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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Dec 1971, p. 2

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nan, BomnilDec, 15, 1971 îClaIrke M4an Guilty lurors (ulne Prior to Sturt of coute Fr0-uu.dTrou After imhre _th&_n twô and' Accorâîrik f0 the suirtary, ha-,if hours had, bèè,n taken Mr. PYtitma had apparently- il i l seltsg n partial juy ffrdf buy 13 head of (bhe drfèn-d àrt ri a f;rudcasricattie rooi Mr. Voglès anc it the ,currè-nt sIttiri2g )f Ibac gîven him $200 in cash founty Court chariged h2s àn1d a cheque for ý1,97750. AI iinrl and entèred a plea 0f tI1' tirme Mr. Vogles was ad- ýuitY_ vised there would be enough Thys Ytma 2,of Clarke -"0n1% iflubs account f0 cover 1Pwp., barl bèèn ch-alprèd wîtl' the ch-eoue at the first of the jefrainîg Marmus V ýogles following week. ~f13 hèéad of caýttIe Dy ur- It was about two weëks ,Jhasing the animais with an latèr before the cheque was ,NSF cheàtuè, 1presentcd and subsequently Upbàn heàrIrIg .a4 summarv f turned due to lack of funds. ýf thîe evidence7 and a char An irnveàigation by police icter wtîs for Mr Ritsma, revealed that Reitsma over a l-udge J. C. N. Currelly sus- perîod' of six months. had t eaded sècntèv1ce fnr two writtèn 15 cheques f0 dîffer- enars anîd rmade a three-year enht peole totalhing $9,722.07, robatiôn ordèr. and that there were stili 12 ÇBtts caInc1 (eces HATS OFF - Our hats go off to thôse fine fèiiows who act as emissaries for joily oid Saint Nick each yvear. Fèw people would realize the investmènt in tiinae anidtnoney the part time Santas devote to their gcobdili impersonations. They are in constant dem- anid for ail sorts of engagements, an-d of course are- eNýpccted f0o bring their own Santa suifs, a costiy1 itemp by itself. For exampie, a beard costs $65 or more.- Beits and boots run about $20. Týhe tunics have to bLe cieaned spotless, and as anyone wliolias been to l'le' 4eanrs nùws, that'cosf s a lot of money too). Do they gýet any compensation for the outlay? Not very oiten., But tliey do get one prize which somte people w,,ýould pay a fortune for .- the deliglifful confessions, ef a tiny tot whispering out lis Chiristmas list. ý t t t t t , GOLF -- Decem ber is not normally a good monfli for gcifing. But iast Sunday, the weatler was as fine as a brighit Mardi, morning, Taking advantage of the mild* speil, Bob Walton, a 70-year-old golfer from NewcastI'le anld Paul Kowai, about' hlaf lis age younirger, of Bowmanville, took to the Bowmanville Golf and Country Club course and played a sparkling Inine lioles Mir. Waiton had a 49, Mr'. Kowai, a 50. Not 'bad for December. Not bad anytim e. Mr. Waiton bac! an obývious edge thiougli, He is used to playiîng in Decemrber, Lastyea r lie liad his lasf game of the yer on the 5ti - 'but lie dbesn't say liow wel ieh. d id thlin Accordjnýýto) golf pro, Bob Burrows, tliey wvere thiefis golfers to pjlayr on tlie course since fhe early1 part of, Novemnber. JUILýÏST- ESSERTS -Accoýrding toinDorie Simip- ~fli, tnten mnagr attheBowanvlleAenla, AfeirIt, rnlager Ro-y NeOads and Serooge have a lot in,èmmn It is 1not ,hing personal.. . il is P%,0 Ry'îs apparent atitude to ChIristnias, Bt i it ha-sni'tdeterrred Mr-s. Simpson and thie other staff at thje Arenia froni decorating the building, with -merry Crsia fixtures bicluding a brigýhtly decra;ted four foot tree which was plaed~ve 1he Pop