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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Sep 1971, p. 10

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Tl,., Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Sept. 1, 1971 Duramrid-News by Bob Watt î ~Assistant Agricultural Represenfative Yel»nwbig in Whte Beaus be holding a conference, "'Sil- Northern Ontario Stocker and Iin the last two to threelage Systems for the '7's". Feeder, Cattie Sales will take wa4ees there hias been a num- The conference is, designed to place. The dates are as fol- ber of white bean fields provide specifie information lows: s-liovnng soome ,eL!owing leaves to farmers on silage systems. La Sarre, P.Q., Oct. 6, Oct. and in somre fields, we ob- They plan to include informa- 22- Manitoulin (Little Cur- scrved, total yellowing. The ion on both forage and grain rent, Sept. 30, Oct. 18 New maj cause appDears tobe bac- silage for dairy, beef and LserOt ;SuhRvr terîa] blight. The first sym- swine, LSet2, OtOct.c ot.h21;vThes to~ae~a1 ae-okdIf you think you might be Sep. Oct ,Ot 1 hs spots oni the leaves that en-~ interested in- attending this Set 9 iatn et ïarge and run together. This conference, please contact our Sept. 23, Oct,. 14. wiJ_ lu turin attacki the stems office as there will only be a' Anyone who is interested anL1 the pods. It appears at lîmited number of farmers in more information on these ttis time, that mIost pods -arc able to attend, sales may contact our office vé filed and thus the effect Northern Cattle Sales at 234 King St. E., Bowman- on yield is uncertain for this Once again this year, the ville. Phone 623-3348. VVami, humnid conditions ap a3r tu favour the devýeloop- -rètof the' b]îght. There are iiDurnarn g iutaal C aI w nd i a iu!y three blights that1 far aconýv1trol easur Schedule of visits of tobac- John Rickard, Newcastle, fo,,1ýs ycar, there is nothing co areas in 1971 by the Tobac- telephone 987-4744. t.h an be done. As blights co Specialist. The Specialist Sept. 13-16-Provincial Jr. sedbornie, the use of will be in the area on Mon- Farmer Soul and Land Use cW,- seed is essential. An- day, Tuesday or Wednesday Tour. ti- important point is that of the week of September 13. Sept. 16, Thursday-Ontario o soul no eter bean Requests for farm caîls Swine Breeders' Assoiation- ±i during wet ,veatther -as sbould be made to the Agri- Ail Breed Swine Sale at the thý 1acteria are spread from iculturral Office, Bowmanville, Western Fair Grounds, Lon- pjàn to pant by lothiti.,lby 10 a.m. on Monday of the don, Ontario. an sand himplemnents. Also week of the visit. Definite Sept 8 audyAhee cc rotation should be car- dates wiil be listed in the To- t. 18,foratre-Heve-l ri( out. bacco Newsletter. Club. at Port Hope Fair. raîôSilage Conference Sp,5-1-rvnil.r Sept. 22, 23-Ontaria Corn \ý1ýhavé received word that Farmer Leadership Camp at Industry Conference at the on eceinher 15 and 16, at Qeneva Park.,igtw oleeo gi th: Skyline Hotel in Toronto Sept. 10, Friday-Achieve Ridetowl nolg ofAgri- th Otario Soils and 'Crops ment Day for Durham Field cura Tecnort ogey. Bey. Iniurvemnent Association will Crops Club and South Dur- tedGrayofPorh opewîl t- ham Dairy Club at Orono tn rmDra ony Fair, Local Fair Dates for 1971 1 Sept. 10, Frîday-Durham Toronto C.N.E., Aug. 19- Fat Caîf Show at Orono Fair. Sept. 6; Port