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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Nov 1971, p. 8

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9 Thse Canadien Statemman, tôwmanville, Nov. 10, 1971 By Frank Mohun 623-7234§ ~IfWANI1S SALE, T ý,Ise Kvtiwai s annuel wicter sports-,sale, including akî,skats seds, etc., will be held on Saturday fromt one te fous o'Lo(ck et tlise Public Library, litems ,te be sold must be breugbt la between 10 cam. cnd' jiloon. ne and ucsold items must be claimed between four. and five. t t t t t ONTO THE GREY ýCUP! Helmltans 23-4 win over Ottawa wes a mnurs betterý enrouter tise tise Ti-Cais - Argos game tise previeus Suc- dain spu th ie gale-force wind whichdidn't reel] ymakë anydifeserein tise outreme. H-amilton collccted four points teota 'sire while, facicg tise breeze., ýIn tact týise R,ugiriders' besit marrisofethtie day was againct tisewidate wect trrom tiseir exvn 17 te tise Ti-Cets four êjd etted ora field goal. Ottawa 4 -. Hamilton 1 la hlie On tîise cxisurýies Wally Gables to k oves and lus suc-1 nucig aciasn g asclimaxeci in a toucisdowc pess just befose On, t- ise ccxl sries Waliy Gabier took over and bis rua- iýn ndpss was climexed in a teuchdowc pass just beoetýise hit end ed. Tise tiiquarter xvas ail Hamilton as a blockcd pont and an umîtereptien set up c fildOgeai and a single. Buttise big ply et t cise game came with only one second left as Gabier eocertd eainon a 67 yard teuchdewn as tise Ti-Cats as- auede16 pitmergin. -Gabcer gave Hmiliton a murs bettes effence tisan they cdunr Joe,ýfrc Zuger. His' ability b scramble keeps tise detence boneisi ccd if W alycn maintain bis hot hand - Argo coldhave plenty et problems in tisai total pointseries. flon'tfrg thtie Tabisies have won tiseir lest txve "Must" ~cnîc -acd they have defeaicd tise Toronto two eut et oenisl ut west, yen jusi ran't get eny better qÙar- terecing then Roc Lancaster dispiaed Saturday. Of course Cegey iII be tougiser tisan Winnipeg and Argos sisouhd reetcstroeer dpeece than Ottawa - but i could be iset a ýfre Sur ,pises mighit be fortiscoming in tise C.F.L. play- fsbefore lb is alil oves. Two C.S.S. Saccer Teams Win COSSA Crowns Foundry Bowl&ing November 2nd Pins Pis. AlheY Cets- 23978 17 H-eed Fins . 23940 141/ Sore Heeds 24710 13 Gutter Bails - 24391 111/2 Screw Bails 24477 9 Ares ------ - --- 23224 '7 Hîgis single-H. Balentine 384, B. Fartner 252. Higis triple, H. Ballantice 850, B. flartcer 652; iidden score wýicners--Game 1, S. Good- murphy; game 2, H. Aiken cc"d Sheila Stiles; game 3, G. Simopson. Over 2001 Ron Good 236-256-200, Shir- ley Gordon 218, G. Simopson 218-256-254,. R. Geodmurpisy 205-212, Sheila Stiles 204, H. Belantice- 256-210-384, L. Rehder 202, Bruce Smith 29,5, A. Cole 203, H. Aiken 204, N. Hecning 208-209-214, G.. Wil- son 202-240, D. Snowden 254, J. Bridger 201, O). Kcepp 201, -B. Pertner 252-203, C. Kcapp 227, N. Cowle 201-245. Averages Gemes Ave. Ron Good 24 252 G. Wilson- 15 233 H. Bellantine 241 228 Bruce Smith 24 221 N. Cowle .. 24 217 B. Fartner - 24 209 Don Piper , .