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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Dec 1971, p. 2

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2 cone , and done seon. eel TvnyYa M d ist The answer is to develop z ck K le by Dàg5' agriculture programs for farm-y Coborg Resident WUflS ers giving them an acceptable ~ l~ug maaemnlabor and capi C ncen C un vC erks Le o wLLIU oUhy, D&VY tn,,,ai M.philips said. "By acceptable return I arnTmclrsofsvrl unii- pie will make more effort in TP oebe as Association $100; Muscular talking about a seven per cent paius he ice lv k ptei-lo n-ni1 malea teLegion Danceon Dystrophy $100; Dividale Hos- on capital business and a $2.50 sc ocr bu h nls e' dt on Iof the Bowrnan a hour rae for laor ard aarnouttof rnoney tbeing adSatsa the towi o Satrdy ugt, Nv 0h ~pîtal Group $100 out o bvetonk osse carsteDaronrtn bouht spce t rGogSthewoville Minor Hockey $700; one or two per cent return on'i vetk os lgIbui pa 0 iaate îkc o E22 13 ranch 178 Poppy e' d total capitalization of farm as CoSlin pasgs iii th'inroffrt prîeTis1$ 4 Tuberetilosis & Ras- a return to management." lOtilýý(1i h oe i-e mn"iiicipal councils feel t hereinomto ol hap ak ticetwilhldbyMrosp ratory Dîsease Christmas The .crux is, he pointed ont, olWpnak Blka a M emloee wol Seal Campaîg $25; 3rd Bow- that some of tinese objectiv'eslslm a :l oInýo7,nmr lîvasat 19 iae StCo mnauvîlle Girl Guide Co. $200. will not be acbîaved withoutthsiuaontwodaperherlbites bor Teele ri tze ofl Durînt gthis week, Presideun supply management, And sup- . i thtsmcoclsayotb The notice said thatli- $2 o tIstcewa won Stan, reports that he will be ply management is only pos- .; aigfuavnaeoftesokonr ntetwsi !--y MAr vBob had 121 presentîng on behaif off the sible if it is initiated by the'povsinso the Dotaoudhvweeni xeienced 'a31n t s> w who Is L e g îon membership, two tarmars tbemselves.liv Plso a GM eniplo(yee. Mr. scholarships off $600 eacb, ore He suggasted that farmerstaioAc, idHE.M-ngio. Richsrdson bas beau helping at the Bowmanville High shoulci do what busnsmnin1 llv sokcmmsinr1atrRnetwsi th e B'ranicb morthiy ove.r the School sud one at Clarke industry do - orgamize their wt poica Deprt-cek, toldi the Statesmaiies nayyayl b llîu tckrt 1-11g School. As chairman off markets so that supply is 'trayta a sumr of S, ïud bas uaw picked up bIlis thîs monthly draw lhe WOuld mitie n aieyas ilscmet aeCOutlaIn- hdbe ugte atya forhcheque, haig o1ll like to thank everynne for tuie sured. Witbout continoity of Nvma esonofCute to 1pay for tleatipte imcfa wîunlug tikt n ep he ave given by pur- supplv; markets can lr b only hal juhi hyh1lsSdî'I,ý1- . cwý ý'ebruary 1969 chasîng tickets duriug tha held tenuously. His,êxampeCrorlG .Le oni meIginCbugl'rn 91."oea year wbich bas a li0 W Peci - the current hog export