-ihe Canadiap Stalesmar, Bowmanville, Nv1,17 .irths !B-OTIiWELL-Bab aud 011Y. (ne Lazdins) are happy ta ;vncce the birth of theirj Fou Patvi ck RF'obert, 9 ibs. 1 oz., o)n No be tb, 1971, ai Oshawav; General Hospital. Maythanke ýita Dr. Spear sud tbe -taff of Foumbli Floor. 45-1 Ava ibin etaur e Baby FREE Cali Colleet WHIlîTB5Y 668-46741 4e 4 Forthcoming 14p.andmrs.Clifford Ter-< nu 1jof H-amrpton are happy ta anntiunce the fortcming narriage of their daughter Brenda to Mr. Ronald Shack-, etpson of Mir. and Mrs. EooShCkeltn, owman- ville. Thewddn will take place on Frilay7, Decemiber ,rd- n i inHamton United ChUrch t 7 olock. 4&-1 Deaths___ O'PRY-A MeoialMon- day, Nj\ovemrffl Sthi, 1971, Hil4,a (O)pre(,, csteage 51 years, beloved lmother of iSan and Terry. Resting at the Mri FnrlChapel, Bowmnall ,fo servie on WVednesday at 2 on'cl(ck. In- yaxria1 optllomnîl on Sunday, November 7ï 1971, EFttaq Brunit or Enniskillen In ber 78th yearWie fe 0-th jate S. Flmyd Pagýe, dea1r moth- e-r Of Clara, Toronto; Mrs. R. Bowlands (GI dys), S ca r- borb'-cugh Rswl (Bill), Sn- lina; MrIVs. H.Brdy(Mte) iVaQpe Gýrove; Alvin, Ptr (Lorain), Trono, ister of Arthur 'Brunt, Bowma3ýnville; ~1r~ F Melî (Mrti).To- rotand thelate MrlS. R. ?re$ton (Celia). Resting at thec Nothcutt Elliott Funeral Honie. Fnrawevie»ll Ye hieat 2 OMcOck Wednes- elayý afternn. m IntLerment 11Receptio 'Lr-,and Mrs. Brce Mont gorrzery with thleir family WiSh ta invite ti-iirnreatives, irieds and neighbors to a ne- rephion upon the occasion of her40th Wcding Annm- onTonshi al Hmtn frm7to 9:30 T.m. BcEst wisbi- wIs o thank aU those who helned ta make their Tifieth Wm tling Annîvers aucha meixirable occasion Awth flaowcrn,,ngita andvit. I ouldlke to extndj thanks to Dr. :McKIeziand Dr, Ikls ls anurss nd estaff on 3ird Floor for kndnerss to, mc, lotonîhbr o 11c(ecardts and lhclp and kînd- pais Loule Hodgso, Ncwcatle.45-1 1 oMd ik ohnk my relaives, egoures and fniendeoOr ifts, cead and vii"during ýmy soa n Bow- bhacks toDes. Gouandlem- oin, nrssand staff on Sc- und Floo. th f) tafrîens ndfail in, n eet tyi e and thirkndesicem return 1homei. Spcil tanke, taDr. etgrt nd Rundle and nures on the liyst'îir ùMs. Irne TabK .45-1 WNc wisjh t Incerl thank Our many frends, reahte nnd nihosfor cardsC, gifts and lflowers, receivd n h owcasio f ur 60th Wedding Annciversary. Special thanke fa the members of Newton- ville UCW Mr. anýid Mrs. WKilliam- Stpeton and family, Sreneand care, ta Dr.i Fergusan Afor hie wgoo ttn tionaso the nurse and staf of the 2nd Floor for their kindncss ta mne and my dear ïanrily and frciends for their thoughtulness and kindners ta mte whilc a, patient in Me- marO1ial Hospital. God Blcss Yeu ali. Mrs, Margaret Adams. f s f 19 King St. E., Bowmssville Phone 623-3182 ______ 44-3 STEDMANS CHRISTMAS SHOPPING PARTY 10% DISCOUNT on TUES. EVENING 7 Io 9 pm November 16, 1971 ta, --Ontario, Telephone N'.o. Me I--MIV .-- 365-I152. organ store. The loweet an any tender T eA eu ual necesssniiy accepted. T eA eu T. R HILLIARD ra an Depuly Miniter 442 Piano Salon Business 5235 Vonge Si., Wiliowsdai (îl2miiîes north of thm 401) Opportunity Phone 223-6684 SPARE TIME INCOMF 45-1 Refilling sand collectiug maney frosu NEW TYPE high- Livestock For Sale qusliby coiu-aperatcd diepens- ers iu your ares. No selliug. ABERDEEN-Augus bull, eady Ta quality yau, muet bave for service; tram performu-1 c an, netemences, $600 ta $2,900 suce besed sire. Harvey Mal-1 cash. Seven la twelve boums coum, Janebville, Ont. Phone weekhy eau net excellent Blaekstock 986-4759. 