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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Dec 1971, p. 8

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The ennadian Statesman, Bew~an~#ifle, Det, 15, 1971 ~M-SPOCRRECTIO laapeiu ouin, we stàtèd thit the all.star tèà -1vpayd i he recreatiOn hauàe leagués. We wôuld rtha±h l nFo-wler w-ha aI forrned us tbat this year, gl-sar wllnutricin l buse léague actioni. 'SeTf e n a-tAr clubs. ý4,involving 112 boys, play ~rhe aweek, f ont ourî duration, at the Bowmanv Area. he prctce nthour each weelc ia the tXèwcai t. t . t BUBBLE ENDS 41FOR TENNIS FLA VERs Tht ndôo Tenis ubble camne té an eaid last wé whebn fnnilarndet coulda't be workéd out ta ~at~fhtio ~fthtOshwa Tennis Club and tht bubl ~wror. I thtOshaa rcqueteèrs played as inuch as se, ef u hojindf ai Bowmanville, no doubt wt'd Stili Pehps t's juqt as ell that tht bubble bts hi btueduria a ..s stof tennis f or 1à7i on Decerns SUt tha's ealy èteningthé seàson) thé sports ed d~t~agd ar areay wakright ankie-, banged up aur ~nd dida"t-do te i lW! rmany gaôd Ither -as we i îDigitcntsil, fe ai ur fusnewho sht1llgo1 ~ianédallwe tsta owhe "wished, we had sèen that - uthaebeenite afal, Sa i's robblyjui aswell that it rained all weeký inst( ~f nôw beaus wèJu,,st aren't in tht best shape for skii but léVs Ope - get som of that white stuf on the hillm bet Oshawa SkiClu'b for 1nxt weekend, W~'r gong t mis th tenis and also pro Tom Borec * yrig uywh bs on qitê a job aiconbinngspc aMéucto, hl a h snetuésee-ing alot of Eurc Tom afer lnihin hlb chool in Toroato, played hoc] ~ l Swtzelan an styedor ia tht summe2r ansa ý tennis ro.HtU, pecs t have a uaiversity degret la wecs nt abadlift fr aYoung fellow t t t t By pelogin th tenisseeson, the sparts editor haý got proiund t curling n a week ago whm-n we svêrt sev,ý heus atbig ihKtt' rnk in-ý action el tht big Dur ~ospe1atth hibyCuligClub,.htMotraliurso ~érly niseda sot a tt emifinlve took in, and w ontawi tt spe] nd is rîero of twa thous- Ther wan'tquit tht m c on tht e Friday night tht owmavllt CantryClu ,hn wv> isco2 redthat tenas aimens wrea' sebadandgot a ar frst cmi atton ! tt saso. Prsoal wedîdn't tadd xauch ta Youkna culin taa vry xacingand iatertsting4 sp, Ivd we hop î e et Iin a otmare iext year. 3KATIN Sine nalng ot-aatrefer-eeing coneback acupl niyasagis ya h old scriýbe ûnly had tht bladea an ~ tupi aifiies butthsseason we,-avelready been katîg sverl Unes th laeaat armn PrlaOshawa. IL ws au firt vîit t thtdoubl-e nzhsurfae riaks = - nii lé pa tel you it l a geatidea wîthtwaregulation ~im'finer tt snie oof Woner f Bwma&nville and Dar- ilngon ouldputsamthin acrsa ikethat' t t t tt The bcvwlèr. We wo, làad aî heartV' 25S f*or on tht gameb Speedbi 3' 4-ý7à- O0ke hi( aie, tiéi 'Il (30 bad 791 sin ge TDý3, éJ Larryv prn Su: ing'a tc nice 40 McKaig man 73 732 (30 (274),1 Date Ross W Carter B rome]-1 ily 703 Maui single 288, B Glanvil Btave single Cowan bad hi, L.G.A. Pab'sC IGA aq' f1ace an ht win aveaE Dion O AMrNI N 172Ren Si Thttlrt ofiiaimeeingtaklck off what hopeul will Dicl< p peflly Russ tesut l a tuc nedtdnew arena, was, held at tht Lions Rus IE