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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Sep 1971, p. 13

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Hono OwnrsStaff cf Fai'mrway Food Market l Presetatin mae to Fair-} asa ajrproblem iat first,ý wyFooci Macket owrîeur. bbut once:( begun, teleph,'ore Mr. anldiMi,. '"Si" Trewinl. calis, withi each one adding? Whe wod ws anoucedanoher know one, helped Macd tket's and the bail kept colling': coigbecause of expiration Sry, we dd' have a tape, c)f their lease, aned takeoverreodg, o th yune (if store by thie ownercon- members of thie comimunity strainanid isma by could havehed that "caring thei cutomrs as xprss-abouit their customiers" has beeni their code -'the unsolic- cd or v1ysde eyr~ lei tribuLtes- by everyone of thewrier' exerincebastheir friends and cust1omeca7. regret and sad.lejss been ex- pressed by so maniv of tme A bock with signatures of as an as we could contact sioe'shapy ndloyl eft fr a few days at tomers, wvho haive so depend- 1~e' (,d n the wondcerful1 relation- Hardw,,are, who kind- shipbtwe owner and eu- iY took care of sanie, and with tonI Mr. MTacDonald and Mr. Cox tomer. f the Bowmanville Countcy For ther fewv weeks- after Cluib eo-operating, golf1 caris the "ýbad" new, filtcredj for "Si and Helen' and a bill- throu-gh thie town, the store fold with cash enciosed for was illd wîh cstomrs il "always eheerful and happy" voicing therir conicerný, -What 1leckBill1 Westlake was pre- Will we eveýr CdO wthout entd o tembefore they them" Tena thugh 0fleft on their "eniforced bell- what ,or 1ibo ar apprecia1tion dys" cou'ld bec hon in a veryv A number of peopie's faith ýýmal wyror tl)e care,jin humanity will be shaken thoughtfulnss - and "ging if sometbing very wonderful the ecod itle"- il] service isn'i found for this outstand- from aý1)-i membel r f hat.se4 igcouple and th eir staff, cil, mîlsorno fo('cedwho have given somueh of n',ou f bsies ecus 10themselves f or, the whoie thesericethe gae wich Our thanks !forcoi-oprt- la se baly neede in theinig, to aql who gv 0"oe eommpniiy tha iilinlyto show ihei Rob rta0fTyon eld a sur- Tb-omps!ý-on sentFcîJdayevenl- pr ise r- 0lithwedding airni- ing with their -oin -1Miss vesay aryon Saturday Daïree Jessup of >Neweastle. evenîn-g for Mc. ad Mca. Les Darlene returned toý Hamp- Hunt of Hampton. Other ton to .3nend a few d cays witb guss present were: Mr. and Kim and Karen. Sundtay- din- McanBmKlein Niehis, Mrs. înec gue,,,stsvitb ýMc. ;alnd Mca. VerlnA Chiambýclain. MNr. and L. R.'Z Thoropson andi family Trz,.PBob :)Ch-amblainý, Mcr. w Mr. and Mrs. Gordon and Mca. GeorgeGîbbils anw ood 0f Oshawa. Mca1r. Ethel MeRoTîbe.ts. NMc. Sunday vîsitora who dropped anld Mca. Hunrecivd fti, on Mr. and Mca. Steve ir ai levely pole lam1p fo ry and family were Mr. th1ose wbio wece present. Sun'-,and Mrs. Ralph Ballard and dydinner guests with Mr. family. Mc. and Mca. Steve ~idMrs. Les Hunt and fam- Artym were among the 890 ilY were Mca. Verna Cham- guesta who attended the Ced- beclauin, Mrs. Ethel McRob- ardale reunion on Saturday erita,, and Mc. and Mca. Gordon evening., Chamrberlain of Nocwood. Satucday evenling guesis Sujnday dinner guests withiwith Mr. and Mca. Fred Roi- Mc. and Mrs. Raymond Fac- royd and family wece Mc. and io and family were Mc. and Mca. William Holcoyd and Mca. Mc.Clarence Alfin and fami- Do-ris Holroyd of