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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Sep 1971, p. 12

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12The Canadian SýtatesmAan, Bowtmaniville, Sept. 15, 19711 I ï arU61leà ton Co-,Un cil The DarIîngton Tow,\nshiip of the Oshawa Areéi Planninig Couincil mret ini the Municipal and Developnient Study, wasl BuLiing in Hamipton on Sep- gven its severai readings and temiber 3rd, ail members pres- passed, Darlington's share of ent and Reeve Carl Down pre- the study cost is $8,744. sidingWork carried out in the res- ir-vedtýýpaythetoration of a cemnetery at the Cormil iove b sy te ,orth-eastern end of Tyrone, August Road, Account-s, ara-was fin aily approved' and oun vn t $1 45.5, s sier hisanctioned wîth the passage ofý Raprd3 by the towlship an authorizing by-law, Ruae Cmmîte On a motion by Deputy- Four ender for new ineevýe tarnet Ricksrd and tn trck evf opeedsadCol c -orTom Baker, Coun- Coucilsceptd he nefron il edosed a proposý-ai1 t Norttow Fod Ld. f Wh~rcogizethe 10Jth bîrthday lowal, hîbat $1162.273oCi.R .McLaughlin bY vas the loetrcevd bservunig thle occason in. the Onmtiniallid ab-1township sclhols and' by ýor- kw utorîîu th twnsipwardîng a2ete of congratui- to enter anreemet wli lations to the illustrînus nativel tlhe prov]i1f nce lu psy ilssae o._______ pON MTYPOO L 'Raily ay foi udyZhwk con'enced[ boul was-1 h1-1-d thî af oon a ucu? delFýling. 'Sinday. rDjrîng th'le service Sevral 1of our yovung pe- Mr.vr ne innySund(ay pie have lef t tis w-,eek '10 Schoolsprîtudn, pre,-Ifurther their 1ritudies n zented wrdsfor atudnework elsewhere. Misses Ka,,r iïuring- the past yeavr. ,Thoî(se ichardsou and Carol Weibb î-ceiin- these aad were sccepted positions at, Eaton's, in~Jan Rchardson, K ýi m m y Warden Ave. lu Scarborough, MVeddi, Dwsyne Medd, Alice Lînda Richardson has enroil-C tAnderson, Helen Van Beek, ed at Durham College, Osh- 1 J oa n Van Beek, Rodney Fin- awa, and Dale Hyisnd is inC irie,Randy 1Fnney, Jo An-ne training at Kingston General TËFnney, Trcey Brïdiey and Hospital. Dean Fîsk is at- r Eirr Rchardtýin tendinfi Guelph University. ur1me wo- th ihar- Mr. snd Mrs, John VanWîer- so roh o una we gn visited Mr. and~ Mrs. tiiey de;teated Ba1 eb-o 1 Rîck S'hakespeare, Toronto, On, hand to peet111e ru- Saturday eveuîing. phy oIn be-haîf oif 1e Rchad-On Sýatirday evenîng Mr, son ,amiy was Bo'n Eichard- Newton Wrîight of Oshawa sonn, so)n of the late- Tory sud Mr, :4ind Mrs. Noral Mar- Rîchadion whowss lway sha ,iLndsay, visîted Mr, an v~dhal fn, unypoland Mrs. Ban rlWright, 0On citiz2ens ar oul prud of Suuday, Mr. and MrsReg. ter a this year, and are Davis, Peterborough, wcre ýj1ad ',,nu sec the trophy corneldinner guestse "-homye" after Ibeiug woýnipre-1 viosly byBaliebroandi WE GOOFED! Behn.On Sna u iu begn layff aa;ýintthe We goe. aIweekes winnug Oemeetear Wili pctur of he ins offi- a dobleheaer n Pntyoolcers sh0uld have carried a Commuiini ty l,, Par k cmenlg rd ice ibt ini ourhaste et 1-30 rm. LLshoUld be a W4e left il onit, The picture codsries, iwas taken by Dave- Todd, soirry p') say> that Mn r.