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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Sep 1971, p. 7

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Setting, Was, Welcome. United Church rand Mrs. John Thomas McGuirk -Brine Photography On Saturday, Augnst 2lst, Dntchman MV-otor Inn played Toronto University and teach-1 1571, Marilyn Ruth, youngest througbout the receptuon, c-rs' college in Peterborough.i djaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Car- The bride's travelling cos- Hie also has grade 10 in piano.1 iol ichols, Port Hope, R. :R. tume was n light bine silk Showers for the bride and1 3was unnted la marriage with crepe pant-suit with corsage groom werc given at Kitchen- John Thomas, son of Mn. and of deep orange cohored roses, er and Peterborough and by« Mirs. Thomas McGuîrk, Bow- and for their wedding trip Maple Grove and Wesleyville xnnilR. R. 3. The cere- they went east to Ottawa, Que- communities. rinony was performed la Wel- bic City, and other points, ce- Friends attended the wed- comne IJnted Cbnrch by the turning home tbrough New ding from Muskoka, Kitchen- Uev.,-Wal.ter von Boeticber of Hamipchirc and Vermont. er, New Hamburg, Ottawa, Baltimnore. The' bride attended public Windsor, Preston, Toronto, 3musiic wa.ýs provided by Mn. school at Wesleyvîlle, high Peterboroughi, Mount Pleasant, HenrýyVndgat of Port Ischool at Port Hope and tcacb- Bowmanvilie and Port Hope. Hope, and te soloist, Mrs, ers' college la Peterborough, Me, and Mes, John McGuirk flnns rft, ang "I Lâove and had obta,,ined grade 10 in will live la Parry Sound wbere Thec" by Grieg, while the piano, The groe-om attended the groom s teacbing mns5ic in wedding Fpartywa at the public scbool ait Maple Grove, the Weilliami Beatty Juinior aaran Sii isý the I\Nit" high school in Bowmanvýille, High Scbioh. dunî1ý:ng the sîgmnti,.g of the __________________________ Thif-bride, gvnaa y Q e<~ hierLFather-, rengown of wîth inktfftand ftyledî with hi lace neck andi lirs ulfUriRt he;Phone 6213-3303 hem. Hec bead drcss was a pennbaneauwith a short viand she carnied -a snnw Miss ebra Hammond, day guests of Me. nd Mes. shwrbuutof red roses. town, haid a miost enjoyable Harry Stewvart , Kingston.1 sh-e -was ttend1ed- by ber holiday at Guide Camp, Doe MeMû eDulp rn risten Gl.[oria ais imaîd of onor, Lake. Stret, i _)ýlFrn sîster Joan, Ms Garth Jiggi'ns, MeSadMe.re A eooto spent the weekend ia Kathy MGîrsîster of the netbhy weThursday, dinI asene guc-th es. H.- ýgromal(l -ic orandieattende teCao grom ad onie Grse1nguests, of Me. and Mrs. Harold Buils wedding on Satueday la as bridesmiaids. Th'le longlSt. John, Scnrborough. St. Timothy's Church, Ton- gowns won y ah1 lie attendi- atweef f0lral polyester Mes. Sydney Vento.n speat onto. cotton made in pensant style, the Pastonwaek Pith1ber 5 Rd. Newman ad the aidof ono)r ý Dn enonanifmiyPe:Michael Edmnton. Alta,, ane pinkandthebidesmnaids bine, erborougb, retnrnI, iag home on visiing' with their autf n&d e-ach hlined wîthi self colored Sundny-. iule, Mr. and Me1s. H-anoIL taffeta. Tbney carried posie M11, and Mes. Don, lock- HElnmrnonid and glraldpaients, bouquets of il1le de fleur, hart, Carelon Place, wpre Me an Mirs. Orville Osborne,' The groom wýoYe a knec- Sunday vistr ih e a ownmaiile. lcagth, donbe-breastcd wbite Mes. Char-les Symoa, On- I tuxedo ,vfih hhnck, satin lapels tario Street. Cong1ratulationis to, Miss Car- and golden filled shirt, and, Miss,,KatbyMoes 01b