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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jul 1971, p. 10

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10 The.Canadiar. Statesm&.ýn, BowmRînville July 21, 1971,Oe o shan. e beginyïdng Bowmanvîlle and Darlington at 8:0ROhars August 3, Tuesday 4-H BO BuoTo" tatheH&1%ndtary bridai showver washeld mates Marsh, PIOn JUIY l1lth,1971, at St. MrsIrh TuhL Durham A ric-1e s Augst 4, Wednesday -4-H ata Joint Submission on Mary's 2 afaM a11, Osh- (Cain) Baeo r u Cl l ubbt' awa, in 1.1. ozub, fbMssElza eth ad nBr,,~rn by Rod Stork August 4, Wednesdýay - 4-H un er» à% IO V I K er was ive-e y rhsh ow-aI er atppldgi.Ms held at the Agrieultural Office, ynko, Miss Tina Kozub, Mrs, ...a nn nte ps rn Assistant Agricultural Representative Bowmanvîîle. .Soo and Mrs. H. Walchuk. cipalasenydthati- August 5, Thursday - 4-H Bowmarnville andi Darlington awa-centred regian. tionls inwhc the Province The bride-to-be was surprised tiesoftedy Durhaýrn 4-H Judging Corn- Neil Taylor, Enniskillen, 2nd programi is to develop leader- Dairy Club Tour of Glen Rae wilpeetajit el7a h euetcm le Jh ishes ta have some assurance;ate thugtiheastaMt ' the Minuster of Municipal Af- rnine membeý rimunicipaditie Iecnmes feciepriorI- eda hw for anoý-ther girl r. PgyBydpoeo peiin, Tuesday, July l3th, Don Wood, Orono, 3rd Paul ship qualities in the 4rH1giris Dairy at 8:00 pan, in 80W- fas atnBls ntetof ie aarv tacness tiesad Raccountability tteShe received nianyuseful gifts behaifa h aenscnen at runee .i. .aw 64 Durham Larmer,, Blackstock, 4th Jamie attending. manvîlle. f- 4-H altnies,poitshes- aidved tarv a dthe tud nloa eve.s elaasmofmnying thepsitrya rw County 4-H rnembers gather Malcolm, Blcsok t Ed- uirFrùr neti August 9, Monday - - etngrégional governmient May 12th. The letter and Mr. Bales' She graciously thanked tiiose Seoolndlo xrse Ame asRr- f1M. B llckack fo Budd, Port Hope. at, Ontario Place Beef Club meet at the home for this area, The Muniicipal Affairs Mn eus were tabled in Bow- prsn . s Peggy B oyd was two 3attahr a h col Aîo, _R 1 laktckfrJunior - 15 and under: Ist More than 350 Junior Farm-. of Neil Allu n, Orana. A committee cansisting af ister wants ta see stronig lclmavleCouncil meeting on acting chairman for the alfter- the annual judiging campeti- Walter Taylor, Enniskillen, ers freim acros's Ontario ini- August 10, Tuesday - 4-H Bowmanville Mayor, Ivan governiment lii this arEa. ýJuîy l12th. nout a numbaofrizes tn a alMr imBa ndjio tion. 2nd Lawrence Taylor, Ennis- cluding eight from Durhami Senior Club Meeting, Hobbs and èlerk-adminmstrator "There must bre a lcalgovern-a ubrofpie t a The mriemblers registered at kilien, 3rd Jim Marvin, Port County were busy lait week Local Fair Dates for 1971 Joseph Mcliroy and Darling- ment that is4 capjable o f nrvmr ales bas asked the those holding lucky numbers, room tahrM.BtyPs nine a. .and then took part Hope, 4th Janice Yeîîowîees, rehearsîng for their show at Oiha wa, July 22-25; Peterbor- po iee Cr DW sndfinall roallltiiioep a tser vely se committe- eanyr, takd h1upl n a plant and weed ldentiDfi Enniskilpn, 5th fDavid JLrm- Ontario Place. ogAgi 01;Trnotownship:ei RndnPieoadnmptnatonfoosn'- bt cation exercise. Following this er, Blackstock. The backbone af the show OEnuut1 etme ilpeaetebifsatn h ra"h rt nalte A t " 1udy