Mms Bruce 'Tilison, Editor flewcastle Arrive Home Sa/ mi PersnalFrom Sweden OCI.a aId ' ?rý n i Newcastle:--Witir the Clarke Onîenteeving Group Newcfastl - Mrs., Lou In- long to hlmi and rtIurnthem a r iriig homne'last week from gate of London, Englanti bas te Noel Lake. Sweden, many of you won- benvihing witir ber cou- Mv. anti Mrs. T. Stovms, coefor ytre onous pae. sîn, YMrs. William Cail anti Toronto, vîsiteti witi r M. and cm o hmo hspa famnily during the moatir's Mrs. William Caîl on Satur- They - weve expected late vacation sire bas irad la Can- day. Tuesday sfternoon at Malton ada.ý With Mn. Caîl on a two- Just a remiîutev tirat the aivpert anti met, wve untier- wee-k holiday during tis time, Newcastle Cemetery Boarti stand, by familles and frintis they arangeti to make the bave chosen Sunday, August who weve ever se pvoud of -vacation as pleasarit as pos- l5th as Deconation Day, be- tbema and tireir accomplisir- subIe and to tour as much of ginning at two-thirty p.miments. Excitement mnounteti Onitario as tbey could, visiting Circle tire date and plan to as cacir of tbem answcrcdl suw ,-places as Ontario Place, attend. Last year's service questions andi asked questio.ns 1ýiagava Falls, the -Tirousanti was quite impressîve, andi at-,andt tiet, stili spellhound, to IsadFort Henry anti the tendance was matie both by relate the entire woatierful .indian Village at Cui've Lake. nesident anti non-resident la- experience tbey hati. Part of the timne they enjoyeti teresteti persona. It was difficul ,t ta make a relaxeti holiday at a cottage Mv. and Mrs. Verne Rowe contact witirtem until mucbi on Stuenburg Lake, getting and daugbtev, accompanietips h u hnteNw restcd up for s shopping trip by Mrs. Isobel Pearce, enjoy- castle news is takea into the la the larger shopping areas. cd s week's holiday novtb. Statesman office, but we do IVrs. Ingata was bighly imn- We are sorry to report that hope you have by, now notic- pressed antiquite enjoyed the Mrs. Grace Toms bas been a ed tbey wera not forgotten. good weatirer, boping to visit patient of St. Josep's HospI- Tireaws an uýp-to-date ac- .Canada again real soon. Be- 'tai, Peterboroughr, but recov- fonre leaviag for 'ber home. ering well since ber opera- tjie Calf amily had a famihy tion. Returning home sie xii picnic wt both ~ned andi stili have to rest for- a fcw N E S T1"L y.elatives comning to metMsrwek.MadMs. Malcolmi Em- lingaie. Thney came fvcm Ton- Do't forget to attend thre ersen visited Suntiay, Juhy 13, - ?nto, Brobklin, Strouti, Co- Lions Sportsý, Day and Cavai- with REevevend J. E. and Mvs. bouurg and Agincount. val on Monday CivicHoliday. Griffith at tiair cottage at Aýnothler visitor fvom Eng- Guests o! Mvs. )Florence Nolaad. Congratulations to laindtIto , Newcastle, is Mn. Fenguson, on Frîiay were Mrs. Emerson wht, was also Erne5t Naylov wlth bis grand- Mrs. Biaker antimotirer, Mns. observing ber bivthdtay. Thre -'on Stephen. Tiey visiteti for Etina> Anderson, Bowmanville, Emersons spent Sunday, July 4Wc weks. Mv. anti Mvs. Mountjoy of 25th, with their granddiaugh- Sin-ceve sympathy is extend-ý Blackstock. ter anti her husband Mr. anti fcl to the Ron Lowry famly Mvs. Percy Tamblyn, Miýss Mvs. George Grant and baby htie recent loss of bis fa- Mary Chaplin and