New Members Join Kiw faniô.s social & Persona/ r Phone 623-3303 Y Me. j. A. Bell, Concession neri, Kingston, is spend- St. leý holidaying in Bermuda, mg two weeks with bis par- cor posterity we record that ents, Mr. and Mrs. Murray the tiret snow flurry or the Bate, whle on aninstruction seasn ocuîre abot 43( course et Bowmianville Hg p.m, Sunday, Novemnber 7th. School1, Mr_ and Mre. Elgin Taylor During the fali convocationM of Enniskillen were Friday et the University of Western dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ontario in London, Mr. Laur- Jini Abernethy, Concession ence M. Smyth received bis Street, B.A. degree. Mr. Smyth is Mrs. William Svry, 1.4unt the son-in-law of Mr. and Street.p, basretirned home Mrs. J. C, Thompson, Odell after spending a Pmmnth with Street, and is an elementary Mi.ý and Ms Frank Spry, Ro- school principal witb the heser, Y.Midlesex Board ef Educa- ir nd Mrs. Leslie Tudor în et illwdaeformerly ef Sometimes those "Show and Bowvmanville, isited relatives Tell" items that children in and friendre in Bowmaiiville Kindergarten classes take to and area on Sunday. school cen cause a littie dis- -' Mr. and m ran Rooke ofIcord in the family unit. One[ Newmarket, were Saturday ftamily, father, mother, sml guests withl Mrs. Rookes daughter and wee son, were~ brother and sisteî-n-aw 4r. out driving on Sunday in t and Mrs. E. J. Faîrey, Liberty countryside when a veny large M StreetNorth.owl was spotted sitting in Plese iveus ea ifYOUtnee. The lîttie girl 'suggest- ed that hier dad climb the tree6à>' have entertained out-of-town adcthteolfrhrt becu waholidaying. vîsiting tShewar Sho nTehWeltlrsonbcm"rsdnetteBw avle iai lbti fricnds andrelatives. Just Sewssomewhat upset when; W e twIýetnbçm pc-jý f .ý,wà,:l iý l I dial 623-3303.lher dad quickly negated the year he, said his prime aira would be te increase mnembershi.O coe 5h Mrs. John Dîppeli., sges1n the day he wvas installed as presideni, h, le indicated he ýwasn't fooling. sure son Eobet and daughter Sus- Mr. and Mrs. John Killeen-, enough, there were two new members set te join. I n the picture ab)ove hie an and family, Waterloo, were Rosemlary and John David, weekend visitons with is Sbew's, spent Sundey inAI watches while Rick Bromeil, right, et B3owmniîlle and BobMorgn et rrto mother, Mns. L. W. 'Dippel], monte and ttended a family receive their club pins and literature from Pine de DivisionLiueatGv Wellington Street. dinner in bonor et hie pan- ernor Stu Beaton ef Oshawa. Bob is parts manageLr at Cowan otr-ucRc Bill Curtis, Les Jones and ents' 50th wedding anni' an mlyeaGoderAsfrsM.PetniSc1eruithmr- Hanold McKnîgbt, with four vensany. Mne. Killeen spent emoyeaGoderAsfrasM Petnisccendh eeteme- ni-nftow buten. ciovd Mnda aternoon in Ponty- bership drive is just beginning.___ ___________ afeýbulous wveký's deer hunt pool1 with bier parents, Mr. and et Cee Hillî1, retunning lest Mns. Hl. Aiken, te celebrete -ween ith two deer. Ptr their 48thwedingneanniver-i Celebrate Sxit nni e s r im Burns e, er Killéen Sr. and Mn. and Mns. borugh; ,:Mns. Ray Dilling, Aiken wene united la mer- ~'.Thonaton Andenson and niage 'on Novemben 8, tbe "r fie.Thoas' Seller, towi', fermer in 1921. and the latter have rceturned Freln a very two ycans leter in 1923. plesurble23-day California _________ Mrnal Mrs. Gordon Wigbt, M PEGDlt Mn. îlurOke,,Osbawa, and J.LIJYJ..i Mn[i. Roy Webben enjoyed an 18-day meon tnip te Floida, Sunday visitors with Mn.' Thcye rep)ort the foliage on and Mrs. Fred Wright, Base hetesin Penaisy!vainia was Lîne, wene Mn. ead Mrs. A. very eautfu].Wigle, Leamingten, Mn, Non- Mis,-. Evlyn Dupnn, is-s man Wrighit, deughter Mns, i.