9 The Canadian Statesman, Uo'anil , Sp.1,1971 ý23-p2141 BAANE FGM FACTORY 'i 'WRANTY OýN!ALL LATE MODEL CARS 71 pl GT (Demo) 'k51411A 70 Pontiac Sedan, V8,power 128540 70 Mercury Montego MIX;A4428 69 ni P Pa!ý- --yrs.2-Dr. li3T __ 1189A 69 Potiac Paris.2-r.HW ____47319A 69CeCso 24-r HT 28575A UR Chev Bel Air V-S, îpower 55405A 68 Portiac Paris, 2AJDr1HT, VAS 708311 68 Buick LWildcat sedan, sharp 14746A 68 CheveleCompactV-S -- 233601 68 Chevele Sedan Compact - 248347 67 Mleteor 2-r. IHT, power - 47432FP Ë7 Pontiat Parisien- - 55917B 67 BikLa Sabre SdsV-9 e0594A 6,7 Che, el Air V-, s harp 24337A 67 ChevelleCouvert, 6 cyl, 300973 66 Pots ovrV-8, ato. 52050A 66( MecuySedanx loal4566BA 66i CaiieCou pe Deill owe 1479ýA 665uc LaSabre - ----- ___ 527 66 pontie Laurentian Sedant- 404 66 VokwgnDeluxe----------40631K6 6'ý6 Pont ade Pri, -r.HT 6537-A 65 Meteor V-,atoai . 552 65 Pontiac Pâris, 2-r. T____ 45 64 BuikLa Sabre ______227 $3495 $2895 $2987 $2r;93 $2497 $2598 $1883 $1999 $2287 $2089 $1893 $1492 $1596 $1591 $1594 $1591 $1325 $ 791 $2199 $1179 $1296 $1199 $1035 $1394 $ 773 $ 997 $ 812, --oN i FIANCEARRANGErMEN TS IG M NADF7ON THE SPOT t Nothing DownA J Al LAT-àHANG'es STFW)PRSTO, SlesMgr. Happy Group of Gl hmposadFinais ai Bowmanville CutyCu RerLAzgwenlt h ir uexta hope beforeyptig Jei Turner for the msucbemoupluionsbup to îghgt Cbemp~ bree grmenbe Tuner ure bis driveni btAe onh the Arp'st rayIapuedffaet hpt wbla 1rive own tahe iddleouithiRogerrevnnuelsionton tA aver. ener Wtonsbornerunavoned "n unocmatchsw-icymeant«w wee iain mstofth dy insed n tmeto --cmfie iast two bois of themn'ufna, utWe rank unaltose LAIES CHAIONSE HP MyM arvSP in defeBtel JUNIOR JUNIRAHAIOSI er Ook71Pfeated ane Dr. owad Rndeatd id e MIXD C APINSH-iP TeiPresron andè Prem Wbîtey efeted lvaLatangeind rank Mohnkïs HUSA n AUSW< E CHMPINSHI WlsonBi flae cQiian efatd i and Terry Cook lan Eob Mrjerrsonîs BioLylean àDavePeonraitab Menus vCTîe BiOre defeatnduLloydisonr; âans d ite aexSAirydefeated Lloyd McQuillan; Men' E itie Rlc Kraeubrg efated Gran perel FiTîtenJi-- BarqvCodeae N r iser Me'sA aniap Ro BrkrdeeaedTatYary 7) ens s Hndp GdryJai eetdB Men s C Handicap No aser deetedDr.Joh Lades HndiapsaysHrmer efeaed Adr9 ies B Handicap =s andy Buar defatebidHele ainsf Cobouir a 4-3 O Wenday, Sept. 8, ' ot.o-urg were b urtm Ivif Knpps raunced Cobourg l In uries sud players o a The Mn's ajorLeage temedutes 4-3 ays.Pitcher HelenMaA 'Prsidut ud Heaîg an ofi feama nswere b7 soe-p iead cthrSli a bad o eloucal the es uth iraf fwa lug ounye aOttwafra spakn Lry Piper i- aeb~~ 'hsxms. ~edipofhr shint boaIiý copcecharge of the tetf-elofmo h hr -dsdwate emoved trou officceniag and hdabgnvtgv ptei edfrfx n uhad tokep ha: tw ore games o0f 259-2 fo[areSeoIat Cle rci ol ave us a crfc897trpe ItokaBed LitoSse M :brknlg ath gmeo zik aigyear fo h o gsa oletdduls LeWd edyngiHlnh on. Ppe sno vraigSkne adBtt hrti ie e tpdînbug'e 29i wifmfý trpls a.