 99c at The IFREE kin-ding wecd, pick-up E 97Hna, Mun-Trail ra29-1at Dhen, ticer pelîsher, T to arrnonce the birth of their ýC Acres Restaurant. Open Iseven fromn 8-7 weekdays at J. An- 150 ce, le w mileage. 63-06.aurham Couaty Sales Arnbedngand lunen,smkreraietersefd wI so RhetAllan Jr., 7~ COOPER-At MemnorîilHe4- days a week. 20-tf dersen Smth Ce., Newcastle, 28-1 TWO bedroem heuse, furnish- 1 Orono - Every Thurs,, 7-,30 P.m. wicker chairs, quantity be usedtpucaeaitfo 1%ozs., on Friday, June1r2- 96 Mr tnMLc_493C ed or unfurnished, available Selling Horses, Cattie, Swiue, dishes, pets and pn.MntheBeanil Muum 19il, at Memorial >HFospîtal pital, Bowmanville, on Frîday, Meuntjoy Pei-Jiily 17, 2 as2is9690 JM1/atouipme9-tCAugust lst. Phone 623-2161. Calves, Sheep, etc. Chantie more atils.TriscsE . e t re. .A Bowm7vaniville, Special Jul 9 171 ifat en0fDon- aI Mr. and ________on 28-1* ýReîd, Auctioneer and Pro- house sold. Myles King, Aue- DilliigTes 81 thank 9,19Mrs.nfGordon ofc- KAISER Aiîîminum Sidînig, Ce., 134 King St. E., Bowman -___ ____ ___________ to Dr. McKenzie and nurses- aid and Ann Cooper, R.R. 5,Lean's home, 66 Divisien St,, Doors, Windows, Railings, ville.281TO bdom patei prietor. 23tf tieneer, 725-55.2- of the Mternity Ward. Proud Bowroanvîlle. Rested at the Bowmanville. Ai eai wings. Lerne Allin. Phone - available new, rent $14050. -___ _______ -Wne grandparenits are M 1M orisFnca anpe,30-an-rinsrr uvtedte623-3871.L _____ 28-1* 66INERATONLon-63 Lambs Lane, Apt, Ntc oCeitors-DAD ndCipdFas mianville. Interment Bew- coma and have a goed attend- - ton stake, six cylinder , Appl NEVVTONVILLE DEta Mrs.TomWilon nd r. nd 1anoll CaeteyMorMo-aaced______ 966* 166 AMAA mtorycle spedgco coditon,$79.20. ___ 7-tTICOEIE T CRDITRS toc. MrgwStouck.rm Mi.RgnadGen. 2- ___ 2 ccLc.15,32.Ja sfe. Phone B'îan TWO-bedroem heated aparl-1 AUCTION BARNl1' AND OTHERS 263-2721 iec 2C1 ___da.28- qup en,13Iin t.E6te, vilb HUBE-Bo an ci \n. DAEY esly Hd A1 IvONSER ING Eqipmet, 34 ingSt.E.,277-2287. 28-2* ment, King Streavial,1We seil consignments, estates IN THE ESTATE 0F STEW- an oy(eeM NSE BN O .manville. 28-1 $120. Enquire at McDonalds DVYWelyHrd-A ART ROSS GRANT, late cf--_ _ Hosin) are hapopy to an-. THURSDAY-7:5.m Ï -OTSoeSoKnE.ortlFaktaet, utoe IheowofBmnvl i nuce the airival of their S5mai Hospital, Detroit, Mchi- bok boFOt f Alumînunspringe Pets Sck1So, in. l FakSaltn utoerIhe TCon c f Durhmnvi l ecpto daugheTrsno,8ls Sponsored bybkbat4lieactspdde-____- phone Cardiff 613-339-~2744 Phn7thCunycDramRl-I oagtr eeaJy nSaturday, July l10 28one 86-2244 e eea oesEpoeTefmi fM.adMs 71;s, onJuy6 1971, Wesley Harold Davey, Oshawa Minor Sofiball with 10 h.p. Evinrude meter. ONE Miniature Fox Terrier 28I1e eea otr mlye1Tl MeoilHospijtal, Bewrnan- beaovti hsand cf laheJBIE ofIlN h3062-26. 