3 The Canadian Satsan owrnaviile, Der, 1, "17 By Frank Mohwi 523-7234§- GREYCUPDOWN TO WIRE WhtcR a eely sports editor add, alter svry(ne rsadng tis olm wiil have undoubtedly watched the Grey Cup galas ami sd ubsequientiy read about it in ail of the daily riwopaper'S? Net much rsally - everyone must have been priepaing for overtime as the Argos appeared certain te tie it up on a dead-on field geai - on]y probiern was that Leon M4cQuay (who lý ronicaliy had' gene on record as wishio.g te le thegam's op player) fumbled ln front of thé posts. No doubt about it, the Argonauts just were unable te get thir effence rolling. Their preblemn over the past few seasons 1,- h-P Ai ýifecive offensive lice. iacking the mobility te, men 1s Major Lge. Darlington bony be ttled to play "Al -Star" when the fatl cf theç Bowný-tianville boy hie replaces is subsidizing for t] xtaice ti boy îsi rceivin)g on Al-Star? If Darlington Couincil have corne to an agreement f Fitre earm protection f -rm, Bowmanville, why cai they get together on the matter of more ice time for th( own oys? At ieasýt 50 per cent of the boys in hockey are f r< Darrigton., not 30 per cenit which'Jim Shaw stated, which Ail overaîl picture l il ! recreation programmes. Thiis Alil bois downi te the fact that we need another Rre, ether ln Daýrlin!gton or Bownianviile. We are wvondrering if therce i lack of co-operati betee te.M.H.A. and the Rceainbepartment, 'T rr-eason for this is,, on Nov. 21/71, one hour of ice time frc 8:00 a m-r. te 9:00 a.m. , which, is a Tyke Al-Star hour, wvas i used and could have been used if turned back in te the are. before 7.50 .m. on that moorning. BertPays -623-2697 Dick 1Baýinri 623,5629 Dave Reynioids - 623-7596 rf anyone hias any questions they wouid like aniswer rpease feel free to caIl i iher of the above names and we -v try our best to answer yeour question.) 50c ADMISSION TO THE NEXT IINSMEN SUPER CAR IN THE PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE FRID%AY, DEC. 3rd, 1971 $1 ,900Ru in PRiZES y NCLUDING HI1-LO GAME FOR $1,000.00 Game SHARE THE WEALTHSpecial Garnes If wonGAME at în GUA,ýRANTEE $5.0ec 7A Nol, $15,000eac 20BGREGULAR CAMES AT $50.00 EACH BRAND'NEW 197 HOLIDAY FORD MUSTANG or $2,O00 Cash E EL IRD) (Share the Wealth) Garhes MIANY FREan ALJBL OOR PRIZES RUSE ATTHE DOR(Ii 72H L Public School Soccer Tournament Winners SHEIK 15 BACK Premoter Pat Milosh bas another ail-star wrestling card lined up for Thursday night at the Oshawa Civic Auditorium. The first of four bouts gëtý underway at 8:30, with the Sheîk back for the main attraction - this time agaist Bulldog Brower., Since conhing to the Toronto ares, a couple of years back," The Sheik is undefeated, and although this corner arrived ton', late to, sec the big guy in action last meonth, we understand Ihe was even more dastardly than his press notices had promn- ised. We're going to have to mnake sure to sec him this time -around. t t t t t GENERALS STILL ON TOP Although beset by injuries to Tomimy Simpson and Bill Lochead, two of their top shooters, and Dennis Howard, Osh- awa Generals regained sole possession of first place in