~ \heIyl Kith and Mns. Mr L. J. Bradford, Oshawa. gare K~lee ettheBowen- The Octoben meeting ef the v illeNunery Scheol are coyn- UC.W. was held in the hall~ pleting A course in ïEenlyOc2 Chiîrlhodr Education at Dur- Oc. 2th, witb 19 ladies pn.- weeksent. President Mci. Mynrt hem CllegethîsBradley epencd the meeting iosHockeýy Dnaýw winners: wit1h hymn 378, etter wbich N.. L- Set., Nov. 20. A. Hone- ail repeated the Lerd's Pray- te(l d, . Murphy; Setundey, en. The Septemben minutes Z No.2,H. Kîlpetnick, B. Han- were ed and epproved. is. Jr. A-Sunday, Nov. 21, Tbenk you card wenc neadi Tj' Mutier; Tuesday, Nov. 43, fnonn Mnrs . Fnley, Mr.s. J. 11.Kipanihi sauray Nv.Hubend. Joan Rusell gave 27 o nc.the tneait rer' repent. Thenc 'lsPet Bate, ContItoga iste be a Presbyten Stewad Celg.Kitchener, washmeWnkbp ed 'n Ornn Nov. oven tewkend anid ber Iet. Florence Crydermen gave brother, Ted Bet, Que"n beteon n he Regieneil St. PauI's United Church1 R7ev. 11, A. Turnerv B.A, .D. SundaR*ý Schlool for those1 9yer and over. il Sundaýy School for those 3-9 years old. Publlic Worship infini caýrp during service REHOBOTH Chr&tanReformed B..,B.., M.Th. Back te God Heur Dia! 1310 IRadio 1Everry Sunday 10:30 z.m. "Evrryone Wloe phen'sCburcb, Osbewe. erl Hotygave, ber repento supply wonk, Mabie Greeni- I hem Maron Fiatof an the, wkso.Mable gavea veny iîntenesting account etî ber trip teMooc c Moose Faclory. Marlon Fin toft gave a ncading cntitled "Our Country Canada". Meet- ing closed witb the Mizpeh' Benedictien. Lunch was serv- cd. Sympatby et this corrt- munity le extendcd te Mn. and Mrs. Howard Bradley andM te ail othen relativeslanltbe' pessiug on Sunay o et br . metb er, Mms'.Etta Page.,'g>' About 2.2 Brownies and rn1Inr' Guides, nccompaaied by somne M nd rs illam tapeto leaders and parents, jeunney- M.adMs iI:ý cd by bus te Tenonte te, se c the ice Follies t the Maple On ýunday atrnoNov. 71h, Mrs Wî'll Stpllen ivas takeri te Newton- Leal Gardens last Saturday, ville United Churchi for- what she belleved was a socîilheur, and was most sur- All report e ,very enjoyable prised te find that it was a celebiation in honor ef their'sîxtieth vedrdicg anni- fî'e. -Vtý 1-A 1- - 1_ - - 1 - 4 lI, 1 Mter FýScott Veau bhas Te- turned hiome alter speadiag a tew deys lest week witb his grendpanents, Mn. and Mrs, Douglas Leard, Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Dcnis Pickerd, Bowmanville, wene Friday evening suppen guesti with their son and wife. Mn. and Mns. Wayne Pickerd ced tamuly.1 Saturday evenlng Miss Angéla Pi'7kard and ber brother Timnmy .wene _over- nigbl guests-witb thein grand-1 parents, Mn. and Mrs. Dcii Pieke.rd,'Bowmapnvlhle. Mrs. Pearl Hockin, Mn. ccdý Mn5 Don Fole,', Base Line. Mn. and Mrs. Paul Mltr and ldaughter Brende w-(e .Saturday night suýpper guo ýsa wth their cousins, Mn.aîî Mrs. Lawvrenc'e Staples, B3etb- any. O-n SundayMn. E. W. 1vensary. :VJi. , tapleton rien ceeari et inon uthe s-e 'ciearlier. .rey arc pîcý,ured here wit their decorated wedding cake, evesyenjeyîng the event te the fullest.