grouprtt en+h yd by teail.te nyer the nmemberi judged a cdas OfSenior - 16 and over: ist John was a 30vaice choir.Jno Bacok uuit28Prtietime nAuut. ta the formirer also their famillscofor tho Char-lois Bcdl Buils. The 4--1 Lane, Bowmanviîîe, 2nd David Farmer singer$ from 27 differ- P Spebr6 rn Mr. Bales has asked ail in-i mînistrator, Ted Slimi. esn oa oenetsuy BonsSho iic sho uprM.Fs Perry, Spebr6 rnewn principal, submitted his fna Approximately 100 persans also takdeeyn o incmbcns gave reasans on this Kellogg, Part Hope, 3rd Bren- ent counties had been rehears- September 9-10-11; Port Hope' terested parties. and muiiî-I "This is cica"he 5ccrieiitolrpr class ta the club leaders and da Yelloiwlees, Enniskillen, 4th ing in local groupi. Two days September 17-18-19; Lindsy: palities wha belonged ta thie o, not only ta, orderly devýý,ei- 1 cmedtonrpr ngthrda rw Schoffl their hl n redhp Extensi1ýon staff SeeBriBwavle eoeth udyeen etme 12.now-defunct Oshawa 1Area opm[ent 07a -vwide are-a, but regiio i a gov rent imie-forandicncoy n at dayuerAvfetaadsprwa dontsauipledby the Amos Nei Taylorwil receive the bers travelled ta Toronto for study group ta repart ta, hmrî of provIinceial selecive ln-s eeived and filed 'by tÎhe af games and races. few pat upscteaid aithe 4-H'ers boarded a C.N.E. shield awarded by the final rehearsals with choral BENNETT 18 LOW BIDDER by November lit ta ulnoplce.It ih critica a h teA-Pd forwared th%,e Mn-nghst and rien tden tsa afialvorthrdy scolbu.- and .traveiled, ta the Canadian National Exhibition director Lloyd Bradshaw. On tteetitdscocrnn rgaucnsdIneom i roir hout c(l el farmaI n. nd M. Rlahas te tp nvicein he am- undy, uly 8th no onlhTeder foraipautsede coalcovermen fo theO-h cil-muicial inanialreI- ut oment Broe 'sschol tokannativeMn.Melin Gaha wh at LmrR. R, 1, Blaickstock. pétition. John Lane wil nec- did the 350 voice choir per- walks were opencd at Caunci _________-1________________1-____7I hntm intention unýder[ part in this final activîty of tendedBonsScoloe Before lunich thie memrbers cive the E. A. Summens fraphy fonm but also Junior Farmers July l2th and Bennett Paving thelicnJ!cuîtances ta sug gest th c schooi. 50 yeasgopyeanctv Judg-d ?a das 11 îhecp sup- presentcd by the Bowmanviile Square Dancens, Bell Ringens, Company af Oshawa was low that s ýomie ncw ,farn oai nter- School registers, dating bnck part i h kt n rw plied by Keith Vant Camp aof Lions! Club as the aven ail high Folk Sîngers, Scottlsh Dancens bîdder, at 24 cents per square w e epo t unicipal device be creatcd te >ta 1914 werc availabie Ion ail thnnkedceyn neaan Blaksock Ate-rgvn rea- competitar during the day. As and Pipens also entertained. It foot. Two other hidi wcreKI ioson this das the emen weîî a3s comfpeting for pnize certainiy was a vcry spécial submitted, £rom Oshawa Pav-Bae bssid "Rtr, rgstsbrutbckm -ythpythyttndsd I~nkeforluch ltn lnc r:ony nd awnnds, the judg- day at Ontario Place for rural ing, proposing 27 cents a - -I ouild s-imPly invite ea;ncL-Jaici ta the paît pupils. A few gaodby aSS.N.5 Bons the4H's judgcd a -afs'Iing- campetitian is a valuable Ontanloans. square foot and Harnden and f erested party, panticuiarly old school pictures werea dalp-ry cos nd then d.d a ieanning expérience for 4-H, The perfarmens fromn Dur- King of Cobourg, with a bid the municipalities individal- display and