2 The Canadian Statesmnan, BowmnaiivJ11le, Sept. 1, 1971 Bren f Family Does IWleII, In Competit ions utCNE A ,Bowmanvîliehaî nth oa f1971 .Amri e cas11 s- pas, wQl tte ... vsin H-l att"wa at Ontario and evera "Soiet's ilhuete" ithawadedthe 2nd prize ir o1 fromtheStates, so the ret Cl'ritie idngwas judged in a Wcf Mi. Jawn's Sap- wrery proud that their ilhe ReseýrveGad hmio hr" eeve rize i ossdds el 3,galtd Sauce Horse on s9unday evenhig lu bithr th MeHeos s M e wit An ti-Rabies Cinics en]trie and1pa a 3ed n eus_ tLadires' Sriddl-e horw and 3ri % in the over 15~2 bands ias Ufor D i st1ri"ct âjh place rbbon ànthor d'ds lie padrmi aMd Cout duns" dlasa of il, rédig "Raçla" oenmwp e t MrecMNiC ng W ibt r hu e une was te on boyrideýr forcei this ontto pro-vid1e ai comuicatonbete and "Radar" eoly pony lu a series of£reeanti-ra-bies wvild anmais and bumnans àandl %eten tac.He Sre'cie shots for Durham County cats the best way to do this îs to1 9mite aklare ovtion from -the and dogs. iprevent cats and dogs fromjo "Tedrewn iiomas dîd theý- The eveningr tetuedétwo ~while Frrark Barkey provid- CJ square avd round anin mutsîie in the Ru. CentrID thie evenng seven yso s ldes romnpeted for the UNti "Queen nIf Elack5ý,ock Fair".Ti contest was indged by Brian ~Siroix of CLY Radlic tto in Linids-ay, Miss Pebbi -Swain won tde bite and Ms Alice Ann carnaghan becamej Princess. other contestants weeMiss îcele Robinl' son, Susan Thiomp1Isol, Mari VanCamp, IAY Qunter and Mary Loi lco -A morecompetereport of the Fair will be available Board Apoe -Hampton School heOntarlo MunI(licipal Boardl has apjpro-ved the pro- yosed capital ep, n iel- volved l tIi ddition mandai terationG to Hamptn uno Public School. The Counlîty oardaIEdu- cation erstimatedi costs to be $286.643 and plalnned to de- ü-ant onr a 20-yeartenjon The notice froin. the 03511 ~dted August l8thWl aS tabied lUhgerlegié ular Boarçi Of ýTducation meeting luCobur onAugust 26th. SERVICE If ypou want tefo fi "Ulietlqlog aboudTyour zdziaUOn.oii Yu probably EVE RY WEDNESDAY EVENING 7 o9P.m. at tue GUIDANCE OFC Staring- Sana laî was ;aunounCed hisýotacin -dieas oý ith wehby r.A. W.HarrIs aI ifepldsfroni th ildan a "Therela noneed for ap-atirbisvaccination clinirs I ri rs stated. "Rabiecs is tions throgou h area. For Ilot cendernie huc h dis- particulars se se the advertise- ease does exist in foes nd mnt nI pag Si Arre---.st Bewdley Movi;,n After Spe-âedy CLhosen Aý car which f' jAildttopD- for a Cobourg Detachmnent, On- tario Provincial Police cruis- er whiie proceedhing west- hound on County Road 9 near Kendcal set off 'a hIgh speedi chas. throuýgli Manvers and Clr.Townships carly Sunj- day macirniug. -,WaC).ruisera I romnil-l. e- casie detachr)enit were sent ta- the. jùunctiotn aIf Conty Road O and Highwafy 35 ini -an effort ta block thce speed- ing car butlthe Spieedater nmin- aged ta elude ,th-en. SThe chas.