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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Dec 1971, p. 10

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1 'ElheCaain tasm , Bowmranville, Dec. 1, 1971 "NCale and Andy Inrv~~eU ràntc I mrnnS D urhlam: Agàfric -News Lk Cs ~' The increase in expcnditurel By Bob Watt ~ eln o eolbad e a.~% ~<by the Dcpartment of Educa- tion was likencd to "a cost of A~~~~~~~~~~~~ssistant A rclua ersnaie~~* iig bousnbysFeUx Foxat WeI ýe e odta ieeach person an opportun- ail decorative lightsý - both lisant" busn essadinistoxt We h llna F reci e wrd tha ty learu more of what the inside and outside the house. or of the four county,,Separ- dent in Animal Seience at the Depariment Idoes; also, te sec Let eolered lights bri,,hteu t çoIBad 'University of Guelph, bas the uew facilities and to have your home for a Merry and "Aithough the ceiling was been uamed a winuer of a any areas cf bterest dscussed Safe Christmas. Mjor James Rattray Sehelar- with the personnel available pupil in 1971 te $595 for 1972, shbip malle nvaî1ablè for stu- RESERVE 'CHAMPION HG AKEur. Foxsav e added tliat dent in ihlB Se. (Agr) Pro- ANGUS STEER HGMRE r o ad eaddta graqm majering bu Animal Sel-In the Queen's Guineas Hog 'gradings this year will new ilng suewiIl b r thanim ence anid Horticulture. Th Competition at tUe Royal Wiu- substautil excccd the re- pred ition fol rthenfour -td it re required t e ter 'Fair ou Friday, November cord set bu 1944, tUe Canadia ,oit' situcaut i oaror whtherfour A hîgh acadlemie standing trom îth, Brian Wilson, vbo is a Departmcut .cf Agriculture count board opsitionllw 'th prvies ear Nel i oeme of tUe Durham 4-H says. However, gradings bu member iier o te urame rcbefore". ofth eaer f UeDrbmBeef Club from -Jauetvillc, the 'first baif of 1972 should w e 41--H Bced Cilb, aud bas par- avragetU eto fi'prcn Lritbcd ited inuniug acitieshowed the Reserve Champion aeTher bavepeseni~ îg cf $95pe pul wil b Hee oiiiv ýc Výýil 5Augus Steer. Brian îs certaiuî1 below gradiugs for the samne........ increased by several factors te be -congratulated for tUe ex-cue f ptreo bu 971, bt d.B-frtehor.Too hs s;on (if [Mr. and SMrs.StnAllmncelîcu nyt hatleput forth causehofbtUedpessibofity cf 0f Orono. ur ha tstreuger bog prices ibu1972, DOT ORET attht-7mettiV brccdings early bu tUe year CHICKEN AND EGG 'OENHUS"STL TM FR may net Uc dowu grestly Pr ilpoal rvd TUs ea cmnerone SILAGE CONFERENCE from 1971, the Departuicut - 'rk <'ll',prôlesa coptiinfrpoultr is ritriiideconce It bas been iiidicated te us predficts, escmeiio o olr qgain thiat the utari Depart- that there is stilintime for lin_____ , .» ,~ .*tUe first nine mouths of meut o, If Agr-iultuire atii Food farmers te register for the 19~72 than xvas the case this au-l e il'ii l "Opeu "Silage Systems for the '70s'~// year, a statement from the Houe"attie Duirham nC'ounty Coufereuce te Uc heud at the TYRONEI ,j» ir z '" Canadian Dcpartment of Agri- office, 2134 KgStretESt, Skylbne Hotel bu Torouteou / culture advbses. Demestic Bowjmanville, ou Friayv, Dec- December the 15th and î6th.ý (Inteuded for last week) " "cousumption of 'roiler cbick- embr 3rd frm to to five and Included bu thiîs pregram wili The Sunday Sehool chlîren, en cou]d therefore bucrease in sevearn tctiingfortneWhtbis period. p.ým. Tis Will Uc information ou hotU Forag ar pactsiu fr te Wit ansd Grain Silage for Dairy, Gift aud Candlcligbt Servbce Near balance is expected bu Beef and Swie on Dcc. l2tb. More particulars turkey marketings aud con-I JOH If yen tbink you might Uc later. Our minister, Rev. R, mto y sru.Pie iterested bn attendiug this Hopkins will Uc spcakiug on for hotU broiler sud Ueavv J Coufereuce, please contact our tUe "Apostie Creed" f or a turkeys. should Uc higber by ad-next summer. office and we will Uc very glad veut scasen. te give you a Registratien We wcre pleased te bave , Egg production lis cxpccted For. Te umber attcnding ITUe Explorers bu tUe choir d/i< adMrh 97, hchwl is limited se let us kuow a5 Suuday meruiug te open the adMrh17,wihwl Geira nurne scon as possible. mrigsrieUlsnig'p i ' iîk ely mean a risc iu egg Gi d OUTSIDE LIGHTS "Spirit of the Living God" aud prbecs. There bas been a de- Outsde Chistms Lght an nthm te Wet Idia clne cf 17 per cent in num- FIRE and AUOOIE Otie CrsmsLgtsa uhmteWs nin.