Perry, Sept, 6; The first 12 entries will b Orono, Sept. 9-10-11. Port ~,n.arin nI~,r>t accepted., For more informa Hope Sept. 17-18-19; Lindsay Y0XPMBIff , E I N Tyroie, 00..rîc PHN 6-65 tion and entries- contact Mr. September 21-26. mathews aSupervisor mis N P Nomination For Northumberland, SA, production control super- Mr. Cockerill enunciated what visor~ at Mathewa Conveyer' Co. Ltd., bias won the nomina- tion to stanid as the New Democratie Party candidate for Northumberland County. Art Cuckerili, age 42, de- Yete rs. Elmna Parker, bis oly opponent ithe nomina- tion contet heiçi at the Legion Hall i Cobourg on August jIin a meeting attended by about 150 people including party leader Stephen Lewis, Labour Daîy, Sept. 6, 1971 'î HORSE AND CATTLE'SHOW FARM MACHINERY DISPLAY LARGE WOMVEN'S DIVISION Horse Racing witii Wagering Privileges mI1D wA y PARKING 50e he considered were the five major issues affecting people la the counity: empioymenut, pollution, agricultuire, educa-i tion and municipal, goveri-1 ment. Hie suggested largýe-scale housing developments to re- lieve unemnployment 'la theý area. He calied forgtr eni- forcement of anti -pollution lesialation. H-e decriedf the re- paeetof f aily farms witli corporation tfarm)s. He conisîd- ýered that iii the field of cduv-ý cation, teachers should havej miore say at th.e local level. He feit that municipal govera. mcnts were gradualiy losing their authority and implied that greater power sbould be transferred from Queen's Park to the local people "wbo can beat deal With local problems and satisfy local needs." Mr. Cockerill was'the lOtli NDP candidate eiected to stand for bis party in the forthcom- ing election. Gieî,Cash Today For Old Appliances1 through STATESMAN C L AS S1FIE D S Phone 623-3303, CANADA DEPARTMENT 0F AGRICULTURE HEALTH 0F ANIMALS DIVISION TO ALL DOG AND (AT OWNERS 0F FREE APTI- RABIES VACCINATION Anti-rabies vaccination clînics for ail dogs and cats in the County of Durh-am will be held at the tirnes and places listed below. This, service is offered free of charge by the above division, Canada Department of, Agriculture in co-operaion with the County of Durhami, an-d ail owniers are urged to present their dogs and cats for vaccination. Hampton Township Garage Blackstock Recreation Centre BowmÉanvilîe OId Fire Hall Orono Hydro Garage 10 am. .12 a.m. 2 p.m. - 5 p.m,. 1IP p.M. 8 2 p.m- 5 p.M. p. Sept. 17 Manvers Twxp. Garage, Hwy. 35 & 7À 10 a.m. 4 pm. Sept. 21 Newtonville Community Hall Sept, 21 Newcastle Community Hall Sept. 22 Port Hlope Fire Hall, Ontarjo St. Sept. 24 Cantfon-, Col, Giilles Fire Hall Sept. 24 M.illbrook OId Fire Hall 10 a.m. - 12 a.m. 2 pm. - 5 pm. 2 pým. - 8 pm. 10 am.- 12 am. 3 pm.- 7 p.m. NOTE. Any of the above cinics mnay be afteýneJd, Dog-s should be oni a Ieash and accomnpanied bl, yfn adult. Cats should be brouglit ini sacks, -AIl, dogs shouild be peetdif not varccinaed within thie past six These clinics arc liot cnetdwith dog ieencing. rEl ectrically COOKed Pcr k 'Chops Help'4-Hî Swine Club Garden Hi!! Park, Mosf Pop ular Area The Garden Hill Conserva- tration and keeps an eye ou tion Area is one of the most the activities at the campsite, popular tourist spots in ail of whîch was neat and orderly the Ganaraska Conservation and according to Mrs. Smith it Authority Region. la always that way, except for Mrs. Barbara