Mvs. Marie agtv Tvno ttire ~4 ArAnolti Lowry, Oshawa, Gartshore ave patients la cbistenîag of their greatl- wn~'o was bunieti last Thurs- Memorial Hospital, Bowman- gvandtiaugitrtc. Hdy.1e was well known ville.ReeetHayaniMs ."t'rougb-out the ares, at one Mr, Stan Bowcn, Bowman- Atkinson Torynte, Mr. at - time having a favm in Orono. ville,, called on- frientis ve- AMris. SyviorNnatofre nt- vlMiss Joan Caîl andti fss cenly. î tl wood, England weve Monday .'largaret Wilcox are mtin S.Peey t.M icirel'sguests witir Mr. anti Mrs. liing toC the east coast witb Mv. a patient 1 t.mbihal'sl ~adc Mrs. Glen Farrow of Hospital, Toronto, wheve he George Johns. 'Cobourg. untievwent surgevy a couple On Friday Mr. and Mns. SA complete camping set, of months ago. Reports ave Norman Samelîs called on -""isbes5 anti cutleny stîll, ve- that ire is pvogressing favor- Mancwrnest thBre s Hoedh '-main at Mrs. Grahram W- ably. Mro)îtteRs oei 4-Soi's. If your son faileti to Mv. and Mrs. Jack Crago Oshrawa. Miss Eiieen Cnockett "lvnhis home from camp, attendeti the funerai at St., anti Mv. Gartir Barett, Bow- 7ilaetelephone bey. A pair Mary's 'cf tireir cousin on manville, visited Sunday witir .of mlue Jeans, witir the Cub's Saturday. Mv, and Mrs. Samelîs. 'ram ewn intio 1tem, was Miss Sandra Wright enter- Mr. and Mrs. John Grandel ý1so picked un pby rmstake. tained a few of ber girl fni- atteidtet the Highlandi Gamesý ~isecireck antiee if youv entis on Fiday, it bcbng theatte ivcCnrla sb g"on bas a pýair tirat doesn't be- occasion of ber îltb birtbday. aw on Saturday from 9-4:301 anti enjoyeti evevy minute. (VnTI¶TI~flr te deegae frm OonoTiey report that the musici '~ UD11U~H~f1 Circb to, the Bay o!f uit was eutstanding as two, hua- Confenence anti for severaitiveti anti fifty were heard ia E. L GILANI yeas ws th offcia repe- nison and hanmony. E. L sILBN enav ws he fiý;ci a tep- Mrs. Helen Corneli, Mrs. ~'$ iredeati o Erest Law- sntave o s chu(rcir to pe HowardRivnie, Jcffrey anti - 'eceGibak ccrrdon Oi w rsytr.A r-April anti Miss Patti Corneli, ~Meti .111Y, Jly14, 1971 atsent ire was tire alternate re-:aIl of Toronto, spent a few o>stiaGeca Hospital. 11epresentative to tire Presby- , days lsst wreek with Mr. and l1pad beca la hospital for thire terynvs radlan c 1y wees fllwin e acidet SrrtvnbeItIxbS W'iFe, vs etyEllîis,Lodnis w~ir a tractor, Th)elman, are tirree daglan î itn ber sister, Mrs. Claval Son c)f tire ,1q'4e Wm. E . andi two sens, M's. G, a asna Scugog Point. Gihbank anti Eliza Anir Wea-ý garajan, (Annie), Carojl, Don- Mv. and Mrs. Don Frew ac-ý thnlit. -he wasý bora la Clarka nu, Billani David. Aise' sur- comipanied by NMv. and Mrs;. <Toasip nt rceiet iis viviag are a bohr P. E unySires en oed TueIcs- duaonat Startkvîhle aad Gilbank ç f Hamfiltea, and day to Fritiay on a hloliday te Shbaw's putblic scirois. on tirrea sisters, Mtýrs. C. Trigg the ThostiS I Tslands and Jly 7 ', 1945 býefnmaried, the (Berntice), -Mrs. C. AlliaLake ,Placd former helma E Frceeman (yti) botliro!fBwm _-Miss Valevie Frew accom- wbosuvivsville, andi Mvý. H. Clarke pantied the Barter famlly for Tire deceqseti had rsiie (va) cf Binbrook. a w;eek's vac-ation to tire itîstt rnortfi of Orono for tie 'Tirefuea service WÏis Gaspe in Quebec, 1 as t 18 y*ars, noviag bfiare