Cenre hurdaynîgtwith approxîmattly 60 per cent ai tht Dr, H. attedant tra ,Bomaav!Ihe end 40 per cent fraom Han Et A~og ithchlrnanKethShackleton and DnMaster- Bob La ~oïi tt wama esonîbefor atnptn eget ttbal Rap P D Howar, j erk idnls a ter t cve he meigfrttMaurlei ~ taesta~but mnotaatyth prt dta a unable,, Art Ro ta atenddueta a-prviau comitmntMurr'ay ýhen, 2 Î dal t beGeorge dlsussd, hee l platya!inýteF-ret aa d i tt roecaa Les Si "eele tht proer bakinteaewren eal0ecm1 Bl 'rrsiy ebp y etyarttistieBff ih BowmanilltIt woud appar, fc e,ewesamjrtpuewî hýîdBu D I caild e frthonug fontthttew.Pi) ld'- 0j t t t 6'8I-Z Yth t It Jaek aly.Snday nlght. Tht ýGeýneralà, whoý have been experi- Bob GI g eend priodpralsiately, scared twice in tht George na~ sesionGreg C bu utda, t apae that Oshawa ee cetain Uoes a ~ tt amltn Fru a teywere ',down 4-ï ary à-htKaiP Clata - ~eondperodandcare o tapull theIr goal-tender end tara liaqrold * 5-5tieBob Kc i Atht ia atra atrno ome gante af the ta- John 'V pa, Gnri le - ulge, and were fortunate ta cilgeDu St. athrins BackHawks wtre vîsitors, hast night, Ian1'etm a gae w Ich t Generals were iavored ta wln, With Tor- I. G. A Rangrs mkingmove to ushPab's E ont Maîbaas ad itcene Rager maingnioea a psbFrank's Oshawa ut)ai<tp sptth Generals face a pair af important Varit encuntrs its weked.They play at Maple Leaf Gardens Ken's 2$. Sturda attrnoonand itchener is at tht Civit Auditorium, Meni's V ~uada nigt at7:30Beaver Tht arîaro wo Sudayta reniain four pointa bthind LuNe 4hawa wih a gam la at. thener were upset by Mont- Insurar 'a azn Snawihmatthe Gentrals gàintd an Kiteh- Dykatra Ottaw, Niaara F I lsers la Tarante) and Peter- Foed Jury & rougt wa lst a St CaharnesLovell -4A FREE DAY 0F WJNTER FUN Hardwa managmentof Snset arm odge Peps Wete MI THE SUN Buick I SowobleClub, invite you to be our guesi for a dây of winiter fun În the sun!Uan eekeornd e dutring Dcmbraï oui, Lodge. Bring your snowý>- moieÊoboggan%,mor whatever. You tan just wan- der over thtegrou dndenjoy thte losenes ed nature - dean feshai, animiais, e.- IT'S S() EASY TOFND Dirctonto unetFart LoîU-dge Snowmebile Club 401 týasi 'to 45 i Cour; t Cobourg rnorth te Nerthuberlad Cou toad 18,(Indian menu. metand Superteet station on -ithe corner), Turn lefi and fle iu oS;nset P'1aru, Lodge - Just -ive m1s P-S. You eauenjOyu a -eourgtry hiome-coôked meal luth ldge (tano ta harge) -anid stay PHONE DIRECT TORONTOOFFICE: (419) 742-0474 9 NARESUROO0K DP, REX)ALE, ONT.' adocer wby? Fourbo- re over 80 IhTrin ck Dond taklng ceri-, È50 triple , Ron Swtt r842. Bruce Mim.e wl. line ahi aig-bt and Lad muler D'ickPefc bt 1-205 for U80ý7, ugbteenî râ bettered 700. O Th e ýrthers, F an n Js id at 791, - Wiid Bih haJ 15 -2p82) wbil igge 9i (30l", Mauce Rich- se ad 791 'aaïd th bgi af tlte ht 43 i e bit 7T,4 <341 ,O aiue GordWlo 5 13ah WIaN s 750( 263 Larry 'P'-ipe 79128U waa bowing la Whitby! indày la tht bigCal tournameaf; and bad a 03 single gaine. Jini ight 7?'5 (285), Aho Sa- 733 (265), Clarence Oke 0M), FrankMou 73 Bob Sniitf2r (7) Reynolds 714 (79,, Wright 707 ( -3 L o 710 (331), Howard [Il 707 (252), Elwyn 705 (254), Wnlt Haf e- (259). ice