emachIine. Roy mnibled lis displeasiýtire but aiffeçr lievas compflimented by a iitn roup for the fine job1lie-,laId done- decoraing dihe paele kept any furthiler com- ments to IhhnseIf. In fact, ,id Mrys, Simpsýon, he -tre Qt rdiý(t for he ork, etedy lie reiceived his jut des-serts. As lie was getting a bottie of Pepsi fromn the mnachine h tyee tspped over and landed sýquareJ.y, on the top of lis liead. SWVEAR IT ES TRUE Anl acquainanlce telIsý the true sýtor of a littIe fourer old girl wjho picked up the art of swearing mnucli to tlie dismaLuy of lier parents, Tlie miother, in deLspera;tion, varned the dhul lir haft if she continued t'o swear shei wouid have to pack ii- er things an-d leave. After frustrating days of correcting, fhee habit persisted. "Okay, pack up your thinrgs a]clave," fhe mother said. Wliere- upon tlie child pckd p lier freasured belongings and went ouf flie door. The -mother watched tlie child, nxoiyand saw liher stLop and silt down on flie fronIt steps. Af fer a seemingly endless affernoon peerïng out the window tlie mother openied tlie door and asked wliy she ws ingering, to whicli the duc!d replîed, "Where tlie hl will I go?"___ WE WISH AIL OUR FRIENDS, REAIEÎn UTMR Opening ZSoon 9 a CHINESE and CANADIAN 50 KING STREET EAST T'ae-CalnaÎian statèmin Burketlon Takes Spin Inl'o Pasi _valvè6 5ý.~.Dr~ h isanirîx-nltprid hr bac! nèvè7r be-1n mucb ôr th&n $,O0in h;,bis bak Ac- courifaf alny onie fi me.., Mr. Reifsmra'i chiurch pastor fésfifîéd -Ftha l ac! ays knowin Mr-Retsm if0be a good man and oy ,'alfo hi lu family Of taine chlid'renl, ev- eral of whon'pare in prîvaf e educational schoolsF or uni. versify. lie saîd hé bad ben1 surmrue f ar of this dif- ficulf y and f éf laf éitpe'rIbaP thé fînancial pre,ýsures_, and Reèît8n-IA's fallure f0 fOllow Sound busrnéss prpctices lad béen responsible for thîs dif- yfîculfyý. bf Judge Currelly agreed fIat dif waà perhaps "an over-ex- teýnsioni of business" and there- ftore ordered fItat as part of. [_ fie probation, Mr. Reitsrna hwould bave- fr provide all - requesfe-d rcrsof bis bs einess deahîngs,. Defence counsél, loadE Kerbel1 of Toronfo, cbhalleniged! éacl jui-rrfor caseonthel bans t 'haf thry mlghf lavei Pri or conniect ini wî7tlthe casé and w' ý"ould tblere-fore, be elunable tf0 sit as im-partial d Two rmémbèrs o f tfpieiÀry panécl were swonin las, in- oulsifors, and as eacb JuLrori carie f0 be coe for thle ruarJury, Mr. Kerblle ask-; rd 1-4 or moré ustosdé-' tigné f0 )ow an-y bias. The -Jurors were aquestion- ed on ipersnal noledge of the açccused, the vicfim, hbow fhey ý-frit about the probaýble guilf of a man thaf had beený arresf éd and charged., aboutl any pior knowledipe of fhe; case, \whaf fthey thouglif 0f NSF chleques, and peole wbol gave tfhem, and manny ýmore.i This technique i s seldomn used in-Canadla aLfhougb if is provided for under fthe Crim- ial Codé. Mr, Kerble said fIat if 1s' being u-sed more lai certain a.reas of Metro To- ront o Itatfofind jurors who are, ope-n-mindled and have, no prior kniowledge 0,f thie case. This is fIe first fime-, how- ever, thaf fhiis tchiqeias been uLsed in fIe United Couný- fies. Accordîng fo Judge Curî'ehly, who bas been on fIe bencb here for fIe past 10 years, there la ian occasional individual Juror cballenged for cause, but this lai the first fime that if was announcedl at fIe beginning of fhe case that every juror, would le clallenged.