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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Sep 1971, p. 10

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvî1le, Sept. 15, 1971 B EHN _________________________Lxpert US. Judge Checks Out Rabbit Class B TA Mrs. Millie Whiteside and charge o h rga :Mr. Bud Morrow of, Toronto gave a raig"itnt h were guests last week with Voice o h 6d.Ms Durham A ric-NewsI Mr. and Mrs. Walter Neals. Scott Éicse twrsi -ua A , 1Mrs. Wes McMahon spent pàrticuLaryritdt o several days last week with men ani ecibd tu Simpon i Kithen-stewardshpa utigtm by Bob Watt Ms .Smsni ice ye.and talensawelamne Asisan A rcutualRe'esnttîeMr. and Mrs. Douglas< Dri- to workaddcto flf AssistantAgricultral Repreentativever, New Toronto, wereisefanaovalheg- guess lst eek ithMr.ing ofloe Sh ure ai Fe Avioy rgam cessful at storing grain treat- Do not store acid treated .sslatwek ih.r Som-e tîme this Feul, before ed with acid. However, grain in contact with dry~y~RvR .Bnte and stewardship.ligan you bçgin your winter feed- there were some who ran int grain; moisture would move MRsv R . Bonsteel ranod ThserayMr.hos ing programn, you may wish to probiems with spoilage. Prop- fromn damp to dry grain andî ,:Jnig hav sme0fyour feedstuffs er application et the recom - would spoil ail the grain. The n freiyo etay cail- s S. d on several friends in thecorpndce Altero tested for protein and mois- mended rate is of prime im- treated grain should also flotIvlae o udy hi thanks wsrcie o ii tujrc. This wlll help you to portance. This will meen, be put in galvenized, steeldvilaghBethn hna enrolei toa hosiainAgl es develop a ration that will thet you should routineiy bîns, unless they are lîned dagtrBt , erle t ei ineet the needs of your live- check the flow meter and with polyethylenie. In select- ' Trent University in Peter- adopted fotr hid Le borough, ynWo 0 eradsu stock. Each sampie that yoU nozzles to make certain that ing a location to store grain, Hu wiý;sh to have tested for- pro- they are working pîýoperly. Il be certain that the fumes willOnStra vigM-detn iein and moinisture will be sent is also very important that the not move fromn the grain,1 te anld Mrs. Harold Greei en Ms-ar oteu av h ta the University- of. Guelph acid treated grain be stored in affect livesiock. Finally, do Ms for thie nelysis. There will a dry location, as the moisture not be too hasty in develop- ,' ie avstwt i rte financial eot ntn e be a charge of $5.00 per will dilute thé acid and allow ing your own bomemede ap- ald iserinla' r.. ndparsa sepl.Ator f icel mold and bacteria to stant to plcator.Soe epe hv " MsJms renwh ae terior of h hrhdrn m pt 1vîset.g frm Enopand.'Taoe the summer Bowmnville, we have the form; also, make certain that found thet there are many vi_ gfri nlad hs kits hicb are used to mail the flooir area is quite dlean types of hoses and metals that r .,é, .- : reen er M. n Mrs.Mr.rne cDad - ~the samplles, elong, with în- as tbey can very easily be a are susceptible to the corros- ~~*.