the Junior "A' League on the weekend. The Generais hsd lost only twice, before sustaining 8-3 setbacks to to thei r two main rivais - Kitchener and Ottawa, one week carlier. Oshia\wa came back, to defeat London 5-2 and Peterborough 5-3 ila home games, and in oesof the best games ws have seen, they overcamie a 3-0 first period delficit in Niagara Falls to take aý 4-3 lssd, and finally settle for a 4-4 tie against the Flyer.. Hclp came from unexp)ected sources, Friday night, a St. Catharines cameý from a 5-1 ýdeficit te tie Kitchener, tail-end Monitrea]itupset Ottawa, and London defeated Peterborough. On Sundayý, Londonn knocked off Toronto ànd St. Catharines held Otw to a tic. The Genlerals hold a sliim two, point edgeon Ottaw;.anad Kitchener, with both Ottawa snd iOshawa having played the same number of gapies. Toronto, ther hottsst teami in the cir- cuit, until Sunday's loss, are five points out of top spot. Both, Rangers and Manlies have a gamne in hand. Fifth rsnking Niagara Falls are six back and have played two more, games thnOshawva, while Peterborough is tied with the Flyers, having participated in the most encounters of any club- four moreý than the Generals and 67's. With only six peinte separsting the top six teams, it couid be a battie ight down to the wire, as the sciiedulè stili hasn't reschsd the balfway mark, uniess oescon break eut with a proionged winnîng streak. Oshawa played inSt. Catharines Iast eight and will i, Peterborou~gh on Thursday. This Sund(ay Hamilton ilvivsit the Civic Auditorium for, a 7:30 con1test, and will be ln Hamil- ton for a televîsed clash on Tuêssdsy at 7:30, -. ,~- .'- t t RED EAGLES REGAIN TOUCH Backed up by a great goal-tendrngn performance from Rob Willoughby,' Bowmanvilie Redl Eagles regained theïr winning ways by defeating Port Hope -i on Thursday night, rightý in Port Hope. On Sunday the Red Eagles made it two straight, winning hy an 8-4 score over Lindsay, at the Mêm- orial Arena. The Junior "C" eotry weir ile Cobourg Monday, hoping te make it three in a rew.. Next, home gamne is Sunday nigýht at 8:30, with Whitby bers. Both the midgets and juveniles lest Saturday, and wrll sec action igain this Saturday, the midgst game at seveil o'clock and the juvenile at fine pim. -,4 pteei n ,,Pl.------" 1--' --'v iake laterai blocking effective., Cetainîly with ne running Larry Piper, our top ae attack tei speak of - it has te affect the<passing garne. age bowier was the oniy one te crash the 800 mark thîs Usually the defensive corps are the ucsung berces, but week, Larry 'had games oi jt,,wa.3 probably qui te indicative of the play that Wayne Harris 216-304-287 for 807. Piper ;ird Dîck Suiderman walked off with the top player and best new has an average of 266 fer çniiaipay awards respectiveîy. 