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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Sep 1971, p. 13

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Conditions in Australia Desciibed to Rot arians Take an Ontarian, add a ail under 35 years of age and littie bit of cockney nasal non-Rtarians from variaus ccnsome ge-nuine warmnth, husiness backgrounds - select- a lead foot when ho gts ho- ed by this Rotary District, hind the wheel of a car, a (701) for an exchange wlth vocabularly filled with color- six from the Australian coun- fu ing ail his awn, a ca- terpart District 270, a large pacity for eating and drink- area which takes in, most of ing uinm-atched anywhere, the southern half of New and an enjoyment for gamh- South Wales State including jing and betting. the country's largost city, What do you have? iSyd.ney. According to Gàrry Rishor The purpase of the ex- of Peterhorough y ou'd have change, which was coordinat-' the, makings of an Australian. ed by the Rotary Foundation Mr. Rishar, a 3yerof aiRotary International, was lawyer with the Peterhorough ta give mon of different law firm owll Fleming, countries the chance to study Barkok, Murphy, Bark first hand each other's land, andi Rishorý, spent eight weeks ,po n usas in AuLstriala during the months go .5 that we would be nf February, March and Apri]. able to get to know their proh- as part of a Rotary Group lems, and to permit the pers- ,Study Exchange. He was.inanal contacts tbat we mad,ý Bowmnanvillo on August l9thirîpen loto lasting friendships,' ta rýelate bis experiences toMr. Rishor oxplainod furthor. local Rotariana, and to thank It was not a holida.y The themi for their part in spon-ischedule was exacting. zaorîng bis trip.1 "While in Australia, we M.Rishor and five others1travellecI approximately 3,000 made p, a team of mon - jmiles and stayed with 28 dif- forent Australiaqi familles as terguests. We also attend- IsiiPLE GROVE ed 30 different Rotary et ingi and were involved i (Intonded for last weok) putting on a pragram which consisted of telling the Au. This community extendas sralians something about congratulations ta Mn. David Canada, its people and Oui Snowden on hîs marriage lat voctions. Saturday ta Mrs. Catherine "The îtineraý,ry was planned Coleen. The following bro- go that we were on the go thners and sîsters who attend- from about 9 in the marning ed the wedding wero, bis mo- ta 9 or 10 in the evening il thrMrs. luin Snowden, Mn, we were attending a Rotary and Mrs. Bill Davidson, Tor- dinner, otherwise we wore onto, Mn. and Mrs. Ron Rog- 'finished at 4 p.m. ers, Mr. and Mns. Len Gond- Tho g_,rouap had one day fre murphy, Maple Grove, Mr. a vooký, usually Sunday, but and Mrs. Howard Hadgedorn, their basts managed ta fil Plattsviile, Mn. and Mns. Jim even that time with something Snowden, Mr. Sam Snowden, ta do or see in the area they Maple Grav e, Mr. and Mrs. wore visiting. Bob.Goodmurphy, Onono, Mr. They studied ail aspects ai and Mrs. Harry Snawdon, Australian gavernment, bus- Oshawa. iness and industry. Somo o] Mr. and Mrs. Don Brooks, Mr. Rishor's commonts fol- MisJanico Brooks, Master îow. Bob Brnooks attended the 25th On Govroment: ednganniversary of hier Australia is made, up of sister, kMr. andi Mrs. Eitwood two territories and six states BaeaStirling, on Sa7tur- eacti broken ino sbires and da v. incorporated municîpalîties. Quiite a number cf residents The Commonwealth Paria- ,;Dent the long weekend at ment consists of the Queen, Itheir cottages or in traliens representedi by the Governar- at difrn ae n ak. General, the Senate, and the Mr. and Mrs. Mc Dowsan, House of Representaives. The Mý,aster Paul and MI\iss Nancy basic philosopby behind this Dowson, Windsýor, Mr. and sysfem- is that thé Sonate. 