*- Thie Canladian Statesan,. Bownanville, Jl 2,191 i g, 1 ',oon al ers -îth heir auntend ithrb- nther Mr-il.s and uncl& M r.1a d M s. routt. --1ýn t enarý , l ac, om pa-nied y ,o a n - r C m pr1 -ge i rtns h b ss o l George. Joh :IlF Cnt csil FiM ny Crtwreo i ght dîgnita (r rncsth-o mpl'Elof BCw- they were leaders i a at - s- ne. M.s G i ac1 ý,1ýý.xo theIarea-r evtuid--lo ýëý thebai1gme.în ai edîn o WedIt f , July Gobka. Comml-; ý,--issionen M iceTLE MORE 051Seth -in C ntsl nptoOtaa n hrs2yPako S10l-rda.oPnratu -;iness be, fgini' o ay rovrn- Cformer Cedavale Sob-i11li oo A'l l,,(i00 Mrs. icuc, Tilson, ctit r ph01rý SU A211 , ' ' 1 I'tel S'ýý1hfs.o I e.stîeton -ýle_ 4 lth r a ha 4 Opmfloe d byi,;ýý; iL ý,,Ji, ' " l ' ie . ___e ahnuvîr' m unnînMrram-nob or is irbecause ofmaie! TheiOvai Yout- Teatrè Hope ard71 HiliMr. nd Mr Cancl StoksIldughtm ofShe dcîde it ad moe f[ild ign fr a ' diring he sgu o the omp y s oster, ieîeto thnsh1a h vnl el", - ng -,ignt Hand nestîng boxesý -1î , reIma-Il-,i -J make iL- th l -A - sud ýWor- -i1te s.AMran0is Wlia Bîý ea.mttre va an twi wa vot an1yWygere1%Cfry l rîgh trin- o hpmue thn Mis irk ai setr'dt D#iIMa b ue a Ta cy o The dèvotJIk i '.'ýfIlliona,(_(;i exèýIe c o su fll y Brthrl'Ie r, gbt, '"i ll she Wnghtàý,ý:lý , ,,"O ltde.-nve nthfn or tcorcioa c re M.e rb H,,a Zi]1amur o neilli, CathyIrGanter, Ili 1d, Mi Strs 2wouaeedo h'W, mg~ Ohwrtmê oi foiIIejfoe who cr4,mac- r i Mrofte PStan Pîouý-,ihmaLi "P h(i ale" etcofrtps er.Le ta re.u h uvrîvofhog ieMfoibr a4 wé, F .Sk c-t t ce omeoW Mî.in (on aadaIn S o Me uis1-tt'sr ay ve-$2,0 asdnte ol cs f nc1an -lier4t aniitr'flscl-ordeIpnc god or Grlfilea uce olelaieontie U- nv Loalgu talitewe- j' ndMm.Cirece Mout-n1_tig-id neontdrn ia Cort -roubot anda n atas ou of'lIlirs-1r grec,Ï &sIoe f1ou1s1C;tMis Nok 'o tads juti 1 ere EciagePrgm ni dig iilad ts goo ' oy o eeleo O Ptudyl'-1s te ttw yn . c.sd'id enug-fm- lcese frc 1onm ts'Ç ' epi iv "'t 4 d thJenss- Strd-evnug gu11-fa-ete.m. nd M . M_ dMr rîg ad c, ocepudn, nddd caRhmrreume b t a(io pssbe.T oai-n e SWEEP prog-ani, experie f iig ud ock Mca BthWilonai Mc. -îîg!î ad Dbime MmVes'oatIl' ffnde tseîbak oalêf eau alo n aw, aconsmedb'Mc su tisMc.an Ma. - is ar Mo"Oo iui ttiehmeapsifct-eSrne a Mca lex yiofMerîncowda 1 wa1lkie ,-1taikie, xv,ý- , ,_ . - ccie'- t rePACd Ene-slý lyli ong teb agLaakeeenof ciitooOnnudy thBbKiiesd nau i1tîe WH aln?'fie epeenstv adale- 1S otiag pP- ,- rtly. a"~risugbe re of bot okîg it pepl nyOw Ms. l son ant M Mc Mr Ga onPa1lei MItlolCs1pa', Br-e ,we1îa',aé1t nerecnt-iseotglOn-atcda lie',c