36 garnes which le pretty good Canadan payerbowling in acy league. Jack As wii mentioned in last week's column - we cbeered Bond is second at 242 while for, Arohut bet oni Cagary - se we did accomplish some- Don Oke and Ai Osborne areý thrjng - anifr it hasýn't snowsd by Christma's se we ca, ski tied at 240. thik riiiýý \ýc'l lke urwining ad hadfor the Eleven bowlcrs were je the th% nyewl aeorwnig niha 700 plateau. Morley Etcher wl ne Bo i gameil Miami. had a 791 '(300), Don Oke t t t t t 748 (310), Ron "Fats" Etch- er 737 (257), Ed. Leslie '737 IT'S TOUGH (255), Walt Hately 733 (265), You ý,,en he pors éiterwasa yungguy- ,Wild Bill Oke 726 (303), Di:. You nowwhe Vh sprtseditr ws ayoug gy IH. B. Rundie 716 (269), Bob thînk the wvinter-s must have been continuously colder, berause Kent 710 (264), Dick Perf ect we xere abîse te play hockey almost every night of the week, 712 (298), Howard Bremeli 709 (260), Maurice Richards anid il wecendI long. 0f course there wers quite a f ew 704, (287). rptyspce around Bowmanville in these days - we fiooded Mike Murphy bsd the high ouriw riniks, in addition te whatever ponds happerled te be single gaine of the evening, 321; Stan lVcMurter 313, Jim avialthe Centrai Schooi had a fiood-lit.rink, there was McKight 308, Ron Selleck à. Rota-ry rink - and te say the leastwe had the chance 293, Bob Laird 281, Si Trewin to play plecty of hockey - and it was fun. We rsnged any- 279, Russ Halîman 275, AI -ývice 'or tï)"or ou te1 doenpiayeiis on each team. Osborne 274, Dave Reynolds wher frm thee r for t a dzen273, Murray Tighe 268, Bruce Didtï h ave uciiiforms, and wben you got tired - you took a Milne 267. tura la goa,)l - ne raising the puck of course. Mutton Sheli hadhigh single Our Cirst chance at organized hockey came at the baritam team score, 1270, while'Beav- er Lumber won high triple age buit eveni the players who didn't mnake the "al-ýstar" 344 ceiub stili piayed our own Ùunorganized brand of hockey at The I.G.A. boys are stili in, lits beet - anýd ihierewa no age limit. front by oe point over$ Ne)w it isF; ernt- e're pos itive the winters mrust be Crab.sVrey n a' warr but thet' wth television, etc., undoubtedly thsl At the other ecd of the l xeighberh o boysreni't ais interested in mskîng their ownlladder Pepsi Cela and Mut- dot 'idton Sheli are in quite a battis xiaks- and1 with plenty more houses - you justnt for the cellar position. t4iat emp)ty lot on the corner available. 1 ol2th Week - lst Sehedule Ourij younrgsters have a.ýn arena - but instead of a bunchIl Averages1 of guyvs -with a lot of natu'rai ice surfaces, now ws have plenty Naine Games Ave. _z aiinhoky players with oniy one place te play - the Larry Piper ------ 36 26 grn.Ntrlyice time1 is scarce - the,,ail-stars, get le Jckend --------- 36 240 plty elfhoky because they 'play je the house league and A] Osborne ---- 36 24 jil-ta games -- of course not al of their ice time is la Ed Leslie-----36 25 ~oma iin fact poal sm i pn nohrDave Reynolds - -36 234 prbalya mchi see a thrElton Brock --------- 36 233 rea.Doug Carter ----36 231 Thereain boys mu-ist be content te settîs for their Roc Etcher -..