o Brown 2'nd Mes. Sharon black flare-pDants. The best man tee of Meand Mes, H.R arcl asy who giseeenthy radu- wsRugeneWilas of Tor- Moses, ba-s been anccepte yne sRgseed Nures onito, and ushers v ere, Brian the Schooh of Nur'sing at, O1 sa- R its ed Nurse s iat Keesof BeigoWilbert anGene-iral Hopitl. ouîerTororse. j1at McnteLondlon, and Don- Me. and Mýrs. Allun Cole, cu,(,Trno brde. il wosinlereas thedFrederick Ave., motored toi Me, and Mes. Ralpb Orm- brite tuxýoeositle backecastd-t week and cnjoy- iston ast week attended the pevked apels mtcintwiecd a visit -witb his chter, tea anid graduation ceremonies shirts, nnd ite boutonnies Capt. and Mesn, Peter Lecnties, of their dnughter, Miss Boanie shii1 ', an ý1ý-]iLe ontoniees.Ormiston, held la Niagara Th-e rcetin as held at near Qee iy Falls Collegiate Auditorium .the Msvi epe Port Miss Cindcy Ay.,re, daugbter for the Greter Niagara Gen- Hlope. The bride's miother of Me., and Ms Lloyd Ayre, eral Hlosp)ital School of Nues- woea pink chiffon n with has býeen accepted by the iaig. corsge f wite ntefy and Scarborongh .R,,einl Schooh isNnyHalwl a pink jingle setcr roses,,0f Nursing and bas aireadylHloel a and the groomn's miother woee c-commriienced ber duties. ý accepýted thie position of Sup- n ono ut-colýored chf - ervîsýor aFlmg Hall Resï- fonwih crsae f obrn Me. and ,Mes. GeorgeSa-dnc orJdian Childeen at abbey roses. fpheton, town, Mes W E Rid FrtMcbesoN.W.T., ar- Muiians fom theFyng roo and Mrs. Rob1er-tKn-rva there Augnutt 25th. Hec ______________ -nedy of Califocniaz, wee un iprents, M.and -Mes. Sid _______________________-Halowel, rono, accompani- ed ber to Edmionton, REHOBO0TH S. au'sMe.. .Wýeslcy Cawker, Chrîsian Reformed TownMs.j. E.,Liha ChrhU nit e d ICýh rh ad Ms.M. J. Tam),iblyni, b Church Corner h0feOihnd aIspentofthe week- (Corer CurchantiSilvr ed w ith M jcndMes. Char- Scugo Stret rees)les Cawk1,er, Foxhoro, and Miiser Mnite:attended the Cawkýlýer-Skiba Rp.A aneBrRev. H. A. Turner, 1 wedding- in Napanee ast Sat- B..,B..,M.,,B.A., B.D. urnday-. The groom, M2vr. Peter Phon 62-747 Oganst:CaweriS an-grandson of PliMr. R. M07eteaif, -Mes. T. Wesley Cawker, Mr .C.CM. Me ad es H Lke WORSHI1p SERVICES A.R.C.T., ABowmanillan nd Ms . LH.e 10:0 am.9:45 a.m. Atkîn nand Miss lilliýan Atkin, î:00*ý p.m. Sunday School for those Khgtn ave eeturned fromn 9 years and over,. a maotor tnip visiting Girvin, «God Hu i a.m. Sask., whee they signed the Back t guest book for "Corne Home fiai 1310 Radfio Sunday Sehool for those t, Saskatchewan Yean". Mes. Evey Sndy 1:3 ai.3-8 years old. Lake is n former, resident. -Il a.m. They also visited Cral;k, Sask., "Everyone Wvelcomer" Public Worshi P Calgary, Kelownaq, Victoria, infnt aredurng ervce Portland, Oregon, San Pran- Infnt aredurng ervcecisco, Los Angeles and Las ________________________________________Vegas. Recent visitors with Me. and Mes. George Stapleton, TRI IT UN TE IIUUftfII Waveely Gardens, weee Mes. William Milligan, Miss Bee- Minister - Rîev. George K. Ward, B.A, B.D. nîce Milligan 'and Mes. Truc- Organist -- Miss Gail Thompson man H-enderson, Ncwtonvllle, Mrs, Clarence Allun. Town, SILJNAI',SEPTMBER 9th,1971Mes. Wilfred Wýood, Mesr. Rer- SUNAYSETEMER 9t, 171bent Toms, N9ewýcnstle, Mes. WX. R. Reid, Oronio, Mr. and 11: 00 a.m. Mes. Robert XKennedy 0 f Pasa- PRO OTIN E ERCSESdenan, Calif., Mis Rîa Reid PRO OTIN EERCSESof Toronto and MevI. anud Mrs. 0F CHURCH SCHOOL> Lloyd Peacock, Toronto_ for Begfinners, Kindergarten Me, and Mes, R. Bradhley and riraryDepatinntswere entertained %,st Wed- and rînaryDeprtmntsnesday aftenoon by a niumben Chîlden's alk0f friends on the occasion of Chidrn' Tlk- "GOD'S FAMILYe theiýr 5tb weddiag anniver- Rev. ir. K. 