mar- 1hatamntiarea1," M asTicktN E9B danfranch 178 to belp other ai- ket. aurcii e to ut lback losse, avýen by Mr NaogF29e2-e, dganîzations, te a.sîist lu youth "In the past few yearsihog i hs csswIr we- la 197-0, $4.200 'wasbugt onrbyaewrsdntasports and education pro- ë ports t Jpahave increa- l h off do-s esonsibile mia tdbt ny$20clairnad thre t fBwavlM grai, and youth, activities ad fromn 400,000 pounds to 3,'afarylib-er"h Predl CnffBrtMvrafobekon"It Wa 1a ylgi i througb_ýout ouir ares 000,000, pounds," he a ssd V "Wbleu liVe stck Lose r ad Necrl atesle f ~k~ r ~ieportad a latter is sen n odogTbug ls this ycr,aral thi~jý ticetsuMrctvei n tai ~ nt to pentrate tha Japaiiesa awnersin that samle i-ara irirreahaabeaesrsl:1 mutmr 1 elrîaac.r~~1 g~rarket sny more withoot hc earnei maclasp- - h - bvePee alo irat aifrtire mnhsome guarantea of supply."ialyt Scins 0 3 4 iieMRni eakd was $4 728, up siihtly tram r - ~ HHawarned that 1"tima wvss5,6su17ofteAt" Arfenéwsmcen lemont1ir' tta, sd Co~~uUM M7 - runniug out" on govarinmnt "hudgonr raieteCaket nbpmntes raty tir c ond highest- 1-, cM1AGE ONE) subsidies. By 1980, ha reck- tbat thaîr édog miay bha kiilad off Novembher 22ud taO lîvastocký ini'trX sl, inethe da woned, the faderal goverument iitis runniiiin oose(a -,s pro- oss by cdogs. Tire touip orgiaad otl est dti indepandaut farmner, will ha .offering f ew funds taeia n eto 10 of(iecuJi uiniedrcme tu ys aeno $750~Ha gava an example off whahlp the farmers Act),sutiatbvayhnf$1 to UCdair De Farms Plsdn tn.Dn sn ias ireppeued in tire 1..'. hel rspnsb fori nî inI- for ire ssflanIIangus lýcow 1k'" fr a toal 0f 50O whr~ verica ntegration ha "Tira lagîslatîon, will h uycusdt iatc, a-kl y aadn os ooîg e'~~~~~O swaiimped tire agriculture utirea"n- hlp si,"u fnr 1-hé me r rw i-nat tire handlouts. Farmers wil] rirg tht, daw'or tirehavoutiroodustry. off~ ~ ~~~~0 PJcnbrsr ok ie"n trip I macle a fewhaetlokferhmsvs" tite bs atabt yaragtaGeorgia adAis- TrtJ1ntmengoan Chritmaabudgt su md p;singl af riner who owned bhis off tire farmers' problemaý. Mr.Go d e r o In tl ire heu ilprs a a ldoémnssoldwasntei b auds- a fèw dollrs aheed ickt'wu lanld," lhasaid, Ha refer-Phiprcmmde rtn aÏ n l Ilu tire 1fl vlowîng rd ta tire farmers as virtuel nméasurles fichtieWovrI atoes:Abanety'sPamts nemloyees off the large corpo- rmen-nt could - and should CiaprlGiea sHnd atosThywaeoferda ae.S ee wak afA rp r Sti', r ns moe bocrad1cle thte grave prognami Sucir sà incrê9as e ir amUnt 0" r11rso -tPeNw-Iarid itîfurcride, Goodyear Tirae uhr oi a feaxla tl nu Col'sBabe Sop Ke ~of scuitnsd $100 a 'vaeik off grànts to rrlb~dl- ateDtcmu f ieO-adlvsa 8 igstreet Compii any off CanaaLmtdfcuetiahi aetcod M 'tWaHo r' Jw incnnme lu ratura for tie re-.mod-Idustry ta help it getp tbi sh ,- taio Pr aovncial Police ara Easj'ctolu Bowmnvile. inceb stau anar de a contract mg ta spaie icatiaus. 