's Mis. John Hiiuthnson and ta glivo expression ta the ln- s;on avd St. Catiharine, Mr. treat of the state as partniers -nd Mrs. Johin Clartk and son in thie federation and woud Stephen, iee, spent the bein effect a states bouse; the long wveekend with their -par- H a ii s eoaf Representatives enta, Mnl. and Mrs. Harold wouid be the legisiative body Coorey. designed ta represent te DURHAM PROGRESSIVE-CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION NO0MI 1NATI 1N G To, select Ca;ýndidate for fortheoming ProincalElection nt LARKE HIGH SCHOOL Prov-inial H-ighway 115bewn Newca4stle and Ormo Tuesday, September 21,1971 a t 8: 00 p.m. Guest Spea'kr: The HonorableEric Winkler, Minister o4f Revenue for the Province of Ont4rio 1 Provide sysiematic delivery. 2 Keep your furnaFce iii hp-top chape, 3 Offer a, bud(get planil with tEtn even payments. 4 Give yo(u eegec ep ; ervice, day or night. 5 Fýýinancer, a new f urnace for 1ou, dlistributor wiIU ýA. L. WEARN LTD. Enniskitlen, Ont. PHONE 263-2291 GEO. STEPHEN 138 Wharf Road, Bowmanville Phone 1623-5410 api slu national inteeat.Ther is constituitn whicb sets rout hi the p3owors aof the- Common)i- w wealtb and the States ,gçv- n onetwith the balance fiE of powr, belonging to the an Statea (th)e opposite to thaï; in s the U.S.A.). Thýe House of îs Reorosentaitive (s ae lected _ according ta populaion and serve three yeartrm.Thore a are 10 senators tram each ax state, serving six-year terms,li with one hall being elected n every three year .s. The pcb- - p lic must vote, by law, and inPl vating are required tao rank fri ail the candidates on the bal- lot in order of preferencos. va Australian palities are con- b' servative and stable, and they hi say dlli. On the Economy: c Australia la still a, primar ir producing nation, the basis of t( ils ecanomy being farming, 1mining and forestry, la, that b3 arder. Secondary industry cc only accounIs for about one- ýthird of tbe grass national si praduct. Because of thia D electricai appli anceq, cana. etc.c, are expensive Iby aur stand-'f ards. On Farming: s In the aiea we visited, we h saw farms ranging fnom 1,500 C acres ta 45,000 acres. There la ane property in Nortbern Australia wbich cavera about 150 square miles and is own- ed by the King Ranch of the United States. Because aio [ poor current world waol and i- wheat markets, somne farmers are atompting ta diversify. ' Ta Australians, a farmer is a tpersan who grows crops. There la a social status with the grazier at the top of the r ladder. Noîmaliy very weal-r tby persans, the graziens dress fdistinctly. Thevy weaî wide- brimmed bats, similar to the( mormon type. and, of course,' waol ar wooi product cith J~ ing. Beef catle farmers seem ta prefor tbe more exotic fbreeds sucb as Santa Marias, sMurray Greys, Brahams and 1cross-breeds, but wo d:id find quitle a few Hrfrs Dairy- mon seem ta raiso mainivf Jersey cattle. Payv is based~ on buttercontent, in the miik. e On Farestry: cýAustralia bas no softwood treos. Forests are mainly Eucalyptus oriG iu mntrees. Sam 'e pinl, o-Crees arebeing sharvested, with tee iport- i eýd fromn Calîfornia showing6 ,the bo(st signa of adaptation.1 sThe inutr s a whole ila. ývery new ta the country. OnMing Autia la aw in theC ids!