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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jul 1971, p. 13

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Fiîne Weather for Warden's Picnic On 'Saturday, a large crowd of IJnit"'d Counties councillors, their wivc's 4an çffsi(,als uiedoit for the annual Wacden's Picnic et Ocono Park, plus the 1~ieditefamily-ý andI quite a few relatives cf Warden Harvey Malcolm il Yelvrton TheStatesmau xvas fortunate to have Warden Malcoim and his rm- jrned iateP-family take a few seconds away from the bell games, races and other eventýs jto pose for this pîcture that includes his, wife Corrne, older claughter YM1tzi, sN Martî and daughter Mona. In the second photo, Mca. Waltec Ryley oý Coiborne holds the rubbeî hammer she won in the nail han'meting event. Shr ,v h wne in a playoff with Mrs. Don Lang, uf Fraserville, 1est year's Scachorough. Mca. W, Bruce Meccer is a patient in the Memochal Hos- pitai Bcwmanville. Mca. Harvey Morgan vi-h hec sister Mca. M. Harrison lof Bowmauville are on a bus~ Itour to theWetr Provin- ces. Mr. andI Mrs, Archie Lunu, Mr andI Mrs. Keith Wood. . . ..Mc. andI Mca. Leonard Hoy aud Lisa were among the guests et the Carchichi -Hoy wedding in Lindsay on Juiy - -- -- -- -Mc. andI Mca. John Mooney -andI Blair cf' Tiadale, Sask., ~ ~'. ~ spent several days îeceutly w.U their cousins, Mc, an-! Mc.Archie McLaren ana.- family andI Mca. C. S. M- S...LarenandI oe eaies. Mcs. Lyun Brown cf Oc- uno, who was a patient iu the> Port Perry Hospital andI was transferreci to the, Osha General Hopital last week andI hec 31, year olsI son Jimmie ha a patient lu the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, foilowing an arn- dlent near Greenhank on Mu day,, Juiy 1l2th. Jean, hec n faut daughter was not hurt. M anIMca. Francis Cow anrnanchildren are at a cot- tage et Canai Lake for this- week. Mcs. H. Bowcn andI Mrs. R. .... McKay of Broute, were week- end guesta of Mc. andI Mca. - Ken Bail andI atteudeci the" showec ou Saturdey eveng foc Miss Marlon Buchanan c Oshawa, bride-eleet, given e s. ~ ,~. the home of Mca. K. Bell. Mc. Douglas Moffat of Fi- . .... lacton speut the weekend et bis home. ... . ...... Mca. H. H. Barlow, Mc. andI Mcs. C. Warren Lowes,: are on a holiday ha the Wes- tern Provinces. Miss Catherine W. Stew- art of Kendai andI hec cous- in Miss Marlon McKelvey 0f Kirhy ieft lest Thucsdey fî'n Mca. Mary Elen R. Law- Miss CheyhII Cornish ansI the Internation al Airport,' 11ruce Judith andI Paul of John Coruish with their Toronto, for a holiday lu Eng- Pueblo, Colorado, spent a grandmother, Mca. Bea Joncs lansI, week wt their cousins Mc. of Newtoaviile, left lest weeký Mrs. E. Archer cf Toronto'ý andMrsý. Ache McLacen foîn the International Ait- visited Mcs. C. Seal on Set-- andI famihy ai. îvîsited o-the-r port, Toronto, to vîsit Mc iucday aftcrnoon. relativ.