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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Sep 1971, p. 4

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4Ther Canadlian Statesman, Bowmnanville, Sept. 15, 1971 EDvITO'*RIÂL COMMENT And Away We Go Again to the Hustings It was eîther good fortune or re-1 mnarkably accurate timing that broughtî Prime Minister Trudeau to this area uta few days before Ontario Premier Dav7is called his provincial election on Monday of this week. No doubt Mr. Trudeu's ppearance here and his ex- tremely warrm reception should do a great deal to arouse enthusiasm among Libercals generaliy, so that an able, ac- eceptable and eager candidate fromn that party willt now put in a belated appear- aInce for the u.-phill provincial election fi ght. There is no doubt in our mind that the, well-known sitting Conservative cnmeAlex Carruthers has every reason tO feel confident that his per- formnance in the legisiature, his atten- tion to individual and overaîl problems in is home riding of Durham, should giýjve him a considerable edge in the campaigni that for the next 37 days will continue to grow in intensity. The Prog- ressive-Conlservative party organization must be in top form and ready for action, backed by sufficient fun-d-, to carry u the task Utht is before thiem With efficiency anid thorouighness. M'r. Cairruthers' main opponient at ther momtent is Orono Public Sehool Principal Douglas Moffatt who, while defeatepd certainiy gained considerable exp,-erien.ce in the last provincial elec- tion, He too is a worthy candidate. The New Democratic party that he, repre- sents has been working quietly but steadily ever since that election and, stimul.ated by the victories of the Mani- toba and Saskatchewan NDP's, will be gOin1g fil out to ca.ptuire Ontario, if they cani. No doubt thieir hopes will rest in part on the 'apparent unrest amnon'g vot- rsgenierally, the dissaffection of formn- er PCs who now may be unemployed, the new 18 year-old voters, etc. As the campaign progresses, it; will be most in- teresting to watch their new Provincial leýader Stephent Lewis in action. He has ýa reputcation ais a superb organizer, but wheicther " he can overcom-e another label The Thin Thread, The horrible kiflings at Attica pri- n, i New York State, over the week- end strengtlhen the realization that man is not too farýremov.)\ed from the Jungle, that civilization as we caîl it, -will exist, only mo longc as we are prepared to pro- tect if from those who would destroy ii-. Ut is sceln to picture men so des- perate or so devoid of the nt-ormanl humn- anitiethatlu they could deliberately cut thiethroatls of bounid and blindfolded Attîca is but (one instaânce, lu Ibis conty e have had similar but not so baatoccurrences at Kingston perd- tentdiary, on t he streets of M\ontreal dur- inlhe ie strike and in Syýdneyv, !Nova coiawhen. the police were niego- tia1ing for a contract. So, let uis no[ hurl Pn lts atur southenr eighbors, we pre not tlocipureouevs.Gduly cýur cities antd even somne-of our srnaller communities are following tLhe same pattern of degradation wvhere c itizens ca;nn-ot walIk on the streets in daylight or diarkniess wtotfe-ar of heîng aI- tacked, robbed or 'killed., It is bpecoming increasingly evident that a huge, alert well-trained police his opponents have tried to lay on him, as a bit of a radical, is sornething else again. Who knows, Possibly th Le province mnay be ready for soi-e radlicalismî. It'S difficuit to tell what the Lib- erals wiiI be able Io do.