______________ Foley and Ms.Bert Che1~f Bewmcnv;Ill, woe spere gueste witn the fromrs o Mns. Pearl Hockin, Base U.à Me. ccd Mns. DFoley audiTý ý , Ms.Do le,lae Ta ke s Toi! a ivs Lice, weue Suuday supppri brpaeutsMn. Dcrcy ý,J,> Smith, Oh- Lo e T e e - Mn Nbl Mteîf Ohas, by Reg. Weatson boy8 were thoIrougbly cx- Mrs.L. . Sowdn, n. cci . Mry CeentRedhausted. It wces a elcnlyz Stmec Juv Crnestr ed-t played game with Bewmaa- Mnrý . H.G.Eeen, Mephe Pundryoroggt ville pîcking Up six penaltie,, Grove, ere TiencyaetasiePotnbornug two l Gro,-ý, uedayOflý ccad came away with a bectoerbiouhab pidccd Pet- weekdiur guiets withî tri(-the tunee o t î1tesixcrenogalso iig u fomrs ueMrs. Roy Van The opecing c peiod saw senealties. bysar Cami p. Peterborough bang lu thre Stijl workiug eut with the Rev%. ,cdi Ms. Stanley goals at the 2 min., 8 min. junior ,Cs" acd due te thein Scoden Mple wee ed-1acd 10:30 min, mark while garne aise on Suinday night ncesday 1hast week - dlincen Bowmanville got thein loue this was tho ea.sen for the nust 11bs'lu e r, MnCudoal et the 9:30 mark et the Redmeu's shontaget fplayens. Mec-. Lloym SoCI n finît period on a goal b3 lIt le hoped that as seeu as Misse er l ean cd Di- Laurie Gay beiug set uip by the Redmer caui get e ful an uraLt. Woodstock, ý1IAI Junkin.1 complernent of players thon wen Sturcyvisitons with The ocly sccngof e the they wilho able te put uip the frmer i .ster, Mn. ccd second period was by Peter- a more respectable Showîug, i Ms. ertn V al c sons. horough at the 12:38 mark and corne uro with their shane Mn.ccdMn l-orbCrep~rand at this Lime with th"e ofxwius. Sîînday uight's gamie Bomavî e.w n Sndp-r pay goicg end toencd, Bow- ]pnoved thal you ueed threce gIBuesta et th, "ei dccc ccd ymanvîhle looked as if thoy 1îmitclnos te be able te ofphew Mn. ccd Mn. ý ' mayhe ceuld close the gap aswokeftîey nepl-vvMr.and rý.S. .1they wene holding their own It ýIs als hoped thet afle Mentfon. 1 with Dencî-,sBche comiag up lest Mna nîght's practîce Mise Mary Anc Doyle nf with cerne greet csaves in the more 1 Lis will ha eîgned GuýIehph Unversity,' Guelob, Bow manville nert. and tho Cceu ýt Redmen wll spent the weekend at borneHowever,' the third perîod hoe e piiunupae etter w ithbe parents, Me, cc ad proved tee rnuch for the Red- shovw;n we theýy teke onr Mecý. Steve Doyieeîccd ibre- mec as Peterbonoughbahcked Oshawa o usa evenîug. lthcrs. lu no e les !then seven goals. The ptnius thèee5s M,1ccd Mrs. i\l-bc,,1o n 1tBnwi ,Bewmanvihle, pflayîc1ig wîth a let's hoe he Redmen ceaC Hmtnwere Sattunda.y ev:lcrew et 10 mon juet did cet gel on îtaie îght track and ïgetL e-nicgaiens ou thein cousins, have the legs te keep up wîtb goiugý_. Fac support is badly Mr. and Mns.1. G. Freemnan. the fait Peterhorough tearo. ceed SO c, ome on eut te the. Remember the U.C.W.N- The lices'bcd te he Juggled Bowmc;nvi]le Arena acd cheer1 vember meeting on- Thunsday by Coach Brian Hughes as oui' thenion cveniug, Nov. i8tb, et 8 p.m.1_7 le the C. E. Hall. Mns. Fred