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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Sep 1971, p. 1

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Front ofl Qshawa Times 'Buld ing Guitted by Fire Ont ario 's Growth Pro gram Leapfrogs Over This Regî"on" To Port Hope.- Cobourg Th'e p)rovinc(ial ovrn totethe çeafst cf Toro hsKouh rvica resrr Împrtuis te o uaegotieprge overthe Oshawa- et a meeting in M"ississaug, cet red region and landed modifies certain sections of thel IJEFICIT OVER MILL,11IN squareiy in' the Port Hiope- Design for: DeN,'jVelopnt cc As e3t JulY 3 let the Nort-!Cobourg aeca.11 ceptual plan for thie Torot o' umrberland endt Durhamf, Coun-! A second negion in the Sîm- region, pubiished May 5, 1970. ty Boairdci f Euate has cee County area of Barr.ie- ITt proposes that the got Êlpere;tedi at a defiit "f $l.,34,- Mi'dlanid-Colingwoedi is aise of Toronto( be hialtcd (estenl- 464 bing, sleted, for eccelerated sibly because the spireuling Acue epedtuestetatdeelpent.planning. ceests of services wihare daeS1re$0>942,778 on rev-ý These we7cre the twoie areas burdening the city ;nd its enues of $9,638,314. namned by the province ini a urben boroughis), that a -green- Theý deficit is made up of status report of the Toronto- b It be established bctwEeen ii8,25in ban)s nefiecting centred Design for Develop- the city ced zonle three, andi current opDeratiens and $218,- ment for future, ecenomnic that twe areas i zone threel r59 inetsndg cheque:s. acivity. be cnicoureged te0 devclop la-1 1;971-72 budget i $20, The report,, mede. public dependent cf Toronto. Zonei Sl~69 toweks age by Dary Mc- CTURN 70 PAGE TWO) On Saturday afferntomp a 3ection Pf flhc caves at the Town Hall gae way d crashed ie the ground. It labelie cd thewidram and i acumlaio pigeon resîdue Pmay havé been a contriuing factor Certainly, the bushes in ntof the hall received a more than aidequate supply cf fer,-tilizeor fromf above I-should show ceonsidrably 'oe than normal growth in the nx mnhor HCHere, alfCw eFt the pigeons pose for The States.man photogra-pher. Council. d planned to have some paintig end rpairs donc e the uiling bu o On Tuesday next, 9 poseheasefan early mcrnineý cagere.1e' W Fr'ank Thoni, rectevcholsand ïnechange, in theimarginally te 445, wïih ay pefreshly v0cane, waxed te discover eachothersnews cf. the ied ContiesBoard four county schools for the re- assistants ceunted as " a- and pweihed fer thr ccmmg cfàthSI pSSing cf wanother cf Edûcatýin, perdtS lghtly ta1 drid (w ihad 80 stu- teacher"l. Year1. sujmmer. rfewer slottdets nrelld in dents er&lled lestyear), According to the Board Whil moters ighan s- Afurter 7500purs seco nd- c u stohels thés yea"W lmenaryScheolstff fieverything is shipshaipe aaid 1!ima te d 17 13 lemntary ar.y sehmo suns wîll re-ever laM. Re estmatedaide-gue arec cpected to.- drop ready for the big day, scel hilren i te-Uii sme tei tuie fterth( ceae)f about 2MUin theneW- MSlihlf 9. e65,5;September 7th. Coutis îl strtth tekbrief, iJ retrespect, summier ementary cases nincese-w ie e econdary sOC4 back to their casomfui] !break. cf about 20 inthesecondary teaching staffWilincrease 16Pas BOWIMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEIWNESDAY, SEPTEMBER , 1971 150 Fer Copy NUM>ER35 Must Obtain Tickets to Get, in oie1h Prime MVinister Tru deau will respond te a brief basedI upon thousands of replies re- ceived te a questionnaire sentý eut by Russeil C. Heneyv, Q.C., M.P. Nerthumberland - Dur- ham, at a tewn hall meetingI In the Port Hope and District High Schio o n Septemnber loth, 1971!, at 8:00 p.mr., Mr. Honiey announced teday. Mayor Michael Wladyka will officially welceme the Primne Minister after