---- 36 231 0!a minutes r fhce a week: Now that just bas te be Roc Selleck -----__36 231 Evryhngmetbeogaied- ad fitwsntRuss Oke -------- 36 230 the wayý, it mlbeis.izd- adi t vs' Russ Halîman ----- 36 230 tis crnter doest kniown \wou would coe with the itua-,Hap Palmer -------- 36 229 tien The RPcrèstion Department is Dig its best. Theai-sa Dick Perfect ------- 36 229 ireatL,ýnpti9te ba t1cythink Dr. H. B. Rundie - 36 229 orgniztios ae tteptig t acomlis wbt tcy Howard Bromeli 36 228 Isbets il wou)fld appeýar, that theconily soluition is -nother Bob Laird -------- 36 227 grn.Art Rowe--------- 21 227 The peopie w ithwhm we take tis ,week, a1l agreed Gord'Wilcox ------- 36 226 - Maurice Richards. 36 226 th-at this, was the only way te soivec the probleJm - andI it is a Jim Bruton ----- 33 226 -proler. Elyn icke 36 223 Th prseditor ruceived pho)ne cahi romth-e appar-ent George Stephen - 30 222 ý,j1,s f -, crn -- cioýý,iiglai ee',-,coorn.Maurice Annaert-- 36 221 opostesiesofth cmp- oiewngiat ee'dcoum.Les Smale ----- 36> 221 01as'faction .skedUs if we wo(uld puiblishl a letter exactly as Randy Beauprîs 36 220 it -vswittn, whvliie the other person was uadscided about Murray Tighe . 36 219 wntsg.Jim McKmight- 36 219 BobSmih ------36, 219 Followinig is the ronily b7etter we bave î-'eceivsd te dalte- Bill Luxton ---- - 36 217 8nd itap earsexctiýy as witten by messrs. Payas, Bain and Frank Mohua ---- 36 217 Reyaelds-. Any, further conmments? We would be giad te_- hear Morley Etcher ---36 216 fron tllr eaers hae he.am ordiféentv'wýLuke Annaert 36 215 frmonhrraesohv the sam ordiferet vsw Harold Michelson -_ 36 21,5t pntontesbec.John Carter----_ 36 214s Lepttr ote VhTed Bagnel-------- 36 213 tasmnSports Editor: Bill Oke - ----- -_ 36 213 Wait Hately-----_ 36 213 WNe wish te ciarify some of thie things that have bec Bob Kent ----------36 212 ;urisedlathe papers iateiy hy Jim Shaw nad Frank Mohun. Bud Henning- 36 211 c Wve are net tr-ying te deprive any kid from playing hockey Mike Murphy----- 30 2111 1.,,+ ,~, ,~ah. ~9OC,,,,,a +~ bn a,. +,.,, ,,~ ~ Rowlie Coombes ---- 36 210 Le bSaman-------- 36 209 Carol Castie, Patricia Mackey,rew, Murray Ruddy, Donalditeam won both their game !Mitchell's Corners.R the George Piper -- 36 2081 Bob Williams ------ 36 208 . touch Vo an espccially well Jack Lander 36 208 u IU e p w rpiayed gamc. Both clubs (n'V Greg Couch ------- 36 205 Brooks' defensive squad of ýeBob Glanville -----36 20Î4 Pollard, Brian Bradley and irDon Bagneili -36 204 F r t o dspon i day~- omi Pst Mrhy -36 20ý3 Fordi on Sun j()ead at Vhsie6:35 mark ef jSmith for Vwo moesgoals. B3ih Cols turniog la good leî Harold Bsncstt 36 203 eveniog he Bowmanvills' hs tinst period. Eight min-t Rick Shackleton scored an un effort, WlBrs John Van Dyk - 36 20,1 "Vowîcs" Red Bagles pîayed 1 utes laVer Deug Crough, cnra i assisted manker b e t w e e BobHeroat, WLlodHmiurn, Bob Kono)pseki- 36 202 their usual lack lustre home1 beautiful solo effort, made iti Smith's pair. Bnbi an vn, LlandyHalonhu ns Dug Taylor -16 200) ice style ef hockey, but ^a 2-0 Vo end ths scoriog inetVhsIlGmeg Cenneil scered hs and Barry Whiteman (hat's 'Stan McMuirtr 36 200 third pcriod surge liftcd th;ein finît. final goal of ths game and for ths whoie cnowd), urncd ini on1 otninf Teams te an 8-4 victory over hs ,Mike Hadly put, Lindsay~ Lindsay at hs 11:28 mark cf playoff type work. For Mut- 'he Team w L Frts. Lindsay Clesocni. lback la hs game eamly nV 1thserths third peniod, tons, stîlliun seanch of their I. G. A. - ---- 23 3 23 h als 1l aentscn. u utnisicns Shackeiton, Johnson, Smith tinst victery this sesson, it o Frank's bsec able Vo ind hs formula' laten Grant McLaughhin gave adRc eetpfrtewsb a hi etýuig not Vaiety - 2.) 