ýt of amnîngbom.Ac- ,cordjing ta most gelogists I talked ta there are' buge un- discvord miingdeposits ib the 'country. There are met- ais sucb ais ncklfn, iran, h msag-nesium., copper, go(id and Iý itie gas or il lbas been foundS la ae Japan anid the Uniit-le ed Statea have nvstdbeav- j( il ily lhindaty Most ai the inin we saw Wdýa open fo pi. Thie natiotnal pastîio si pnymin .ing stocký. Somen Australians inveat hlopïing even 1 ta bld up1j)a retiremernt lundi Such optimnisam mare aitenn tfhan nat goos unrewarded.v But the potenial la tantalyz- ing. Take Poseiden, a largeD nickel mine. It stanled ai ^ somelhing like 10 cents. WbileC I was in the country it; bit a f, bigb of $245 per share. When S I leit is had dipped ta $185. i] On the Small Business: Liko the motber-cauiitry, Io ýAuisraIia is a, nation af sbopi-q kecepers. The smiail cornerp stora seciailiziiig in persan-j alized sriestil l IourîÏsIh Sermankets ,haive -not faken great bold. ,ye. hrea voyltofranchising, thaugh r. Kentucky Fnrîedl Chicken ande Dainy.Queen areý making somrer in-noada in tis larea, and .s(eem F ta bedongquite weJll emrpilloymeiiît.The inmu o f 441 houns. Tenidsra rianv oporations doc y mrachiiines henýe. sti donc 1byý ban b usrala.The (coun- ty bas ngreat io po- lema t ý10houh17ee-n(sin they nare-becomringstngr izd.Fatr la ora earn fion la witton with the re- sults usod as a basis! for ac- ceptanco into the univensities. Thore are a number of prîvale schools, many run by nligiaus ordens. Oniy about 20 per cent of the Australian fax dollar goos towand oduca- * ion (compare Ontario - 55 ta -60 per cent).- In the school we visited, unifarms were com- pulsory. The neason - ta start ail kids off equally and ho save the fasý,hion par-ades in the classnoom. A terrific idea. On the People- Tbe Australian b las a ne II basic philosophyv - ta enjoy life. He bas developed an asy-going, carefrer', leisure1iv pproach to if e and tonpu -r-, SALEM ue happiness wholehe(arýtedl-1 itota feeling of guLiit. A pleasnt social vnn le believes that onemai wa s hl-d at thIle churichlast goasaohrHi s very iWe1dnesdayvenin[j1g when the, ub ~ ~ ~ ~ U co*iu n cranyIC.W. mmesan-d their,ý e4ongs to atlea-ýst one('socilhsbn andafew friend uh. He lasynîatetc ith, met for a pot luck suipper.1 [l undrg The naï,iitinalAflc1r a11Il hadCIenjoyýed an1 ýro is the attera persan aundat spper, our unîti ho ~ ~ ýf ha re i iebut leadier, IMrs. JhnCoom-besý [ver qut aeit. Ho1e lascalled on Mrs. Keýn Fec lel1y independenit, direct wbo gave twvo 1humorous rea-1 idrthigt ýA lover of ings. T1h ealpraeo h polts and the outdoors, h eveîgwst!oo r warm,,-i-hearted, kind anid ,aid Mrs. Ken Fletcher, whio neusto a fau]t, are iea vinigour comimunity Mr. iUshor toid the, Rotari- to resýide iniei nvle Mrs. ms that after his eight weeks W ri opsdadread1 iperience he learned ýl1that,î1 lither the peoiple, nor the;r )oblerns nor their ph loiso" )ies are sO eydifin om OUr' own. "We ai ltend to1vena- facuum, thinking thiat wear, )st and our way Ï5,is hebos,-t ie saîd. Through suchpesoaie langes, this type oýf th nik nig rid the problem it givosric 0, disappear, he avýerred Mr. Rishor was introuce :y Stew McTqvishý and itanik td by Don Morris. Presîrlenit "!A,ivylvster pre- di~ an relmarked that Diîs tric t 701 icently pro frther setlf"abssdr -this group deisinied for the sunshine coast andJ verdanit jjf ills of Quecnsiandi, leaving '"" Canada oarly next Spring, Young Pigecons 'articipate InI The Bowmanvle Raig Pigeon Club flow t he-ir fîft- *ace cf theo season from Cara- lac, Ont., on August2stA Eighteëen lofts shiipped18 birds, with these resuits: lst G1. Gray,-2nd BrownBrs, 3rd G. GoodaîL, 4tb L.Kn-. nýan, 5th 1. Piper, 6th. Brown, 7th H. Westerink, 8tù K. Stainton & Son, 9tb DaveM Stainton jr., lOth M. Goulet, M ith L. Richards, 121h R.