mnny enjayed Dairy Sire selectioîn eec membens, hamn County wern' Elizabeth af 40 cents a square foot. 0F MEN AND MusKIES blood cc'lii) and deeiaain y arae their vicws. on wehere they choose ires ta in-- Wc at thie Ontario Depart- Kellogg, Port Hope, Lora ablo ,Lwis i the spleen, k1dney aud iv-th atten oI the futuraI, ýcfmcnanttended the, Orange proýve fIuits in daýir7y powsý ment aIf Agriculture & Food Lawery and-, Sharon Loweny FishRW eieslg, er tissues. This is the te,ýrm- local government la the anea Panade in Peterborough an oloigthis the membens ýwauld like ta thank Mn. Wil- aI Orono, Kathy Vice, Marilyn EN IELD al coditio, jui pnecding nd ta comment on the Pate- Saturday, judged. classes af bey,gri liam Amas, Railph and Glen Knox and Elien Cryderman aoTefnsydnh o rooasi h orea n Ahla Wlimo 2-3 0 an--' iben Thesenson for mnskinonge Ia the Knwarthas thsdis- th, fîeir remarks." and Mn, E. Wiliiamson aI ani ottoi.~vrynethnLarmer and Kcith VanCamp Enahîkillen, Nancy Knox Of Mr. Norman Stinson, accom- apcncd in the Lindsay Forcst case is nestnicted ta thýe Bawmnnville and Darhington Landon visitcd with Mr. and ý"nÔved ta the fnrm Iriü Glen1 for supplying livestock and Hampton and Jean Welsh from panied by Mn. and Mns. Les District on Satundny, June minancppltoSne~utypeetdacnetfrMHnwi ocyo Larenwhrea aisaIawnc1eti~ u ue hen ans fr owanile.Wotten aI Seagrave, ettencled Sth, 1971. there ih no .appar>en.-t trans- local goverament at the OA- Thursdny altennoon. was j udgeýd. Alten renio-ns thé compétition. We would Junior lFarmer the Youngs' - Stinson weddingî Though not wihing ta mission ta other species ai PADS hnnnings hast f ahi Thcy Mn. Stanley Chapmn as -whrp gten crê ebe fnàiwited ahsoi i ke he ul Tm- hkn Brbqe aEetlntn ntehuc, dampen the ardoun aI keen Iish iiunlîkely that ut can ndvocatcd the formation af a rcsigned as anc aI the Trus- wbie te s~rs wre otale bln, im icard Do Wesh This event ih pianned Ian Toronto, and the reception et musky fishermen a timcly be injuriaus ta man. How- laknfrontcd région, bctwccn tecs af Kirby United Church, grouips weerasâ Ial-owvs: o- cBoman, 4-H Club lead- July> 29 at 6.30 p.m. Tickets Ave, antiunoleantictaiegthohe veer y unappcth the zing aps - ûPirinct d CooMn . iPatenson Mrhon a l ami rp ice -fntyermme sï itens la the Counity and Bobah a eothe rmJno r n n e onoangule lat awt agtha L aeracernn sapetion, ropocd aMrgin cet,-rcu on Misre.Lrya o AOH .Rus n, Asistaýnt Agicul- Farmner Membèns, Westseda rgiohi; Mn, nnd Mn.is Joen owey turc Representative un Petr-Hill;_Mr.__and______John- Teei nth aknaewe would advisc agaînît cnt,-iOîhawa and which auld h- caygcon uîs holidayling at banaugh Caunty for acting as son, Sr.,, aI England, visited aI the Kawarthas,, a disease'hng any discascd Iish. cueaia nanaCuî oethis we officiel1 judges and fan taking ~Mns. T. Taylor, knawn as lymphosarcoma. Its Maîkinonge with the is - dthe three stern ur renionui ngItlidy.A riculurau Miss Evelyn Cunningham, incidence la the musky popu- case îhould be dhscare n iaite I uhm 4HGln's'" Conference Batodhipndgefew lation appeans ta be icîs than thcy cnn bc fait fraenturn "W wil be ne-examîinng I E U i iH Fr-om July lt t the l7th, dayis et te Pnscoe home, anc per cent, The University cd aven to the Ontania De- aur submnission ha the light aIf three girls selected fnam the Cu and u Mn. and, Mn. Russel