Annaet had a 299 game. Ray Van Meer Bill Luxton 265, Bob ile 261. ver Lumber bad high game 1287 whîle tht Pont îac-Buick tean.,i igh triple 3658. b. as 28-l ts. te lead ceab wlh2.Tiis eek ad PaLs eet!ace ta nd tha shhd e-cide ry Pipý er i tpslatht 2r %riDonOh 240,- Pipr - 42 ý 23 kt 42 e 2 borne -- 42 2 37l Reala - 42 230 a.l B. ______ 42 239 XCarer 42 22 elck -- 42 228 B-. Ruadît -42 229 Palnier 42 2126 i, Brontmeli 422' 2 6 Dichey -4 2 Imilt- 4 2 Mobun 4 2 e Annaert,- 4 221 twe 27 221 7 Tighe -42 219 ,tCKnlgbt . -42 219 eStepitta -n 16 219 n-aît 42 11 217 ýke "____ -4 16 rrigt 42 214 Etche - 42 212 [enng 42 21 an. 42 111 Lrt-r 42 210 1îaer-- 42 210 Iu7rhy . 36 209 tnrt ---- _ 42 208 Land,- . 42 207 l1anvîile - 42 206 Ppr-, 42 206 -4phy 42 20 ~ouch_____ 42 Î04 Bagirell - 42 204 Piper.. 42 203 ie Oke, 42 203 1Bennet 4 ,2 202 ,onopaki - 42 201 Van Dyk -ý 42 201 STaylor-,>---36 200 ftandît ortTem 1w ~A. 28 Wea..24 r 23%A ce-22 Wit rare - 10 Pantiac Cola.. 16 13 L 14 le la 16 19½ 20 221/1 23 23 24 26 29 Pts, 26 24 24 "di/z 22 191/ 19 19 16 13 (0 OF Bowling, triple, A. Van C'oor 786;,e' bigla single, A. Van Goor 32, Team Standings Bond___. 66 44702 Nolan - 61 43969 Rober-ta ______61 43333 hienny ý -5 8 43562 SnttIa..,~58 43257 55 243074 MeReea 51 42771I Fron ___3_150 42507I ~ufn*a46 422863 - 41 41 6"" ~M~ o obbs Boys Win ÇC'ounty Soccer Tournament The M. J. Hobbs boys, like their aider counterparts' at Courtice, have shawn that they can play saccer too, anid play it weil enough ta win the competition they etralso. Tht team, pictured above, won a caunity wîetournament held recently far public school sa.ccer plïayers. They are, lcft to right, front row: Deni)ts Yellowlees, Paul Ford,, Brîan Sleernon, Bob Kazulab, Anohrccrrumrrph Forarigo> ob by HrvtyWebaer tdnts snethey were Up Maxmumpaticpaionaa againýsl senior students kee copeitin wretht buLtlhey dîda'l lake- a back ighhîghts astheH bbs bos seat as tbey wenl on fa fia- lunder Coachi Bert Mri won îsh a close third la thé fia- lte area meec and we;ttan als. ta win tht couaty t-t, They, Port Hope proved the ma-ýin did sa wîthout a siagl---e deat. opposition, They képtinlasleP On Monday, November, 15, with tht Hlobbs boys on 5 sf- ami -d mosture ýaad chill -teni- urday, November 201h, tying peratures, Keadal, Cartwright, theni la their game 0-0 and lamfpIon Junior and M. J,.sa lai thetlotal points for tht motanade use et the Hobbs tourney. andý Solîna soccer fields te Tht déciîng gante,, was play a round robin tourna- played tht followî7ng ede ment. The two wînners ad- day, November 251h, Rulph vaaced tealte couaty finals, Crydernian and Darrel Kao Hobbs, successia w,îa- combined te score thé nh ning ail théir gaîts were goal and lead thé Darîiaglea"( closely pnrsued by Car!twrîght beys te their finIt county sc and Hampton Junior Thé';-ýi laI- cer championihip, 1.er leanis fought il out but There are soeégeod soc- Csartwrighl waî un,.able 10 cer players ceming to Court- attend tht county îy,ýowdown ice. anàdwa rephaýced b y Hamp- Thanks ta Randy Allen, Ion. Richard Broomne, Pèle Pin- Much corna oe. sait about this scrappy littie Hamptan., iteam of 'Grades 4, 