ý So far hiere, they haven't been able to corne up wt a suitable candidate, but one can't juidge the entire province or their- chance-, by this constituency. Thieir, leader Bob Nixon. has his piatformi weil laid ouit; in fact, he has been expounding it for sev- eral weeks, but so far it is difficu-it to assess his or its impact on the electorate. One of the keys in his program is the extension of grants to grade 12 for sep- arate schools and provision of some fin- ancing for ail private or separatt- schools. This is fairly weil in line with the program of the NDP while the PCs are holding fast to no extension of grants to higher grades but an indiefin- ite amount for itemns sucli as týranspor- tation and possibly textbooks, We doubt if this wilI beco-ne a hiot election issue, although certainily there are those who will try to make it one for their own political beniefit. So, as the first rouniid starts, there isn't muich more to say. Th'le enumrerat- ers will soon be visiting the homries, oh- taining niames for the v,,oteýrs' lists. Al politicai Party executives will be busy preparing plans for meetings through- out the consFttienc y to stîr Lup interest and persuade voters to follow their candidate. The Statesman will try to1 ee readers informed of the progress of' the campaign, repoirting meetings or puýb- lishing l, reports that will be subr):nitted, so that, on election day-,- Thursday,. October 2lst, a large iturnout of electors wiIl go to the polis to vote intelligently for the candidate (or party'ý) of their- choice. We would also wish ail candi- dates 'gond health and gond huiting, because they are going to be hitting a hectic pace night and day from now until the polis close and will need al the strength, energy and'assistance they can muster, -CaII-e-d CivilIza ion force is really the only obstacle that is standing betweeni decent-living, hard- working 'c;ýiiized' citizens and the anarchists. The causes are not, difficuit to define. They poal icuethe in- creased use of expensive druigs and alý cohiol, the decline in the iniflulence of the churches on moral standards, the permissiveniess of our societ, .the comn- parative poverty conlditionis"i. certain segmenits of thle populationý and gen- eral-ly an extremnely conifused attitude amnong mray youing peop)le regarding their hopes and plans for future caeers and in many cases too much fr-ee time with nothing to do. While the causesma be easy to find, tne remedies are far fromr simple, No doubt the bestmindsin Canapda and the U.S.A. are working haird to discover thfe answers and bring thera into e ffect, buti so far there is only avcum with the situation de-teriorating ail too rapid- ]y. The person onr group who cani corne uip with the cures certain]ly will be do- ing marîkind a great service ...and they'd better find them soon. I £ettrsto the .Scitor Moidtouboco, New .7HamnpsbiLre, Sept. 10, 1971. hlevLsiti-ng my daughter aud f aîly iVr.and lTrs. Dakin aI he Schwvar-, Farm n PrestonRoad inl ,Bownuainvilla, 1T bad the misfortuna bf ha takýýen s,-ik wthpueumonrii, arad was [dnttd a he Marnorial lHospîtal lu onwmvn;iille by Dr. Sylvasîatr ou AUg. 20 for, fiva edays., ,(i pleas-ed with He cceIT ceceiv7ed that T1soud ike ta have iuserted ili your "Mdy hearîfaît thau-ks ba the enlire staff oif the Memorial Hlospital in Bowman- ville f'or the thougbtful cousideration jrcacived and espccialiy b the nursing sîaff on the thîrd floor for their con- sideri.ationi and caca, who wt Drs. Sý'yl- vester and Hubbard brought about a speedy r -ecovel - " Phonoti 823-3303l JOHN M . M,S My diaugjhtar sends imethSaes antira papar b ut m-nost of ail the ediborral pagýe qairtBii! Srilc.y. Pleaisese,(nd me a i h fo1(ýrthe hag es aýnd a cbeck will ba sent