45-lt monthhy income,. More full Ir, you are buyiug or selling lime. For pcrsoiial interview livestock of sny kiud, cal write Canapeunn Distributing Ivan Johnson & Sons, Live-1 Ltd., Dept. A, 16 Bay' St., stock Dealers sud order buy- Suite 2o5, Toronto 1, Ontario. crs, R.R. 1, Baliieboro. Phone include 'phone numiiber-. -45=1* 705-9,39-6855. 4-tf Personal Pets HYGIENIC Supples-(Ruhber PUPPIES, free ta gaod home, goode) mailedj postpald ln gmall size dog. Telephone plai sealed culvelope wlthi6378.4- prîce liet. Sixsals -!;25c,! PUREBRED) feniale Coiie1 24 samples $1 0. 0Mail rder dog,18 mouth ld. regsstercd Depi. T-28. NMv-Ruýbbcr Cwt ppn;bcd offen. Osha-j Box 91, 1Ialtori, QOnt. 1-52 w a V76C-0 15û1. 45-1.1 Auction sale aI Pelhick's Auctian Barn, Hsydon, anc mile eci 0'f rýnuiekihlen, on- Satdumday cvening, Nov. 13: a .Duncan Phyfe table, sul chiina cabinet, four lovely din- ngroomu chairs, other odd pan- ion chairs, hedroosu suite,ý dishes, bedding, lot of usetul articles. Sale Saturday ev- cning aI 7 o'clock. Ciit Petbick, Auctiaucer. 45-1 The undemsigucd suctianeer will seli hy public auýctian for Miss Mary Robiusaui, ahi hem houseeold effecte, at 87 Qucen St., Bowsuanvilhe, on Saturday, Nov. 13: Kitchen tables, four chaire, fridge, up-ý right deep freeze, two lieds sud matîrese, 3 pi-ce Chester- field, TV, emaîl tables, dryer. wasbing rnachine, ,ciest of drawers, two dresseýre, two parlour chairs, laoking glass, 6 aId kîtchen chairsý, ew step- lsdder, elccbric broosu, floor polisher, large quanbity of bedding, diebes, pots sud pans, lawnmower, power; many other articles. House rented. No reserve, Terme cash, Sale aIIo'clock. Lawiv[ence Han- miCierk;_ Clift. Pethick, Auc- tioncer, 45-1 -ml Estate, for Sa'leIU'eal Estate foi Sale TRERD building lot 66 x 162', Lý,-'jiherby North, or wil ld tayaur specificatiaus on lot.ý P ne623-7363. 45-1* George Blyleven REALTOR Coming Events Ini Memoriam 1 Articles for Sale _ For lient - Cars foi Sale R Salvation Army Ho mecBAR-In loving memory of REFGERATOR, good con- LARGE garage, sitýable fr'4PYOJH6atmtc League Tea and Bake Sale, my mother, Ida May, who dition. Phonme 263-2612. business. 26 Ontaia S treet, as isý condition. Telephoneý, Friday, Nov, 12, 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. passed away November 8th, 45-1 Phone 623-5170. 45-116231-3583. 45-l1 44- 161,an m fahe, TomsKITCHEN couich fram, priv- THREE bedroom m odem b1rick 1966 CHRYSLER Windsor, Dance Newtnvill Hal , 19ase65aOtoe ate' home, Phone( 623-7083. bungalow in Newcastle(. Tele - 150,000 miles, neyer driven in Saturday, Nov. 13, Admission 4-1 poet87445, 1965. inthi wntr $1,25. Everybody welcomen(. Batfl eohswoe nest offer,. Phone98-35 45-1 god WATER for sale and deliver- CLEANý_,', warm rooms, close44f Thsis the picture we cd. Caîl Cliff Petbick 623-2313. ta N. iýcastle, $35 pcer manth,. Old Tyme Dance, Tyronel tend erly bold; 29-tf Phone 987'-4985. 45-J1k '64 PONTIAýC Parisienne C us-! Hall, Saturday, Nov. 13. Deep in aur hearts yourto Spr,23atmtc music by the Cauntry Swing-1 memory is kept, BARBIE Doll clothes, lateýst P, TMNTfoircrnt, 90pow'C'r ba ,senngo crs; $125 per persan. 45-11 To love and ta chcrish and styles, gaod selection. Phone Quý),een St. Availab)le D(cc. 1 !odto.Phn 6-64 Trinity Beef Dinner, Nov.I neyer forget. 623-5906. 45-1:ý Phione 623-7637. 415-11451 k 201h, twa sittings, 5 and 7 -Lovingly rcmembered by DRM1fî eUI y- N ero prmna-------ntd aP p.m. Ticets $25. Avail-son Doulas and augiît5-1fl bals, $250 or best-offer. Tl-Jial Dec. 1, 1971. Call ..ip___so able from U.C.W. members. law Margaret. pon 63-79. 