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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Sep 1971, p. 3

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Marred, in St. PauI's d Mrs. James Thomas Gî A. A vcpcet adigws broter. solerni7ed in 1St. aul'sUit- Mci. Shackli ',Ld Cburcb, Bowmaniville, on tbbc bride, woi ,ïa?(urdaéy, July tenth, .971, et shentique dcc, .2:30 .rrn. when Bey. Harold ing sleeveiess Llreruibcld in bbc bholy cessories, aoc ',bo n ds_,cfmaion Miss wes of Wobu Puth ElnShackleton, dau- with white c ffliter cf Mr, and Mca. Gerel'] groom's rnothE ýr, Shaichîcton, B.R. 1, Bow- was tticed ii ~nniland Mc. James crepe dccii G'boma Gedds, soun of Mc. accessorces, en sn ca. Jamnes Geddcs, B.B. pink roses; ar ý6, Bowrnanville. tions. Thc brid lokedradiapnt as The bridc's eb(wlcd dow'bbcaisle On turne wes ae theý amm o f ber father, in an in blua witb e -lne f pulngtk gýown With The wedding lace anid sequnin rim, a Chan- was a'cottage liliy lace bodfice, camelot They will be .Aleves anjd chapel lcogbh 4, Bowmanvill train. The cry vflatterngITecrb 4scdpec ws efor-îcedE with beautil calpdveil bcljd by a crown 'of sedpeacis nd cicrystal standards of -eads.1Th1 bridai buqetand thbc wýed( w nsofpink roses and baby's played byMi brPcqIIb, A.B.C.T.,,A.C.( Thce,]ndnilwcma-signing of th nonof ono Mc. Jmesan-Meteaýif -was cIerso, a friaýnd,bids id cornpanicd b, 51iý, . St -ewart ç;evis*t-,D, el àf bbc groom, aoid Mca. Biruce The bride, Steinton, cousin vf bbc bride. tcnided Salenm ,rTley wcvrecb arrning ini pink and Petcrbor Chiffon with Pink undferskirbi, Collage. The whie odce ,with j long prentice leetj wbit-aslicvas-gatbeced e bciElectrir, Bm 'writs Pik lce îct li ats attended Map ccomplemrentd thegown ndSeboo1 ancd C( they,-carcicd bouquet s of dajsyl Hope High Se ýYum oad pinik carnations. The bat an wvas Mc. John G dsbrothecr of the rcoo)?, BLACI Plnd tbbc usherar ~SeatTravisi, brother-jo- Pleased b o r law cIf bbc groomjr, and Mc. old Hamilton Eric Shachîctoni, bbcbride'a on fo and Mr, Payne in Newcastle. it 1 Mr. andYsStatDr U n* ceu reli ndfaiiy wreSunday guets f Suar'saunt and, uncl, M. ac] rs.Ed. Do-, 'reli in idln.Teyejy ed visitýing the bapli Pakin Orillia. MrsCaresVnning vre- tllrned 1home lest eek fromr ,ýThunder Bay wh-ýere she en-: joyd athre-wekvist withl ber daugbhter Joyc, Mr. andl Mru% Dale Gunter and famiiilv. Bey. and Mrs. J. C. Hill andi Jonathan of Ripley and Ms Chas. Hill and Miss Rub-y Beareof Trontoý were mid- week callers of M.andi Mrs Wilhur Tom,Mr and Mrs. MHarold McLaugbl.in and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly and family and Mrs. Courtney Graham, Coniýrqtiilations tb Cart- writ-Grand Old Gentle- mian"Mi,. Herb Hooey wh-o celebrated bis 97th birthday on Friday. Attending bis birthday party in addition to the patients and staff of Hil- crest Nursing Home, Port Perry, where Mr. Hooey is a patient, were 1r, and Mrs. Harry McLaugblini, Mr. and Mrs. George WolfeBryanad John, Mr. Oscar MQae Port Perry and Mr. and Mrs, James Robertson of Unity, Saskatchewan. Mr. Bryan Wolfe bas re- turned from bis summer's employment. Bryan bas hbeen Boating and Camp Craft Di- rector et the new Canadian Keswick Youth Camp at Lake Rosseau. Bryao baps lbeen there since Maey and ill îIýb2 returning to blis suisat McMaster Univrs.ity soon. Mr. Steve Perk ins of Prince Albert was a Satturday din- ner and supper guest of Mn. and Mrs. Wilbur Toms ands attended Blackstock Fair. ç Mr. and. Mrs. Ted Gilmour and Miss Joy Gilmour of Lindsay were Saturday supper eddes guests of Mr. and iVrs. Ger- aid Kelly and girls. Mr. Win. Kelly of Bobceygeon also was leton, mother ol a Sturday guest. He picked )re a nule green Up iVrs. Kelly who bad spent s with match,- a few days witb ber grand- coat, White ac-icbldren wyhile everyone eise d ber corsage wes occupied witb the Black- rn Abbey roses