tMsnJ S-ndIl'Serice 10 student . age." Quade accompaniei Mr. sutise hofoi setts veedt Sred Hat Csn heF, zs iu n isaf fil 1p f a bue crii- vers Cu 1ý,liy!isP kpatcîpated l Peblna Sh!jît ic a o b .Worclise grèauae ofllIsaMa.Aln isn u lz n'iecotgncuty u i 'St.angcon FahI.,,lil, Wou Satan o i, r reppîne1 Smetie r fial1atdom c ,îiy. liaabsie-ma1o--- lX, "Fei l becauce gic? la c u--O t wa Ct (perag wa eS c làb rain of cf e a Mepi or o- ccud, ail off N.af leton;, Mc.igaeccing contact,"'isuri also ,ý ý ýMacgeWellao -'s Iirfbday. day mC'uIu, classes, sud Mca. r rll( Riides, oflf t -,acted a Sunday s ,cisool pro- oyed a bay idef; ' f0 1tise fan ! tise i seric.' Mc Sîo nimana y- Mee a. Edas"(l Andccaonli 1oh- s Mainv flaes ffiýý-om ista aI r Eowec,Tmn. m be aîllanri a nc gi tise,,j.-t fat,1 y'TellM Wi." an- "Il] _-11 T/ewcastle .,iný otr Mor ei, GoJýrdo sud 'Tiselmýca, Micia Mc C Wlso asiaed>c1 -N, on antI-, Mc.. Milton Payne,- hoinilkoa offbu Miss antIleaievgnarab trouri off1 tise. farne o an1-1I tise 1'-mpany l;ulaon lisei organe. Mic i_ R~~~~a e ise br lt- ,ý;li ,ýide --,ý1--o " ý1. offMn.Do wmis Mn. sud Mir. I fr ed lun,: ch atI'ppeAifln tiai , 1lî fa îl wee ivie f-cose-Fiow e ' as tisai \,' f-,(- Isl l l Mount,î,oy.ig n hebut ,' -lue suFamil y. ohnVie of exresTdbyMca Goa wieemrotI M. r:IM atsereorismesag.1J a Mcama ,r: a-5w t 'isty petlsrw c i i I e - ,P , le F PouKellt ai-rIfain Duï- mng -fr!ýise aî i " ri believa .1fi 1 , - dalk antI Mc- Mnue HooriCougcataalalmnigf0Snirothr hic aueetarisauttaadBeLAy c veui50-eter*Grande]enter- FolioIme;0Irarn tie tranis,,li Brmpo_ tene teWec bid udgooMc udci liIi caï;mi iciiant witis Ch i wiliofmu i (guitar sud way ant11à ,Ji tll t. Folowi ,001 ýýIrlei-_ M anlitithMca. nkîloiKen wisa la qite ac tive Mc. Hori we su avecîgis tisUnî criCisucis o Sat1- eu w i hate o Sandy fo Bruce il( o, Donld su at al tima la parts',il bve guct of Mc. irilM4. Hebday ffiecnon. iseiTsoop- s'cinilypi1ui vilge filw g fsin to-fc hot1me c iis "lge IloflHaoîr1suWec - iaîI lou Sau dy ats wec'Mi e.1 Ru- sel Fran- Gr)-ý -ve ldy a cc aascd eoeyKn r ar c owacd oil fer Tne ',iso attend d froriro Peter Moore sori Daany, offc,,ý lc,ýý iî yoac uewsurqa ino 87-4213 of saafetaeMiss gu-an, Lanr(on, wc odyorwih eeM.sr are u ci h. ,No mase.j Spca isna f a [l a' l i r, Iaita f m1 useo fic. 1 111re1.of M ca. Vîclor - -M',oi ,,V -su iW ml-Po, Mc. sud Mca.hniýI, 1ý Coavien er fakîng aec tiselsud Mmc.JW1l, 1iISto kl,_-hoMc-. Nanan MeN llyoff Mcc b1wînuce Ml aInGaas, ClannBetiso r sud LiesIa Stalasman ou te _aI tse sat as baug maie M Afoear sChom ue epeuf ffewaley îBcry ad!b'u-P.ic.:aiid i . Scarbnnoag ; Mc. s1d M i s.