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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Mar 1972, p. 13

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k~~~tarySeker B rotn h rho : The", Pure and Sim e uj es ofLovng Hobbs Athietes Receve a Bounty of Meda!s WVvhat's hrotherhood a1 i lenge facing new Canadians. Ipiasis to the ideals oif bro- abou? 1Vis ic pre nd He felI the immigrant today tierieodan toicpctc sipl us-ines otf ioving,, is as muci tof a settier a.stif them. scy G nor P. Allen, senior years gone hy. Tic challenges "XVe ail realize however lasnoicer wL ýiti tie De- are just different. But be that if brothcrhood le to have '$ pertmnent oif tic Secretary tif must figit for uis existence any lasting meaning it muaI - State. loti and tic battle may bc be practised 52 weeks tif the,( "It is loving a stranger even more difficuit because year and must be a part oif eniougi to cali hlm a friend. lie problems are less obviou,ý. our daily lives," he said. : It isý loving old friends well "Today's newcomer irust~ Mr. Allen works out oif tie! e-tnougi to share tiem \vth fight almost invisible enem- Toronto office off Vie Secire-,1 nkew ones. It is loving oneself les th .le 'subtle injustices tary oif State with wiom lie enoui to be aile to exPaind of piejudice, racisma and snob- bas been employed the pastl andt extend oneseif ta include hery" he said.14 ears Previous ta this lie ail people. Lie noted that laws protect set1 years witi Vie fed-' "Brotieriood is h e vi ng against discrimination but cr1 ,Department oif Healthî pride in our land and ils lu- that "only we cen combat the and elare.I turc eand having the courage subtie unkindnesses wîicî Lie w.es introduced b3 AI' te sher11e il fully with ail wio our prejudices fester". Witherspoon and Vianked by , coti n our shores. "Surcly tic Klu Kluxers of Dal Daîrymple. Botrood is respect for the south would he casier everine c, nd everything on enemies for a man ta face Mother Eerth,." tien the icy politenese tof a TYRONE Speaký'ingz to Bowmanville neighbor wio nods or smiles Ro-"tarlan lepst Thursday *alter- but witiholds thc true band (lntended for last wcck) neoon,Mr Allen urged that tif friendship," he said. Tic 4-H Tyrone Slcep- tie gap beltween profession ofi Mr. Allen noted that Scout ware ist meeting was iehd brotierood and pctice oif Weck je coincident witi Bro- et Mrs. M.. Yco's, February 7, if siold be closed. tierhood Week. Lie lauded lime 7:00 - 9:00, We opencd, Il, wes not enougi, he said, tic Rotary movement as a Our firet 4-H meeting vwiti) Io think brotheriood oiý even siining exemple oif brother- lie 4-H Peldge. We're gled to practise as a ile style, iood io action, and comparedIlo have back as our leaders 3, Normii Woodcock, left, a miember oif the Bowman- Il was essentiel, he maintein- ils founder PeulHaLirris wtî [Mrs. M. Yeo, Mrs. C. Pen- villeýLegion, presents medals to track and field winners cd, to inculcete tic ideal *if tiat tof Scouts, Lord Beden- werden and MrIs. A. Knowlt rmM .HbsSnorPbi colwocmee brotiritioi as parttif or! Poell.ton and we wclcomed Mrs, T.ro M..HbsSeirP lcShol hocm te broilieChifdon. Ticrtleadersehaveèin the Ontario IBantam and Midget Indoor Champion- hive. Wiicticappoac b elpdecided ta have the Tyrone. shipg held in Toronto recently. The winners are, from Lic sei icciil fclrioiir