Fane, Tornto. r s n es tt n was a Sturday visiter wîtbý lMr. nd ~Mes. Win. LirdB okie tW Fa k and fcmuly, Komoka wer Sucday visitons witb Mns.i by Jin Clenke Green ccd Bns ohtwo Lae Lird ad.r.Bob' DveGreen ccd, Lancy goal marksmec leýst -week<, Laird, ,Burns centinuiug their eerly fîgured imressively la Sun- Mn. Tom VanCamp, Guelph season hijiaks, each nîpped day' e vîctory. Grant "Tully' University, Guelph, spent thé homne e pair, et geais, as Bey- Thornpsoa( mcnkiug c returai weekend et bhrne witb bis son's Smoke Shop hcsted Mut- te the hockey wcns alternac parents, Mr. ccd Mes. Sam ton's Supentest 5-1inl Sucday thnoe-yeer lai off, pleyed e big VanCamp ccd ciens Leor igsComril egerole lu Brysou's triuimph and Lise, Baie Lino. epener. notching thoîs other goal Mn. and Mrs. Ken Cryden- t wae the ,,,,,' ecndlwhile drawing au assist qild mec, Oshwc ce Suudey victery aleug with c tic in was gencrally impreesive ini a suppen uet 'ihbis pan- three cotests, putticg theni finle two way display. jenteý, 'N4. cc Me, Hwan Itoo the standings et luis Brysou's built up a enom- iCryderm:ias, nas Lille, ~very early stage,.1tcrtable 3-0 lead afler w !Iïeniyode betc-ore Mutton's I The Canadien Stateeman, Bowm beyt reren ruîned Curt van -1 stoC s bpeD et e ehutout, et f'~ Âet hfinal tamie.The SmieSbop brigade coun ed two morle tallîete re- w ork Sho-uld Sf cirt utcý the solîd victonV Bunne'tl, second goal et the geme et 13o5e the thîrd, was a powl\en play affaîn Boý,th "I S n # ýo e @- epiece. Th1e losîng Mttn cnowd DOW hae ccrd jîuct four goals i l teir tiret three e 'on gem wasWifh MorVoFl nouser, wîth Bnian Badey'e Wonk ehould begi soon on awarded to Cea Iav estmnents. unassieted goë]al t17:0 et the the additions te the Bow- Six cormparues had tend- second -oeriod, enabling Brooks manvîlle Senior Cîizens Houe- cred bide rngîng frorn $8,00 te post a 3-2 decision oven îng Complex, wÎtb the na- to _$11,000 pen unit. Ceeni'e Walter' Frank R eel Estate. proval Mondey aîght et town, wae accepted, Mr., Clîtt seid, A sleebing pernalty et 19:30 etceuricîl of a sketch design for because it sn the lowestne- the third tei Fnank's Lanry a new 21 unit building. presented the beet value. and Pennes fouled upi the lesens' James CliftIet the Ontario otfered a geod. architectural bepes et geining e tic, as tc esn oprto bc ein trailed --2. hyHuig Croain hhdeg, Th vctnyfr rokswe pencers the undcrteking, Thie new building wilh bel The fint, alorrong withîw outlincd the major features et constructed aicetbmb dnews, fersec ond pacithe the J1design ton councîllors and e>eisting i 4-unît comDlex. It standings. Tho twor clubs announced that the coatrect will consiet et 21 sîngle-bed- sharcd ftiret period goals wîth to censtruct the units bed been roem units, eech witb its own 'Walter Frak's Lanry Simp-1 recessed baiceay. There wl son ceancctin tFtpr 1515,Mn. and Mcc.Teny aryie a commen rneem in -the Lloyd Hamîilton t icdil ý;up, and Stephen spent Sunday main block. The architecture- temring it Aemlt 18:45. wlîh Mn. 