81 dg, maie, 62ye-rso8d. as-MPEGoe agmd 4t eesd h ida h adHîtelLwr niec v7illef, tIle sstr or Larr atiynddarfthrcf OS HA W A 3-fOElo syebd ig >and n 188 8ieu2 bedrocm upper duplo TcxPIn cf Bcwm anvill, c relaties, finsadnh KeîthSiemo andmateihtxJanko) arnarl(Mis. Rcgo- Dne aeal yeemtrs,$25 or best offer; DOG Meat, beef, fresh frezen, with spaeious balcony, sepai- i aboTuCOthe 21970 Mjany speial ithanks te y oky Bsbl, Trn oeýý acî U TO Of117ýî ýo n K thS iero rc aFntafy 8- ra o), d earin; rs ohr akFidy Jl 2r 70one Coninttal bed, beth in cul, 18e lb. ode , heated a e entiances. On attti ve Sales Manreis & Aurio"neersTHE TRUSTEE ACT, R.S.o. ding Aniesr le b ed _______ cf Mis, W. A. Edger (Millie), Ip.m. Bingo, Prl7sees 2-h82-1ecelntcndton 35 ording. Hav lg Tîaining gîcuns bewee Oaa an _ W olfe aTempet:Sevic 9Ch. 408, Sec. 52. Ciedi- JulY24h6:0-93pm.a B3owmanville; predeceased by iments. Draw fer 'harbeque. 63378r2- eooTaOnion o nd0 1-98-5011.Bovimanvill. AalaFRug LENHY lors and others having dlaims Kiib1CntniaPShol Bs THEETELL-Gýý- ýýrrand ii Mis.' R. W airen~ Preceeds for Tyrone Recrea- USED Belan's 10 b.p. Garden îîs11. UWVAagisthabvetteiýwse. are haýppy toin 'ounbrterSane adtien Centre. Aduits $1, child- Tracter with mower, bl- Ivieucru LETOM LOWERY 2o84en th,My f r,)aî Stnlyanblade1 ieuorom OHWA an upr te sad patculars î birt of heirson evînJohnSIte r Ms, W. J. Bagneil semee 2- n tior. J-MigEquleG rEANSeheds, pur-ap:ý ahment.eerrki m andbl8-69OHAA adf i roftel--ete m n Ms ele ie Aral lls,13i2, Z5 1,Mael eric wshe' -h d hsmntCe,13uKngS. l.bed rgitre, od uaionat.'ie arinualetle 1-Iondmsgedontrbfoe .h 191 av09yRod Bwmn WednedayJu0y7, 971, at on Jevicy 13 from ' cwer FishandCip, Phone 623-5689. 28-1 puppies; 2 maies, 1 fcemal', -vision. Heated. Apply Cash- - -3ddy c uus,17, fe7illu'I e hi rens as emoial ospîal, ow n TuesdayJl13roth Newcastle, will add chieken sae eks eid; one femail Ifinder andCe., Real Esta'e,te Puiture, dishes, antiques, ýwhich date the assets cf the ie n egbus1 e ville.G aparnts vr n ai uea oe it n aast hi euo FandndSmpiiithe n-i ît ekKei ndBsies eelprs 8 the proper f'ys sat'willb iîiueceptionathrhoeoiS- Mrs CareceThetel ad i nterment Cadîllae Memorial Sunday, July 25. CreNpineHovrPout he men.iebe7k&24n-.andiusi t, mnesD vls 8 MerleMurphy, Lot l18, Con, having regard te the cdaims'i uîdaly lhfrm2t anGardens, East Detroit.- 28-11 now fer the Halibut or Large selection cf ncw chrome nals, Nwo1i4,78-40.DvsinS.,Bwanil 28~~~1* ~Shrimp, onien rings or chips, suites. Paddys Market, RampL- etok orSae ouh fow.i Perry on Os thae e on îviie, n ocsonc herFf1i _____GILBANK--AI Oshawa Gen- IOpen daîly except Monday. ton. Phone 263-2241. 18-t ietc Frgif.iutîfPr e - iOh-,AIE tBwavilO-Os, pes.2- eral Hospital on Wednesday, Phone 987-4816. 27-3 ÏNEW -and Us-ed Parts for IF you aie buying or, seliigrotw-de ric ieiR, ai, h 7hdy0 1', edn niesr.