essoia. î(jue-LogSu lb e ta- ~the lef t, Kirk Kemp, Paul Sobil, Rom Jukic, Neil whý es ndCCILenIn' adti ctcc1 bson nqegetier. Tic next meeting il Ibis ~ tol deene uo ' om"eyblivd a 0ie1i se- Mrci iIt et tie Sundey Kilens, Gary Nemisz and Sandra Dawson. Physical. ni grounid for cýommunice- vire, a oultytf service, and Schnol. Wcehlcted for Presi-- _________ tion". e nee2d t build bridges Oif dents, Linda Brown, Debbic isîeO r ss a e iv "Some-tjimes language le a undcrstaningir," he said. MecDonald; Treasurers, Dawn r ,r berner;r somietimes culture," Lie declared tiat Brother- Vaneyk, Judy Clark. is T o Frt a e fv l Mr- Allen seîd. "But tuis ie ibood Wek[iret1 started in Tic two clubs have dccided, 'wiere chllenige is and whcrel Guelph, in 1947 by the C'ana- to give e gift ta Beti Knowl-11 rears ornie for tiose wholdian Councîl tif Christiens ton. Tic club namnes arcý eross thuse brrirs nd Jcw, roidd-n oppor- Long Seul P.J.'e, Tyrone'Bcd ý Lie oornmnented on ticeciel tunîty b ie pcial cm-lTime Cuties. We discussed how ta gel grinj-perfect me-, ter-al.A6s-o how ta find lie: bles tof tie meteriel. Mrs. ýKnowlton and Mrs. Penward-: en incasurcd the two new inmmbers, Diane Woodley and1 We,1ýVndy Cornisi, Afterwards 240 KING STREET EAST Ï, broke int groupe and mreesurcd eci other. We, losed tic meeting wth a1 ,lovely lunch. Weekend Srj Pp«cialïs he d meigo - a Tic ened tmeegtin4-Hwasl VWANON -Chtkeruret-Bef .4-H Pledge Roll cal (why dîd you citiose your' slueepwece meterial). Diiane Lambert and Susen Pleesance " TV DI NE S,6 c qhst meeting. Lunch wes,11 P Ei.1).lb brougit hy Mary Cornisi, ý DenVancyk, Diane Lam- bfl ert and Judy Clark. Twoý c girls worked togethier oi ntie ' ; 4 POTATOES 49CWe closed te reet- 1MAC'S GRAD)E"A"LRG ing et 9 p.m. ~ ~ Wcoc ned the tird mect- in wit9 tic 4-H Pledge and , ~ .~. rohil caîl, Wiet trim are You s gGS0 3 Joing tuuse? Mergie Hall: '~s'~ EG G S * * 35cda. ed:e1irgie Cr:igread:hîei:- bfW' MA'S 24 0/LAwinluts Food brînersareý MJacD)onald, Pet Woodley n SsnPîecence. W (eheI( ~Susan Pleasance as prees re,- __________________________________porter. Wc discussed, and Mre. M. Yco demonstratcd ie tolowîng, staytitcing, gti- eîing, French seam, flat fuIl seams, lepped seame. W closed tic meeting with a lovely lunch. ERIN ELIZABETH NICKS 'Congratulations te Mc. Wil- a Grade Six student et Central Public Sehool won two' bcd Mark wio celebreted is 8lstbiridayFcb l6t an fîrsts in Girl's Solo singing et the Kiwanis Music xves guet of tic Woodleys. Festival in Toronto, scoing first in the Il yeers and Mc. end Mcc. George, AlI-, under group, and fîrst in 12 years end under, She sang dcead spent tie weekend "Marg-1erY Maketh The Tee" and "The Magie Piper". witi Mc. and Mrs. Reginald Geekin, West Lilîl, Erin els.o scored the highest mark in her Conservatory Congratulations to Mrs. singing exam Grade Two, and will sing et the Prize Annie Litierhy tof Sunset Recitel of the Oshawe Registered Music Teachers Lodge, Bowmanvillc, who cele- Aoitoîi ht so braed ber 891i birtiday, Ascaini April.Pht by so Friday, Feb. 251h. Owing ta tic terrible snow ind-wind storm Tyrone treet ,was blockcd until 5:30 p.mn. IP Mc. and Mcc. George Reim, Gceenbank, visîted lest wcek with Mr. and Mcc. W. Rahmn, Tic following motir vehicle gceen, with vinyl r:oof, licencet Mc. and Mcc, George Ahi- accidents and Occurrence§ uniknown. dceed