-Examiner. Aâdopts Child I FRCMFIO 1, G N F) as welas making tîem cli- gible to receive a variety of other beneffs from fthe Foster Parentl Plan field office in Peru. These include vif amins, 1bakes owýels, sOap, mtedical, andc dental care, gutidanice aldý 2oupnselling fromi socialwo- erS, ad hCenlef1t nèrawl fter of special prOgrams". Thre Bo-wmanville club coi- responds nînflvf0Zoila, withi each memlber faking aý turc"i'Zoila's replies are in, Spanisb, of course, but corne compee withl a tr.alntion1 prepared by tIc Plant work- The clu)b got fIeid-ea fron- a Bowvnmnville> mani, Eddy Anohd, w folad] ado pfcd a boy somie time ago anld bac! become o caflused hFe wn f0 Peru tf0 see thiesiuto There î,s one ,other group ila thýe arca hc has adopteda chîloi. înder tl-iePlan -- theý United Church Women ini of activities present- spokasman for the am group aic! they to invita the Burketon ;cers f0 flair selonl )ing for planned pion- lbratiýons. ýshow was more tIena effort. Ncarly the en- opulation. ai tIc tiny 58) cammunîty locafed eyond fIa nldga, was cd aina way or an' Bll Manta ac! A. wcre tIare wit.I ex- of a single cylinder gas an anvil, lammar and ig stone. Mrs. Cliffon, nowlton ac! Mrs. Skia- ivad wih livestock -- Mvitl 'amq acaîf, aosýO Oîickans and ducks, weacorrcallad ilo uit pans. "Ba)ieve i but ,some of the child- d neyer foucîcd a lamb Ifbafare," Mn, Laing Lambertf ld sîop in isnoom, in pioncerfira- Mis. Vsnayk axplalo- fing ac! Mrs. Ralm, Eidiag. T I e r e wcre mnany more dedicafac tity - spirited indiVid- .o took parf, Mn. Laing naking fIe day a most dul Pioncer Day îap- Observe -Human Rights Day 'IApublic meeting sponsorad flan oftfe world's aconomnit F iltration -by th ~' y e Bala'is ai Oshawa aoc! pro blema. FISEt Ylt'oo nBowmanville was Ield on)Sat- Aian Moore ai Bowman- urc!cî et fIe Bowmanville ville acted as chaîrman of tf le ï. Hîgi Selool la observance af meig P la n# fIe United Nations' Human Rigîf s Day. (PRO PAG ONUA UNICEF film, "Children filtration plaint wais addcd f0 aofIe Sun" was sîown, foi- e g systani. Sinc flnr councîl las Mis. E. Westîauser of Sean- 'beanl scurrying tof0 flc!? solu- borougl, a former secratary Af the requcat af fIe town, sembly oIfIe BaIa'is 0fi (PROM PAGE ONEY ftle muinicipal engîneers, Proc- Canada.1 31sf, lMir. Vice said. for and Redferrin hava drawn Mrs. Wesfîcuser sfressed- "A lot depanda on the wea-, up tentative plans. Tabled in the importance af supparfing fIer," le1 addad. "If we get thle becemnban itb me-eting ai, tIc United! Nations in ifs work saowbound tiare is litf le WE Icouaceil, fIe plans propoaed areý againat luager ac! in ifs pro- can do. H.owever, durna' fessentialiy tlie same as flose fectian af religlous and PO- MercI, Apriland May we cx- 4presentec! la 1969, liticci refugees fînauglouf fIe peef we will legaing full out Isatwa million galion Pern world. fa gat the work donc." ýday plant supplicd with dal' IThe Baba'! World Fait h la Under fie ferma aifie .media filfers designed ta a ifs f cachings racogaizas fIa programn, thc project la laban ýconveational rate of tw,,o gai- Zoila Maria Tafur, pictuned necd for fie abolition i ra- itnie ud r e aspar square fooit par min- choyae, la a seven-year-old liglous, social and racial pre- i îutc, a dlean -watcr starage r-ea Peruvia girl wiom fhe Bow- iiîdice, universel education, an niefrnt.ral a eu ervair of 800,000 gallons, a manville Business and Pro- international