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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Dec 1971, p. 15

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Darlington Night at Durham (CIub trrsrpr.ws ~ uu esting Place I THaveVitd, ~~* ~~ whîch was very well aOwr-Ik"1IeI> VU ý d.The Unitced Couýnties BF-oardi flA lçWIUILawirence Malicolm rte- of Elucationasn o F rrvviauui ed that, ah. md heiýr hul-1 final apovlfrom heDe bbn all attended the ar-pat on f Eclucatioï,!ta. by Aleen ÀAked f Da.rling.tax ouncl:Mr. and agRo, after 'an electioni, tht vat- shop at Orono United £ 'ur:ch u'ndertake addlitions to dth Th wtmitynihtMrs. Garnet _Riekard,. Mr, anders woulldn't be speaking ta whý.ci hthey found bath inte-1library at Cauirtice Sercind-_ Ed 2ç win no way da O!Mrs, Tom, Baker, Mr. and Mrs, each lotlier for weeks. The esting and informnative. ary Sehoal Oc.2nii ovýYLaý-Bruce Tik, r. Graham iDal- night bfoethe recent ee-Ms rod lasrpr-The côst of thçtprojecit basi cined "arlirgtan Ngtle laýsMr. -Walter Rutndie. eeetinwI7alii p quiite -amyi- daeceltsparanbeneimtdaS1,63 +_ný l efng-f t Fq mPwntldeting: gtnabyonteblstgehr.Rthdai xclen seasond 3 'etiaed t 1136 heldi byTrno uhmDw o alnta byo h u oehr e oir at tht ithFestival This fiur, les54,663 recav-1 b~ny Clb.or ont,;Drs, the was a boroulgh wthna region; sponrsible goerinment has pro- Novembller 14 at tht o'nel rdfo SaeTxexn- rherf, it utnofbeingin touch W * ih1lcalduced good governmrrent downL eitOsaaps, e,ans the boardi will dr-' ~heeru1 atumncolone ocondýitions it wavsLthe caun -lthrough.th, years w-ith man2 a etre$i900 *E Educaitio)n centre, Caleýge il's duty ta tturn back in-1millionaires 1fram Dain)gton. Tht et tsocial tvenirlg wlll 1Tht m-aXimum llcaio ~tet ere ardate aror.mation 1.anid at tht samne Best kpawn is Col. Samn Mc- be Navemiber 20 in tht Sul'ii forinaria Education Capitali 'wam elam a th mm- mantin her wnLaghin who recentlY cl-da cao om ihM ,Ai Corporation Deberiture bers, with Mr. and Mrt.hG. Jime 9 greeteM, a d rda- dGnttybrated bis lOth birthday, iGeorge Bawers 'group iiiwas set at 519,900 SPicer receivin1Zgrpetod Depuity Reeve ý,Garnet iRick-1 Mn Rickard lconic1udedA 1ch arge. Gnrlcotatrnfor tht teivslip1 BoDriigo niel xrîsbv enpo %xes for shut-ins will be job is HR. UM. BrookýsCnsu- aond fiens fom rd si. sseuet ' our xunes ha ben pPcked as usual8. Contecnts ta titon of Oshaw,%a. Ite bid ai ILunps a plesn t e-Daningtoa Tojwaship" bec amnelimproved and elevated 1 -e brought tatht next tmeet- 517,3ý70 was the lawest tend1- Itrmnicne of a Darlingtan,1 people, but sonmethiri asg îg, Decemnber 14. er operef D by tht Boardf. Pote> alb hvack s Hilda W3i o ahwtt n neti-been bat. :Have we bat tht eiMrs. Lawrence Malcoiro annd Aihttfesre$,3, ýptr a leagthy abse tnce thing. Agriculture industry was peapît - wt .00langer netd Mrs. BHlarad ere appointed n otc qimn ugt a fracturtd bi and ta -ear ost important, piroducci