Bowmani- ily., Woodville and Mr. and ville: Mr. and Mca. Amos McRoger Welland and fam- Brookhamn and Mc., and Mca, ilvy(o! Seagrave; Mc. Roger John Mocîsette 01f Oshawa; Facrow, Toronto; Miss Ann Mr. and Mca. James Bedoce Gafedof Oakville and Mc. and Mr, and Mca. James Jef- Gerdon Westlake of Solina, fecy of Hampton; Mc. and Mc. ,and lMca. Lorne Annis Mca. Joseph Strychalaki and ,AccompIýlanied Mc, and Mca. 13, Tabatha o! Oshawa.: Mc. Laur- outoey on a Sunday ence Stoutenberg of Barrie; Rfternoon boat, crisef aboard Mc. Richard Cowle cf Court- ,he "Lady M1uskoka" whicb ice. Other guesta wece Mr. .1un7s betweený- Gravenhucat and Mca. Lionel Hickey, acdPort Calinig and returns. Hampton. Sundi(ay dlinnier guiesta with Miss Judy Cacc. Misa Rita McRnd McaTr, Ronald White Weeks and Miss Susan Cotie and family- wece Mc, and and Mc. Bob Brown, al cf Mcas. Erneaýt Mc~ni and Oshawa, Miss Lynette Hol- EaiyBwmanville. Other royd and Mc. Laurence Stout- gtjests wbo called were Mc. cnbucg cf Barrie are among ý;nd Mca. Stan Norrish andUte entectaineca who wiIl be famtily of Tycone.: appeacing on Labor Day --Weekend at the summer ce- sort of Sherkston, Mc. and Mca. Percy Dwi wece guesta on Thucsday with N Mr.c andMca. Jack Newton at HEARING 1thir summrrer home on Wash- bucn-i Island. On Sunday,Mc A D gucts with -Mc. and Mca. S Bruce Tink. Mca. Florence Fowlec has W EARERS retucned home aftec having spent six weeks visiting Better service for frienda and relations in Dilke, your hearing aid means Saskatcbei(,wan. Speniding a few dyarece.ntly wtb Mc. better hearing for YOU and Mccs. Fowlec anid Judy werc, Mc. 2an-d Mca. S. F. Metz cf Vnoue.Last Stundav, becs. our net lýMc. Timiotby E3aybcoofcf Bultone Hamiltonretucne(d homie Aug. 24th after hwvinig spent a Serviceweekewith bis brother John Cetrad family at their home in Hampton. Mr. and Mca. Rarry Milîs HOOPE ~ .EWELERS of Montreal spent, a few LTD. day3 visitîng with Mca. T. S. 29ý ing st. E., !Mountjoy of Hampton. Mca. ~owmaviIieT. S. Mountioy had as recent THURS., SEPT, 9t1 supper guests Mr. and Mca. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hlarold Vaughant Photo by Aster Studioj Tral istandards cf white Candy S t o rks, Newcastle; giadioli, wiih white gladioli flower girl, Miss Heather and candelabra ai the aliar, Sawyec, Ocono; ring bearer, made- a lovely setiing in St. Master Stephen Sawyer Jr., George's. Anglican Chucch, Orono, niece and nephew of Oshawa, on Saturday, Auguat the bride, l4th, 1971 ai 3 p.m. foc the The maid 0f lhenor and the wedding cf Miss Barbara flower girl wece gowned in Gayle Sawyer, daughtec cf shades of pink and purpie, Mr. and Mca. Roy Sawyer, border-print voile with jewel Sawmac Farma, Ocono, and necklne, puff leeves, high Mc. Peter Hacold Vaughan, waistlines and full bouffant son cf Mc. and Mca, Harold akirta. The bridesmaids were Vaughan, Stoney Creek, On- in, shades cf blue and purpli tarie, wtb Acchdeacnn F, G. border-print voile in the Ongley efficiating. The wed- saine style. ding musice was played by The bidal attendants car- Mr. Tom Fiiebes. ried matching parasols' with The bride, gîven in mac- tipa and bhandies covered with nîage hy lhec father, was most clusters cf deep purple and, attractive in a ful lengtb White carnations, plnk sa empire-style gown cf iîmpoct- Iflowers and pink bountiful ed Swiss eyelet. fashioneýd roses witb deep purple rib-ý witbý