and, Mr. and Mcc. W. wcre iîivestigated by tie On- DRIVING TIP Rahm were Friday cellers tif tario -Provincial Police, New- "Adverse Weathcr and Mc. and Mcc. Cccii Rahm., castle Detachment, bclwcen itoad Conditions" t Little Çandi Steinton, of Febcuary 131h and Febnuary Tic recent number oif ace.i- Oshawa spent tic weel$end 19th, 1972. Twenty-five mot- dents indicates tie lack of with hec grendparents, Mc. or vehicle accidents wecc in- attention by tic mottiring end Mrs. LHenry Stairiton. vestigated ln whici 5 pensons public. Many off lie accidents Mr. John 1-bar, Vancouver, wece iniured and 3 persans occurred because tic' motor- spent tic weekcnd with ils wenechcacged with dcivîng icI, not bcbng patient, set out parents, and Mc. and Mcc. offences, aise ticce wece 2 in e blinding snow storm and Mec Liamilton, Bowmanviile,' împaircd diving charges, Be- higi winds., Beceuse oif poor wece Satunday visitons of Mn, cause tif higi winds, blowîng visibility, mtitonists colildd ard Mcc. A. J. Hoar. sntiw anld cold tempeceture, with pecked or stranded mot-11 Aithougi Friday nigit wes many strended motonîste wene or vehicles, and sometimes ' ceai stocmy e good numben assistcd by officers oif New- guide poste and fixcd objecte turned out foc ticecucbre castle detaciment. Many roade on tie side of tic bighway, P party. Pnizes wece awerded la ticecea wece impeccable, Even thougi tic weather5 ta Mcc. Olive Gimbîctt, Mcc. and tow tcucks werc kept appears ta be excellent in oe Marjonie Blanchard, Mr. C. busy remeving abandoned arca, tie dciving conditions I W. Woodley, Mcc, Muriel vehicl s in order tiat sn0w only a few miles ewey couldJ Crago, Mc. George Alhdread cen-oval equipment could ce- be quite treacierous.E and Mcc. Margaret Watson. open tic roade. Wintec wcather is so un-E 50-.50 Dcaw was won by Mcc. Along witi other iprat àdcabe iml - cussion based on corne vecy wa on Februery 161h, was ce- plane for lie design of lie 0 tiougit-provoking questions coveced tie following day well and purnp bouse. Upon which ied been reised and abandoned in a enow drift ap- receipt oif tiese plans thi considered in tic senior dlace proximetely 5 miles ecIt of OWRC wîhl cali tenders for si sessions. Seldomn bas tic U.C. Pontypool. lite proecet. e W. known such rancous par- A break, enter and tiefl Before wock enu be under- S ticipation. occurred on Februery 19, 1972 taken tic Ontario Municipal ti "A Dime e Day" Lenten et Kingvec Motors on Liwy. 2 Board will bave Io give their ' offccing carde wene disînibul- neer Ochawa. Stolen was an final approval for tie projeel, ced. Dates to remember: Wocld 8 tnack stecco tape player and -Onono Times a Day oif Prayen, Macci 3cd 15 stereti tapes vehîed et ep- ýi witi bIcs, Edne Pilp, et Ty- proximatcly-, $225.00. A s us- M crne Chuicci; St. Patrick's ppected vhch believed to[ils V-, acccl fî'iend wionike?, Tea on Mrci l7ti at Tyrone have been inivolved, hsa '671 you in ceite oif ail he knocwsýg fahL - or '68 Oldaînobile, colour -labout you. i. Education instructor Harvey Webster looks on, The strong 19-man contingent Iromn the school scored 12 medal wins, which ac-cording to Mr. Webster is an exceptionally fine record. Students from ail over thel province partici-pated in the Legion-sponsored meet.1 The winners are considered Canada's potential olyropic stars. i 6ecreatio0n fJevîiewsI RECREATION HOCKEY LEAGUE STANDINGS as of February 26th, 1972 G? W L T Pts. GF GA TYKE LEAGUE Cardinals 18 il 3 4 26 61 30 Indians 18 il 6 1 23 41 42 Royala 18 10 1 1 21 38 29 Hornets 18 9 7 2 20 44 42 Americans 18q 7 8 3 17 24 21 Blades 18 6à 10 2 14 44 45 Steelers ~ . 