Smith, secre- an occasi9nal problem witii 19& tary of the authority, saîd that the washrooms. more campers have turned up The matter of the wash- * at the area this year than ever rooma bas been discussed at before. authority meetings severai "In fact, up to mid-July ien eadeao h there was more campersa a 'Garden Hill than al of the efforts taken to keep themi in previous year," she, said. god revaasan u- Mostof he eope wo sthti nking visitors remove the Msoftherppe is e are let paper, leave the doors up camp hr hsweae residents of Toronto and Osh- open io flies and, cause other awa but quite a few are from d age. the U..A. The pond îs a popular place Mra. Smith said the author- fOr swimn n snral ity ia keeping a record of the Jammed f ull at weekends. names and addresaes of ail the "Sylvan Glen gets a lot of campera who visit the area juat traffic too," Mrs. Smithsiîd. to sece what the trend is. "But Garden Hill is the biggest Art Mercer, a resident ,ofland moat popular of all thie Garden Hill looks after regs-lareas."> New Msinre On Fie Id Work ere -1, The Ontario- Quebec Mis- ham Yung University- in sion of The Church of Jesus Utah, where he hopes to Ob- Christ of Latter- day Saints tain a degree in accountîng,. (Mormon) has asîgned twol There are presently 14,000 new missionaries to work in!rmissionaries of the, church the Bowmanville area. throughout the world of The two Young men, EIderI which some .200 are laboring The Ontario Hydro had an interesting exhibit at soid themn for a quarter to fair visitors. At Blackstock, Conneil Fleming and Eider in Ontario and Quebec. Blackstock Fair on Saturday with Keith Jennings, they grossed $117 and had a net of $46 that will be Bn thomalsil e et- ath Eider Flma aemin and Farmn Sales Rep. and Fred Morrîson, Residential Safles donated, to .the 4-H Swine, Club. They also wiil be ing wduintheocalresenth deiderr Tho maseeoling e Rep. in charge, assisted by mIembers of Durhamn's 4-H operating at Port Perry Fair next Monday and later churcb to them. people in the area and sh-ar- Swine Club. They cooked pork chops electricaliy and at Orono Fair. Coming to Cana da from Ing, their message with ther.n. Ndrwich, England, El1d er GTCS OA Fleming bas apent the past GTCAH OfX 20 months in varicus parts cf THTROUGHI Coun ill r O ens Sucessul 'îo--I.icutu*al howOntario. He has serveci in ST A T E'S A'11N Counillo Opes Sucesful ortiultual Sow Ottawa, Woodstock, Oakville, JH his transfer to this area. ONF Eider Thomas left bis home n ~ in Malad, Idaho to come to Canada some 18 montha go His past assignments havei been iBurlington, Kitcheni- er, Barrie, Sarnia and Scar- %K borough. Serving as voluntary mis- Genral Insiîrance sionaries for a two-year per- lod, the young men have FIRE and AUTOMOBILE given up their studies In INSURANCE order to come to Canada it Cnat their own time and expense.Cotc Eider Fleming plans to re- HRR VO MA %turn to England and resumne 623-3111 or ez3-395O bis schooling for a degree i 33 KING ST, E. kphysica and math. Eider BOWMANVILLE k g1 Thomas will return to Brig- On Wednesday evening of last week, the. Bow-1 Couillor Maurice 'Prout opened the show. H e is manvilie District Horticulturai Society held their1 shown here, fianked on the lef t by Show Chairman ýFifth Annual Fiower and Vegetable Show at Memnor- Archie Whitmee and at right, President