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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Nov 1971, p. 1

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'- <c. Davidso n Speaks on Womenfs Lib, ou 1t som.e-. house se-archies on Wed- nesday and Thursday. Although no charges have been laid, sorne are expected. The investigation is continuing. Police' have been reticent to dis-. cuss the matter though rumor .Sý if e that un ta 50 ýyouths may ulti- mately be involved. Àccording ta Cpi. Cook, two. juveniles, one f rom Orono and the other f rom Bowmanville were ad- mitted ta Memorial Hospital last week suffering from a severe re- actïinta drugs, belDïieved ta be LSD. Apparently one of the, youths, arge 15.-had shown u-p at a Scout mteeting while on 'ai bad trip'. The RCMP were ntfidsub'se- quentiy "thlrough n iormafl chan- riels," Cpi. Cook said. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1971 15e Per Copy HevWri-,p the Mayor of East York, True Davidson, was special guest at HieRotryAnnRotrylutncheon onTbursday at the Flying Dutchman Motor In.The-yr-old sinster/politician is shown above with Rotary-Ann presi- det artha iSylvesTer jMss Davidson spoke ona subject she epitomizes by ber colrfu, idiidulîsiestyle - Woman's Liberation. At onepoint during her talk he soppen, loked4 about ber and said, "I have neyer seen sucb a free and easyrlationh i pyo men have with your wornen. you know, you've been IetIn yurwonng et out of band brothers!" What kind of a "liberationist" is she? Read about it in next week's Statesman and form your own conclusion. Checan Ways b ç9od JobsUnder Win ber Works Mayor Ivan Hobbs bas form- programn this winter. ed a committee of three to The comnmittee, formedt at (xlo ways the town can the last meeting of couincil on Jo Speak~~~~~,,I Here e thoyenticnieReeDta ph rovincial Muni- November lst, consists of, FIRE IN CORN 1ýcOMBINE lroy. Tt-will be thie5ir task t on)£i- one fire eaU during this employed, paruticularly those past week-a f ire lu a cmrn on welfare, drigthe peak, combine yesterday. after - !winter months fromi January "non about 2 30 p.m. The to March., uni, wned b; Ron Brooks, According to provincial waS Parked in the vicinity guidelines, the 'projects should of West4 Beach Road. Dam- be aimed 'to improve the locall ageswP1r TPltvely mnor. <TURN TO PAGE TWO) R,,!,'A~tt<Pipe Band Leads'FParade ai Orono Service Bowmanville Police warn er busy in conversation or there is a pair of "money questions, the other bu ys some- manipulators" about and sug- thing - a package of cigar- gest store owners keep a ettes for cxample - payingq wary eye out for them. with a $20 bill On receiving The pairs method of op- the change hie asks for 10 one- eration is ,ta enýgage shop- dollar bis. After receiving keepers into giving an ad- the money he, gives the $101 ditional 10 dollar bill when bill back and the 10 one dol- getting change after buying a lar bis and asks for $20. smail item. Sound incredible. Presto, the shopowner is, Well, it is easy to be fooled. out-of pockejýt $10. At least two Bowmanv lle , Beckeý's ik was swind pld stores have been caught Off out of $10 on Friday at about guar th pas wek. OW 7 p.m. and Macs on'Sunday many more bave *been de- at about the saine hour. frauded is impossible to say. Here is how the manipu- lation works.Op n a and while one keeps the own APPROE SU-RoyalONBan k Bowmanvileë Town Council bas approved in principle a F smaîl plan of subdivision F a y 9.A 5 a. m.i (two lots) owned by Howard Sturrock south of Prospýect Manager Martin IMcLaY Park. The Town Planning of the new Bowrnanville Board carlier had recom- brandi of The Royal Bank mended the plan to council. of Canada annauflced taday t.hat the officiai openig d ceremenies at the brancha Daîy ýjn t, will take place tls Fia D ai y B ~ ~ ~cordially lavited te attend M a y O penf then or tliroughout -the day St, E and evening. ~f Refreshments ivili be pro- O nIsing St. E vided