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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Sep 1971, p. 3

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R'cnly arrimiyM ed in Oshawa lad wrIth yellowm and turquoise~ looped ribbors. Miss Sharon Ormiston, sis-1 ter of the bride, wamcI of ho,,nor, and the brîdescmaids were Mis Sus,-an Henry and Mîiss Elizabeth Echrsister of hegrom.They ee t trdin fulilentpoysr gon fidentc[design,t the .ýmaldof boor initur- quie blue anýId thebrds maida in bu)Itterup yellow, with sleeves and coil1ar of mnatching color. Floral, bow- shaiped beaddirPesesta m-atch coiffeurs, iand t'ley cairried colonial buut of sweet- in shades of blues and --el- lowvs. 1Mr. Ronald Pidduck was1 best man and uisbering were IMr, Michael Rogers and Mr.ý Jack Ormiston. The reception was held at Harmony United Church Hall where guesta were received byý the mothers of the bride and groom. For the occasion Mtrs. Ormiston wore a nylon cm- broidered street length dress lai a.qua trimmed with Gui- pure lace, matcbing nylon coat and corsage of medium pink sweetheart roses. Mrs. Etcher chose an Amnericr-n Rýose, A-unre crepe dress in street leng t throlled cal- lar and monkýs sleeves of cm- broidered lace. E-er corsage was of pastel pink sweet- bcart iroses. Fo)r travelling the bride t Iwore a short, boat-neckedl drees Fo-r sot t yellow with sheer,f ull-length si1 e e v e s, caught at the wrists with satin bands woven through the lace to match the lace trim at the neckline and cm- pire waîstline. She carried a matchîng yellow purse arid wore white accessories. A mauve amd purpie orcbid cor-t sage complemented ber tra-, L.velling ensemble. Mr. andi -Mrs. Etcher are residing in The marriage of Miss -.,~'- "~~' Oshawa. Bonnie Lyrmne Bishop and SMr. Allan Ross Luke was solemnîzed at 7:30 o'clock on APTP GROVE Friday -evening, September 3, MAP E G OVE 1971, inCaurtice United Church. The bride is the Mapie Grove U. C. Womnen daughter of Mr. and Mrs. wilimee onThusda .eentArthur William David Bishop, Mlir. anD Mes Michael Etchar ing (tonight) ait 8 p.m. n the R.R. 3, Bowmanville, and the C. E. Hall, Hope the ladies brdegroam is the son o-r Mr. Hamn ntdChurcb, fatber, the bride wore a for.- -eill make a speciai effort to and Mrs. Earl Franklin Luke Oabwa, was the setting mal îengtb higb-necked gown atnd a t l the fira meetol-otHmtn whein ]Vis il'i Anne Ormisate th smrbi- Beautiful arrangements of tond~uhterof r. ad lIrlof white Lagoda with Guipure daYs. Everyone is7 welcome wieadylowgail n Wal ri-Orn'mîston O-r Oshawa, lace bodice and cuffls. Back Mrs. E. R. Higg-ias, daugh- white and yellow shasta dais- imd vr. Michael Douglas interest was given the gown ter Cate anÏd' son A ndrew ies formed a lovely setting for Ethsýsno-r Mr, and Mrs. by a bow nestiing at the top have arrived tram Cran- the ceremonv. The church Arhui tche-r of Bowman- o-r the gathered, skirt at the brook, B.C., ta spend their was further enhanced by a vile *re uiteýd in marriage waistiine, trami whicb flowed haiidays visiting bier parents, iighted white candie and an on i-rdy ttrnon, Aug- a graceful train. A matcbing Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Camipbell, arrangement of daisies in al u-ai- 14,- 1971, at 33 o'clack.' lace beadpiecc, trimmed with sister Mrs. Murray Tighe. the windows, and the guest Rer? ýN. Hlms f 1Hamiltomi