~ TURNR-Gary a n Jlr14 -. . rda, uly 24, inelud-ig197 C.»MSjN, Q.C. (nee ray) re lipny t an- , 1971, Ernest Gi]bank ail makes cf Washeis; Dryerslvestock of any kind, eau! CHILD'S pet, black and white,11fi n.SuhsdSt 91 _____ dgteJiiEane8Is.4Theima Freeman, dear father Tu t rian ance Parts LId., 344King St.stock Dealers and order buy-,spot end cf nose, frmrnFIcý -lei sefedsie iigrdh ars n oiio, P E stt orSl of Anne (Mrs, G. NaTarajTTîW Oshawa. Phone 579-1332. ers, R.R. 1, Bailieb.oro. Phone Street aiea. Phone 623-3896. suite, 2 bedioom suites, Willis Box 129, OZ, nCO DU TD ALw. 1-f 0599-8piano, antique parlour suite.i 13 Wellington Street, BCWAV~EAE oz, n edesay Jly~Cfaonn,MislGlNa raan) -.ici. 55~t 7s-~-6s. 4-tfSea bis for complete. liii. Bowmanvillc, Ontario,Cen tBoc 191 iMeoilHoptlCrol, onaula h orsn à],yid. A 7s star IgCaUeIVEi s -Ëunraf±jfÉj~/ TPW IS, addeîs, scaleB___ Kmlec foiResin 1hM~~ TT~TT~T7V I -, ,1 -XVate BLCK aieca, a lîttle Salea t 1 p.m, Ted Spenceley, Solicitor fer the -fsn radaet,,Mn.,an Chapel, Bowmanville, f o r Il'ash registers, deskscis, Tenders at3whe under ehin. Extremeiy Grant Warry, Auctioneers. Administratrix., 26-3 sevc nfilas, new, serentais, service - oving, ehild's pet. Answems M.GadnGrayv, 1Newcastiervie nFridaiî aI 2:30 p.m.,DepartingSet, 1B 281Interment Orono Cameîery 1, ., Estiniates invited untlitl-l e aeip". Caîl 623-7241 __________________DoaiosteOon nie For, itinerary anîd full details, Discount priceÈ,. Open Tues- l7th fer washroem addition1'oiet Ceios P FortLomn coiawjdb gaef_,i, .ALRD LLN1 1Hamilton, B r o o k 1 ii udChmbrs Pouescd fumniture, Saturday, July Crediters and others bey- Marriges aprecated. - -~ 8-i reighon655earc 1CLEA NGO Tf 263-2789. TNES 27-2 Business 17, 1:15 p.m.aIShamroek ing cdaims against the Estala Lot Siz 6 4 f. elo ____________ _____________ Cty ottages in the ilagof of .EDITH FRANCES LOU- Propert.Peetyue o Mi, and Mis. S. J, Black In MernoriEARNGnOTrae Srie t.Opotuiy Bede, ne miles north of ISA BANKS, late of the car u-roin.osbiW re andtaInnunc Ie Torhil, ntaloS A L E Tenders for the followiqg EETOU Cnd t.Pcmt Hope, censisling cf twe Town cf Bcwmanvilie, in the f Otfrues.,000 o~ iortcomng arrageof teirBURETT-Ineverlcvng 89-643EVERYTHINO REDUCED work aI SI. Paul's United has opening for a. fulor desks, kitcen cupboard, side- Counly of Durham, Deeeased, PaYnin ilhade a -'lrbher !A 1itHathre fthr,yos eh C ureti, -c 827543FAIRXVAY Cburch and Manse wilil hapart lime deaier lun Bcwman- board,-. ebest cf draweîs, oxen who died on or about the 271h LSHL 4uHter1J1,îe -Marie, t eryJofs ehus2a7d-n accepîcd up le July 27th, ville aiea. For- information yeke, Guerney wood and ceai ýday ef February, 1971, A.D. 2.5 fi,-1 f Mr. nd il ýI ho assd aay lyFOOD MVARKETI 1971: Painting cf the ax- eall 723-4163 or w rite te Box stox e. Bell ennan <vwainut), 14 arc heraby notified te sand ý_awthorne, Wa Waterîeo. The 1969.ig 28E., Bwma foot beatof washstands, beds72,Osawatheir fofuboay weartifs, edsstale-ullHKErtTHedLTDte îoi e M. n1Mr969.. hopas8dawyoui lthiWODIE chairst.E.,BxVatablees.rcfthecchairssr 72,Osawmenckngchir, abes caisj entcfaceut tehheui uEAT- ~vddngwîl