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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jul 1971, p. 5

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and Mrs. Hector Short- manner. The program- con-5 1-ir;gr attended the weddîig sisted of two numbens by the pf Jamei cs Rchardson and, Rangersa hccompanîed by Lin- Laura Fieldecr at Coboconk de Mountjoy on the auto-i liniited Churcli on Saturd8y. harp. a piano solo by Lori( The reception following the Emerton, a readîng by Flor-j 'nemnony wvas beld et The ence Larmer, piano solo by _.or, Fîre at Lindsay. Debbie Swain, and reading Mr, and Mrs. Frenk Bailpy by Aleen VanCamp. Brien1 atteuded the Fîto-Beiley wed- Mountjoy showed lides of ding in Allison on Saturdýuy, the two weddings with Jean The bride is Fnenk's niece. Mountjoy and M ar gaere t The Scouts are enjoying a 'Mountjoy acting as commen- we&,ek's camping in the Mer- tators. Dalton pnesented both < more rea his eek. happy couples with a round Mn. and Mrs. Veruon Assel-1 table witb matching chairs, a stînec andi Tenesea clled on table centrepiece and a sumn Mrs. Mr Norton and Vera' s of mon ey from -tiie commun- mocMrs. V. Chaplin, îty. Ail four Young people ohr,a t Srneplieti fittingly. Lunch and Oshawua, on suander y a social tume concluded the day for the people of this pleasant evening. ares. Mlany atteuded the an- Also on Saturday evenîng1 nual _U.A.W. pîcuîc in Osh- a number of friends and re- awa ie othens ittended latives -of another lortbcom- and participated in tbe Or- ing groom, Don Sw'ani, gatb- ange Walk in Peterborougb. ered for another of the tra- In the evening there was a dîtionel parties. double community shower in Misses Janis Dorraîl, Mary the Recreation Centre lu Lou Malcolm and AlIce Ann honor of two recently nier- Cannagban are acting as ried couples, Mr. end Mns. Candy Stripers et the Port Ray Mountjoy. (nee Debbie Perry Hospital, This isa mme-i Rombougb) and Mr'. and Mns, tbing new et the Port Perry Carl Gil.bank (nee Judy Hospital, Mouniitjoy). Mn. Dalton Dor- Congratulations to Heatheri rell acted as Master o)f Cene- Dorreli wbo passýed bher Gradle mniies in bihs usuel cpaible X History and Harmony Mu- PANEL EAVEU-1i DO WMAN VILLE I1 thought that if lie knewThCaainttem , Bowmanville, July 14, 1971 D C Ç, appy, leathy itte O e,-earOld nothing then it was probable more Tha' sarte a Ittl re- OBIT ARYCornish (Margaret), Bowman- 2"' more. Rtartedhea littie ville, Mrs. Earl James (Flor-, sic exam Her teacer iS Mr "' ~ Vii ~ ~ '~v' search and what I have for MRS. CHARLES HAWKINS ec) saa isMrh Con gratulations a 1- t 'ý t0a1sth eut Mrs. Charles Hawkins die.1 Petre, Oshawa; six brothers, Wlma Wolters and Cindy "' '~" "' Th esaihenofosJuy , 1971, at the'Oakville Jack, Arthur, Norman, Gor- Grieve who passed their.o faiinitoTfagr Memorial Hospital don, Morton 'and Orvil, aIl of Grad IlTheby msic x- f th grwthof population s-, after a fîve-week illness. She Oshawa, and three grand- Grae f heoy use e- . I rom this we can visualiZ2 a resided at 1182 Lindbrook Rd., children. amswîh frs cls onurslebowDuhamgîw. Oakviîîe, and formerly of Mrs. Hawkins rested at the Their proud teachler is Mrs "~ ~~..~~The following are extract- Kendalwood Road, Whitby. Mlts - Anderson Funeral Dr aod Mrs Allan Mcm ~ ed frorn an. article entitied Borni May 23, 1899, atChkHoe Osaweete Ruth Wilson, '-Early Post Offices in Durham Lake, the caughter of the late service was held In the chaDel tos, am Rb ndShil, . .