lis heli- coptier lands on the schol rensat 7ý 50 p.m1 Roger ,Kirkpatrick, Pei dent cf the Northumberland-! Durham Liberal Association, wIll be chairman'cf the meet-I Canadian Statesman. Ticket, holders will be per- mitted te enter th-.e High Sehool befere 8:00 p.m n Ner- ticket holders may enter ai- ter that wkithout charge and may fuI any remainig seats. Mr. Heney- observed that ther is essbly ne area in Canada with sitsvievvs on.ni- tienal issues se cleaR.ly on record as Nerthumberland- Durham. Fer that reasen, thie meeting promises te be a very meaningful one. PostOf c ing. cîtizens f Nerthumber- WiII be Ciosed' pelitical affiliations, are i- n a(o Da vited te attend. Free ticke, may, be ebtained from Chaim- bers cf Commerce, High Post Office Heurs for Schools, the Federation cf Labo)r Day, Monday, Sept. Agriculture and the Ontario 6, 1971, will :be as ftollows: Farmers' Union in both Nor- The Post Office will be thumberland and D ur h a m losed ail day. Countlies, District L a b our There will be one Street Cou-nci'ts, and, executives cf Letter Box Collection start- the Nerthurnberland-Durhaým ing,-at 5:00 p.m, Liberal Association. Mail will be despatehed Mr. Heney aise left, a supply as follows: West, 6 p.m, 11:30 of tickets at the office of -the ýp.m.* East, 600 p.-. their t'lez but not to xench ot for their fire ~alfin Cl in La IoWIiwere tripped. One at the1 Pinie Ridge SchooýL. Once from hemuicpa larmi ýsystenI.I But no fire.ý The cause . too yruch wvater. L, botht cases, wvater had seeped into the systerm, shorting out the w ires. - -----_ ;BITS PIECES WINS flRAW - On Monday iiight, the ýwining ticket for the Bowmanvi île Lawn B Towling 50-50 Draw was scl-ected, with a total cf $227 going to the lucky holder cf ticket 707. He is Don Brook,ýs, R.,R. 3. Bovwm-,anville. President Mervin Brock cxprcssed sinicere thianks teo those who supportcd this smaall buit enithusiast'ie group cf lawn bowlers. t t t t t 'WE'RE HOPING - If ail goors as planned at tispoint (Tuesday evening) The Statesmtan ilil be published early tis- week, possibly before noon on. Wednesday. Th-e presses at The Oshawa Tres whecre this paper is pitdhave, beenched out -kftcr the fire lest Thiursday- and sob far neo serius probleiiis have developed. WC hope to cempflete ougr finalpaemd-on ing on We-dnesday se we shail not ùierfere with thie Times publicatfion later in the day. This -vill be the first day sine e f ire that the Tinies wiill be printed on1 their ow'n presses, uising type producteedin their own composing roomÂ. Special ihanks goes te Dr. James Johnston, puibisher of The Cebourg Sentinel-Star and Port Hope Gutide, who generouslîy agreed 'ta handie the prining of this paper oni bis press should any com-plica- tions dciv elop ut Oshawa. t t t t t COMES SECOND 'Virtuose Glenn Virtuews j ust on-e step away frcom wîningirst prize in the Fididie contest at the C.N.E. on Sunday. instead, lhe camýe a close second an-d (congral"ations are in order. HOLDS LINE -- Bob Stevens advises that thiere wilI be no imm-11ediate inicrease in the price o5f retail milk here, althougýh several of theý Toronto dainies, are boestingtheir price 1(,a-quart Effec- tive Sept. lst, ontario djaic-y fames ho pro- duce iiilk for the fluid market will be r, eceivirigý an 4dditional 20c' per ctfor the omulk used in thatmar)9ket, Thatis- the reason forer aesthiat are gradually coming into effect At01he rti level, Incidentally, don't blamie ithe dairy fan-i ers. Unlike other segments of the ecoýnmy, Ïhey haveni't had an increase since Sept., 1968, t t t YOUTH BýOWL7ERS - Ail yuth bolrsare re- questcd to heatLiet Bowl on Satur-iiday, Sept. 4th etl one p.rn. te registLer for the coming season. Supervijser