, o7u "w d cisover tniat thes evidence of a design- ngPower whlich bai mmon wiLlh our own ou1 trust God t-) li)ok mnd your ,vejfare witIa ,\eiybody-, has a, part to Sa puppet. If a manL ff, hie (desn't bekthé- on; hýe Qnly proves it. lawvs toc,. Thlerefore, ,od when thigs 9go srife is i theiZ' eeïïl and an ole of ilcuairemlizeu it wlI bode Il for Hindu fanaie whoj ctt, A, rais of d, tce More in 1972, o you bi any Foth nat-m there. ivesi,i Vietoria ),uithi Outarlo, 1g71 ----- a--- Shour' iforecast- 's and omis- s plan for a wil l;h while the t1hat she th her f rapped hil),' Gocrclofn Broughtnfo the past twQa r' ci (Hnn 1 fý