u tihas aewt1ttatt d aîg amte cdPt $1 l 760 her Fllriwship report. Noted maýny chamnpions in sheep iand tht roct- Itasemws t et t dy întoigcowas ten witbreget erethtdeaha air catle~me li i taaîght that tht Durhamn by Ms. R. GWi. cso, tonSO IN êf selveral i, bes:Mr3. ners werf el knawn; in te.County Clu, ana sm Tt o GrdnWrr1Y in Auiguait, who appl e inidustry - Wilfrid Carl- o heethns we ave b stU haw m"The god aur supptortMéarjKo etr vas treasurr foi.r mn1y yers;ersýreenlyth cam AldLaSy hns e was sung wSt ,horeaîy dts.l gondome cas I-t)gt Universitywa om fth TrsJmeL.ughes lai Oc- pion tobacco grower was rmMr9rc Maddien at the.ral ;'F wtlimfr tobe, hoarar memeroad'Da rliagtIoai. Winter wh eat 1- can help tenagrbfore thiey ekn ihM.adM w~owofau frs pesdet atsý tht work and name o piao. gt into trouble. It aIs sut Ga.Kax ;nd f amily »r. 1 Jae , Hughtes; D r. the late Agr. Rep. E. A. Sm Thaniks werepreC-ssed by h a;ae osieal M.adMrTmBae n Chant Brertan, ora ~merswith bis assistant VMissilMrs. R. J. Spicer foiore-pro maey.Kthywreaudyngt 3etban'y, for 54 yeaR's a farr niAber Morton stili huves on. g-ram thatl, long be r-Ti part of tht e etigspprgctswt M- pyilnin 1tht oakwaod Tht disappearance of ttmmte.Dthicîous refres-t phBn- Mh JmsSmlsAnfîlyn(î ~ltnct afrtn t tre gn-lite rd chool bouse, evtry menits w~eservedbyMrsOAsdhawiat mations of ptint, htirre- chiîd gets ta aschool ai-d is W. D. Eîiaitt aci tht ladies dcin saa r1aceable famnilY dctainr. Thtecaridhomne - faormerly they of Graup 1 assisted b y tht ne- Mrs. George Till and Mrs. M,-. anjd Mrsý. Chas.La- Eluddea death snce o Mr. got thematîeves ta achool, they freshment, coacu-ene-r Ms.LNorman Mains assisted the has-imaid, Mr, and Mrs. Wea Yel- Vrank -Pascop wa-s deeplyne- w1- -omrlriane ea.Te eeal -ommnt tess with a deliciaus lunch and lwesai Mr. and MIrs,. Jol grttd s M. and Mrs. -Pascoe by local debeatures, governed was "I saw miore people t- Mrs. Holland, an bebalf of tht Snjýoden ttenlded t1ht Lnil asguas fDr adM s hy trustees, now gaverameat night that I1a atseen for tgr o etende th hanka ta mai-Bonks union a t San ~. icinaa atede tisadmtinistration; ila tht old years". It was a granrd ne- tth t yth U l al nSt r ight. meeting. Symnpathy l, is pt chool records repetition of union! Reeve Dowfl said thiey change of tht program aad thte Mrs. W. A. Ormistan, Brook-1 for Mrs. Pascoc and 7Miss Ada family names appears -eeycudhvefle w ue lunch committet. lniasedigafwdy Pactadterfmle. pupil nelated except one la îastead af ont! DoP ( corne! Sunday Services wth M~r. and Mrs. Brurce DalntaNigbýlt w,ý tht is clasa, Churches gone from againi, hing twn h usesanad lIn the Preabyterian ChurhTik r-e,crludd in June on itht an udy-__n 91.Mliýe nul bus tri p by thtergrm Mitchell based is remnka i- erman re atrpRIl.day eVea1- convenes, Mises H. aker L~ T * E~ ~ LUfrom Daniel, Chapter four 1119 suPpruetwthM. ando A.» t.Th uhmC. *N E I h5E