1 ii &ý LôvaliDrug Sto prre, aude 100vaag frmewrkastapt ito i ng e r p oin-a-O.P.P. LongService sud Good ilOSi, ha bas beau stir eewalk systam at Toronto stic tiraitirhe local plant w Haadwîere. tire running off bis farm. peciaily the yoong -lanthe CuutMcaifa'sitata sa, AmhshrPt nentoa ipr.gtteodr smr îc Ire litreprt, he ow vcen Canadien farmyers ,,conntry. Cmisne .L .Ned raogrsdfo 94,Btteqeto f ui ieyneofteAeîan! feîlawng onaios bva eenavid iresaie fte Tht i "I tre resnt ateofn ahamin cremony wiihecatl re tire 39-incir wide cou- branchas, probahly Maiyl mal rm tî od o-tr u.l i rîuaeEg rto oté,Otri- wîlî tok 1.place tGenerai Head-' Corporal Le a bas had a ivayor hait sidawalk will, haville. Ohio, will. ruaviia Receaio D a .1ih ccet.Jon bîlpsmaesbecme s esrte ad n-quartars lun Toronto on Nov. parallal carr'er, S[trtiu 1tiramacla bas yet ta bc résolvad If is not polities wbîcb $500,~~~~ Boiavilrloke ahonsthat iîll hakun- pomulaebiterîad un-tir il wrepart off a sama îear sudgcting bis byornpauy axecutives. wudsuiaodnsui ii- rnpuatd hnelad" b ,t~goup off six- O.P.P. offîcens corporal stnipes týý ire amaiý, Jack Taylor. maniager ot ioftire border, Mr, ayo At rasnttir gvermat fomNo.7 istic Hed-yaa asa,194. orora La treBawmauvilla plant, says assures. ît issiinply a mate Atprsci te ovrt-e qýuartera,*Barr:ie, bowere sa is tram Tory l, Otna h~ stodiaes are currauîyloff iavîug tiera isyiequip- 1 iffers $2-3 million i1g11 s onre.Hé lias senvr d wiir tire O..PT. 1ýuuderway ta datarmina iflit meut for tire job, sud in pa- DELOITTE, HASKINS & SELLS fol ua nuty WrnCroa iignl s aoa alLkDyln ticolar, a iraîf million dollar compared witb s $100 mii-liilinnative off Poutypool. His par-lCobourg su!-d 1Lindsa, ,before A FINE KETTLE unit callad a Rota-Cure. welfare raIl, it la a PaPlier's aý(nts, Mr sud Mrs. Fred Nimi-lbeing posted tao Newcastle luTrinw avll ln Chree conants IDttînce" ire ciad ontu o, stili rasida thare. Ha is 1968.TeBwavl pnt wl"-a tr d c o n .ouid like tir sea tiraM r mii- It la kattle time again ... r asn't oua - ît neyer iras bad! FFESIN MAJOR CANADIAN CITIES ilion raised ta $ý30 mfillion." frey, Mn,.sud Mrs. Harvey tira. Salvation Army kettle. It 1 any neason in tire past ta Wîll ana - but Manysville iras. BELL ANAD BUIDINGHa prposel tht tie gov Mslolm.Grad ate ~- hapiacil a ftsntatinfluthvet in ire nstalatin of OS}IAA CETRE OSHWA lrnnment sbould psy 1long ýdis- Tire meal waa preparad hyotof ie1tda'ssoeTire speedwaik will ha tiai tance telephane chIarges 4a1 anithe Yelvantoîî UTnîtad, hrh-n hr twl eaanutllnet cmie i PATER:GORPýDON W. RELF.C.A., RJ.A. natv a omaismv iesaxlay iucru trr twl eanotlluet obnilmv incetiv fo co-ipnie movilaiesauxliay. Christmas ave, collactiug tonds walkway in Canada sud will ORlNF. SEDGEWICR, C.A. ing ta tire country. Ha