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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Dec 1971, p. 13

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Recenl'ly Celebraled Firsi. Birthday Wed 40 Years Oveî 1 0 fnnds and rela- tr scalled tlo express good ,ihe nd congratulai;tions to MVI iand Mrs Bruce Mont- go.iery Hampton, on the oc- ao ofheir 40th wedding nivrsary Many îovely Ç' if re('received by the bono1rprdpair. c4sts wure present fromn Mýfount Forest, Ferguis, Co-fn., p,,tcîroouh, Brooklini Osha- ,,a, Bowmanvmilleu, Blackstock, ,Enniski11en and Solinia. Pnouring 2ýtea were Mrs. Gr trude Fcerguson, Mrs.-ý Dorothy Montgmerv.Mrs.Clarence 4" Vieand Ms.Everett Cry\d-r era.Receiving aýt the door were irdaughlter and son-i-lwjean and Bruce T'Pay 1rn Th- guest book wa1s in charge porf their grand- duhrsand their grandsons took care or the guests' coatS. SOLINÀ (Intndedfor ast eek) Mr. adM.Geo. 1Knox and ./% fam-niy\. M.RyGil,' Mrind 11s o G Vaeniwere Sundcay supper %:%,< guesti with _Mr. and Mrs. Wesi Yellowletes. W ~ "~ z" Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lang- A'<"'y:3 ; " rnaid were Sunday dinner'A¾ "'« ' v' guests wth Mr. and Mrs. Roy «" , "'i< ,. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mont- gýomery, Forest, were caller ,,M"" 'é!'ijY<. at ýMn, and Mns. Joe Snow- - ~ ~ ",'" I~ . e, M]\tn. HarveyYelîoîes zl>' "".' 01P<~h ~<." Ei(na and Janice and Mns.' Wat e r Short, Courtice, at- tenpdii r 'he presentation of A the cWorld Tr-ophiesý in Field Crops at the Royal Witer F'air on Wednesd(ay. Mr. and Mvrs. Bih Cook, Scarborough, Mrs. Edith Mit- chiell, Mr.' and Mns. Ron ~Broome and Kelly, Bowm,,an- l2vilwere Sundayr visitors 'with Mr. and Mne. Frank Winsomne Little Jennifer Margaret Clarke, shown in the above photo, daugh- j ÏVWestlake and fally. ter of Mr. and Mrs, Donald Clarke of Bowmanville, celebrated ber first birthdav Mr. and Mns. Ernest Hocka- on Octoben lth. She is the granddaughter of Mn. and Mrs. Robert Clarke of -day visted on Sunday withliBowmanville and Mr. R. G. Sanders of Port Hopce. Jennifer Margaret's great- and -Mrs. Ivan Eflicoitt, Pter:bor-ough. ' gran dparents are Mr. and Mrs. JamesElliott, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Sanders, ail of 1,'IM, and Mrs. Wes H1ilhiq and Port H1ope, Mrs, .%Mary Clarke and Mrs. Mamie Martin, both of Sydn 1ey, Nova' ~ aiywere Sutnday guesti of Scoti a. Photo by, Astor Studio ~.Mrs. Perey Werry and famlly, elrnon., M.aid Mrs. John Knox nd fmily attended a family Ivns owr Mlolm, ru-n R e f ham, hFonurinMlcohe r oti TYKE LEAGUE 'Brooke Bain and Ron King one goal and Robert Massey' irha.In the first encounter o- had one assist each. one while Kerry Noble and' Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fochuk Tuesday, Nov. 2nd, the Royals PEWE EAU en ,El didg n assist each. àn aePuslInch, were Ahutout the Indians by a 14Inl the flrst game of MnaTePRS ol eesoe 'Sundray vîsitors with Mr. and score. The Royals' goals Wt~C No. it 9te"ing dfetel Gray and Romnagewhe NIr. Ros Kossatz and family. scored by Randy Lake W th he 'Leafs by a 4-2 scoe, Thelf sssts went to Cadot, Craf'Lts,ý Mr. anuTalconVenatond two goals and one assist whlilelKns goals wresored by Bonar and Neal. ing the Terry ~Witheispoon 'had two1Dale Cary, Rory Erwin, Jamcs Intescdgaeoth hfe Ontario Federation of goals, !Matthews onie glu and1 ne day the Canu_,cks dlefeateid the a1.griculture at the Connaught In the second game of theasitch aes