~diar± St~tesma~. FOR CLASSIF Tuesday, 4:30 , and Jh er ard -taff for frlend or(970. ýd and isits -Sa l i ccto -rs -,).( r: --Alan and 1E who thmnk ME, ANI)MtS WATRVANEYU aand APYNEW Y EAR Ar, O0N A NDj ERN ESýT KNAPP AND GIRLS 51-1 our ¶ eaives AND FAILY 1O MV MN-lNy FRI[ENDS.,s wie waonc of ithe BýfIL BiATEICS Il flett :Street i o ltlike to wisîh al n'y esscd ania a de- HPP'Y NEW VEALR hite,ji mý,ber ALCQUNE FUI memories t[enderly- n yheart thley ,vill Gdin Ris ime u -ites,ý ro issed anci alwaycre- icd- Anlnie. 5- jNI ovîng me-n oryv mot hiaît the lhanti of ve again the vpast, auir iheartâ are lme-l ArG AND» ANINE PIPER antir mneighbous ANDTE OIN A A SNO tractor, 3o I1 ol Jik to ish ail antila EVA FARROW' JAS T] Pîne a ptor A Ml RAPPY antd a HAPYNEW VA LES,BETLNEat WVAYNE PIPER VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS anti a to il ýmy FiniNihor aniReAlativeýs SOPIAé-KOVACS GABIEL& ELEN lKOVACS JUDY aintiLOUISEU, ani elatives a pROS5pEROUS NWVA Wewish ail Pur Custmers Neirhoursani Frîindea VERY 3MERRY C"HRSTMASý AND GOOD EALTH your fpatronage tduring the past yearn mARO'N & SMO0KE y JHAyES 51-1 RONAN»DIANE FULTON ry f IeneVanDam Atrie Ro ss ivedt 1- A pPYNE W VAR f aura d byii- ýgonWhati Mms w. îie , z- , sarean otherI ,1F lr- ho plaese3d 1tl couic by Ma,ýry, sc ott D-cc. enot! 11,1n ovng iet1 -ry,l e drlether who passe cannot I aitthe hentora rin aur heeýrteb, ne strathaven Nulrsing Homle for a HIII NEW TEAR 51~1 * th A 1111ERY 1 A N»D A IlA r-r-Y NE W YEARP T HE RTE LL MER y CHiiRISTM AS ce ania 11 PRÎ EOSNWVA to al Rlatvesandi Frientis CHALES ani JEANd 51- A N» A HAPPY' NEW YEAR MMS.MAE MCLEAN ToPi iliour Frientis anti anti BýES T %WI SHE11ýS fora HAPPY NEW YEAR 31-0 MRRY CHRISTMA5S AND»UHAPPY N 11EW VEAR ITOWAL FRIENDVS AN» NEIGHBOURS STANLEY TAYLOR otuty te wvish Our ReaieFrientis anti Neigjllilur anti a ROBERT anti LESLIE We' wvovdIcilike te wish ail uIrý Friei, elatvesanti uni We arue grateful for the Hlolija.y Season m wliic gives gus Ile potny to vich Our IentIs, olt andi a PAPFrY NEW VEAR For Rent A VAILABLE JAn, 3, 3 rooms, il foun-d; $8,5 mnthy. Cal, ed,$9 mornthly, plus hydroi. C1aîl 237746. 51- ton, i r n di iate possess s ion.1 phone 2325 n 6-28 nNE bedroom apartmenit, pivate pnrance andyad THREE-bedroom apartment, To bedo-room aprtmnt pool. Flyîg Duitchmaa ot oinn 623-373.3l-t STOREY and haîf bouse ini Bawimnvlle. Childrcn wel- coae.Avalabe Jan. 1. Ref- eoreccs. Caffl Newtoriville, 786;-2470 after 5. 