'and Mns. Barry wili be similan to the cresent Tho wàinens couaitedth Robrer ad Tammy et Lind- complex, Mr. Cliftt aid. midde pnio's nly cors, ay.Rente ton the units will be1 by obHelen one wee st- Mn. and Mns. Jack Chai,- gcianed te senior citizens' in-, Up) by Steve Buaa Altieý" man, Mn. and Mns. Orvïhie cemes,. The, town et Bow- wptia on the letI sÎile.Chatterton were la Oshawa mavîlle le ebhigated te payý BR-adlcy's solo b(alAet 17:50) on Monday etten.noon te at- seven and a hait pen cent of proved te be, tie winaer, ~tn h uea tterany annuel 1lees arîsing eut of Broks elda 31 mrgînen Ms-areJn d- the openetion et the housîng aten bete pnode.WnayR enoý P,--wdi McComb, wido .1 etcemplex. dclibea Vice Vnstne t HoandJoh McCmbwho Mn. Clift eaid that O.TICý 6:10 eftIthethhîrd iod fan- oadJh MCmw intends te stant construction rowing; the gai,, bult Brooks (lied in 1965. Interment was as soon as possible, hopefully hehld off the Real Estat'e ganig in the Oshawa Union Ceme- betore Chr'istmas. One reesen fCr the wini. Only twoPen- teny. for an early starf date bie ex-i alties weýne ban.-dedti nithie %Mn. a n Ms.Grant Moffat plained, le te help allevietei gae ahclub dn'aw'iag one. andsen etoa ýkvihic visited the local unemiloymcnt situ-1 M.W.S. Mlottat on Sun- ation this winter. day.The building, program leý A Mn andMrs.Canman Cor(- the recuit et e eurvey curriedi lu- I nEl h Cheryl w on ,,ereoeut byî the O.H.C. te determine nhshend Jhn ~ the need for low rental bous- NewonvlleAnivesan Su- ng un Bewmaaville. Their -T--tovile nnierarySu--tindinge indiceted that ,the r ciay, Octoben 3 lit. town needed, 33 unîts for ~AI -----=---" enior citizens and anethen 30 w for low incoeneareners. St. ohns Ch:)' shThe new addition 's 12 unite 1400(y, Jill andïPeu, ýtHAli1Cl M. *îtinnv Ron) B otf Tonooiiùspcntif h'e' d oncuil, _O..C. i laaingý Congrtua vtioJï ns te 'rF. J inandolo ýý Honce cd.Church Music th-e fonnrier 1Misle i ri ah TeCoretS.Jh' lenStec of Ono0no, on their(ngia) bnc reae rnn iagonSaturday etften- f4 nlooni, Novembe 6tInla he Mn1. C. Kvens', A.T.C.Mî.,ba Pnt Hope United Chuneb1f. joinerd theRoy lihoof9et Mnand Mns.TMurrey Ken- Cbunrch 7Mtuin end ila i d)ig oed fe Seult Ste. -Marie were tfis t, i f becomes etflit e wceekend gueI'ýseoetlber strovmnw hbsmemer Mnns.]George MorIon, Mn.F and Mns .inc Toucbibunn pekig nd.Aioe tes Annien r tMn. and M.obntte impro -mntie Frenk M fcofme shw O h u i t hurchrices Sa tunda ateroon Cope Tlo tt ffililtioýn hie chIillc'h TRY ONE OF OU Mnl. aniM. o l e le meke zouse et' Cooper Mn nM.F O vilable for RSCM mlem bers. i Coopr. n - l.H iBC wsfudd I Mr a Ms obn ofe heRC wstune nANI EXCELLENT CI retunned homei receatly tnam 192 by Sir Sidney Nicholson, a tipte li Wet eai. he gave up bis poil as Org- I FOR THE 1 Mrs. Jolie Cettnto etanist et Westminster Abbey 1Fre I Hevle , M. cd M. R -te devote bis attention te the- Don't Fve u musi-11,wcal neede and, probîccis lhCatrtn e o oun ie penisb churches and te New Y ear's AI visied n. arehhi haten-pro)vide a centre for trainîng C tcon T (nse-elsf wek hurch musiciens. Tlle hed-L Mns. Cccii Robineo spenIt1'quarÏers et the RSCM are et j e(t-l Monlyeto es week witb Addiagton Palace, Croydon, 37 KING ST. W. - MNi. and Mrq. nDon Stapleton, end the Scooel bas now a jNcwtonvilic. ývr widecpnead influence - Manageres nanville, Nov. 10, 1971 a new 25 unit senior citizen building in BowrnanvÈ!le and work may start on ita corn struction as early as