- LR.. 6, Bowmianville, 'of 'Terry FIL iri BwavieDav's Fhotography, Sorry 'Hospital. We hopcjne that Nancyý1 for the omission, rive. wýill soon be ouI an-dwl azgai1n. Sbneýýýpj JýS TA RK ULLE EMrs Ba rIWight -were Mr i su1d T1rIr Xom Wat.d I, sud r' Ore 1 a21 Peebruhand làHacýmrve e-e dînner A godcnod asprescrit guestîs Thursday eveuingý last Saudyevenîrig in aiy week with Mr. aiud Ms duffCnii-iýiuitvHý when 'Charlie Trim, Bow-rnanjjille duf Comunty allMe. and Mus. Carl Todd and,_ AylmerTon anso d MrsAnnMMe and Mes. Bruce Todd 17't arnivrsay prtyforwere g-Uests at the Cross - Iher prens n. nd rs Bowen weddîug at St. PauI's Tomhxulison w fjtereii United Church, 'Cambray, Sat- ents 0f some ve)ry Ivlygi11Ms .Dobso)nlias return- Arnms-trong was ý-,released frum tho nouhth-et oVctra Challice, local garage uwnenyd Dion who won 1the 50-50 î' iraw a Fair, Sturdsy afterrnoon Drorno Pa4ir c Stndy Seveal fum 113 aes ent GET CASH TODAY to araurPimeMiute ST A T'ES~M A N spak. ii iebemgi CLASSIMIDS bull a hi res. Mn, Jcc Phone 623-3301 Announcinge 0 a THE OPENING 0F BAN D STRA'S GENEýlr.-FAL REPAift GARAGE and SUNOCO STATION KING avid LIBERTY STREETS Oftring complietsece to cars, truçks !And traictors. Oerated y-BBNDSTRAm Courtice Soeondairy Schoolf LOCATION:ý Northl~ on bb COuirticesRoad to Nash Rioad - South-West corner' Wedne Thursç Bebv 7: bl Classeslubcubet listed below will be bel( numbr etapplicants enrol în each course, Eveingclasesbegin during the week cf Oct *Antique Cllecting Autoniofive Troutble Shooting * ~ ~ ~ i Detesiv Drving($8041 Law Notehandi Physical F Physical F Sewing -1 Sewing - ý Typewriiri Typewritin U-pholstery Weldling-ai Woodwork Aldrs ll Îb4-eof 'a 210wsek -duration EXCEPI astensk () whih il e10weeks ir le»,gth, Fe:20 week course $10.00 ï0 wcek cus $ 5M0 plus mat, N.,Other fcofurses mjàaly be ffered if sufficieni FOR ADVANCE INFORMATION CALL GRHGILPIN, EVENING CLASS PRII I nstali Officelrs for Kirismen, and, Kinettes Clubs The 1971 -72ý Execubive of Bownanvllc. Kinsvnen Harmen, FirA VicPresident Lonine Tink, Director Club, lefItu nighb, fronlt row, Secrebary Jim Lawrence. Justin MraScn Vice Pro sident Bob Abbotb; Past PresidentKei Chipman, Deputy Governor absent, R eistar oh MeMillan, Directons Bob Fairey Claudej. Biancucci, resident1 Lloyd McRobbie; brik and Tom. Wilson, row., Bulletin Edit-or >Wayne Therbeil, Treasurer John The 1971-72 Ex\ecutave of Bomnil iets oSceayMn arne ulletinUEd i 1or Jane lefIý b1nghfrn row, SecodVcePidn onnaThrteiTresuerLyra cRohi, iretrln Whyte. ýPresident Rb oowr, atPresident ,Tinkr,RgsrrMriy ese;absent, -Direcbton Pat Banb Chîpmanr, Final Vîice rcietRena Fiusk;bc Wcmn Thlere w,,ere svclhigbz Gacy bcDeu1 ovr Nîgt o Bwmsvîle i- bbcKirisung suId bbe Kunette, men ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~r ClburrdySp.si I11h at Buwmv-alville Cuty Atbchertal duig ClbThe bekydinnler W 11e metin wee Byasd delicioup, tbbc DepubY Gve-Ruby odwrKevîn sudJ nonr Claude Biancucci aaBabCIhrmn, Claude asud prescrit bu conduct tbbc racIal- Jean Bacuc, Jim su ad lation ceremouy sud Bob Ah- Mag Lwrece udLly