- continued down HIighw.tay 35 at Speeds loclkedI, Train Leaves Ma nvers Scene Of Accident ? A Millbýrook-Beth.any man, Art Mfaclarený, reported tO NwaleOntario Provincial police ýMoniday ight' that his daujghter had been i nvoived1r in a rnotor vehicie aiccident with a train ;-t the Manvers- Cavan Line at, abou,-t '7 p.m. that eveniîng., Damnage-, %as reportedly min- or- but Zhatf reaily disconcerjt- ed Mr. Mcaenwsthe tact the train leit the sceniL-of hev a)ccident. The matter was re-ferred Ille Mvlilibrook 0. P. P., -who, accordiuig to a Newcastie spokesman, are'trin,,,lg to io-. rate the hit and m rin. "1They sointhave o 1o iurhi trouble doing that, " the s*,pokýesmari addled cniety Wh-ich 3ust goes to-)sho)w th1at Îilitakn their man the O.FP.. evrlose_ their train ol thloughtf. Michael Starr First Speaker Canadian Club The x oftve l' he Can- adian Clbof West Durhamn mYet ai the home of Mr. and ft'frs Garnet Richard on Mon- ýday eveninig, August 3ý0. Undffer the resîincyof Ms. .Richard, plans were laid for suother itretngcason-riof Ths ea'sopei v ng m t- Lng -will be September 27 at ,ý:t5 p.m. in Trinity Sundrav sdhool PaIl The speakýer wil ýe 'Michael Starr, former Mlin- si-te? of Labour, an-dnwa SELLS Ct'artered Accountants OFFIES IN MAJOR CANADIAN CITIES BELL CANADA 1BUILDING OSIIAWA CENTRE - OSHAW7A PARTNErS; GORDON W. RIEUL, F.CA., Ri.A, GORDON F. 8EDGEWICK, C.A. BURT R. WATERS, C.A. PHONE 728-7527 TILEVI SION SPECIAL! 1911 GENERAL ELECTRIC PORTABLE *Preset Fine Tuninig SBuiIlt-In Aiîtenna * Ipstant-on ONLY :>159.95 COPAE~AT CANGE[îflO î HARDWARE Î 36- KI;NG 'ST. E. - P HON L 62 3-5 408 etmoir hian mwiles pcr ou.Juatsot h (of Orono one oI the OP..criseswent ouit of cori and lended in ra ditrhl beside the road. There iwas rio reparteddmae TUhe speedinig rar was fln- ýally appreheuded b- a thîrd ewatedetaereuitcar and the oirigina,,l Cobouirg cruiser LaI the juorctioni lighways 2and 35. The driver, -Richar'd Moore aIBwley waa aý:rrcsted by police and re1-turn-ed ta Co- bourg for, disposition. tbre isau rchof land aýp- proximately 60 ta)70 miles aweTy frajni the urlen Toronto area wIhich had leec-,n designat- ed for rcetoaconiserve- tionial âand agricuitural luse, At the tinie the Design was, releesedi, formri Trenurer that, "at thje outset w plan 1ta conasider s'uchareas a Bareeddand as centres for immediate exmpansion 'in the 1970" a and that lyn !1980j we e-xp-erttac)enco(ura"gel the dteve-lopmt-,eit ofai enoter ceteof iprac in the vicinity o;f Port Hlope andc. The basic rationale for, the proposa, M Pýr. macNau'ghtOnI xpantwere ta give relief aif pressures to the westande achieive more efficient ujse OI region. Lest Wdedy r c Keough held ailew cIv on-fl-l ence in Port Horpe to annLoun.-( ý,orono's Poes Take Berating Fo btwentwn o ta tree (-)ea Il nFia evening the Village of Ooowas w tteetiiy Th1reaoo a truck-, backed into a miain jonrction paleý at the corner of M\ain and Staion sliing the pale inu two. A crew frorn the Onitaria Hydro oficein Baw-ý mnville assisted thâe Orono Public Utillty Cornnission in mapkinig thencssr rep)aira. Dr)îiver of the tuk Wiiliaw r- ',ank Wodar, as uninjured in the msa wuhich accurred at. about555p.m.t Datnage fgrsare' mot availabe. Thisý was the second accidient