&j E. Luke, l3th Turcotte& 3lakey, l4th J. Bridger, i5thi R. Forrester, l6th R. Hoger- zOn Auiguat 28th, 14 ]ofta shipped 116 birds ta Tilbury, Ont., resuits as foliows: at, Turcotte & Blakey. 2ni T., Piper, 3rd L. Richards, 4tb R. i & E. Luke, 5th Dave Stainton,I ith J. Brown, 7th BrownýýM Bros., 8th L. Kinaman, 9th R-c. Etogervorst, loth H. Weste,ýr- i ink. iith Don Stai1nton-, l2th1 K. Stainton& Soni, l3th G Gray, I -ENFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sais.I Mrn. and Mis. Fred Gniffin ani Vina. R. Gnriffin accompieýdI1 Mrn. and Mýis. NeiSith ta fo Scarboroug,,h ta attend theý golden wexcddigCcelebrat'ioni for Mr. and Mis. Porcy Petons.I Albert gamis, who was homo Miç for a weok afler spending the summen working at' Ranger L~ake, Saskathewan, bas com- nenced bis third year at the University of Waterloo, Kelly, Lavenden la a fîesýh- man at the Luthonan Uni- E1 vensity at Waterloo. Fric Bowman has com- nenced bis third year at the Juniversity ai Gueipb, Ivan i Gniffin lsatatending Sir Sani- lord Fleming College at Lind - say.Cid Wisener la study- ng in Jaýpan this year. Mr. and Mns. Gardon T1,ay- or and family and Mis. T. T'aylor altended a frwl party fan Mr. and 'Yns. T.I Joboson of Enla d a (1tw -omeof Mn.and Ms. Le johairson, West 11111, Port C7arling; Misa Mary Pet- rrs, Bowmianvilbe; Mn. Hilton p"etena, Toronto;. Mis, .A. Randle, Hampton; Mis. o JkKathnyn and Kareni,I eireweîo roecent visitons I .vlh Mn.r and icis. Fred Samia li tteJno Fa rmens loueiing. I Pij sud Mis Denis iThompso and usn L-sakard; Mni.a Mc.Ray, Taylýor, Healen and Donnie, ee iion tMn Gardlon alrs Mis. Dennis Moore nîcili- tained Pa number of niho ladies and relaives fa tea the afte-rnoon and evoniing f Slacey's firsi birthday.I Mn. and Mca. Fred Griffin visilod 2at Mn. Don Cari's at East, Beach, Bowmanvîlle. Raland Bowman bas.a pos- ? ition wt the Davoy Tre Cao.j at Cbug pleted t[he pnngTe'rm of1111h! KîmlrbeilyCarTon. j Mn. ,and Mrs-, odP.oy S-haren. Bandra and anlen v-isîted Mis. EiJFogel. Bnifie Wrightet thr", weekndwithbbîe Cop wan, Enterprise.j H eading anrdhain bc lthe varlous acta orilec and destructian da y byday makea folk wonder abutj future conditions and wa we can do about il. Maybe re- ports of -unselfish deods and, kindnesses taking place arounid! us shouid be blown Up to th,- same degree as crime,. e like ta think oai grandcildren i who take lime fa cane for anr elderiy gnandpanenh; o! samne-1 one \vho canes enough fa keep! the grass mowed anound 1he 11111e chunch na longer in', use; the busy fanma wife who .made pickles for an ailing nýfeighbor, and a modal ta thie ebappy-iookI mother wbo' makes dozenis of quanta of .chili-sauce bý_ecause ber fami- ily like it. NaWamran's Li.î-I forn er. sn'fthat cheenion I, readîng ý,than iusuial'? Let'a M Lhear tram .other places., i - lnclcdîng Hardware and Track the' followlng poem' Dea-ýr Queenie and Ken, w, remember when Youi first came out to Salem, How usy building both oýf And planini-g and boeing,yo each had asae -And wheni youýr place %vas al Yoii couldi rest -a bit from -your labors, YIou took time out to frater- Anid get to know your neigh- b ors.. Oulr Women's group was very glad To bave Queenie take a pat, Your zest and loy in living . Showed an understand!ng The CanadianStesaomnvle Sept. 1.i, îfl7I WeP don't like to see YOU visit them at Newtonville. K_ýilmer who is a patient in leaving, As a complete surprise, 1Tironto General Hosptal. But you %won't be far away. Mrs. E. Twist read a short Mr. and Mrs. Jhn Tit 'And we ahl will hope to see no)te to orcr0pidn inso, were we~ yuMrs. Leslie Welsh, expressing guests of his parent,,, and Back visiting thi; way. the thanks of the Salem pe.