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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jul 1971, p. 5

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Report fromOttawa By Russeli C. Honey, M.P. Y 1>11l V W L I YII L I V Righlights of the * 1laif of capital gain taxable at tx C l'nud from lisat wcek) paid for in taxes and resoldvc'they aare not. Our generatioai Tai Reforrn Legia*lation pyrsproa rate. Haif of capital Aotthe saeatime cdu-itbaf, you will gratefully ta-ke sterted te dagle luge dollarý Intendced te Corne Into Effect In 1972 ls eutbe faor wr tyîg ofornýthis great gift, use it to tha sigras la front oS our eyes tii-li c lai~~~~ ge ra.Wt Icm hst of your abihîtyad let we- ceased f0 le able te -& e rsnlInoeci-irue apitlgains taxed ati, ah trustec boards if was a case'aîugb wse rbt. fletigao1rae ipr i c exmptions increased: single, te *Fedritai lgit and estafe taxes aoih oS lircnic frmng lltIct You will meet wîtl tIc tance inlapyliig.W could afford the beat teachers semae temptation as bas every have csrocdsomul fr $1,5ý00. fo $1,000; marrîcd, te $2,850. cd on Dcme 31, 1971L aadgoo cuîpcn wh1eyoung generation siace the naturel beauty witî itatrc foi$,00 Taxpayapr's h omne and onle acrý-eto ln porrfarmin districts had bcinn1ffm n la aan idie nwg rslr income, ail mar- comipletely exefmpt from capitalgan f0cmlo econd, yes andi to con ider your generationi Ofle(I ýirqhng 1 hope you will1 ricd-stafu axaes a ess in 1972 tax, th1 laatachars and lîttie sinarter than prccediiig gel- 1have streagpii and courgefa hn t iis5pai7r py eqipet.Dnîg la îe rafions. Think the mater do i7, to Mî[1l acial discrmina eset; sngle-status taxpay- Corpolrations .ail Shareh-older«a thc lades S he Woraei's Ia- through and vou will know t111in wý,herer h "Itreara j1iful.-raesa epomn noe* eea a aefo oprtos titu ,stevi ad atfied to aven this îis not truc. You have b-een haad. Fid wyand meaa 1 beow À"" 0 50 pefr cnt ini 1972, diccjlînîng one pr up it gff o euimaî a xposed, fe much knowiedgelfind work fora c nd*Iii 7prcntrt ffderal tex cnaapoeint annually ta 46 pa-r cent for fîl chos aibsaraand learaîag and have had fhe womea aab cton work. (won i k wIill berecd progressively ta six in 1976), It'u waa toe sholaitus rbea.oppotunity to absorb it. TheI repat not wVfre. ?old andt pahpaahastat the facf la that thc knowlcdge vwc like f0 thirk1nk yourganaral-;t"in par cen by 1976. *a aeo 5pe eto i9 lanrzpaircawssutAancn galher ia a lifetimne 15 soiwill face thIn idien liquestion1 i ldcn xessddcî l p a 5000 fbusiness incomeavilbl j ctIae Ï w )s1vigorou i)opoi tio n meager fe thc knowladge we with a pur'posa. Teac-h tflem $500. per i-child udr14, maximuim of ta Canadian-controlled jpnivate corp- by ~ ~ ~ i mey npco .Ewill neyer lava lime t a cptamcvsel- to wor $20.pafaml.otontaastgoth C'a1lrl pThaa teekaaoa ube n iv ges la f'fli own way * j expu tion of $650. for ii- * Dividend-I(,CIilcs tax ýcredit increascd t 3 chngs n ws cwnedby his truc you havea athoui- Tus oes oo fr tIiundn- omcîa sucesala oi about tha saMns sand tirnes more knowledgetdeveloped couintîias ofr lc vdasea6 n vr elcs prcn n nlddi noe fiieaocwer aoud iÂh tan your parants and tenlwôrld. Do