--- _ýF ýý"r0 uiýý!Im 1inut,-saieiar cring -ybe-t' -es wek -i1s M. su-Mca.Nala Mair, Mc sudMcc.Illan Fran'isI ehsw; Mm son,~~~~~ wiso drovaOonft cîrwics Brwnl ant Guies ur riC C)sriil itd ots1iilu ulcci Mm-sai Mm.1Sn- of Bevero-Mn-su AIlCys off; aiea . a tI Mme. goinîg, on '. ;4I Ses Rangera. inqise fni!,ativ- . A,.ýit 7 ay 1Mc te Mca.sDis -i ruisf i f l adfis e n sarre- Mc a. eto n Shontcii-ý,,_ -, i sr 1lIMi.Tcca atauai ,j týlý,ise Fate J, M . uIM e.N ilB i Cri,-()ý -l-,lýci!Ir i l-ý-: 1,o, 1 ý la <aîfou. Geordie sarirMike, pife ber ciza is capable off pull- Bih wcce Mc. sud Mca. hPane fa',Pirpir ai Kanwla,,Howand sud Ta s tSf.Blc, - . - :,VeunýP i -randL me u o eix, ing em sce off isea woksud Chee Btbam !, isa a W i r "(l,3llo 'a-Ve1ruonF1 le1)ou r fisc sînrlr. Congratulations fa Mc,-I ý ili ii, Uriy Fonget antI risa Forgeil,', bas)fouri Iis tmao inug ])).fa heipel Em[ hessiIskil lcn, wrre ScA - jndsy dia-11',i ' ,l',ri,,',! r .ý-1Iýý-1;1,!i-.,-ý.' ý M m. , -- W1 esa- sîel nia ulg e, taenjo y if. Sise M c. s uriMca. E R, T a ylo rrI Sckefy. im i lb dr ; itIay o n S ala d a ( a da mao r 7,î - , , d1.1'I l1 ail off theN1vmllage, Mc. sud Mme, quit Tes- enîlal ta hem -,t', i Ilgarais;off& Mm.nsud Mm . Mac Gcaham antI'Dar'y hi ceebraflo j.i 'rAirlkisun Yaang sudP ocie off,1,, SWEEi'lP. a dy ,3Ir, uif n,Ser ihr Toms. DamMs-,meil ,' i ar ;a,,,în' Cmp M_.anof . dwrd Ha !ekni i aeLwsofho el en u wa hr . Jh rc srihetnisQ i . lar fo ira La 'ff Fla ria liday1it Ming1- wii-h - ý - i Onano sd Miss uzanne ec- so isc unio ro isueri he aud ou lasI isarsda anAI l ne- fo f lus crk. Mc sud Mc. Hacoîi Cr-w -alexofN tn Iîr. 7 tiser sn1ý,,tuienîs aton fisci ogai emn ireiy. On ý pobday ran wcek t .is H or i BuStIasai Mchel Wc-c' e aorry fa repor tiaIoff SW EP (Stuieuts W cki ofng T is o> i s Ang ý,lirs mnisra of uIsar, o-Cauty UOfý'ijise Sandsy geta we e(Jl et' na 1e1 _),ýo1 1' ,l-ri{en Boyd le i sn ffM. \o -la an Eni romep nt Enisa VnceSud isoo l ils AnnuaMlc ý Iseiri a J 'dgpig Da -tise Mn sud Mca. WIlleUoy, Paul ami c .Ros B o fe l met Po rm of a wiSoolPic ir u ho e -of -Mm -ai, M1ca. Ralpis suî B,,- Su a-,1 Hoy saýý f C.ri i h a 1l l1- P io ;1'd--lle ýi-t '1ýn -ý.