suggest-' o iels otnt ui provide no- wait, no - wl cd tax rabatas and tax "belli- fo h es fru e adtransportation tirnougir a 600) UR .W0 WATERS, C.A. ýdays" off tire typa cunnantlv i lulnedy. Wisir sameane a Marriyfoot tunnel counecting TermIY- affect lu Eire, wirich ire saiîNo v. Diance Cir-istmas: giva tiram a wishi ai 1 sud Terminal 2 aittr p,îON E 728-752-7 hv poed"nuuulidtrougirtire ketile - sucira Airpont. succeas . Â~ ~ e ,i>1 1fine kettle off wisires ih ils. Tr akwlaaa 2 ______________________________________ Bu ire prohlef-rirait 's tae \ a . ________feet par minute sud ha ahl-i" gaitie famens ta balp tham- " ;b~ a iufflealaoug op ta 10,000 salv7es. Andl if they. fail ta do! people, an hoor. Tir elait is tirai -- tirenthene îs co l n. A ve f iebahsof'f lJ'd er' adinto fourunuits, twai 1wosoff ut210 m-feet languir and two ai ilir PlIliPý lui beei IFCýc- JPassenger - safety ou tire edwihtieOuaia~nmGar retd Pau atmospil an ,. .'tem fa proid wirici give haiten Ontarriola sîna 160,fra asa aa cowd wasîilr-rg blutîces ma- d taay s gnenlmneaa ttendntryaur moutiri 1 lyàDa cl' ebi sd Dcme f iu ruris sd"fat ~ Rvitnce 190, by Bâ ruepyorteroffcopleclaratail reir au- eanih"aru tr d xiiptes sud tranka hy agemet alng;wih man - f1972"tadcmmitcacar -,wiicthSo ir bastausamat- Gary Jafery of Bomanvgi ateniysd univasanes DlandtreeeuugtiefodaTiecamitasra ake ny abject c agiri nuder TheGit hatAlay PEaieHe sacant OEA dcen tioforlaiugdnas eremace:ndM.eaniitasad t tie eaiir 'smn. e-po1td ui ir> 197P1zs aM.ndilRa'.the w ff scr oncialty oTntpedwlkisaxoren r of couples celebrateen off ,n:o 17,1 s ac i t hir- whi lstpîrdhy Mltay 1972 Terminal 2, cBrudelrd fo G aisanumen absdes or armensMagrientKaoury, Ms. Freu - IlS oman re e mploh obe pr o mpyiftonhpaeuany, 1973,a iok ratie rat ae ti CaSo acs-M.Rb ran aeh n eciig afa u l iîh avs 106oganisclarg !ay impyortnfactu.,avl 0 nVnenag r.VeaL f u dBbt tr ol.4ouiahnll iawd- or '..Ycucattdasagricuturei.dutry urig eaVniFfr rin tChateto auit faaolmc-mupwîha baie Lochae L-li r Can ada.MrrA neMn aieDrcr, nnthee, gauT h loe ecuais for ahor sta rli ial ie eo- f r m 3,0 o $5.O lutie UStiefov r iant Mrs Ru as. ee a ude:y Spe br 7b A reet 5 <n aaneil Duga D -0, a w subîdesrun aou $*10 artrm ireonvweGntioniHo-bentar. of Martinudastieteeug74 sd ir Pefet ift or hoift ao tluan gPlaifg frnr n uoeadtreTwrstr edoftr liiSioMof eia s-pu awr u tieas-e cornent ga ara f n off away or ome-comîg, for Easter, hristma,mUed Kingde"o te~acl htose vei las - M acefr~rryTcrualagy. Agrad- nl emlofyahmin pamatreci'jas Anriverary nd irtda, ancogrtuaton, t he 0prosapets.or g au rCGergeSteve Dnswirei1uc0 ff ounic Saauarywirci wîi ontnuayî1w9 s{one ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Leed feýl apnig.TeryumaiHanal l and, ie ii a2,r o DcmbrSeol iun ra acpti a -_________ yorsnimetJ ete iha