5 * yktr's Food M a r ketu 442623-3541.'5-1EGJSTERED nurse wanted. $9,50 Baaar, S.oshsAu-BAM invng memoy o STUDEBAKER Service, niew South Hëhý ýd YM I oio-aven Nursing Hom-eo tinm rdnNvme 6 a dear mother and grand- and used parts. Graham's TWO and three bedroomi 987-4441.,__ 45-tfSp torum Fidy, ovmbr 6,mother, Ethel Byam, who Garage. 1-416-263-2233. 19tf apartments, December lst. A-TI-fe-- - ceSkpbul p..Smtigfrpasscd away Nov, 13, 1961. -- -For mare information cal cashier required. Ap ply dinir everyone. 45-3 'Dear Muni, always wonderful ONE dark brawni Tweed Win- 576-3756. 45-.1DktasFo akt igpa memories, ter car coat, size 18-20. Ex- Dvsr' odMreKn ln Olten silent tears, cellent condition, $12. Caîl ROOMS fo rent by mnth, St. W. 45-1______ night-All the firs99and ChpsAIwy ertlnig 2-08 45-1 Television, bath, sauna, indLooýrHO-USECLEANING, two haîf scap( you ~ ~ ~ Win ca clfo 9ca T wasa e re ngng, 62-508.pooî. Flying Dutchman Mot- days per wcck for eldcrly Bo Acres Restaurant. Open week- -Awisng you ered bher SHOTGUN, 12 gauge Win- or Inn 623-3373. 39-tf coupJle-, north section oftwnsp ends only. 40-tf Awy ecbrdb e chester automatir, $85;- 2.30x1, pc __ amii. 5-13.50 tires and rims, make off- FOUR hedrooni home, modemrPn ne62-545.451-1 some Darlington Saccer League er, 263-2508. 45-1' conveniences, 12 miles from MAN required for steady emn- Bo Dance and Trophy Presenta- HEARD-In loving memory ,,Bowmnanville. For mare infor- ployment wîth fertilizer plant. bcdr, tion,, Saturday, Nov. 20, 1971 of a dear father and grand- RIGID Foam Insulation: 1" mation Phone 519-449-2646, Applicant should- have, know- mort at Solina Community Hall. father, Marwood W. Heard 4'x8' sheets $1,50, 34" 4'x8 Burford, Ont. 45-1 lcdge of agriculture and fert-IPI., $1.50 per persan. - 45-1 who passed away Nov, il, sheets $1,10, 1 4'x8' sheets ilizers and maintenance of ,Ne Annual.Turkey Shoot, Kins- 1969. 75c. Cali Port Perry 985-7777. TWO bedroom house, ail lec- equipmcnt. Ceresdale Fertil- le., men Club, Bowmanville, ta Dear Dad, nothîng can ever____ 43-3* trie heating, new colored aP- izers Lbd., Newcastle 987-4711. Wa]l lie held at The Acres Res- take away BAYcrae$0 ayci pliances, spacious back yard, 44-29$2 1 turnt n atrda, ov.13 Th loe ur eatshol BBY ariae $0,bab cibpaved driveway, school busF__H THE-FL$A5,0 tarat n atrdyNo. 3 heloe urhert hld$20, oak dinîng room table route. Backstock 86-4739.F bcginning at 1 p.m. 45-1 dear, with 2 leaves $35, ail in good rot.Taktok9643 A FIXED INCOME wit Pontypool Thankoff e r i n g, oigfthr id a' condition. Phone 623-50o78 1eaui show you how ta eamn 10wl ý evc ilb edo u- truc 4-1 GROUND floor apartment, up ta $2000 this year in your Ser ve wllbe hd o Sun No anc ou carth we'l1l find _____-hcated, 1 bedroom, suitable spare tume. Pleasant work ay, Novemer28th atWil., ike you. MOFFAT and Sîmplicity Ap- for two persans, separate en- enrolling members for Ou- a.m.s Peaer:rou . 4Wm1 And as dawns another year pliances, Hoover Products. trance and bathroom, available tario's Foremost Motorits We.,Ptroog. 4-1 Thoughts of yau are alwaYs Large selection of ncw chrome December 1. 175 Libcrty Association. Contact Donna Wantcd by the Bowmanville near. suites. Paddy's Market, Hamp- North. I45-l' Wallis, 6.7 Odeli St., Bowman- Kinette Club- Good Used -Always remembered by tan. Phone 263-2241. 18-tf THR-EE bedroom-b-ungalow on ville, Phone 623-7684., 452 Books and Toys for Christ- Elgin, Madeline, Debbie and Alexander Blvd., Bowman- BOOKKEEPER, fully experi- mas distribution through Sal- Wendy. 