in thie pait twvo weeks ionoviug a car htiga powerpolxe. On, Auus 6thi, a car diriven hy ay Davis Foster of Ri. R. 2, Bowm-an-villeý shear-ed a telephione pale wandtare open a fle hydrut. There wvas extensive damiage duetw Foster's car, thepalek, of coursu, neededï repiaciug, andt about 6)0000 gallons of water spewed out af the hydrant before Iirerýneni were able ta turn off thie tap. i ii ail it has been a disastrrous sumamer for the pwrpal1es in111Or? oa NESTl'LETON Mr. and Ms m oa oig and Uan of Markham aý4re o udyeeigdn spending a couple oA weespMr ad Mrs, JinisAernty with hîis motherMr.Gerg ndMrind Ms to~ag ohswhilehi fthrlainai ;3 owmnilll werej(i, port PryHospAit mprov-, ner gujesls with Mand Mrs -, ed hCalth il wiahed for Mr. Fýred Dayes. Mr% and Ms Johns. Jim Doyle and lamiljy, Br(ook - On Tuesdýray Mir, and Mrs,ý lin, were evening isitrs Harry MLuhi co- Suuday v,'iitorswîth lMm pan1ied Iby their gesmMr h is were Mr, and Ms ind Mrs. imobertion nity, George SlerCollin-gwood; Saskatcewau, and Mr. and mrs. George Wlindsor, Mrs Mrs. Reg. Smîtth, Dafoe, as W.Windso)r and -Billie, kathewn, njoeda touir of Stou.fïvijlle; Mr. an, Mr.Te the Waiter Wel-ýts' Bird Farm, MSairs and Lori, Cannington. travelled ta Bobcaygeon and Mr, and MNrs. G'rant Thom3np-ý Fenielon lîswhere they lad w ot ,ere Sat.urdiay overnigh-t! mddydininer, On)ritheir re- guests witb MÀrs. W. H Tohni- turn tbey were guesta for ev- l tan snd MIrs. Jpames Nyo ening dne with Mr. and at Pefferlaw. Mr, and Ms Mrs.ý Ga.rnet Mulirray anid Car-1 Art Davis, Trn,,wr olyn at Cressweli. iSunday ev'eiiig dirnner guests Mr. ajnd Mrs. George Don- wtî the Thonpsona7 and r-l neral, ML-, and Mrs, Wmn.For- 1rnained ocvernfight. Ms.Jack1 tune of Willowdaie and Miss Mro Dundýas, was a. Mon-il Evelyn Seagrove of Wood- day visitor with lier parents, stock spent 1Monday with the OýTedyMr n Reddings Ai Lake Paudash. Nrmn TuesdayMr.anld Mrn' Miss Virginia Fortune whoNrand sameil caleon r was varationing with the hire ntyprasJ Reddings, returned homne with 'he i rt e iy prha them.bre uPrtPry Miss Evelyn Seagrove, R.N. who has gbeen vacationing for the past six weeks with her sister anid bohri-aMr. and Mrs, George Donerai accompanied th)em to 'ber home in Woodistock on VThurs- day Mrs. Margaret Hick, Betty and George and their aunt Miss Ethel Flicha were to sup- per with MVr. and Mrs. Harry McLýean at Newmarýket, Sun- day evening, August 22. Mr. mnd Mrs. Don Prosser etnjoyed five daysý vacation at a' cottage ;t.l ' JkLake. The! 3 hildren rrmained ,vith thoe grandparents. Congratulationis to Mr. 1Arthur Hyland who llas re- ceived his rontrart for !ce- 3maqker and ceýaretaker at Port Perry Arena 'or hî everith MUrs, Jessie Torrenrie, Lind- say, was a rnîd-weck visitor. with1Ms, Iva n Proutt, MWr. and Mrs.JohnBuchn, aroly-n adDouglas, Lindsay, werel Saturday guesta andCaoy rkemainýed for a week's hoi- Uday with her gadohr [Mr. a)dý Mrs. Don Proutt, Scarborough were Sundfay gust. John ind David Proutt of Ohaw raledon Sundjay, Mr. and itlrs, Oliver Rohrer spenlt the wVeekend at Port that