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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Sep 1971, p. 1

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R . akes VWhirlwindi Area Tour Well known ~nnîskiI1en ~armer Bru ~e Taylor announc~ cd 10 lay that he will atand for nomination as a candidate for the Durbani County Lib- ci ai Riding ai the Riding Nomination Meeting icheui- uled for next Wcdnesday fa Orono The decision will surprise snany The 44-yea ~-old Dan- ington native son bas neyer been an active member 0f any political party before. la an interview wîth the ~iîtesman this mornîng, Mn, Taylor said thai with bis cx- pericrice and backing be fecis lic can offer somcthing "sub- stantial" to the Duntiam County people He chose the banner of the Lîberal Party because, lic saîd, ifs policies corne closest 10 what be feels are icquisite for soipid gov- erament in the proîince lt's a people's party lie said. '11 is not bîg business- rulcd like the Conservatives. ilur urîion-doînîxîntcd lAc tb~ Ncw Democrats. lis polîcies refleci the broad est spectruin cf lite intereits 0f the people'. Mn, Taylor was born md raised on lite farm lic oper- ates ai RH. 1, Enniakillen, Ris wiîe, the former Jean Mont- gomcry, is aiso a native of Darlînglon Township, The couple have eight chuldîcri, four boys and four girls, rang- ing ni age beiween seven and 16 yeans, There are rew, ~f nny, farm orgaiîirations in the County wbiJh b~ hd.~ nut serrcd aS cîther pi e~ident or executîve inember. For ihe past l~ years he has been Dunhani Count y representative 10 the Ontanîo Federation of Agri- culture and Uic paît two years provincial executîve member 10 the group, I-le is chaîrman of boih lite Education and the Pollution and Pesticîde Committees ai the provincial OEA body, A paît president of the Durham County Hog (Pont) Producens and the Durham Cuunty Crop Impruvement Association, Mr, Taylor bas also been adn e lu 4-H work. 16 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 1971 I 5# Pet Copy NUMBER 37 Bruce Taylft Primse inuter PierrreTueu icuenoeadessa gaysoUpLbea heid inW hior At the oliday In, s.hara, Friday noonlathe bckground led dihe Pisoa whrli or hruh h area, To ear Trudeau Exp-lan0oliCie0 by Derek Sidenias The charisma that la Tru- denu passed through tha aiea Fniday Starting la Pîctenîr g wherc he arrived by helicopter aI Il o'clock, Trudeau and bis en- tourage fiîtted mb Oshawa and ~eterborough before closîng the day~s rush of activilies tha ~to lia'" ye cet- w he ci ]eturned te bis cottge o tieseu4th oncession of Ammre est o! jIihway 3à en Eay antidisco»erei that during tuse week me- une Val broken mhétet Wuie tlome. Tue footi hamiier c hai be aie pa-~beis et la.Aceis had een Wgaintoadtr wînd tour of Ontarmo nîunici- palîties cast ut metro Toronto, The accent throughout was strictly on meeting the people, especially yontb, and impari- ing the Trudeau combînation of logic and wit 10 explain current goverarnent policy. The Prime Minuter taîkeci 10 student groupi in Pîckerîng anci Peterboroug~. la the for- ~er Ite answercd ~estiop~ CTU~N TO PA~ OY vial Plce dsovrt Parkg as mshe siarsatsusdhat iThe Dcomunty e PaerrTo aadaswîlcopt %bisoneluî, ne GeorgeS Eton 1,h ony Cna ir onnusof aslçWorld Champio dan uen1éhoaspoon ca Yvp omula One Gan ni'sfcîr gan ri ta, a hel Iougitoutes litewold on CamnAofIMoea, shap, n isucnnusnon a Marci event, Tàite t ofdrers rendis mler lu ps p tas n o lite a pag enou"dlte urrant dîvmn