ý bers cf egg-type chicks in INSIJEANCE add much te tUe festive seasen, version cf the Lord's Prayer. a but dou't forget that tbey Organiat was Mrs. J. Vaueyk.Itefrtnn otsc 91 Contact.should ne CSA approved for Miss Irene Reycuga of Pics- i BARRY VOERMAN outside' use. Spotlghts, aise, ton speut tUe weekeud xitbiFR AHICM 623-3111 or 623-3950 shoîd e o te wahepoo er pareuts, Mr. sud Mrs. J, oa cs nem n17 3? KING STI. E. typitfpetlectric sliock.lReyeuga. BOWANVLLE Before lcaviug tUe bouse or, Mr. sud Mes. Wray Fala st projected te remain close reirng ortU igtt codwu, Burliugtou; Mbss Deane l cast for this year. Opcratiug Faliadowu, Torouto, \ isitedi expeuses and depreciation _________________________________ Mr. sud Mrs. E. A. Vrtue. Four-year-eld Catharbue Mary Hîggins an)d two-year-eld Audrew Camtpbell charges are expccted to bit Mrs. Edua Wood acceu'pan-i Higgbis, children ef Mc. sud Mrs. Elmer Hbgiusof (Craubreek, B.C. are shown $3.7 billion this year, wîth a bcd Mr. sud Mrls. Ted Wood cfinteaoehooCaeadAdargauclrucfM.VIH gusBde $100,000,000 juccesse n e xt Port Pccry sud were Suný,dayý nteaoe htCt n nyPr fM.M ig ,Big year. Ilnew 95ý)or a uprgctsc r u r Lake, B C., aud Mr.,and Mrs. A. J Campbell. of Maple Grove, Bewmanville.________ busel apait Eloy ibcuOroo.They, are great-graudeilidren cf Mrs E, Barres of Victoria, B.C., and Mr. Bd- mxn rkMca. Gordcon VanCampof wadHggins of LoneButte, B.C. Photo by Aster Studio CORN BLIGHT WARNING Bowmnvile; Ms. Ian Se- iEaster'n Ontario cern could new21 . E peu, rs E AdrwscfTrcaaurcr'a bond $40,00; Greer, Uc bit by au epidemie of Scsrboough;Mr.lsd Mrs Galloway & Assoc., super- southecu coru leaf blîgbt in *nmii b '4 Fre Fegusu, nikCl-unve s in fc..I Ivision, Sandweod Estate $183.- 1972, according te 'scientists m i mixing tank were gtîests last week cf Mr. M a I4;BllCndJaev] tteCuaaArcutr t ,,, p* fier asd Mrls. R. Gibbs.43BelCndJntil theaaaAgcuur - enew high tensile Mr, sud Mrs. Bil Hender- Terglicuclmc eeac st cgatF.A. $56.96; Bell Canada, BetU- îawa eecbSain U TIi!ýcourcil eet-A seel,;iit: is n begran- Iany - Pontypool - Twp ..$79.40! aRearhStin Te strength steel frame sbtead hc arents BoMr. 'îu, ig ifor November cf Manvers cd to Leslie L. sud Margare tarlo Hd eBthauy-Pou- dsesewas severe enough inI suie erprnsM.ad Councîl was heid ou Nov. Fester te scîl a .300' trip cf typo-w. $7; OtrotU1einb 91t es *new mixîng auger Mr.-oU ey 9d witU ail mernbers pres- baud that, waa retaiued frern any - Poutypool Twp. $7940; couceru te gcowers, sud a re- transmission runs Mr. sud Mrs. Jim Weodley eut, cxcept Counicllor Mc- la previous sale a number cf Wilsou Tire & Battcry, Jan- cent survey cf seven Eastern! visited her aunt, Mca. G. D. Gi. TUe Reeve, H arvey ycars ago aud being about etvil]e F.A. $56.25., Ontario counties sbowed thel in oul Liudsay, Toronto. Malcoirn, pcesided. ý2000 fee(t in leugth, te Klaus Temeigwsajuu îcs n4 e etc U * new sif-consoneder. Harhd Gaiu fDa-The minutes cf tUe ýOctober ScUhwariîf. d teDecember l4th, 1971 Ifield5 exarned. ____ i NI~I4 su Setlemnt, s speudî a 5 tU meeting were repiad dit asmoe that a sev- hydauic divefew dsys witb bis siste, ;nMr. approvcd. er uce c ranited te Bert and1 I Mr. sudors. J, Cea. ok TUe fcloiwng cmmnia-Porter te cdF('l tU utherly 14 ~V i* OHL vil adMrs. George AJ.reC. Co I ~I*I~I~J speut tUe weekeud wth ber tiens werc rccivedsudreadq, acresmoreor