representatives ai tue win, Waterîord, were Thurs- tawns oI CoDOuI7_ rgad !Port dayy overnight guests af their Hope and the towniships aI Cousin, Mrllis. L. C. Suowden. Hamilton and Hope wl work Mi s s Dian e Boar, New- with rnil r epresenta-ý castîrw has been un a tives as a "tash force" ta three mronithaS' tnp taGer- work a ut thie nature eud tag ayand ather places -where es of that e ïrea,'s 3deve]lpuienlt.she a1soc took a Gýernman Be samýd t'hat the caipO),si- cou.rse, returned home re- tinand' pur-pose aIf thie frcaenly d on) Sunday was lied not leen i rifled auddinner guestioaI 1er gnandpar- adided that hie woffld be di- ntsrM. and Mrs. Leslie col-, cussng tese maltera witl!1aciLt. mebes aIth1e Lake OtUia Mi ad , H Joward Cy- Regional eeomn Coun- dn nrpeientlyý took in a cil alid tle four mnrpliisbst1ip irotn port Hope ta ilnvalved. A meeting, cloaed ta !Kjingaton, Ithen a ýtour aIof. 0 tepublic, 'was held folliowînig isied the cnenc.NOa deta2ls are A Iew aI île Base Lin. availlalle ai wlat tr-anspîred aisapent a very enjoyable, "The taSk, force is going, ta e-lterj(oonj on day lest week be putting ae pnîce teg on1thîngawith Ma.Hilton Tinh. Eb-, and presenting ftheriLto th1e enezr. muncieltie ed rovnc," Mrs. E. L. Gilbanhdau gh- le sidc. 7ter Mrs. Rager Ngrj 1Lihe Lthe Oshxv Aa A un),snîVr. Bill Gilbenk P£lannlý ing ad DvlpetOoow rîner gu1eýlsalst *tdthe cosiwill le shar- Fn ywjih the formner's par- ld hetween the 'province end ecnta ,Mr.> and Ars. 1H. G. Free-J the local mn.iipalities, with maLri' the former piching up theý Mrs. U. C. Snowden was a greater portion ofI t htl dinnier gueat lest Fridey with One matter the teSk I ceMra. Doreen BErooks, Bow- will hiave ta dletermine ha just ýmenville,. whqere growith will tae.place. MNr, and Mrs. Arthur Gil- Asked if tis man regionial:sonj Base Lin., apent the goveruiment w-ould le im"pie- veekend with Mrs. George mented as a cansequence, Mir.lStichie, Coîbornie. MeKeoug i replied "ti. crea- Mr'Y, and Mra. Walter Doyle, tion af an urban growth cen Slan ere- Sunday visitfora ire is divorredi, ta some extent, witIi huai brother an-d wife,I froni regioel av 0errim'enýt." Mr and Mra. Steve Doyle and' Mr. McKeough at aid that! faii y. growth aIfti. earea would le Mris. U, Tapping, Hlamiltan; encouraged "ithogh the koca- Mra.Bo Topping, Mr. Glenn, tioni aI govenuiment institu- lMr. Ted Tapping, Peter- tians" ind îile"eeosueoghwre Thuraday lun- af iýnceivýes" unýider le mn- cheon guesta wth rs. Roy dustialdevlapentpro- Tppig'sparen-ts, M.and ra nis. 7rs Fed R. Stevensý. Mn. vn tabuild up yu oe Mna aspend e ew eys or. feara -.. his alime-wot uagrandiparentae. diate. MissDonna iBurton laii nd -ing a IePw days w,,ith Mr. and MÂPLEGROVE Mr, Charlie Titîord, Toron- Littie Miv!ss Susen Norris la Maple Grave Cwhcli serv- _speningï a few; days with 1er irce nexi Sunday will lei(,et il grandparentsf, Mn. anid Mrs. a.m., Elenezer et 9:45 amr. Jerk, Norria, Oaha"wa. Miaple Grave Sundayv Scheoo Mr% and Mrs. Charlie Dow- will reopen on Sune - et. ney, Bowmanville, werEý Tues- l.2th at 