scoop neckline, pufflbon bows. sleeves, wiib a fuil skict faîl- ýTbe beat man -wa th1eý ing in-to a chapel tran. hite roo'sr eMc ila eyelet over pink taffeta trim' Vaughan, and the ushiers wece md the sîcevea, bodice and another brother cf the grooml train., A bow fashioned cf Mc. James Vaughan, a frlend the same eyelci over pink Mr. Rick Trushinaki, and the beld a shoulder length double brid's b ret h e r sMessrs. tieced bouffant veil. Hec brli- Michael, Frank and Steýphen dal bouquet waa, a I1ovelyý Sawyer. cascade of pinký bouintiful Ait the bride's home, Saw-1 roses ith whte caýrnations, mac Farma, Orono, the guestaý star flowerz and stephainotis. wece received in a. plnk and The bridi attendants were: white marquce by thie bride's Maid cf 1Honior, Miss Judy mother, wcacing a beige- Walker, Tocnto, anîd the champagne silk ýciffon fer- bridesmaid.a were Mca. John mal ahiriwaist gown wlth Dejardin, Port Credit, Mra. blsbop sleeves. The groomn's Robert Culver, Hamilton, Mca. mother Gssisted, wcarlng a Richard Pearse, sw, M«ss raspberry chiffon, leevelesa empire gown. Bath methers Cacolyn Dewell, and Misa Sa,,y worc corsages of white cym- Payne. Misa Dewell wllbec iîu rcia working at Oshawa Gencral The wedding trip destina- and Misa Payne in Sault Ste. tien was a two weeks' honey- Marie. moon te Florida, to the Last Tuesday dinner guests bide's grandparenis' home ln witb Mc. and Mca. Percy Naples, and a Caibbean Dewell and famnily were Rev. cruise. The bride lef i wear- and Mca, Fletche r Tink Cf ïing a white cbrdecd silk dres Watertown, N.Y.; Mca. Ed. it foreat green polka dot, Tink, Traverse City, Michi- focesi green accessories, and gan; Mc. and Mca. Bruce Tînk a corsage cf Wobucn Abbcy and Mr. and Mca. Doug Fer- roses, The happy couple on gusen and Christine. , iheir return will be residing Please Note - The Group in Pert Credit, Ontario, _ Commitice foc the lat Hamp-ow ot ton Cuba would like once again to express their thanka a e f L on Satucday morning during their paper and botile drive. WLive in Deeda En SuresFr< Net in yeaca. In tboughts, not Breatha 'Fresh-cut fiowecs add a In feeling, not in figures on touch cf beauty te any home some dial.1 and flowering plants are ofien We shouid ceuni time, by gcown exclusively for ibis heart-thcobs -proe For he who livea the ïmoat, la h èt ietoetflw he wbo feela and thinka s'i the ea l m e eut foers thr mosi and actas î nteecymcigo best. evening. You can eut flowecs By ný 6-95 anytime during the da,,y if the 110W 26-29 - flowcrs 'are placed ini water immediately and kept in a cool place foc a few boucs. Maxi- mum length of freshneas is then THURPS. - FR1f. - SAT. ensured. SEPT. 213_4 Use a sharp kaife or cutting abears te do the job. Rorticul- tuciats wîth the Ontario De- partment cf Agriculture and Food advise cutting the stem L P on a siant. Leave as many [SDON TV teý aid. in supplying nutients. Prevent pcolongcd exposuce te wind, heat or sua wbieh t e- _________duce the keeping quality cf T . f~LUVJ.hlnnnL.nni.UU.Vint 4ÂUwr,ÂO 'w i;The brrie attHendied Donc-- rivanr and Clarke ýHigh iSchoo1Sý and grduatedfrom MMas- ter Iesiywith anrHoIl and Sociolog, She will bel elattending theCge of Edju-ý rcaton, Toironîto. Thnegoo elattended. igh School Ini Sto-1 ne111y Cree'k and la com-pletingl 1anl Honora Degrenýe in Sociol togy ai MýcMaste-rUnvriy SlA 1938 ý4-door Pcadcn Flverth( ib wned by DMr. aw cyer, taaotdtebia copefrom ith'e churnch Èto alPrior ftl their mrrag, he coulewe~ehonlored with aii nubrof showers andI prý-ý risentationîs: byàMris. Gog Mý1,orrïsojn. Stoney Creekc aunît of the gr oon-1; a cocktail rparty by the gx'oom's p1q larenits in StnyCreek, a dinniir partyv ertain iSîPeýc1, y Mr. ýnland Mrs. E. B-asse-ýt, Oshawa,' Ml àiss Judy Walker (mld f 1honr and Mrs. John Des- ejardins, bc!Idesld. gave al dinrFor t ie wedding party. aw ,h en a dinner service wasi presented. Mr. and Mrs. 