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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Dec 1971, p. 8

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"'ýMen's Major Leagu SP ORT o PI totn ba~n 4 ,ý ri-ye udyn~t Bd enîig êh hoede-r yone ta a r l Mîhlon 5 wag takîxgno F J)Cha iýn CesJ il W a]t te45 ABÔU AS IkSEAS OU 6N GÊ blwing lus bg average. Bob; Wilharne 4 AB-ipeUThAd Cames of -'8-313A LuYetA-ÛaArN 45 Wt the àssibîity f aPxeW reath CL itt~C~21fra bg 32 til.TdBgel -45 c~rver;t ics a)îit t ,nur between Dahngton adBW ar' 1 îdDv en onCatr4 epnvillewhat dû you think te percntaýge of p1âYeres, ~ frhihsnle Ro 6 Co -e 45 PfbliKent erybok h o Qavle 45 yrm emih area? 800 barrier as he- bowl4d i 799. PatMupy5 1 Actélly you coldn't get it any doSer, because 01 the Kn av a 45!28-6- ieMu y 3 f48 lyeso t4tyke, ao -,pawfée, baltam nd mîIdgetEge24 ,RoeWrî.ght hart768 JaCk an r 45 in the RElreatiôn DepaMinent set-up, àt coldn't b. nuch (270), Davef, Reymolds 1,43 ,anid Gerge Piper 4 his 313 gaine, Mra Tighe Don Bagneli 4à dok~, 74 (27),Rap Palr 739 Greg Courch4 Accorcling lathe fIgures we have -32 bys are frünm (274), Morey Etu4er, fther C1arn~ce Oke 45 Borenlleand 323 -erle in Daliig[on Towns)hjp. 0f Fats, i33 (312); russ OkelHarold BexneÊtt 45 "Mo'5Prsto ad eib atýmd-,1 aÉnýtrg730 (285),Bb Laird 723jKari PipeCr 45 ~'Me" reson xi Keth hacletn ttededa ~et (259), Hon Selleck 716 (302), John Va nDyk 45 wiýïtjh the Manpower Departimexit ini Toronto on Tuesdaiy, tvherClpat Mýurphy i11 (2418), AbBob Konopacki 45 we iinderstanid that thley were iriformied that there could be Saiman 709 (7) Don Bag- D)oug Tay ---or ---36 am extension of the May 31st wifiter wv.orks deadlixie. ne]] 296, George piper 290, Ray VanMeecr 45 her onSatrda aternonWild Bill Oke 287, Jim Mc-i standing ()fTe s A general meeting iras held bno udyatrio Knight 285, H-arold Bennett Team W L and we have been given to believe that P. rmeetilag betwea r278, Bud Henning 277. Yes, GA 11 Darlington and flowmn-an-\7lle counicils je hrped for by the Lowell Mý,acflougal bowled PlGah ý Cb 38191 277. he vwaxted tobc .sure a'Cb exevcutive of the arena, anid possibIy swinung pool vaer. this score was printed. BillFiik>'S _a et ioch with Mr, Shackl.etô etae20,DnOe2 25 20 concernibig any details on the meeting. Jim Brutor 265, -Elton Brock Wer en' a 1263.,wa 5 2 t t t t L.G.A. had igh triple 3372!Beaver ' GENERAL~S REACUH ALFIWAY MARKC whil,, Larider H-ardwar-e tooak Lum,-beýýr 24½ 2 z ',0 It appeared that Oshawa Generals had swAthed their the ÉsINgamne prize wîth Nels Oshoine Pl2m8. inurance ., 23 22 bad pariod of hockey from the seond t thiiWd, as ý arry Piper hittixig 2r)5 for Dykstra',s Catharines Blac-k Hawks fRed three uxianswered third period 45 gamnes, Jack Bond '240 8.fld Food 21 Vi23211/2 tallias ta lie the Genals 3-3 last Tusdýày night. The tiei Don Oke 239. Jr stretched Oshawa's uxibeaten streak to 10 gines, includjing1 President B ud Hennîing lýOoel 21 24 and is executve wouild like 1ader six wins axid four tics and at the saine time Hamiltn Red yo .ijh ail the bowîere aHad re 2 24 W ing pret Toronto NMarîboro, ,the 1oshottest club., very err y Crsmsand a Cwa Pnta MUarlies and Generals met