'Ward cary aýt a lunchieon at the Holi- day Iain. Mes. Tink of court- - ce învîed Lthegteigt her beautîful home where N unfairly heavy on the propeety cards were, enjoyed followed C~H owners in the area. by adelclos bffetsuper uao g ~.~Iu vvulIAAfter the passing of the sec- In the evening Mes. ,Tunk eodraig Cuclo li showcd sldes of the trip to n-oted that the by-law eefeered the East Coast, of which al D51 e (-% C vý%Ofle to the sidewalk as an asphaît the guests had been members Uin U~ surface, whereas in the origin- of the tour. Thosrcino i uthorizing the walk may 'be al motion, a gravel one had Travelling by train, bus and waîk on Scugog Street edged in for a stormy tumble. been uthoonrhed pit.a ferry boat, Mr. Robert Noble a f ew steps -coser to reality The by-law,ý, the outcomne of rldoto re.Btwe has just returpied, fromn a on Septe-mber 7th, ithough a petîtion to Counil 1 Jast f ah thuedbtf-la rers Bot he visit to Charlottetown, P.E.I., there are eaely warnings that by residents in thec area con- offiebof th e0Mthe glinm.thin Sydney andof hatifax, N.S.e passage of the by-law (71-29)- cerned ýabout childreni's safety Councillor Hooper's eyes seem- HChligtttofnthestipal, a the walking along the roadway to cd to say that he, for one, does milenort shoe tor 0fJudy and Lanîe, attended school, was given two reading o nedt e uhasi mie oth sorOru' o nofirad ee upe ndisnwbenor t itn olt uhasi PEIand a 200 mile tour OrooFi n eespéradi o en owre opass by without fuether com- of Cape Breton Island via the gue-,t s of Mrs. Wm. Cochrane, the Ontario Munti-,icipal Board ment. Cabot Trail. Mr. Noble rce- Orono. for approval.'__________ ports the scenery on the train Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor It authorizes the construc- was lovely, especially the view attended Orono Fair andItion of 5,480 feet of asphaît f of Quebec City at nîght, and visited Mr. and Mrs. Wmi. E.isidewalk on the west sîde of ,c u clpa st alsothe aspergont Mr. Vl§Reid, Oronoî.M e el, Scugog, running northerly from IPa st Mobtlee c and aortlsoo iVMand rs, w ere SaurayFourth Street at a total esti-Re ar G d r mVac'iated cost of $12,925, whîch Monteal Qubecandals Vacouvr, ere Sptuicla' vthe municipality will pay forRe ar G d r Amherst, Trui'0 and New Glas- eveningý guests of Mr. andli niey h ongae si h gow, Nova Scotia. Me.ç A. Werry. i niey h ongae si h The success or pr7evious Miss fleather Griffin, Scar- The sidewalk has been the news aigain. marathon bridge games held boroughi Regional Schlà, of snL3bject of several debates in Town engineer Charles Watt, during the f ah and winter Nursing, was home for the Councîl. Though iahl agreed in a letter to council cabled season bas prompted the weekendl. Miss Christie La- that the wnlkway was needed September 7tb, bas recom- Women's Hospital -Auxilîary croix, Courtice, M\/rs. N. Col_ for the child ren'!s safety, there mended that, if the town is of Memorial Hospital, Bow- lacutt, Bowmianvýille, Mr. and was wide controversy over not going to buy a ncw or used manville, to again sponsor the Mes. R. Geiffin were Sunday wbether it should be deemed grader this year, then funds project. Foc the newdomei' to evening dinner gnests, of Me. local improvement. One fac- be mâde