14 22 fon playing, good hockey oîný Bowmanviîle a two-gcal lead EalsnReere i etop frdVhs was Wyrfantheiwst utbin ras Pab's Cab - 22 14 22 home ice despite fine efforts ,noce again. with Osborne sud Davey play- goal, hs follow'inýg gang were Nels Oshoras for most nad games. Gary Fountain puîîed Llnd- ing strong games defensîvely. righ t la stcp: Sainsb;umy,, Mar- Insurance - 1 15 21 Pu Knlyngsote ay Vo wiVhln oesgoal at hse Vwsscipygiewthj uo, A lbesrt ..Green,- Ke's Men'.% 6:54 mark, just Vo have Paul nmru eate nîdn "Woody' Les, Iv Gill and Weavr ?0 j6 g0mengave VsEagles a Kne corehissecond geai 1of gameomiscpendactis fr nuighunile The defence 0of Wear----0 1gtegm womntslt20 aemsonut o rogBth1Cols, Andy Murphy Lumber ----19 1 16i 19 Vs ameVw mnuts aVr.for Bcwmanville and Bill and cempany wene la top .ed Dykstra's P2 2 foRo er H vre Kevin Crowlsy's Corneil for Lindsay. form. dDu C. ogpt Fod 7~112 17 ~ lUV~I~ gosîbefoe hs end of the With a couple mors wins In hs laVe game, Larry vill j s 71. 8,17ý ge econd left hs score 4-3 for hs Eagles cao be right bsck Permis sua eunnug u jury & Loe v in Vs hmesters Vo stant theP i0 finît place whene they be- on a spectacular Vw-man - Loveýli------1 20 16 afu hird. long, se, go out and support scoring show, coilecting four MCow.an Pontiac Within a sparn et just five them te hslp ksep the Win and three goals respectively, ------- 15 21 15 Preston vhs Moyen Major mlnutes in hs third, hs streale goig. as Walter Franki o\'enpow- LanderNovie Ahl Stars play up and, Eagles put hs gai-e out of! ______ .ne lso' -. h i H1ardwiýare _ 15 21 15 dowVn hockey which is eX îseich, fiing tour consecuVivel ifed' Franki. into a finst place Pepsi Cola- 13 23 13, pscted of a new eam in the goalsok. edig Mutnealy season. Moyes droped Res stanted Vths out- wioth Bnal ok inutHsdieng Shl --- 12 24 12 a home Nov. 2OVh Satunday Ge o m ria egeitoVsfnl20mntsee ShehioCborgb a5 1 urst off and then set uoDon by Jim Clarke ai 3-3, hs Real Estate cnew 1.11 it with Cobourg in cern-1 Witleîî, Muto's Shcii outdistaoced hs losens. eut- 'ýe "il-Sakil lte control l he way. battled te a 2-2 dnaw with scening hemI. Psmnîs, off 117Nile andarornvinelyinohentr ~~* Greg Bruot geV Moyen' ions Brooks' Supentestin1 Sunday adsoîgenyi h er Bowing1,agu goal frm Wayd Povrson. mmiga opener, while Wal- boostcd bis geal-seoring total On Wcdnssday nig9pt hsI'ter Franki 7-4 winoeveu Vo, 55\7c0 te go witb nias Thunsday, Nov. l8th Mvr ae et lig --Bnysea's Smoks Shop, gave asis n h enn ed -Averages gaetPnHoe nhmeths'r a share of fir'rt place Cneugh was s bail of fins al cDoal 14,Dois ire, compeey doinîg ~ 7, with Brooks. The goaltend- during hs game, witb buis Tompkins ing art 94, Dstny petelGrant Wingightree goals and aumerous near, 191 GilMiisn ary gmeplybuwre(Muten's) and Bro oks'. Vinces musses. Cunt Vanstoos le: 189,DorthyStak 18 Eain unbieVo ut he