acyGit sk rewnrtire Cadien orfarmertsa earyua neaan_ nlHsi aaryy. Senid lltor hecitizensrr by Dykstra'sy anproblemfa!" Galookoaedadpckdwthco grl'ios H ayle fr anmore ralstilleSptDne-MrRo Z1rManJIreiigvFIfrsewlhve0gislige, bicisipredpeere u ene inmssaoffpcuvltueing vatîci ais r vleCat tertod lýReoriltads rHao Id Mei'ceni wth ng ohrfa Ca nenaa.,sd ytMrs oeneff j r.ailsaro is ial heMDý fors . ar akt saceeysd rm ciics -Ie aio ut 1,1e00a fr UirNEîleOsaa Dtrl o- be aîenclffment aeande,-,3teB n 74 ad emee f t four frlsu cba rgingdc-of ie uba kas i ta nd of l irve m ax col eimum unsp a 8,00utie Boma nvareior Ciii- oraîv i fichoe on afe te onens re cuý ntyEAugop fortirhluya hiatn ya afe.zn bmetighalontr e'f at1c on- agftoht rlwspeases - a Chist pss, as ouUep tk at uten aoie'l dition tirera are 110arevaniug offNov. 9 itr IET H d iait r Crsms Lc hchut fCor evisce ilnt l wntr tat SHOWS yuc u re!;isn'torthen a tum onyus ol$2e000ief. arsimtreitr ciiyr.uwmbl ak fann alwn ir ign f c'n ed net, oay arcutr nustn is t 1fib edo eebrSho inehsa l prig ...yuSy anergei sînie employer. la t a hcaunttieraw e ire suamiatiiroinush Gai aaa, Paieu . W perheic wt PhonitBsktndrte Cnada. 115r toski evrasarntsceaain ta rai ta epi4ilre. wmý For irefouitircofscutve more tok tie eain 623351 tif wa toak ailoff agnicl tr e ulc es intir Tir Sec etar, ns.(r ofctios, eCausa, autîn vrtu-naraor,,unrm-pntn eviewIih p [) ub mc1cd i-vs anmployment rate wouldntjumptlin dpantmutyaytemat k anaHirat-ialug Dpreniaeutoftr Service 25 p~~~~~~~~~~~~~~diar cen t ha aai.A anafsraafftr caî asst p-vd peiusmeigafenwi useil ad carmiglydec - resient of , li, D rha SliPrsin ntaioata -il d+an il uawîte dia on heirowa i M S. Gn. Young, F OOD IVARKET w BOWMANiLiE suOMns. B uce ayor thne'acaof' 5 ha-lfssi aritraouli.Cira meefftira uamdIIatug Pirilîpinria Dougon aferKthmpotenndre irisety marîe tr li yar \vl Trervctscuutr ycmiteM.Tim rpsi coe L.Jýtht lav pese - affft ias wioMn.a rs. Gary efp,-' a 14 -his__+Pmaii, trarepriat alsBr- tir11ýeenî fal Nowu . sît ffat tcesIB RT An agreement ta sali sud P .Su1cviepnsd siug-sang" wth tie aid of' service Hoaaywali computersansd genaraal manager off Honay- iris troaty harmonica anil $19.lan.tire Bahamas was sîgueil in well's comnputer division, sail tireaupon tire audience was Nassa ltotF1Oda 5y rpre-tirairevenues off CCL should'Itreateri toa adeligiriful prog- senttive of oneyell im-total inîtialiy about $3 million ram off vocal solos sud duels, l 5ieîd off'Tai-auto aud tira Carib-,a year. by Mn. Rasas Vltcalf sud Mns. GREB Ký"ODIAK beaun Computera Lirnitedi "A numien off Honuewell's Merklay. The singera were, (CCL), a newly foi-mail Baba-1 computer coatornens in Canada beautif ully acampanied aiL 1 [ý'S 1j 1,A T j mia company owudad u xiii branci offtes in lire tira plana by Mn. Douglas: I BE L managail hy Babamiaus. ýBairamas pi-avide part off tira Dewmll. A tihrm aanilsis are CCL will purchase comput- CCL's patantiai market," Mn. cunrautiy angaged lu tira teacir- BoOT a_5b ýUA rsansd paipha;ral equiosuent, Sucldick said inl a press i-lase.1ing off music in tira cauiy 9 W~omecn's Siz 6-i cuigd2[aa-nti-y devices hIt s nit known jusi wirsi scirools, sud thier unstinteil V' BOOQV ý .