les ofpart o 'Il! Td Mc-K.,B. Ranre culv e,"cv- tUeWJ.H.Lot 7,Cou. 5, Twp. of brother, Mr. sud Mrs. vîsited cral euseforn veaceMner.TUolh rnto Bride, Brampton; als is d rcqucst foir extra steetlghts lane biug soidt tebe. bu hue hhc er siater Dr. sud Mrs. Harold on South teeN. & , Mn tenot limit cf 0tUe Dett- he newy Price cf Calgary befere they vers pretg flaiiymnpoet rmdaeyt '7hllleave te apeud tUe winter bu fer, 19 72 aes .42 Alex t wet per ümance, Florida. Carrutbers, M.'IP.P., re Hiale Pery ega asgrubed a 10w powve rl M.sd c.R lb at- Dump; OntariclGo Roads severaniice to scîl a lot te his là Ir ~teuded tUe 40tb weddiung ceic- re,1972 Convention; Greer & son Jamcs -Beggs, 125 feet of raticu cf Mr. sud Mrs. Bruce Galleway ree Jauctvillc Sub- fetg x 198S feet cf deptb, J J 1 Montgomery, Hampton. Con- divbsion, HealtU Unit month- lce iibredîateiy east cf f ~gratulaticus Bruce and Elva ly report, D.H.O. c re di foc tUe e (ld Drumn Scbool, in Lot luiJfrom Tyrcue frienda. Day light cornrs, DIpt of G. Cou.?3, Tolnship of Man- Mca. Ciff Hsrpec, Mca. Herb Municipal. Affaira re Wbnter verls. Payue sud fambly, Seagrave, Wock Pro] ects, Greer & Gal- TUe treet lightiug arcs is were Satunday dinner gucats loway re ex.ýtra charge for te Uc exteuded ou South of Mr. sud Mrs. Bill Roy sud rernuviug tcernent footing ut Street, te take in the built-up Debbie. bridg tJntileeatb-aswith a minimum of two Mr. sud Mrs. George Wand, stalmieut cf tUe per capita street lights. b l iPeterhorough, lwere Suuday gr n l 1te arnount of TUe draft plan of the euh- gueits of Mr. aud Mca, R. $6,576.46, sud several ac- division in Janetviile was It wusmovedappreved as te site location The Tyrcue'.4-H entectaiued c.utws oedthia abuihd- fpr ado rc lnt 1' . - 0f)parkeland ouadntsrimdplan soecfteUC'aie u îgprmtU bseat m nsd Phase No. 1 accus as ont J ~ iiiii"' mothers st a dessert coffce s7 uLo ,Cu 'r?, Vil- liied on draft ýplan witU 5 party in ýtUe'Sunday a, chool luge cf Jauetvbl;11e, sale Han- lots was appcoved for deVE- rccmSuudy eeuin te dc-ns te Rayan on cýondition tbat ut brae te cmpltic <i tUasCovenant be bnserted bui pm brpe te cmplfin of tUte Hanua onveyauce te Aunacceunt frem W. E. Il Unit, "TUe-JDainry Farel'.Rayan tbat tUI(e Township cf Shuce foc repaira to bis fence Wîiuers.at.tUeeculchre party Mauvers niotot be bhd ce- fcom .suow darnage during the Gets iîn tu your sys,ýtem Fcudiay eveiug wece Mca. spouýbhle for, keeping lune îwbnter cf 1970-7.1 was turu- Mytle Mauins, Mca. Nellie open bu wiutctei gain accesa cd over to the Township cf -Clark, Mr. Gary Munre, Mc. te, the land oig ovydMauvers Insurers. o l s o Stan Mauins, Mc. Norman BirL- and this condition te bc iud- TUe Road Superinteudeut kett, Mca. Esci Prescott. TUe iug ou tbe beirs, executors, wss iustructed ,te, place semee r ~~~~~~~50-50 dcsw Mca. Mytle Manus. adminltraters sud assigue in grave1 ou a divertcd coud b aaa iknheîCndin e paàrRerilFra rm service Lia, Mc. sud Mca. J. E. Griffun, perpuity. A draft copy of Lots 21 sud 22 bu the l4thCa dawrsheCn l t HW.N.2- NWATE Oshawa: Mca. S. E. Bradley, thîs covenant te Ubc suUmitted Concession of the Township iînvolIved bog eth e r, So t hle Fede ral Goveprn1 Callander; Mc. sud Mca. AIf- te tUe Township cf Manvers cf Mne PHONE 987-4413 ce Grace, Bowmsuviile, were for, approvat 'befoce tUe clos- TUe Reeve IudCîcrk were ment is putting 498 million dollars-,bu work, ___________________________ allers cf Mc'. sud Mca. W. iug cf tUe sale sud cop)y te authorized to aîiu a couvcy- jhasrisofsecfcprgamt Rahm. Uc~~b kept on file, suce frem the Township 0of bruhasre1fspcfcpormt Mauvers te the Minister of tUe help creabe jobs for Canadians. The Council will have to IDSR take tUe matter inte cousid- IDSR eration as it would entaîl a A program of lax credits or direct pay- special ievy on tUe tax 'bll ments ta employers