ý -ývi axpeclad bcacug SWEEP Wernesday, Jaiv 4OaI Carl- brmen sud-ff tmiiy. baud%(ersJiîilniaricri> ailiof 1 C bnati ebis birtdOyIl 'Plh voIr dwu onisudun challege1playin oulise îsygrounr Tf(,ise Newat le a1m'ie--lý(Yril aï aton Ra ocf Wcgh bata- l'p M . ud c, ,Waltie nuC-dflfidI, m baccI. iullJcam hiicf a"ahcii utiegni,îar g t n.si Mcis Neily Werry noa.nleri tisai hic DeactH a ým l Jivillc 1visîte'yd Su-a 'ri ' CI'Op froml he was taken to Mai'iflR'1a fw aid lac, ýlud Jay, Mc. sri Mca. Neil cnt'clyoatis iti c cuiug wtis tise1Hawad ý i î Briti lpif i hcc r be ýtc leamari icm n --tia. ecitiena 1 i lpplI t iauriay ieni:ý; ýitsstZ c) ic-,l arir ýlb ' l' lýý, - 1udboa anbu icBai ecne rcnl mýn gaiy,Ha cd sud 'rama rancis will epauri_'t5 su -La f aniily. Swo- 'l ,iýý(- h, ccc roi-i-, ;t Eatinari"I',> ý ý,ý, tw etseaomsluN w-L nu at.rer is 7 im c n rii r rogm n f ccafii c.r MDn Frcwrtr wecc ,'l','01.,,;ýi(,I VV1 C;ý,ov lubI a i -'lýîl l is ii i hi s garste , cste's faor -, 1--sd Fmuy iir at isectag uhe pmei a includa Saaay oveT.ý mi h1guste waiI tb e tva h nuIlleS'L'ad y, Juiy -2, ,, 1 < Týlii-tise Kend l Ica i l- Oiildta at iew L k . Fs,,avent; sounda ' '71. Suurtl ý .-Ciay aT,;tm noon( antI1ti,- e aven-, ýci,,fý,iI 1T l11, '>'iý",Iil - i oýý- ,o.e.a 4oubleh il) mn Sua-swas a bi1 Sssyepacîycas weiî Tis prrg1ail wiil,-ea-!e ing dinner gucat witis Mn, sud ___________________________________i_______ dayta eee. is tiet are a cîchstug n. ismpcn' ekllri ocaiss, oneniorMic ary Mbugisî,,,ýla, wlerCai.nl a-iwee, v CLU TAY(/éWf~T1I wc a 8t ui fwa 1- m iîbray.ay rtamnais nur c sdMa.Dula ichnit S( REEN1- Bell Type1 i ý4I'ýUT- -nd h scod.Tsenei oe 1h itiMftlnwill ha1 cp.han'lcalMigroupa FMty yIouu-g- off Wooýriviîa, PEPPE torSc[th ýLrge 3ý 1-cr ;pat ,O1 -ýý ~ N 'm o ielclbyawi spy1 nw tsI JînyIOual uiîu i hi' Mc. ud Mc.-Ca Me Wi--,ý ý1ýý, -, .v <er Thainsopposition adbisrtuaiwil Nweek. OacI t tisose sa L(ýlctarifa rhu, mas1 týýq, is,,e1e Sml d Wgiýlams iisJ;Irg ,- eçl"lil «ýý . ha lise Mieani froni. Litîle Miss11Floraucel Vanfiem e ,imakeîtise tourliwiiîiVha $rtiOli fam lyI1(ARROIS Canada No.\,ri Grade, 3Ili, , -l. ~ Bîtin H,_ur,'acs aaayg1 _.oIin, essImnsac sd.c.su Mc. alohi if OtaînNeiCopbÏ sud Mle.Kaitis agereon l s meAclsprat eversi onti.s TheilgPl a, wi,;lI1',1l'- ,l i i wene Fida ap p off Whii ele, Sîza 40 oi O S,,if, in MninaiHspll wt ts Mloni faml mnlls-u nittonnl , c sai rc Frd ays.'0V -lr..ît;t' I ý ýI t O SudayMc.sur M/.afur"iy. Atise-walKnof allEnitari, rena CI g e-./- Cr' ()ï I ( tarari.,1teis prlents antI Maa J'liouaig, n em1-an Parcy Fred Dayes.Otiser uuday EfllTInD l. Legm n Aifiriý,lSt r i Pea W î ,e Mus jiciens1 Gwishîug tý a sur int ssd anly roila: JA', PAlK1R BOR-E:' B AM orQl AplanesHnknTîsni . i Mi--lin r amarifes todrsuiUcaChc Adnws A p er Pi . -i- 8 ,nrih orgaoOe < f rtl ý-,h fIleu;t oý r, 99,lý'7 lý r, , Ceangratulatiausn;iJ ta Mc.,l[ udcsStreaf lu-l Tocouto.