hc-ad-on aI 'Maple Lea a-vr sceeu owigy .Pepsi cola - 19 28 dene, Saturday afternoon, itteMabrocongfop 15Uh Week - let Sehedule Muto bebiind a 3-1 deficit to sorethree secýond peiocd goals, onie Nin veaesSei-F, 3 with OsAwa two mienrt, and axiother with the Generals Làirryý Pipe-r 45 2----- sîil short-handed. The only goal o the tird period, wau into jark Bond --~---45 240 D the empty net as Oshawa îced a nixth attacker iiianttemptIIDon Oke 4 5 39 Basketbal N Dave Reyniolds - 45ý 236 to salvage a ie. AI Oshorne----45 24 Kens Men' eseare NaraFa%,s h lpe te motor city cause by dowaniwgd Leslie ...... 45 2n33looking for thieu i.r irt w tji-i Mýarlies -1ý7-4 Sunday atternoon, and ai xigbt the Genieraîs on Selleck___ 45 2ý33 the M1en's Town Baske turedé sli lamjafonacetodon heIGh,,iRus Oke45 232 League, followng a 2p-1 turad n aeold eamperormncetodo tie Ktc e t r i înBrocir 45 23Ï1 at ïtee band fStephen.F Raner 42.Doug Carter 45 2311 last Tesday night, ni Tira Generals hold a five point îcad over tire, Marî1borcis,IDick Perfect - 45 2301Hîgir Schnoo gymnaeiurn with theTomroocub iraixigone gamin aband. The jRangr ueHlmn ~ 4 3 a e ihhene Ron Etcher ------ 45 229 defeat for Ken's. Jr, thle 1have slipped ta fourtb,ý il points behmid Oshawa, but they ýDr. H1. B. Rundle - 45 2281gaine, thre top twoc stine aracontender, wthfour gaines lin hand, O)ttawýâa1and Hap Palerr----- 45 228 HoopersJe llran liagara Faîl% are each il points offtirhe pace, each ýwith a Maurice Riïcharde -_45 22 aio ae atled tana igaine ta make up on thre Oehmaa lub. Bob rd - ---co - - - 4,e, 2127 tie. t The Gmeaehav"e tirree homre games during the Christ-Jim Brutoxi -- 45 224 In the apeper, Ken's mnas vacation peidcc, meeting London Kxights, Sunday (Dec. Howard Bromnel 45 r, 22.3 aged to hold thre Fueler 1 2h)at71, N;ýïi;iFals lyr: at7-)üor Tusray(Dc.Randy Beauprie -.45î 223 an 8-7 hif-timne lead, 16h)atn:0d Naaa aî '1eRat73 n usay(e.Murray Tighe-----4,5 221 Steph-en'e out-scored 23h adareturn engagemaent with the MýývarboroJs on New v,'Maurîce Annaert -4.5 221 Mx' er9-2 In the Year's Day at two ocok ly Dickey - 4,5 221 qujarter to ar the dec The Kiht'visit wvill mrkth4l-'aonti heBbSmith - 45 20 Rlck «Blins!ki, Don Me oith -Frank Mohun 45 219 ald and Steve Blyýsm-a ragular Junior "A" 62 gairFne sceule, for Oeirawa. Jim cKig 4,5 219cond six points to leu t4t t !luAt Rowe 0 219 wnxere, wi G.St SKIN AYOEGeorge Stephen 39 218[notching three. Doug v oeWrgt 45 2-17 and LarryT Forsey each h As tbis is beiNg writen, the prospecte or a whiteChrist- Les Sml ----4 1acnlbskt mras have benu greatly enhzaced, but th siomoiarad Bill Oke - --- --- 45 2'16 Bo 8b Winiters scored s1n g eNthuhsit will undoubtedly be longing for aven a Bill Luxton 45 21,5 pointe to pace Keni',i little nmoresnw The skiera probably get a break i thie respect, because witir enow-ma.kinig equipinent, they dox't have bo wai% fori nature to provide thre whitLe stuiff. However, cold weather le a l muchil eedled rqi et and up to the weekentrd, thre tem-ý peratuire iras been unbelievably warm for Decemnber. h Skijing ie scheduledt at tire Oshawa Ski Club throughoutl tire Christrnas-Newv Year's season, starting at 9:30eer morning and contiiuing to 