5 and 6 by Jim nyClarke Dave Green's six point (a goal and fi1ve assists) spree hlghlighted Bryson's Smoke Shap's 7-4 victory over Mut- ton's Shell in Sunday morn- Ing's opener. In the la-te en- counter, Bok' Supertest dropped Mai-ber Frank Real Estate 4-2, as Steve Burns sparked the win, wlth a goal and three assists. In the fret wheelîng, open- ing game, Mutton's gave a good account af themnselves for 40 minutes, but faded in the third, as they were out- scored 3-1. Somne remarkable netmlndlng from the wmnners? Curt Vanstone complemeated Greea's mnagnificent display, Tim Prout, aniother stroag hand for Bryson's, nad a -oair of goals, wîth Joe Balson, Ch a rle y' Green, "Tully" Thompsoa and Lanny Burns campleting t h e i r scorng. Thompson, gettiag better each gaine, also collected three as- sists for Bryso's. Mutton's, still wInless after aine games, recelved a pair of goals froni George Sainsbury while "Tuz- zy' Marjerrison and "'Woody"' Lee added singles, Charley Greea (12ff00) and Br-ans (14:00) hustled first place flrysan's ito A 2-0 first HEl AT!iNCG, SPECIALISTL 17 Lberty St. N.' PHO--NMe-623,;7W9 2M4iHOUR SER11VICE Doug Mitchell and iRon Smithson; middle row: Steve Tamblyn, Rick Scott, Rick Owen, Neîl Killens (Capt.), Ralph Cryderman, Gary Nemisz and Tom Renton; back row: Darrel Knox, Gary Smith, Paul Sobil, Neil Tay- lor, Kirk Kemp, Ron Wierstra, Guy Pinsent and Bert Martin, teacher at the school and boys' coach. the lasers out aiter thesec- ond goal at 17.20 of tht ota ing perîad Brook s'drwfv Coeyand MkeCornel. T7wo of Brooks' goaIls ýwere tht resuit af power pl.ays. They drew tht oaly three penaltieýs in the final 20 miin- utes, but smot.hered tht Real Estatepo r plays success- fully. h showing by Brooks against tht dangerous scoring mnachinery of Frank's was ex- cellent, wit Vanstone con- tm.ýuing bis sparkllng nect- This Sunday niorning at 9 a ni,, Walter Franks take on Brysons, with Brooks. andý Muttons squaring! off at 10:15. Local JuvenileSý' Drop Three more Games by David Goheta- Wednesay Dc.81h High siaglesABurges 256-211, B. Wilburý 256. Hîgh triple-C. Bruce 686 (243-200-243). Games over 200 B. Wîlbur 256-217, A. Burg- tas 256, C. Bruce 243-200-243, K. Campell 248-236, B. Piper 235, K. Ralîton 242, B.' -Nul- gon 233, N. VanAbbema 235- 236, J. MeLean 240,-200, J, Mains 233, D. Verîtyea 229- 201, M. Ovenden 217, J, Rowe 22A3, Johanneý Dixon 205, F. Dyý,ksIra 216, I. Wn-ighf 224, D. 187ý , B ,I1. Wîur »186, B. Piper 184 , Srnith 184, J. McLean r, . Cochrane 181, A, Bung- tcsi 180., A. Dý'kstra 179, F. Dkrn178, G. Davey 176, J. Rowe 17, I. Wright 175, D. Vtrleysen 175, N. VanAbberna 171, A. Larusso 167, L. Burg- tas 164, S. Carter 162, M. sent,.Bruce Osborne ana Pete Afler winaing their flrst OvendIea 161,M Trimble 159, Schoonderbeek fer their ex- game of tht season last Sat-59 celleat rtiereting. urday nighf, Bowmanvîhle Sf. Ma4éry's Cernent Redmen play- ed three triple A learna lasI uato ln ~~ week and hast aIl tht ganies. S Lait Suday they lost te U Dexeber 7th, ockey V Peterborough61,thsutout, Standinns Pn perlod edge. It was halved al- They were ta this gam(ýe -fo rmaîskihlea --27' 40966. fer 17:47 whea Sainsbury fwo periods, but ia thetthird MptGae 2 99 teamed wlthb Marjerrison. Peterborough took aver an ad Hi Ciov -- 22 40240 "Fuzzy" 'tied if UP, With filled thtefnet. H sauna-. 