uckbe-Vanstons, stols hs spotiight Byson's cage was heiplees onr 1 Marchiant 187, Maie' Trim Ih1nd hs sharp Port Hope exciting MVset oetVhe wicaens' scores!r > 183, Joyce Stacey 181, Jean Igosier. The visitons geV Vùs stuîe. Gee alshrs s e asdseticmst wwtMQa 7, lv edn sconung break-s, with the'n goal with only 50 seconds Vo hs contest. JolBlon eVs I lson 176, Roie Woods 173, finit goal in hs second per- pay gave Muten's their losers' pick of hs cnowid, gave, ~l1al Fra 12, a Gîlndiod sud Vwo mors unanse- single point. They new have iV a big effort, eonscting for, X 1157, ýLynda Wilisher 157, Cathy ed goals in hV h iîm. twe ies aller seven games a pairet ol.Dv u z 55 Lament- i 1574,ce arib- Moyens played again oui MOE4 and trail Brysoo's by six Charli Green completed their e v1 eg iîsn14 a-home lsi etigbakoqVs7 4k , points. Alter a scorsiess scoring. en ilson13, Bbb C imk1 eam-playtak hligu opening peried, Brooks' Steve This Sunday, memning' at, 13 2 , B a b In g r a h a m 1 2 5 , J e a n H m us b e a W n g ht w i h G r y 9:0 s m , B o o k m e t1By s HFoonweg 118. t3o 0 win ever Lindsay.BWilsn andWrihwi Polard ens , ihBuos Vaking on Hihsingle, Olive Hender- Pneston's coalis Ricky BbW ison n, Hat 16:10. Gon wlVsr Fnans a 0:15. 'sn279: high triple, Doroislgave tull value for bisa initRunsnswMutes eavnitas1c6om:1d0y o Tonmpkins C693; higb averages ohuvtout. Joedy Rosi fined luob Marg MýacDonald 194. VIhs finit Movers' geal, Randy f U grouard, bangiog home an un- Heliam. e 200 ame'Prout and Nicky Gibbs esmu- Vm assisteid goal at 8:40 efths standing of Tear Ps Olive Henderson 279, Dorisling assis s. Wayds Presten ELL silTh o ldetenmie wek W îank - L7T42 i Tompkins 239-230-224,Gi outdVssecond Moens' l usuiteof la Brooks' e d wr by Ruadieth.SEL s,, Brks' ------7 32139 Milisea 238-211, Marg Mac-1 goal, breaking cdown i~ c romisn B osd bon a poor Bryo' - onl23-207, Joyce Staeey Ibis defence position, firing in rWrie îing pasne la'Mo ton 221i ,Eine t20,Marantri217 , - msrorgBun l-territery te Vigger Brooks' Mutton's -7 (O 5 2 2 JeanMeQut 27, MrieTrimIshe Vh scoingon stifl 18 KIN E. go-ahead counter after 16:33. LeadlngSces 202, Lyndap Willcher 200. Vhre-way playý startine trcm B W AVLEMuttons Sainbuny, finaily L. Permis ------- 7 9 1 r GamesWo Bill Wright nd Ken Cowle. mOM ý'ILE nanAged o si'nk hs yng D. Green -- --- 7 -7 14ý CoukyCorduoys - - . 9 Mover)< ation [or this, PHONE 623-5662 - score, teqming with "But"R. oonn- 6 5 i 1ocie Bnlpe - 1 werk lo ;idesa Wduesday Cois and "Fuzzy" Manjerri- S. Burns --- 6 4 10 IDaniing Denume -- 16 nuighten r' tirijdsay, and Fnl- Don MeLaýchian - Doni Pladi on 'aV 19:10. IV somchow 1L, Burns -- --- 5 4 91 J i:Tubby Trwee.ds ____111day 'I Cobourg. Iaeemsd a fittîng ±nishiîng T. Prout - 3 81 M~ the 16-mninute mark et have finally arriv\ed. FRONT ROW SPECIALS BALANCE OF NEW CAR WARRANTV - '70 MONTEGO MX HARDTOP V-8, automatic, double power, 12,000 original miles, like new. '1 $ 269 7 Lic. A44288 ------ --- ------ ^69 BUICK Le Sabre SEDAN V81automnatic, fully equipped. $2094 Lie. 47073A - ---- 69 PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON V-8, itomatic, double