for guests wha 0lhl Dairy Barn Stores of Cana- be taken anuaa tour ofth da Lîmited bas napparentjy premnises by staff members. expr essed a-n iterest in The Open Hause wili cou- ,pu ttýnI in a store at the south-, clude at 8 p.m. xvest cornero StGrg Stree-t PadKigStreept Frast.1 residential tacomimercial ,Bowmanville Town Council, on recommendation fromn theý Town Planning Board; bas asked the, Central Ontario Joint Planning Board ta look into the matter. and draw uLp the necessary blw Busy Weekend for Veberans At Remembrance Services <s n. . ~irerProwse The net meeting ai the CaainClb iWest Dur- amwill be bcld Thursday, Nov. l8th, ;at Triinity United Chuch chohromwhen a aicmber iiCaada's' Scnate, Ihe Honralc J, Harper Prow;se, wull speak an "Oui "ttualReoucs -How Senato(r Prowse was borni iyid educatcd in Aberta wherc ie took i hs B.A and LL.B. At iîivcrsý.ity,, he participated ac- (TURN, TO PAGE TWO) War veterani fram this area had a busy Remembrance wcekend, with. twa services still ta take place at Newcas- tle and Newtonville on Thurs- eday miorning, Nov, 1 11h, On Sàturday mnorning, Leg- ion members and representa- tives ai their Ladies' Auxihi- aary marclbed ta the Ccnotapb at Bowmanville for ter r ONE HUNDRED V STUDENTTS tESS, Aggregate enrolment in tbe e81 United Courities Sebools as tof September 30th was dovn exactly' a nc bundred fromn the prieviaus ycar- 24,722 from 24,822 in 1970. Yo uth Escapes Seria us Remembrance service, theirl ,numbers increased by Scouts, A 3Cubs, Guides and Brownies. D .M~ ors Saturday evening, thean nual Remembrance dinne spntv~ eaker was held, at the Legion Hall with Major Ward, former F*.Z ' thedro Ontaria Regime thas or A nies r shequOrio Com mn it guest speaker. Rev. A. C, Forrest, B.D. Sunday mor. ing, they par- editor of The United Church aded again ta St. Andrew's Observer, will be the guest Presbyterian Church wkere speaker at the 136th Anniver- Rev.' J. S. Gilchrist was in sary services in Trinity Unit- charge of the service. cd Church this SLlnday, Nov. Su ndayq3 afternoon,, there l4tb. He will speak at the' >was anothér service at the' morning service at Il 'a.m. icenotaph in Orono and Sun- and again in the evening at iday evening, the s e c o n d 7 o'clock. church service of the day at Dr. Forrest bas been editor (TURN TO PAGE TWO) (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Injury in Mishap An 18-year-old Bowmanville youtb, Andrew Steve1 Police at $1,000. It will cost an estimat1e.d $300 ta replace Mclrlroy of 252 King Street East escaped seriaus injury 1 the pale. Acco)rding ta police, the yçoutb was praoceed- Saturday nigbýt when the epr be waýs driving çollided ingl soutb n Scu-,gg nd f'ailed ta, make the tur'n in the itlh a hd Aie at theCPR cross ing and Suo odnrbo terîwytakHe sustainedmino ~'Iri FarM they aasLsttm-ed-yri-, -t lleundeninistigtion On Sunday afternoon, a lar ge turnout of veterans Officer Commanding the Midfland Regimrent, the Rev', anrd school children heldt a parade ta tihe Orono ceno- Basil E. Long, Clarke Reeve Johni Stone anid Mrs. Jane taph, led by the Legion PipeBad At left in this pic.- Hcs who laid a w.reath in epr of ber latae ture,_are Lt.-Col. J. C. amy MM, ED. forr h!iusbanid. PURCHASE MORE ALARMS a FR iTanhie Brgadvle hare ct24 U i sofBl o nTo h e Briadle IDr purchased three mare iplec- tran radia alarms for valuin-4 teer memâbers. The.Brigade now has 15 plectrans in ise, b d C o s I oC ii Pi ON HIýS WAY 'With' just a bit more than a week ta go before theý Santa Claus Parade on November 2tb, ,word bas been received that the jolly old fel- loxv is already on bis way south, bringing some of bis cold weather wîth bîm.,The parade committee tells us that the show sbould be one of the best ever, They've decided not ta put milk bottles in the stores ta collect funds but will rely on sales of Booster Buttons instead. They, are now available in the stores and banks, s0 lend a hand, please. Last eall for floats, phone