rhinestones and b or e alilshusband and f amiiy, Bow- pews were, adorned witb ý77izs tj3eofcatn clergyman caugbt ber- four-tiQred, bau-r- manivilie. white ribbons and daisies. ndtiewedn music was tant, shouldec-length veil of Mcc. A. J. Campbell bas Reverend Dermot Arscott piayýe&H by Mrs. Marie Taylor. siik illusion, and she carried returned borne atter accom- was the afficiating clergyman. A reIngaciven by Mrs. a siender cascade 'bouquet Of panying ber sister Mrs. Cam- Mr. Douglas Dewell played N. omms.white sweetheart rases, te ran and tamily Of Otta-wa the wedding music and -aiso Give claumr -âriage.7ylher phanotis and green ivy sprink- on a tour of i-be Maritime accompanied the sololat, Mr. 7 Provinces. Ross Metcalf. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wright Givfflina macriage by ber and cbildren, St. Catbarines, father, the bride wore a for- à% were weekend visitors with mal lengtb, A-uine dress of M.0n their parents, Mr, and Mrs. G Rose of Sao lace line-d n Carr, al Grave, Mc anerd with peau de soie oaiad ~IJII~ Dvidgmawn materiais. Th1e long, [UilMetcailf are attendiag ful, uniined sîceves hiad lin-1 fo te uelph Universty; Mr. Tom sd, three-inch fitted cuffs Pff il r-rom Base Line, and Misa bride created ber gawn and Mary Ana ayle Mape thse of the bridai party. A Grave, ae rtre ahaddress of wbite applique 4 1 R Y reilyoher ave et ssed, b ler -urir, ebwlnt Guelph University. If there flawers and brilliants beld j)1fýse avise , ;veil of French illusion net Mr, nd rs.Ceclc Russell, witb scallaped edging. She Mr. and Mrs. _Kn Brooks, carried a round, bridai bau- Myrs. Jack Hucrrie, Mr. aad quet of yellaw rosebuds, ( A L MClub Manford Goodmurphy white carnations and step.ha- ONE ORDER 0F muas-y wio spntirb week- Miss Vicky Reynolds was e !end withthý? C-r1ir Couples aîdofhonor-nMisS - Clbat Holid-ay Inn, Hall- dca Bisbap and Miss Cindy ee 1 brton.Bihop, sisters of the bride, %Cn Il ~Mrs E. Hindman cecently wece bridesmaids. Miss Catbi- Mr. and Mrs. George Wood, groom, was flowec girl. 't ley Hamitn.werii identi aiiy attired in ari SA URD Y r. aod Mes. Lloyd Snow- floar-length gowns ,0f oaie FRIDAY dA AT R A en, Mrs W 'ayne Pickard, green sheer witb -white f.Inck- ai- Mapie Graove, Mca, Terry Bn- sng oitliniiig da4rbergre ker, Oshawa, attended thbe Golden ris p 25th~ wedding annivecsary o0HA1 G oïd ei, rî@SP Mca, Snowde's brother, Mr. M and 1Mca. Bill Cawling at The H-ampton Uinited Cuc l View Lake. Doubles Club met on Sa;I tr- ~is & 1lI SMAd-, Amy Nddrie, Mrs, day çvenîn for a c r rast 22~~bivision Si-, Bowmanv "IlaPw e re Wednesday evening Joe akon Terwre5 isas it bte former's - sister, Mrs, . C P, w - omembers present andt t ndhusbnd. wallw~~uesi-a Mr. and Mca. John THE ANAiÂNCLUB OF WEST DURHAM ANNOUNCESz THE OPENING 0F MT 1971-72 SEASON, MEETINGS TO BE HELD IN TRINITY UNITED CHURCH HALL, BOWMANVILLE, AT 8.15 P.M. FIRST SPEAKER H ý-N, MICHAEL STARR SEPTEMBRER 27th, 1971 àTE SPEAKELRS AND THEIR SUBJECTS:, 0,tobr 26 - Mr. John W. Fisher "Exploring Canada - The New, In Thîng" Novanber 18- Hoit J. Harper Prowse "Our Natural Rsources, How Wîll We Use Them" .fnaary (dataei-o ba announcad) - Dr. K. Hare "Canada's Water Resources at Issue" ~ar y17 - Mâlr. John Clarkson "The Armed Forces and The October Crisis", March, meeting to ha announced The Sepfrenber 27th meeting is open te preseni- and new mendiere 9p1y.J oin 1Ji-h a nd bc eigihia for ail six meetings. An intarast lni Canadian affirsqulifesfor niambarship. Tcesînay ha secured from any mamber of thsaaxcecutive or ai. the 5-î ebesip$;Studeni- Memhership $1. Vo Foîurther infoi'mafîon an-d tickets, pleaase ait Mr. Wilson Pring ~2-520 M , . Bar-tt-(623-.3908), r4s. R Gi!