ak pacet Gene dear husband, gon e-ICMUIYCNR hn 2-642- repairs le steeple, and paint- - d-bfe _h'= 1M p..,tuîda, Ags 3h, eî',i-TNfI . n as xtro.Lwst \ork Vanted picture frames, oit'lamps, nersigned on orbefore7the iF P.nt ntd hrh o wvermis yîîîsmîinSJ.ER BLI NGO ~FOUR-place hcdmoom suite, or any tender net nacessarily 'erochi, bocks, dîshes and Ith day cf Juiy, 1971, AD. Tami7 iCi W8s - face, NEXT MONDAY $35, 7-pea. dining ieem suiîle, aceepted. Reply ini wiiting teIWATER wells bored, 30" tue, numerous other articles. Reg- atter whieh date the under _______ But y. fae"eIu eebrR c 7:45 P,m, dark oak, $75; Birds Eye maple IDoe Hately, 37 Scugeg St., Canada Drilling Cempany,1er Bannister, Auctioneer. signed will distribute the as- MiBut isyvd enod ou onearîuhc e rn k eur, sm Commuait, Centredresser wîth miner, $35; 5- Bowmanyilie. 28-1 Oshawa, Phne 576-6004. Re- 28-1 sets having regard only lei M .e2r d Mrf OrIana;wieh te1an nou cie ple n ac. ntaeyo109 Coiborne St. W. pea. coppertene kitchen suitersnttv H îy L.W dthe cdaims f which they I JOHNI II U ,Itcoig arig f hirA happy home we once anjcy- OSHAWVA 1$35; oak cornri table with : .'TENDER uy à17:0sal hnhaehd oie lierKyeMxîe I edrawer, $10; wiinger weshci Applications wilh b Nwal.Poe 97-53. TmsayJulV11,t70rsa andavey Trnotic.' eadr ta awene lose! M. weetbc em7y If,156232q7 8- ceiyed b he ha ndersigad cien. oatd f N.2 Company, Executor sttee La- -rr I MNMFE until 4:00 pro. July 19, 1971;, Christl Hgwy ot on Atona Edith Frances Louisa Banikî,l -Rnd, son e i.f RAE WT MNMEC at the Board Office for a - de og ili , or týini mie 85 Kent Street West, Lind-' Earl Randl, Bwanîl u Bu death bas lefI e loni TRNT'V'A CHERRIES S iobol Bus Transportation Customn Farrning south of Whilevaie on Altona say, Ontanio. 27-3 S33 KingS, at omnil tarie. The aîrmaglt'Oaka ess TET A PICK YOUR OWN Routa. The successful appli-RdFauinevyThs- OICTORETRS hoe6390or2-11 niae Jl SisIfet, 1 p rm. il'lTleworld rani never fîli. cent wil erqiedt rn-CUTN AIG day night: antique, modemn AND OTHERSE Ghunchi n, owmnilO-adfriy 8.*LD Bskt. port pupîls fîom the.village BLIGand centemporary furniture, ln the Estate cf EDRA BWMNIL:3bd t&ia.)n ndlmi 28-1* tD..R.ELIT f Hastings to Roscneeth COMPLETE FIELD WORK fine glass, china, appliances, HRIN RCdcae ombnao.Bt.Lv _____ HO-I loin rnmoy f CNCSSIN T. .,11.1.41Centenniai SeheeL. Specifica- IFrarrates Phone 723-1308 'old hotties, erocks, bmess and Creditors and othars bey- ig'nddiin-rom'Akig oCOCSINS.ERR4tiens regarding thie propesed 5fcper niknas.A- Mi. and Ms .J agroui dear daugÎhter and sister 1V1ONTRE'.fL.JBOWMANVILLE 28-2* acheol bus route may ha re- - - ' opprkikkA goselAce- ing aims againsit ihe estate $il0 Tms 8 hirDrve eaboeîgBienda, who passed away IseteEx1 ly- avdfemteofce cf MS7T !BO ~Ttionac's Note: Ago 0lc f Edra Hermiene Price, who BOWMNIL wAish toa»an-nunce the forth- 1Ju1y 1911, 1966. Sd1971 VjO..JjZJ.J A. MacLeod, Business Adin- Wh ..x ..iLJ,.