auxiliary lan-met igI lift pumtping station, fassional Women lave adopt- guag a I piiulsl- Mostaf aifli improvementsi iyard services, and eleciricalicd fîrougi The Poster Parent md ill i auto w-orks and contrais. "Plan ai Canada. , straîght labor work, Mr. Vice The plant wjould coatain fil- Tic iollowing la axtracfed - aad. traioi, s,,)age c!d pumrrpingf roym aPlan worker's field ne- TeRtr lbitnst trats in bf orage signed fIat part on Zoila ac! 1er iaaîily TIc ote hepery lbtenda fae pretreaf ment fcliissucira oic i bo compIe:sioneci 1àf0fW-se owa of Bowmaavil asa pan- coagulation ac! sedîmentation wth curlybaîr ac! black manient site for e park and uifs may be builî ha at a fut- eyca. SIc la open ac! cicarful.1 (RMPG N recreational facilifias. If wouîc! un,,e data.'Wif hflhe, pretreat-IShe likes fa play witî dalla ever wss not deait with ia consfituf e fIe clul'asO5tI an- ment faciifiies fIa fltration ac! wouid like f0 lave a acec couaicil until ifs meeting Of niversany present ta the towa.l ia;te couic!leispecd1ed4 up fa doil. Wifi 1cer icmily, aIe îa December 6t1. This la fIa TIe club celabrates ifs golden iour or)rfive gallns pr squar:el lediant. SIc will attend Pre- way if waa disposed orf. anniversany la 1973. piof pa-1, inute, Iîglneers Prirnsry sclool t bis yea", She Councillor Hooper moved Tcfdrigatt I aiThey méiaînîcd fIat fIlsfHiinks she woullike touleca fI e fe ltter la receîvec! ac!dRTh ranyllow an rate 0f filtration la, not aaedied nuvrse. WIen visifed, Zoila wafied. bowcver no seconderot a fIo tea annouinca- af th présnt fiie. wcnîogsimple, Poor-qualitY couic! le iound. ,TIc major- mn aals cka I Tbemajr change izl f ui clatIin bncicondition wtiouf ity o oni paetyfi proval aifIaheCobour-g YM-, prfice. Two yeac goflebl Hbas twa changes la lad the latter required an axswer. YC n~c o omnf mas, -7150jD00. Tod,,ay lfIe ame cniion. Reeva Dykstrc praposcd fIesevc. bic! wvoi-ld le 20 pen cent highi- Z7oîla livès iii e smelly, chiai and ona afficar la autl- er, fIaenlgilacera p redi idstfy laaewîtl no pcvîng, oized fa attend. "ýPricas for.,f bis cîus soa con-,streef iglting, scwagc sysfem Couneillor boe pk sruicion lhave iaci-casad Paf fie or adaquata garlage disposai, againaf fIe motion. S o t rata of aýbout JO par centéel b er bousc is made of aid read Depuf y Reeve George Ste- yýear," fIe engineers asic!. mats wth dint floor. TIc fam- plan argued flaf flanc wera cn ~~ m "Tîls wýould i ndicata a coaf for ily appropriaf cd fIe lot citer vcry important changes lia h o m l - fIa plant la flie order aif$900,- tIc cerf hquake, sinca fîey aifiag wlicî the police de- 000. usadtfa ilve et their grand- partmcnf alould la well (PROM PAGE ONF- "~eegnizaghie timne faf fatlcr's bouse, but if a tt- aware af. -Ha suppant cd Dyk- fefdnlseae au wilbe requirad tao rbtcafIe aliy dcsfroyed ia theth- stra's motion. te£drlshm.AdrL- théý rece-.ýarv approvals le- quaka. Councilior Prout sasic! fief ttian wenf f o fIahegne fore calling tenders, we aug- Tiare is no electricity or ha was oppaaed.,I"t is f00 me-npower Office in Torontoe ' est fief a budget figure Of ruoaing watcr. For ligît, fley iste now aayway," le said. yastcnday sceking funflan de-j $t,000,000 lae uscc!." use candies. 