Bna, aI Guelph, Dcpartmcnt aI partmnnt aI Lands and Fan- Patcnson'î final proposais,ý' 4-H Hamcemraking Club mcm- 'Hamilton; Mns. Don Nelson, Micnobiolagy, i pnsentîy nîts. We wiil then snnd them Walter Rundin told the States- FE GenralInurace bers la DunhmCutir Juiy 22, Thursday - Deiny Toronto,weeonigtvsttuyn th discase. on the University of Guelph man ha an interview Fnîdny,. nttndig Gils onereceNight '71 et the Newcastle ans with Mn, and Mn, Gad- Lymphosancoma heicvdfan study. Wc should like ta Mr. Rundîn calcd the Pa- PME ard AtTo,1ý10ILE strtingat 7:0 pun.frey Bwnianand aie vnddedthate uniesaseothe*aipecimeunlsentoenpreporterideaeprt stîcli and PIR asd ATOMBIL ettheUniensty I Gc hisrena thecpttingnato7:00p M . Wifriwmad acaiie ab iesea iu rigi be frozen in e frcsh state, îahd "it mny be workabl, but INSURANCE Bcth Knaowltoni, Tyrone club,,Tu stecmeiinfne n hfi Bowmaa's. and appeans ta bce restrhctcd ta oMi. efl h ýWcndy Preston, a the BethanyiDairy Prncnesses ta nepresent The Taylor families attend- miaîkinonge aI spawni.ng ege it quickiy loins is value ta e - Iduti. eIî h oii HARYVOCMlurobte alndreiàYc olub pa rtionues d et th Ton a E aTaylor f amihy phcnic et or aider un the Kawarthas. snarch. We would be grain- cal canîcquences aI thene fro th Soinaclu patî-i- ouniesat he oroitcEx Monningside Park, Toronto. The disenîn tîli not new fui for any assistance ,ie cen ngirÉon could have been wih 123-3111 1623-3950 pated ha the program which hbiio. disio fr ee About 35 membens oI the end bas becanrccardcd for agtIamiepb.ch h c aehevl y1aein ss KIN ST. E cansisted of speakers, intercît endcvyo4, hi welcome.-Smalhwaod f amly fnom Udney numben aI years ha Kawartha,,t,înong e sh dpscdmsk esadtaihnidwhîch MONEY' ON BOWMA2VTLLE graupi, tours nnd (discussions Jiy2, eunay- O aned the Beaverton disticit rmusky and ather species aI. anesampns, Buash manvh h edDnîgo Thsocilûeti-,-c îeMpeion umme Ple To rehngucîts aI Mr. and Mns. tirefamily Esocîdan (Pike Sc i AfaIMuî-ilre ,Iïsetath il e ncpa 'VI sain 1 rni tNet'Ma ie orj Cotton on the occasion FamilY) ia Europe, the Brit- On Auguit 2lst,19,a29nsutncarttmntI Prdci, Hrwod e,ýsMPe af the Golden weddi-ng anni- ish hiles, the ,United States inch musky was tege)ad theîo icipelitaes' aîe r QIJA!Iru vcnîary oI Mns. Coiian's par- and Canada, rcleased by a Departmcni lake- Ontaia.Bnig yor an Pd cti Mr. and Mn, Frank Lymphoîarcomn us quite sunvcy crew nar McConnell,ý'i umsin nic lunch. Maple dessrswl W eIdi g & e ai bsod t nmialcrg:. "lSînllwood o Bavron rediyrecogruzed in infected Island on Sturgeon ILaeKRIFE I Hahs-i(i Club Twilight Meet- Iwere recent dînner gucîts et (sametumes deccibed by fish- caught la a pound net et, fIVCing ta be held et Temiane Mn Wilfrid Bowmen'i. ermen as iamprey marks). Duasîord's Landing la Stoney (F ro no Times, July 14),ÇL CO E Farmi, Orono startiag et 7:30 Mr, Timmy Sergent, Ida, Since there arc no lempney in Lake by a Dcpartment crew Mr Raymond Chepman ne- Ask Operator for 6834 p.m.