afonýce. Sineey .Moultonhoro - 03254 Naew Hamps-hice, U.S.A.' Oua way tb gat hack onmiour la, is to have teenagers wodrive. Doctors advise th1-at a siouing'il" position in a car prevents f ulleteso of tha lungils; aund lIbis leads bL early fatigue. Sit immnediatcly hbehýiud the whael. with both 1shoulider blades touich- inig the back seat, the Ontario Safety League recomnmenýds. Durhiam County's Grýef famIcurnai Ill uhe 17year ao 1854 The Bowmfnvïille Newaýv The .Newcas;tle IJndependent Thi- Orono News ~ecndchasmcdl regîs-t7otion inumber l1ý36 THE' JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY JAIVED 62 -H6 Ki'ng St. W., onil, Oniario PATRICK GOULD ADVTG. MANAGER Phonet 623-3303W 'Copyrigqht ad/rpreprty rýightI zsubsit ithe timage a poriag an i iiýproof. Permîeei4on ta rerdu la whleo r 'in part iand in any form WhC[teoover. PartictlarlY y iypiotoýgrapýhi or oseet prce Itaapublication. m1uet h. ahtained trom the.publieher and lthe priater. ,Any aa-uthorized re'production wilb1-e ubject ta recouirse. in aw." ýý3.ù0 ca year - 6 inonthis $3,50 $SM cya Year in thec United Sta-teFs strictly in advance Atioucgh eVe-ry precaýution wtll b. ake-n taavoid error 'The, c7amnodkaStateemmn accepte ad(ýertis. mg ta in scolu]ane On i, under.toardir- that it xwitI not b. hIable f or anv errcr ma ay idv-.Tisement pu btî,hrd hernder ý unis a root ci uch «dvertis;meniziT t equeeýted-ila writîng b1,1lii. advertisez and £eturned t i.CaainStateeman bunrmeee officeduly retgned by ti ethe priaid witii eucii ero r orcto Plainly nt ina rtiqthereon, ail nd t ual caseif amyerr! onotediI. "It aisui adverieeint s thCC&pac ccpled JY by ti. eted rrer ibenre ttý Ii, wIIole erpace occupi 5 debts, If any, witb ins tions as to how you tbemn handîrd. Also iri money owed 10 you. It will b'e much easie everyone if you note thi cation of past income 'taw turns and tll where cui tax information can be È How about trust funds their provisions? Includ( names and address of fr and relatives wbo ýsboul notifîed, including la'N brokers, co-workers, etc. ln short, the lelter of instructions should bea taiied document of about your affairs and you want them handled. making out such a letter can greatly easa the strai Ibosa Who must hbandle affairs. T b i s largaly overli document sbould bea your vital papers aiong your will, where it ruý readily found ln case ofc Sad (PR Tracks if your back bas bca ian,- red as you pounce lai ourcar ovar lira CPR tracks on Scu- gog Rond, you many jusî have achaýmpion ln Couniriliror Ken Primae iitr rda alyhis nmonth (atm oul -Inthe possiiiity e0 a Eau genecral lection in Canada for Ibis year. Ris comment added fuel 10 tbe fires of speculation that have flared up sinre President Richard Nixon dealt asevere blow 10 ,tha Canadian economy wîth bis 10 per cent surcharge on imports. Up 10 Mr. Nixons action il had been generaliy taken for granted that the genaral lpetion ln Canada had been set off until 1972. The Caniadian economy had beêen making a strong comaack.Il axperiencad the strongast quarterly ad- vanc(e in output in more than îi wo years during the three m ronths ended Juine ,3e. V was marred onfly by thie shar-pest gain in prices iii just over -a year and a frhrdetarioration, in the The total oulpult Or 1ood8 ti April, May nd June ini cooy arrording 10 Sttstr aniada. the FedraiburautIraI com- piles statistîrÎlesfrom across tbe country. The Bureau said the Gross National Pro'- duct, thre total value of al goods and services produred in the country, rosýe te, an annual rate of$11 fi billion, from $88.017 bilion01 in the first quarter 0f the year and $83.82 billioni in the second quarter otf 1970. Tb 'e