LwenD0neNinerpnetedNeib- and Mnse. Johin Legee-r, Oshawa. Clbbsbeen has:ý,t(ta each' SmCwePoi-Caay n ogauchadnezzar's dreamn, thf_ýt Mn, and MrsBarcolig ýn1m-hi. y1o n [ir pfý o ýMrp. SmCw L rvn arlrâd1inday, Kn' igo Ml albl wa)ý1e tobîp, wog2mH la tura pt oLl B oa rd Dinectan of tht were Sundlay 7visiton's wh KînGod'kiagdam wold lbut John nGîta, oowmnto, thtprgra I isdobtfl ederated Wome's Institutes Mrs, JuanMrroutt wfGd' lndo il b ue- iskHelen akestr, vlTorono who entrtaýins whom asi mather, ý -Mr-lasing, Mrs5. Visser and Mr.. una istr wt n euryn sea a nt ao fOntlaria, ttendtd the an- John Prautt anid >Sutsan, Osb- Scott sang ,"You May Knomw ard Mrs. Tom Balker and, tht, met:, A some-what iafrm- nal mieeting of tht Board, awa, calleci on hî nither, Jesus but You Must Blet.faly ail fa1l a-ai rslt l eld la tht Kng Edward Mrs, Prautt and also visited lMrthp United ChurcbÇ-Bey. whc îlse t noyte-Shera,ýtan Hotel, Toronto, fram hîs brother and Isiheter la-bmw, . er mia andLisa, Zian; Mr, ;apd ;eut. aanadobt Novembenhr 22-26, inclusive, AtiMn. and Mrs. Don Pnoutt. VctoiPasos cose Tht Eaold Pascot witb -Mn r, thi aIl PovncalFte-a Gospel Drama" as tht subject ad Mrs. EueetCrdra There1- wha T1(Jeiteting tp ii hefor bis, message. Mrs. Lawrentce on Suriday-. dîd~~~~ th netîîgm s.;lypertsîdn o Urw as eected lathttMn. -and MrS. Brce Hashp Malcolm and ber duhe as rsR.MreyMnRoaeîonoMs.HryNbttretunned Friday reveîng from Mmisa, alMloî fvrdTht oppirr or ýMetcmîf and M. oug Dewýell of Ottawav, replacing Mrs.atwwek'bsFodaou ',eldtheialmelmting at 'u lrdtorwith a duet "Tht Lixbt of tfihinbuins t ~ p e d t h t p r g r a a d e - A u s i n Z o t l e r o f N e w Ha m - pa n s o e d b y Dem ,e rel W o n î d . " i t w a d i ed t a c o m i l e af c eîV ed ea1dehîghted udi nce burg. sag seay.N i t' t a e W r d "[h , la l r ci g l i h ) resporsel Wth n.Dewell Mn, a-d Mna. Victor Johana- Dnn h orttgopbook ntht hbiiatorni, ofSlina. t1tht iaýno, r.Markley sen, Vicki and Launifo siiteD ' hpuer thengs, isae 'y. ONryThey hope people wfisupr fîr5at sang san'gs br mother aiss'auga, viited for h ekSEuiLu. tei fot tnnilya %eschaslA Ao.d y end witb Mn. and Mrs, Neil Wnl, ushaa Cprs Fat" And "MY Hert is 11. n11Lee, Debbie and David. Ganden, Mainelaad, Key Mthey are hav1 pigtPa cll ard ar Vîenna". RosaM tafa aWest, thteothnmotpointMnE.BugtimaeaoFidyngtathhl. ton bat and canle arctrMn, and Mns. George Bow- in th, USA. Going by way of business trip fta Port rerry Mn'. and MNIs, J. WN. Dyer, ratured bis auidicft-eVith ens wene Fliday suppen guests Detroit they passedi through ncenly.Mn.andMrs. E. HI. PeevrcfP "OVhrRaaMadly, fM.aaýd Mrs. Earl Wright the States of Ohia, Kentucky, evral ftonmths itrtOhamweSuayust -tErinr te and "Dan ld and Stanley of Pontypool and Tennese, Geongaan F-ejodthtakaipcus of Mrs.