- Jir MKaîli ba 77 258 Kupp' wre'iea carlea Btt Terfil gong9l 30-3) us Wgc' k afi nx w alg.bfredsac o K nýjaho 76 27 3>,Rn elckadugto oerusintean ak or îeofand 752~~~~~~~~~~~~i (7-7)MarcAubofmoflCobofi urdgdfuis Mim, M Magf RIussOke 3 2 Ron Selleck3 2 Elon Brc .- 3 Donl Baucl AIOdsboxe3 ARo cer3 2 Hoac d Bodil 3 D MArlc BIcer - 3 D Ful Lye -3 21_ Gi re oir 3 21 Lean eauri 3 D St-aee Ok . Dd.ug Tayr ý ----3- Rapeal--r----- Raue tcel___ JakBnT___ AbSamaIi IN3 ve. ~99 66 ~54 ~5i ~50 ~44 ~44 ~4l 33 ~3l ~28 ~25 ~23 ~23 ~23 ~21 ~2l ~l8 ~l6 ~i6 us u14 h12 112 112 111 108 i07 107 106 205 105 204 20.3 203 200 ~ts 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 o 0 Rinkudiuks 7 2940 Bluejays 7 2575 Rayera S 2618 Leprechauns - 5 2585 Nobodies ________ 2 2547 Mnskrats, . 2 2400 Lucky Stars - 0 2473 Bobcats O 2303 111gb Triple Mca-Gary Coaway 718 Ladies-Fat Wihiia ns 603 111gb Single Meu-Gary Conway 259 ~Ladies-Pat Wilhiaîns -, 259 Both teams were bel'd scoreè ive been, on the move, Since less in the first two inig1the runners dîdn't advanit Cobourg took the lead i ~ d tafreplay on ec the bottom of the t-hîrd n f h bebss added another in thbbtorooruaddtremr ofthe fourth.Knp'tidrn ntetpothsenh thîcore in the topoûhyinn o n h gm n fiftb on a double oBrna h coeredng95 Linton and snlst et pno ebKapto Therteil, KM Bresadteta u otersarn Patti Coi-mer scoringtwo afterthe game runs, itnealwdtowis Knapp,'s adeee oe et hrei gn th runs r the tp of the B-xt h distance aiwdtowis 1'vith teirtfive batters -ecol- fîve srkot n 4bt lectî ig bit bfore pitcher If the fourt1 gamei Cheryl atiey as relieved neceSsarv twlyepae from m und duyilufavor o akluBwavilnnWd HelenMacAlineCheryl go- nesda, a730 îng o pay a shrtstLop. Breii- tCheryl wodoveto im-ake er.to tcatch but dropedifCo IW bourg playing the bai he are capable of, threw th bil B1 'MNR ÀHOCKEY around the bora fîrst to hid gistration for theMio base, then to second and then Hïockey League wiIl take pac ta first making the three outs iin the Recreation OfficeTw for the îrnnng. Oncetb",e bal Hall, Temper-rnce St., -nc.the,ë is bht+nobag be'r gs otohe fopliowlntg ay:Septemb-er 13, Particua uner teymust 14- 15,16 u 7 rm8ý0aa Wsth&-BGGST Evet, AN LL IM REOR INPRZEïMOCeN EYl PETRBOOUG MEOR4L CENTRE $13, O R ES 4420"y Bi- g Regu .arâ Gamns atih1 $50.00 eaci HI-LO GAME,ý including JACKPOT GAME $19500,00 IN "53" NUMBERS 0F $1,000,00 I Special Gaines at $150,00 each - '-PLUS" ""I"" Brand New ,'HOLUDAY FORDS"r «'""MUSTANG ,AND092"Pg.INýTOS or $2000,00 or $150. ea, The irs 192 Hlidy Frdsdefivered in Peù,trborough Non-Rsideus .00npnrpoy Tk 7yersau ntce m. enrs es ofDec 31k, 1971.r i yes s of De 3 u,19 peeu1 r nasiDec