ý Stuart Danndl of Black- bas been visting Genth the -Kawarthas howcver, ibis colncting maîkinonge spwounr oefrm Ohw 146 Quecen St,. omnil stock t,-Ilh show pictunes of e Davey shauld nat be a causeoa con- for Deer Lake Provincial Fî Gencral Hospital on Sunday. o il16834 tnp ta tSSR ad Eegdan-paninnd Mn.)Wlfrid Bow- fusion. The disease hi uîually Haîchcry. hitwasrnaîe_,,d M:nf, and Mns.Hetcim_ (Next e wcs end arkin lot)There wîl esa býe judging oilmanr'viSited Mn. and Mini, fatal within a yeare u teeagain ta continue is teeiaLwr ttnnded Décoration two clsses f Halîeins. Gcorge Bowers, Oîh1awe u s some evidencea ocaion Te distance 1bctw-_ecn the tw Dy t cCrea's on Sun&e X F L u will e sevcd._________________ al necovenýy. As thc 1dîi,,e; aptrointis isne leît 0 ad w rupergutia em iFied Cropi and Patata prem ogrse ticdii a em-mlsbiwtnbi n MGro ikiC L ST-A !ub Bus Trnp ta theHoliand SOLINA kenmcniio arpd n ,E Wloh A Poitypool.U1ne- Marih .noth ea- Ncwmarket. bomlinrael wi-DsrctF---.--tme a oa rng- O RO PEC U TE U E VC Pn ne Q L -I!IMemb:nî- and Leaders wil Miss Hel:e¶ Baker, Toronto, shop I1eUný. eiv mo, information on was a weekend gucît wth Mr MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9 :00 a.m. te 5:00 p.m.. 4- iy. Miss Nancy Haer, Oak-Ii couny ee ltfd ea ' fiDay woad, spenta e dyswt SATURDAY &. - 800 a.m. te noon ta bc held etthe evaiTawn- Catherine Baker. Mn. and Mns _____________________ship Hall, Cavan. This i an Tom Baker wene recent sup ail day meeting.end lunch wiii pený guesis with Mn. and Mns ARC nd CETYENEbe served. Ail Bcdf Producens J. C. Smaleî, Oshawa and en ARC&dA EYEEin the County will receivejye avitwthM an PORTALE WEDINGnotices aI this'meeting. M.an Taylor and sono af PO T BEW LIGAuguit 12, Thursday - Pet- Duncan, B.C. erborocîgh Exhibition Junior ýMn.and iMn. James Cherry Daya'nd Judging Compétition. and Metthew, Si. Catharines, Entry forms will be sent Oui wene weekend gucîts with Mnr.II c â&Q- o and if you wish ta enter, and Mns. Clarence Bray.fu - - O r Spe ialtyoffice by AUGUST 1ST, Marg Stecey) amidaghe No Job tee Big or tea Small uhm4HMeig visitiig with Mn, and Mini Ros J uly 20, Tuesday - 4-HCrdeRmandya emianl Bo Owned and Operated by: Sno Club et the, home of n ad rae n o PTRHA SEEMorris Stapleton. accampanicd by Mn. Bob Gil HCR R July 21, Wedaesday -4-HBwm vilcjydawk Pon Cub t he gncultural end'fiîhing trip ta, Hunît. ýPon Clu atthe griMr. and Mini. Wesley His and :famiy 'visiied Pioneer Village. Miss Jane His spent!A L L O N TN Râd«à031Mý the weekend' with Penny Jam-r&10-o es n tthe a coasi Ç unies USA The nox- Youî eyElsMyou fi amMr. nd rs.Harr Knx, II eveniag nang with some 350 Junior Fermens fram all avenUi Ontario thcy perfanmed i te '/" x 4e x,8' SHEETS Forum et Ontario Place ns a Mini. O. Gunvald,, and Lynn pecÎal ~ ' per sh-eet 10S. T ~~ .' ~ ~ ~ ~ f aIClgary, Sask., and Min.R,- ______________ _________________ Crydenma viîited wiv in.% Joe Snowden on Saturdey, ORIEWREOS UB.Af M.and Mini, Bruce Taylor _ COU__TWOICCAION ley Fnnuily pýicai held et WRIOS UBRA» ~ Onono Park, Mn. Rai-oh Lar mer, DnviýJd rniPu i A______ SIW ' IS N NY __ Blackstock, w7,ene Sunday even- NSO4STWN NEA * ing callens wiih the Teylors, __________ SELF SERVE LUMBER AND IIGSW ~-OEA n Mr. and Mns. John Knaxo ___________ vitdfor ihe weekend withE T EXIT 7BI3iGSPLYOTE n d Mrs. Robert Kerrn and BULIGSPPYOTE J,ff~ery of Acton. Your Workmn~s Compenation B~ndMiss Donna Glover. Kdron IIM ~¶ ~ ~ hM~N U 211 andSaft~yAsaia'Knox iîie wiM. nMî,anCOURTICE 728-1611 WAREHOUSE LUMBERLAND a Miss Grce adge, Wun 3i; E 111 iuiît iii mi-u peg, vhsited a fcw d&Ys c uh ~l ~ III Ii 11' lii r ~ ~ i M- Mn, and Mn ýBruc Takh

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