bott was chosen as 'Kinsmanl sud Lynda Mcrf-obbie. ofh bbc Year', bhe membeni Perfect Fattendance tbaba who had made bbc greatcst were 'presented thbbcKi contribution bu the club. ebtes by Pâi Presîdent .Bar, The meeting opeueýd with Chipuisu sud ber husbandj Part Presideurt Keviri Clip- whîle inStallu"g bbc new ýuf- mail did .smilsr hnoafor ceI-, tointed ou lt ibu hem bbc1e bb Knme. niuîo he ruary resporus'ibilitîes sudi r presetatin oha 11yearuer- which uhy oud 11 Williaus. bb coming yesr. Newly lu- stalledH Presîrleut tloyd Mc- Pait Pesîden Cbînuan ai oe foiuowcd by offîcîally, ,o hd on d Iheay bc istrict tklgvec bbc chair sud f- 8 Public Spc-akîng sR ward -won b e r a shorb business sessioni. by Mike Boume-at thbc-,-)n- cloîed the meeting with. bbc ference lu Os;,îawï, 'unJune. Qucen, He presented Mike wîbh thel The nemnander oh the even-i Bert Suow-den Public Speak- ing was suent dancing 'Io ing trophy music, pruvîdcd, hy Ruse Jack-i Deputy Guvern.-or Bacei , nu * a famiiy gabbeiung, Sunday, N ENV LLE aI tthe summer cottage at Fenelon Falls of Mn suad Mns. Mies Alma Leýaruyd uf To i'-,atteud'ingc Luc Lu,ýrihecd Up1Vouder lil Be, There" T. Embly, Newcastle. runto, wae a recent îibnheld lu Newcasbl o Wene- ob eneren asa su- Dînerguste SF1a, t bhere with lber Lcous1in n.day. (Nameis sppliîdune- pr; gucat,i Suday, wi MeMca.Agnes Bueley werec M. Gertue Ruwe. quct')2- andMes Pter Hecdersofî, sud Mrs. E., McEwen, Peter- Me rRaymrond' Bruce vîsîtred Mes. Mary Wade and Grnt Po-f rt ou. brug and Ms.Haeold hie sîs3ten, Mes MyrtleBak-îvnbbuKingston -ou ThuLr- Mn sud Mrs Frank tuI uneBidgenortb, en lu Civie Hospital, Peten- day evenîng bu ureseubbbt bnwffi 4M,. and Ts u hTeana FriyPc buroigb l asb Week Aruild Wade Tcouhy bto bbc MeisL. DeSmît with Mn. Kingston C.K.LC. Seniors, sud M,,_z Bill Powler oi Osha- wunncrs oh the E.O.B.A, seuîue1 wa1 visited relatives in T i- division finals. sonburg vecently. Wîbb the apenîng oh sebool, things durng bbc daytîme, at ji Auproxîiately two dozc esat, accru emstcangeîy quiet un tladies sud anc gentleman froux bbc xililage. Hop t av th ses w e ir rlgtho~ ev detaîls about sonne of bbc àud nue xt weekJh CampbellL J back at Wabecluo Unýiversity for bis second yefan Terry Warrail la in XKîngstbun bcgînnîig bus fired year Iut S iQueeu's, Bob Heuderson i's un iak h s secoýnd wcek at General ' Mutons lu Oshawa on compugt- er, wonk. to R~istr ? eerbandX :ridy FowcL ohOsbawa suent asat week, ~sday, Sepemberû,2nsd., Mes.DeSmît. dayepbr2, 1971 Ti-e dcsth oh s former resi- detof thîs ares, Georgýe veen ~ ~ ~ ~ ,vý bbior i Lîg s eporbed iu To-. robo sat week. 0 aud 9:00 p.m. Pr1ýom Hlamîlton came wo rd ah bc pasin ohsu Aber t d providing a sujfïcient foirer cie nt, iý-Me.arybet lober 4, 1 weduFîaàvnuu ~ r4 ~ ' , St on Anglican Cburch, !~'t ' ~& , Mur, sudciMrs Clînton1Bruown., (a form o_ f'! orh d ewatle, accomuanîed b J V"' 'itusa -Men eriR Eoeni, wrb sp_. it ness Women M ri TYru ~asic e. ur Me .LarryS- %1ticdcli, Mnsd Mrs. Gien Par. ... advancdFarw wr an tos r ad Wood it Re)tfinsig edri tCaba, au 's"isud Se thlie Ne Mes, Wighb. 