encourages, bhem ta add fer 1972. TUe following accounts woce trainees ta their staffs through the Tra'ining- appcoved foc paymeutt: Wl- on-the-Job Program. son & Wilson, ad. ceAsi s nient Appeals $ 13.44; Peter- CANADA WORKS WITH MUNICIPALITIES Urongh -Victoria - Durbani, etc., part of 1971 Separate The Local Initiatives Program will help ' School Levy $68.75; Harvey municipalities create additional jobs through IRM alc o, pcbgbc 1;worthwhiîe communîty prajects. Provincial R. Dvbdoupickiug jurera $10; E. Larnb, postage $10;, governments will wark with municipalities ta Road Voucher No. 11, couad ac- coun $2,12.17;Outcieuse this program ta support and spur Hydro, Township Haill$2?5,8; community projects. Bel ~a aua Blewctt Printb'ng, supple $1764; Jack KqircPnyl. CANADA WORKS WIT'H THE PROVINCES duo$25M0; John ves durmp coutro] $89,10; James Theres a Federal Provincial Employ- Pnblishiug C, Asssrmnt ment Loans Program designed ta create jobs Imm umix 'Rvv Of Living 'I are compensatory, education grades have to have bigb- and tcacher qualifications qualifications. whîich will raise the ceiling 'This is a factor ln our, faýV to $597.38. ýor because it gives us a hsgh.- There will beý another in- er -oercentagc of teachers with crease of $3,06 to reducc the university degrees than otýh- amount the board overspent er elementary systems," lis.- in 1970. In that ycar. the said., board was $7.64 over the ex- Howcvcr Trustee Gei'ry! penditure ceiling which work- O'Toole pointed out thaît cd out to 1.54%. these two grades on.ly, receive In 1971 the board was ai- thc clementary school grailt i lowcd to increase their ex- anId flot a grarit on the $1.100, penditure ceiling by two- per pupil approval pub'lier thirds of this percentage to sccondary sehools _reccivec. reduce the overspending, and this ycar was allowed to in- crease expenditures by one-ý N E In 1973 no school board will be allowcd to spend moreý CHFeA !ÀiN sAw than expenditure c e i 1 i n g. which has been set at $630, Sales & Service per elemcntary pupil. The actual expenditure ceii- ing in 1972 will be $600)44 plus a French language grant wh i ch will increase the amount ýsiightly. This grant is based on the ration of il crcascd enroilment to, total COMPLETE LINE 0Y enroilment and cannot be SAWS AND PARTS workcd out until aftcr Sept. 30th, 1972, Mc. Fox said. ON HAND Supexintendent F ra sc rý AT ALL TIMES 'Hogle said the board receives, a weighting factor for teacher fC0IK qualifications becau se, ali though the board is classed H- ardware as an elcmentary school sys- tcm, it includes Grades ninei Phone 986-4971 and 10 under its jurisdictioii Blackstock and teachers in thcsc- two_______________ BOWMANVILLE CUSTOMERS CALL COLLECT Ask Operator for 668-3341 or Dial 1-668-3341, DXFEL OIL CALL US TO-DAY FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE by financing additional calpital worksý, pro,- ject5 thraughout Canada. We'll be speeding u p the program of the Central Mo tgage and Ha)using Corporation ta get more homes, student hausing, and sewage treatment prajects under way. Loans will also beý made ta exhibition commissions, boards and associations ta get people working on multi-purpose fair and trade buildings, CANADA WORKS WITH FEDERAL PROJECTS There will be more job opportunities in expLanided maintenance and impravement ac.tivîbies on Federal buildings; transportation facilitiýes; forest anid park projects; and many othes. WHERE IT ALL WORKS TOGETHER lt starts. at your Canada ýýManpower Cnr.For avie nd ssstnc on any of the pý'rogrms you td Pply (Jýtayu or your commnîy, contact your l)cal C1-anada M1anpower Centre. They'l'l be h appy ta help ihen inadïans get învalved together, CANADA WORKS., Manpow.r I and Immigration Pai!n-d'oeuvre et Immigration Otto Lanig, Mriter - Ottoi Lang, Ministre

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