45-1* NEW and Usea Parts for ville. Immediate possession, enced, female, requîred fo(r vation Army., Caltris Mur- ail makes of Washers, Dryers a ow het nd yr.calnggieeslg ay 623-5242 and Ruby Wood- Tenders Vanted and Ranges. Paddy's Appîr- Payon 2h722,afteran6d hydro alngiin N cesti g os- 4 ward 623-3468._ _ 45-1 ____lan__________sce Parts Ltd., 344 King St. Ph or 623-7252yafl4r-6 Pu. ilion in ncapMuble 47 MONSTER BINGOONTARIO 1W., Oshawa. Phone 579-1332. Akfo .S.Loy. 4.4 odliworkl ertan capblekof M N T R BN OPUBLIC WORKS___ 18-tf RENT ilîl ils yours, home on handling full t fibooke, THURSDAY - 7.45 p.m. MECHANICAL ANTIQUES - Blue Pichie Cedar Crest Beach at the stteen mokepnto iacial - La Sposord n ONTACORS Crut ailea udBlu Fsryfoot of Waverley Road, nnly corde, etc. Caîl for interview al Oshawa Minor Softball SAE EDR ilb Lampe, 20" Cranbcrry pieces $169.00 'ot.Mm ncy, A. V. P. Extrusion Ltd fui JUBILEE PAVILION ecived until 3:00 p.m. Local Satin sud Art Glass,WahGu LBan RalEte 987-4776. 45 d O A 0-fTieo stand, Birds Eye Maple furni- L.., Reltar, 725-9529. We 45- lo OSHAWb turc, Tmore. Call 623-41. also have a nîce one on this tce oCrdor s Bowanild ~w~mi CubTur a, ovmer25 17145-1 plan at 186 Anuis St,, Osh-- Nte Aunual Wnter Sqra and for the supply sud installation _____3-t Sal atBowsnVIlCPubicof an Air Conditioniug Sys- TYPEWRITERS, addems, cale, Sae tBwmnJlýP bliem at the Depatment of Car- cash registers, deeks, chairs, ' ' Creditors and others having best skbaes, siebofey equîp-i rectional Services, Boys' Train- files, new, uscd, rentais, service -_________________________te_____eof Iake mkaet, e. Artceya eqsold ing School, Bawmanville, Ou- Discount prices. Open Tues- ROOM wanbed, business lady, ALVIN SÉLENT, sîso knownlloxv must be lu between 10 sud 12 aria. day, Wednesdsy, Tbursday. abstainer; quiet or 5-matheasTAwIn sELENTM aesf Sae ra 1tii pm.Fo l- Tender Documents may be Bihl Hamilton, B r oo klin spartmnent. 623-4137. 451teTwsi fMne n wint formation cal623-7342. 43-3obtainied from the Departmeut 655-4179.2-f trie.. b Cub 0 uhand ofPublie___________________190. ant+A cd, who died ou or aoc tes- _________________OffPbic12W or, FPurcsngCHESTERFIELD suites, 10 vfie.t29thday of Jauuary, 1969, are wt COLIVER Bofc, 121h loo, euldigsu up. pole and table lampe, crib DEAD and Cippled,--Farrsu hereby notified ta seud their SHOPPING TOUR Toronto, Ontario. m ress24 x 48 and 27x52; Stock. Margwill Fur Farm, fully certified statements ta Ch Au$,0.0 l od~ Sealy maîtresses 39.95 u ; 263-2721. Licence 328C71. the undersigncd on or before cous Nov mbe$8,10% 0PrfrmacBudond a Continental bcd aund6-fp the 241h day of Navember, 3 be a 50% Payment Bond will be headboard 66. uii. Murphy -__ 1971, afler which date tbý honl ForquîredvasispecPfoee.-Funture 623-371. 451*ndersigned will distribute ]y f( ForeevtosPo e qurda pcfe. ý _0 a tdt 623-3265 or 623-3093 For furtber information ne- SKI-DOO 1971, $495.00, used Wa ed t By the assets, having regard only Oror 442garding ibis tender, please 1$295.00; '72 Arcbic Cats, uewlOLD storm windowvs, v11t h am 0 hc byt 44_______ _ - caîl Mr. V. Hawkins, Depant- Sua-Jets, 27 ih.p. 695.00; psy cash. 623-5100. 45-1 then shaîl have had notice. NE Christmas Fay,,re - Port Hope mecnt of Public Warks, To- Bombardier sute, haif price. VICTORIA AND) GREY bung Uited Cburch wamen, Wed- routa, Ontario, tehephanie Na. lTrach- 1!5", $75,00. Drive RED Claver and '1imoth', TRUST COMPANY, Full ncsday, Nvme 17, 2-5.3036-12 Belt, 46-9-5. MKii1 See se.Phease brîtý n useaple., Administrabor, et lu te CnisianEdua- c owet o ~n teder 11000.Ope 9.