tnotwfîodyul exemption of -3500, at, age_ 70. TxRa ormCon or 14.thousand more flian nMy gen-'haad te halp t 1 in1cmt ok*Ep.,oymnvpnsisdPdctile:Ifthe presnt system a ýnd rte(4 a eretion. My young childhood louf 11cm awn futu Jnre la tîiri kIlw aU)58ephone radio r#On way. Iwoud ike - )uhroi Per rcent of amploymaint incomrneman in caffect ini 972, Canada-ý !lad f0 la bumît fIn accn0- -TVno lectric ligîts or ap- lead your gcaion backlta up ta $15r0, a .y ea r.wo l hae about 19,000,000 txaas fIe old cioo a iîa o lacs a n etînyn eafvnamr îcpi-*Moving expensas ddutb ( or tex-Tiereform will give thesa resulta for to teecin r i7 waaflot travai or even pianos. cd rlliS..To r9i ic faith 'in1 payera changînig jobs,, them: quee. Iar wa aglnpo1_ 5 5oýan o te ariGd ou freafes iedmd* Emnployer-paîid living expenises ,at Ail i%(i-rsol1na l1 rn ese iSahrepower vich an iiladaocwae oifinnot bce«1use oud adroadan te irf log Icwe. rap fls distant wonk stsmadce tx-ra.aimintadfor 1,000,000 roun dnddrunntadathcd a1qncw acboolli bu itirnts lcda outlyingSdhet-thrcshing tearn angine. There a sat acomlismc t i tIkcy* Limnit on totlal charitable donatIions Txs(euc or47000 bu a 1-ict dî n eliI lic tho ht werc no .paved roads 1or te get succs iiinhot ler ,raîscd fta 20 per cent of incamne fra)m 1axeýs chang-ed by las thail onc oicS di 1o Lclrhth to .h plougîed noada in wintcr. Al thiaga. )C- et o flic fu-ture cos gof thérthase y ou ware bora juta and Yusiacerely 10par centýt. prcn o ,0,0 schiool. takc for grantad as if il lied Rua Gradmaf 1er, Capital G;ainsxs increased for1,000 Y1ouag peopla, I lave t6ld'always existad. Agnas Burlcy. yo ilfl te aumy Te final generation Cana-1 PW0 N1L3 _know tIc alool ystem a! ta- dians could nof expeat fa ac- lkd Wat do wc Senior ~I~ day is a fer- -v ft-rn fhc SY5s complsl anything but survi-v- Citizana tlink o! Old AgeN e-1 *hi te dd ihIhelîapPensions? Wce g :rateful ta It did nof e cvolveý quaetly and of the ladians wbo taughtit e Who arc gZivi,1g ils the Mrs, Bea Joncs, Cheryl and and girls, Oro-no, lied dinner arc Misses Joan Cel ad pvealcyobuthewa fu gt par-he th spanaad fruits te meag u hrougî e%. If'lI Crh, Orona, liff y on Sunday with Mn. amd Mrs. Margaret Wilcox of New- avnec Sîewyb ar-ca, fa lrcw for madicîne andimess the diNerellec bctween ; lneo ensa e iii.M oe.castla, enta- anir ntarcat cd aider pao- îepio ns.Tc egfliving la youn mwa home Mr.panan Wc.Bd nes anisi .M. Joncsý.,j dm _Di aiIoyu wat you e h oso ta hntauor hîl a lurden l M.in Jns ndan.dd iaPJmddaa Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Clys- pl al orya. LOtherahw ohn fr dbeing smacfmî,[dgado r pnigedale, Mn. and Mrs. Phil Gil- nopk at your beautiful build- auimmls for food and live inielse's home and living n MranMs.CR.Fro fe dystPanli. mrnd n.adM.Ry p ît imsisde wasbroi, isolation. Tliey were ant 1tdi iiy.,Tmkn tene h ls cý_Tojiiig wat an, auditoriums, le able ta survive and leave -,,lied Sturday supper with Mn. Fmi-renon srpieebnpis terwdd fic ClySa- youjr kidrgnen, ôecial aud Mns. Frank Reader, Osha- 25tli wedding annivarsery for dale-WesrwdigS- thiagsae liffle casier for thar wa. Mn. sud Mrs. Sid Stacey et urday eveuing et Oakwood jaslfea or bosoka