power, etc. $>23 9'8 !J . X 43104 -------------------------- '168 CHEV. Bel 'Air SEDAN Don't miss this oe. Lic. 55404A ---- --- $1795 '67 METEOR 2-DR. HARDTOP automatic, double power, etc. $44 "66 CHEV. 4-DR. SEDAN V-8, automatic, etc. Lic. 9486A -- - - --------- $99W 40 MORE G(;'0 IL CARS TO CHOOSE FROM GMAC Financing Available 166 King Si. East 623-339r7 Tom Cowani, Pres. Stew Preston, Sales Mgr, Ray Lathianite elo Brown Don Rodg-er EagesSqueeze Past, Port Hope Panthers Tt took a very outstandicg the same peorîod, Max Jehasont ffrt by es Rocky" Wil- who wss plae'ing e nt hig loughby but the Bowman- bsst games f the seasori ville "Vew]es" Red Eagles tîpped e past Raady Allen fnaly got back on the wîn- in the Port Hope goal te end ring track by opping the Vhs scong for Vhs game. Keni Pot ope Pates21 i i olmcs and Rîck Shackelton Port Hope aset Thursday sv- picked up hs assiets on this àk c ~ sog, goal. 97A parisahoe town -rowd Time and fumeaai h e.aw E, glspIay one of Panthers chargedhbut culnt thi est gamnes of he ses- dent the armour of "ok' son and the vîctory- came at In the Bowmanville goal. a M(st opportune tune as, Thc, Panthers outehot B;ow,ý thep Eagles have fouiid vic- mnanviî]le 51-33 te showA why tories hard te comreb.yla their WVilloug1hby had teo b, eVh last few games. nmerosstar c-f Ithe gameq.ý Ail three goals wec scornd 1PAl Ka ne ýplay1,ed, hie, s la a span of seven minutes in gamep of hs ys2ar for theý the second perîod. Ege sdd tedetence The twe wiinning teamsiaDbiMeke Lyn Tink, LeV.a[Jcffreys, Ardy Jarvis, Lorcey defeating Hampton 1-0 and Phil Watts, gave Vhs Port corps wh1o weue hrttrngsol- hs annuai Dsrlicgton Town- RobertIson, Barbara, Atkinson McLcan (Captala),, JeffreylWest Courtice 1-0. The H-amp- Hope fans their oniy opper- idïl ,,smth théjf have net ship Public Schooi Soccer A and Lýiiaura Robertson; from Sargeant, Kevin Wilbuir andIton beys couldn't agree, wxvhle- tunity te cheer whea hie gave donsr for a lonig time. Toiiramen hel at olin theleft, back row, arc, Sandra Dale Broomne; from hs ieft,1ther their victory again,,t hs Panthers a10ia tVs AlVsrmiî~frad Public Scheol grounds oVenfMonica Greler, .onbhack row, Leenard Whitec:'North Courice was.5-0 or 4- 0, nies minute: mark of Vhs sec- skated very well, se wer can October 26th are pîctured IChr1isi ,1haren Morton, Karen'Danny Pascoe, Quinn James, but were unanimous le report- ond peniod. hope this spiritedi effort will above. The girls team le rom oberton, uyGoyas, and 7Roc David, Mark Rogers,1ing a 1-i tie with Enniskillen. Deug Crough who was laVe be.,cariled on C.te Vhs ext South Courtice; the beys, frorr the schoo's niccipal and Gary Pascee, Randy Drew,ISix schools entered hs tour- arriving due Vo work copi- games. Hamto. inah Wll Ptt.God Ftzerad ndteacher-Ioament - North Courtice, mittmsnts, ied Vhs score for The Bowmacvilie sweaters Players for the girls teams: The members of hs boysc Loach Brise Hrris. lWesl Ceurtice, Hampton, E-VsEge utmntslVras a ~e ok o h frnm-.... ip± t- rontiThie South -, Coniticegirls jikillen, Sout-h Courrticpad with assists- coing te Glen came as Vhs crests -teeo