hélti on Fritiay, July 1l'! Mrs. ElizAabeth PFortier, Mrs. from tbe Shaw%'s ares a nt eist fromf the Mior iris; un ra upert Wenry, of Port L Penny cf ~ ~ 'H Bomnil.U a hpl Bowmranvîlle, anti ani Ms. Roy Taylor, Black- -avr niiis imin lanterest waa condunctet by Rev. B. sock, visiteti Tuestiay sfter- asin is home ni famhilv. Long assited b Rev. W. C. noon witir MvM. and Mrs, H-avryý tn wbiir irewastnufly tevoÉ- Smitir. Inltermnt was i eLugrin ani remaineti for (aç. Ur elivndti a wondierful Orrno Cemeotery. cvtaing dîner Christiani life anti set a ,fiiine' Palibearers, alh nephews, On Suinday afternloon Mrs, el,ýmphefor a i isfail, eve [Messvs. Rolandi Gilbank,i John W,1,erry ashestesfor et 01n w homir wsjusuti. Nevrmarr1ýn Clianke, W i n s t onr a famrily party attireir cet- Interestetîinla bis home, fa- Clarke, KeïtirRoeGlenn tage, Caesavea. Guesta were ily1 ani chiincir, ire ci nt ro anti Waynepicar. Mn.anti Mns..Harry MeLaugir- t,1ke part l ire àr atvte, A great many be-autiful l in, Mv. anti Mvýls. Lawrence bht was ;a neighibn rready floral fibuteps fo eaieMLuiiLyrnaanti Brenît, anti wiiin te eip others friands anti onganizatiorts at- NsîcoCarolyn Ghien t, wbaandi if ecsa.Ail tastet intehie very higlires- Tavîistock-, Mr. antid s Geo. bis fria.nds ;antl i netirr teem In which tire teceaseti1 Wolfe, Mr. Harry Sanderson a hkeiighly o! him axld kne.w was heiti, among wbich weýýrp anti v. ,Roy avyal <of hpý couiclic coutnteti upon and those from tire Ministepr antiBakso tieendtiupo astie net Oficil oari f 01neno Unit-' ueda vening ,,uppcr a~oe.etiCirucir; Compa nies -Brancir, gucisf s wi-,Mvplantirs. Mn. itlankwa~~ hemir Dept. cfilFînanlcial & Cer- e r owrs, wene Mv.afr nti e! Orno nUnîtteti Chucitl r a- ntmerdiaiAffaira; Orcono Unit- Mrs. JirmiAhcenetby, Bw ipvsntmer c ' fire Se- cd Cbuvjicb SuntayScrlool; mnil.Fritiayviteaer sic, pstmamerof tr Senior Puipls o! Shawý's Pulb- Mv. anti Mrs. Mahcoerlm- Elford Boati cf Stewards, nti âiem- lic Scirool; aesieChpnrlrof St. Cieutid loia becr o! tiré Ciristian tDuca-No. 249; spid Owners & Staffi Mr. ant i Ms. Bowerspt tton Cliitè.1e lhti becn of PutelirOven Rstuan. tentieti tire funeval on Moln- NEWCASTLE LIO"*NS * CHILDREN'S RIDES * PARADE *GAMES 0F CHANCE Draw for:, 25"" Colored Television -BÂLL GAMES - ADMISSION - ADULTS $1,00 11:00 1:00 am -NEWCASTLE v%, WHITBY pm KENDAL vs. PORT HOPE 4:00 pm.-WINNERS 6:3'r m PARADE (from schooil te park) 7:30 p.m. - BINGO, CROWN and ANCHOR, ETC. 10:30 p.mi - TELEVISION PRAIA' Suntiay with r.v and Mrs. Congratulations te Mr. anti, John Aitchîson anti famiiy at Mva. Antre *Dumouchel (nee Rolyrooti. Norma Avery) wirose mar- Mv. anti Mvs. Cenric Rus- i age teck, place lat Satur- sail, tiaughtens Trutiy andtay. Tanya, anti Totit Russell have Mv. anti Mvs. E. Twist ra- returnati from tirair motor cently apent tirair vacation la trip te Nova Scetia anti Nortirera Ontario. Prince Etiwart IsTlant wirere Mv. anti Mvs. Leslie Welsir fbey visiteti with relatives, anti Mr. anti Mns. L. Runtile, Mr.andMrs C.P. walowBcwmanville, spent Suntay .and Mrs. . P.rSwiedw th Mr. and Ms. L. Mce- andi co ss. 