(623-7571),Mr,-. R. Best, Hampon (63~2 1 r&sT. Smrith, Nwata(987 -4250), riendiy chut-cha- around a lovely camplire. Preeldent Ho,-lcoyti and Progcam Con- venore Mr. andi Mca. Qiff Terrill discussed the Octobr meeting andi by a show aof bhande ut was vated ta go bowling ai- i-e Mai-oc Cii-y Bowl la Oshawa. Aiea dis- cusseti waa i-be Travelling Supper which is camiag up in November. Members arc askcd i-o be tbinking uofi-bis and anyone wiebing i-o valua- i-eîr their home foc odteofthi-e courises coulti do an by con- tactÏing youir pre.sideat aof youc progcamrme coni enoce. Hamptoan Ijitedi Cuc Wamnawill nieet Sept. 20 ai- the home of Mca, Fred Hal- royd. Guesi- speaker wïll beI Mce., Norma Drake, ca-fo'ird- 1 er of ti-beOsbawa Man's H-ostel. Plense Note! Regular Sun- day Schaal Cl acceswîll ce- suniei-hie Suiitay, Sept. 19i-h. Pupils wiil join wsth i-be con- gregatian ai- 9 a.m.' and leav-< îng aflter i-be children's, byma foc tbair clasecooma. Nurs- ery anti kintiecgar-en will mcc i- wlbtheir teachare la i-ha C.E, Wing ai- 9 a.m. als.o, Visitors las- week wl-h Mr. anti Mca. A. W. Prescot- were Mc. and Mca, Rose Smith,, Windsor, Callers turing i-be 'week ai- i-e Prescot- home wcce Mc. and Mrs. Frank Hancock, Kend-on and Mc. and Mca, Wilbrt Smithb of Osha- wa and Mca. Wîitcid Bowman of Eniskillcn, Mc. anti Mca, A. W. Prescot were&surpcieed by their family recan-by an i-be occasion of their 45i-h wcdtiing anmivessary. The pari-y was hlti at i-be homel of their son Mr. andi Mca. Hec-1 bert Prescott, Maple Grave, During i-be day Mc. Pcescottý ati- hie i-win brother 'Elmer t Marriled in. Courtice Unit'ed Exchange Vows'in Oshawa flowers. The gawns, mneluding thbe tited ring collar aini short puffed sîceves wii-b fit- ted narrow cuit s, were fuliyý lîned wîth matcbing greenl polyester. Small white Pino--ý chia 'mumas nestIed ln theiri - n Ms coiffeurs, and their bouquets Mr1 ndMs were of . yellaw and white- 'gici'lcý'otr shasta daisies in "butter-0Miss PatricaAia Prs-, scotch" design, agtro M.adMc Mr. John Payýne was best Albect Porter of Osbawa, and man and the ushers were Mc McVf.,James ýStephlen -Homneniuk, Grant Luke, brother of the son of ;Mad Mrs., Stephen. groom, and Mr, Clarke Wil- Homneniuký, R.R. 3,, Bowman- bur. ville, exchanged marriage The reception was beld ýat vaws on Saturday afternoon, Grand view Golf Club,, Osbý- August 28, 1971, ai,'4 o'clock awa, ýwbcce guests were ce- in Kingsview Ulnited Churcli, ceived by the bride'a mother Oshawa. Who wore a býot-pink, slceve- Rcv. J. A., Payi-on officiai-ad lesa, lace deesawitb matcbing and Miss Hazel Rundle play- long-sleeved coat, and corsage d i-be wedding music. Lavely of deep pink sweetbeart rases floral arrangements of whit-e, and pale pîak' carnations. She yellow and orange blooms was assistcd la recciving by focmed an attractive seiting the gcoom's mother wbo woce for the ceremany., a pastel green, baif-aleeva, crepe dress and matcbing The bride, wbo was given three-quacter length sieeved in_,marciage by ber father, coat, witb corsage of yellaw sweetheart roses