~.9 20, D. Snowden- 24, 200 St. Josephs Mixed Bowling League t t t t t à November 7th TENSAT 280 AND FOOTBALL Team Standings On Saturday, with the temperature reading 53 degrees, Pt. in wýèas :lI warmn enough, to play tennis and golf- which -Pkî ns49 24947 wè did. Although at the oWmanville Country Club, the fiagsLrySas-4 46 havebe e e and the greens top-dreêssed, Wonder ifBleecans-------385 24156 ithey r'ie itryng to tell us somiething- maybe that we should, VLsrt ----2 33 ;4BTobcats --------- 3 23610 Sndaytl we had arrangied our usual tennis game with Lew7 Nobodies ---------- 23 22734 t-£1)n11le, a itie erirthan usual so we could get Rhoern---e---- -d2 5, hi-ower piaind chaniige before hIeading to Hamilton for the foot- Men hall gae t was un and we thought "Oh boy, another High Triple - Jim Fair 706 H. Single -Llonel Hickey 260 great 2, day. Aso wefmpditothIIe"car, kind of thought it was a bit à Hl. Triple, Moliy Hor, tman 640 vipy but just aswepld into the tennis club the High Single Jane Smith 272 rai noe -2 ere. wnyegtdegrees? yo Over 200 gtta be,-kidding - and indc oYu amUi atpaigJane Smith 272, Lionel tenis, btafter terinu-Ltes, the hands get rather frig duleI tI 1gt, [iý DnG)v CrIicy26,JmFr25,38 Fortunilately Lew Thad a Pair 0 oto lvs o s ow arlingo on j' o lirscn oneuieCS- Fotro ett iht) c, mtn Dn ene, Ca l r Hick20 i Pi 5,2 Ypsayeî four sets, but there's no way we iwould have pîayed 3 an Pi SA ictory i Mn i hae Shîcheno Jn Ferc ,'e Iarce Tcayl, Di2411,RoeGarye Conway-24,i9 tensif we had,(!known vrearller that it was se cold. Foi'tunate-pîn1)e1 in thep i vùoe ý i'he uo ueaen n o dWstak,1e Wnerlc.eoch arerrenesy24, 25 Marti cwo years et league play, Phil-Bro;*tmuruce Osborne, - Malloy 241, Gary Conway2239 Mike Kenneïdy 3,22,2 Nowabutth Hmitongae.Ealylat eekwetee-an Snir tars ros ou~HInvitational Tournamnent held coach, hstch Dve, George 231,0, Airnold Brinklow 228, tir SeonarySchol in New'ýmarket on October Bertrim, TedBroe Petel phoived ffie Hamilton Tj Cat ticket office and arranged fora their divisionýs et the COSSA 23rd. In the samne competition Shodrek Pt isn.Chide' er eSae 26 oJfry 2,Mr pair ef press passes. "MWr. MLcP'arlane is eut", said his ser're- league teurnanoent eta Belle- th, Seniors were nlarrowîy Terry Henry-, Rick Broome, Pre-schoolers LeaniteD Skate Bioklow 221, 218, Fat Wil- ty,"buit 'm sure it will be okay. When he cornes in ,1 ville. de,]eated 2-1 by a strong tearo Mike Ormiston, Da Knox, programi every Monday aftler- l'a'os'21, Bob Campbell 220, Check, and if he doesn',t îphone you by five oclock, then you .The Seniù: ýiorerounhieaten foroMidland :,Collegiate of Dck ekm, cocoach Ah-noon trom 2 to 3:30 po.Te Bil Holroyd 220, 216,1 207, in league play this ear, d-Sahruh sn r v nderoDnte s7cprlesn hsNanyMhoeI27VGog wll kn-,ow you have the patsses." 0f course we lefttour number, Col- Co iee Wneris uenaeS, R And lenrsnDoJnmlasisn7w5iperoress. Ti 1,Gog teleated both Belleville Cl C ,rIlDce udrickBrGsibbs 1;s s o n rgrs216, 213, Marian 'Van- at CKLB becausit hoo0ked better, (when you want passes)1 legiate and Moira Secondït fe7ls tti ,thsboo1's excel- Hamelinc(k. Teens' Baskebal stoiit 214, Doris Jeffreys 213, end we intormed ithe radýio station of our scheme. Well - nuo by the same rrcores, 2-0. 