Ede Cale 623-2405 . Novelty items are also needed. Phone Maurice Richards 623-2032. Donations may be mailed ta the Santa Claus Parade Fund, c/o Bank of Montreal. t t t t t Club of Trinity celebratefi the fîrst anniversary of their Meals on Wheels project, and are to be ~'congratulated. Twice a week, they deliver hot meals to senior citizens who pay according to their means, wVith the deficit being met by the club. t t' t t t ALL FOR ART - The Robert McLaughlin Art. Gal- lery is one of 10 >in Ontario paricipating in a $100,000 lottery, with tbe Grand Draw date set for March l7tb. Tickets in this area are available from Canadian Tire, Lander Hardware, Brock's BP, Hos- pital Gif t Shop, Pauline Storks, Newcastle; Barron's Gif t Sbop, Hampton; Rolpb Hardware and Matt's Barber Shop, Orono, or any local member of the gallery, Apparently, these lotteries are going over well and supplying needed funds for organizatia'ns that would bave problems surviving otberwise. The big Lot teria draw takes place on Thursday in Toronto wben some lucky winners willbea able ta take off for warmner climes, tr - t t t EARLY - We've been, somewhat rushed this week, publishing The Statesman'one day early so it will be in the miails before the Post Office closes for Remenibrance Day on Thursday. Because of the carlier deadline, quite a few articles werereceived too late to be included in this editian, but will appear inter when we return to normal publication on Wednesdays. DIDN'T HAPPEN - Last, Saturday, we spent some time saying fond farewell ta quite a number of friends and assuring tbemn we'd meet theni eitber up there or down there, after the Amcbitka blast. But, we are pleased ta, report that the fears many held over tbis explosion dîdn't corne ta pass, s0 we take back ail tbe nice tbings we said and resume operations. t; t t- t t WINNER - During the Open Bouse, following the renovations at Bawmanville Country, Club, guests took part ini an attendance draw with the prize, a free curling membership. The winner was announced on Sunday and îs Ken Kelly, 159 Liberty St. N., Bownianville. t t t t GLASSWARE - One ieally wouldn't cxpect ta find a super gif t sbop in a place the size of Hampton, but, thiere is ane that baps 1bu.it u p quite a reputaonan i s holding an Open H!ou!se, satn brdy tis !called Barron's Gi tSbp n rorietorMs.Gdy Barron advises taaspetofuiegasar oSaturdlay 1thatis ehl orbseiig lo Tb'fursday vening.,1t)e KatCes opn 5st i t ing up. a cheebe fondue for customers. See yott there,j 1Two hundýred land 44 uni ts tupi ty ýta tbanthe 2 ?5 ct-Jmd yMr' W.'%' crsma, It Donlor cinie cld.ast Wed 1-11 beptose in necd aofc-i- wnit oain pn day at the Lions Cenitre, Bo - gblood. wcre aaredtaS, . dame, A- manville. Mrs. W. M. Rudelil hryffb oain ee TupNT AETO Bhood Donor Chairman and ----_____ the Branch Exeeptive mcm- bers wîsh' ta take. this oppr- waa-a JUVENILES WITH RIFLE Three juveniles fram the ~ ~ ~ 7 N* ~ UU~ Nash Road area were ap- prehended by Ontaria Pra- A t vincial Paole an Friday0 , .,c II.C A1egm moruing about 10 o'clock fallowing a camplaînt of At, the cahi ai the Prsi 1,191,1 eFait FstaL yauths discharging a fire- dent af the Bay ai Quinte Cn udït teme Wc'Ae' o arm sauth of Highway 2 Or' ference ai the United Church Aae e arafrmtefn the ~ ~ ~ ~ o wetsd fDriiti Canada, Mr. John Black, daenal at ith hr B oulev a d .andAto2 cailerail nit edC hurc Bolvrd 2 clbrQ.C., seven services coveringlpe neh r" rifle was apparently seized., the whole Conference Aiea-epetgte nwtcst Charges are pending., wil be hehd on Sunday,_Nov. <UNT AETO An: Unusual P'hotograph of Cenotaph This picture was taken during the Remembrance Service on Saturday, morffing wentribute wvas paid ItAnse wbo made the supmreesacrcenin wer. Membehrs o el Lgi Lde s AuxiliaJr'y, thle PipyeBad osCbs Gudsand B' unisaswellau a f ar r g àOfd ai: iis attendced., NIIMBEJR 45 -1 zagub wuru iclist.vý.,y T, b-; elp,

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