18 5 10 3 13 29 53 Bomnbers 18 3 13 2 8 21 40 ATOM LEAGUE Frank's Variety - 15 13 0 2 28 69 15 clippers 15 9 6 0 18 51 35 j Royals - 15 8a 5 2 18 45' 40 Tigers 15 6 3 6 18 45 40 F'arg-o's 15 5 7 3 13 24 27 Seal - ---_ _ 15 4 8 3 Il 39 45 Bisons !___ 5 4 9 2 10 26 42 Ranis 15 2 13 0 4 18 7 PEE WEE LEAGUE Beavers 16C 14 1 1 29 94 20 Rings ----17-, I1 4 2 24 63 53 Rangers 17 9 7 1 19 65 66 Blds16 8 5 3 19 49 45 Brixs ~ 1 8 7 1 17 70 71 Canadiane 1 6 7 2 14 50 54 Wings -- - 16 4 7 6 14 67 74 Frank's Variety -16C 4 10 2 10 44 60 Leafs 16 3 10 3 9 40 61 Hawks----------- 16 12 1 7 36 76 BANTAM LEAGUE Cubs - ------ 15 9 4 2 20 51 29 Indians-_ __ 15 9 5 1 19 51 30 Panthers 15 8 7 0 16 46 41 Braves - -- 15I 6 6 3 15 37 45 Huskies 15----- 6 7 2 14 33 33 Flyers ---- ----- 15 3 12 0 6 27 67 MIDGET LEAGUE Generals 15 10 5 G 20 43 21 Cornets --_ 15 9 6 O0 18 47 38 Mt. Royels 15 6 î 2 14 35 35 Canucks 15 7' 8 0 14 33 36 P.R.S. _____ 15, 6 9, O 12 39 46 Braves 15 5 8 2 12 35 56 The Department t IRecea Wednesdey, April 5th, ait tion would like te clear upa 6:30 p.m., Mr. T. A. Fanning rnisunderstanding which ap- will speak on' Publicity and peared in the Feb. ,22 issue fPublc elations followed by the CanadienatemnTe r William Brunt on Be- Hobby Show whichwame-hio at 7:00 p.,m. An intro- tioned te be sponsored bvthe duc -ction to First Aid, will be Recreetion Department is be- gven e t 8:00 p.rn, by Mr. AIf ing sponsored, by3-ln Brown oif Ontario _Ambulance.ý Hobby Service and the Re- Monday', April loth, MKissW creation Department wll be Cathy Etcher v wjiltalk on, asslsting Miss Van DusLJýen iiSpeiel Events on Pley- prornoting the event. ronds" et, 6:30pr.Mr.1 The Bwrnavill cpat- Wliam Brunt will 7speak o(n The Bowmanports on Playgroun--ds" atý mnent oif Recreation's Cuty80pm ýand Western Jamboree is to Wednesday, April 12th e'lt be held in theý Town Hll 63 Auditorium on Sunday, Merit-ch . pr,i there will heaawrt Sth e 8 ~ eatur tentest conducted by M-. T 5t t8p.m. Itwill fati ,A.Fnning and Mr. Williamr recording artist Norm Bah 1Bunt. ineau oif Oshawa. Also on the Toqaiyfrapstn1 Jamboree will be Gerald oqaiyfrapsto Elliott, Donna Peters, R on a1n appi-cpnt withi lesse than Barle Storrn, Bill Leggott, to yaseprec in play-1 L.eigh Surnmerscales, Clarence- ýA ý;ý;ýýilýllýllilý111!! ýDeve-aux and other guest art-ýýýwGm ists. The Department oif Rýcre-Is u tion are proud te announceIts u thbat Miss Honey W-est wi1l miake hier first appearance hoi 19th Jamboree along with the!I Canadian Show Band. Playground Leaders Training Course The BowmanvilleDprtU. meint oif Rceanwîl cn- school in March ndr; l 2 lFanning will talk onPa- grouinde in General et63 FO R -$00 GA p.in. At 7:00 p.rn. Pyi ,Eutiation Director ofBo-A Wanillm Brunt w i ie a ,E VERY M WiilleHigh Sehol, Mrve, lecture on PrecticeTecig Wednesday, Merch lSth T_ A\. Fanning will telk on Pro- gramme Planning et 6:30 pýi.. M.William Bruint wîll speak 2 1NESTI on Leadership et; 7:30 and on 2U AMIN ESONE Practice Teachîng et 8:00 (ANEO ' o'clock. GAME TWO Miss Cathy Etcher, a gradu- GAME THREE ate in Recreational Leader-GAEFU