and. white Woodnut, Lori ,ind Steqhen, carnationsý. aiea of St. Catharinpza. wedngirip t K gto1ad itH M.andMcFrdIll blue ;ind c llw ptendPalnbiboBri. lon-scevd ecy re ~Visiting at borne Lihiweek l-h pe,7 aie bhéue crimpeO wib er parents. Mc. and so made ber travelling en- arUc. e oreGonarcta- semble. Mc. and Mc-. fLuke a r.GogGisOta are residing ai- 1308 King St. wa East, Oshawa, Mcc. Jack Thomson. and tA secretacy, i-be bride ai- Mary Lau of Exei-er spent tnded Courtice Nor-)7th Publie sevecal 'days recenily vssstîng and C a u r t i c e Sýcoadary with Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Bal- Scbaols. The gicroo a-, oe son and famsly. Hampton PublicScaol'Prt Mr. and Mca, Ralph Ballard Hope Higb Scbnool and Caur- aLti-nded a surprise pari-y on tice Secondacy Scboi-oi.Hie is Saturday evening in honor an auto body roarmn f M1. n White, Out-Of-town ustlttn-Wl& attending ,rhurch s 7ec-, ed fram rmgtnngaivices ls1, uda1i-S9re Trentson, rirdgenarthi, eGreen-- tan, On-ari, aur famîniy w, bank, Wîty nd Ohwa pcîvileged ta hea 11Fr ;and mi-irp baeawere beld la hotnarRev. john Hlley o-rNew ofthi-e brýridebyMiss Vicky Yack Cii-.t. lley'ss-fn- Reynolds o-rfRP. 3, Bowman- mon deait wl-hi-bi s fasi- pace ville, i-be m ald üa honor, and we live la aard haw sanie Mrs. Gail Luke utHaptn people bave forgati-en 'how io a siaie-in-law o-f thrè groomn, relax and slow dowa and en- __________-joy the- pence and quiet i-bat is offered ioihem. Rev. Roi-ý P 1 0 Nley saidti t men-ally try ta PT Odrap youc ceseai-meai- and wace a'lso givan wmanygît disappainmeate. "D i ac arc i la hon-ror t ther 8 ï1si icb-i-m, ici- ihem go, i-ink days, Mr. Elmer Pres-ýcotLi-bs spiritually, and i-bece you just recentiy rtrei home bave anc powecfui formula1 afi-er ha\zing speni- evcaora deep celaxation. Rev. weeks la Memnoriai 1-ospitaJ, Holley thanketi Miss Lynette Bowmanviie. Reports are ha Holroyd and Mc, Lacry Si-oui-- le mucb impcovcd. enbsirg for their part in i-be Mc. anti Mcc, Ben EKin 'm ninîg wocshsp. "They also1 Nîchuiis aýitendd i-be Bkr sang "A Simple 'Sang ofi Posteý wedding on Satuicday IFrEeetom"- ai- LNrcwood. On Sunday Mr. If you know of nayone sscký and Mca. Ben Klein Niebuis or lai-bte bospital or bavet and family held. a surprise any news o-r inteceai- otah-e barbecue partyi-y a bnor of people of aur commuai-y Mr. and Mca. Henry Klein picase cali-is correspond- Niebuis' 3th wedding anni- cnt at 263-2985. Bye, naw!, vevcs;acy. Gucats includeti Registrationi for i-be firsi- Mcr. anti Mrs. Frank Meesis, Hamnpton Cuba wsbl be held Michael andi Nichai, -Mr. anti' again Sept. 20 beiwecn i-be Mra. Hank Klein, Linda and hours oft 6 anti 7 p.m. Boys Sadra, Miss Louise Klein muqt be age eighi- by Dec. 31 Niebuis and friend Rob, Mr-. ofi-bis year and be n more Hierman Klein Nichuis adi-han Il ycacs aid. This will lJc-kî. The family presePnt-,be ai- Township Hall, -cd i-behappy couple wtha - __ iov'CIY gi-t. Miîss Lynette Holroyti of Si-oebrgo an rie, othec OMB Approvies Hampi-nuantifBMc.ieLaccî ýwise known as i-be "Cou-rtrv,- airs'appeat-et as guet artisteý I TownDe e ues along wl-h i-he "Si-avec Si-am- ers" ducing Labor'Day week- end ai- i-e Sherbaton Bech"iFor Auditoriumi Resoci-. Mr. and Mca. Fred Holrayd The Onteavca uniipa and Mise Lynette Holroyt i antioard hbýas pvrovatiof i-he Mr. Larry Stoui-enbucg ut to.wn rotf Bwavle' un Barrie wece aupper gucsts