1 etsrrrrcr:i etlLh uio em pcu ' asketball League1 for boyýs Bileen Hf-ickeyý 211, Vivian phenOïe cal - e we were ail s;et. 1was their tiiýrd cneuieatrbtbete: the tremen- below, are: (Fronit row, leftt 3 te 18 years ot age, in Ithe Hn 1,Paulne Wîllatts DeýCided tefoconiltact[the Ti-Cats again on Friday, te in-COSSA tithe and their tourth dons ý-populnrity ef the sport te right), Larýry 'Sheeman By yme heHg Sho,10,DenaCaib al26 con itîv yars i th twns'u Nerl evryBrin ink .mSmrithson Nov. l3th. Time 9:00 te i l etyCharland cl205, Father firne tigbu dd'tge aondteit-anyway We h er darst iepr in Dnrlington bas its Ron Knox, Tomu Langmaid,fothses. knw vryhngwa -o.KnoIwing that Frank Britton et ail-Ontario ch1ampion s h i ps own sorrer teamsý which play Henry Bruinsma, D en n i S Boy,' Basketball (Lord Elgin) - Frn' Vreyfamne was a staunch - te put it mildly, Ham- whirh wilh be briO in Oshawa durin g tie ummer and early Broome, Eddy Ma'cLe Boys' Basketball League age, 11toil ýeinvited hn, to goon November. 131h. Last year autuiri niicjnths. That is tise (Bark row, et te, right), group, eight and under 13 Lb ilonfa w ivte hm e o.lind eof i ggondta ayCronio us ra yasa tJnar c tt~ L brty Belles Atth tiet ofrice thbad a bundie of passes. "Sorry they took the provincial titie.gon htGrCasJeHil Ba yr sofaur s fte ,. Y ir- nce or ran Meun" "ut ou ustbe iding" h Juiorsqud etetd brerds chmios Pascal, R a nd y Chambers, current year. The tece is $2.00 Team Standings sasd~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Éi Jorurl o odst htefc) Wev rvn~Cnen egiors a eet Mrbr ieSenir Nielk Windi, Boyd Knox, Rory per person for the season. sai4 Iýurý tiLj,-ý ý,)rwI-Ic1ýý o tht effct).,Wetearo, pirîure(d above Iýtop, ae ibLee Marchandý, Ron Starts November l2th, Gilbson - .---------15938 22 nsies e cverthi gae0"Belleville, 2-1 in overtîror,i-. ----oitPainting Class' Roberts --------- 16355 2 cc otiklstnsSeodryOnil Painting Class fer boys Bradley -------- 16294 21 We wreiflxted te corne, back in ten'minutes which we 2-1 in regulation thne te win il 0yer tae n tpe2 ~. 14 1 1 upnbginn1 ears and advan e Mrocd- ----- -1542815[6 di c hyltu nots ak Go up'te thse press box,-the --COSSA ---crown. o Tu-sayIfe-o4:0te-M-lr-------1567as slîd seAi MeFarlane -- hE', l1 ix you Up." oghrdy ro :0t ilr ----- ----137 1 Stopýped (Ite feel tise synIthtir grass -mr iegen vtg i ii6:30 in the Rose Rooni et the Colvihle .----------- 14397 il mtroaota s adbkdU ets re ox."We res DeaI ai baie baieLions Centre. The tee is $6 Luxton . - -----15077 10 sythulg ouvesvs seen thuefre) -x. "he ret for 20lessons. This class willShacleton -------15067 10 you pas? "Wll wehav t se A (elyusetis frsinae ~42be conducted froro 2:00 until Coombes - 149--- Os a a 2 evenm.o hrsaNv.M o -----------14244 9 te lever Ppasses at tis ae - and we've driven 80 miles Bowmanvilhe M c G r e g o r llth --------y-- 14823 4 Midgets won their second When you see a heading like the one above it, Girls' Basketball. League Kirktongl leegue gaine Saturday night, should indicate te you that the cars listed beloxv age atGrls' Basktba15 Leaue High Sigles --36 Sprtwrtîsac PortSCasters were coring eut et tise Oct. 30 et the local arena ofHih Scrdy oris Jo Luton o19132e wodnk-s hr esit. It was too cold to sit eutside, against Oshawa Miner Midg- are priced te seil and that is eus sole purpQse. We et aleaurymrnn High ScoloubyLuto -- le 2)5, eschy ngscore tthe w2. l 1are very sincere when we say you should net fail to 1 mvihlervsrMs hepngeereyf n althou-ýgh 8,000 çsets were er-mopty, and we weren't exactly crn oCis inr ath r. evisraiss