ship and Peterborough Teach- OU ers College, will speak on Local winners lest week w Story Telling et 6:30 p9.m. and I'hilip Jewer, 76-1Liber&ty S;t. on Arts and Crafts at 9:00 p.Car On Wednesday, Melrch 29th, ad 1ýairy Connors, a l)cal folk CABLE"UV amd rock performer, wvihl i MacDONALD'ý nstruction on Folk andck MIusic o Pleyrou d t6:3',0 BRYSON'S SN ~,n. M.William niBrun iîîitFFEY slipW eive- hie final le-cture onrRH-N Practice Teaching at 8.00 p.ni The Canadian Statesatin>, iinv11 f ar. il ID72 1M , ew Names o Weîî a's King, prs;,ornne mnge s... E ec. Goodye8r, and MarcIlyn Cotý, 'C ofC E eTravelAecvJr &Lvi Six new names round Out Toecnt ig on; p the siate 0of 12ldirectw ors triaotherL rr ar Mlct the Bowmpanviller' Chamber of MacKenzie,magr fte Commerce appoïinted at the Cnde meilBn i annual meeting oif the Cham- Commerce; D To n G ll', ber last; month. They in-pesnlmagrtihny' clude three bank managers wl Fred Tippins;,par- Bud Allen tof the Banktof cit-1wer;tf0 FrcliCk's Montreal, John Pogue of the Pharay oni MCQregr t Toronto-Dominion, and Mart-McrgrsIA.Paxay in McLay of the Royal - as Fea Kanp o rm' Furniture, andGeore StpF h grouind work (tWO Ifuil sum- en oif Stephen's Fels mers) must scesflycom- ,Dxr. E, Derry ubad plete the course. No remun- apýpoînted b c9nc1 ba er-ation will be paid for these as counjcil' rprsetaiv periods'. teClamrber. Ail applicants must be at Thbe jwpsdn fr17 Ieast 16 years of age as oif is Jack L otf L &CL to Janluary lst, 1972. GordCr~getf rs ad First year playground lead- ware ascted Ivi-ce-pre- rs are paid a salary oif $30 a denit, nd cg Fak hu week while a second, year wif, cptnuson for noh leader receives $35 a week er teirm ssceaytnsrr and a third year leader re- ceives the maximumtof $40 GT AS TOAX a week, E AS OA .Applications are available TITRCi17G I ant the High School Office or STATESMIAN at the Recreation Office in CLA9SSIFIEMS the Townr Hall. Nw Available! SPECIAL STOCK - LIMITED QUANTiTY UNPASTED FlockPapers wi*th that Velvetý , Look! AT GREAT SAVIN,,GS iWASHABLE and DRY SRPAL REG. UP TO $18.75 SINGLEU ROLL (pre-pasted) NOWSigeRl ONL$6 Y 5 AMPLE FREE PARKING !N REAR ABERNTHY'S AINTS zand 48,ERETHYS WALLPAPERS 55 KING ST. MW. P HONE 62,Y35431 PIZZA ORDERS From 9 p.m. 'tii Midnight Liberty St. S, at Hwý. 401Boanle Phone 623-3373, Freshly Baked To Your Order Ini 6 Minutes Pe pperoui, Mucshroo)ms, Anehovies, Bacwon, Oriloncs. Red Sweet Peppers, Green Sweet Pe-ppers SMALL L.A rGEL Basic Tomato Sauce and Cheese--. $1.05 $1,30) Any One Ingyredient $1,20 $,1,45 Any Two, Ingredients $1.40 $1,75 Any Three Ingredients $ 1, 55 $,9 Any Four Ingredients U $,80 $20 Enjoy delicious pizza with a bev\eraýge eredin our special Flying Dutchman. Mugs .,.in u Licensed Lounge.' ALSO PIPING HOT PIZZA "ýTOCTRE UT Delivereci to Yogîr Door- cExr (withiei to"'n linite) i Is New -lits Exciting UINSMEN. E TV -IG 0ES ($10.00 MINIMUM PIZE IONDAY AT 6:030 PA, ON CABLE TV BLECAST 8 iWEEK ON 'USENCBL V tJINGO' 3 inne1rs tiýf $17, aeh 2 wieners t I' $25., each 2 winners of $5, achl 13winners tof $10, eaeh xere: S, - $17, Mrs. oMLen35BwnS.-$0 fs oit Sale i, BowimanvIlle ak ý'OFFICE - 26 KING ST, WEST S VARIETIY - 7t1 IG ST. EAST MOKE 5H01'--3M KING ST. MWESTi fERETTE 83 LIMMERTY ST. SOUTHU MARKET 101 L1BERTY STilN. 4 ~55 t 44 4~. w.. 1

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