- 9 Onani Ta prcespaid,. Carnation P85 Kent StreetWsthe p.m. wit(,b.isinEuc-Ttýor tne 1Gý( ,n 5 tian Centre, 34 South St. Gifts nua nccessarîly acce,(pted. Sports, .Highway 115, Or7opa. S ,eed Store, 33 Division, 623- Lindsay, Ontario, ti galame, home-baking, delica- T. R. HILLIARD 983-5444. 43-4* 5577. 38-tf by their Solicitors, Ca tsehome-made caudy. The Dcpuby Minister HOOVER Applances - Visit PIANO, grand or upright, FULLT, W McQUNANRDE, 5 Mod Sop for chldreu a-2 ur shoro ad inspect thc suitable for student, will pay SWAIN, of 1 and teens opens at 3:30 ps.. c niplete line of Hoover Pro- cash. Write- Advemtiscr 240), 14 Lindsay Street North, age. Afbcnoon tea: AdultesOc, ONTARIO ducts. Sec the cxciting Hoov -________________P_,_Lidsa,_Otaro, _4r___ o chilren 5c.PUBLIC wORKS em Washer-Spin-Drycr in ac- Box 190, Bowmsnville. 41-tf WOODV-)ES tion. Oshawa Hoover Centre. - -__ COMU IYENTR WGcrrNacoplte ueO.rPLEGRWES rtgages vanLed NE COMUN y ENRE SEALED TENDERS will be W ar acmlt ilo PL RWR l MON TER BIN O eceveduntl :00p.m Laslreplacemeut parte for ailol TuSER BNG e onr :0 .. oa Hoover Products, 344 King St. Arxain xlin ra 7.45 ODAY ThusdyDeemon2,191W., Oshawa, Phone 579-1161.ulngetc. 7 5p.m. 1________________,'191 1-t JUICE APPLES 9 0trs Kinsmen Conrimunitn Centre for the supply sud constr-16. in large volume obr 109 Coliborner st. W. lion of a Greenhause, Depsmrt- ANDREWS ai Farm lu' bulk. FIRST MORTGAGES meut of Correctional Services, Cs ai.Pes Otc OSHAV11WA Pine Ridge School, Bowman- TV TOWERS ah asi. leaecotc .-2-- Tender Documents msv be n NT N A RAYMOND INCHTI Meeting - aobtaiued from bbc Depstni INSTALLED AT 416-753-2246 an Nortumberland Young Pro- of Public Works, Custodian antl* gressîve Conservative Associa- of Plans sud Specificatians, Low Rates442 SECOND MORTGAGES 521 lion ivites al thase inter- Rooni NW-1167, 111h Flaor, AS PCILOeucin Sle istpoct ested tg a meeting ini tbe Lec- Fegson Bock iiPariameut ______ __Sales turc Theatre of Part Hope Buildings, Torouto., Ontaniaî. Colour Svstems High Scbool oupNv.17, 1971 l(Tehephone 7Na. 367)-1270) or P on £23206* 1Brick oyr.ram f Pb at 8 p.m. Dlegaies wilI befmarm the Deparîmenit of Pub- P oe62 206WEL elccted for 11%e fothcaoming lic Womks Regional Manager, or7359 LIVESTOCK SALES * ertr Or largý aunul metinglu23tawa98 ,above bcdg 7nulmcigi taý,""97 Princees Street, Kingston, at Durlîam CountyI Sales Arena, o Deg. 5-8, P1971. frosu memnbers Oubliarn, (Telephne No. 544- 24-tf ono - Evern Thurs,, 7.70 p.M. ' City or suburban you! preseut. Plans for Old Tyrl 95) or1 may bhe viced at K-ORBRAN -7 Selling Horses3, CaIttl, Swise, *Alea 4 teo.10 yeare at inb Cbristmas wîll be discussed. bbc Oshawa sud istrict Cou- Skî-Doo's front $550. Twin) Calves, Sheep, etc. Chabrlie gond rates and terme psye Membersbipsý will be avaihable struetiosh Excbangc 337 Kinig cvi. 399 ce Nordies' $1045, now Reid, Auctioneer andl Pro-Re at the door. 45-1 iStreet West, Oshawa, Ontario. S'i89. 35 h TNT'S,,$1195, now prietor. 2-fCl Bir Deostor Poceureas$88; ki-oo )i .23-tf0pe 24 HOUR SERVICE Ca TREN TWAY Ispcfid shal rne oedvfoi.,885-SkDo u 1,2Gefilr, .- .-Sae f rat. ,Cc M '~the Me banical sud Electrical case, sow sl,50; n su intýe Au liobnSaesof trvaiors, 5791321 in T JOUR STrades. 1Bombardier faho suteberobis.clvao, TO A $6,500.00 Bîýd Bond, a $64,95, now-$5 e.; Tmac,,ks pla e, manure epredr coin sl 100 PrfrmaceBad 'ud(1" xapra. 