'W M . Landi v stRobbie anti Mr. anti Mrs. A. their cousist, Mv. anti M MRobbie at their cottage on atBighto stn ,onSutiyPigeon Lake' at BigironMrs. Douglas Reynolds la Congratulations, te Mn. Vie- attending 1, e a a k ti a I e Art tor Cookson on bis winnings Scirool this week. at tire Oshrawa Fair witir bis Mr. anti Mrs. F. Blackburn herses asat week. attentiedth ie funeral cf Mv. Mr. anti Mrs. R. Crytierman Charles Brock ia Toronto on accompanieti bar sister anti Saturday. huabanti, Mr. anti Mrs, C. Mr, anti Mvs, Ken Siraclle- Bell, Bowmanvihia, on a trip ton anti Bob, Mr. anti Mra. te, tire Ontario Nortirianti last Bruce Staintea, Oshrawa, anti weak. Oae intavesting part Bily Shrackleton ave holiday- was tire excursion by train ing tis week at a cottage at frein Cochrane te Moosonea. Goltien Lake. Mrs. Mabla Quite a number cf Maple Shacekleton anti Mr. Davidi Groearesitient%, are ither Sirackleton speat tire week- away ou holîtisys or bus trips endt tre c The Canadian Statesman, Bowrnanville, .Tuly 28, 1971 BLACKSTOCKa Ferguson Reunion for Dalton Dorreli andlOie Following lunch the remain- T, On Satuirdaîy, -July 24,' 79 1Rofirei' ta obtain a licence to'der of the evening was spentlI Phn 8.23 members of the Fergu1son mrak(e charter bus trins orig1in- in dancing. Phon 9874213 1ýýf amily githierýed in the Black- atingf',rom CartwigbtJi Towý,n- Mv.,-and Mrs, Les Bushfeld, stock Recreation Centre for ýship. They were successfu aLodn er ekndg Pt louint of them thvrough the h 3thnna reunion. They this. The group enjoyed lunch1 of ber parents, Mr. and Mrs.1 Bitsý and Pieces columnl that were welýccomned by President a It the Town and Country Murray Byers. appeared on the front page. Merriýli Ferguson and before afïter the hearing. LaeTedyafenoM. For those who may have and during the nooni meal1 Monday evening callers Of and Mt's., Vernon Asselstine lo missed it, we repeat, that heard portions Of a record of Mv. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly Colin and Teresa, and Valerie'l competion was made by these AmIy by'choir 1from Nelsonl, and f amily were Mr. and Mrs. VanCamp journeyed to Ux-1 five from Newcastle, Mv. LarsB.C. Pizes were presenited, for Bob Petch'and Kent of Aur- bridge to celebrate Tee!saý's Carlson, Roai Lowry Jr., ýGin the, following: YOUnIgest child1, ora. Sunday dinner guests wvere bithday by swimnîing, picic Lowery, Susan1 LaCombe and Amris Dongelmans; largest' Mr, and- Mr.. Henrry Walker lunch and gamnes at the home, Becky Lee, plus two others fâ.miy, Lloyd Wrîgbts; most aad Mr, Murray Walker of of, Teresas grandparents, Mr: fvom Hamilton wbo repre- recently mnarried couple, *Mr. Fenelon Falls. land Mrs. Percy Anchor. sentd al 0 Onari inthisand Mrs Bran oun 1y Prîze winners at the Senior Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jamieson competitiqn of 10,000 fvom al cOming an the oldest car, Shir-;Citizens' weekly card party aPfml pettn 'k over the wovld. No records Iey and Bill Pate. Business wr adelih ds ancamila ptthe o 11aea were brokýen by, any of the wascndte quickly, fol- derson; second - Effie Plough- Icawiin ther truckl camper. Clarke Gvoup, but it was Iowed by greetings fvomn the man; Low- Delia Hwn.Mv. and Mrs. D.Ltte maveou o eaiz ha RnWestern Canada pienie deliv- Me, High- Evtetteatsoa Lowry placed fourth on the ered- la persan by Elea nor Second - Milton 'Howsam; ýLow ara on ldayLis indsor first day, and was awarded