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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Sep 1971, p. 5

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ENNUSKILLEN and iMas. Jîm Kinsnan g asdagherMisMeghan pç rl attended a farill EdeToronto;MJr, and Mrs. bithday party at Mr. and i K. Worden and lichard, Osha- 'vl s Morris Kinsmnan's on lwa, ware visitors with Mr. Thursd-cay evening. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton. -Mr. and Mrs. Walter JRahm, On August l8th both old rrnwere rearan1 caflei~s and young enjoyad the hos- nt Mvr. and Mrs. R.r ns. ptality of Mr. and Mrs. Will Mcr. and Mis, Orr )t-FFery, Ashton, Çaesarea, the weather PortPerr, wre cllas onwasfavorable foi the child- Fiunday at Mr. and Mr1s. S. ren'r swimmîng. Mis. Barbara ppthick's. Howe conducted the U.C.W. Mrs' Norma Bentori, Moose business and expressad our Crepk, Ont., Mr. and Mrs, G. preciation to the hostess. Sne, Cobourg, IvIr. andIm rs. Mrs. Shirley Pollard and Miss c B.rDalton, Ofttawa, a n reanLambgrupleaders. Sfep Into Faite 0 9 WTTH'A NEW HAIRSTYLE STHE SHAG *THE LIONESIS * THE GYPSY expertly cul and stylad at thse StyleSlop 37 KING ST. W. 623-545 Married: in, Ebenezer United Church The Canadian Statesmnan, Eowmanvllle, Sept. 1, 1971 The Young Voyageurs ProgrMCat byLnaMeLaughlin The next niorning we want The mountia ins were pictur- depart ' at the saiosalong ItI th fu oftravelling on a local tour of O'Keef-e esque even though it rained, the way and a ftook a ü!ý-ibu17 it's ta fru flcfgpepl Ranch. This was a small We had supper in Calgary to Port Hope gh cho and seeing how other'-Canai- pioneer village owned by the and arriveci at Edmonton Air- wh are eagerfae aate dias iv. t' te Yongsamne family for 104 years. port around 1:00 a.m. Later, thcmn. Voyangeur Program'. We ilunched at Poison Park we boarded an Air Canarla The Young Voýyagc.r l This summer, 1 was one () in Vernon, The afternoon was chartered plane and headed gram is a joint ge i-,ro mnany fortunate students ta spent at Consumers' Glass for Ottawa, the faderai go-veromen.,,t, the become a Voyageur. Our Plant w1here bottles were We airrived in Ottawa eariy 1() provincial gvemet group of 21 stuidents (15-1l8 made. Sajturdaýymorning. During the plus adminstrations oýf Ykr years of age) etended from Monday, JuIy ,lOth, the alernioon we toured the Par- and Northwec t Teitories Kingston te M0aple Grove and grouP visited Summerlnd liament Buildings and the The program hls on north to Blackstock. Our south of Vernon, wheara we Art Gallery and .after suppar Canadians toa eoemr wonderful cscorts were Mr, toured the Trout Hatchery we were given a bus tour of aware of the industrial, pob]- and Mrs. Keith Rose from and an Experîmantal Farm, Ottawa and Hull. Many of the tical, aducational, aind cl Port Hope. Before the actual At the Farm we pickeri big Voyageurs spant the evenîng tural achievements aif another,_ trip we had an orientation juicy cherrias and filled our at a Coffee House where mu-, province and bcomebtte meeting to become better ac- hats to th-e brims. We went sic was provided for them by citians. Toail thosareson. quainted. for a swim at Pentictori and a Boston group. sible for the Y'a'g-Voyagt; On July l3th at7:0p. the boys mariaged te throw Sna ono obad rga e~yTakYo the group left for Toronto by most of the girls into Okano- cd ra in for Coorcayan aep uphegowrk bus. At Malton Airport at g an Lake. ____ 11:00 we boarded a chartered Tuesday,, July 20th, Sa M plane and departed for Ed- spent on Silver StarMon monton. The entire plane had tain. The Management at, te groups of students from Ot- Ski Lodge kindly operatedý tawa and Toronto. When we one cf their chair lifts for us. arrived in Edmonton we were On top. cf the mnountain e taken to the' residence of the could see the city of Vernon, University of Alberta wbere Kal Lake, part of OkanogRn1 we spent the night. Lake and snow coveredî The next day, July l4th, mountains te the, cast. The we were given a tour of their boys found snow, somfewhare beautiful