GNP for ailTrof 1970, was M\r. Trudeau in an im-, promrptu conference outsida the East Block, where bis ICabinet had just met in special session, announced bis govarnmnt b.ad devis- ena otgnyPlan 10 lry and ci(.Opa -lth tira biow of the, 10 per cent US. sur- cag.For, the first lime ha rconcaded that il wouid depal a sevare sethark tb the Canadia;n economy. Fewas aiso pessimstfir cting foiy n an eepinforis.cU('!1ntry iifom the srhreo m hlis government hadi to be raadýpy with a contýinmgancy plan. M.Trud1esu 1disclosed tht he ,special,measureg would be unveilad at the raopening of the buitse r0f Commons after ils sme recess. It would 1ake pra- cedence ovar ùthe urgent business ot proceeding with second reading 0f tbe tax reform legisiation whîrhel the goverament wanlsts 10 gel passad befora Chirist- mas. Ti-(, Prime Minister rom- menting on the govarn- ments oves 10 combat the US. surcharge said the Am- erican action rould be very barmful 10 the Canadian aronomy. He said. "This is going to ha a satbark and that's why wa are fighting so bard not 10 bave it hap- pan.' I The Prime Minister was asked about the sparulation concrnig aFaîl elactin, Hawa sked: "Wouid ynu sayta tthlie it f Presi- dent Nixon in thae Sprin would rula ouit, once and for ail, any talk of a Fal elAction? ,Wou)(1ld teb any reas-,on 10 go1-",th out. 1 don't thliink the, visit 0f any forign aadof gotv- ernmen or had of state would miake aân election i- He was asked by ther preSs: "Buit you a re nol any more disposed toward a By william J. Martin 1 Mr. Martin serves as speeiliconsultant le Avco Financial S erv ies.AUl questions shoufld becsent tO him ati P.O. Bo0X 5815, Lon-I don, Oatarîo Canada. Those donOntrloCanda.Those Containing a n -ame and ad- dra'ss ýwiii ha ans'wered in Ibis columnn or y direct raturu mail. onames 'vh lialied il) print. tata planng nd bhow te many w'idows ý'arca t whot adae- subjaqci, with aonmetou't on a impolltant buit largely Sec nd oy10 7a wTjjilsth latter oflasI. instr uctio0n S. hs sthie documoent thiat not nly ti'Ils youýr wife' and your executýior where t., find( the will, but lissmnim rportant final datails. lb shou]d iist al persoünal Parlimeuý t rcnndIis waek alter bbthe mr racess and 1bbcfirst item oi-n ihe ,OrderPape w 1 he gevn- charg insoa as l wiiffect Cnda the Hionorable Jeaný-Luic Pepn auýijd is enUtted: "An Adcta Support Employ- ment uCanada byMiig the bcDs rupliva Effecb ou Canadial-1In1dustry rt f ibhe Imposition otf Focaigu, Import Suir- taxas or Other A ci on s of a Lika Bf fact". The months otf Juily end August bave beau busy onas foc Youc Membar ,of Parliament. My wif e Anae and T speut bwo wecks lu July visitiug bar f amily in British Columbia. Ducing bbc balance otf the summar, T dîvided rny limne equaliy hctweu Ottawa and bbc Ridiug rof Nortbumberlaud-Durhamn. My cousitueuîs know, of course, Ibal a ,veu tbough Parliament is lu ce- ccss, the day bo day needs of bbc people lu my Rîding continue. Thcoughout bbc year, T rceivea'adaily average otf 17 letters and six blephonle calîs tb my office lu Ottawa fronu ry constituants. ibca is aiso persona] contact in the, Riding each waakend iasfar as Ibhis is Ma cDuHffRep o r FALL FEDERAL ELECTION were a few waaksago?" He repiiad, "No, but I have not ruied il out rom- pletely. But I am not dis- posed 10 it." Bcbind the scenes in the Liberal organization the feeling was that the Prime Minister was dropping these commants 10 keep the op- position off balance. He was taliing the truth whan he said ha was not disposed 10 a Fal alection Ibis year. The word has been quiet- iy passed 10 the key organ- izerL in tha Libaral party 10 forget about a