ý Dorathy Pso a Dronegal". Spotini Miss zrene attended tht tuchre at Bally- rida. RetuLriiiing t pa;ssed aýhown la Enrnisakilen Uited amly SBrmýgg in ttauincMnpui.tbrougb iGeorgîný, South iCaýrna- hiunch obowec by a de- Mn. and, rs. rnr ng Mjetcmîf -tcpppr1 Ibis me, sedYM.ad Mrs. Fred Dayes lina, Noth Caroina, Virgini, lcasluc pnordb we onweeSna ifMis raghad a sistr and l mn.ad? s ereBW-bypse aata ay U,C.W. membens. visýitons with Men. and Ms w$'tb a lovely Îvaîce bn esaddttOhweinIaPayaiandNew iMn. and Mrs. C. Cooperf Ernest Hockaaýy. àasa itie boy - -1t Lwals bernauesaof ftheir siter and!Yonkan rose nt ndaOa0ino, spent Friday witlh Marndayv isitns w ith Mr, frflece ta pruaedhm rtbn-nlaMn. and Mrs. at pufloMsW. Brya. adMs retHca teýklp stuy usi, n ( uesack Adaman, Bowmanullle. ,This was a deligbtfifl long- vMn. Rof ap rae, ni- wrt rs. ennt ai nMs folewe, h Ms. erkcy ndSunday vstoswîth Mn. El' ta - be -ntebrdvciovniyafWt]opnthtJesBlmnM. any M . ecaf,"rooked Peny kend nnwith Mn, A. Grate, MDnlNeaa mi <wtt bwbee)" ami "f Pased ýàMaiswreM.md n.Janwt pretwetr littEfield, and Mnv. anid Ms .adMn, and mrs. Ivan ElIlcortt, by Yur inda". ougMains, Clarbsanl; Mn. Gardon way.ý At hightdema to Grâce ami famîrrly. Fase-le ~ewlldi th acopani-Mains, cf Thompson, Mntoa'a h a1n' d e e h r.T. ie eddtht Mn. Panld Mn'. E. 'R. Taylor," trept. n omn anNstto at ws vnthi at5th wedding Arnnuersarýy c Enikîle.wereS dyvia-ýî MrnBrceTink ws tr-lNfi ?r.ad M B - Bll Mains feet, Mn. mnd Mrsn. Z. Adama on ?mors w-'ith Mn. and Mî«17-s ,,Doni duvedp ,yMsaBker. Ht lar- and daugttr, of Bownianillt.Nes0tttn Saýturday, everng heild in Traylor and f am'ily. troLduedreerCrl o nrNetîttn Unted lChureb niedChulreh Woimen PBownfvihJe. sMis usn cr1anman,Co- onmer f wswl ens nt t thtTht oumermetngc tce asawetktn viite who nesetedoffcial Board Metîg',cf ht Nstcto ritedCurhwovitb Miss eady Bray. lackstack Chargeon >rutdymnwms held on Tuesda4y POTYPOOL Recent vsion Viti, rs-.l eueiling, Navemýrreber 23, afternooa at ttbomneo! r s He len W Ienry were Mr, , and Mr. and Ms.JaesLw- Douiglas Thomaoa w vith i Afome13 dtitMnMc1Ms Lloyd MeteIAlfeý, Lloydl rene bave )iouevd ta thein ladies pr'eeat. Bw ,paslaayo u-and Marie-et, Mn;106 r tempamany home at PtonyFoîîowing hthrýiheme hym, day, Nv 28thaf nr an 1- Gea Werry, Osh.wa., ;and 9Mn. LA'-eTbey will nema.in there and tht Lord's priver, tht eacfsura htaiMn.MItlEmesne NTALVU OW uil thein new home la built presideat, Mrs. Aniltn 1Hy1 lad, S ympatby co! tht --.i)unt Belleuille. Idealfor orneonerson thin frno.Mn. and Mna. ýread a potm., "Kiadacas".ýt i aiy M. n n.Bb pt5 Lawrence, Tom mand Matha, AMns. Hyî,anid weîcom-ed aiq rTht bate Mn Boie;bd aýYi.n 1aý,nd KitaMsi eet ta spend iMns ag , amci M ihr who wat te iproveexpec hniatss1i1 preset and tane aMs. patient la!nhospital inceIat ag;Ms ihr their bonres. Mexico. Tbomrsan fn ber kind invita,- Ju, yand bad been mioued ta ýHowýcnoft aidAndrea,Lodn ALMNMMn. and iMr-s. Doug Fallistion. te ber homie. . t'sHmp1n Elaîne aten Donna and 3 3 an os Rir;rvle sWilre în RýDavid wrevsion urin1g SIDING e adby.Bwault îiife iewa LïnidsryÏuFt on. week aRga. ttwetdwt n wit a uprme d Snda afernon nd Ent pchanrge of tht Devotional aand AThthQftlg erie nsVueet pie . od a square ieuapenîng înnen j- upst-,wthbe o -adith tht hyrna "0,a hl Snasl onyol îped en.eylawse tpçboflitig eait.parents, Mn, and Mrs. Clanke 1Master Let M al ibUnited Cbuncb. 