- manuffacioneil iri-el Bow- tire impact of ibis agreemrent contributions draw rounds off $2 F19 i m oi4 9~Ruavil.e, f or icasa or resala in will be on tira Bowmanviile applause. A vote off tiranka waa 10 - 5 t 14 95 he ahaas slads.Tha e C laDn'operalions. uavedin lu ame weli cirosen ALO gi-omrnnt pi-avides ta C o Gilhooly,pln persan- wiords hy J. H. Abernnatiy. O E WIT $ ray, ai Honeywell's discietin l manager rocs naot expeet Games off encire sud ci-oh- arrasa of tire Britsh Conimn-aIl set ta go ia 1j972 witir "Reading Room" was prasidail vW Inter walbCanbbea!n. tire staff we have nxvheratal ovar hby Mns. Handron. liISLAE oaeywell Lîitil xrîlil tire Statesuisu. Lunch iwas tien servel, foi- tanCCLs anid -ja Hoearttoeprospects loîg wirch numerous iclub .,echnical "back-up and oup-,pas tutie ic. r i-a ah ti-fire bu cil îta n nk por. aing, ie added. irleir way home, elHas the Roo-f Fiallen .'n On Yfour Chaîrity? TiaDaaimn ffNtinwptnpniatout off ail tirs Pai eeu is iaaigtire qaiyn iaiis A quic c nigii of 3000Candîs ciani- tleioa au s10IroId gai yu lies taIssu a-xm in- tirea answer'. ceiis a ouos, ir Fiaucsi"Soma offthtiragea iclur- Paît apans. Tieur amesoffofenders arr tire womrer will~~ hapuliirl ir Canali- auxilianies off cirurcirast,"oni- ils Ga;Pzetteinmî-acmbrtax officiai says., "Thev su iarvcta ilh-change train officers, sud. camaaffetivaDacabai 1,,parirapa Oui- mail goas ta tirac Tia ay') y tir , vcl-wnng place. We wish iiry lactrs cmes llai iongv,-s1wou~ld lai tira circhas ýhancheý- off~ ~ ~ ~ ~~'LI pmig titiecir-iru'Lax exemption lfor-them1r la ta regstar analy îî mi-wuld bha sloi asisier for Ottawsg ailpoff us" CI1l,iru'e N toa eeu mua reistr n py tramin tie 'amnily. Aay cianity causqueces.Som 4,00 of traiiras stax-exaem-pistatuaLi <ram dii coply -irut nir- evokel maystili eppya ing bas beuia-lta ir ae aa a apthc pe('ci tireurebi uw I AHTODAV Hlow caýn you hao-e ai ONODAP I& 1 w-i ilbave anila-aecm oe6330 TlO AM1R. JOE VA ND)E RV E ER ONj THE OPEiý-éqNG 0F A~I AN AD1INLSERVICE TO AN EXPANDING TOWN 219 KING ST. E BO0WMANVILLEý ONT. AVA"IULBLEFOeýR S=ERVICE '77XI 24- HOUR SERVICE *RADIO DISPATCHED CARS5 0 DIREC T LINES AT: FOR FRIENDLY RLiABLE SERVICE Office at 219 Kinig Street East Owned and Operated byz J. Vanderveer ST. at 401 623-3373 att the SWED. - TH11URS. - FR1. ONI Ente r ire"PORT-HOLE ai the WELST LOBBY EN~ Off Duke Street y, or id LY TAVERNm YT RANC E ?t F

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