next March lst. Plans for the O.H.C. Dro- grain to construct low rentai housing for low income earn- oers wîll be announced later, Mr. Clîft said. if yoti want to dot semething about yeur education . .. you-prtoba;bly Sec Your Aduit Counsel1or EVERY WEDNESDAY EVENING 7 te 9 p.n. at the BOWIMAN VILLE HIGH scifOOL GUIDANCE OFFICE The service Is free - confiential - and ne appointnicnt is necessary, HJAVE YOUR HAIE STYLED AT UR BEý3AUTIFwUL, r Critrasand kppoiiitrents Fe120ppe - PHONE 623455ý Bey. Martn I0 SIMPLE QUESTIONS YOU SHOULD ASKABO-UT LEASING 1.Q.What is it? A. Expre.ssed in the sîraplest ternis, leasin-gis le[ hngSom1eone cise manage your transportation for yeu. (You, drive -- we werry about depreciation, maintenance, insurance, repairs, finance rates, taxes, license plates, etc., for you. You jusat drive it. 2Q.Why is leasing hetter than owning your own? A. Thene are a number of reasons. Frte i e nwi advance hew much you are reallyzgeig te pay fr a car. Ne0 guess work about how much your Wh, ippt hardtop wIi be werth in iwo years. No trading on shopping le do, At the end eftIhe lease you tuen ini the oid car and pick eut a new ene! Aise you have preef et expenses for tax deductions. 3Q.Where ean I lease a car in the Ochawa area? A. Glad yeu asked. MacDonald Ford Leasing, a division of MacDonald Forci eager te, lease you a car. 4. Q. Dees that mean I cen only lease e Ford? A. No. We are, of course, fend et Perds. But we, viil provide you any make truck, yen want. For instance a Relis R oyce Silven r. Shadow would, rua yen about $796.00 a month. __ " 5.Q. x. - is downright or model,: car or Now that you brought it up - How inuch doe if cost? r'- \ fÇ Each icase is differeal and is tailored te your individual neecis. But on the aveg, they run fromn $68,00 te $140.00 a month. 6i. Q. Do 1 have to leese e fleet te get a good deel? 41 A. No. The majenity of aur leases are for just eue car. 7. . Whet sort of people lease cars? A. Ail kïnds; dectors, lawycns-, India cie "La atay n ma quify.' *(We lied abeut thec Indian, but we have a very seia oei ona Msag w aitine for the first brave that showrs up.) 8. Q. If Hertz iS No. 1, Avis No. '2, and MacDonald No. 7797, why shouldI deal with MacDonald? .,A. Because we are younig, hunry,, andloa which means we are near by te provi4de good service. 9.Q. A, How long do theseleases runj-? Most are fer two years;hwvew ca quete fer any peried yen may ant. I10. Q . Where do I sign? A.CÇail MacDonald Ford Le s ineý,hw 576-1800, or T"mornto945, ask te speak te a Leasinig Specialýist. lie wl uhte ou Iwithl- the paper-s. MacDOeNALD FORD81 ' THE HOME 0E F BETTER IDEAS TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Miniter ev.Geor:ge K. Ward, B.A., E.D. Orgýanist1 - Miss Gal Thompson Sunday, Nov. 14th, 197i e-quel to the Good Smrtn 7:00 pa"i. "The Prodigal, Father" GýueSýt Preachier at both services:. Dr. A. CI. Forresi Editor of the United Church Observei, Special music provided hy Senior Choir GetAr-tists will be Kari and Rose Rohowsky Social hour and refreshments in Church Hall following evening service. SUTNDAY SCHOOL HOURS: Juioer, Intermediate and Seniort Departmnents i Sat 9:45 a.m. Kîn-dergart en, Beginners, Prin ary Departnients et il a.m. 1 7i