o adebeni-uca eo-r$100,000 i Monday wii-h Mr. anti Mcaq1 Gardon Dunlop anti family oflorder ti pay foc hab towa's Si-. Catharines. Other gucatïshàbae ofthi-e caste uofi-be pnew* wcce Mc., anti Mca, Lenard aelcol/m-,unicipal aiUdito mmi[ 1l ay-aw-n71r Homeowner §er Lo nS 15t]I 24..Hour Approvals Mo Low cos- 2nd and Ird Mu mtiges. Arranged in i-he 4con- ara* veniene of yoar home. --Veil.9y can ealli-o 10 p.m. today fer ahi, belpful courtLeous service., Prompt lavesti-mnt Cqrp. E 2 Li-d., 330 Bay Si-. Toronto, 2 CALL CLET pay 366-586haý 366-9516 EVGS. 231-8146 h is aubsequleatly passetI on ptember 7th a;ui-bocizig i-bhe, ua, effective Sepi-ember Eh. 'le town wîll borrow i-be aey through i-be On-ariaý nicripal Improvemeai- Corp- tffon ai-an interes- -ai- a 0 par cent par annum pay- eî semi-annually. 13\ i-he tume ut le paid off hi ycars tume, i-ha total annual -mannte plus interes- will1 '~amountedti -a$217,301. 'ha i-own's fiscal agents said, i-i-be i-arma ofthi-e lan were. e beet possible, ai- ihie time. J. S, Homaniuk '1 u'aoe a formaI leng-b gowi o-r wb-i-c brocada si-yicd iýîthI 1long sleeves andi empire waist,l :,lhghligh-ed by small daisy i-dtrm. Hec i-hcee-tier rail wasi -belti by a clust-er beadpîcce eof~ white rosea and pendls, andi ber bridai bouquet was of çtangerine roaebuds andi baby'i braatb with a sprig of bea- i-bec foc gooti luck, 1 Mca, Jim Mclntyre, sistar - ofi-be brilde, was mai-con ai- bonor and i-ha bridesmnaida were Mca. Gary Davie muidý Mca. Dennis Homeniuk, sisi-er- in-law o-r i-e groýom, ail of Oshawa. Ail woce floral pan- dresses of pastel orange and iwhite designed wl-h long sleeves and boat necklinc. Tbey woca orange bow-bead- ,dresses and cacciet býouquets erorange dailes and yeliow Osbawa, anti Mc. Harry Per- kins oft Bowmanviile. Follawing i-ha ceremany a ceception was held th -e Oshawa, Curling Club wbera thbe, brîie's mai-becceaveti wearîng a powdac blue chif- fan pant dreas wl-b long aleeres and i bgb necklina crimmed with gold beadis anti pearîs, and corsage of yellaw rosas. The graom's moi-ber, wba assistedti-o receive, ware a pirik, A-lirie dress wîtb bentieti collar andi corsage of piak rosas, 1Mc. and. Mcc., Homemrluk boneymaanad for a wcek la i-be Barbados, Westlais The Canadiani Statesman, towma±ville, Sept. 13, 1971' li6fforthe bigr! l~Sda e Vbe at the home ni Mrs. A. wore a canary yellow, two- Barron, Oshawa, piece hot pant ensemble with Friends and relatives of tha white accessories and corsage groom attended a stag party ofr orange rosebuds. They are held inbis honor by bis bro.- residing at 45 Coiborne St. ther, Mr. Denmis Homeniuk, W., Apt, 304, Oshawa. at The Acres Restaurant ai, A secretary with Londonil whîcb the groom was pre.- Lîfe Insurance, Oshawa, the1 sented with a money gît t. bride attended Courtîce Sec- Folwn th wedn re ondary School. The groom, hearsal the ridi arty - who, also attended Courtice hasltebia at a S econdary School, is present- entertained by the groon'8 ly athid ad fial earparents, Mr. and Mrs, Ste- Durham College student ma- porn e nîuk 3, owat tes joring in Air Transport En- hmRR ,Bwavle gineering Technology, Out-of-town guests attend- g rin etlIe ed from Hamilton, Toronto, rig etl tl Rome, N.Y., Bowmanville, Relieved In Minutes Icelànd, Turkey, Richmond,, B.C., Mississauga, New Tor- Exclusive Healing Substance onto, Napanee, Whitby andi Réjeves Pain