- Mrs. E. Twist. So, asý a littie token pie for ber contribution of Seralrp from the -comtri 0f our 'esteema for you,. news; ta The Statesman, and muityl attendedth mein Plea,se accept this sm)all gift presented her wth a desk set at Port Hope on Friday even-, From the U.C.W. and book f poems. I cer- ing wýhen Prime Mnisrtr- Asa remembrance frOm tafiily wish to convey my Pierre Trudeau wa ruEst their Salem friends they were sincere >thanks for the gift speaker. presented with a pair of Pot- and their thoughtfulness. A number from thiis crn- tery coffee mugs and a book A short business period munity attended fhlic At of poems. Mrs. Fletcher ex- followed whIie the men en- Home" for Mr. and Mrs. Ejh pressed thank, saylng theirljoyed a game f cards. Cowling's 25th wedding, an-, stay here badi been a veryý Our best wîs-tes for a niversary at theirhoe n. happy one and inivited ail to; speedy, recovery ta Mr. n tville. - - -Oum 71Z7711< AANY MORE SPECIALS- CHECK CiRCULAR BEING DELIVERED AT YOUR DOOR I M WHTE MMELLRED Il lINMIS YonJ recelve two va niet Bi-Folds, 1%" thick and 2' sx 6' 8" high. Eas"Y to install. Reacly for paInt or stain. -y 159 HOMEOWVNEPR STEPETTE For ahl those W0gh ndoçor Jobs- 51» high - Llghtweight k alu weighs only 71½lbs. Extra large platform tested!;P to 500 Ibc. Sp e- clal 'Crip-On" Paint Tray Ledge, has hales f oi, hammers, Screw.. drlwvers, etc. NaneRBrandWI Il Tongue and groove Tiles line up easlly, Just stapIc .direct tb furring strips. Make it. a famlly allair, finish the job si-m a single dlay. il" x74"1 pce, for fasi 478 s1 Eul i ONLr 3.19 *Pre-finished with twe coats of lacquer *V-G rooved for desi rab! e plank effect *Manufactured for Allont to our own rigidE * Buy any quantity at the same Low Price that worn anid ruseavS trogh thnewgawanized'i ~steetrOUgafldac --les* Ifroïm A-o ALLONT tMes In sparkUn pastels.crystal glazed, Ideal fof floors or walls. Large shoots cover 1 sq. ftat atlime S for fast, easy installation. Seo the full range ln our store. BALL CASTERSI *Easy ifol 1 castors in bright brass. finish *Instati easlly choice of plate or pin fittinq *Avaiable ini 2 and 21/zsize. at'eil e r M A.I M ~ e hosofrom do(kzena of Modei Decort 0 6'and 12' Width Roll Goods Fit Any omîTh j Houas. a Drap loto Our Store Today to Ses The Ful!Sl ec S tion of Attractivs V nyl Floor Coverings on is play. * Ils Easser Than You 'ThinkTo Instali Yourself, SR YDI - i. aAND Ul PRICES EFFECTIVE. UNTIL OCTOBER 2nd or WHILE STOCK LASTSF MIClrA-FILL- REPRESENTATIVE WIL ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS AND EXPLAIN THE NEED 0P INSULATION SATURD)AY, 10 a.m tb 3 Pan. -NOW 2,CONVENUENT'LOCATIONS WAREHOLJSE LUMB-ERLANO A.LL PITTSBURGI A I T(-Reduced) Courtîce 5-alAesrEoom.1 - 5 i THE FIRST AND ONLY SELF SERVELMER AND BUILDING -SUPPLY OUTLETS IN OS$HAWA and DISTRICT NO. 2 ElAST COURTICE RD. 401 EA-ST EXIT 73 COURTICE YARD andl and ElOOR ST. COURTICE 728-1611 WAREHOUSE LkUMBELN7811 MW -MM-l-M-&-M- ----- SATURDAY, SEPT. l8th f 10 a..t 3 p.ni- -Wareýhouse Lumberlanil WNAREHOUSE LUMBERLAND M-cMîllan Drive, and Bond Street Downtown Oshawa KINGT.W ~-ONE WAY / ON E la -am . ... .. .... . - m 1 imeplorilEu cusium, jil

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