stock Fair. arnations. The Mc. John Wolf e bas return-1 er, Mrs. Geddes ed borne,from a seven week ýn a pink sheer holiday in Europe witb bisi itnvY bu friend Guido Krummenacher id a corsage cf of Bowmenville. nd pinký camna-, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hamil- ton. Mc. and Mrs. Roy Corden traelingco-and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bailey: hmbotdr atsoutfit joyed some bolidays at Coe roideytrim. Hl:li at Boy Turner's cottage tpdestination last week. Sat Twin Lakes. Mr. and Mrs. Dean, Ormis- residing, at B.R. ton and. girls, Brooklo, were Le. ISaturday guests of Mr. and] iwas decorated Mrs. George Bryant a n d fiy arranged family. Tbey too took in wvhite 'muras, Biackstock Fair. Idng music was Many of the ladies Ïn the ýr, Ross Metcalf, Van Camp familles attende'd C.M. During tbe the trousseau tea inhonor of tîe regî,ster,, Mr. Miss Margaret Saywell at bier the sloist, au- parents' home, Mr. and I'5.r ýy Mr. Douig1asStcepIin Saywell in Obw a teacher, et-j iSchool, B.H.S H sia rough Teachers; Memorial H sia cician et Colas wmanviiia., and )le Grove Public utieand Port chools. KSTOCK report that Har-' Sis able to ha shawa Hospital. Weekly Report Week of Aug. 23-29 inclusive Admissions --------1-- ---- 74 Births-6 maies, 3 famaies 9 Disehergas ----------- -- 85 Major Operetiona 13 Minor Operaions - .35 Emergancies . - --.-210 Visiting oucs,3 p.m. - 8 p.m. Pretty. August Wedding nuOhawa INagy 'and Miss Buja, Toron- iThe- Canadiari Statesman, Bowmanville, Sept. 1, 1971 31 to, were Sunday luncheon;- 1 guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peteri Ercegovac, were Saturday evenng guests op , o of te HaoldmeMilesB w mAnna ereFia upr .~IuhJU I ue guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Biejcîk, Toronto, Sunday afternoon Mr, and Mrs. P. Ercvegovac and Arma were spper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vignyevic, Toron- to, and lvonday they spent the day at the Exhibition, BURKETON Mm, and Mra. Ted Holroyd, Bowmianvilie, speritSundayl wîtb Mc, and Mrs. Frank ...........Holroyd. Mrs. W, Bryan is vîsîbîng with Mr. and Mrs. Orval .~"'u-Greer and famîly, Oshawa atrspending some time in ,' '~"y'iŽ ~~mospital. Every b.cst wiah for a speedy rcovery. Mra. H. Trick, Lindsay, vis- îted wîtb Mr. Tom Trick and -gg Mrs. Grant Carnochan dur- M. and Mr. C . Wies and Casey, Peterborough, cailed on friands and neîgbbiors on Sunday. Mrs. Bein Hubbard, Mr. Aiden Hubbard, Bowmianville, . renewed old acquaintences in Burkebon on Sunday. Fire Brigade Uîi. and rr M n ena Lloyd DamPIanlt A very- pretty wedding wes oubflts. f riends, co-hoste2d a mîscigel-IKepi Bus~ solemnized on Saturday, Aug-1 The be-t an ws M.I laneous sbower et bbc W ag'- , uit 14, 1971, et 3 pm. in bbe LanceéDaentbroher f bcnec home, Fiordl Drive, Osh-1 \A/1k A Seivation Army Citadel, Osh- groom, and Iushrswr c. awa. 1 iIII - Fre awa,, by Ceptein Marshal Kcith Yue!, bid'sboter Mses Mary Elîc Se) (neiddfo et ek wben Miss Lynn Marie Yulc, and Mc.)an lkc, cbe luzar, Sheila an'] Lori Yue daugbter of Mc. end Mci. of the groom. ga,,ve ei miscellaneous sbower A fima broke out in a'sbed Joh L.Yul, ad M. Dna At bbc ee pton wi h tbbcBathe Park -Clubbouse, et the homne of C. J. Van-ý Lloyd Damant, son of Mr, wes bcld in Batblc Park lub- Osbea. Heiningen of, 7 Victoria Stree and Mci. Arnold Damant, bouse, Osbawa, bothYi mo ters A meaciel party waî hel1 Monday morning- and before it Eustis, Fiorida, formerly Of lookcd cbarming ,rceriviog' et bbc home of Mr. and Mrs,»2Ûuld ha extînguisbcd ceuse'] Bowmnvilewere unitcd In bbc guesti2, Mrs. Vuile, moth!