~___District" which was publiffhed Jane and William Petre, she July 10th, at 1:30 p.m. 1nter~ (nee pat Ferguson), of Kel- in1 the Statesmaîî on Ap'Àýý 5, came to Oshawa' asachdmn wsat heOh a owna, British Columbia, were 1967. was educated in Oshawa Union Cemetery. Rev. Edward Satudaydinnr gestsof r. From Dr. J. H.. Elliott', ar- where she niarried Charles S. Yoshioka of St. PauI'. an Ms.Dato DrrlUaN count of Elliott's Milîs at (Sandy) Hawkins August 16, United; Church Officiated. fail. hy ale o Ms Hampton- "In 1851 a Post 0f- 1921. Mr. Hawkins died in J. . obnto ad ohe ree" .fice was opened and the naine 1964, also a brother William. laivs n hi aea i~ . hage fom Miivll to She was a former mme Re. nd Mr, ereHampton. Previous toSe-f Centre Street UnedrB R E O Thompson and family of Sas- tember 1851 the nearest post Church, and a member of St. Mr. and\ Mrs. Brian Lee kethewn re n~yîn a ' 'i~'~, ~.~Office was Darlinaton Offie, Paul's United Church, Oak- spent the weekend visiting visit with bis relatives and ~' ' ~ ~ wihbcm omnî'ei ville.wih Mxad r.Hry friends in this ares.nwih M. nd Mrs Hrr rn,s an Ms rs. mrAce,. 1854." The deceased la survived by Grace and Mr. and Mrs. B. "From Miss Katerson's Ris- one daughter, Mrs. Robert Lee and famille. Whitby, 'were Friday after toy.o Haptn w.ler. ha Laing (Marguerite), Oakville; Church service wîll be a noon callers of bis parents, sn rhr oot;cmie evc nTrn Mr. and Mîs. Wilbert Archer . >"/ .~, . " ~. .Henry Elliott was appointed 'One sn rhr oot;cmie evc nTrn Mr.n r.Vicn rhr the first postmnaster, He and at 10 a m. conducted by ReV, M r 7an d M rs.e r e d-Vi n c e n t'n exAr c h e rJ u l his son, Henry Jr,, held that Of sideroads nwsre. Hpis etSnaJl Bowmanville, were Sundey ~psto Psa ae o is la 8h supper guests of Mr. and Mrs .h ni h Ite' et Arc115hecetforashr time mail have varied from the Mr. K. Sinclair spent a day Archr. ' - around 1895 when Frank Cole Penny postage to the present in Oshawa recently. On Sundey afiernoon Mr.«' îad it. seven cents, whîch will rise to Mrs. E. Fitzgerald acconi- an Ms.DaidKye er'M M eîght cents In the future. panied by Mrs. R. Davey hosa fr suprie amîy ""'"~~ . "W. W. _Horn succeededjMr. hElliottountîsu1937swhen fine"Hampton is a small but spent a day in Missîsauga re.- party in honor of Miss Linda PotOfiewa ovdbk .growîng community. As long cently. McLuauh n whoisrleanga as it keeps its Post Office it The new barni of Mr. Bilda, on uesay o ir aaas the corner store with George wiî1î retain its, îden'tity, I tbink north of the village, is near.- (if there isn't a shut-down Barron and son in charge.alhoeiwîlcnnutong omeinbng ca by thn du to he theate- ~""It remeined there until the do thtI ed strike) With 20 other ~." r.ew Post Office on Tempet nce wt e ofn Young Voyageurs (Hiîg h k Street was opened on August School students from Central mas: 7,th . ABarns o- Ontario) to go to Vernbn, '" atr British Columbia, where she "So werze that the PostS I will spend7 twelve days on FER Offic situ.9tion baXgn the student exehenge plan. . through man.y phases since ___ The rou of tudnts îfl1851. The mail bas been trans- also tour Edmonton and also ported in mary ways y Ottawa on their 12 day trip, ""' mn on fot oî on horîe- Present at this Party were '~ .h i'.~ back, by .2anoe and boats, by Mr, and Mns. Roy McLaugh- .' dyi wagons drawn by mules and lin sud Debbie, Mr. and Mrs. D Y"~ y borses, by stage'coach, by 1h Harold Wright, Oshawa, and A'i':' ý motor vebicles, trains an-d Mr, and Mrs. Harold Mc- Y. ' iplanSsd Laughlîn, Janis and Kelly . ..... .......... iMay canges in service MissNany Hrnes, Prt .