Th ins were rahYfyn pr'epered te werd off the chiili. Besides we didn't want te Miss werr GrantLuxtoný and Paûl te at, least cerne in and browse around the fine Cahcthr eitaintî tenon with two e un thse tree programme, ceffee and bot dogs that go along Forsey, botb unassisted. R0y sed cars, shown in this ad. tfeee 20ar ts nStraerbwlr tn.h 0 sth- ise press farilities. Gibbs and Byron Holmes FinllyMcFrlae arixus- "batareyeudoig hrescored the otliýiv,-,.)wo th 1- ýnJl Mcaranearive - Wht ae ou oig hrepaul Foc sey and Pearre Wil- 1971 Buick Opel, low iileage. - 57414A $2995 - I honrd te telIi youi there was nero." "Weîî," scys rex getting lte assiýsts. hv npaa2D.H. 502A $65 Ruaio ln exetour iti"oe sePress box te be ready - buit ganx wit .ly12 pInverS 1:s,1970 Mercury Montego - A44288A $2695 Sidi wes ~s fiseyetryseyou cati sit tisere" 1 au sdt ilî. 1969Pbtiek LeSabre 4-Dr. --403 29 ng Pts, Pins fwehdkocit was 28 degrees. we wn)uldïn'îbave' .coru.n fo- Osisawa wei' 1969 Plyisouth .9-pass, wagon X43104 $2293 Seina ------ ----- 15 21967 piye tnns.I we -liedroade ltha'phone caip ieyai B riuh,.iey 1i goal ianid Reyw fL c 169VvE2D.28nA$19s's 14 22506£0 diroerd tetsr wrene passes - we xvolduli'1 a7 1968 Pontiac Paris. 9Dr. HT - 708311 $1895 IVaple Grove - --14 21955 etiefoblgme twabut that! Sncs--I 12 01 I1968 Chevelle 2-Dr. IHT 233601 $2075 Sun'cosUR------ Il 21nd FR HEF STTMEals qu ee 16Pote4-Dr. Sedan 483A$75 Salem --- __ 8-20-2----TO-O---F--END20239 FOR.THEFIRS TIE t98 Pntia 4 - -4867A $775 Dominion Stores .. 7 128639 Thank you forcnigt LV INPRO198Mustang 2-Dr. HT 54375A $199.5 Hg snlC oda our new Chinese dishes NIE. 1967PRSN Chev 4-Dr. Sedan - 55917A $1595 134r5le at Lotus Gardens Our de' 95High Trpe leasant experience. We, - Th Bowmnv&lle Rd nagles 1967 Meteor 2-Dr. IHT -47432P $139 L. Ceomises79,J. Ceomises addcneinea NOVEMBER 13th -I4th cnsudte p11lay tises 1eîrst1 1966 Ford 9-pass. wagon X43142 $1295 738, K. McGill 737, C. Gooe- boceMinirot t isehoe- 1966 Pontiac Grande Paris. - 61537A $1095 mac73, . aylr 14 Sun1:3 p., -7:0 p n ~ 4 town fans -assuSudey cilist, 1ae 1:'0 :00 .1u,> !ý1 21 ',ý' Oc. 31 tli,)- thý 1966Chev2-Dr.Seda ------2---$- - -K.44M2A $i97lK253,il 253 Tayloro Oc91m, spe iei16 Ce -r ea 238, J. Ceembus 231, D. Wood Wbtby Jr. C. c -8in a very 1966 sbak 4997A $ 95 29 .Mrhl 1,J c wide-open game.Vokswge 2Dr.Fatbck 891A295 21, ,. MrssaLu26,JM c-22,q RLD 0F HORSES ~Thengsie incîndec1965 Chev Station Wagon X4874$1095 '.Fesn~22RLid21 EiWO DER65 TseeteoranySedan - ---- K91ni7â .GhtdanJ.1 212,sel F HORSES being ~~lotsof(,rnpr 21,L. Ceomises 206, W. Denny featurin clearing and dis- 1962Acadian Wagon, as is .___ X44206 2415 25 .Crwl 0,C ii tTise ujqpredý(tictbs ln ept 1962 Pontiac 2-Dr. HT, as is 50521A $24 204, Ray Davey 201, Roc i___HOMI tise game3exrtingCwnvertmnyl196asChev48530A $ r1me501 A: l>, close relis arlund athCnetila $________ -~~~ ~~~ - - ~~~Max Joanston hsts(cs ûiei~ GA vial ileader for th ise hoetown 1ýî:tGA Financing Merry Mak rs I 1FREEDELIVERY IN 4% Ie ýtboys as lbu tired tregoals, $ Deug, Crougis had towîtb, 5e hr singes gigt a-l nHigis single, Mary Hussman(Occa Bryois Helmes, Boydè Knox 249; higis double, Mary Huis- FREE DELIVERY 01 and Randy Rogers. W AU L mac 468; higis average, Clara $500 OR. OVER ($ rcorsng for Wbitby ereJ, $agiso522 Watsoniî tb ree, 1).