-er Lance Damant, Oshawa. an estimated $700 damages toc marriage. of the bride, vvore ;a deeppink Anebulding ad tentenoo. The ltar oftbb chcurch was silk Pensemble w',,tb sheer An Tm ebuVitia ohedne by Mr beautifully decorated with sîceveýs and maýtcbînig leevo- LUata 5U1icmowia s ownentayrl. baskets of gladioli and 'mums. less coat. Beeda ,ti---rimed te L N bbcMlerwsmrnitrl The wedding music wes play- neckiinc and wrîts tof -bhc thrcatened by thce blazec, anc ed y M. JrryMiler drss.Whie cce ic. an ,Mr. and Mmi, G. Baker werie sustaÎned exposuce dmg cdve by Mc.Jrr ib er. a dccii. Whidac sce nd Tursdey evenîng gueits of amounting to about $100. A Givheninhembrige b bed dr ae ntralocbid corsge n-!Mc. and Mmi. Bob Burton, large white rabbit in this shed fatlernlherideuloked e or-ai oced ,the gottit Mc, D- Oslýý!iawa. was rescued withoub hejrm., abl inbe fui engb orml mnt bb guio'smoter Club 50 ladies %will meet on On Sundey afternonl fire- gown of imported Swiss dot. woce e pastel silk dress with Tu sday-1,1 evening, Set14tb at mca ware caled to a grass anc11É The fitted bodice bad e beige organze coat, beige ac- tbcho iume of Ma James brush fire eithbb base ýof square eut neckline wbicb cessories and e naturel orchid Wood]ey. Sugar Plum Mountaîn. Ittool was outlincd witb deinty corsage. Mrs. Joboston Kidd, Mr. two boucs to exinguish and French guipure lace. The fui] For bbc wedding trip to and, Mis. Ted Kidd and Mcl- raquime'] bbc use of the port- lengtb bisbop style sîceves Floida, bbc' bride chose a odie, Master Donald Kîdd, able pump drafting from the wcrc fîtted et bbe wriîts wîtb bucgundy floral drasa ani- Goodwood, were Sunday sup- crack. Fire Chief Jim Hayrn tight cuffi. The skirt feli semble witb whitce ccessor- per guesta of bbc Smitbs. believed bbc fime was caused gcacefully from bbc empice ses. The happy, coupla's fu- Mr. and Mci. H. C. Mc- by cbildcan playing witl waistliio and bbc bcmlîne bure résidence will ha 43 Cluca spent Wednesdey witb matches neer the creçk bank. was outiined witb e double Wayne St., Apt. 2, Oshawa. bbe Smiths. The' coat of bbc fîre calbbe row of guipure lace. The The bride ettanded Bîbson, Mr and Mca. Bruce Baker Chief said was betwccn $85 hcad1piece wes a wedding T. B. McEwen, Donevan eandd,,,Parna, Oshawa Mm. and to $95. band, in a double layer of O'Neill sehools, and at pré- Mc. Jim Bowen eand Danny, Early Sundey afternroon bbc_ Swiss dot, one lcngtb cf sent Is ernployed as a sacr- Tyon wce Sunday aven- truck wes called nut, to a ce.a which faîl to bbc sbouldc tary, Associetes Finanuce Go1. in ,,guestai of bbc John iBekers. fîre on Highway 401 neer, the and bbci other to a full lengUlTblagro atta-nded ar1cool1 Mca Gabriel Kovaca, Mc. weîgb scales. Te vC_>ei cheel rai oulled n gi- a Bwmnvilc nd oi1 ed Mca eold _ Murphy vis- owncd by Sing Hum o4f Oronn pure, lace. The bidai hou,-: Hope and i s cmpý là t ited Mc, G. Kovaca in Toron- was extcnsively damiaged, As quet wes daintily arrenged Pcieskok Motors, Ajeax. to Genéral Hospital, Sunday it was returning to bbc atatios with mcd roses, white cerne- Out-of-town gueits wecce ftemnoon. Glad to report Mr. tbc truck wes involved in tions and stephanctis'. present frorn Bowmanvillc, Kovacs ia much improvcd in minor colision on bbc bigbwey The attendants w ecc Mary Peterborough, Lakeficld, Coc health. witb a car owned by Peter Ellen (Sue) ýHuzer, friand of Hill, Jordan Station, King Mc. and Mri. Brien Sund- Bombardiami of Toronto, who bbc bride, and Sheila and Cîty, Toronto, Scarbocough, erland and family- wece Set- bad apparenltly stoppcd to s Lori Yule, subters of bbc Lindsay, Burlington, Beams- ur']ay guesta and Mca. . wbail bbc fuis was about,. bride. Thcy looked most et-i ville, Scbombcrg and Fioride. tractive ln blue- Swîs dotted Many showers warc bcld in peesant style dresses witli honor cf bbc bride, Mca. Or- squame necklinces and bcmlinc mand Yule, bbc brid' aunt,I ruffies trimmcid wltk velvet bostessed a miscelliana o u and lace. Wide brimrned showcr et bec home in King white bats and bouquets cf Cîty. -* * daîy 'mumis and pink roses Misses Cornelia Waeg ne r complemented bbc attendants' and