Murphy one Braves by ai 4-0 score. The l Hôtel in Hamilton. nighit the Cardinals defleated goal, lihile Ade av Canucks' goals wr scored i), Quite a numben of friends the teesb - score. James WryadJmm a-RnSmsth Wiliam Preeceý andir neighbors of Mn, and Mns. Theii Cardinials were led by iker one assist eac-h. Thie Leafsq' adJeHueikals ,ruice Montgomery attended'Brenton ThompîlDos wlth four ,goals were coedby an ilimRi.Asit et their 4th wedding celebra-goals, MÈ-ihael -Jo(zko(ski w Denuis asd îRusseilGenhi ou rggCryMsr tjios at Hampton lHall on Sf gas uBa~leieils 't'~hl lviZîkn ad ' h ia aeof the d vrday nîght. Congratuilations!goals, Billy SiinSbury -osle gaMr Ms a eac had oine the Cornetis edge th !-eueneral foîi. hie Rob JohýnFon h ad o1) ssist 'bya 21~crThe C rmets'~ Mn. and Mrs. 1,;awren ce assist. The Steele is' _go a w 11, lahe second game of Mngaswr scei-i by Pau11 PoItter and Melissa, Ohwsoe by, Dana Peeble. dyNo. ist the RangersanCIiyon ga fadone as- visýited wth ,Mn. and Mrs.' In the finit gamie of Th"llIs- Ha ltatled to a 2-2 tiî.sis, Dle Cowle ose goal Ale Pttt.day, Nov. 4th. the Guif AU- îThe pangens' goals wene scor- -hile Dale Csetrhaýd one, Mr.Chas, Downey and ecn eetdteBmeied by JToey Nowlan while assiFt TeGeeal'goals Mnr. AIba Crydeirman, Bw-,by a-2-O score. Thie Amenias' Darryl W Milliauis and Paul Fice we-re scored by, Lary Brunt mavil,vwre Frîday auppFn goals were scoiredby Rany Ic icked un one asîlît. The1assîsted by CEîjiDavi-sos su1dý gu~swith 1Miss Peani Lch. iýHenning asid Robert Wordes Hawk? goa il s %,,cere scored by Paul Sheehas. Mx.andMn.I~o TalorIn the second conteit the'l John mt and Chris Mar- '< ndfamlyattendied th 7]'h4.thBades defeated the Hrescatwilie Bradley James, wedngceertionri M. yan8i cre heB a sd Ben Kobes pîcked up one E FIL ancrsii'A. F. Abernethy, wn edb'ar bot ihassilt each. MRifllla, fin Fiday. fivegls d oneMark îlî(-tt, D. F The finit game playeýd on hMn. and n . Cordoun u- ~/ln. andMn. Doug Fi etj goals and Hugo itDF Fiday, Nov. 5th, the CaPna- mis. apo, iic tM ànd Linda were Sunday SUP- Kappes ose goal. The Hots 'dans defeated' the Fai llodS hs -pet gueits wîth Mns. Thos. goal was scored by Barry Vniety teamn by a 3-1 score.ý Flett, Columbus, Cullen. ThuedCasadius' goaýs were T, S C rnaSamiis, I.o Miss Pearl Leach visited on 'crdb en agson s M.AietSa',,.o Sunday ýwith Mn. and Mn. ATM EAU with three, while Ste(ven Wj.aerloo, were vstrswt ii soîl Robbins, Bowman- ulI the finit contest of Sat- Greengrassd one Tasîlît.1Te Mr and M. FreSamus. iiilie. u~~rday, Nov. 6th, the Rami (le- Frankis Variety goal was so- M.sdM.Lsi ob -feated the Bisons by a 3-2 ed by Pautl lsore1aîitedrae, Mns. Russell Cochiraneý count. The Rami' goals wete by Howie Stsckarý,)uk. were guesti at the Cochranie- sconed by Neil Osborne with In the seco( in ýc game r Kindaîl weddisg in -Northi-î I ~~~two, and Leonard Hone one, Wings and Beavenrs b ttld nîeChrPenbruh Peter Theriault had onle asiit. a 6-6 draw. Theý Wings' goals iss Elaine Davey ws The Maianua Bisons' goals wee scored by Jimm M mweknd gueit wjth M ii ~vE~~~tPIM8! ~j~y were sconed by Glenn Austingulre with fou;r goals' whil eahr ilinSoia and Jay Beatty while Martinuýidsey VasAh,'bema and Todd M ,.ind Mn. GonldnT- r, Gruyters had one asisit. IMahosey had one each. As,-isislor asd f mily vsted M\ýn, sd' ~ffP~S e In ' the second conteit the went o Steohen.Irvine an n ster Bridgett, Bw __________________ Clippers defeated the Tigers Sidney Tomlinson. The Beav- avle by a 4-1 score. The Clippers', ens'1 goals were îconed hîMrs. A. Ibompion,Hyon goals wene îcored by Arthur Barry Livingstone two BobMn. Lod Thonipson suid Bons With t vo, Jef Sallov,s,Koezulab two, Mîke BobkoliiTerrYToonuvisited at Mn. * nd Bob Turner ose Lgoal eschlaodRicky Bain one goal each. 