01rbe numbrom ee abtf, îf a lyw e ud d th r no P ie l s T e D rh m Col g B a d of G overnors inv ites Yi Sehul audsuplie mach fficýiiop ig f oleges ewpermnanent bu hore wn frsbpnze.cermon bein at7:3 p..,Septem-ber 2t.Guest peole equat her4 "ige oh he Tme",Be. r.EaleMcaghlin, presiden ff fthe Ro>yal Baniko T. J. Snclegrove', s Sunday,, murln Iem, cpbsîcd Tour ithe nw Clee ulin.Ssour modeïeifaci bb cdfruiamong truc, NCIPAL. 72P,5146 be iier, In thehectic dm nw qimet et u xpnecd tf. sm lîgîous rebellions. The choie [saàng "When ThE Bull le Cail- for Cubse.-Scouts and Ven- I turens was held last Monda',0 at Marydale Park. Swim-1 ming, races, etc., were enjoy- Mn, A Bosco Baker, M t- Imad vîsïted on Wednes;day cd in the alternoon, endîng resi, supeni seî erai days with uIîith Mrs. Dora Norton an-d with a campfire in tIhecvcn- Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker suri Mies Fverson Norton of ing. Quantifies oh coru, bot famîly, Maýrkham, dogs sud doughuuts were con- The' Baker hsuuly ail at- Me. Maurice Bradley as surned snd a grand tme bar teuderi the Bragg famiy pic- holding 'a meeting at Solina by il. oic ut Solîria Commuuity Hall groundis, weàcther per- Scouts had their firaI reg- Hall ou Suuday. mittiug, otheewîse it wîll be ular meeting. Mouday, Sept. Mr. sud Mrs. Thomas An- beld in bhe hall, on Sundav, 13 at Newjtonvile Scbool and derson sud family, Oshawa, St. l9th at 7:00 pin. Hîs Cubs will be staîting Tues- were Suuday tes guesta witib ,à k il11e baseri ou "Man, day, Sepit 21, 6:30 lo8P ., Mr. sud Mes. John Knox sud Yuv Got Il Made". Al also abthe chool. Newby, ac Suuday School members are aged 8 - Il ycsrs, are wel-, Mrs. Ray Beamis, Oshawa, yoclcole aud areiother- corne. visîted reccuti y wîth Mr, ad sudyuu epl hoaeine The Newýtou\ ille 'Roadrun-!,Mrs. Everett Spires.etc ners, elîinated the Port eHope1 Master Kevin Tay lor bas Cedars lun two straight games'enaptn'inMmrl last eek. Hospital h olow,ýiug his appen- OBJTUARY On Weduesday uight il dix opratin. We hope tou Newtonviile the score n'asisoori sec hlm out arouud HERBERT T. ELLIOTT 27-15, while oun i day uîght'again. ebn bma Eloto lu or Hpethescrewa Me. sud Mrs. Donald Ta ylor 460 Normandy St., Apt. 103, 26-10. Theresa Hooenweg n aîyvstdwt r.de tteOhw eea pitclied botb games. On Wed- sud Mt.amilF. iAtcd wtb MrandîeHostal e Oawa ep raih nesday Kim Harris wbo weni. uMrs. a . F.Abenetber-sud97ospitl aFnid g t llth, six for six wîth two doubles.,Ve. yand fMs. Sady Abe-171 lerslughnlle was the big bitter for the 'eh udf-ly aHla u -e was boru lu Liudsay homne teau., IrenE .Vogelsansd Sns December 25, 1889, a son o Elaine Holicu each had thi se Mr, sud Mes. Chaules Laug- tbc late Edward sud Anuce doubles, On Frîdsy nigh1t Ellint He marrîed the for- JuyBrown went six for Harifor the trôohy preserit- mer Edua Frances Richardi severi, wibb a tripleirenc ed to hlm by bbe WlI. at bbe iu the Wbi-tby United Cburch, Vogels wcnt five for six wîtb achool lu June. was rcsd, Date Dec. 29, 1918, sud tbey residý a double, s triple aud îwo let, for the Penny Sale is Nov cd lu Oshawa for the past 51 hume runsý, Kim Harris