____________________________ wib D oeu Games Over 200 Teepie Latursks pirked upnie iglsClara Sarginson 229-212, Mari.Business h1 lrBetr c a usa 4-1,Dlvr TICETSON ~XL ATThe lime efobson Pa ines 228, Gloria Smith 218, S., ýLEýAT-ccd Rire was tise' best 1,or iGail Hecry 213, Marg.-Bruce FOR FAST SERVICE Audt Bx Ofic Aj~ Bw vlle tise Eagles. Tise deOfreics tih1 th 166 King St. East 623-339f, 210, Shirley Greenham 203, Th eec s tl lcBey. Bannister 200. TAKE-OUT or BYahods entre Jury &Loveli bîggst problens as tisey cn- TTeoanaPem SwtastnnSledgrinssgs -- 14 IlkeSho TrvelAgecy ge cn. oinC'oý-a)Teams.BiStandings- - - VOME DELIVERY B î s o p s S n o e S o p T r a e A g n c t n e ta g iv e ew a y th e p uir i h n Diec rotMadîson 1Square Garden" to in tirsown edtcd alu b Towissley -- -- --- 1801Phn ccrrmens eweyav in tr iise goal- -ayV Lath:ngue Weldon" Brown i Don -Rbdgr" Sargunson -159262-53 r OSha a Cii1udtrimP1Oatedî-efr ieSiceian 1546 amoutis A dîol*M r ara.Huisman . -1504 62.3-3473 jgame was 43 Moore 1182 mark, Wilma Ceomises 326, Joy Luxton 322. Tep 10 Average$ Carol Rýoberts ------------ 213 Florence Land ----- -- 09 Marion Gibsion--7------ ---201 Fern Bradley--------------- 195 Joy Luxton .----- 195 Brenda Stephens----- ---192 Jean Chapple ------ --187 Bessie Fossey--------- ---185 IsobelleTBuros ------------185 Anc Becs ..-----------------85 200 Gatmes - Florecec Land 244, 264, Ferti Braciley 201, Utiapple 250, Audrey Baie U II 212, Marion Colvilie 200, Dotr 1 L Bessie Forsey 230, Val Miller HEATING SPECIALIST", 202, 205, Anti Becs 205, Car ol 17 Liberty St, N. Roberts 203, 282, Trudy Mer- Bowmanville chsand 203, Bars Kennedy 202,- Marlon Alldread 210, FailliI PHONE 623-7591 Steadman 201, Sjaac Lavignel 24 HOUR SERVICE 210, Betty MacDonald 219,1 Ou, Gas & Electrie Furnace Brenda Siephens 246, 208l, & Air Condition Installa- Rena Batbgate 203, Margi'eý tiens - Central & Window Lepp 200. Rae Sisackleton 4, hls- lr el Molly Horsiman 200, Kày Findiey Equipmeint. Blaciard 234, Yvonne dFreEtiae mocdson 214, Derothy Budg4et -ený k3lbe 224. Fx em vîal eo Lotus Gardens te enjoy thie wendjucrfýul xorld of and Canadian food. Whether you dune et home or elîcieus food will assure you and your f emily,,et a are now stertîng homne delîvesy service te give yeu vell as delicieus foodl. Thenjk You -- The Maiagement; RESTAURANT ED ELIVVER Y TOWN LIMITS ON ALL ORDERS 3.50 OR OVER. rge on smnaller orders) LIT 0F TOWN ON ALL ORDERS $1.00 charge on smaller orders) pertain te a 3 n1ile radius Fleurs: 4, p.te 1 aa. Flours: 6 a.m, te 1 a.m. EATING CROW, Neighhoring tire specialist Frank Jamieson passeci along the following item te tise Editor, aareý-ntly feeling thse comment was niost ap- propi'iate: ,if orithiologi sts report the extinctiîon ci f crows lately, don't he sur- prised. There have been so, many eaten following thse wild predictions many made re the Octario eleetion that they are now difficuit to llnd. G. H. Clement, Arthsur." How truc! 