Faîl elertion in 1971 and io think in termas of praparing- for a ganeralelection in 1972. At one lime, aarlier Ibis year, the ballet in the Lib- erat organization w.as tbat the elartion would take place in June, 1972. That belief is now fading fast. The prefarenre now appears 10 be for thae all of 1972i. By fhat lime the trials anid tribuflatio-ns ot an- o)thct- bad vwi'nter will have' fadled somIewbIat and CithE Liberal administration is hoDing thal the U.S. aronom- jr pressures will have bean aased up sutficiantly by the Fall of next year to enabla the Canadian economy to regain ils upward moment- um. Look for a generai alec- lion in the Eall of 1972. papers and records and taell~ wbere they are located, su ch% as birtb rertificate, marriage,' certifirate, daed, etc. If yo7cu% have a safa deýpst box, Ii shudalso bp ha idîted LiIinsuranra pol1icies l- peumreca.iptfs and dîivi' dend statetnenis-Don«t leave anýylhing out. Haýva y.OU ber- rowed aantayofthm do yo own) a policy On any-- ona ele' .ite, doas anynn aise Own a policy on.1 youýr lita?, list am1ployairs au3d anyrovm- pany bentitsyouMay ha;ve. Incudeah etalsof your boue nd any other rai proparty youj may own. Stocks and bond;s you owni should be listed along with Ihair locations. Mark downi ai] parsonal property. your car, -home furnishings and other valuablas. 1Maka -a list of parsonal possible. T don have two scecraies and a pa cil ssistant lu my ff'cice u ttaw,?, who do a ve ncgod job for mq cnsit I arnI b do 0ltha obthab is cpet 01o me, thiat Tke loetubon itha rnay equsî tal rcf v eey day Tui ddtinT avebbt de dras- ponsbîllyos Depuby vSipeaiker of the Hou-se otf Commirous. This is aý contiuuing rcsponsibilily aveu l 'hough Parliamient may not hae lu session. Mr. Speaker Larnouireux israpnil for bbc admin- istrative rnachinery ilu bbcHouse rof Commous. The staff on) Parliarnent Hill, the buildings and bbc whole opecation of the pariia-meutacy pcocass comas w ilhin bhc purvicw rof Mr. Speaker. Wbeu jha is absent from Ottawa, on vacation or olberwise, the responsibilily is mine, and otf course, T must ha on the spot. This part of bbc session otf Pachia- ment wl probably end around Christ- mas lim-e, Most of Ibis pariod wilha occupiad by debate ou bbe new incarna tax ceform legislation. T arn looking forward la the session and bo keeping my constituants luforru- ced bhrouglu Ibese uewspaper reports, radio repor'ts 5and newslatters. 0f course, io among ywitb an be deatb. 10 Washington Place, Bowmanville Dear dior Just a few words of thanks to the Durhamn Cenl- rai Agr-icuýltu-ral S OCiaCty-, who sponsorib ta lltalc at Orono, witb spacialR ap- prer(ia-,tion bth ieir Serr'e- tary M Wrs. John M ck-ard, Hooper. counrcillors colncunred. Ha thinks the traicks are fin "Tha CPR lna the iPasthav a sorry condition and duigbauvr ondaotfxn the couril meeting otf Sap- thep crossing on1 Srugog, but, tember 7tb movad that theIb ""is time some(thi)g Ïbas ona town write the railroad rom- wrong and lè is lai a ri1s, h pany a latter askîng them I 1 id. improve the rrossing., Ris co-Pmn V) Ibat! t Sga THINGS TO DO IF ONE YEAR TO LIVE Doni't worry. Not .me. T, hope bo live for at, least two, or aveu Ibrea years more. But 1 sometimas wonder what I would do if I ware bold that I had ex.