Clarence Tink. iai Park Clubhouse, with a good crowd in attendance. They are looking at the top entries in the show. Fifth Fb roeta hie Show Attracts ayExibitors The Fifth Annuai Flower Sul, Mrs, Dykatra; Carnation, Samis, Mrs. Dykstra, Mr. and Vegetable Show, sponsor- 5 blooms, Mrs. Dykatra, Mrs. Bartlett; Cucumbers, 3 apeci-ý esd by Bowmanville District Angus Blair, Mr. Slute; Lily, mena, Mrs, Whitmee, Mr, Horticulturai Society, was any variety other than Day, Samis, Mca, Slute; Potatoca, me!! attended at Memorial 1 stem, Bernard Dilling, Win- 3ý specimen.s, Mrs. Whitmee,ý Park Clubbouse on Wednes- nie Dilling; Any Perennial, Mr. Bradley, Mr. Cruick- day, Auguat 25th. Mr. Axford, Mca. Sul. shank; Cabbage, 1 head, Ber-ý Counillor Maurice Prout, Gladiolus, white or cream, nard Dilling, Mrs. Sul, Mr. a mnember of the aocicty, off i- 1 spike, Frank Samis, Mr-. Palmer. cialiy opened the show and Sul; Gladiolus, yellow or or Section D - Miniature Ar- praised t he organization's ange, 1 spike, Frank Samis, rneetBradDlig members for their accom- Mrs. Blair, Mr. Axford; Ga-Mra. Tink, Mra. Slute; ar- pliahments i civic beautifi- diolus, pink or mauve, Mr- rangement in coffee mug, cation, mentioning cspecially Samis, Mrs. Sul, Gladiolus, ýMrs. Slute, Mrs. Tink, Mrs. the display plot they look red or dark, Mr. Samis, Mrs. Dillîng; One corsage, Mrs. after at the east end of the Sul, Mr. Axford; Gladiolus, Tink, Mrs. Dilling 3rd. town. any other color, Winnie Dil- Section E - must be grown Chairman of the show was ling, Mr. Samia, Mrs. Sul. by euhibitor, arranged in bas- Archie Whitmee who thanked Dahlias, pOM-pom, 3 blooms, kets or paper mache con- the exhîbïtors for helping to Winnie Dîilling, Mrs. Tink, taîners, front view: Gladiolus,j make it one of the beat yet. Mr. Samis; miniature, not 2 or more colora, not more The 25 senior exhibitors had over 4", 3 blooms, Mr. Samis, than 15 spikes, F. Samis,j on rliaplay some 275 specimen Mrs. Tink, E. Bradley; large Mrs. A. Sul; Dahlia, 2 or mare entries and arrangements, dccorative, .11b1oom, Mrs. colora >or varieties, not more giving judges Mr. and Mis. Tink, Mr. Samis, W. Dilling; than 15 blooms, Mca. Tink, Harry Jose of Newcastle large cactus, 1 bloom-, Mrs, Mr. Samis; Mixed Flowers, at many problema in trying tol Tink, W. Dilling, -Mr. Sambaleat5vreieMs ik decide the winners. Tea-Rose, any red vari4etY, Mrs. Dîliing, Jane Prime. Mrs. Clarence Tink of So- 1 bloom, Mr. Axford, Mc. Section F - "By Candie- li.na bad the beat arrange- Cruickshank, K. Palmer; any light" - dining table centre- -ment in the show and Mc. pink or peach variety, 1 piece, using candies, flowersý William Axford, Hampton, bloom, Mrs. Sul, W. Main- not more than 10", bigh, Mrs.1 had the beat rose. donald, Vivian Maindonald; Tink, Mca. Slute, Joan Vir- Under Section A, specimen any other color, 1 bloom, Mc. tue; "1My Own Thîng", a mod-ý classes that must bc grown Maindonald, Mrs. Maindonald, ensi ragmn, Ms by exhibitor, the winners la Mr. Cruickshank. Trik, Mrangluen, Mrs. lig asters of the large fluffy type Roses., Floribunda or Poly- "Blossoma1 & Birds", a bang- were Mrs. L. Mason Mrs. C. anthus, 1 spray, Mr. Axfocd, ingarneetM.Sue Tink. Ken Palmer; asters, Mr. Palmer, H. E. Bartlctt; Mrs. Tink, Mrs. Sul; Barbecue powder puff, 5 blooms, Mca. Tuherous Begonia,, with nat-I arrangement, using decorated Mason, Mrs. Tink and Mrs. A. ural foliage, in low dish, ,' weathered wood, Mrs. Dilling,ý Whitmee; asters, any other blooms, H. E. Bartlett, 2nd MVr. Slute, Mrs. Sul: "If the variety, 5 blooms, Winnie Dii- prize. 