Nicole Pawleck, chool ws ai Maple Grove United lr Ik le, Hope Township Councîil dis- he tbougbt mmer fthe,ý elosed Friday August 6tb that township councîl soudbe Ontario Hydro went to buîld in attendance at th!e prop0osed an access road to their Wes- meeting witb Ontrîo Hdro icyville hydro -plant site froin and the'Departrient o rn' a inew highway întercb angei port a nd Cmuiain on the MacDonaid-Carbîer 7This Is a re-tty big suei Frieeway et the Morrîsb aide- the tlibî, e s 'd Andc rabut the township plan- I think the town,,îship coýuncil. niing- boalrd is pressing to bave sbould be there. the accessa road follow the %on tpebrwoi present Hope-Clache Town-ý secretary 0 f the onsi sbîp boundary road. planning board saiid nr1lc_ A copy of a letter from the Hydro made two or t~e planning board to Ontario proposed' entranceo to their Hydro contended that tbe property. The one- froin Port only beneficial route to the Hope, hae said, wvas out ,be-. townshipwes along the west- cause ofi tbe low sbas ern boundary of Hope Town- Tbcy couldn' bibrng ther larg-e sbîp bbrougb Lot 35. The equîpment needed ini the coi-. township planning board le- struction of the planltin fron quested another meeting wîtb the Port Hope route. the Departirent of Transpor- Cour. Stapleton said Oni- tation and Communication and tario Hydro dîdn'b warit anyv bbcth Departmnen t of Transport cloverleaves close to a zservice to dîscuss the matter. A re- centre because of theérfi ply fromn Ontario Hydro was bazard. thet tbcy would reconsider ,Oet~gIlk' bu the western site. n hn ie bu Council learncd that if thc Ontario Hydro,' ai Cours. new hîghway interchange Stapîctoni, "was they said that came off the Macdonald- thcy would pay for- the ýoveýr- Cartier Freeway et the Mor- ps oh osmce n rish Boad tbe townsbip's then tbey would g1ive it tg officiai plan would have to the townsbip once itfa, cm be chenged. pleted." Deputy Reeve Weston Ban- Cour. Stapleton rd ,ý that if ister commented, however' the overpass was buîflt sigar that hel,,, couldn't sec any ad: the Marydale Park there wa7ks vngeto the township for the danger that bbc ne%,,,road, the route the planning board would encourage.a rockfet cwere choosîng. val tbere.-Examiner. Deputy Beeve Banîster sa' d bie tbought the way Ontario GET CASH TODAX Hydro plenned the route was THROUGr-1 Ithe most practîcal. S TA T E l iAN d Coun. George Stapleton said CLASSFED ~ry Oeaners 0ucd A certain worksagman had beau ezmpljyti dfOr soýme trimle as gardener on a large estate. He had flnell been dsist bacause of bis dishonesty. Feeling sorry for the Imn'swi andi family, his employer gave him a letter f rcomed tion, worded as follows: "I hereby ceetify thia tlthe bearer beaý been My gardener for over two years, antidrinig that tilïne ha has gotten moreeut of my garden-thank an'y manti e'lr employeti." CLOTHES CARE HINTS: Dirt anti grime have aeutting action en fabnis rW a gar-. menta fraouently andi remember dryeleanîng eovsdut dirt ïftdgrime. ORONO AGRICULTURAL FAIR Thurs., Fr1., Setz epebr -01 BOWMANVI'NL _ CLEÂNERS lu "6'84 INGý ST. W. 62.3-552* CLANR We Specialize In Shirt LaundAçerÏig-" ------e----------- I Ineribd nGute ( y A cordion( )I Mî. and iNrs. Heroldi Wayne (Pug) Brown On Satumcfay, June 26th, 1971, Mm.-and Mmi. Wayne (Pug) BmLown jjexohjajgci marriage vows in Maple Grove United Church at 7:00 p.mr. The brida ijsbc form-er MViss Jo-Anne Shirley Carc, dau ghter cf 3Mru andm, George Carm, R.R. 6, Bowmj aniville, and the groom i1 the son of MtieClame BEoma, Naeawîe, New Brnswik and Pbbc late Mm. Thomnas Brwn.Attnciînt weebcn'aid of honuor Miss Ellen CamraOier cf bbcebride; brideîmaid, MieRandy SNowden; bbc bect mran w\aî Mm1l, Weldon Bmownvvr, brother et the groomi and the usher was Mm. Gray- 7 o Brwn, also a bruthei' et the groam. MRobie lutg~py mu, i.-

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