city and saw a fe-w and had a snowbali fight. We dispînys for Klondike Days. walked down one of the ski At 5:00 p.m. we left for Kam- runs (Suicide Hill) I think! r O T M loops, touchîng down in Cal- Wednesday, July 2lst. wa,, ,gary to pick up passengars. Armstrong Day. Wa viit'edi Upon arriving at Kamloops Crown Zei]erbach, a new ply-, we wcre taken by bus to the wood plant. In the afternooni City of Vernon where we We tourad the cheese' factory. and hosts. cf thairgoodi. During our nine day stay Thursday, July 22îid, the in Vernon we had three free City of Vernon gave us a de-THR WILB NOPC P days with the host familles liclous diriner n the carly T E W L BEN RU and the rest cf the visit was evenlng. We wcre presentr'd spent with the group. * with some tokens from theý Our first day, Juy l5th, city and province. We signed 1 % % î wvas "Get Acquainted Day" the City gueit bock and then M N A àE > 6 h spýient at Kal Lake Country1 left for a Farewell Party. Cl1ub, swimming, waterskiing,ý On Friday, July 23rd, mir W .x and burning in the bot B.C. bus left for Edmonton at S un. The day was concluded 12:15 p.m. Bebînd us wera wîth a steak barbecue. left unforgettable memiories. Mr. an d Mrs. Ja mes Grant Hughes Scientisfs Sfudyr * Miss Jayne Alenie Gay, bouquet of white roses. bride, Mr* Richard Gay, Osh- 1 Ki dapughter cf Mc. and _Mrs.' The matron of honor, Mrs. awaI and Mr. Lou Bruce, Ot- A ll ci w rt ha Lakes, Harry L. Gay, Courtice, be- Richard Gay, Osbawa, sister- tawa. W Grant Hughes, son cf the late charming in a floor length N.assau, the bride wore a Toronto-Many lakes in the and means cf' utilizing the A Mr. and Mrs. James H-ughes, gown of yellow floral voila wbite and hunter's green silk Kawactha System are natur- plant crop are aise being ex- Toronto, in Ebenezer United with bigb ruffied necklinelplaid dreis with matchîng aî nihdo urpi. ploccd. C SCburch on Saturday, Ju1y 10, wth shirccd1 Juliet sleeves shorts and she had pink lyercdorutph. Residents and visiters t 1971 at 2 p.m. Rev. D. Harris and a sligbtiy gathered waist- sweetbeart roses nestled in However, accelenated en- the Kawartha Lakes intereaýt- was the officiating clergy- lina. A cîrcle cf gnaduated ber hair. The future resîdence ricçbment from agricultural ed in finding eut more about man. yellew and white daisies was cf the happy couple will be runoff, urbanization and cot- this pnogrami may contact1 Telvely bride came down worn in ber bain and a baut- 407 Royal York- Road, Toc- tage wastcs have piaced in- eitber the Ontario Waterý th.aseon the arm cf her quet of yeilow and white onto. cceasing stresses on an al- Resources Commission or thel father, dcessed most becom- ruses and daisies compieted The bride attended Cour- ready productive aquatic sys- district office of the' Depaît-ý îngl ina frma gow oftheoutit.tice Secondary Scbool and is terr. ment cf Lands and Focests at A LL s(J 110011 su Fl P L1 E 1 iportd cotten, fasbionad The ýmothar cf the bride a negistarcd nurse fromn Ton- Lnsy wîth a mid-Victorîan nack- gcacieusly raceivad the guests onte Ganeral Hospital. The Although these lakes pro- unhe and long Juliatsive.tthrsumr oe at groom attended Quacn's Uini- ducae usatalnmesc Y jThaempre odca as riiî-Casancea, wearing asîa- versîty and, is self emploed yallow paeabs n V md with Venetian lace and îass floer langth yall.ow crepe at Impecial Aute Collision inmakngth ifow f ycllow ribben and the, soit gown witb, Empire waist Toronto. ntins uha hshrs gatbered skirt was outlined timdwt aciglc. Many ahowaisrs erc beld lanitoe n abn a n * with rows of satin bands and The skirt was of A-lina de- bonor oàf tha bride iudin'-tnife hepoucine yeilow ibbon. siga -with extra fu 'îi.ss a îclacu hwrg~~a~adauaie lany't te Rowraavlla , Amatchin-g Jte cpW5ha back, and bar corsage was ymatrnfqbno Mc. h eintwemainy ativi- 623-2546 ~ ~ hld'witb a sola-lfghof yeliow swatbeart rosas. RcadGye h shawa tiasucba wming, aafetr- tul-illusion vieil. Orange Tacuc a auiul Golf & Curling Club, a) linasicinadbaig r fet - blosems frm bacerand- hewec y