1Sboe Fits", arrangement iný ling, Mrs. Tink, Merle Slute. Section B- Potted House any type of shoe or hoot, Mrs. Zinnias, large dahlia flow- Plants: No entries for African Dilling, Mrs. Tink, Janel ering, 3 blooma, no firat prize, Violets; Coleus (foliage) 1 Prime; "Strength in Unit.y", Mrs. C. Sul, Mrs. C. Tink; plant, Bernard Dilling, Mrs. arrangement using vaÉiousý zinnias, large cactus flowec- Sul; Geranium, in bloom, I1 varieties of one annual only, ing, 3 blooms, Mrs, Tink, J. plant, 2nd Mca., Dilling; Most ail zinnias, asters, etc., Mr. Cruickshank; zinnias, pom- unusoal bouse plant, Mrs. Sul,SotMsDiln, rsTnk pem, 7i blooms, Mrs. Tink, Mca. Dilling, Bernard'Dilling; ,Copy Cat",, two similar ar- Mr. Slute. Collection of 5 cacti in one rngemcnts tha oýlmn C o s me s, Mrs. Whitmee, pot, Mr. Dilling, Mrs. Sol. ra a t cohron mlement Mrs. Sol; Pansies, 7 blooms, Section C - Collection of eachter, soTn î,otheVr Jean Dykatra, Mrs. Sul; Mari- Vegetables, 3 M. lrger, MrsMs. Tnk, Jan ir gold, African, 5 blooms, Mrs. L. Mason, Mrs. Sul, Mr. tuMM.aysta Tink, J, Cruicksbank; Mari- son; Tray of salad vegetables, Junior Section - Cosmos, gold, French, 7 blooma, Mca. Mrs. Siote, Mrs. Sul, Bèets, '3 1 vase, Allen Slute, Robert Tink, Mr. Slute, Mc. Cruick- specimens,. Mc. Bartlett, Mrs. Dykatra,.Carol Slute; Zinnias, shank; Petonia, double, 3 Sol, Clarence Tink; Carro-15, 3 bloo.rna, Carol Slote, Gail blooms, Mrs. Dykatra, Mrs. 3 specimens, Mr. Bartlett, Mr.Palmer , Gracia Dykatra; Car- Sol; Petunia, single, 7 blooms, Bradley, Mrs, Whitmee; On- rots, 3 specîmens, tops remov- Mrs. Dykatra, K. Palmer, Mrs. ions, Spanîsh, 3, specimena,lcd te l1", Carol Siote, Allen Whitmee; Gloriosa Daisies, Mc. Cruicksbank, Mr. Tink,ý Sinte, Robert Dykstra; Beets, sing'le or douýble-, 5 blooms, Mca. Sul; Onions, an4' other! 3 spec1aiens, tops romoved to Mrs. Suil Snajpdrcagon , 5variety7, 3 specimens, rI7le Slute, Carol Slute, spi1kes, J. Cruiîckshank; Sca i- So, Mrs, Dîling; Corn,hu- Robert Dyýkstra; An animule, o'sa, 5 booma,, MATr. Tiak, _ cd, 3cbMu. htme reaýti0n isirýagia- of vee- MVrs. Wîme;SetPeas, 1Mrs. ,Sol1, W. Midnl; alstruit, conea o: r foe 1 vas-e, Mca, K. Palmier, MsTomateecs, 3spcien, rAnidceaDyta, ery y- stra, Carol Slute; Collection, of weeds, ýat least'12 weeds mounted and named, Henry Dykstra, Allen Slute, Gail Palmer; Dish Garden, minia- ture garden in -a shallow con- tainer, Carol Slute, Gall Pal- mer, Andrea Dykstra. BOWMANV ILLE CUSTOMERS CALL COLLECT Ask Operator for 668-3341 or Dial 1-668-3341 DX FUEL OIL, CALL US TO-DAY FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE I Dumrha'm Central Agricultural Socîity 'I Corne, to AT ORON Mammoth Mi dway UDICQ argest Rabbit - IIRmIEIILUU Show in the -à 1./1 ae;, f Cou ntrv, Fkarm Machînery Bands in Attendance THURSDAY - FRIDAY THURSDAY EVENING PEE WEE RODEO WIILD WEST SHOW SCattie & Horses Sheep & Poultry -SATURDAY SATURDAY EVENING... SMILEY BATES and the North Star Ramblers Stars of Radio, TV and Records "Senator" Jini Coyle ADULTS - $1.00 Sept. 14 Sept. 14 Sept. 15 Sept. 16 il, 1 j SEPT'e 9 10 affl, 11

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