9:45 am,. There wadyls ekviitors with a good turnout an Suniday ta ýMr. and _Mrs. C. P. Swailow, hear _Rev. Hearry Melhowk,,The meny , irienda ai Mns. B.A, B.D., D.D., who is ahl- Athur M«ýartin, Merlin Rd., ways welcomre eta ur cuc.aesorry ta hiear she il a Sorry sanie af this item was patient lu Memroriel Hospital. amîntled lest weeh. Mvr. Ken! Mn. an-d Ms Fred Wright 1Maylerry r-eturnicd home on spentî the weekend î ,-th Mr. Sunday, Augual 29tI1 froni a end-c Mrs. WV. A. Wigle, Learn- holidlay in Englend, Wales, ingtin. They spent Sundey where lbe apent three weeks in nighit with their son and wife Crewe, one week in Landaun, Mn. and Mrs, Wayne Wright, Enigland lu Shiriners Armnes,lSt, Catharinea. WIieine l Lonon.Leaingon Mr. Wright's MsL.C.Snwe spn siter Miss Margueýrite Wright,1 roat aIf thei eekend et heriStoniey Creek visited with1 daugliter's3, M.Otis Prth h Ni r. and Màrs. Waynet ard, Maniotický. Sorry ita ay Wrighl spenit part af Satur-t Mvr. PfitrhRrd la tilIlunCivir d1ay 7and Suniday with, bis Hospital, O1ttawa. brothier and wife, M'r, and1 M.dM razre Zt, M iltn al Ms Ka rihtUae.Liae..: Sunday aiternoon and eýv- ening dininer guests withMr Fmd Mrs,(George Bowers were .Mr. and -Mrs. Beg- Sutton-,ý Orona,ý and Mir. Amibrose Ly- wood, Lindsay. Mr, anid Mrs. Wallace Ticlçý, Linclsay, were evening visitor,.1 Mr. and Mvrs, Re,,, Middle-' toni anid family, Mississaugal isited for Sunday eveningi dinner, with Mvr. and Ms Wilfred Vine. Mr. and Mrs. Arche ,Ma;-l- fatt, Welland, spent the weeh-j end mith Mrs. R. WV. Jacksn' and Mr. Alan Jache1-on, M11r.ý and Mrca, Roýber IiSeffieid, Cleve and Kath, Osbawa,l were Sundsay caIl]ers. Mrs. Elizableth Farder, Hl-f1'ý crest Nursing Ho cm, Port1 Perry, visited ocn Wedinesdlayl with hier son and daug;hter-ý in-law, Mr. and rs Harry MeLaughlin and nijCoyed th-e day with her sister andn nieceI and their haad who arel On Sunda.y et 2.m he Bpurheton vs. Nesletoln gamt e at Nesietoni got underwayj.ý The runp-dowrn aIthe game lajs not availableý but the finjal score waus Nestleton M.0 Burhe- 1 Lon. The remaininggamswill commence ut 2 pmSunday,ý Set 5 urhetonvsNet- 'on et Nestietoûn; Sep t. 12, Nesieton v'S. scugag at Neat leton. (Balance held over) Bicyclist Breaks Leg In Collision The summer started with a' rash of miotor vehirlIe-bicýycleý accident1s, Noiw Itappears it iS gaing ta end on Ii. sarine note. GO FricIay al. about six p.m._ý Do-, ýig Wa rd, a ge 1,5,5 ai R. 'R. 1,' ýBowmya-nville, coliýded with al car while cycing arrosa Tauni ton et the iteqetin Ithe ýOlcL Scugog Raad. Th(,.ed 3sua- tein.ed a fractured r'ightif eg' and bruised rigît elbow. He was tahen ta hospital fin'ow mauiville by ant Emergency, Mîeasures Ambulance, and lat-_ ýer transferred ta the Oshawa Generai, where hie is reported 1oday lu geood condition. The driver ai the_- car wasi John Peeters ai R, R. 2, Oronio. Graduate Nurse Margaret Elizabeth Alu1n, R.N. Elizabeth is the dautghter aI Jerk and Louise Allin, Ca- Iburg, and in June was an% honour graduai. ai the Kînga-, ton General Hospital, Kýngs- ton. B er grendparents were tli. laie Mn. and Airs. Harry -lînÀ end Mn, Wm. Cale anid 4ooau.tmatir, eetredeftost, MF radio, tape player, reclining -scats, etc,. S new $3900, O111Y 3000 nue's. L'ic. 450454, 6 cyinde eninenewtiles, excellentI conition. Lic. 575,508. 