4:30, except Christinaqs Day, he the Ski Cluib w-111 be closed.P Thre beet bet ;s 10 echeck tire ski tape, 723-,5248 for up to th ie minute deta.ils of ski conditions at Kirby. Tire old scribe'r le keepinig aur fingers crossed that we can ski, because vie2 have a '10 day vacation coming up. ýj Sornione ren-inded uis about a column somne weeks back, 1, when w mentioned takinlg our Grey Cup wixinings and head--ý lng ta the Oraýnge Bowl in Miami, Well we decided we wouldE rather skJ - and ickets for the Orange Bowl are practicallyS nion-existent - and besid!es, the air-lines are al! booked up. Thre 10 day forecast calls for average 27 degree we Th -ideal fo1o, -kig ad an airove normal enow f all-C a.Iong wiir aJIltiret nowý on Suxiday - it appears tiraI weA will be skiing. t t t t t Ti4re are a few sons aid brotirers, etc. o!fNHL payers- toiling ir, tne Junior "'A" circeuit, but nonie get tire attentioni o! Marîbo-ro defencemnai Marty Hlowe - and Uf you don'tlà know wiro éhcbie father is - you're reading tire wrong columùn.Z We had iissed tire previouLs Marlies-Gexierals encounter, at tire Civic Auditorium on TLbanksgiving Day - because tire weather was just great anid ve wcre golfing thank-you A Saturýday aithtie Gardenis we particularly -watched HoweS In, action, and wh71ile hotleetino see a Gordie Howe or, Bobby Orr, we camne iway visibly unimpressed. 1ý1 Marty lien't a gilood ekater --ire was caught way out of f position on onie goal and was fortunate the GeneraLs d'tiltl scoretw or hirea others, When Howe cither gave up tire: puck or failed 10 mrake the check.'2 It ls't floir In judg!e ;aplayePr on onýe gaineandpeýrbape -e did expac,-t tfo mufir, bt tiat'e t1 ýirwy we saw rit any- 1 i t t t NO TI1CKETS -WHY INOT THE GONDOLA? il iras been 8sevaral yaars now zsincf e wetlaour Maplje Leaf Gardeis mpress pass expire, and altlirougli we samatime ihaýve a pair of! Junior "A" tickeýts bthe1,ý Gardons- i1 wa ironical ta we received a pair forSndy whichwe gave, away --- yet didn't bave,, any for Saturday's, Genarals' gaie. which we wanted to se Il wae parti cularly11% unforytuniate, because wehadprnid ti tcakason ihl, and il wae hfies Orst vieilto (the Gresin a long te.lni act about il ire could rememrber ab4oli tire previjous,1 vieil - was bei'ng there, -Novw y-u Tmueit realize that ilt goes Mgi tareporýter'sl grnt pay wývtiren ou are accustomned te getting in frrea. We spoke ta Tommy 3,Smiythe's assistant, wbvo let us ixi tirrOugir tire pasi gaa --- but w didni't bave seate. When It W1,a. youngster - I always thtouglirt Id like t sit in the gondlola. Weil Vw7e hald Waitluntil we Wre a jlot l aIder to iaccomplish tira feat, but Bihl madei it at age Mwlv. Needasse ta -ay --irhwa pretty excited iabout the wholel i It1,a% a àgoo'd iting thiat ire ýwats aono, because an tlire wýy ot o! irav-Gardaneý, folloinig 'tire gaiehncd tiraI wf.,e d't hav1e our rrefcae avoiýlnteerd tago) ah1ý1 tire way hack Up ita ratrieve it, anid juet as ha raturnerd. weZ rarnmibared wa had lat ur ruibsbe5itmalid. cGuee who111n bacVfr U-re rles 212 M10 210 210 29 25 205 1 CM0 200ja 250 2, bu 23s& 1n 2dc an2he eti Mike Gilhnoly three, and, Harold Balakofsky ý'an-d Ros LADIES M ORýBeeýrs, two pointe apiece. 