Ferguson, Edmonton. Clarence - Bert Gibson. rnhlda vstn er e a mmno loreiigFerguson repovted 'on the Jh ennMs mother, Mrs. Charles VenningC considerable- applause. >j Western iOntario veunion i lah Vnig rs n te rltvs The experience each, of Stratford and, displayed booki- Joan Mott, Mrs. George Skeld- Congratulations to Leanne î the hd o ,titp and lets about Amy Fruo' n u isKtyMro Dorrell who paýssed ber grade the competition will undoubt- choir that are available toa in- flew to Bermuda to attend the: nine singing exam with Ilon- edly be of great use 1o tbemn tevestedl people. wedding of Miss M ary FIran1- ors. Her pvoud teacher is M'rs. a.sý tbey continue on la their h olwn xctv a ces Grills to Mv. John Bate- ai atigPrtPry here la the elected for next year's pci:mals hrdyeeig Another local young ladyT Olaieteeving They ave returning home this deserving congratulations is Cak ares. And certsinly President, Mv. and Mrs. Don Wednesdsy.RseFe b o h ar their achievernent sbould pro- Hamiltoni Vice-Presîdent, Mir.RseFy hwoteDar duce more inferest and more and Mvrs. Keith Johaston: On Fridsy eveniing tbere Pvincess Contest for the Unit-0 memnbers. than ever. With Treasurer. Mv. and'Mrs. stu: was an excellent cr-owd at the ed Counties on Thursday . such good teachers, how could art Dorr-ell,; Secretary, Linda Recreation Centre at, a corn- evening, Norma Wottea wasd y oit lose? Congratulations to Mountjoy; Committee, Mr. munity shower lain orj of another Blsckstock girl com- a qgreattem we're ail proud and Mrs, Bill Pate, Mv. andi Mv. and Mrs. Brian Gray. Mv. peting and also did well. Rosieý- of y ou. Mv5. Ivan Mountjoy, Mr. and Harvey Graham was MC. for will repre5ent our County i Mrs. Millard Fallis. the Programme wbicb consist-. the Provincial competition at ETO N ~~~Mrs. Edith Beacock, Lindsay Wolfe, three lovely utbygaltin. Bruce Montgomery% wns heMvs. Gladys Thompson and Guest of Nancy Dorrell \vas day of their cousin, Mvs. Ah highly contested prize for the Mrs. Eileen' McLaugblin ac- her roommate from Univers-ity Prentîce (Ida Bartlett), at the longest, most iîntevestinig Jou r- companied by Mvs. Ruth WiI- days, Miss Jane Oliver of McDermott - Panabaker Fun- ney taken ln the last year and Son, a piano' solo by Carol Thamesford, Ontario. eral Home, Port Pevry. Ivan Mountjoy for the triph Werry and a reading by Mrs., Mv. and Mrs. Lloyd Wilson Mrs. Nelson Mavlow is con- would ,like to take next ves Marwood McKee. Miss Aileen of est ii were week end valescing fabovsbly f oîîowing, and the nesrest correct mile- VanCamp showed somne lovely guests of bis mother and eyýe surgery ia Oshawa Hos- age. Nancy Dorveli was - the slides of scenes of many dif- grandmothev, Mrs. Ruth Wil- pia. Re daugbter Mvs rou wnro teîsg erent areas. The M.C. pre- son and Mvs. McQuade. pil 1.He . poudowne ofthelares#sented flue bride and groom Congratulations to Mr. and Frank ,Symons and Peggy, purse. Bowmanville, v i s i t e d for Bria and Judi Mouatjoy with a coffee table and two Mrs. Don Swain (nee Louise Tuesday mid-day dinner. 