h a Ansne moilbe Ohere,S w ssuî'pcapbe oA rîvig lies ue r twoCaadan rad rixsOwoher rlos-,l tk Qîhrsinlud, cny Hlm pacoaIMopol pjo'bje T mntosStart of Race asSViEewved Ïfrom A/top>Ferris SWheiel Plunn11ed NextWe ek Withonlya ittie more than A mont hbefao The ?orsi&Cneraie vl ehol; n je a conre nocusion thatthe sttng mvember Alex Carter ilagain e their standard bearer. lc On1 Wedneusay of Dnxt wesek h ierals wîl 8od' her.omt in a Ooo owsipH l at bein3g Bue alr of Ensil ,Thi [Mernng he The Neu eorti at hl ir omma ofOon hosen as candidate, Down orthuberniyun tMnday evenîng I Gln Coe, aHamltonTownhipfarmr wa th ueseum lelcomes Ii -y::F Wîtb ~chool back and organizations regular Eau mccii: will be .nade Scbool classes and g want 10 fate dv îOi4V~ U1~ bcfor4 it Ibis Eau, Tours aie by rnay be ~ School Tours la session feaciters inuit mate appoint starting menti Tite Museuin mi aI Ib~ ogi, plans actîvities corner of Sîlver anci Welling roupa may ton 81' cet, jusb a osa om antaga 0f CeaIraI Public Scitool The stand are pavked, the railîng rushed with ýWhel4teOooFiTh aoaai an sr catr o hrii go laet wth he cnt... eptetoe tmah hrn e hj appPmnomuailwcic nuade~~~ atltsMsu 5 ÂL~ ~5WL4 UUIi U - b (open da ly except Mon- days), or by 'pboning the Curator, Mn, M Wiseman. Either dayîime or evcning ap- poinîmenîs can be arranged, There is someîhing 0f la- terest for almosî every I~stc, so a tour 0f bbc Museum makes a very picasant pro- gram for any socîcty or group, Anci of course Ibere is a great deal b be seen in the disnlays 0f 1-ools ~nd pion- cer living, general store, home crafîs, and roomi furîsbed in perioci styles wbich tics in wîtb studies la the ichools, School classes may corne morningi or afiernoons, but STEAL $800 MOTORCYCLE A motorcycle owneti by Thomas Hointesi o! Rit. 1, Ennistillen, was apparenU Iy stolen over lite weekend, lite veiticle us a 1963 Triumph Thuaderbirti, anti h vaineti aI $800. Newcastle O.P.P, are iavesbigating, TrilrL ea vesF rameLandsilgwy edu on 'Sokngun frtunaoely, e on rye iiet sign eTtesmshesgedTenewl e witbhel di t heries des etityrswu lh t OU t t .- ýi t t U'dnDERtoit.-oell, mthe loa ngeaie povin leverats onth lu g efoe vo tng dy Oct. ls Durha advses ta : enertos il sar tir ons e wekwt4hewr omltd tenapyn butelcoe teym ordpeed them honv ther wy wthot elay;th Pehe ad bi0g.jo e î in a shrt tu ne. cenpàt o T i 1-ý4rrg î n baIlleaWhi lbe were playen, lite aps Towin girls wrýe i Cbor, opnget limnl hi n t t ine t ï u iitti DANGEo r-Ofouineydmay be onsideing l a Mg ankbut thpesonr eran s wboRoyadve attemped tio detrotheCRovrecibig mabdte st end ofthe tcopnon two nccons cuetlymaylerndffretifteydon TUbrdgepinsevrlsot sche gi'e.Fru natescurceme av en be abin l ne ~poi me avwrcn~nms LaI ea a IislieredWs fThe Canapa Sîatsmn wn tot!alïof300 paizes la the etet1 oua Fn eo"cnet AOu ttadrds wl e ake mitnif aseis f ilgrpis flca -n 4 j, j, j, OneKiIIed When Bike Hits 'Wall WccrdhanJ Wooard 20 o Lacube A i Saneel, dmeidhe0 min safe 2 Lamben Sîret, wnos takeA, hoita îistmuliple abrinssand a bacî oury, His acondition isreported body asetsfa cy héidpassenger, Rt OSmilit emve lit bAk, a 650 ec, Yenam a rnt i tesseerfdltheaccident A odngb oic, h0iotrccl a ce U ig ea u n King Streel vie apprenly en ou ofcotro an easiedlirowi u ung Woodward agu bit rad brickanos ite ho use.Poliee î connng suer inves alion. A e i Bruce -l fiq urS ýU,-,rand rix icice Weekend a t os p 0 r

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