~'. ~ . .......'.', ..... ~"~ 'have taken place and'more are Hope, was a Monday caller of The hapyyu inid h nhv hrtoThomasShne Osborne, celebrated planned - ah incom the a e o Mn. and Mns. Gerald Kelly Cap on i eav o a rgea ewloeteeAI and girls. his f irst bîrthday onn r iday, July v4t1h, hiis pioud parents are Mr, and Mrs. Alan wîew atansagc ~i Beacoc e no Osborne, Frank Stret ToasShn's ,grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Thomas thought back to the friendly * on Jane 26th, 1971 the 44th Masterson and Mr. and Mrs Han-y Osborne, ahl of Bowmanville. little gatheringa around thie annel eacck eunonwasMcRbbi PhtoP.O. wicket In the neighbôr- THURSDAY - FRIDAY SATURDAY held et the Blackstock Re- . ___ hood store where niews spread creational Centre wîth almost and cheery greetings were real go i attendance. M S u morale boosters, Life means,ý1 OE 9A. -9PM Lunch as sered et 2' O FE ftT ftfl fCr If~ change- not least of all in OE ..-9PM and was followed by a lîvelyI IVUVJ thpoalsrie aftennoon of games, races and "You mw ay be hinteredseTURD Yan RIA of course, renewing old sé-t. hs e at hc icv quaintances. A short business by Miss Nýancy Johnls1 ered. meetng es hld aterin.Hampton now bas a pipa- thetrnoon an d te eeu- Rcetyieind aco en's Iiisttute in thei village en The subject gv 3u the Sout" lation of about 600, compareýd tîve for the 1971 -72 reuniori teecher Miss Nancy Johns Of I the, history of the Hampton Group for'thîs year was His- with 200 when the Rirst Post was elected. They are as fol- Hampton addressed the Wom I Post Office. Some of the ladies trclRsachadCretOffice was established. lows: President, Mr. Thomas who attended the meetig Eet huh htfroc "There are 150 householdes Cole; Secretary, Mrs. Marilyn meeting everyone sat down wondered why the Statesmanw ouddspnstue whisthe lwiîorecev hi ail fromô Beacock; T r e asu r e, Mr,. b enjoy a bounitiful salad lied not pvriuted Miss, John s ot n usiuehsoia Hampton Post OffCead30 , 6 igS.E omni Bruce Beacock; Recreational supper and brought to a close telk, as th'y lied fouud itve y informationý housebolders who are served Commttee Mr.and Mr& anotber successful reunion. interestiug and infornative It Last sunmar When arb .R ,Hmtn 22 Bruce Stephenson, Mr. and Memibers wer rsn rr is simple. We did not attend. new Post Office wra operd "In '1956 the rural mi] - Mrs.DougStephienson andTorouto, Orillia, Blackstock However, we dîd manage to esked Mr, Barron what ie rueeteddfr107mls Mr. Gary McCauley. Oshawa, Lindsay, Bobcaygeofl get a copy of ber speech and ke bu h îtr fPs i 91i oes2. miles, Following the, b u s i n e s s band Port Perry. have prîntedit h i .w. . Offices ie this district. Ris because of the extra numberi T HUR-S. JUL'YZZ-ru2ý l 4 GRAND PRZE. VACATION .WEEKEND FORTW SBY AIR TO MONTREAL INCLUDES: AIR FARE FOR TWO RETURN ACCOMMODATIONS FOR FRIDAY & SATURDAY MIGHT FREE FLIGHT BAG . el Your ehoice of: Daytime City Sightseeiug Tour Nîglit Sightaeeing Tour or Renteci Car Enter atPrtcpig Mrdhants SECOND PRIZE -$00 tHIRD PRIZE - $50 ANY 4F1T1-7 RTI11MT G eRCifANTS. FVlILL DRA WIL E MDE ATTRDYJULY 24TH AT LIONS "-Il vAZ (Particiypante, for draw must be 16 yeas o age or over) Fun, for the E:ntire FamIy * FR11 MOVIES F0R THE KM S SATURDAY AFTERNOON - TOWN HALL *PLENTY 0FPAKN *PRICES BELOW COST *OPEN 'TIL 9=-HURSý F PL1 *CLOWNS$eBALLOONS5 Shpatric ipatý § 'Oingc - STl* FRIe

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