Phois o Acton i Blcksock Fair on Saturday 1 1 TheCa'ad!n Satema~ ~oi~iuvileSept l>1, 171 f DI, -I" à Il MAE IlTH p0R E [111 t, i kn à . M A vvemauî M rMATC pe~rQ MACARQo(p Cakes Pis',f6 6OL~NLOIS CJAKE -o SR A NUFNSpgt Mr;. Bruce TilisIan, Edior cSocaIanc1 ffiersonaI Newnlle-Mn rsdnt h irfrst meeftinghon Mon- ~f hevilag ae turngthei day, Sept~er lth.While C... hs dywith m1anyv here 1have been nio .meietinigs of them ri la of He coat or 1ail summencr, the mnembers are swaer they took a1onvith busy elig50-50 tikets to tous! For hose hoping for raie fnds for the imany ram, we expect they were ail nowr hockey teamsà in the wishig it would stop after village. Every dollar ticketý Mhe heam$ rala we evperie Id od makes the prize thaut1 ed SaudyiTalnpr uh ihras weii as the, tîcular on the gro ni Hhe oprofit bein raisd for theý Zn sure cdnt thiuk t[00mueh bYs -f ithe vi llaige. Parenýits ef At ail. wth Loyvý particîipatiing are in 1~a1 fel t 1iejut rei'4partiair asked to, buy and È:-ý conr ý we've -J n re- ce4 eeving the oejei call that thî?, Depite the bad weathei ex- viuuib2r of !iotupý jina Chie ?rce'C-tStudathere 4jUring the vsmrnr ai'e wasa good i atend1an1ceat the treparîng ta get nera L 2s'ýd aie'Sta ar- puce aga-in. Ibn, flou nnel baque held at the homep of rpeports thlat it wcsti I.and AMrs. Brenton Rick- wi.wi~ lil illee@ on the ardýf. 1irst Wedcicica.y fo 'oingte The sympijathy ,ýo f thevillagce npening of sehooL, and Cubs is ectcnded In Staf Sgt, L.j ut]l hopdthir ieitainSigamrandICS family day for lat Newmïkt1e Pan n l hereet S"os f hos moth- the Mlonday tfoUoifg (] e er, Lanbor Day hoýliday. Tis year l~ia News AbMcLa ýN1r. George Charland, an c-Enbr JneAdeaM perien-ced Sotetakes oe o espand ii.A, TT as Akela, andinmvites ail lb,,jiSprat'lar patients Dii p year's boystUncogie out ianidltiorýiial lospitai,Bo avle g ging again, aiso ucw boyi V1%. Jak Jefferý,1y and Ji'Mr1 ?ýged eight, years or oidercer Ctier haveC- recentli o! January ISt,11972. eis etre b omle, will t -,M trtin NeeinS$3%25,to be anu Brue Tl Sonhme n4yfIde copneiby pvro of agýe tiys and baCck inaain. We pnd parents to(, se thatlea, i~eeywish oi' fi'iends ,ýanc çprs mnay get to ko hm eglosa speedy re',cove-y, The first meetingwil getVisiing th CN,.reet ýniderway the foliowing M,ý,oi Weilo Cobyandi Tudy loni "qay at 6:30 p.M. !lu thp L oswhio really enjoyed the entire Roomr, the room whepre 1. ,day andi neyer tired of the istration wiii aiso be hldiwy ptrigat seven on Sete - ucnt vis!itors with Mr. ber' ith and Mrsn. A. Flonk were Mrs. Hockey Mthers. will h, idFlonk's sster and her hus- Phonre 987-4213 baudMe, nti es. U KrîafBruf Ri rM. anti Mes. fron odnOtri.Hv- George R a h m, Greecn,. îng sînrietundtafe'were Manday eveoing viii- bome fhey fook thei nes, fors of