and fres îe sorv lT7rV1TTTr M r. Steve Searle is spcnd- flair home Seturdey aveaing Ur,7nitcd Churcli. rpciali fahng eup Ient This lias beau thel,-,tot TARKVYLLE .J.j ing a féw days wifh Iils and received giftsansd e cake. TIe Woeil'Institute c ld frac transportation f.a High down fîrougî thc yaars,. ELad gradmothar, Mrs. M. Mc- Guests wcra: Mrs. Margaret a somm In aclnhe n Scbol ndspeýIi-ei-Îfpnggenaration las donc ilsl; esti Mn. suad Mns. Allen Haw, Fac. Ottawa.1Stey r.An Ca- prorame ed financial gar- with the knowladgeaned Fort Francis, wara receat, Two miscallaeous slowcrs lwright, Mn. sud Mrs. Rod I'nm esci ua snig~ qi inat illid sud leSt visitons et Mn. SÎd Hllowc1l's. wrl inlathe Sunay McNaîi 'and Debbic, Mrs. Stijl Jiiglier educa1tion. Look ai thinga latter Son flaeir cbild- Mn. sud Mrs. A. Van Druncu 1'ichool. On Tuesday evenlng 1Vanna Gibbs, Mn. Cecil Loi- ail o!flese thingç yonil par- ren. This la ail you fao wil!bhansd sou Michael, Newcatle, for Mrs. Karen May and on land, eil of Port Hope; Mn. enta anid oldar people haveabale f0 accomâplis; ta do youn visitacl Ian parants, Mr. and Thursay evcaing for Missa 'nd Mrs. Norman Sfacey sud __________________.best and leave Caniadlé sud the Mrs. Harold Souch, lest wack, Arlene Atchison. girls, Orono; Mn. snd Mra. wold e littla latter than wlat baSana laaving for thair buI- Mn. sud Mra. Leanox Vaecy, Don Lapine end boys, Hsmp- elCs Tdyou found ît. day with friands ia Hollauci. Part McNidliol, spent a ew ton; Mn. and Mrs. Ken Brig- ay TIcla ssoenocî f0 ba donc Mn. sud Mrs. Bria Cas- days lest wack with lien par- nail, Newcastle; Mn. ud rs GIdApilace ba your ganeaeion end sainelwcll, Bevarly and Je!fray enta, Mn, and Mrs. Biii HerI Rogers and Jimmia o 0 FurM A pi e ofyi is to correct fhea errons speut e faw days camping at Stapiefon on thecm way liome Toronto; Misa Tîcrasa Hoori- -i through we older ones have mede. ThIBon Echo lest wcak. froin Ottawa. eeM.sd Ms o waters oS aur lakes, rivera and Mn. andi Mrs. Sid Hellowell Mna. Geo. Campbll o! Wel- Owles and Sendy, Judy, Jui 5 T A T E S M A N lifle streama hava ta la Puri- i wera in Mount Forest iêst coma, Weil known Son heran sd Jerry Stacey. C L A S S 1 F 1 E D 8S fied. We had flougît the wcok. Imusic instructions at achools, Mr. sud Mns. Glan Farrow Phone 623-3303 sore l uae wsterarnd airl Little Toay Murphy, 'Paris, passed away Safurdey pven- spant thie weekcncl at Mr. and __________________ souwre edosf sd wPko has1 beau apaa. ding s fcw days iag et Port Hope Hospitel. Mns. C. R. Farrow'sansd et wer enles ad ow e rlo 1wifh lia grendparcats, Mn. Mn. sud Mrs. Sain Butfary, tedad fIe Headerson - Woo sud Mrs. John Murphy. Bowmranvilic, werc callers on îwarýd waddîug mn Bo0 cil - - -----Mn. sud Mrs. Russell 5ev- ISsfurday avcuing wifh Mn.ivilleon Satunday. Thay arep ar-y apant Sunidey with Mn. sud Mrs. S. J. Lancaster. anow liolidayigagiethflicEast sud Mrs. J. Bothwell o! Bow- Mn. sud Mra. Clias. Gray iCasai, Accompa.nymaig ticin f mianvillea aitfliccottage et 3~Vo. Mn.sd Mrs. Jîmý Sterk Cro0ss WiII PayPUSPC 3 5 , 'o f' f lattendeci fie WraaPicnic B1l e ia Orono Park Saturda EXCLUS' ternoon, day aS-U PRERN SHE41paeta, Mn.ad Mrs. Harold