'fiera are no sani- Mayor Halls concurred. feuls.1 TIc englacera agreeci fa ne- tcny iscilifies. Thoea l a amal"1 lelieve an important feaf- Thé mnaapowar pr og r a n pot ak n I etma c oo wt n uriaigyx ure wa slould consider is fiat must le epplîed for beinre por bah o Ile saciancing cepf an o i fable, a ec-. oday is Dacember 6t1," lhe Janujary 31sf ac! support on coaf of aprFiing adfn igcp n l îhc ec.remcrked ,wif h !profuadity . ay pirojeet will ad -on May the planit. 1.o date flair ne- Nigits arec chiIliy . TIare ara (TIc latterqutcia n-twsaprnttth port lias Tnot én evdby jf wo lads xii fwa hiankata! swer îy oer reirecli an nl1fe fwsapaete I leow.TIcy aiso said fley in fair conditinifor tfeie ine A vot c Novs aber 3f). meting I,ý at fIe faderai au- wouid i ook ilnth fe coa)t i pers n la ouseiol, d. No ac! wstkn ykfafoii would ntaprvc uiatg "pnopnlctany types i flr edltîca.Tiay hava motio.ph)( ensupported ic poefwii ctlya moin1Icra i oli My3s inlessa fIera wasl fitr-ation euîm nf" sac! fIa ska ,iaistcaid onmtt( sea urned i n tley wold rvw th e tr- Thsiamiy caiafai p Tic affect- thc police steyso ssracefat anotieni natives wif hrpracteivs iIlpedlecuiprnsl lae .group1-or o, g iatiwafuld 01E OWRC. ' concprni niil e'leua- Cii iny aa itrucniuat port fiawon Co.unc-il Pegreed ta supLon-1onsa!lave tI i- i î- vje yestrday dclna an- aga fie cotesiaf clinec.povdlarcodtona le enBoIprjesfe rn Tic, United Counfies Dir- ectar of Educi tona Frank TIom lhas juat rcfulnnad fnom *a wcc-ek-long inýpection cruisa aponisared by Ncworld Cruis- as, Lftd., wicîh opeaaes e curis-e-slip sceol opcreting io the Meditern-anean, * Mn. Thom gava a verbal repart of hIs 4tnp et fIe lest imeeting aifVie Board ai Trus- 3tees ho Cobourg December 9'ti. Ha fîankced the Board f'or ifs approvel aif taecruisas. Appnximaely15 stuideota fItýnmfIls areasana intandiag Ito penticipaeailathbccruisea fIls spninig. Studants, fo quaiify, muat la -recommairded ly flair jTerny awkina c ountias fiaadt of Guidane, camietad j an inspection cuse poosored tyhfe campaay carlian flua - CItA"NGED BT BOARD iTrainable refardý(cd duc!i- ren will la allowed ta attend couaf y seloals. batwaen fié ages af i fva ad 12 ycans aid, fIa Uaitac! Counfies Board of Edui cafion deeîdad la ifs menieting on Dacemlar 9t1. Tha prasent aga range is from five fa 18 yearS. SThecL'Bardsic htcd four points -as Ille enîtenia an whicl fie! admission ai rctardadc!dc-ý ren wouid be bas(-d.Tley are, medical repart submnittad by a Idoctor, tle principal's and/or 1:fIe tcacîen's evaluation, ac! parenltal consultation ad jcounsclling. 1Thc Board also agread ta ,etellial admission boards for ecI i of tle Eastern, Central and Western aneas. Tic Su- lperinfendent of Instruction was made s memberiofaIsl freboardsý. cd ly thr dvsoycommnitfec chlîdrea, will comaito éffeet- epe er1972, TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE NOIC%lw'1E Notice is hereby given that the Council oPf the Town of homnil las, resolved that the Municipal Offices wvill bc clo'sed on the following days for the Christmias and New Y ear holidlays: FRIDAY, DECEIMBER 24TH MONDAY, DECEMBER 27th FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3lst There will be no garbage pick-up on these dates Ga rbage -Collection For Holidcay Period Garbage normally picked up on TusaDc 23, will be picked up on Wednesday, Dec. 221 Garbage normally picked up on Friday, Dec.