011 conducted sports for the child- lamp tables after which both Moore) who weve marrîed la Wednesday ber daughtev MrS. ren with the following wia- Carol and Briar eplied fit- the United Churcb on Satur- Jim Ferrier, Pertb, who spent ners: Crab 'Race, Todd Hamil- tigy._day ,-afternoon. The reception. ten days with bier mother, re- ton, Cathy Dunbar, Lovnas______________________________ tuvned home. Ferguson; Shoe Scramble, Alan Mv. nd vs.Vicor al-Ferguson, Tim Hamilton, Lisa colm visited Sunday to Wed- Dorreil; Relay Race, Fivst, ci nesdy wth v. nd vs.Cheryl Wright, Robert Mor- Isaac Beatty at Sulphide and ton, Lisa Jolly; Second, Todd ais w h v.andMv. Nv-Hamilton, Elaine Ferguson, man Beatty and family andDac Dorl;Gls ve the Ross Beatty family at Oz Nine, Chevyl Wright, Cathy tawa. On the retuva omeDunbar, Lorna Ferguson; Girls theyfolowedthenorternUnder Nine,-Elaine Ferguson, route via Bancroft. Annie Dovrell, Melody Donrell; Boys, (any age), Robert Mor.' Mv. and Mrs Clarke Wil- ton, Todd Hamilton, Eddie lias er gest a te lilt Dunbar; Obstacle Race, First, Y wedding snnivevsary of Mv. Cathy Dunbar's team; Second, and Mrs., Howard McMillaa Darcy Dorrell's team. at Gveenbank on Saturday O.N.O. Meeting evening. Later la the evening The July O.N.O. meeting tbey visited with Mv. and took the fovm of a pool party Mvs. Robevt Baird, Green- at the home of Mvs. Noreen bank. 'Malcolm with, 25 members Sunday visitovs with Mr. present. Aftev the eavly car UERROT and Mrs. Wiliams weve Mr. ers enjoyed a swim ail ad- RAYT EV and Mrs. Meibuva Middieton journed ta the house. RA Y7 EV of Lindsay. Minutes of the last meeting Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip weve read and approved. The accompanied 'Mr. and Mrs. treasuirer's report was also Alvin Bruce and Miss Mar- gîven.. It was decided tao have jorie Bruice on a; day,'s01k ' outing a kîte- making cotest Tor boys !ERIG ,n oni Tuesday ,to NiagaraFas.adgrs 04 inliv fo M KD CO EDUPRIlTJ Mv. and Mvs. Weylie Mc- Blackstock Fair. Wea,;tber per- ~ mitting these kites will .be Keown, Caledon East, spen1t flown on Fair Day. Prizes ave- the weekend with the Bruce tobces 30 scn 20,~ ýHeasips and attended the tid$.0 Irvine fsmily picnic at the thrd$100 hom ofMvs Atbu MichelIt was decided to save Can- Jantylhe onSunay ada Packevs labels ta get des- Thre ladies in charge of the O.N.O. setigsa7te 1cl GROUNE setfrsto comet the e Women's Institute bus tvip on Centre. Roll Caîl was well an- Tuesday, July 27th regret swered with "What irkçs me W 1EN . poiated as the registrations. Meeting was tuvned over to camne Ia very qulckly on Noreen who conducted two S S G Tuesday, July 2tb. smusing contests, A buffet S U A Lake Seugot Softball luncheon of finger rolls, sand- The bail gamne, Nestieton wiches, relishes, fvesh fruit ( 0 E versus Scugog at Scugog on bowl and fancy cookies served of the most Interesting of the hrought a pleasant evening ta ._____.___.___.......__ AM SM sesson. a close. At the end of - the ninth Sympatby la extentied to honing the score was tieti 3-3. Mr. and Mvs. M. C. Smith and- Ia the fivst of tire tentir, Nes- ather relatives on tire passingERSIGFML AORT O RCD tietoni took tire lead 4-3 but of Mv. Oliver Smith last la tire last of tbe tentb Scu- week. gog tieti the score 4-4. Ia the His many frientis are pieas eleventir Nestieton again took ed, to know that Harvey Gra thre leati 5-bu twaagn a escaped possible very tîed 5-5 by Scugog. In thre serlous injuries wben a trac- tweiftir theve was no score, tor accident resulted ia broken and la tire thirteentir Scugog ribs anti many bruises last broke the tie to wi 65. Wetinestiay movning. Tis was a thvilling and Also pleasedta to eport, that lively game ail tire way with Gordon Strong who has been a fvieadhy spirit of gooti a patient în Port Perry Hos- Plain, W th Onîons, Witl Mulirccm% Hiinz sPnrt5qmanshin f dqlvpyd. lital is greatlyv improvei and Barbecue- Sauce -31. f o . 