5)1-1 L ARGE 2-bedroo aprten jin Tyrane. Parking area, lare paSygrund, heat and, watcr inciudcd, 263-2650 or TWO00ROM Aerteint,, anc mile fram tow"n an No. he r1ad bdo Tcelphane 623-2637, - -- -It( w"ith fullkthncord 1Ued ro, uAiea anc wo bcd- rmaPtent 9i65aov faciitis, Pone623-5265. two "-n -in'eles; ý51-1' My i Aale January 1lst. c il 623-7 084. I1- Cedtar C ree't Beach e t th foot of Waverle-1y Roadrly GuIy LBne Real Estate c Ltd.,' Re 'or ;25-9529. Wcý aiea have a nirc e ncrantisý plan aýt 1U6 Annie3 St., Oshi-f awa. 43-t pets G"ERBEL'S, -w 1-lgvea Wy PUPPIES7 BueTc3-Dl ê~-~ ~Ponxypoo± 'Jt)b-277-26l~ 51-1'~' NEW and ail malie 0of and Ranges. anrccTPartis L W.,Oshwa.Phone 57i9 Discount pic.Open day, Wedineeday, Thu: Bll amyilton-, B r o o 65-5-4179. SWIVEL chais,49 un;rok plaue, $75and mp; c-ý teCrfield, $190 and Up; ap $ 7.1)5 )and up, Mu ir phy s OEtape player for car,2 violn caes,1 Fenri eflectic gutrcaseý, drum buses dirum patiepd, mouýth card andstorage rac, uer straps and an asortmpt la FRED'IS FRUIT MRE Macs - Red, antiGle Dbeliciols - S ily SWVEET CADER andti10NE Y HIGHWAY 115 - O rONO0 49- Idealàý for, CHRISTMAS GIVIG 5 o 4-50 - .12 for $8JO0 W4NNNG'S GUF SER -1VIC E LIBERTY ST S. at 40! 5 11 ANDREWS TVTOWERS and ANTENNAS INSTALLED AT Low Rates i Colour sStemns Phone 623-2006 or 723-5198 24-f TUPK EY S C. BOREK Hampton Phone 263-2297 -Cars for Sal-e- OE -ton tru ]Ick, 45 ria 57 DODGE Power WVagon, 4 whleel dirive, new tires, Chrys 1er industrial engine, 27 ft. 2- pcee. boomn for f iont view, loading, Braden winch; alsoý rord portable crane truck,1 29 ft boom, hydraulicpawer-i edc, lift cable operated 20-ton wînch. Apply Fed'S Gas B:Par, 2,' miles North of l115 and 35 Hi-gwyo 35 Highiway. Livestock For Sale nFu, ar buylng 4or seillng lesckof any kind, eau] IvanJohno & os, Liv sONk E sers Labn order buy crs), Rie.R. hBileor230280n 70593-68.. 4c 5-2tf MALE~'/ r'othsoldpup,ý godncream color, black trimf down no as, lare feet, Labra- dlor bodyv. Last seen vicinityI ofý Martin Road South,. as of Cenent Planàt. Telephione 62-17 lfter 4:15 p.m.R- Wanted DE AT) and C r iInppied r Stok. MagwllFur F armi' 263-2721. Licence .~2~C71 I----------------- - - r Work Wanted INSULATION-Blwn mecthod, ihrc ol Wark- maShi garnted Ec etm t s C Sa ldI re tr';Liua- tion Co., Phne 75-72,072 Representai rry LjW_ e Phione 8-51c5t Don Brooks & Son custom Builders NEFW HOTISES - ADDITIONS; anti REMNODELLIJNGC Youl Nanie itanti WeDo it: Phione 723-6176 or 623-2301, BOB BEERS 1 ?,7 ELGIN S T. Plumbing - Heatingl Pre,,ssur Sstn NwWork ani Rpar Cali 623-264l 3-t fi JACK BURGESS *OIL BURNERS - FRAE PHONE HA31PTON 263-2151 P.O. Box 43 - Bowmaniville 30-tf FRANK BRINK Trenchinig SETCTANK INSTALLATION ETR, 6, 6BOWMANVILIlE, NO SUNDAY CALLS 623-7201, AL G. OSBORNE Carpet - Upholstery Prof esi5ional)y Cleaned FREETMTE Phone 623-2002 Watch lRe-pairingi Marr's JewellJery 39 Khng Street Wl;est DARLINGTON MASONBY BrcBlock, Stone Phone ,623-2176 Refigetin zanti 4nti )Phoe BERT SYER ACKERMVAN AUTOWRECKERSI LIGHUT, HEAY,N SUPER DTT T O) W I N G GEINERAL REPAIRlS GAS anti ARC WELDING ileeneiti Meehlaiicon Duty OPE ARUNDTHE CLOICKI SE YEN DASA WE 623-57,56 FARMERS and 0OT1HERS 24-Hour Mobile OS HMAA723-6840 After HUours - HAMPTON 263-8818 ALL WORK GUARANTEED. F"IIST MOETGAGES Ye 1-- erternifor above MmAie 4 taeIci yeiars e toond rates anti terme 579-1321 INCOME MORTGAGE SERVICES l42 elRIngSteW v shw 48-g 97-1441. heoffice oni four-day week r of Year. Phone 623'-2932. 