'Gordon Taylor's. savingi plan. AIl you have to do kies edged the -Indians by a'sew b_ ouse bas almoît spnung is regis ter your annuity or pernma- I close 2-1 icone. The Huskies' up. 1V hs boarded, la and the nentlif inuracelan beb 'goals were icored by Mark shingles os alresdy.> 29. ife yourad la now h, l Chisholm uuassisted while tlhe Mn. sud Mns. Gordon Ruth, ruary 2.Ifyudl-et nwh, ilundians' goal was scored by Ida, had tes with Mn. and cal ime. l'in even more anxious Vo save Neai Pingle assisted by Jim Mn . L. Muldrew, Susday. Yeu tax money than the tax man is- Sarginson and Jim Semrplon- Mrs. B. MacIntosh and Mns. jus. H. Muldrew wene up Vo se 7f5w 'I Agent name in the third Bastamn gane Mr. sud Mn . R. Averys1 e addr s ýI oals' were îcored hy Glenn girl Andrea May, this paît ond rone Martinwith two, Joey Burns week, Mns. Muldrew's new ose, George Bowen ose goal grssddaughter. snd ose aîîist, Joe Kilpatrick Mr. sud Mns. R. 'Westheuser ose goal. The Fîvens' goals sud litle Alhison, Starkville,, wer sore b Jon essl-were with Mn. and Mns. H. lus two goals and ose assist Thicksos, Sundsy. 0F ad KvinSevns wo sîltsMns. J. Dekoker bnought OFGJb nd\NADSvrnAo issMn. Thîekson home froin CTomn Fountain one asist. TononVo os Thursday and then A N N RMIDGET LEAGUE homre, Saturday. tNov.the finit Midget gaine of Mn. sund Mns, ,. Muldrew Photte 623-3258 edthe P.R.S. by a 3-2 count. of day lait week. a- Th t RoVq1lý' goals wene Mou f the iki-douens t 12 UES ~ - BOWMANVILLE scord by Jury liIils. o)n(,oa>,l euiiddIlhedance at Peter- -Ilaridtwo aBt Gary MillonborQugh o)n Saturday nighit, heCanadian Statesiman, Ilowimanville, fle. i. 1, 7! '1 for A fuily atnaicwtrheater that will et i ral bot Vwater n Iece Two, element operation, itdeement cuti in for fait recovery, 2nd element takes over 'o0keP water bt and ready for use. 230-volt, 60 cycle A.C. iEasy-cIean wh'itepine finish. BEA-VER TAKLE HME SPECIAL, ONLY Attactvel sIIedcabnet nly a i to alesomr nui woodgrain type finish. Water whýeel action puts moisture in the air quickly aild efficiently. 5.8 gel1. capacity, SPECIAL ONLY SOFTIREUMIDIFIER Gilbarco, softaire operates with your heatinýg N r system to give 'our home the correct ros~Eeti iebc ture content, Mounts on ductwork, connectai. to water supply, Complete witli automatie etlydsge it nef ienu100wat hatng ysem humdutat . Plugi into any homie Outiet. EuhP wire mesh chanrain . SPECIAL ONLY ONLY .95 BEAVER WORKBENCF4 Exclusive with Beaver, a workbench that will fiti any hobbyists nieedi. Handyman, gardener, etc. Assembles in mintes. ONLY >Phone 6338 Store Hours: Mon. to Wed., 8:30 'ii 6 Thuni,, Fnl,1 8:30.1tii9 Sat, 8:30 'tii 5 Micafil Insulatîon Micafil ipreadi easily antd fuis bard to get at mras. Bagi are ligbt- weight for easy hanti- ling. 3 cu. ft. bag ONLY RACK & ROL GARBAGE HOLDER Installs under kitchen sink, Use one plastic hag and another i5 ready ton use. Raýck pluis free roll o f 20 ba a N L 095 PING POING TABLES PREFINISHED TOP REGULATION SIZE 5 ft. x 9 ft. Ready to assemble No tools reqiuireti Warp free, wvaterproof. Complete top, andi base. BEAVE Arc-a Couple MM 1--4,49

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