- focp two busf Mi loaIi lsi-off rlocm aR1(al I )VA 1IE -I1S lie< thair wmvas. l bIaving1 Mark- ,,,, ....1 - , A Stanofisey ravelcIrtisougi Jli, - : - 1 Aý 'll O SOi . ý - vilJý-r nil(ý,,ir-i lhei 'uvro-foitiseïl fruitrriheWe ltaisNiagaca I, Falis , WerT 1ITOMATO 'il(AUCE 'dS ze Esseh ira l , l 'l, " î o, -jar 3-<I macvllig ettis houing1 1o LAOUR al f (revolingi at' Niagara ,,vce'ý I@oliI1?ý o 1 ,aif Il',r r loci i i ni r)(j p f'i ,,ýý, J.aiý- ý (%,, -ý -ý, l -, , Fai i es sud -i f1î'omt rl', e, tisey oh- ý .anei1 secacla',ex.:o 1 ,e iJmifilo.-Mn-sudMrs. , G rll'-For ,ik anMiltSn Ficisen off Cacearea Great un>Your *, our 1 - F)F'P' Býl)ý,' speeIý Iccovey, X n, Di alii ,Mt HoýAýmTa c'uamong1 tise, ho -,2 e 13urkboi-Il. Ple;ýFCý, ï -,P pl)on,. ,Vý-t(, Altcnd, fl'ipi 1 gqcrts sud cOilr,_, - ,.:isIr- 1sc-rt a -a ' i gis\tful ý ý . ý day. .iss spendilfciudl 'i lp a~~pin l am n i n bus iess,, _\ý, -. Burketon lr witis 9lw,2îa 9 -0 ýl, - for (,>.Ar--F- 1 O 24 ( , 1 kN o' . ., 1e - . htpr of ,Tr, gl iest oi M rs, 0 l ill,ýIJ>-,. 'v"-in ýjm1( c rIl. M . lrl(1 'U, af ý ri 1 l1 ý roi1, ,J i ', and I',, f , s " tin s ý K'lca1tID IES 1( ,I, i1d AY Thurs; iday e e Reducd Rates on ome1Rides- r&1{.1Lee, rs. Giils. co i frt, I.kJIm rIci Ile an M s.W ilia S oc s, ý,-in Y tý. oina M ý, <-i 1 i r DIlý, [,.ý-i ,m (, ',,Iil(-lilýý (,. i1 c lltc: Ri'll)[l riilgurats!1 wît-b M;1, - ,, ,a. * Hose ace Thrsdy 500 8 ace Flyd loy an theGolenally Bys cci Wisonla ontPer1.Ili Saudy1:30 - 9 Races Friday ai 8:00 p.m. Iaetvctr îf vr anId Mca. Richard Davison Ws PariMutel td e e preseat atfending s Vice- * ig800pmThursd y adSqaeDancing Piucpl'scourse at Yark Offiiai penng 8QO .m. nciSquae Uivenaity for the monts off * Miss Oshaw Fair Pageaýnt Saturday at 8:00 pi. JaIY.F hBnls ose .Bnla ut b6~FahIl i Sundsy afftcmuon sudd eup- or Sh ud s 5 /r .aei76 $1,049, ini Prizes for the Win'ner * Saddle Horse Juctging pe guests wereM. andI Mrs, l Thursday ai 8:15 p.nl. Starting ai 9:00 a,;m.; Býiggest Saddle Hsrse W .DcisoPr npc accomipanieri hy Mrs. Joiib n Red -Brand -Great On YVour Grill$ ierRgh U 1t,,F * '~n ,e..a~*Show in the area, Leug-Hodgc off1 RetIDccc, AI - m*i , ',,u. ..îr etscousin off RihrU a e~ e ~ l 9 '1O Friday ai 30pm. * Horse Drawing Contest- July 24th Dvson. __________________ Mc. sd MsCarl Eilot,j ic -udDavid off Leskdale,( I f î 5.Ii 3VaieTe spt Sundey ighlt aI NetI- I DETER GE NT <5eOFF) rIjip ta Sisedy Acces at Keene,. KING SUZEI awa Fair '1TIDE Powde3-5-B BOX1.4 I3. buiitariChancis off Mar Gis ansd James P. Burchil511 and