Harold Bennett has hîs eyc on the Na-tÏoionl (Chaipionshipds te be held et Sudbury in April 19721 and i s oking!, fora, large turniout. Rgs tration fee is $1 50 for the season. inform-ratio)n needed to register is thie bowlers namie, date cf HL CE NUi Y OnSauray t>,aaY yean by thc,e rooYouth Theatre, whihe said wvas excellent , Ufontuneately, the att-edanice hals nPt breensufiettotake c'anceof thseex pne.Adefîit c 'f betvween -$2,5(0 assd $,0 is Davis Refuses Extension of Happiness is Blackstockl Fair, As one of the child(reni's floats in the Blackstock Fair parade said, '4Happi. ness Is Blackstock Faqir". Althou-gh the vweathicer was f ar from -,.id'eal on Saturday-, these gentlemen appear quite delighted as they prepare for the o penring of thi% a)Innual evenit. If w\e recalil orclJoel MAldre at lef t, xas taling to Fair President MerrliaCamp, stanlding belwwhni this phcoo was taken.~ Later, lir. Aldred offiialy opened the annual event. At, righ t is Glenni Larmer, a pasi presient, and in the background, RxHughes is busy as 'the master o01 ceremaonies. Gate Receipt's Lower So Annual Fair Proc t Considerablv fie;A prouram Scho l Sy tem It aaa ilItato nSat- -duct a fair under sccon- iThe long -awaiteçl an- iii1e rý amot diies e'tM e nosincenment by tr- while otherV came oerencocrngex- rential rain that imost oc fïth e The owm,.anviLle L(,ceII leon - tending the Separate School negbuigc 7unte Pp adldteclru syste to rade13, ame ithi.n iess than five i aae which featuredl, as ' yesterday Gade,1w' am e-away had through-out the day. usual, fleats, decerated i.bi-ý y cisiverd"No", Basa e cause cf this the President1 cycles ced many horse2s. Joeli Prmiver Dais'rejei ncd Directe)rs cf the Black-'Aldred, officially epened th1e Last night ,at Minoriat of thle proposai wvas met stock Agrieultua oit air. During the afterný-oonth PrkItelecs qw wihrert ychrhmnwer'e able teccnduct; a mcdi- CormiJer Family pr-ovided L eagliSftball Sem -inl ofth omnGahoi adfied program i.for the crowid imusical Xnetinét r, dýrew 'tà close Vh~ Jewîîsh faith, srnetpresent, and Mrs;. George Boehm cn W tes phostr efeat- cmetcamec fromn Johnr Rex HJ-ughes cf Arthur WaIs, Caesarea thriIIedthi audi1 - ed Stepfhen Fuels 3 te 1 ta thjuis, legal rpeettv the capable M. C. fer th- ence wvith thbe fine jumping wr,'aP UP that ser'Ies and ofteOtarie Alliance of afternecan'i actîvitis aedmntainc .rpi z rank5 Vret ne ChitinSeoswois rcitswr bout ýt iweothirds Germc Shepherddog), AJ\r ce Ellis ShÏoes 3 to CI to winthIat repcrted ite have said tecfte seltk.Smecf ynHvleg rehlsoe rusi"smacks e f totali- the Iivestekchbtnsfo ht iie "Canadien Oeine Tebs-fsvnfinals~ tariaism" and marks "the neiighibouring, areas, seing th ChampIfion" and !has we 22 will get un)derway oD beginlning 0- fne religions rain at their homes,.icît t trophies in abî hwThursdlay eveniiig ai wýax r lnta.rio." W-Ould be impossible te con- (ýTURN 70 PAGE TWO) o'cloeýk. Some Livestock Lost When Salem BarniDe s91r oye2,d La Wcncsay fteneo, Bwmav~le frenen ighingthib»az and trying to sav achicken heruse j were called te a barn blaze cf udecaue egn ton the south end, Bradd Craig wrho live nxtdeor, Sletat dcs,,troyed mest cf the structue and burned spottcd nothe irmi a hay orsrw stack about 100 il pigs, thrcc calves and a quantity of hay and straw vyars away, and notified the firemren whe rushed tA Delbcrt Knapp, who purchse te propcrty somae put it out before it caughit another baem nearby. No 1 time ago wvas celled froim work bu the builng was estîmate e1 damage has beenrcleased. dÀemuoâàeciby the tmd rived. ý,,As firemen wvtere - on, trie illuin ituur w ab, R-- 00 -5 to, 1

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