50,(,tfF. SCHFILDAKR td.,, Real62-39 ReseBrokers1, require a m cesVcatLaL ourlt- IaCaI l fice staff , iies aai ) Ohawa. j, ýIdeal Abîlity taIspak thel(-Dutch o ii amisîni1 0 panguage and SOME salesLcl W by-law prmîts a ,101 experie'nce would be an asssuare foot homàe. Caîl Jasl but not ;n ncepssity. iWe w-ll 1 Qgema. trainand assisttheacccptdOshawa applicant ta become succeýss- fletace , rat hre ful in the repal estate frield.For Large faily raam Ihfl e BmntManIager a 2-0 a untry. Must sdi. $29,500, or his rsdneat5798.CîArtreg Applications will beIrceiv- Clos vtachuch nd coo cd byv the unider-signed(, for, a ; bdrom brickbuglw person ta ca-frry outthe(ute flinishedb asemient. Caî.lPyli aM a -weed inspectr underthMcobe We _d Contrai Aý\c t i lateBo anie County of Durhamn. Ail ap- Biktasoryfu ix plcants diust be residents orBf c lag Iot, c:IntralI1,ý ocited4 thle saîd Couinty and applica-prîe a 4,00-$î,0 tins swill be receîved untl dn t welve noon, Thursday, De-MDon cemiber 30, 1971. Couirtice Ajre.a K. Symnons, CekTrauc, ac tyle brick bunga- UntdCounties of lw eatflopen frpae Northumberlnnd IEurham Fpjrdg,ï, stove inc uedw 86 MIla tet otheýr eta.Lag bPric, CoougOtarlo ced ati3,50 Caîl Bill Tujr Long Cestablished toein a Newv , age toe 3hdro rapidly expandîn.Ig area ncloseb ungpa ùc lowgod distict, large tao Torn-to, requires, JforUlt, aily fînanced, $21,50t, drvr, Coni- nimpson ve. responibe persn wîtA re- taîl furnître xpeiene t the rurniure department. $115,00 to $125 per vweeýk tAstart, plus Bonus on Gross Sale-s opporunitl'nur he rig, pr Scd esýume,, in strIict conj- fidence, ta ME. PAUL G, EGAN Egan pBros. Ld 29 ueen St. N., LOOt rimne (m1) 857-221 Wa-ited to Buy PIAN, gandor upright Kutbefr student, AUllpay ca3sh, Wite Avcticr24,ý c/o CndnStte nP,O. Auction Sales LIVESTOCK SALES' aDuhmCoeunty sales Aea SelingMoresCattie. Slwi, Calves, Sheep, etc. Chiarl FReifi, Auctioneer anei pro Recal E state for Salei frocageon PNo. ihwy mile easýt of Nwasl.Clû.se 623-3303 brik bngaownicely, detris on Kingt, $290.Tr , Pr1c9d0from 86Ja00 undor laymeSCa= o s l00 PF Lricd a ci. 6 croorn brick b iunga)Jlowi.1Large lot, $2,0.Caîl 'iiJen Ousoornî Su. (tMie c3Nth-a !Rymodmbungaan tugyg shtircreVain rooni. AueCvooke sre. pilat $eq~ ci a Jan own z i-62ý$1ý ,oanres Rocs - 62>-39M Bihe TunskyO 6no98356 R(o F ,te Ono 983-5S0'1l fothre P l -G3-5 -c t SPENCER~ REAL1 1-11Y speceýr ESTATE - Sani Aan~ - Mary Sniltb llowmaavilti e for Sale--ý ATTRACTIVE SEIDTcHE CLARAN HOMES * QUALlTY AND CRAFTSM1ANSHIP Priced from $22,900 As iow as $,O down payme)Int. lExcellent termen, SALE~~MEN>ON SIEFRL or Cal,623-393 VIAN DIECINRci tca 1 Pl, 1 -l L-1 1 1