2 49340 Salnsbury assisting, aller 4:12 LiSriaBemnl l Snco219 3961>7 of tht second frame, Two fnl- atFiaBonnvleS ocss 391 lies by Frout, at 9:02 and hast te Whîtby 6-5 on a last Salemni 17 38515 16:45, gave Brysaa's a 4-2 second goal. Phîl Broome led Tyrone ------ 15 38477 lead, Saiasbury's second geai tht Redmea wîth Ibret goals, Dominion- Stores 12 37228: of tht gaine clo.sed thte a Scott Burgess and Fred Ryan HghSnes-Kn hak- only 27 seconds freni tht end hdctec.tan 316, AI Stephea 315, R. af tht period. Goals by Dave Witb three miaules remnîn- Laird 305. Greta af 13.55 and Balson atI ng la tht game, Bowmanville Hg rpe .Tyo 15.50 leit Muttoa's îraîîuag leadiag Whifby pultd their H744,TAitphea735D.RTalr 6-.3. Lee caunîed tht loiers, goal-tender and thed tht game> 707 ISehn 3,R ar final goal aI 18:20, but Bry- Wîtb seconds remaining Whit- 70e7.e son' comletd th scrîn, by lied tht gaine, as Bowman- with qnpo ttmrs ville lest two ta a row, K. MeG.III 235, D. Taylor man, 14 seconds froni thtead On Saturday, Dec, 111h, 233, D. Wood 219, J. Coonibti of te gme.Bowmnvile ent owntoi215, L. Forsey 214, R. Laird Tht victory moved Brysoa's an 8-2 defeat aI lite hands of213 J.Lufîman 211, T. Pheas- intotOPspo, apoit infrot Pteroroghance 211, C. Milhs 207, J. Me- io BroopkspotadpoitrtFafrnt. ero hKaîgbt 206, C. Goodman 204, et Book' ad WlIe Frnk. Bowmaavillt opeaed tht M. Marshall 22 .Crwl Alec Wisema~n tnrned la a scOring as Elrov Trlmble 201, R. Avery 200, L. Cooinbes tough defeasîve gamne for scored, Steve Watson and 200, AI Stephen 200. Bryson's, plus drawîng a pair 'Wayne Stymour aîsisted. Don _________ Of assisîs, Ktm Rodgers, ai- cGillis scored bis firit goal thougli beld pointhess, warsa which turned out te be juilSt Sbop crowd, Mutonr, ht contest was over. Steve. December 12 sf111 frustrated la their quest Watson froni Randy Allen and Rint,~diaks . 68 38369 for a vîctory, Saiasbury and ille O'Bea Leprechauns - 62 38018 Marjerrisan were la top --erzn, Lucky Stars 57 37682 with Letealy a step behind. Before tht second period Bluejays 55 37390 In tht marning's hate wns complet e, Peterborough Bobca,,ts .___ 46 37260 match, goahie Viace Vanslane had seored tbree goals. Bow. Nobod-,ies 37 35541 niavile frgo al abut ~- uikati36 36988 and bis mates blanked Walter feasie hockey and eebot -Rvr-----3 1 Frank's over tht final lwo e:vehcean trby-oo23 361 perieodi, la taraing a 4-2 vie- ough row foyed with tht Red- Men_-Higit triple, Jîr Pair tory. Burns wlth a goal (bis men. Lorne Diekît, Gary Bel- 740; hîgh single, Jirn Fair 289. eighth) and Ibree assista, try and Randy Bryem scared Lades-High triple, Elleen aloag wlth t crafly vetran tht goals. Hîckey 579; bîgh single, Lloyd Harnilton (two goals Ia tht thIrd,, Don Gillia Lîlian Smithb 237, and an assîst)f headed Br,~ trdtowt tv l- 200 and Over Averages son's offensive Ga-ry Akey van end Paul Carey collectung Jini Fair 289-270, Lionel pîcked up thir oýther tally. tht