the ride'saunîsd in many areas. Pnolonged - ism s har r'svi n a nd-ipdecora tcd with containers cfMshes Jeanhe rica ari riods of hot, caim weather cd ithyalow ibbn, ereyllow and white 'muras on Vla Gy.Fho nre ava causcd paniodia dacem- _________________spcked _th rougb hec b bida ter outsidc staps n nsdfem TrotGay en rspesposition cf aigaa and aquatie _________ _______ _____ai, the front cf the cburccb a ed iclacu aisoiatad bays witb wera baskets cf yeliow and lshewcr at the heme cf Th i" pothted 'mums and daisies and LeryiboIorao rsuit isi a daýpletie-ncf dis- fotdanas, ine at wsh solved oxygen somaetimes fol- The guest pcws wcre mak and gîfts' prasantcd at thlowcd by fish mraiis ed witb tali dcwel standards home cf Mcs. Louise Rea Wintar kilis of fish havealase on wbich rested arrangements Oshawa. A rabearsa i inr bean attributed te this organie of daîsias and trailing fernas pacty was bald atthe Oshawa dcmeiin SBest man was Mr. John Golf Club and guesta enter- This yaar sciantîsts cf thc Wilkinson, Torante, and the tainad followîng at the home Ontario W a tean Rasounces ushars wena a brother cf, the cf Mn. and Mrs. Rick Gay. Commission, co-operating uni- ___ versitias and the Depatmant of Lands and Forest ana ia- ~L fA A N(EWed at St. PauI's Church tmbtenasam Lake will be studying water qual- ity, fish populations, sources of pollution and the aeffects T o p s Iof excessive growth cf aquatie 1 E T 0 P Splants. Prom, thîs informa- tion a "nutciant-budgat" wîll FOR ITC EN R B TH - PREORMbch prepacad. (A "nutniaent- M l iC E R A HP EO M Dbudget" astîmates the amounts ROLLED FRONT EDGE AND SPLASH BACK. o f. nutrients ceming into and I M ~going out cf a system.) ODDLE GTH FOM 8"'UPTO10 EE The bread objeactiva cf thîs ODD ENG HS ROM 8" P T 10 EETs ~cooperative venture is a souud AVAILAB"ILE !N VARTOUS PATTERNS ami COLOUES watar and fish management M , plan that will, davalo the h e Cc * SHOP EARLY FOR flor2»ecational potentiel of the *< forT 24ICEKawactha Lakas.A Aà al%. 0 .Aa place ISPECIAL MOSAIC TULEBOARD ONE INCH SQUARES, GOLD FLECK ON WHIITE GROUND 4' x 8' sheet - NOW 2 CON VENU! WAREHO USE LUMBERLAND OSIAWA'S FIRST AND ONLY jELF SERVE LUMBER AND LXTDLý;SUPPLY OUTLET MeMÊ' ian Drive and Bond Street -là Downtown Oshawa iIrz NO. I!z W 4. = 401 -I - COURTICE 2 EAST COU RTICE RD. $*13,8 f WAREHOUSE LUMBERLAND OPEN MONDAY ILABOUý!R DAY -SEPT. 6TH I rCouRT1CE 728-IQII1l~1~iFltUIIffull~U îIII~ ~ III I -I MÉ, and Mrs. Minne Wiensma On Saturday, July 3lst, full, lengtb gewn, with lng 1971, Miss Nancy Ana Martin siaevas, an empire waist and was unlted la marciage with thae clor was pale mauve'ý Mr. Minna Wiersma, la an with green embroidared vcst. afternoon wedding et St. Sha wore a pictura bat and Paul's United Cburcb, Bow- carried piak carnations and manville. Tba Rev. Harold A. yellow rosas, anhanced with Turner was the officiating~ a yellow ribbon. clergyman aad,'wedding mu- Thea. groomnsmaa was Mr. sic was providad by Rosa Bryan Tamblyn cf Kitchener Matcasf. and the ushers wcre Mn. Miss Martin Is the daugh- George Clark of Newtoavilla tac cf Mc. and Mcs. Wcs. and Mr. Douglas Smart of Martin, Martin Road South, Oshawa. Beowmanville aad Mn. Wiers- For the raception held et me Is the son cf Mc. and Mcs. Memociai Park Clubhousa, Idso Wiarsma, 70 Keewatin Bowmanvilla, the brid's mo- St. South, in Oshawa.: tharrccivad la a pink Givan la macriage by baer cimplene scavalass d reas s fathen, the brida wora a long with coat te match. Hec fiow- gowa with bell sîcaves and crs were pink roses, pink and an empira waîst. Hec veil was whitec-carnations. The grcom's full lanigth wîth ambnoidery1 mothar eceived la a sky blue flwac trimming. Hec ceari- nylon dcass, witb long sîcaves, pieca of arganza was caughtj and bier flowcrs wcra ycliow te 'a cluster with rosas andi roses and white carnations. rhinastones. She carried cedj For their wadding trip te roses and white carnations, WbIIeeling, West Virgiîia, and beld with a white ribbon. thea Seutharn ttethe Hanr bridesmaid, Shba r n nbride woc hot 'pnts utt