'S PORTO PICS JUST AROUND THE CORNER Snow- tires, acti-freeze - lb must really mean that wînter can't be far away. Yeou can't really relate tise seasons witb sports anymore, because we have been involved in wisat are usually rcegnizcd as wicter sports for tise past mentis or moýre now, h fact on tise last day et October four ef us tennis enthuiastswere enjeying several sets witis our shirts off- it was as wasm as many days in thsé summer, One wcck later, tise temperatuse had dropped considerably - isence thse reference te anti-freeze and snow tires. A wînter sport which enjeys an cxtended season is ski. ing, with tise invention of artificiel snow, howcver, you do nced celd weether and cvesyone must agrce tiset skiing and winter are synenymeus. Loekicg back, tise past ski season was by far tise biggest ever et tise Oshaewa Ski Club, breaking ahi existing records. Memisers used tise new club bouse for tise entire scason, start.- ing on Decemüber l9tis and ciosing on April Iltis, e total ef 62, skiing days, Only six days were lest due te adverse weatiser conditions and tbese were ironically due mainly te tee murl- snew, wisici wiscn whîpped ýup by tise wicd, rcduced visi- bility. 'bsec new attendance records werc set, on a Wednesday, Seturdey and a Sundey, Mcmbcrsisip increased by 641, mek.- ing a total et 4,046. With e wisopping five felet naturel snow, impsoved snow-nsakîng and tise new hîlh-groomer, Kirhy bad just about tise best ski conditions eves. Unfortucately, altisougis these vwas plenty ef scow, tise sunsisine wasn't as abundant as in most other yeass, but then you can't have everytiig, Tise pee wee pr'ogramme was larger tisen ever, tise Nanlcy Greene racers bcd four full tecros and tise Blue Bird Ski Scisool gave ever 1200 lessons. i t t t t t1 GENERALS WIN TWICE Oshawa Generels posted weekend vuctorses oves St. Catharines Black Hawks, taking a 9-6 derision on home ire Saturday and winning 7-4 Sucday nîgist in St. Catharines, Along with London's upset 8-4 victory oves Kitchener Rangers and a 6-0 win ever Peterboroughs by tise Ottawa 67's, Gen- erals have increesed their leeguc-leading margin te six points. Niagara Fahls-easned a reme-from-isehind 6-5 derision ili Montreal te hold second spot. Steve West turned linisistop pefomane t!)tisesao et tise Civir Auditorium, scoring two goals acd earcîcg a pair et assists toearn tise gae's top star award. On Sundey Steve set up three goals fer a fine seven 'point weekecd. Tommy Simpson, heid off tise score-siseet in hua fit5t appeasanre atter missing two games, feucd tise range unSt, Kitts, nctting a pair, Peterboroughs plays et tise Civir Auditorium toigit (Wednesday) ai 7:30. No games for tise Generele Ibis week- end. t t; t t t RED EAGLES LOSE TWICE After remnpiling a record et tbree wsns cnd a tic in. their first four games, Bewmanivjllc Red Eagles lest twîce te Sutton, by scores et 5-4 and 8-6 in Junior "C"' weckecd action. Tise Red Eagles play ln, Wbitby tecigbt, wstis tise next home game Sunday et 8:30, wisen Cobourg, wiil play et tise Memorial Ai ena. S1 t t t t t WIN COSSA CROWN 1Bewmanville Higis Scisool Redmen successtuily defended their C.O.S.SA. Senior "A" football championsisip, Seturday atterceon in Campisehîtord, taking tise sudden-deetis titie game 42-15., Once again, Bill Bruot, who is widely recogused a et tise top cearises ln thj's aehed tise tearo un peck torro, with botis tise defensîve and offensivep formtions sariîî plaudits for tise win. Joe Caruace led tise scor ing <stbreek witis tiree touc-h- downs, viths Bruce Simpson colcecticg a pair acd Rick Little adding tise otiser.

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