Others. Hîickey 238, Mike Kennedy 238, Larry Perrîs (nrmber aine) Bwinv, îssa Ln-Lilian Smith 237, Nancy Boýïmavîle lay a LidMahoney 236, Martin Malloy and' Larry Smpîýon were tht îay on Dec. 14th, Mrhm230, Bob Camipbell 228-206, scortrs for the Real Esat o ec, 16th, and at hm Harvey Williamsa 223, Doris crew. aura tht 181h laB - jeffrtys 223-210, Bill Holroyd Tht two clubs baftled o mnvile garne finie 9 par', 222-213, Arnold Brinklew 217, even ternisý -ver tht pnag I gl eain i tBo-Ter Mallay 211, .Jo.anGib 20 intes (-2) bt roo'smanile ld imrs.20. ather Frank, 209, J ack added sal ol aVs e- Cm nUw t h IeBon20-0.Rs ai aadandthid farns l rghi Paace an se thseboy taConay 04,Frn ap Fins Pis. Alley Cats - 39143 24 Sore Heads 39946 22ý Headi Pins 38223 191/ Gutter Balla 39714 1812 Screw Bals - 39918 17 Aces ----------- ---. 38115 16 High siagle-N. Henniag 27,C. Snowden 263, high tri.'ple-N. Hennmng 710, C Snowden 639. Hidden score winaers-. Game 1 Shirley Gordon, 2 G. Wilson, 3 N. Henniag. Over 200p Gamee Liada Adams -,219,MN.4in- j ning 247-277, H. éAikea7 220- 209-241, G. Wilson 23B Part- ner 240, C. Knapp 20ý0, N. Cowle 225-252, Ada AIdamns 218, C. Snowdea 0,23 Bruce Smith 209-281, D, Bridger 240, M. Adams 203, R. Stiles 215, Ron Good 217- n'7, G. Simpson 210-203-260, R, Go,,odmurphy 243, J. Bridger, 231-208. Averages Over 200 Games Ave, Ron Good - -39 240 H. Ballantine .30 2ý27 G. Wilson !30 220 Bruce Smith 39 2 161 N. Cowle ---- 1- 39 '214 yo'e //4m SHELLSheit service PHONE 62â2-5662 MKINSMEYN- -M SIG KINSMEN SUPER CAR Ckrt'stmas ~f3rngo IN THE PETERBOROUGH MEMORMAL CENITRE FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17 $11,500 TOTAL PERIES INCLUDING HI-LO GAME FOR $l1,00.u Jackpot Game $1,500.00 If won lu 55 no's. 1 20 "SPECIAL BIG" SANTA CLAUS GAME $.1000 if won la 50 nos. 2700 if won la 51 nos, 2400 if won la 52 nos,. 2100 if won la 53 nos, 1800 if won ia 54 nos. 1500 if won ia 55 nos,. pca 1200 if won la 56 nos, Games 900 if waa lan 57 nos. at, 1000 if won la 58 -nos- $150.00 each BIG RCi.GAMES BRAND NEW 1972 HOLIDA-Y- FORD- "TORI NO#" or,ý $2,000 Cash Early Bfird Share tht Wealth" Games starting ai 7:30 p.m 50 BigGradýe s'A" oea ýready turkeya s do r pi BSSAT THE DOOR 1 dgNSMEN i SKIING TO START SATURDAY The Oshawa Ski Club îs sc'hpduled ta be'gin skiia,g opera- tiens thîs Saturday, however, as this is beiag writttn, there. is ont major problem - ne snow, Tht snow-makiag equip- ment can't aperate nless tht weather is cold, and with tht thermometer reaching up te 60 degrees on Frîday that dîdr' help matters. Ia fact on Sunday, we noticed a couple ai gol&.. playing on the Grandview Course - and yen certainly coulda't blame theni - At was a beautiful day! Ail ruas are cleareýd and groamed and tht area for tht new T-bar ýis la excellent 1,:shbape, Large frets have béen trans- planted te make a wiad-break at tht top whjere the bill bas been raised, Incideatally, training la schednled during ,ý,tht ýChristmam holidays for tht Alpine Racîng Leagut, ages 14-19. Those in- teresttd should telephone Jot Jessea at 728-6933. John Armstrong, wh.o learned bis jumping at Kî.,rby is la Europe wîth thte aada