Î and I Mca. BusI Joncs andI fam-1 ,Mc. andI Mca. Chas. Tay- Mc-'. PR. R. Waddell, M,. ily et Edm-onton, Alberta. ý lor andI Master Walter ShePr- andsirMca.Roy Meccer with Mc. a i s. Chas. Taylorl win accompanied Mc.ar Mc. nsIMca Hecy Mrce ans MaterWalýtec Sherwin Mca. Chas. Reesor cf 'Mar- returned home on Sunday ev-ý were Satudeycveniug dia-l hem speuding lest Sund,, ening fcom -an eigh a c nec guesta 0f c. ad Mca.j with Mc. and Mcs. Lorne I toc trnp to Saan Sask. Ross Tay lor andI children e ti Cain cf St. Catharines. ýMrs. Douglas Hird cf Whit- hy,1 Mc. andI Mrs. Lawrence' 1-arris andI Charles are on ai ;motor trip to visit Mc. and; Mca. James Grunerud and' so ery at St. ClousI m nesota, U.S.A. Mc. anci Mrs. Grant Mof- fat anid sons of Oakviie vis-ý ited Mc.WinMoffatt oni M.andI Mrs. Cleveland1 Caverley cf Boulter spînt Thiurs3day of lest weck wîth hec sîster Mca, 1\Mr-hali ht terton. Mc. and IrMc. jas. S tapie,, Mr. andI Mca Cari Bilhings ýhave heenon a bus tou 1r to the West. 1Congratulations to Mc. ansI îMca. John David Alun. the former Miss Anna MarieI Scott, on their marriage on Saturday afternoon et 33 piJuly l7th, in the Oronoï UntdChucch, Rev. Besil E.1 Long, B.Th., officiated. Mr. andI Mca. Carman G. White andI famiy are on a holiday motocing to the West. ICongratulations to Mr. and jMrs. William Terry Fisk, te former Miss Nancy Jennifer Barrahahl on their macriagej i7th, in the Orono Uieî Church, Rev. Resîl E. Long, îB., Th., officiated. A thought of consolation to Mc. andI Mrs. George P. Mt ris andI familv lu their greaf ioss. Mc. Morris is the Busi- ness Manager of the S tates- ian, fcia,. student exehange pro- , The Canadian Statesmaný,i.owmnanville, july 21, 1971 1 BET H N Y gra Pa Jo es lave ths ' ~lin Haydon Community C rnt al,, W est Lock, A bet, re-z Mrs.Jeane Mcaho , B- week for VnoueABC , Aun, Cn n a vrd Arh- Mrr. Ar-thujr Trewin R d fZim-:on Sunday eveningenodmaedfrahlay th ny musie teacher, attend-lon a stud(r-ts1 r pn tn elvjeaehldyngîy h e ed umer lasesatth Ro- soedbySencaColeg. îththir radprensMr. Ms.Walter Murry, Tor- sevice very muuh, Mrs. A.Thomepson iwas an ai Conervtor ofMuic Two in forthe(e, nyadMs.Fe ho. oto, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. MissFracs ot, oiii-overnight *guest at(, n *during the p ast weck, suySenior Softbail tpraintis c n rFrdAh oLod îNshton. wod is o eryaMrs. F. A. Osmond,Bo a- ingth "Kll KrbyPino ee. n Wdnsda ngh, llr ad Mrs,. Bi1 Ashtoni Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Thomp-IGi'andyý, Que.; Mrs. Doriotville ~Metods couse.the score was 7-5 ovrBailie- iTrenton; Mr.and Mrs.Timn, Randy and Penny, Les- Perym',WtLok1Abe- Mrand Mrs, J, Potts. Msui' Mr, nd Ms. Grdonwoodi boo an onSundy 6- ove Madre, arinandJo-Anne kard; Mr. R. M. Thom'pSo1, of ta, called on Mr. and, Mrq, J . Prya n r. and f aily are on ]holidays j sOnmoiedthiepretseamtovisited Mrs. A. Potts5 and Bill and Mrs. w hitne~atne îni mooin oBowod e-1li' and Mris. Fe Ashtion ýand!Thompson, Martt Mrs pr t Mrs . Olese.n oni founrdland, to visit with his vTrpnM teddth rMe pci t r. and Mrs. Bernard'DrtyPrySna parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ru-TE TO Oron Park on nddail rtu pert Woods, atp il ahrdaHuea adfaiyrts- a"or a blen n" 'qhome to Calgary on Mon- Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Talhrt,, Congratulaiîrfon to r. n ie weelost tM. and having spetwo ees MsBert Ashton's D'y te1ynttw1ek HihRiver, Aita., are visit-I Mca. Brian ra (nee Cairo l i we ýith her parents, Mc. and Mrs, in ihtheir daughier ansid Wotten) who were marr'edcrek.Charlie ard,7 7- w in h Mr. and Mca. lEd-1 on Saturday eýnd wilibe liv- Mr%.and MrsiJohn Rosa re Ga-ard ee.ing inLos on the ret.urntsolidaying at their cottage au ýVisitors at the C. Garrard gar tronitheir *hnp ni onRdl ansIvisited ast Wed-home ducing the week were, o ufelhath t- , . M.and Mrs. Charles Rcy Yrmter ýi"Mon. oseale sdaydvDnonY e nolyouel, ir.o1ou1w il, noldis spent sevecal days last Marti aloîispent the rnesýdaY With 'her sister Mr. Tuem g, Mr. and Mrs. (ýý /1'D. Cameron; Wednesday, Mc.' itiefetoyormoeHaeouosdrda ls ,week visiting with relatives pastonht with his cous- anid Mrs. Fred Ashton, Býruce Garrard, Doug and Tini,l career, with micoie diretlqy pR'jlatdt'forHvi in Oxven Sound, nJyMaclnc Don M\ilîs. Giln Ashton, Peterboroughi, Keswtýick; Saturday, Mr. andl hesitatetd because you 2feII that therewa n seu 41 I Mr. and , Mrs. Kenneth' Yelvertoni Sr, girls w:-nralled on bis relatives in, the Mrs. Cccil Wood, Oshawa: eln.ta o a e ea"oaslsa"t Spers, Bufalo N.,1w ehoh f her ames this pýast v7illaige on Sunday. Sunday, Mr. andI Mrs. Robert guýestsý with Mr. andI Mrs. week vs B lhn nIJnt M' nIMs î rhiTwsnsik nI Mrs. sceeed? Walter Neals last week. viii hy a csdeai mac-- Q,)ue., ad Ml ý Griffin, Blackstock; Mc.-.and i~ ol nieyntaiqieaotor"ae Mr. andI Mrs. John Palmer gin. On Wedneýsday the gîrîivaIî80îeYfieîdnvte ouinan r anSa_ý ans fa ily wer in Tor nto te ni nsI ther c ach s w reM rs, R o)y Graham w ere Sat- M rs. Alfred Garrard, Barry' Wi nd Sua y ansIre pi or n to e am 8114ts of M c a cheMs. e r de y u p c g e t f t andI Lo ti Ann, w ere supper1 W ih A Salary". Weprvide y en wiith a basic s l joyhi dy t hene t-I Caes or atthr rc ottg aetM.adMs eleget.Plus usual staff benefitsý, plus commission incentive. You joal a i h e eGraham,. Miss Sybil Gcaham la holi-. need net be a "hem salesman' - we provide basic sales7 creation centre "O n t a r i o near Fenelni. daying with hec grandparents! tann n e uevso oesr orscea Place".I Mr. Ray McCullough had MissJyLeig, faFor ilLke Mrs. HaroldI Thompson and~ the misforiitne to have jjiTyrone and ,'le7andra Mor-, Mc. and Mrs. Ross Ashton.i To qualify for this plan, yois musw av rae12eu Miss Lila Davis have retur.n-I water truck uipset it the rowI Don Milîs, vwere Friday Miss *SheclAhoM.Ry aino qiaen;hv u1sfu o' xeine cd fcom visiting with their doich wh demadig 5e 1cjovr Agh uTesta of . î1ansI Plew aiieboro, attended;' a reputation as an benest, rcehable andcnsiteu niece and nephew, -Mc. and oiglonidrade amgeulMr . tu rwn ila the McLaughiin - Rogers wed-i Person, willing to worn3k Wbard and study to îimprove yqm, Mcs. Verne O'Connor at their the vehWre dPu. ding at 'Penetanguishene on Ieneaivctoa tts cottage at Long Beach, on Mc. Briani Wilson of Guelph 'Mc. and Mrs,.David Nloï-jow!Saturday. Icm n oiiilsýts Sturgeon Lake. UJnivecsit, -snt the wieek- andI Alexandra, Don Milis, Mc, and Mc4s. Lloyd Ashton, wOt Lctin -- OT HP Mis iVarlyn Len asIE'n wih is arntsth Jak ere Sunday dinner guests ofMrs. Walter Murray, usil Pes write nofdnegvig eal e miss Gayie Hannan of Chilli-~ Wilsons. the Arthur Trewin famnily. lOrmiston, Beth, Barbara and wack, B.C. have been gue,.4s, Mc. and Ma Aldo Nsl.Mc. and Mrs. Silas Trewîn,ý Grant Ashton, Linda and Jan et1 with MViss Dehbie Marti-ý and family w,,ere overnighlBowmanville, were StincsylShiarp 'attended the -Weriryîjý <henko ans hc aensM.ý visitors atth Hacvey al evenling callers at the Trewin picic eat Blackstock on Satur 'mld Mrs. Frank Martichenko. colms, Miss Mona Mïalcoi home. day. 'h'c two girls wece here1 returncd for a week's hiij-' Mca. Mal 'olm, Scarhn)'nugli. Ail those 'ho attended t he! BX8 OTHP -ugh the np rvn day. is__hoiidaying 'rth ii' andiservice of the Saivation Acmyi cH'INA Open Stock PICNIC CUPS 2S5y1Oc Peut Humus 50 11b. bag 9 7c PAINT Discontinuied and misniîxed Quart 97c Gallon Fishing Tackle Save at 5 Gren Cos TANTOO STRO - KI FR!!CANADAHus I lnsect Repellent sSouvenirNu br I Reg. 1,3:9 DELIVEýRY 0F ALL PlaquesBlcI Pick yournme o Special S87, 2.77 PRHSS77C ea. lce.J 12 MARLES Gun Recoil r Brooms IESCr ah uh rom 101l per 4ag Pads Cr5 ~rn Your ChoiceBr hVaust$79 27e 47C 8ee.6C ea. 77,,Ib.7 bawn nOaie rs FutEeti Table Cloth at JPcueFae 18"> x 24" 4Ire Re . 2085Re27v each F y i l rf rPicnie TableM G r g s I Home Hardware 7 Save at 9,47 oc 0 ea. 8.77 1.47 Soe j_______ 9C.4-L Frying Pan Tre od VALUE and SERVICE-Sog o F ý MeGregor s Home Hardware Store an FRIDAY Fantastic Plastic 9 P,. ANTTRAPIS Lgt Fitures SATURDK'Y onar 0oOfTU R SDA Y 6 P.M. g.9car Everything Must Go62-52ow1cad DERCLSSTRDAY Home ha rdware'C Storeýs only à e a. c re o4L1WEto 1Serve RUBR3ERMADESTW.Pni Drawers BOWMÂNVILLE Eg 14 Plastic SUPER jCND PEATMOS TIie~ ~5flO Garbage Bags KEM TON! HL T uei Place Like 2" urt GllnGeuneLatj'T-po n 26"x u.ud ft.1e O E 3 pkgs.79 28192 ny11e.,14 __________________ __________________________________ nyCoour_________________ _________________ 4eea. FondueFok 7epkg. COLEMAN 2 burner Camp Stoves 14.88 Laundry Baskets Oval 57c ea. 71"x ft.à OpentokVau GUN SLINGS Raid is Here, Plastie PDails Mr agisLawen Dairts Iperial by EDWARD!)S DAY for 8 Qt. Capacity Isd tL .Msro 1.67 97e pr lin 29eMcGregor's 54 se er fin >Home Hardware Store _____________ PLA BALSj Frying Pans for kidq oet ah ageE l7ea. Casi Iron 9.ý, o2V- FRISBEE Prof essional Size 7e4;e a. THERMOS BRAND Pienie Jugs Reg, $4,97 Sale"*24.9 7 34. 1~ -I Skipping Ropes 7 cea, 5'ýUM'MER URNITURE AT BOWMANVILLE 623-3388 la- -1 Bamoum ffl-

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