- actly oua yaat- bli Hve, AndI'd hike you te thiuk about whfat you would do. This is not a uew themne, but it's, always an- inteccsting oua wheu il comas up lu fiction or philosophy or just a plain gab-fest. Let's suppose'. Suýppose you have beau bo the doctor and have laarued that you have a fatal illness (make up youc owu) and will dia in approximate- ]y oua ycar. You won't ha sick or lu pain until tbe last bour and you'll go out quickly. l-ow would you spand that yaar? Wbat you would do would cartainly reveal vecy clearly what sort of pacson you really are bchiud thal facade that most otf us wcac daily. Thera would ha Ihe initial shock, rtf course. Humaus- have sorne weird ÏIdea that Ibay are im---nortal, uintil thay fin ally are strîckeu hy soma daadly ffl- ness. But afler bbe shock wore off? Than we'd sec a secP7,îari ofa the men frorn bbc boys, th sbceap from the goals. Some people, would- hecorna con- stant whiuars. "Wby doas God hava te do Ibis b ,me? 've contributed to char- ity." And so on. Some of Ibase would hecome srt bitter Ibay wouid buru against God, their fiands and relatives. A pcctty saur way bo go. Some would ha so deprassed lbey would crack uip nentally and, bacome vegatabiles. Othars would adopt a f at- alisti eapicureanismn (if lhare's such a lhiug). Their attitude would ha, "If -T'm gonua go, I'm ganuýa enjoy il." Thay wouid escape intoaicobol, dcugs, sax; not neccssarily lu thal ordar. Some people would becorna instant Christians or whatever. They would ha filled wilh a terrible f car of bbc aller- life, and would spcud Ibair twalve montbs ou thair kues, lu churcb, anid despcratciy doiug "g-ood'works" iii an effortta maka up for ail th e had ,oris they had doue in bbc -est of their lives. 25 VEARS AGO (8epten»ber 19, 1946> The members of 'Durhamn Chapter OE.S., who attend- ed the Grand Chapter Ses- .jsion O.E.S. held last week at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, were: Miss Mary iJ Jewell, Mrs. Cora Rîce, Mrs. S Florence Northcutt, Mrs. Edna Anderson, Mrs. Jessie ,LJ Marr, Mrs. Eleanor Cham- -~bers, Mrs., Victoria Frank, Mrs. Beth Teeple, Mr. Fred Bowen of Bowmanville, and Mvrs. Pearl Roper, Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. George_ A. McMurtry, St. Thomas, spent the weekend in Bowman- ville and district visiting relatives and the ýscenes of bis youth. Misses Freda and Isabel Carruthers, Vancouver, B. C.; Miss Velma, Johnston, Detroit, Toronto; Messrs. Alan and Clayton Johnston, Listowel, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Johns- ton. Cpl. Carol Turpie, Cpi. Mabel Brooks, Long Bran ch, and Don Parker, Merchant Marine, w e re weekend guests of Mr. and Mr$. A. G. Brooks. - On display at Harry Allin's Grorery this' week struc- was a 601 lb. Hubbard squash want grown by Al. Shrubb. nclude Mrs. Harry Hosback (nee Leila Gale) and twîn er on daughters, Alice and Jean, e 10- Detroit, Mich., spent Wed- x re- nesçiay with Mrs. T. S. Hol- urrent gate. found. Mrs. Stan Kitchen, Wayne and Randy, Oshawa, were fS nd Sunday. visitors- with ber [e the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. riends Maynard.' id be Miss Prudence McIntosh wyers, of the Enniskillen teacbing * staff, spent the weeken )f last with ber aunt, Mrs. J. Baird]. a de- AI. Fletcher, Division St., facts bas a peacb tree. He pirked liow one last week measuring By, nine and a quarter inches r, you gîrth., ain on Wesleyville: Ruthi Payne such visited Miss Stella Cravelle, Millbrook. £,etters oJuhe &idto# Clarnbarrnte rondMa- teas eil as heromit-i eWReal state onsor Noona's Moel sades tauan r alowind uC5o paraent te, Cunty fs Wresen So tga i frostnti f ira0 g,7radstaC] - Orono ontu ranigb4ld-Î Tha Co )nsaruda iâ', -Smiley Bates, tamNile1 StRaLersnte antartikal-s asadIN-mo sae hnk oth o fui% fans who came scel Ib "islo Caadoisý. Yur iMqlCaandiPoail 'Saato" imMcu and Spice~ Rv Ril1 1mev NMow, rnot oua of us, gentleie rer, wold f ail mb rany of those clamsjUfr- lions. Questiýon is, whare wr.