Newcastie School C Commý af th~ ta Mrs~ amily il January 7 Day Chm),M PrD) ebeKd (1-loper I~Iui Pid T y io l gad ume nt, o T. P casa ce rea Soripture. t gave e mcdi ti i j Hoar gave a reac I prayer b~ Mrs. Ps I th s peflod~ We ha were anthenis Mrs. G. diurch ,-as ee dations ta Mr Jahnsan who c u~11 ~t~r '01. Eve, Decemi pin, a combir e wlil be held ~ ~k a WISHIS fo our friendi AND wlh youoend y'Yeuâ vhappy, b4mesd cbnstMo. R, %, RICKARD AND STAFU A MERRY bDe tnruly blessed CH-ARLES' Barber sQp JOY BE; YOURS GOODE'S AND STAFF RINGINO liN 099T fWIsHEs AURYand AN» STAFF ITOWER Fish & Chip Stcore fo ouR ,NY FNE DAVEIS and Eetia R., Rt-1,ORN At Chri~tnias and aIway~ w. pray for pence araong moL lu à m ERRY Frot l d1 toail of us Ahpp holiday to PAT AN» ARCHIE'-gý>- 0EJNARD A-N» STAfl BJLL GORDON and STAFF G'ARAE !t us abo.1rte i w and BULL COUCH And Fen and Their *Fami-'lle DÔReEEN and LEIPNJONES A!N» STAFF L-A KE'S ELECTRIîCAL CONTRACTOR ~rom au or us T~IANK YOU MERRY Tlewca st/e Uni; ersonal 1H or v1~ bristm OS ) eason s Çreetrngs and .Al peopi~ ~ NE AN» ;TORKS and -KIMN- -ýc) Cica