MTartbin, Bowmanvillla, wore ai wlthive and mnauve triaý-i The Ontario Water Resoure- as Commissien will moniter the basic chemnical physical, biologicai, aand bacteriolegi- cal charactacîstîcs of the ca- tira watar system. Parallaling these oparations will ba the collection of land -and watan- usa information te determine the importance of the Kawar- tha Lakes te industny, agri- culture, racreatien and mua- icipalitias. Present removal cf dense weIed growths te allow swim- mning, boating and watar ski- irîg may aise be a potential derrent toecutrophication. Systmatic cuttiag and ne- mo(-val of aquatic plants could aIse crante a nutnient drain. Katchiwano and Chemong Lakes bave bean sectad fer an axpecimantai study te de- termine the affects cf plant remeval en water quaiity -and the fishanias. It is possible, that lange areas cf aquatie plants may ba ramovad witb- out damaging fisb product- ian., A specific pattern cf cutting may aithen anhanca or raduca the fisbany. How- av,ýen, bafora a waed removal pro "gram, can bagin, scient- ists must first find a base for, companîson by establisb- ing the prasant status cf fish peuains food ongaaisms, angliag suýccss and the quai- ity of the aquatie environ- ment la both waedy and ad- j acent cleared aneas. Ways vilng, and cacnie d wbite car- nations witb white and iiauve rosabuds, On their ratura, tbey will ioesida at Apactmaat 104, 12 Fvank St., Bowmaaville. Tha brida a ttended schacîsý i Maple Groe, South Caur-1 Sobls Te gýroom n atended 'Sarla e os~., . inadiaun 1nternati'onal Çmn* A A CaunadiaunNational Exhibiâtion 1:30PM One cf the top three air shows in the worid, the Canadien International Air Show, will teke place over the CNE wotar front each effernoon et 1.30 p.m. from Sept. 3rd ta 6th. You'll see ovar 100 aircraft brought la- gether from eround the world in 2Y2 hours of braath-taking ariai action. Headlining th is year's top f lght programme are the famed U.S. Air Force Thundarbirds eerobatic team showing the bast of tight formation flying in F4 Phantom supersonic jets. And the U.S. Army Golden Knights para- chuta team, rated as the world's top precision jumpers, doîng e streamfer drap from Twin Otters, plus.en impressive parachute dem-ron- And much, much more! *Precision performances by the- Canadian Forces Air Defence<Command, A * The world's Iargast aircraft-the massive 350 ton cargo and .1 troop transport, theI Lockheed C5A Jet, IlVý " The R.A.F. Twin Vulcan I Jet Bomber and the Nimrod, Troop Transport sean for the f irst lime in North America. * The U.S.A. A. S.-Tactica 1 Damonstration Teaam i Helic.opters, including a Flying Crane and a Huay Cobra. * An exciting wing-nva1MkTno ciet * An exciting demonsfration cf precîsion -wctar bombing by the Ontario Dept. of Lands and Fore-sts. 0 lnternactionailly famnous Scotty McCray wîth his skillful eerobctics in a Schweizar Soul- pl ana. *'A demonstralion cf Breazy Expeýrimfental, a hend-built early Wright Bras -type air- craft. * A World War Il Spilfire and a i Canadai Boaing 747. * And. many, many more exciting. aerial at- tractions.ï Tharè are exciting things going on evary day et the CNE. Fascinatîng pavilians, damon- strations and exhibits for everyone. A rodeo, water shows, fashion shows, a 7-ring circus. There are concerts, sports avents, rock shows and ive plays. And a mile and a half Midway. Fun is whera you find it, and yau'fl find it wharavar, you laok et the Canadianlr National Exhibition. Exhimbition UNTIL SEPT. 6 *TORoNTîo Buildings oepen on Sunays t 130 p Aduits $10,SUdt 0 0, Cildron 59,1. ont ari Place admisietra- Adults4 754, Situdents 50 !,ChQIdren 25 IGARBAGE PICKUP IN THOSEARA NORMALLY SERVED ON A MONDAY WILL BE ON TUElSD-AY> SEPT.> t Council meeting wMl be held Tuesdajy, September .7th, at 8:00 pa. J. McILROY, Town Administrator ENT LOCATIONS WAREHOUSE LUMBERLAND BOND ST. W. ONE WAV Y liNGST. W. -NE WAY<-Y COURTICE YARD and SALES ROOM COURTICE ROAD and BLOOR STREET EAST- WAREHOUSE LUMBERLAND 728-1617 m 'l 'l'a URTICE

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