Mr. anti Mes. W.Rhm Coby anti Ti'utiy back wýiLh Me. anti Mes, LloydFance tuiem for a hliday. anti son who hiave beený li-ving ____- ilupart o! esAnnie Hiafh- elly~S hmmvt t fiu CUTIîES ýTREBLOCKETTES new home near CtirPark. wetnesiayening et Conigratulations tua Donrald Ne wcastie Park, [eSilnad LnRw ville Cuties playe ied ,Le w- 1 wh er i>rî'ii castie Bloc-kettes girls' tean-,ot~po Unit ed Church, and enagti f ekeouf fie 1iVr, anti Mes. A. J. Hoar anti il-ahl. Their next encount- Louiise, Mi'. anti Mes. Tam er wl be wýith fhie O.P.P, oui Hoar attendedthfe Hoar - Me- Sept. 8tb, agaiîî et Newcastle Guincss wetiting at Rich-, Par-k, with proceetis fcom file twogams fr cippetichht, moud, B.C. Congratulations, two ame fo criple ebld-John. Me. anti Mes, A. J, Hoar cen. ani o Isevsiteti relati ýves on retui home çal~ng onMr. ~T~nI~TT1 nti Mesr, Mo lHooper, Me. T ONui anti Ms. H. Siater, Miss N. ,tddL. arclrnRegina; Congratulations a e. ati Me. anilMeIN. Paffyson, Misa Mrs. S. Gob?, M. VW. Vîvin imaMil, Afîkokan Me. who _v ey ucstl fiaryHoeSalmon Arm, fthe Vlcstc aie, aisofa C fhe Bren,, amîd ut the C.NE M.aniMs jo7ý ug Milice, wîituerhre. c iM es. E. A. Virfue a-ýt-, Me iM es. j. GbRary tendeti fl Reyeuge - Adir anti Njý*ic etujrneti hme sf wed.tig in Courtice Unitedi week afer a tn auf wst Churcil, Auguaýt 21ýgtanti ce- ta vÈiýif ieursouLt.ani Mes. ception et Civie Auditorium, Michael Gibbs ani-daughlter Oshawa, Congratulations Sam, jMandie oî otg la Prairie. frani Tyrone frientis. Mr, ant if Mes:. Cecil Rab1m ,Mrc,,antV.ijM. Nocm Aluin, were Saturtiay visitors of is Bowmýanvile; Me. anti Mes. sbrother, Mr. -antiMe.W E. A. Virtue visitedti ieir Rahm. MUiss Maý,ry Nitdir, sîster Miss Vera Cari' who is Hampton, wcýs agut at th-eir,,a patient lu Central Hors- home Suuiay vcunîg. pifa, T rno3. W ding, uwiile Mcý 'i. Gr il nis visit - ÇICs o inýjg ber.sont Rohn ti d wi!e1 ant femily jayeti ai tnp thrFOY e down eot ta ofl yny, Nv cfavsfn S T A T'Y s M A N rwîfh isierMr.eandiMi. CL A sSIFE D SJ. ;Î-,ePlo 23-3303 Mc.anti Me4s. C. W. Rahm, JASE PARKER WIEN4ER ROULS »AWEPARKFPSR CAKE DoN-IUTS PLAN, SVfQAPED, CINNAMON 2 àoeqf1 Iiqtf gotI0i Ctfl -;AN ,N pAeG, iE PEANIJI BUTTER 3-lb iqr UNIVERSAL BR~ 7~/4-O~ titi NO FAT ACrTOm ATFROAP S- MT AT THE SJ~P~R.i son QUAUT, O4IÇmm (ONU WCHS Hp EA~ OTT A~o Sh.ii Ib RVt',66 Spkfr Ibu amuPEltàrnT QAd 4VRiïI!Y' nS'X un R am , Amp U , S P VT e-uc C3 irssRib Roist 6.C1k5YMat 1Çpg61-enrsi-iyacp a~6 9 mfTirkmîey Legs "59ý ide PmT RompASTBOSwN :Rnm WI4Qci»MA F pL~L» AnO, SIORSpAC% Sholdr oat 6~ itke Beats 79 Suaehf&PokI Il4 9 White Table Stock 25-lb w rRELprN 07- OW eI Prunes 1W4,k4 9c i ýào S Dumn con Hn e s xe2 ~8 9c --w ià i- ï i-- (Znma in Ven-Aznl nn -ýiinA;.;v j 4 f >eLiiu'~aiieiiiI~I~J~ ~"TYRONE Mr'. and Mrs H Mil.uV>É'1re V.