~< George Fisher, Mr. and Mrs.potdfrheSnieco- formation sheets. source of bacteria and mold. ive action of ecîds ____ . -' C. Shafer, Mr. and Mrs. iiewtad n it eneal-, y we findrhat e s nd.Wayne Armstrong, Miss ie- sen oalsc n htis uiag latems wratd ,». i ~~ ~ter Green, ail of 0shawa; Plansweemdtooda analyis o dry oughges ed.w Mr. adMrs. Bruce Arm- Bze n e nNvme as thlere is more likely to be togadfmlH pon20hA ap greeter variation in the lev (Intcnded for last week) attended chuncb service ai Ms.G.M.Meee, r.an "rin Mrs.Mrs. E.e ndMantale andck ndfamilynermissionwokIetrd ek el of protein and moisture iM . Eta ageandMis Blckioc an wenddnne a"5 i these types of feeds. Usuelly, Clara Page attended the guests of Mr. and Mrs. RalphTont;Ms Babr-ni io grains can be estimated a oRwad-Hampson weddîng DratMis iaa ren the level of protein wth in Scarborough on Sept. 41b Mrsr E O PetPtecborToronto enougb accuracy. Once the Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Tobin, Mr. and Mrs.'F. Pethîck, Ms a utn resuits are back, wve would be Cobourg, wene Saturday visi- Scarborough, werc Saturday qut wligtdics' or oswihte .Dapr.United Charch Women // quit wilin to iscas our orswit theF. raprs. visitons at Mr. and Mrs. S. R "~, fation witb you. Mn. and Mrs, Bey Veale, Pethick's. ~. .."'",",". The United Church Women Corit Hervesting Accidents Vancouver, a re spending Mr'RnKeYeG1î Verysoo a umbe ofYOUsome time with Mr. and Mrs. Manitoba, M i s s Margaret When it cornes to j udging rabbîts, f ew are the equal tion, In competition, the lest rabbit lef t on the tablethFalsso nheSny T ? O/T 4N who illbe arvstig cra ed err, aso isiingothr Wigîe, Ottawa, Mr. S. Kersey, of Robert Byrne of the'U.S.A, In North America he is is the winner - or that, animal whichi, out of the group wif.b Mns. Henb Coppn r- O 4EO/s~ IhsFe il egetn rayrelatives when hene. Their Hampton. wcne Monday even-9pnsre to be eithe(r burt or killied daughter Miss Jackîe Veale, îng dinner guesis witb Mr. regarded as a judge's judgc. Rabbit breeders at the entered, bcst approximates the "prfc rbit We-sdiîg ad ec7igAh wcihe wrinwtb yur a-Womn' Hospital, Toronto, and Mrs. Harold Ashton and Orona Faîr wcre thus fortunate in having hîm present Iher one knows anything 'about rabbîts or ni. the members following summer cneny. Tery ot b g wive will be gnadualing selon. De- family., to judge their entnies. In the picture above, Mr. Byrne contest is unfailingly lexciing. And wilh a man such saton.es ed y rs.arele nwpprsoehn10rievid Veale, their son who bas esnw radb Ms.I abou t. bc eeo oias a Mr. and Mns. F. W. Werry, assesses the relative merits of 11 senior bucks cntcred as Mr. Byrne as judge, i eoe obyfsieig otos High istr-e Ga rtoeft ecuvrbg Mr. and Mrs, Bey Veale and in the New Zealand White Class, He compares eech Who would believe a rabbit could have's ayca- Ms dio ct e cid Storage, sh0f femily, Mr. -and Mrs. Roy Ms dio ct a Lest îFeuanlad Wnitcir 3mn Mea1r oyWrr Wenry and family were guesis animal against a hypothelîcal perfect rabbit model, as acteristics to puzzle and arnaze ils keepers? Just ask farmiers in Ontarso ere suc M and miisudbRy,Iwn at Mn. and Mrs. Ted Werry~s dcsignated by the Americen Rebbit Breeders Associa- any rabbit breeder. eto'ack rp weckend visîtors ,vith Mr, in bonor of Mr. and Mrs. Wle a oe sdig- Ving. Teresd Mr.lendbegînsRKm-the best pnoject, a chocoiae JOHN 1. and Mrs. Ted Werny. Veal's edTMrrasdMrsillern-I eIII rjKintf Mis orenTrwi hsWerry's wcddîng anniversan- î i" J~Sa -Ir.dergarten ai Weicome ibis year cake. After suî ng our- returned b lher teacbîng ies. I a~vv i nd lber sîster Mary will be 'nsevesm e h il deperaved for JoePtro,,Grade One. Barry Best, Donald ,hong1haehi g% duties ai Ottawa. MrcslJncPeuboo agi B Y A Mar M.adMNichols and Steven Dinner cu gi ~x er c'Min a1wi: hEcntrinaGrde ine The members of this club PU BN ETN C E l Mand Kathy, Maple ,Grove, wE. bPage's. Madens.f, LU Mer. and rs .'MCarl'prs. aissunday Wr' petand James Eyden leaves tbc would like tb extend e special Mer.viinMs e . Mcrank 'sp MissupeWcndy ry aenthMs istof Ibis weck bu continue ibanks 10 our; leaders and T Mn. ad Mrs Fran Spry coupe of eys wih Mis studies et Waterloo. Pbiilip eeyoewbo gave of their Gi oe nal General nsurance Rochester, NY., are vîsitingi Nancy Scwc11, Countice.Nihsbgnsfuyarof urmensi-'IY PH E26.6O with Mr. and Mr.E. Wrigbt. Mr. and Mns. Clarence Av- Nstudy e tnloofon epr tm omk meig n FR adAUOOLE Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor ery, John and James, Mr. and ber 131h, rlo n epem INS URANCE had Satunday supper w1ih Mrs. Murray Marshalli'andi cotc:Mrs. Cotenay Graham, Pur- Andrea wcre Sunday supper DreeGenwl ei ple Hll. gests ith M. andMrscourse as nurse'la trainin1g1 aIf HARRY VOERMAN Mr. and Mrs. Allen Mrlin, Wayne Becketi eand faiiy. Belleville hospital Ibis terni. Hý-11C 2335 omil, guesis wib Mn. MrsMrs. Roy Nichols who en- 623-111~ 63-350 owmnvîlewer Suday Mn. andii Mrs. Wayne Smlli, 3 ING ST. E. cvcning vistors et R. Vin-Etbce radMsGyledPotHphsialvn BOWMýV%ýANVILLE tuc'sEoiokM.ad r.Gý Hnewich, Oshawa, Mn. and a week ago hed surgery -per- C o a e _____E.,_A._______'andBer formed lest Friday end ia do- wereSundy dnnerguesa u ~ ~ ~ ~ing as well as cen be expect- Mr.andMrs Grnt err ated.y ou eau counto Mn. nd rs. ran Wcry a '~ .'Mns. Arnoldi Austin rctunn- The Fineside Cickcn Barbe- ;dhm ri optil cue Villa, Lindsay. dhoefonlspaiest f togîoucudtafr taohe 'Master Scott Werry spent - ~,Friday afler necovening theneIfyutog o o'ln a F U E NSunday with Master James fnmijre eed in a self-unloading box this year,heesgo Wenry. ' Mn.' Wm. Eyden ýwbo basnes We- can tel[ you how, yocaiglh ontowenhoe Wit.bsTpr- been off wonk for some limie, hard working GehI BU610 o1 it yu onows oe ila pr ist-i1iaet home until bis bealth harvesting system thisyear. So ntdy entas an Sundey- permuita active participation Sund y suppE.rL guesîs 0f . K aainCheck the BU610Os tilt-top roofc tgîe o Mn. end rs, E.R.TayorMs. E. Karvanen, Melodiy the full streamn froM big caI ycop~s wen Mn an Mn. Sfld land Daiîel visiled with MIvrs.i Mooreaf ShrleyE. Barrowclough an Thursdayl ONY N n. and M.F. 'W. Werry, and Fniday. DX PREMIUM i Jackie Vea le, Mn . David r.ntoncld on Enien a l B ji r ggdf Mn. anc Mns. By VealTrMistn. ad n rnsen o Veale vlsited St, Thomas and tecmuiyo udy QUALITY Guelph cousinsý. Sthe cmer 51oh.uda Mn. and Mrs. ey Veale *~".The Rev. J.