±J~.- ineer thuesAytin I igh. ied aninthe onp f i orn 1.1e bik on comnz hrg mrriage oýf Ibeir Gene arc the days we ued IAugrust 2lst& 22ndsEIVIiNG MACHINE, Zig-Zag istiater and Tîcasurar, North- Carpet - Upholste ry "CorneWhrteAiuIs"lnoninheCnyofOheî.4pa.bhsk Han- te sare, ~ V iP.S. Quality censigrm-ants ac- Durhamn on or about the l7tlî ing2,90.Tîs dlighti Sharlen Avn HXPS s ANFRNISO uppd.Mke bttahleumberland & Durhamn County rrofessiouiaily Clcancd eepîed. Pick-up and ivr cfJn,17,aeeus- dersar[, ta Allefln nyWil- But in oui hearîs yeu areX GIA MNTSFANICO muend adames; guaraute, Board ofj Education. P.O. Box FREESTIMATES sevceaailable. Ne rei(serve. ofdJutesandparuiens uh 0 CE AMwih.- j sari, sonrof Miand Mus,. John ahways Ibere. 470, Cobourg, Ontario. 28-i Ph sCas. ea,"" hle er E. Wi1on, .e S, 30w- The galas eofrnemor wilanid $33,00.IP OF-P-one 62-2002 A1 TnerCs. ehny(16 K ahnaims lethe undersigned bors 2soe oe mnanviller. Themarigewi never lose, BOTOWNSH7-ilciorPfr 0F I.uor o lace Seurda.AI WetmissSent. Phone 5675 DARLINGTON BOWMA 6L68-6189. 281 or b1efona the 131h day of Streau.Akg$4,, ,7___120 f --Augusî, 1971, aflrwic aeBOWMNIL e 2e r ihtnegrlove and deep PIDRATESDY D HIT W'atch Repairing HarryBiowux, Osbawa,,to e e baving ýregard only tle daims bcated.Grg,~bls s8 ~*iic. shwa. 281*WuhreneroePRAEEI Sealed tenders, plainy Certlicd Watchunakcr of lheld et Stitevant's Auctiontathvbenrcid. ng1,50 Gu .lvdyou will Fo ute nfraincl markad as bo contents, will bta havebe eevd n tonwishte anauna th -.-adlymise y , Dd JRp LVL olete Set - 50 BOOKS reeeived by the undarsigna Caiadian Jcwcllers' Assn. Hall, 27 Rail Street, Oshawa, MARKS AND MCNEELY ton arnouicetfl -Sdlyrnisedby omDadand CABINET antil 12:00 o'eloek noon E.D. onclii, uy1,6 ..Slcios tu wedig lasof their daugh e nd Larîy. 281 RAVLS unehase Puice $449.50 ST. Fiday, August 6îh, 1971, Marr' Jewelery shap, engrtr i P o 5 tuto,3bdreorn , be Rifr, o .00in RAELfor the supply cf ona 5 Ton 39 King Street W/est soersaibds, til ityJ Oshawa, Ontaio. 28-3 back-slt01hae j lakbrn oef MVr. and MeFEETERS-In lovinig me- ~' Truck Dump Body and Roist. 2'îf tbe ikirceswn ~________ lIslacdgrgeLu I~isF.Bachun fBo-myetadrneteLui AGENCY Phone 623-3463 jTrade te ha allowed for e machina, rugs 9 x 12, washing Proa yhm.Pîe t$600 i'-'anvilla. 'n'aieTewd Jane, who passed awey April192Miuy50Cead DARLINGTON machine, laundiy tubs, mcdi- 1 __________ Teims. ding wil tkece -n Aug- 13« 1951 and heu husbandI19 Ring St. E., Bowmanville - -22 Chassis Body.enecbet mitalHGENCupIs-Rber OREAM:2acS u' 2,' 1971, eit S ereCals uy1,16. IPoe6338 USED TRACTORS Ail tenders must be sub- MASONRY chrome suita, oceasienal. chairs, goods) mailed pastpaid lu nice rligln.Tîehd AnlianChrc, shwa Wthnoui hearîs areme-1 Fermal "100" with scuffleis, mitted on ferns suppliid by Bric, loc kStne sts elephntaes, laieion pl s. inxeedenaples25croorn y îre oeO 28-i orues - 27-31sida dresser, onea row planter'. the Towuship whîeh may habSonees heddnlnpalqapc iI i ape 5,hated e.bah tn ________That xill forai '-n ast.'