-we fal? First decision I wouldmaevtl ha not to waste one second of thbat ýyar. If every second lu the yaac ware ( s fully, the one yeaa could ha mooi-rý,- warding than ail the pravious onas»-put together. Next, J wouild maka upr 0Xr to love my neighbor as niyseif. Thij is a tough one.,ITu the first plaCce, it'1 x- tremely difficult to love onesaîf, ~s of us seem to, but many of us secr e 1, daspise oursalves. Iu the second p1àcp, some of us hava appaliing neighjj)ors, (we don't>. But I'd have a good wîhack at it, not as a "hedge" te make suý, of getting through those paarly gates, ut because 1 beliava in it. Good old Ioeve. My f irst action would ha te ~is mysaîf of ail material possessions, ýex- rapt a toothhrush and- a few clothes, Would aven gel rîd of my razor. .,,1?hle procaeds? I wouldn't give bhcm to [he poor. The hall with bhern. They casrmg on welfnra, and il would ha only a op in the hucket anyway. And I woufdu1r't leave them te my family, aitiier. Tbeyt, could, go to wo--rk for a chiangeF. I'd qwuL my 1ob, take tbe bc w1oe $500 of my asIte lu inoua-dollar i~ a.nd hum tbemi, one at a time, to(th scraams of anguish from o-okas That wouald he cutting the umhllcaiî cord of the system and I'd ha frce-,for the first limne lu many years. Thel¶-,don the knapsack, pick Up the beggîig bý\wl (a woodeu salad bowl) an-d itaka >f. I'd sea every inch otf Canada I goul; d sec. And I would savour avery 5j, i"ht, sound, taste, touch and smell «,ee r, whiskey-breath and onions) 1Tc-01 uld coma i. contact wilh lu Ibisrmost wtou- derful of worlds. Migbt dia in a ich, but what's the differeuca? How about you? Put dov fre> fully and hriefly wbat -You b,~ would do witb a yeac bt live. Senà:t~ to 1your local editor. 'd like to reffint somne af your ideasF. Hay, I might aven gel iorte marry, aud make some oîbarwou' hife misaerable for a yaar. Just an after-ý lhoughit. Iii the Dimi and Distant Past From the StatermninFÎl1é,, I Dollairs and Good Sense Report, from Otftqwa By RuIsselil-C. Honey, M.P.' 49 YEARSAG <September 21, 1922) 11ijS formIjýer 1schloolmaites -and ail friends of the fara- ily hr wili be interested in learning that Mr-,. Wîlton H. Elliott, sonl 0f Mr. Johni Elliott, -BA., for' sevel-Al years Principal of Bowman- ville High SchIoolasbeeri appointed Principal of Wrl- lington, Prince Edward Ce., Consolidated Public anid Continu ation Stêhool at a salary of $2,000 Mrs. C. Penfound and Miss M-V. Tarason Penfrourid, an'] Mr. S. SnowdT(en (of Bowmanville, aInd Mr. Fred Brooks 0f England Isîe at Mr, A. C. Elliott's, Brook- lin. Mr. 'JohnW.Hicok n famîil, .Who lef t a yearag to reside in Enigland, haveý returned 10 Cobourig. Mr. Wreford Sourh a accepted a position aIs trav- eller for the Canadian O. tiraI Company, Toronto- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ayres, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Web- ber, Mr. and Mrs. R. Luid- low, New York City;:MP, and Mrs. Harry rnld Mr, and Mrs. Rd. Taylo, Mr:. Geo. and Mis Xa Arnold, Toronto, were Su- dyguesta oftheirisin, Mr.F. M. Sou-ch, Kingý St. M.Tbos. Ainnison hlas le- turned trom a Ppeasant visit with, Judge Evan H.4-M- Lean, Picton. Miss Viola 'Brown, Cenfrp Street, gets great credit flor the beautiftul floral decoraý- tilis iin 1 the TMg$ ed-ist Cburch eer-Sndy ur ing the summlier. Sheba had lone ofnithe finesi dis- plays 0f o asters ini ber flowv- er , garde(n fthat we have seoin in a rivtegarden 'for many, a year. Plof. John iSqua, M ýJA., Toronto, who bas been Visit- ing old triends in ClarIke and Darlingûon, gave Us FI friendly caîl on Saturdayf Mr Leon Dumas, Oshawà, spent the weeke.nd at home. ipy

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