-odgkm-inn igto, t Ken aI Wns Qpener 9 ta2'M. a i accrpnîe d Mr and PMrc AJ week ir Mr pn M , Lnnrand faumîiyspent a Heelf ther anû,Mr.rdfils.Ted1MipCAIlfsnfi;hn, Or u Kcendal Captes wo he lWlph lKennedy chiceti UPAI were Peter Maaîtease wsthe niî game ci the CIRA Nnr-8 sri pu gveu qly1 -unbone 11-hei ,Fran rdynihlhkucr ae Oecas t 'fi' i ncly an anc walkanait oelu. evn 3wyrwih hm:Ik frpr tywasquiteasupi. i ndl la p 9 Ita 2. biti. I4Osîn p itrber A -rni unties fbaBob RbnoTwe tbles wore Se ip U F0I y UVVANT t seodgamr of the se i aslweti i0 bfur Whîle his2 for4, so n Shâee? & sa , pepek tcoig a E ) iii be pla t 2 'd cor c tenlhati five errors te noue andi pin b-bitcer fraser Waî nine more ables ha);d taI) LTTL MO îctsundaî i n dal. Elf pidsi, lace 1. fr 1se.u. rizes went toaMr OR Q'" '" The ýagcs ae huleK', cUer f r iKendail _____ _Bride,0 Mri.CVernie Masters, ' Mr. id Ryenar, 0 rs. e BYO D ust Fin aIy Sett les rJ t Culagani ms wJ. C.eC.1k 1 Carryîng prlions- went ta Mrs. iID JMvndEenoudMCole mA z lis- LMis 'aaBk1:acGe11M1,0anr Terminaon of APADS of woe of * anïtri r. by n roJr. ok O nIy Buis30tBonPamd the Byam store hac te mal remawsme demisfartune o! g0231t cuth]nils! Afsllow irî e ta natj 2nia!o pathel4.75Ifhare s irca yunti 17 ie suy iopsaV rm coifi ot Os lIleý3' rea acla ii a7 1, l 97 lw rm a a nr o r*, ea p apeuttownhip ssSàvein he fraie er ten aenti eVO!etSfd. OnMig~3 ~B ppcdea m spudcd oc heGadfudPro 4 eueas p w au pay tiheir bara, subire thaB5 fe ii in lI venu men 1h rand rMeseClnfn m file- right hj Is Sprîng taop+ 9.00for the OAFAD sýtudy Th heemanitm iith oug Mieratfmiy oui o!l the stti gou. arier this eri ispl- 1971 expe-1dntifue have be Mr . a , nt i M D g o ngWet .I. To fie rcmaîning ilht cnlt allotmnt i represtenits ietcnsîa eset ' Tracy,Tap, lcie- Apax, Bawmmuvue, Wblty, etepayr.cpnn e 1.10adc raniMs J. CCok Debnto, icerngVila e, Te own' s bcca!fiUe mhnsto n e cos at $28,- Mr.pnt i Mes Ro.alid a,i Eat WbitbLy tushî ati nirswd3,iyexpenitiurres 15matie Tee i re cnoeîn'ahy niJtîh e n Pikrug fws ip ire upo! thece yecrly aLc5 l\ rslmu mýo NnJams WWoicre nd ,- , is betab $15.22 199-i,96; 1970-$4,60 a i tX0-harrdit irnti u P d tic raam ,e- lowerti la the-$ %15222.tswîici. Tstputiy =wo - wedjing ln rmpiA iu Wa b member il beig iîa(1 infp cd ta cp f eusbopt 21sf J" ch rged lu n pratporfi n ta Tsa i tta j P[ncî e ri cOi i- 5 dbefre fAc su. Ar, ami nti a. .Waotiley equclie as esept To par o t he f I c o ucstoff pprWc nive bithe OA ADS and fai îyvisite r. au p~ ntor 7,1 T D2ar- e2211d. c rn n ' Iobaud the st tiy fbç ,iai te S'ansug4 linfa Ifh 33 er eutor 661 ~. A i b 1 èpentu rs ha gons onersi Suan oôtiley isn V(-)4 To Osbaw if482 l) îl icnec .d foin nap «Ai fie pniol p e-d11 nap, ovsiing bei cusin, leurs 1 lý ý j i