il.17 McsidETun cears d ot S et 17er aos.Debons 191, oi aad GYM 2CLAsudtu Do)rothy Stark ---- - 187 Beruce endesan 178 Lynda Willsler 23 1HPigh Trpl GalMîlîson '- 8: High AVerae G-ail Milîson _Ga-me--s---- 6 200 ae ynaWillsher 232 Dorothy Stark 230 t)eForan - - 18 Elaine Marcliant 22 Mxarg MacDonald 2,18 Gail Milison 2-- 02--2-3 Bernice Heuderson 2----01 Games Won Daring Denîms3 Boobieý Burlaps 2 Tlubby Tweedsi CcyCorduroys We iýcorne back everyone, 'fr17-72 bwig Soccer on Wednesýday ee nu Hampton "Solina h and e d Hampton their sec,-ondstai defeat with a mr f53 Jim Baker pacedSona it fou0f their five goals. AI Weý-stl1ake pîcked up the single ga.Werner Walruf scored wogoals for Hampton sud Pete Schoonderbeek picked up the third goal. won their ? straight league cbampioasbip witb a 'cia- viucmng tbree to notbîng wIn. John Huggins led the champs with two goals, scarlng the oLiy goal uin the tirst hait and the ,ý,openlng goal of the second hait. Phil Broome picked up the thrd Solina goal. 'Rický Rundie picked up the ohu shutout. The Sauina cu went through the playc!ff series fo the cup lanîv staight games and aut-scor- cdthe opposition 17 to 4. junior In the tif th game of the seifnlround, Sauna de- feated Tyrone wîtb a not too conviucing 4 to 3 wiu. Af ter going up two 'to nothiag on goals by Randy Coombes and Rory G'bbs, Tyrone aliowed Sauina ta score the next ou ýonsecutîive goal, Pu BrPoome closed the Trn ldta aonc goal w le-,h starcd ibe olina rally -wi a oa ramà a aenaitysot Pee Scboouderbeèk sore the scondgoal -on a eae îu fic ssecond hait BoydKo anid Rusty McQuaid roundedý ouf the Solina goalscrg bj1etore Randy Coombes scor- ed is second goal and Ty-1 ronc's third. 1In the open xinc game of tb Juirfinals, Courtice am wnnd ldfIhem ffu breled Cufc VAWî e's ltery won both games lat 1 wekek vez buplge- hpas! of seven coeurs TownsottbshauloLeue Cbampionship seres. eeigouiy one icsuory, Wt'swce w ont-taewap ial op Wsa ught. fLFAnkus canfiud fcuwienning combntn, Park.Futine cucouatesCWd escued Tu%Say vsud Thmeurly neut wcek- EALE1S TRAININOCAM PNSMNA Bawnavile' Jnur c",agnes îoren camp nusMA day îgh at igh o'cock- a tob osssio. Thenex rawiug P! Mndayaud ednemscyW ailfrmmegtocokt 10 p10 joe ennl.m gw T e ittonsai ses wtofIlplaesnot ulWtraBoer amai cele, butisth eysroud rsas wil yigociuugcns Aî'ya"uen cwisit tyOnt fouthe aglei Sru as et BoamanVihla Ea--les anuncdfxeapîte oîa TF e oafrer player honactmoeascahe for: seerlyaars-iii the62sl714a2;.M R.Aystem "Buck" Ja-ack rgetins as ssitan co23-7w3h18.ar ge Id àloteeygl ac rvddsvrlectn oet on Junior fina, Dv culaJnorCapo fryCovt CutyCuThspoohoshecaposndhepyeshoWarren, Lais(nls uhBrlyad Ladies ChmioAary came close7 but nt quite inake i't ta the top They-are, t to right, Mr ,ï, a F iTurerand Men's Champion Rager Ling.