7) niable for planter sud soowmobiics sud INCOME bu FLOR0Iî1-D A a 50% Paymfent Band will heitractýion pd ntalr,4~îî oeies~ c FOR eourcd s secifed.ea. Ladlies' sumiie$49,no'v hiner,,be p[roperty of Reid T A EEs FOR A Deposît 0 f $50.00 MNEMi950es i ridci gA. hed. Fan Suppl, 3 ý mlesn ronth MORT A E bn Chrst asHoidysO D R or CERTIFIED ) Large volume of merchanidise. of Cohourg a[ rcau o ERVC Svery HEQEmad pyale a he om prchse Irnsaier o n Saturd7ay, Nov. 6, at mod EC23tg .JAN. Z2 Trea,,surer of Oubaia, wilbe dealers bankrnptcy stock. 100 pe.m43-Gem42ldinRogers, Aocaa men, DE. e5 JAN. 2 irequired per set of tender DAVIS MARINE -KirEstier.4- 2 King StEastaw $4 TOR NLD documents which will bc e- Oshawa 728-5681 or 728-5565 11LAWRENCE'S" Member O.M.B.A. il BOTH TUSINLý) fundcd if documents are ne- Open weekln 'til 9 p.m. 42-4 "TECUTYSOE Oe 0YasCmi e l DIN Y W R D turned lu goad "Hcondition" Oer8 Yas obie as ahoveChurh, swngAockNESTLETON 1King St. E., Bowmanville 623-7461 or 623-2492 ,age 4 bedmooni home lu ali village, dining rooni, h asement. paved road, on wilh 102 lb. fraubage. Pric- it only $18,500 with ternis. ;cugog Island, uewly mena- Ld 3 hedrooni home on ely treed lot, elcctrically âted, rîgbt af wsy ta the, e.Askiug $13,900 wibb vdawu paynient. car-round living in bhis ntenized cottage with dcec- beat, private dr-ive sud vtaxes. Askiug ouly $4,900 th low down paymenb. hoice workahle farm land siebiug of 100 acres wibb barns, reuovsted 9 rooni. me, bas 2 ponds, complete- feuced in, lacaled between ono sud Bowmauvilhc. Open IH~~I K~tcTtP tOi' Sri1~ HO0M ES 'INVESTIGA'rE, INVEST, AND SAVE UP TO $3,000 Beaver Engineered, sp- pros'cd homes ereeted upon delivery. Home, finishIing miaterials delivered s requir- ed for SELF-HELP or eh trade installation. Choose from, over foony imodelsîiluctrated lu Beaver Homes Catalogue or have your dreans home CUSTOM DE- Mortîgages, inierim tisanc, ing,_ sub-brade snd teebsicai hielpi available. Sez your Beaiver Store Man- agr, telephone or write RAY NORTHEV HOME CONSULTANT 533 CARMAN C. OSHAWA (416) 723-35ý58 42-6 Basyanvilleac 1 12 sborOy aIdes home-3 b)ed:îrme- fireplace lu living, roani - hedged lot - beiug me- decoratcd - immediate pas- session. $31,900.00, Central Location 2 storey older home - centre i halh plan - harge living rotoni witb firepîsce - large lot - separate large dining nooni - 2134 King St. E., Bowmanville ail bcaled 3 bedroome -, 623-3.93 faniily ooni excellent resi-ý Investigate sud Compare 2 hedroani bungalow - lot 100' x 150' - beautifuhly land- scaped - 5 kinds ot fruit brees - ouly 16 years old - immacu- hate - orbh Bawrnvihle ares arrange to inspect sud esu4uire about interestiug tin- ancial arrangements. $29,900.00, Newcastle Brand new - hack epit - conipletchy hnoadhoomed faniuly raom- 3 bedroose- complebely handscaped - iu new subdivision - refrigerator sud electrie range încludcd - abbsched garage - paved drive, Cahi now. offes. 1Cottage - Lake Seugog Tewtonvîie, 3 hedroom F rame older cottage -aluni- ngahow on a 'r,4 acre lob. imuni siding - garage- lot 50' 11 hasemnieu, garage, ail x 100W'-ou Pine Point- wi-nt- t, etc. Pri cd at $18,500 cnze il hcsted - large th 10w dowu pauysuent. cloue .firepisce-2 bedTomoss sîll now, sud inspeet ibis 1000 Ft. Lake Frontag-e, cear old 3 bedrooni brick Vacant Land ngalow sîbualed ou 64 acres [sud. Full, hasemenl, gar- On Buckboro Lake - norîli with emaîl barn otn of Pebemboraugh - excellent )perty. Asking $40,000 invesî7ment apportuniby - de- th terme. laihed information ou requcet. qewcastle: 3 hcdroom. 