available to repaie town, marathon bridge pri- and Mes. W. Griffin, Heather tion, whicb included Council- the existing one, vids eteraînentand an and Dale, the orccasion of loe Hooper said that it sbould The cost would be $1000 to videstuntyrt inmcnt irhdy be. The other, wbich included put the unit on the rond, and opprtuity to ake newbirhdas.Reeve Dykstra said that it an additional $1,500 held in friends.ItV is not necessary to Mr. and Mes. Grover Gýage, sbouldn't. Couillor HoZ;.sr reserve agninst any subsequent be a professional - any bridge Debbie and Kathy, Oshawa, age ntebsst-h h earnes enthusiast is welcome. This were recent ca!!crs at Mn. decision would be setting a He favoeed this over rcnting sea sndeewl b seto and Mev.vA.srayns.peecedent. The Reeve contend-, a grader, which would cost a fo hsbnd nd iv.s ad Miss Susan Werry, holida- ed that under local improve- minimum of $1000 a month for the other sections for womc1n ed with Miss Sharoni Werr,. nent the assessment would belthe three and n half months players. Gme -u~nranged at payers' conivenience and playedc in participat'r oe Each bhostess wlll serve- simple, refeshent followîng the games. Cost is 50 cents per person per game, Play 201 gamne iands each game, no0 pivotingP, no eedoubing. Sec Comîng Events for fuether information. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sharp wîth several friends from town helped Mr. and Mrs. E. Brad- ley, Bowmanville, celebrate their 50th wedding anniver-t sary at the Holiday Inn, Osh- awa, on Wednesday, and were later tea guests with Mrs. Hilton Tink to see pic- turcs she had taken on her bus trips. Mr.- and Mrs. Tomnmy Smith, North Oshawa, were Thurs- day dinner guests of Mr. and, Mrs. Geo, Irwin. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Masters and Trent, Bowmanville, Miss Darlene' Masters, Scarboro. Mrs. William 'Cochrane, Or- ono, Mr.' and Mrs. A. Sharp were Sunday evening dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. R. Virtuels. Mr. George Pethick, West Rouge, was a Sunday visitor with Mr. and Mrs. S. Pethick. M.and Mu;, Harold Ash- t on, in company w xith Mr. S, Kerseyý, Hamrpton, Mrs. M. M4cC'une, Mr, and Mrs. K. Pooler, Qshiawa,spn th Ottawa and attended the Wigle-Kersey wedding. Mr. and Mrs. M. Hlckey and family, Orono, were visi- tors of Mr. and Mrs, A. Lead- beater and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Bey Veale, Vancouver, B.C., Miss Jackie . Veale, Woman's College Hos- ,pital, Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. G. .Hanewýich, Oshawa, were din- ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. WVerry ,4t the Spruce Villa Motor .Hotés, Wýhitby, 'the oc- cas-ion of Mr. andi Mrs. Veale's '2lst wedding anniversary. MisIs Tracy Burgess and brother Jeffery spent the wecekend with Mr., and Mrs. W.' Bragg, Providence. Miss Mary Roberts, Hamp- ton, was Saturday evening caller at Mr. and- Mrs. E. Wright's. Mr., and Mrs. Tom Hockin and baby boy, Willowdale, were weekend visitors at Mr. and Mrs. L. Staintaon's. Mr. and Mrs, J. Kinsman land girls were supper guests of Mrs. S. Kinsman, Courtice. Miss Linda Herron, Cour- tice, Iliss Wendy Werry were Friday overnight guests of 1Wendy's grandparents, Mr. andc Mrs, E. A. Werry. Me1%. an-d Mes. A. Leadbeater! attended th e- Leadbeater- Alosinac wedding at the Church of the Messiah ln -Toronto ouï Saturday. -Masters James and Scott Werry weee Saturday over- nighit gists of their grand- parents, Mr. and Mes. E. A. Werry. 