ý 24, will be picked up onl Thursday, Deceniber 23. Garbage normally picked up on Monday,), Dc, 271, will be picked up on Tuesday, Deceniber28 Garbage normally picked up on Thursda'y, Dec, 30, will be picked up onl Wednesday, Dec. 29. Gxarbage normally picked upi on Friday, Dc, 3, will be picked up onl Thursday, Decemiber 30., Garbage normally picked up on Wednesday, Dec. 22, Tuesday, Dec. 28, and Wednesday, Dec. 2q, %wil! be as usual, Christmas Tree PVick-Up ~ Christmas trees will hie picked Up frombuead only on the followîng dates: North 0f King Street THURS.,,fAN, 6;TH, 197-2 Souith 0f King Street FR1,, JAN, 7TH, 1972 Venders of Christnias trees mnust dispose of al unsold trees tliemselvees. Trees should be taken to the area east Of the Bowmanville Works Dep t. on Liberty Street South. KINDLY CLIP--AND KEEP HANDY FOR FUTURE REFERENCEM D'ecember l5L, J.M. cIllroy, A.MI.C.Tr. 197 1,ow Clerk-Admniyitratr Burketon Public Sebool farefatlars - building aphài variefy youngstars and gucats, four rail fancas, making cnlsc.A grade igît students from fram animal tallow, baking Marklus Marklam, watch as Mrs. Lois corn lraad, praparing frac! lapa fi Anderson af Port IHpe dam- appla rings. TIay laarned yaungst, onstratas fhe use of carding low to lraîd ruga, pafal flis spr coivîs aad spinning wlcel, quilts, dhura butter, shll eer cle i)oncer style! The Burketon corn . . . and, of course, spîn TIc chhîdren are frora tIc laIt, wool. sclool( .Tahn Pnaskas, Nicky Colue- Principal Hugh Laing, who tire po ci, ac! Gail Lamb. inspired ast yaar's Pioncer (POP. 1ý The cardiag combs, in case Day clebrafiona at the acbool juaf he ynu bava forgoff an ware usad as well as organized - Vils1involvet fo straigîtan out the wool year's - asic!fIat about 100 efler. filera so flat tbay w ould spin ac!ults showed up for fIa day Haines in ona direction. TIc wlaeh long avent. A damnera crcw Whiits oý vcs on boan from tIc Black fram ETV Kingaton tank film, ieiingine, Crack Pioncer Village. Lloyd aofIe pioncer display8. grýicndin Skin-ner, a farmer ia fIe TIe childran cookad lunc- Mr. Kn Bu1,rkc(foa iarea, doaated fIa enaugli food fa fead mar narar woal1. 1flan 200 bungry so 1Tc ce Thc picture wa faen dur- nmenu: chiean cd lad sfeAw a.p ing i fI Plonear Day" esîxi- pea saup. Iand-made au55twhmac-s tices leld raanl thfIasages, apple eider, fnac! apple ak ot. ach(,oa. For a day fIa clildren rings, lome-mada ice craam, crea lai relivad fl0auperiod iflathir and! bome-made butter spraad eha over home-made bresd. Ev- or dcalf e1 rytbing but thle l-ed ar M s Foster Ch~Id prapared at' thc acbool aondtc î Fos ter C hcooked over apan fires i heIateon.' yard. d quilt SA 60 studants 10 fIa cgradel rue-brai 3. ac! 4 achool took part, plus manyr A 30 otîer studants fromn a Sen- COMMUÉ IM. ion Public Sebool la Markbam uals wh, wîo wcra iavited ta attend said, mý fIte Burketoa avant. TIc visi- succassf t~ ors ware amazcd"-by fIe wida pcaing. ari, dthe pool, aru- esfinaté d tfaf csnhoré tha.n -50ô0 Awarded First Grant w(ilrilik f0v see both pro- Mothmberland - Du)Lrhami the Local Initiativéi Progrvain, wôud M.eP. Russell C. Honcy an- a nôn-profit organîzation or roof. uitunera om o n ' fccd on Friday twhe ap.