lhad 26, arrangements to be iu y)c ars. doubile sud a trip.le aud jo _chare f heexecutive. Me, ElliobIsrvr vesa aune Vglssa ae home Miss; B. Milligan was nai~ n, n te First World \Var froni run. The Roadîý_irun n 0w cd voting delegabe bu the 1914 ur'lîl 1918 sud lie was s- rface bbic Wclcome Maples lu Ares Convention in Toronto, member of the Royal Cana- 111e smi-fiuals at Wclcomc onh Nov. 4th.,' dian Legin. Brancb No, 43. yMouday uigbb (Sept. 13) sudý Convenor Iha Farrow opeQ- He w;is employeri at the- in Newbouville ou Wcdncsday cd 1 ec pro'iram witb a short Gcral Moines plant for 28 nig t pu.re:Adig cutleri "A Smilr- y-ars sud was a memnber oh Next Sunday afternoon ut 'i'Nw Look for Women's tb e IJAWA. Local 222. Kenýa1 Park the firît gamne Institute- was read by Ja Me]li- Elliott is survived lîy lu the OEBA. Finals bebwce'iiPaeden. The mobto "Nothing his wife; une daughber, Mes. Keudal sud Dasliwood tcamsi la s contagious as s good cx- iMarguret Scotb, Taunbion: f-c 'n will be nlayed ut 4:30 p ni, Pmpie,', prepared by Mrs. sons, John of Courbîce, WIl- Ncwtvouvilie Women's Ius- AgnEsý Buniey. wss resd by l'am oh Taunton, Samuel ch titube rmet ab thbc home oh Mis' Farrow, followed by Halifax, sud Keuuetb cf Mes. ýfýj-nt Paedeu for thc ipc Bol Caî.l "How can f Wbîbbv; one brother, William', first imeeýting since 111e suni- publiîre 11e XVI?" of Oshawa; 23 grandchildren nier re(-cces on Thursday, Sectl A cont1est, auswers to which sund cigbt great-grandchild- 9, Presideut Berucîce Milbi- vwcre ltrs ýý,of the alphabet. icu. gau opcnîug wîththebbcOde, was guîe 11 Mary Joncs sudi Funeral service wa- lield the Mary Stewart Colleet sud thc collection taken. frumn Arnstrougi PFuneral Lord's Prayer iu unîson, Lunch wss scrved by the Hme, Oshawa, Mondsy ut Report of last meeting sudigroup after the Iustitute Grce1:45 p.m., witb service con-' finances given by Sccretary-lwas rcpeated. sud luckv cup du1icted 11v Rev. Alfred Wool- TreaurerMay unle sudwaaheld byLeta Sams.cokLegion paýdre. inte- corespndecefolowe A i"l'enmme une 11h1ýýn1 m ent nas il 1te Oshawa 1o 1not hpe cito rriE iîo crc : iu wbedauce hou etr, 5lrie' p Another Stay Young, Floorf rom ',- SC,,.ULPTURED NYLON New CMHC line - 100% C.F., Nylon MADIE ESPECIALLY O E OE SjIX C OLOS SPECIAL, v 12 FT, WIDE ONLY SUGG. RETAIL $7,50 # Also avai lable in rubber bck.. 6.95 sq. ycI. 'VISIT OUR HOME DECORATING CENTRE Complets lins of. Wall Coverixig - Carps(bIng - Mabching 'Ceramie Tilt, Professionai Applicators avilbl uonrsuet.USE VOUR CHARGEX~ FREE DELIVERY, M cG re m t. H wa r e 95 KINGý ST. W. PHONE 623-2542 BOWMANVI LLE W Dra wCle 'outa bc what Durb7ai ote you in day and night pogaîs Arnsad ld'g Te Acklcy, anw and exYcibïing pop group wil pressait their dlistinci- speakr is t,re sound in bhe new College lecture hall, Attendthis special of Caada. occasion in bbc liteet your conimunity. The time is 7:20 p.m. The date kis Monday, September 20th, 1971, Ses the new Durham ý on in the ddivm. The speaker îs of Cinada. and knor-- about illilliii ICI Ili 11111 1 Il ou i

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