National Ski Jumping teani.Ua fertunately, Deug Woccî another graduat of tht Oha Ski Club, sustained a broýken collar-bone at Va! d'Isers, ý Frace111:1 while trying for a bertb with the Canadian NationalRaia Teani, We uaderstaad that Deug returned home tI"t-, is eek, accompanied by coach AI Raine, t t t t t RE-D EAGLES SPLIT WITH LEADERS Bowmanvillt Red Eagles, had their winning streak nS ped in Sutton, Friday night, losing 7-4, but theybondbar te post a 7-2 victory on homne ice Sunday night, oe Suttoit Rangera, te remain in second spot, behiad tht Rangera, by four points. Tht Red Eaghes play la Whitby Wednesday iÉght, writh thtý nexthome gaine here Sunday night at 8:30 with Cobourg, raýviding tht opposition. Saturday wîl again feature double-header action Las McGrgors IDA. meet Ajax at seven o'cleck, with thtet Marysvý Cement Redmen playing tht Old4-T'Umers at 9:00(;m Despite- giving a very coin- gaine badly ,ut te oet medbeeffort here hast Fni- make up. fo-- the 1csni h day evening, tht Bowmanville return gaine Sn Red Eagles came out on tht Tht defene tem t beac short end af a 7-4 score quiring mort pis ad on against tht league leading fidence with evryganean Sutton Rangers. are turning la strong ame Tht Eagles worked vtry as ai laIe. bard la this game, gîving a real teani effort, and, despîte havîng te, play tht hast bah o the gaine with fwo lines, widely outîhot tht Rangers. Tht short-handed situation, Deceinher 7th ,arose froni iajurîes te Kenl Team Standings Ho 1 nes (sprained wrist), Robert --- - - ------2555P 3q Grant McLaugblia -(charley- Bradley 25470 3 horst), and Max Johnson who Gibson ---------- 241866g30 lest teeth whea bit by a stick McDoaald 24263 22<ýý in a goal-mouth scranible. Miller - 24381,2 Tht Eagles scored first la Luxton 410 7 19 tht game on a goal by Randy Coivîie -- ,2051 Rongers but tht Rangers scor- Stephens23h31 ed,1 Iwa unanswered goals tht Coombes 2 q3917ý rem-,î&ader of that period te Shackleton 341 i1e Iteail 2-1 at the end af tht Mutton--- -- -----2902! ,16 first. Kirkton -------------2ýý3298 6 d Tht second perlod was quit e Hîgli single 271, Florea,,ce evealy played wîth tacit teani Land, high, double 460 (189- scorng ot gol. tîrd 271), Florence Land. scorm one oal.Averages Over la tht disastrous th t Carol Roberts 207, Flor etn'c Eagles, thougb holding m0st Land 202 Fera Bradfley i9, of tht play, were outscored Marion GiÎbson 196, Beýssie 4-2 as tbey were beaten ttrne Forsey 193, B3renda Steph""enai and- finie aanby utn' 8,Val Mille'(r !1, AaBn fineê goaJife,!185, Joy Luxyton 15 eg aad. RlkShackelfon. 180, Isobehlýe Brs 8MoillY Leadlag tht Sutton attacr Horstinn ,: Wlna-oab, were Jini Ferguson and Ron 179, Rat ha ttn179, Fil Cooper wiIh two' goals each. Steadman 78Fvon Ed- Pîckmge up tht single goalsmado 17 MhnCol were Rad Lockey, John An- il 7,BrtKney14 Gîhbrt. Brenda Jones 72 Adey at derson and Steve Glet -172, Mary Lane 171, "Mar,' If was a fougit lass for the Kirkton 171, as oao Eagles as they wanted tt170 Hle heha-10 OWDec.2-Crtas prt and drawa, Bowli]ng wil1 start,,at 1:00 p.Ai, sharp Decembû,-er 7th 1- ÎP

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