- group of privaf e citizen, orM roof. ~proval of the firsf grant in a municipal ortritia TboruI m ioat of the people his Riding under the federal government may obtain a fed'. present agreed that If was aIgaverament Local Initiatives cral grant of un f0 $500,0f, desirable gýoal, few considcred Program f0 create winter cm- to creaf e projecta which lpriý il, fleasible. Somte suggested ploymenf. vide aubstantial new émpl-,y thiat Darlington should apply~ The project was approved ment and which have 'a s for the aréna and Bowman- for the Cobourg-Y.W.C.A. and nîficant effect on thé Ovéra i' ville the pool. However, the will create five jobs fils win- betterment of a coammunit-'~. maiJority present, including fer in the sfudy and dcvclop- The program lA admief Oir- maiýny from, Darlingf on, felt ment of recreafional and cdu- ed, by fIe Dcparfmenf of Manil- bath projectasbould be r on- cational programns for fIe ré.- powér and Immigration a sfructedho B o wm a n vi111 ardcd. The amount of tIc part of the Fereral Governi- wbcre water and sewer ser-,federal grant la $15,126.00. mcnt's.overaîl SpecîilE- vices are readily avahlable. Mr. Honc .y said that "Under ploymentPlan. _____ -Représentatives from f Ice two municipal counicils, 11)011 Allin of Bowmanville and G a u t c o l St Graîami Dallas of Darlingtoii were cautiouâ., Thcy agreed ite need was tIare- but were N-otW anted, slkecptical of the proposalsTeUnedCute coo wl)ich M'.Shackeltqn on Boardhae died feTnr woulid be endorged,,and were 9fBowmsavile ta f oa pesiifi l their councilsnoînedfbudatasoo would approve. ntitn obida Mr. hacelto, i an nfé- -site set aside la f(, Iepansfo ýhacl(,Itn, inan iter-a new 98-lot su-diviAin view, Sunday, feît fIat pro- Z '".autngMri od js grass lbac! bean made, A h f as LnéRoci meigof tIa executivelad nordCfhainé RAd.-il faken lace that, affarnoon. <.,Bar hamn hSrk said in, an interview fhata Hae réiterafad wîat hie fe]f fiva acre site locatad nla fIe ta be f11E single most imporf- new Waverlay Gardéns su- atfactor. in bringing naw, division which could contairi sport faciliflas f0téhis area- a sclool accommodating upntn fIe naed for bofl municipali- 500 pupils would be adequaha ties f0 work togethér.foth raM.Srierîý Both Mr. Allia and Mr. for thatèe area. nMr Stike dd Dallas saici tbey would dis- 'oed thattbIar eêi-e cri plan cuss the malter furtler st ain péet ie counicil ac! urgad thaf t eu TepàOn ie TeMartin Foad sub-di- dation b sesite atd the fationle set to adreaavision school site has po couif n fImeipropsa!aision for a Separata e F-- thei nex meeing.menfary School. It la nof I known whether fItChe hi PeterE. Blsey Schooli Board wll[ axarcisa frrly,,,, of Newcastle, son of ifs option. ýGra ted ears Mrs. G. E. Belsey, and ftle laie, Bahéo o rti ok UMr. E. J. Belsey, reccived lisj Sabbatucal ivarsity on Oct, 16, 1971 1- H YDON Dietrich Wunderlichl, lead Educatcd ait Nawcastlc* Pub- of Ic lysca edcaton e-lic Sclool. Bowmanville High C lub21Christmas etn partents~ ourtce aco- ScIoal and PeterboroughwaladoTuray fe- dary Schot ol, bas b earnedTeachars' Collage, Mr.BelQe'y noon at 2 o'clock.Prsdt saîbatical leave by the Coun !is Vice-Principal at Dr. S. Jr. Nria ped l fiès Board af Education, Phillip Sclool la Oshawa. meeting withî a poam, R- _________________ ports wara given by fhe treas- meeting la Cobourg last urer aoc! secretary. Ianuaryv waek-. The vear-lnng leave * f * meeting will le held nfIev becomes' effective Saptembari O fCl ee i second Tuasday of tiie lmoil 1972. af 8 o'clock. Program n - Mr. Wunderlîcî plans fo re- f ~ ~sisfec! of davotional by Ms tura f0o Germany for thc ycar - ir o JUmn J.Patta, on "Religion of Life fo study flat country's achool laf Christmas." Hymn ,"Coa system. Hé will e studying ~Gail ye Faitîful" was sung.A e the Garman philosaphy of i taLUwiaI roup reading was