As It Isiington, 1 Shiriinks Hemorrhoids. Many parties were held 1ný honor of the bride prior to If you want satisfactory relief front her marriage. Mrs. H. Wil- lItching Piles'-here's good news. Ilhai, Oshawa, aunt of the A renowned researchi laboratory bas, bride, gave a mîiscellaneous found a unique healing substance szhower, wluch was attendea that promiptly reheves the burning by relative of the bride. A îtch and Dan-actually shrinka siîlar shower was held by hemorrhoids. This substance'ha& Mrs. Dennis Homeniuk, the been ahown ta produce a most effec- groým's-,îtprin-awand bis tive rate of healing. Its garmi-kIdIing, mother, Mrs, S. Homenluk, at proetie lsonl ree the former's home in Osh- ifcin awa, when mrmbers of the lu case afi-er case "very striking bridegroom's famiiy w e r e improvement" 'was xîoted, eveni present, mloes tene mong cases of long standing. Anci Fellow emlye teddtih improvement was maiainedùlp a. miscellaneous sb ower gîven over a persod of montha! by Mrs. Gary Davie at her Tis was accomplished liv a ne-. home in Whitby, Mrs. Ted healing substance (Bio-Dâyne)- Milgate of Oshawa was hos- which quicly helps beal injureci. tess for another mi celiaeo s ellnd stimuiat4 growth of new tesaforanoter isceianoustissue. Now Biô-Dyne is offered iii shower xvhen school friendsai-tment and suppository forse. of theP bride were Present called Preparation "f". Askfor it A peesonal shower, attendedet aldrug stores--atisfacionor- by oid neighborhood friends, qkioney refunded. was gîven by Mrs. Rolandý NEWCASTLE LIONS The Presi*dent"s Bal Sa.t, Septe mber 25th, 1971 Spacial Prizes Door prîza draw of Couple's Season Ticketi încluding New Year's' Eve, -Royal, Ambassadors- 9:00 p.-. i-o .1-00 a.m. Door Righi-s Reservett -Bar Privilegas ,hry C'/eariers uC/IucIUP The teacher had been trying ta regularisa the spelling - brilliant in ils originality- of thbe Tough Boy of the elasa, Ma made the suggestion tha- thle Tough One mîght. remeînber thbe spellings battar if he learned i-ha meanings-, of i-ha words. "Speli sragt'" tadihe teacher. "S-i--r-a-i-g-h it," lellr llad haTough Oaa. "Right, said i-haf fen4hrf , "Ad owwht doas i nrn -without; soda wate-r repbed (i-b Tough COaa. CLOTHES CARE H1ITS: Thera le ndthing cheaper i-han t-ha cos- cf haiig your garF- ments cleanaeI and pressed - thay are renewed tao i-hast original freelineesga- a fraction of their original cost. SM JOSEPH'S ANNUAL TURKEY SUPPER Sunday, Saptamber 26th CLEAN ERS ~i84 KING ST. W. 623-5520 CLEANER 'We Specialize bnShrtLarudrmng» ___________ -i SPRIG thi f Ile... %#IN TULI? ýTT EVERY 0ORDER - Penny Tulips are noted for their large doubla flowers. They ara excellant for cuiting as cut flowers, and will add beau-y to any bulh planting. EROS - SPLENDID- ROSE DOUBLE MOUNT TACOMA- A DISTTNCTLY PURE WHITE PEONY TUL1P LIVINGSTONE - A DEEP DARK SCARLET RiED, NIZZA - YELLOW, STRIPED AND FEAITHERED RD< îOfrl.9>5010r6,9O0 lO fol29 pure yellow trumpet DAFFODIL "MAGNIFICENCE" Y'ELLOW CROCUS, use in rockeries BLUE CROCUS, mix with-other bulbs GOLDEN MAMMOTH CROCUSES YeIIow HYÀCINTH "JAN BOS", beautiful Scarlat, aarly bloomer "'L'INNOCENCE", pure whii-e, excellant aarly "ANNA MARIE", large 4eep pink 623-4441 Highway No. 2 -RR. 6, omnil NURSERYMEN IMPORED FU931FRIEDAR IMPORED FOM -BULBS 1W ROLLAND!! $10,00 /J- 0 n Y Uîfp 1 af

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