Caswel. Pont IHope, were 2glasts witli Mr. and Mirs.ME B;ria Caawall, Suaday. Visita rs to OntarioSUME Mn. sndb Mrs. Lwari Robin- son, Rossansd Johin snd Mr.I Ontario Blue Cross les au- amly o! lusland, wif suid' Decanter Pitcher w Am- Lsud Mns. Rusall Savery et. nounccia, new non-profit unmarricd chmdrea uandier île taudadthe Brson pinuc lathi lsurnce plan, aimed Re of 21 will psy $20-00 for SPCA 29 Orno Park, Ssturday ater- ait rcmoving fhe flircatf aStIc same penioci. For paronas AWnon.hcavy lospitalbil for pan- planing longer lasits, tIc S H E LE S e say vras Mr fs-sos istigOntario fr:m uew Bloc Cross plan l so PR1Z0 11-WH E 5msellSavry ws etertine abrad.availabie for panioda o! sixI ýat suprie bîthdy prty vaatiner r bsinss-waeks aund aine weeks ai cor- et n.LwniRoiaoas. man wlosc own regular respondingly higlar prcmu rarugcd by uis sîster, Mrs. halh inaureuce doaes not Sp- ratas, thougl actuel bospitaI-ý S i~ T D Y AT ,,~Robinson, the foilowing friands ply Ia Canada, wîll be elle fe ization banefits wili stilila îl S 0 % T RDA ATaiiandad: Mn. sud Mns, Han- oltali Bloc Cross protection Ilmited ta a maximum o! 30 STUART HOUSE aid SoucI, Mn. sud Mna. payiag for 30 days o! caneaietdeys. 0 t __________________________ Om es M.sdMr.u o 6.0sday lu an sc- Announciug flic plan in' 00It Han f)Raid, Mn. sud Mna. Jim tive-treatimeaf lospit ai; Plus Toonto, Walter E. Cannon,! PATC W A andi Mrs. Llaw Hailoweli, Mn. pitel, sud ambulance. costS. Cross, said fliaf, altlougî pri-! E t EV Lorne aPeden, Mn. sud Mrs. Thc uew plan will elso cever m2iydsgad5 rfc SEIL A1c j John Murphy suad Pstsy, Mn. the v- for So ui-patient visitons t Ontario, its banc,:- àud Mns. _Bob Robinson sud sud emengeocy liospifai cane fit.a will aise coven the visitor POLAROID family, Mrn.sd iVrs. Rou 1te auinit o! $500.130 and for wlo aulsequantly trayaIs ftNGASE 0% wwv A INE VÀ r 1 L E Pobinson sud daughtar, aiso diagnostic services la i pni- othar parts oS Canada as walSUl.ASE BOW AN VI LEMr. Savery sud flair daugh- vate ialorefony or cliniîc up Coverage wîll not applyla tan- Mra. Bothiwell sncb Mn. te à maximum of $60.030. For loweven, ta cane providec i: in dL 1% )1 f 623-3388 'Bofhwallof Bowmauvîlla. an individuel visiter wlahiiig the Unitedi Staes unlesa ne-1O f 'Mrs. BbFallsasncb daugî- te ke ouiticheinsurance ff a eincidentai n îcu OUE CHOICE ci- Nicole, Peterborough, vis- au intended siay oS tîrce stential ravai linhougi fIat! ýIifc racnfly witi Mn. and wecks or lesa, fIa cost wîll le cuty M rs.LalFes. only a $io.00 praiuin.Aj For the lmebene ero- PLASTIC flaturaliÎzers White and Beige FROM i 919 Reg, $17.9,5 to $19-95 WOMEN'S SANDALS $3.99 u CHILDREN;S SHOES BY SAVAGE $*2,99 WOMEI SUMMER DRE MEN'S CASU Loaefers and siimmer Shof VISIT Ol BARGAIN 8B ment applicationsý may be oh- tained dlrectly f rom Ontario Blue Cross offices at Don IK a AmMills, but it is expected that they wIll shortly be availabie & N Ç E from, hospitals and other out- lets across Ontario., These miay include many of the 94,000 companies in Ontario' wihose employees are now en- rolled for other types of Blue Cross non-profit health care. Mr. Cannon said that Phe npw plan will not only re- move the danger of a cuh ing financial blow to a visiýtor but should also assist hospi- tais ia Ontario by guaraatee- in,- payment of visitors' ac-' "Canada Immigration Offi-i ciais at Toronto Internatiýonal Airport," said Cannon, "si mate that approxîrmately 9W),- 000 visitors will fly îmb On)r- taio from overseas thisyar We have no way of k nown! 1g, of course, how niany mightl ESS SHI S require hospital care whî1e., #%Àm 10%they are here. But even if it flfw %). 