4 yeari MeïiîIfe Daime 623-5638 lbrick bungalow on lot 60' David Allison 987-4867 125', full. hasenient, paved Eîid ot - 2323 id, ehecbnic heat, garageEfid ot 2302 Asking $25,300 witl ýMike Beimonte 576-108 usWm, McFeeters 725-1726 45-1 45-1 d GENERAL INSURANCE King St. W. -,Bowmanville 623-2453 Privacy su Town!! Lovely bedroosu bungalow 'au a ge beautitully lreed sud dged corner lot whîch gives uthe privacy of s country Ras mec. roosu, firepîsce huge living roon, carpari, ced drive, gardon bus! al gaad value at $27,0M0 h1 now for appoîntmenb!! ountry Lat!! 100' x 150' lovely location. Cao h e .d with low d'iowu psy- il' Buy uow for sprîug [ding, Estate Sale! ! Cozy alder ngslow on lot 102' x 100, ry ceutnslly located, Ras flern furusce sud bas heen -enily rewîred. Askiug ,900. Terme. /c -Acre Lot!! This is a ilbcoice lot sb Orono wîtb 3miug ou prapcrty. Asking 000. M Acre Fanm!! This lsa ihigh location witlî s sag- cent view for miles sud e! 1 Has strcar n d scv- il epninge. Good buildings. callons of ibis type are -ting scre Hurry! ! Came dSee!! ______________ Bungalow i1! Lovely 3 bcd- Real Estate for Sale ýroasu electrically haed homej ____________________ -at $28,,500 Low down psy- meut sud na ealary require- RMLY LPAIED150 Acre Dairy Fam! La- csted on good road 7 miles tram Oshawa. Good huild- - inge. Excellent water supply. Great future palential. Have $5,000 Down a loah. $600 per acre. A distinctive 5 roosu bunga- 31/2 Acre Lot!! North of' low, plauued for graciaus liv- Kirhy. Rcally well-wooded ing.1 Beaulîfuily isudscsped, lot. Juet bbc kind you're loah- staued flower bcd, paved sud ing for! ! Asking $6,500. curbed drive. Inspedt this EeuieHm nHl witb David Goheen 576-8281 Execunle Hm ng Hîhi!! or 62- 1 767.roani bungalow overloakiug Try Yonr 011cr towu sud tbc hake, Ras tire- The pertedl cozy six rooni plac~e, mec-. oos, broarilooni 1/ starey home for thle garage; extra large hot; besi haudyman. Close ta shoppinýg view lu tawn; walkout base- sud - chools. Inspecl thîis meut. Beautifully landscap- home wilh ,D avid Gabiecd. You muet came sud sec 576-8281 or 623-3767. it! ! Selling hclow todsy's replacement cosb. Ternis can $3,000 Down be arrauged. Came, sîl you New ii-evel bungalow, 4 Young Executives!! bedroome, 11/2 bsthroomsd sblached garage, Full price After Hourc: of $29.900. Sec this onc soon Gord Beech - - 623-52635 wilh David Goheen 576-8281 J. A. Barbon -6W3-30~8 or 623-3767. P. Kowal Jr. 623-5868 d5_1 45-1î 2 hedrooni cottage ,over- lookiug Cadmue Pond. Lot 128 x 128. Askîug $11,900 - $3,000 down. Cali Jani Oud- shoamu. Bowmsnville - North End Executive 7-roon i sde splît plus Recreatian Roasu. Col- ored fridgc sud huilt-in aveu and range. Large lob. Own- cmr trsnsferred. Muet sdil. Asking $37,900. Cail Art Grcîg. Oshawa Ares 10 Acres 4 miles P-set of Oshawa, 7 acres woods aud fast flowing trout streani, Good home site. AskingI $16,900. Terme. Cail Art Greîg. 10 Acres, Orchard - Newcastle- Good varieties-7af apples sud pears. Close ta choae. E- cellent builing ste.Only $17,500. Teris. Bowmanville 111 Acres on 401 CJlve- leaf. Frontages on bath s;ides of Cloverleaf. Good brick bouse sud barn. Very valu- able for Service Centre and Motel. Territ îc îuvestmeut at $210,000. Terme. 14 Acres - Bowmanville Close ta town limite au Na, 2 Hîgbway. Valuable corner: propemty, Askîng $35,000. Ternis. Oshawa Harem Farnis 160 Acres, 3 miles ciy liai'- its. New barn 50 x 200.8- roosu bause. Streani Grve deposits. Muet beold etýý once. Asking onfly 51,M00 ý. acr.e, Easy terme ,a, ' Act tact ou this anc. 33 Kýing St East, Bowmanvilleil,11 rPae 623-3950 or 623-3111 Bowynaliville Olden brick 4 hedrooni 3Acre fanm wîth 3 bcd- home, renovsted lhroughouil, ron,2 storey borne, Oil deep loi, close la sehoal sud funýnac:e. 4 pce. bath.Rarn. store, Askiug $17,500 wîthl Askir $0,0- Trm, erme la he srranged. Cal N\EW 3 hedroani brick home. Jan Oudehoorn. Eletr el eorteri T. h th .B ow m anville jieydemtd Prîced ati Brmahtaking View $19,500. Termes. 