0 %f 1 an. instrucicd by the tounçîl of the. Township of Clarke to daclara Civie Holidayi', August 2, 1971, a Publie Holiday. H. DeW ith, CleÎk. îMOKE8 9OKD AUMPCE RE 'DF 14b vacuum pk i (HOCKFresh (lb79c) pkgi3lbs&cvs W76 PA APLE LEAF BRAND, STOR-E PACKF, BEEF & PORK l MEATS EIDEeS RANPk33 ~KED COOED,(ENTRE 0CiJS or SUCES FULL 8" 24-OZ. SIZE JanePekr(ae1e Jane Prker, fnull Maaroen up Cakes 3jpkg f610 1<ý ý' i woeuaw n 15 os. k j CAROfLIA, LARGE 511E, SWEET, RIPE WAT ER M E LO euch AU! prices town n this aad guaranteed efcie*iog 11 Saturdlay, July 31, 1971. CANADA No, GRADE, ONT., LARGE ORIGINAL EtYNCH e SOUTH- AFIlAN, LARGESIZ, WIT PASTR J- P RLR h end dlance afterwards were no church service in cte hbeld at the Flying Dutchman church but for the remi.>nîngil M~otor Inn in Bowrnanville. four Sundays in Augustth The newly-weds Ieft for a combined forces of thec Unitedo riotor trip to the West Coast. and Anglican congregatins Mr D . Armstrong, Mrs. will have service in S.Jh' Paul Radford,' Mr. R. Hleaslip Church at 1: 30 arni. with Rv. and Mrs. G. Suggîtt Vi<ted R. C. Rose coniductîi-Zng ora- with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van-,ng worshîlp. The service ont Camp this past week.. They Sunday iii the Unitc(d Churc ih all attended the Staples Mern- was well attended -when ev orial Service at Ida last Sun- V. Parsons delivered a;fin day. sermon on the balance -i; o r Mrs. Flora McMullen ofI Jesus. Debbie and Ernie Swai;în [oronto visited Mr. and Mrs. sang a Iovely duet. Wallace Marlow 'this past Master Gordon Dmtr week. Detroit, Mich., has been st ' Mr.> and Mrs, Allan Bea- ing over last rnonth wffitMr cock were guests at the.Adams- and Mrs. Bob Smith and 0 c, Peck wedding in the Salvationele. \oemy Citadel in Bowmanville Saturday callers of Mr. an on Saturday afternoon. Mrs, Bob Bryans and familjy Last week visitors with Mr, were- Mr. and Mrs. Srcott, E', and Mrs. Lloyd Wright and sery- and girls, Courtice. On famîly'were Danny and Rob- Su1da1Y Mr. andMi MsBob ert Morton, Oshawa, ani Bryans and f amily, visîted Mv,- Cathy Dunbar, Scarborough. and Mrs. Jim Bryans, Cu. .ddie Dunbar of Scarborough tîce, where Gord stayed Th-ey s spending this week with the were supper guests of Mi. and WVrights. Mrs. Hanc Jr. of Bowman.' Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Dorreil ville. and famîly attended a reunion Mrs. Cecil Ferguso, New of the members of the Russian castie, was a recent cllron Tour which Helen and Stuart several in the village icu. were on last year at the lovely ing Mrs. J. A. Johastnwhre ountry home of Mr. ad Mrs. on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. 0J Oliver Wright at West Mount- A.' Rosevear, Hampton, andf rose near, Kitchener on Sun- Mr. and Mrs. H-oward B3raýckin- lay., ýrdge. a niece, ofBaiero This Sunday there will belcalled. _______ WESýGATE