1 Last Wednesday, Mr. and IMrs. F. W. Werry, Mr. and 1Mrs. Harvey- McGill, -Mr. and -Mccs. E. A. Werry spent the dayý with Me. and Mrs, John 1Borrowdale at their cottage àat Rosedale. Mr. andi Mrs, Gamnet Towns rand granddaughter Deanne, fPeterborough, -Mrs. Katy El- liott, Fenelon Falls, Miss Dorothy Elliott, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stainton "were visitors with- Mr. and ;Mes. L. Lamb.> Mr. and Mrs, S. Lamb and 'family weee recent dinner guests of Mr. and Mes, Lionel Hickey, Hampton. Mrs. Courtney Graham, Me. Iand Mes. Wilbur Toms, Pur- Iple Hill, were Sunday visitors -with Mr. ana Mrs. E. R. Tay- slor. Mr. and Mes, Clifford Hetz, Fairview, Penn,, were recent 'guests of Me. and Mrs, L. ,Lamb. Mr. and Mes. R. V irtue, L ADIES KEER FIT CLA'SS 20 WEEK NIGHT SCHOOL COURSE $ 10.00 rincluding: Yoga and rhiythmics Register at Bowinanville Higli School Sept. 22-23 - 7 p.m. 100% fleccy flannelette rec'eiving bla nkels in white with multi-colour nursery pri nt. 30" x 40' size. KING STREET EAST 179~ Spcial r~.023 Cotton flannelette goýwns with smocked trim on neck. White, Spectal Special Geomnetric print, stretch terry sleeper with domed front-con- trast neck and cuffs, Pink, tur- quoise and yellow. 0-10 Ibs., 10-20 Ibs, 20-30 Ibs. Fitted flannelette crib, sheet with elastil corners. White ground with nîulti print in Pink, blue and yellow. Cotton kniit, fitted sheet with ail around elastie edges. White, pink, blue and yellow. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Sept. 15, 1971 a unit is needed to clear snowr off the roads during the winter1 months.t Council, at first demurred,i then reluctantly consented as Mr. Watt's economies made1 obvious sense. Reeve Dykstra wondered if a comnuttee shouldn't be ap- pointed to look into the mat- ter of purchasing a new or used grader and put on next y ear's budget._ Councillor Prout said that the last committee to investi- gate the probiem had recom- mended just that, but council had rejected their recommen- dations. Councillor Bell, a former bank manager, suggested that the Town was being penny wise and pound foolish. He INSTRUCTION in my home, for limited number of pupils. LISA SAMUEL 104 King St. E. CALL 62311473 from 5 P.m. to 9 p.m. for arrangements noted that the $2500 requested by Mr. Watt for the repair of the old grader represented approximately 10 per cent of the purchase price of a niew model. SERVICE If you want to de 7 something_ about your education ..,. yeu probably7 cau. See Vour Aduit Counsellorý EVERY WEDNESDAY EVENING 7 to 9 p.m. at the BOWMANVILLE HIGH SOHOOL GUIDANCE OFFICE The service is free - confidential - and no appointment is necessary. 2fr29 Specîa 2for129 Short sleeved cotton nib knit vests with button front. White. 6i 12, pink, blue and yellow,. 6 months. 18 and 24 months. Cotton waf fie knit training pants -foamn interlined with perma last tunnel elastic waist. White,. pink; aqua. 1 to 4. BLANKET CRIB S-HEET CR~IB SHEET> BLANKET DIAPER, BAG Special7Spcl Spca cad cnch. Sp eachec pcalrF a He9 - avir uliyco1n9a bianketwith hem stitched edges. White with multî colour nursery print. 36" x 50". Attractive printedC vinyl bag with ïinside -poc-ket and spring top lid. Navy, ivory, tan and oliveprns BOWMANVILLE Special Introductory Low Prices on Babies' Needs., Shop Now and Save- Use Your Walkers Option Charge!. STRETCH SLEEPER COSY GOWNS RIB KNIT VESI "SOAKFRS"r

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