-Internatinal B414 with man- ebtained frfmmthe undai nd hjrne-îs rimnIi dok, Mhxatr, 24sples $0. Ma'ý)i oriplaa Bis en ie Mus DoenaBelîwicz, of -Always rnemmrbered hb Cards of Thanks ile ader, îow boucs. Caler- sigued. Loîest or any tender and Chi floor pohîsh11erMxm "oceI T2. o-uhe e.,Pvc od ny$,0 h fitcom ng m nia e t0f ch ld and g ~ al fiandsd-îJ lar D2 cawertracter. nne. uccssaiîy accapen. Ph ne6123-2176 chesleield sie antique Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 1-52 d w forhcrm-iclrýrageof_____n.28 iciassmates for cads, ift .-MAR EQUIPMENT CO., JACK DUNHAM, 25-If n dies figumaus,oman moreWat l'hMi. autr iýrSelie, lA- nlrn nm fand vîsîls whîla I was in lies- 134 Kn IW. omavle-Ra uERntNDLE, OBlin.Tarrns cash. Myles1 -.badroo uglw 1 et vfer MaugIter Kacira D-ei c-i oine, rngs Ring li Pohone 63-689 e ..Ro upnedLet.30BBEERS rticlstentimu t a- Hl"atdBOMNIL:Bah I Ed.,Hoed. 281 eur showroo and inspect teh ki- h 28ex taeplc o abrayîul eatfu'i u -rie5 raREeRE5d.l.-1 T iiA._a AT rmoTharenddEffnd-tsfthe prcperty cf'ks - ----- and_ ms otoadalbisCustom BVuî.lders lO ari rs Tî Meansi TO NSH P 0 CL RK th_____R OI 1ervIn loi eUg m aory calvn mîa îiig'n-ie e posiugt wl crriý n E OELN ero uts lo oe nesge pt id nldn V dliuhter DbcuabEln, le Se Ha1 Ha Ihoughl i.ndChiapel. 1742 BROCK ST. SOUTH TeDpstwl eueud n EOELN ero'sieformdludrindu aadleuigMnaJt 6 91a Ramn Em ren o e atiSFuaeMs. iL. Highihaild cd ncuretumn (eÊtîlu Deu starco. Seabrcaze tberecord- 5:00 . frtep?,io f ll Mi. nd Ms -ar 1Ge0,H1 am n bedbsiayn arcd1Farnîî,.2 i v ntby unts i < cntditîcu, wt-, a a îeD i, eid tables, coffea tablas, pm o h osto fCe B ý/R ane 3 Poteope . nd h tsod"Corne yaud ' A R L( AR W aS afîci tha TenderPhone temps, dinetle suite, chrome Applicant shoutd safpe age, e& ain unda lr ~hcmainag betak phre e I Th faîîycfbuelai h iosg. ~ ~ -176or 2QOfllse, atemtiedafestrcfig-expi'ince i an, mritl satu in oter ersnalde ___________________ Yulid en bfoawakuw lia fou breval. e mpna_.enifl 72l3sltn-6d176 a ccm Rfrgration201 othor ndCîîe-a Dluay Fuîtange sof fiigaveneftitt fet.Seesnispi ___________________ Ad eiyGo knwsxve taf t ana sitaeg. wi ubbi a tbe e th-Boar, in thle' iUid sholgun .22 lever adieu rifl'- thl-dagîe Jdbi lui, ______el] _ ars xrasos fsm a a oumets erllchair, odd chains. quautîtiny freine.5.i5 5l. . d, ssaruli cepted hane hus, ia d C,-' Chn tMi ad usconl __________________I h.rOO U > nîîa Sai er, ll -i netmust be R ERig-T SYE A ala xy1 wn t c mmeeeeve.s Onane Ta adug îi eru o bdpaie Res usb ne ahe.Saca.IANYorTHd ER A Rc-XNlsh j BoCAT l'IITED s 623-217 s Sal to 1.00 cm.n s oi es aboce, Ont. 705-324-9959 lu he ewcsbl UnîedHevn Ni~îg Hme, taffNoblfuttErhlia Funosrpiltal, 68-885 aCBJ OURGheNAR. ' Lande radwrCal ucsActneOooOaro chu-hi 2-1 csîle Plinsu97t4of 10%t1Hrof, - 28il 2-3 7-2AilnapplicaTions ,,ll be28-lat