'W. lWilsonr, Oahawa, centertainedý aý t a cocktail and dinner par- I 1ty at th, H'oliday in, with a s!presenitat*ýi nof cytlwlneý lglasseas. Mr. and Mrs. D. Mui -ýray, Stoney Creeiç, enterta1in-_ 1 d at a wine and cheecse party iin the garden of th1eir homne, wiîtl a lpresentation 0f a -var- silt of w ineca. Mr, and1 Mr siFrank McCallumw, grandpar-,ý ents of the bride, from O0sh-ý awýa, enitertained at a dinnieri t he Oshawa Golf aidl C01jn1try Club. 4Showers were also hbosted by Mrs. ýýRobert Culver, Rm ilfton; Mrs. Gary Fleury, Osh-ý awa; Mrs. Donald Staples, sOcono; Mca. Harry Donald ;and daughter Mary-Louise,, iOshawa; Mrs. William Stocks and daughter Candy, Newcas-ý i le; Mrs. Peter Cook, Whitby; 9Mrs. Edward Disney, anid Mrs. Riîchard Pearse, Oshawa,. It Flwers shness ier petala are just-on the ,vrge c f unfolding. Poppies -,Iould i be cut the night they opn, Most other flowers are bea cutý just before reaching fifl blooma. Annuals bloomr profuselyj and recurrently, A. f ew plants wý%ill provide plenty of, bloom fryour home. Encourage, larger blooms by remnovingi side buds before full develop- ment. Use space in the vege -table garden togcwpat for cutting, thua avoiding a1111 ceduction of display in the «flower border. Addi tional P ersonals. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvflle, Sert. 1, 1971 before arranging them by pîse- Mr. W. R. Lhimbet and so ing them in cold water for at Mr.' David Limberi cf 'l'or- leasi four hours. Remove the ente were Saturday visitera lower leaves and place the ait the home ef Mc, Colin container in a cool, dack, draft- Taylor. fcee room. Theceafter, change Mr. and Mcar. Gordon C. the water daily and remove a Martin visiied relatives and amaîl part of the stem each frienda in Palmierstoni, Shel- timne. burne, Stayner, Algonquin Gladiolus arc best cul when Park, Ottawa, Buc-kingham onie or two bloomas have ope- Quebec, and Kingston. cd on the spike. To cul, nei Mca, Normaon Taylor, Chuirch a sharp-pointed knife into the St., bas'returncd homne afier stem. Piecce it through, thent visiting ber, sister and fam- hend the spîke back and forth. ily at Eganville, Ont., aise, The'stew wîill break ai Ibis visited friends in Acnpirioc, point. Packenbam, Whîtclake, Ren- Dahlias are excellent for Irew and Pemibroke. decorative purposea. 0Cut them Wayne Runt-, 6 Suniccesi before the blooms have fully Blvd.,-gradutated from a twe- opened and leave the stems year Gencral Buasiness cus long, To prevent the bloorna ait Sic Sanford Flemning Co1l-' fcom wilting, shocten stems by lege, Peterborough, and wil one inch jusi befoce placîng go te Humjrbe-r College, Toir-I the flowcc-s la the watec, enei, enering Photography! Roses and peonies w,,ill1 look c ýoutrse- thece. lFe la the eldiesi theiir best if ut wbenrl the elut-! son cf Mrs,. lHelen iMaï, ,Imm

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