9lî only one Ia a thousand, - 1 .9 xhich seems improbably o, that stili adds up to an awful1 IAL SHOIS latesi t BleCross protectioni wilI be a godsend." bes_ 5 fl Ontario Blue Cross, which, ~J, 7 P operates as a division ni' the voluntary Ontario Hosptai Association ia Don Mls, ii UJR Canada'S largest non-profit, provider ,of suppenentiry: ýASEMENT1 above the benefits of oen ment hospital and medilcall plans. It also of fers a s tca hospital-care plan for- LanYded1 LY EDU tUImimigrants awaîting -c!igibi1-4 ity for Ontario HospitAl rIn- surance, as well as other pro- grams pr.oViding such eneit as sei-private osia a- ESconimodation, pres'cr'ip t1l druga, dental care, Pmd major MVILLE medicai cnsts. TotaW nal Blue Cross inrolnment in li, ~ nrovinre exceeds three mnil- Ilon peopl BABY PANTS Reg. 4 for $1.00 ONLY 79( FR~ Sc SHOP and SA' "LADIES" GI Perfurnes, Cc SNOW Wi RTE FACIAL TISSUES Eennomy Size 0f 409,3 SPECIAL 2for 62c- SMILES Delicious] Hier AL BARGAUNS PURCHASED CELERY FANCY COLORFUL FLOATING CRISPE R Plastic Glasses ÈOASTERS N AIL 1BR U,55 Set of R ONLY 77c ONLY 9 C SPECIAL 6c 29C ~29.95WIN A MODERN PORTABLE PATIO SET VALUE LOOK FOR, THIS ONE ON DISPLAYI P SERVIETTES MUGS 'FANCY BARGAIN FAMILY PACK for Rot or Cold PARTY PICKS SPONGE PACK deal for PiCrnes SDrinAL Box of, 100 Reg. 98c SPECIAL, 53c 4Dfrnk;c oNLY 3 Ic 88c See Our New 'Speciais SPECIAL FOR THE YOUNG AT REART! from Noxzema. -IStraîwberry Candy, Floss ROIn Cream Enjo0y a refreshing cold drink a t our picnctaeAniPrpanSry BATIN CPS EVENING IN ]PARIS TRIAL SI ZE BATHNG CPS PRAY COLOGNE 0Û TME WTND Ail Prices II COLOGNE SREDUCED R eg. $1.25' Reg. 81c c__m ______ SPECIAL 9 9c ONLY' 5 9c WITH ANY PUIRCHASE* Trial Siz e Dispenser of :HICK "'SUPER KRONA CHROME" RAZOR BLADES VE NOW! ALRDCDT LA Chrisimas ALREUEeTtCER FT SETS" in 1JuIy""MEN'S GIFT SETS"ç :oIognes 1 Shave Lotions, ColognJes> SPRSIDEWALK SAVINGS ON TOILET T15SUEs HYFEVER REMEDIESSEIL Coonac-C- Dimetapp '- Chior-Tripolon ... .............4 rolis 5 9c ly F1resh, Fancy Boxed - -Reg. $1.50 O NLY 99< SEE OUR MANY IN-STORE SPECIALS TOOI MANY ONE 0F A KIiND - TOO -NUMEROUS TO TT Mus7 ,%wT BE EEN RILE TI LAST' PHARMACY LIMITED 6 7 King Street East 623-2546 Bowmanvimlle JULY SHECER no CONTINUES DURING- I L MA NY, MANY OTHER SUMMER SHOES GREATI LLOYD ELLIS 5H01 49 KING STREET WES'T BOWMA : Idna âm LÀm mIË mL MB m m - M 4f md Mn Jack 1Birdi' hom~e The Canadian Statesrnan, Bowim wîtli A members and frian'ds to sec theîr birds. Mrs. G. MriCullough ,a nd Mrs.C. O T AR Burly wre alan able ta t-I 0 TU R tend. MILS. *LMFER L. WILBEUR soncntrtand thie biai T e dath ol Ms. lier L. party aý,ftcr the rhersi WilrA-ho lad been in i- Fridapy revenînig. ing hieaibli for five yeaýrs, oc- Baby Dc]ann