-Ramjit's sermon - r c d rg t FUEL OIL an r.TdWrr ted .on Lebor Day Sunday enipha- d ic Kon mp-ayelinwed- 1 sized the dignîty of work- and dingon Fida evcinget ,. ~ils place in, the lives of man- BO'113,AjNî MMr.and rsF. . Wrrykind. Lovely'giadioli wcrc the BOW ANVILEXUTOMR Ower u. ft ithalowers for the day and the A!c eatL oLLCTM, nfMorF . cny0,"" ~'choir as nded its summer Ak prarfo66331perty for Miss Denrise Moor- s"Zit holiday and procvîded leader- o Ma1-6331craft, Bowmeanvillc, on Sun- ý et.::-; shîp and speciel music. or Dia 1-66-3341day. IVvaMrs. Bro Nicîsen and deu- Z e DX FUEL 0OIL plae toight Sep. 7t, toBachelors CALL US TO-DAY spcnd a month with hier fam- ~ il and relatives in Dcnmarkz. FOR PROMPT, COURTECOUS SERVCE W ihbradSsnasf Survival Club m arriai. olds Session On July 7th et the De panI- ment of Agriculture and Food McGREGOR SPECIALS! Office the Bachelors'Surviv- i ai Club beid e meeting. The SAVE NOW ON..,sed Mn. John Pogue, Manager Thirteen. yeer old Allisoni Welch 'of Bowmanvi,,llc- poses with her fic-er-o the Toronto - Dominion H i lI n te rio r P a ie flt old poniy, Fhcka, aller winnl ingto awards at the 'Orono Fair trials on Saburday. us with an interestîng talk onGesit yorytm Th hrs pacd eon i te pe on Peaur adfourth' in United loening money and other ____ sets_____________________S)_ un - 1 ul injuny to an antfiritic joint rowciougn annîvea nome on mA l ~wili nrequire nest. _It was un- Tucsday eftennoon froni Brit- oal fotunate thet Mrs. Austin isb Columbia wberc tbcy have So cail your local Agent today - he'll be happy ta feN o i iiUUcouid not ahane la the catening been viaiting relatives and about the new special Winter-Kil[ coverage - the new for Salunday's wcdding, plans touring bbci province. Thcy qaiycvrg - and the ncw systemn whereby your for Ibis piesant task were drove out by c(ar but nctunned guaranteed winter wheat production can increase year by year A D made by bier and her social by air. Oni the way out thcy at no increase in premium costper acre.' SM V>commilîce of the local UCW stopped ia ifi Cunrent, unit. Sask., andi Trail, BiihCl He'Il also show.you how you gel 50% off - so you can buy Mrs. John Grocnevcld sen- umbie wbenje thcy calied on this comprehensive crop insurance for only haîf the actual Truly au einieering rn-asterpiece -more eaonwynmre Caniadians ion-eturned frnm Pont Hope members of bbc Brightweii peimcs.TePrvniladFdrl oeneî a h use McC lstan ansy othier saw. h'ospîtai1 to bier soni's home on ide of the f amoily,.thrha MODEL SUPE 10-1A 16"CHAINSalurdey whienc she will ne-, Pearl aand Velenie Austin ohehaf MODE - SPER 6-10, 1V MAINcuperate from k1nec troublelreturnied on Tucsday, elso,, So act now - gel your application in before the deadline. MANTFAý"TXft'7SLIS $29Mhic as requinred a lcg cast froi Triniided whcnc thcy CGall your local Crop Insurance Agent - he's lfsted below. 10 cfecl a cure, hiave beet v'isitîing bbc pesl Mns. Roy Nicholsisaelso iin twý"o wek1s. R ,Pr o Port H-ope hospitel, wberc she People travel fasten IheniR. BRUCE TAYLOR, Enniskillen, Phone: 263-2741 BEV GRAY, R. R ,Pr oe hn:7720 Iw1d rdw a re lest Thursd:y fol- :inal.Carda were ncceivecd lîines t oe, end ils here on Monday morningi u idr 1_)sivdonthre wi b ad been mailcd lin E 95 KING T. W. BOMANVILLE The mca fnom bbc AsbyRom othe28th of Jply. I TEC PISUACE COMMISSION 0O NTARM 95 M GPHONEW623-2542 mach ine shop found e wcather f nin uîldings, Toronto 5, Ontario beiloon63-25lelst Friday wbich !!ad (ïntended for lest wveek), Parla1 en driftecd this way from ame-1 Summer hglldays7.3,l971, are.

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