1In ftiýre ighitcap, trailing 23- Dacember 131h 17 after tfirrce quarters, Co-ra- Hi gih singla, Fae Lewis 308; njation ireld Hecopa r's off tire higir triple, Fae Lewis 86-9; score sireet in thee fnal pecr-1 higir average, Onie Etcher 227, Ibd, while scoring irhai! a doz- !Jackie Patficld 227. en tto earn tire lie. ToP 12 AveragesKvn Forret counted il1 O'nie, Etchier 227, Jackie ons -e Rlyeghad Patfield 227, Olie patfieldponsKnKeyegitad _220, Shirley Davis 219, HeplenGu Pak for acun Depewr 212, Dayne Wolnik 211, for tire Cafe total. !Dot Brooks 207, Helen Rogers Marcel Boivin wite saven 204, Judy; Bragg 203, Willie and Bill Burgýees sIx were tire Nebitt 202, Cecile Bower.s lead ers for the Jewellers. 202, Audrey Osmoind 200. Jim Bearn and Burton Sine Taam Standings aacir bagg,,edý four points, wir, T'enaM Pins PIs. Lloyd Wil]son's cingl1e basket Dayle Wolnik 41123 3,31½' ooipleting tire scoring. !Shirley Davis 4218132 TeainSanig Helen Rogers 40431 25 w.L. T. Ps Dot Brooks -----39595 21 Hlooper's 5 1 2 î Thelmna Forreeter 39006 20 Coronaýtion 5 2 l i! Onie Etcher ---- 40161 19i,1j Stepiren Fuels 4 3 1 9 Nancy Cox --- -- 39187 19 K. Meni's Wea.r O 8 Ir O Audrey Osmond.. 38132 19 _______ Minnie Taylor 38950 18 Ollie, Patfield 38814 18 f Cccii Bowers ~38144 1 OFLwlel ,Shirley Bickel 38721 1 Gamas Over 220 Wlillie Nesbitt 235, Marg Ladies Plerris 243, Dot Brooks 239, H.tgh Triple Mary He1atir 710ý Marg King 235, Greta Luxton H. Single -CnyMcKeen 324j. 259, Maie Trîm 235-227,.Man 1Ollie Patfield 241, Mabel Higb Triple- Jack Bond 868, Lws224, Fae Lewis 2,54- Higir Sinigle- Jack, Bond28 308-307, Joanne Sudsbury 239, Congratulations Firet Plac Audrey Osmond 223, Audrey teain- Capt, Jack Bond, A Stepirens 225-222, Barb Os BrckJ. abfinson, B. West- borne 226, Minnie Taylor 235- aeG RterM. cab 258, Helen Depew 276. Shi rley Tear.m Standings Davis 277-250, Jackie, Pat-Rn -- -3 479 field 270-240, Mary ender- Nolan ~ 6 46911i son 231-256, Debi Green 2, Snti --- 2 69 'Eileen Moore 226, Dyl Wl-Dnoti-- --- , 69 nîk 284-231, ïMary HIarisoiln ny -61 467561 ý232, Donna Osborne 221-2922,7 Roberts,_e---- 61 4G61 0 :Eva Withe,(ad 23,5, BerrnieceWsl 59 458581 Terry 227 FlorenceDraper Van Goofr _ . 5 52 23- 7, Helen Roger'1 247- celi .54 4561 [7 273, Judy Brazgg 2R3, HaterPr-1-1__ 4 5 55l Mor 2,Pa'utn230,(11Van1d-rberg 48 41576 ý2 MIÎDGET - JUVENILE ALL STAR HOCKEY ,5U'",DAX and MONDOAY Decermber 26th 27th 7' a.m. - 1a,4 gamle 9M0 PanM. Co.spônseredby A. H. Sturrocki & Sbns3 Frank's Varie-ty BowniillL-Hokeýy Association' 1Aduits $1.00 ADMISSION eaeh dey Stud.tnts 50e BOWMIAN VILLE RECREATION DEPARTMENT swIA REGITRAIONFOR YOUNG ADULTS and ADULTS We dnesday, Januirary 5,1972 from 7:00 to 9fflp.m AT RERATION OFFICE Rescýiden(s $7.00 Non-Resictents S8.OO ____ i Ifs always a pleasure to gr1.eet the mnany friends we've known throught the years MEN'S WEAR LMD lAINO STAFF 17 KING ,ST. E. BOWMANVILLE OPEN THURS-, DEC. 30 't-il 9 p.. fer the civie f ourcutmr I I ýIIRISTmiIS ~this holy season, mlay we take the opportunlity to, 'wish you every !blessingt w r i ,,'&, ý ---------- , . ý , -- lý-- 1, 7ý - . ý ý 1 - . -,-- 1 >1 lý 1 1 l , , -- --

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