Chard, N,,,- cuIrred at MeoiHospital, castie,, spennt flic wee(ken-d Bowman%,illc, or, July 2, 1971, with be1r grandparents, Mr. after an iieaof oae weck. anid Mrs. Sid Lancaster. The dccased who was Ln-lier M r. n Mrs. C. R. Farrow 82ad year, was born Apnil 5, werc guesta of Mn. and Mrs. 1890. NoranLe and Darlean, Daugliter o! thc late Mn, Cam-rbray, Sunday, for dinner. and Mrs. Albert Hilai, the Gussat the Henderson - former Elizabeth Hilaî was Woodard eddingz Saturday bora at Hampton, in the aftenoon lan St. Paul's Unit- Township of Darlington. Slie cdc Chr" ee Mr. a3nd attended Zion Sdliooi and on Mr. re Hnders,ýon qiad December 16, 1916, married CaoMrs. Mary ade and Mr. ELier L, Wilbur at Grn ,_n. nd _Mrs. Ross Courtice CIutrcli Parsoniage. Broa ad fmil, M.qnd Mra, Wilbur was predeceased Mrs Trema Hederon nd by lier husband. fmyMn. ;and Mrs. Bill The'deceased was a liS e- Wa,7de andbos Mr. and NMrs. long resident of the Township Rayý ý Trin. Mnd Mrs. Bert of Darlington. Following their Tompkins, Mr.r and Mrs. Frank marniage, Mn, and Mrs. Wil- Stýpleto)n, Bary Lane, Floyd bur lived at Solina until Earl, Glen and Robert Wood. 1924, then in Taunton untîl Thpc Ncwtonvilc Roadruaý-!1933 wlica tley moved to ners ~ m plydtogamnes iaat!Hampton. A liousewife, 1er we(, winnin)t1rg one aad Ibs- interests centred around lier ing ('ne. 0On M1onday tliey1 iost 'home and family. She was a it fI Port Horp iines 19-I3. member of Hampton United Judy Sfacey and11r1nP Vog-lChurch and of Hampton Wo- cîs; both wIent foulvr forfive-, 1mea's Institute. flic former wlvth a til n Mrs. Wilbur la survived by Ich lafter with Pa doule and a son, Gordon of Hampton, atil.Kim H1arris and June, fiv'e grandchildren and one 'Pwlhomne runs. Theresa-ýq great-grandchild. A sister, Horewg )d Juine 'Kîm- Mrs. Margaret Wilbur of bail sp l he pîtdhing. 0y, Bowrnanville, also survives. Wednesday the Roadruajrners The funeral service was tramîpcd he Port Hlope Ce-d- lield from tlie Northcutt a;rs 36-1.3. Nine runs in tlie Elliott Funcral Home,, Bow- fiftli and 14 la flic sixth manville, on Monday, July ciiacîed an up-tii-then close 5th, and was conducted by game. June Kîmbail pitdlied Rcv. Johnson. Intermient was- tbc complete gaine. Elaine in Oshawa Union CcmetcAry. Hollen and June Kimbaîl, bot-h iPallbearers were Messrs., 1wcnt six for six whilc aolAa Wilbur, Ralph Wilbu, -Henderson lied two doublesPFnank Pascoe, Percy Dewel, and a triple and Irene, Vog- Merve Cryderman and Wm., -els had a double, triple and Ashton. two liomers. Numerous beautiful floýral iThe Roadrunners play la 'tributes, încluding one frori -Garden Hill on Monday, July the Hampton Women's Inati- -26 and hbats Welcome Maples tute, and also donations in han 1on Moaday, August 2nd. memory to thc Heant Fn Callen at Mr. and Mrs. and Hampton United Chunch,1 îFnank Gilmer's last week was attestcd to fichi hgh esteetnina 1Mrs. Lena Grahamn, Newcastle.Iwlich the deceased was held. Lavilie, july 21, 1971 Owing te the fact that we have very littie in the way of discontinued lines'of merchandise te clear - we wîll give yoai Un the Store JULY 22-23-2-4 MARR'S JEWELLERY

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