'Tht, gucat bya ' erMn. PecyWtle Costo evcTsa-Wlim.Thel-". She chose "Love"ar sekeRe.Wm ls c ho i la Oha.hspiar Aninoma ine rmeing hler' theme s tkeafrnom Finst N orthmhnster .(dC 'ldý e- bafj.jhl laio, rpara C ntUSo!court Lady Sanowbr wsCoinhan 11 wic ut Pt rbarug i U ittdChrchGdteeatatM.Jn et 7394v1730 Si1n(,e Ihd t tht home o! Siaten lied tht Part that "Loue" Il c pehsea ttJae.l mpo.1.Hur St4, :,aa.Mange Lee, Novemrben 25. pimla býî junrima reltinh.mssage0,, "What are yo SUT'REME Buiness ne itht bazaan, Dec- Thiia was followed by pray le arh" ns rull ndr lViclo & oor enaen1, wmas iscu5seO and and tht bhyrna "Blesit Be thtlon'andMis. 'KTcha prduts(Oha a)Ld, Mas giftaS. Ars. Norman ains scr-sani a dcluet "How Gr-at Thoui Mn. ,alljNd n._Jon buh a ry, Jnrad ht iue o h Art", anid tht chair nendered Mn. ucîOmstnEw f o el.The f1iwens Oii tht ythF, Tooro, were sunrday N W AT ýialtar wiee-place eer!by 4i!ic~r guestea of te ll o1yd _____________________________________________________ Ms. utb Richiarsn andiAhton fmmily. cou ~~fily la loving mrmcry u4 Mn , W.Mason, Mvi:ss Aliet,, 1 Y-- -Mr- ar- " V a ie s olid n. an l M rs. G ardon K irk -lBeth, EB rba4ra, A llan am il receîtl ceebrtedt -e ; 44h rant %wýe. re uppen g-uesta nf fro , ;z~~iiv~.i~jur wddhn- g&nnivrsakry. Cn-Mn. mcd Mr,.. Hmnld W-rit Mn. nel na. hasTaylr, nanuil, MnD.F'. Thn'- Onona attedeel crch onson, Boma nville. weýre Tes 3 :ýpr V 'ri Mni km nd ra.M. J 101nb. fri CurtisMKa h I u- o rn m ldonrM renty 'udentht emthr'. audrs. LsleGra.han onni USE Osaa tten)dec1 licun hu-1 i Mn I'. and ra.R. Aneno dm, ani.anel spent tht day andr3j]Jme. Port Hanm,A m n md' H A RGvisiton, Mr.Mn. and Mr,.CAn- "C filiv I'AGX"wN n n r l! ali n J ot wre 0SundAy- rang McGregor Haerdware gr zdwthmeinsatM.mdMs 1r//\~K 7:0 pm eenyT rsdy -n la calleel atht Tz'uillFunenall 95 KNG VI i r-cthltl bmsmit Mn d Pr-lons, Tori-to, nThuns- ~Ta0sof THE INDOO(»L'RWORýLD -.;W raHmo'd1 alar e thtday werttht le$Geo,,r ___________________________ fI E td me. is eani Tht~~~~~~~~~ ea1dan07,m n awawIe~~e -'trip fobr Ilnger t if ii'e ilaTlen'red * asti nit. ONLY gauge steel, Lar-gç eueay to uise lbaniditONLY d ci (8.) weight yet st iga eogh foi x Il 1 ,lade. Sturdy tii'. hm-drted bRn dît. Overali ht. I6 5w". ONI SY2 Phone 623-3358 pbtile Riî ULt, stron, loii pi t 171/" widthbae.Jafioqy liandit with D top. NL Sidewal8kSrpe A quaiit'y pUrpose srae made fi-n -dhiarq Thur, Fr1.,8:0 ti9I Plsffl9ne--,-----gýýý->ý----ý---ýý 1 1 m ý 111 9 1 111111 11 =RuÀE 7îmÀPÀER

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