1H-igb ou a hilitop this 3 NI:EWCASTLEý New 3 bcd- hedrooni customi busht ranch- roosu brick bungalow. Oîl cm xvî,tb attached garage sud. hý,icted.14 e. bath. Aekîng necreation rooni 45 x 12. Can $2,0.Terme. be convcrted ta income home I00 ACRE farm with m i prestige ares. Asking sborey brick home. Oîl heat2 537,90. Ternie Caîl Kay- c-d.ý 4 pce, bath, Large barn. Brown. Asýkiug $44,000. Ternis. om vie BOWMANVILE: 3 bcd Lowag le 3bdon es2 roas bic nalow. Living sud dickbgnaow, OLieatng 4 pe. bath. Priced ta scîl. DUPLEX: Very well built, Abou-t P9 yeass ad. Ail mod- crui canveniences lu esch aparîment. 1/ acre lot. Pric- cd ta scl, 40 ACRE PARCEL with 5 acre pond. Partly wooded. Piced la scîl. 10 A\CRE LOT with iroutl streani, pond. Locsled near Bowmauvihle. IBOWMANVILLE, 3 bcd- roosu, eplît-level Vcmy mmod- crn. A-i location.Lr dw paymcnt. BOWMANVILLE: 3 bedroasu 11/2 storey home. 0i1 hcated. 4 pce. bath.- Garage. Asking ,$17,200. Termes. WEST 0F BOWMANVILLE: 5 oomed, dlean 1½2'starcy home an large treed lot. Oil beated. 4-pc. bsth. Askiug $18,500. NEWCASTLE: Chean 9 roonied, 2 starcy home. Oil beated. Twa haîbe. Patio. Wali ta wall bmadloom. Barn. Psved drive, Anxiaus ta ccli, Aller Hours Please Cal: Hs rrn Ver-a. Harry Coutisn Gary IHasicock Ross Davidson- Bil Ram - Wesley Anderson 623-75971 sare3 brickomemi aw- stawores.ickhoei dated Only $19,900. Cali Art Gmeîg, Prestonvale Beaubiful brick bungalow witb attacbed garage. Large nîcely lsudscaped lob, Mort- gage armauged. Asking.534,500. Caîl Bill Turansky. Kendai 35 Acres goad gsideu soil, barn sud bouse, $26,5OO, Terme. Yoiur chance ta owu asemal farsu withîu corn- mutîng distance of Oshawa, lîve in while redecomtîng. Call Pst Vea. 10 Acres -.Kendal His Terrifie view of Lake On- laria fram ne n of the hîgh- est bille in the cauuty. Close ta Oshawa Ski Club. $12,000 - $3,000 down. Scenie Tynone HBis 150 Acres, corne bush, view of Lake Ontario. Ouly 545,000. Terme. Aller 9:00 p.m. cal] Wm. Tufransky Orono 983-5420! Roy Foster - Orono 983-58'Si. Audrey Plaisn 623-3563 Art Greig - 623-5191 Pat Yeo- - 623-3077 Mander Rafuse 623-3605 - 983-5155 Jan Okidehoorn 623-2984 705-277-2321 Phyllis MeRobbie- 623-7159 705-786-2185 "anc Found - - 623ý-3965 t- 349-2669 Kai' Brtwu - - 623-21ý50 44 1114. FOR CLASSeIFIED Tuesay,4:430 pm 623-3303 , 1 -Real Estate for Sale 623-2503Phone 623-5300 Newcastle ares: New 1200i 576-8090 1q. fbP6 roani brick vne 'ottge --ho noularge lot, Rady ula otae- ou Lilîle ake i suave in-. Priced at $25,9"0. sm ub e a goa ple ta1\- N e w bour) v ille are s: 100 a r e( 500m ohîh e asth erw n isr, O uly fan itb 8 ro asu fra ne lbo uise, 00 wlh esy trme. hamui, TROUT STREAM,sk ebhawa - uorlh wcst ars. ll sud 13 acres bushi. A less 3 bedroos hamci, pac wibb, many possihilities. It in apphiances, separale Askin price $47,500. Lg, hroadhoom and wel Bowmn-nville: .8 roosramYine mcd mec rooni witb bar. incaue oalarge lot close ced yard beautifully ad- asopn ra xeln pert. Askîng $090 tre home for y7ouug people. 3owmanville - huymus Picd t 22,900. Mkean :îial: 3 bedroani home, neeýds appnimenit naw. e repair. Asking $19,900. 4- 3owmanville - Look-3 lroosu home witb 1h Itgage carnies for $11,00 .. Askiug $25.900. ewcastle - 3 hedroomsu pli, el home ou quiet strec1.1ika>,ul hasesueni. Asking RA1 lTrOR 000O with ternis. 'owmauville 20 acrles .i bush sud creek, alea vi water. Asking $35,000. Bwsvie6340 il'. ESTATEJ AVEE M U-DL