given ly Mrs. T. Y' education ln general -as wall Patta TIc ladies' banc!, Mrs n as specialized aspects of Ger- Bowmanville town counceil Millson, Mrs. Narrish,Mr - grma plsclal ducaintro- l as furned down an invitation Blackburn, kazoos, Mrs. T. - gam, abol dmiisraion, ta jain fIe Canadian Fadera- Patts, wasîboard, Mrs. T. curriculi and i n t r a mnu r a 1 flan of Mayars and Munici- Patta, drum, and Mra. Jonies, asports programs. palîties. piano, performcd tfIe follo)w- Sabbatical leave is anly Council, meeting on Dec. iag numbaers, "aeCames(- Y open, ta fbose teacî"rs who 6t1, feif fIat the annual fee - Santa Claus", "WlIat a Fr-ieriîd dhbave been wifh fIe Board cf 2.5 cents per capîta - was fao we have ln Jasus" and ih ýs leasat six years. TIay must higl for tIe benefit fIe town Yaur Anehor bld." A read- ý- agrec fa return to flhc Board wauld receive from .lbcm- ing ly Mrs. Milîsan precaded Lfor tîree consecufiva yaars. ing a memler. fI te îym-n "Joy ta the World." :_ The leave is sparingly giv- Council ao felt fIat the Mrs. Lloyd Smith showed haw sen, Acaording ta provincial cost of aftcnding fIe CFMM she makes lovely flawers. lit- d regulations, only one teachar Canada-wida c o n v a n f i o n S tic Christmas treas aad ho i 100 may le grantad the would lave been prohibitive. Christmas flowers, whicî 'as- -licve. The rafla la the United The next convention, for ex- vary interesting. She uses a Co.untfis la mucî îowar. ample, ha la QuebceCity l1e- ispeèîaî paint, wire, etc, Luncl"r ________________ tween May 22-26. The CFMM laa atona ws erved ly Mrs. T. Pai! DEAMA WORKSIIOP association whicl scaks t.a Mrs. Millsorî and Mrs. fr- il FOR YOUNG ACTORS arn te ole oieai lcal, Tallesw a vra aicely aorvŽ The Bowmanvilc Depart- gaverame,ntatheuî Iawithcadl an~d a Cbristm 's men 0 Rcratin iî cn-acquisition of tinanciai re- tableciot'l. Tîiewaa'a goodý L, entofReceaionwil cn-sources commensurata wtl attandanca at fie Cîiristmas, gduct a Drama, Workshop frtîcir responsibîlitica. meeting. chhîdren of elamcatary seoo Don'f forgaf fIe pot luci< n agc on Wednesasy, December! KEEP TANK FULL supper on Ssturdlay af g pC,> -29f1, la fIe basement audi ee1th ataka esfolxdbaCrqms -torium of tIe BowmanvilleK ee agstn tlsffloc yaCrsmse Lilrary. The Workshop startýa lf-ful during fIa cold waa- cerf. et 10:00 a.m. and will exfend ther. A full tank checks con- Mir, Gler Asîton, Wtro inta fIe afternioon. If theednsation, and fIat mieans less Univarsity,, spent Sundiay il; -responsa is good, fIera las a risk -af water, la in e égas, 1 lisa home. possîbility of another session 9on Thursday, December 30tii. i TIc Worshop la baing head- cpd by Murray Twist and as-1 sisted, hy Brian SDEOITEeAS IN & SEL HeathChartered Accouncants ph bers aI oflth Orono ot Tîcatre. OFFICES IN MAJOR CANADIAN CITIES This is not a fleatre-train- BELLCANADA BUILDING *programn. Rafler, if is a pro- OSHAWA CENTRE -, OSHAWA gram of theatra games, sing-1 ing, dancing, tonies and con-1 PARTNERS: GORDON W. RIEHL, F.C.A., R.I.A. v-ersation ta creata .a day of! fun, discovary, var'iety, chai-! GORDON F. SEDGEWICK, C.A. lange and growtl. BURT R. WATERS, C.A. TIare is no face. Briag a lunch and comaecressad fori fIa sariaus businesof play. PHONE 728-7527 For furtîer information, please cal l le Recreation _______________________________ Office af 6j3-311-1 Ji ust Returned-

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