4-Door, V-8, automlatiC, powet steerinig, power brakesF, radJio. i.839A MUSTANG 21-Door, V48, autornatic, powerserig "GRANDE" power brakes, radio. l. 4 -99412-. ~Â1flLflIMPALA *X1767 HARDTOP SAMBASSAD * 1968 WAGON A OFAIRLAE * 1968 WAGON N * 1968 PIA 8 MERCUR * 1968 COMET R * 1967 1'JiTOP 7PONTIAC *1967 LAURENTIA MacDONALD GIVES YOU A HEAD START - AND SERVICE THAT KEEFS YOU THERE 2,Door Hardtap, V-8, a utorn atic, power, steering, power brakes, radia. Lic. 30439A. 8, autonatic, power stie-rig and power Lkes, radio, _Lic. 660393. .Air conditioning, V-8, automnatie, power steerin1g, p--ower brah-es, radio, etc. Lic. X41113. V-8, a utornatic, -new tires, 'atiu" Lic. <X38386. 2y-Dr., "utOmiatic, custonri radio, "n we" 40nicey". Lic. 34124A. 2-Doo~r 1Hardtoip, V-8 enigine, 4-speed trasmssin.Lic. 37911 A V-8, automeatic, power steering and Power brakes, radio, vinyli roof, tape player. Lic. 48:339A. 4ooautomnatic transmissionj, radio, S"creamif",Lic. 16891A. 2-Door Hardtop, V-8, auto'-iiatic , power steeriug, powe-.r brakes, radio., Lic. 15907A. V-B, standard transisiýon, power sleeriîng, radio. Lic. 43156A, Manitego series, bucketsý, con)sole, V-8, LEautomnalic7, power st eer] ing and power brakes, radio. Lic. 8134A. 4-Door, autornatir, 6 cylinder, radio, ane owner. Lic. 67879K. PARISIENNE v-, aýutomatic,, power steering, power HARDTOP bak, radio. Lic. 6544K. G.M.C. Cie' GALAXIE 4-D 500 o FORD 4-ID CUSTOM Lie, La Sabre, V-8, automnatic, transmission, pawer steering, power brakes, radia., Lic. 40999A. 4-Door, V-3, automatic, power steeriug, power brakes, radio, new tires. Lic. 47744A. osed 12 f t. Vain, 5-speed transmission, dual ar wheels, good tires, 27,000 G.V.W C38318V )oor Hardtop, automatic, power sleening, ver brakes, radio, "perfect". 38859A. )oar, 6 cylinder, autamatic, custonm radio. c30587A. EPIC 4 cylinder, radio. COACH Lie. 46638A, V-8, automnatic, power steering, power Ebrakes, radio. Lic. 51127A. ,4-Door, 6 cylindrer, aulomatic, custoni rad!i. Lic. 61318A. Series' closed 12 ft, Van, dual rear wbeels, former C.P. Express truck. No license. 197 1 VOLKS 19 71 "411" b ""E'LISTEN BETTER"'f MAVERICJ< 2-DOOR *#1970 *1969 *1969 *1969 PONTIAC G.T.O, CHEVROLET4Door,,, automiatic, cu(Stomr radio0, " car BISCAYNE condition". Lic. 17478A. * 1967 GALAXIE 500 196 7BEL AIR *97SEA f1967 *1966 *1966 METEOR CONVERTI B FORD CUSTOM DELQITTE, HASKINS & 6BUICK *1966 CONVERTIBLE ~d1nLrMERCURY 1965J MONTCLAIR *1965 *1965 *1965 f1965 ~i1flLAOLDSMOBILE 1964CON VERTIBLE ~IflLAOLDSMOBI LE 1964 F85- f1963 f1962 PARISI ENN E V-8 engiue, autornatic, power steering, CONVERTIBLE console, buckets. Lic. 82991B. G.M.C. "f950"1 MacDON ALD 815 KING ST, WEST (nt Thorntmi Roud) OSHAWA e 576u1800 e jý s2788 s2188 s2588 s1688 s2388 s2288 $1888 $1 788 $1408 $1588 $1388 $3588 $88 15 $1088 PAERCURY 1970 MONTEGO