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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Mar 1972, p. 4

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4 TIi. Cn~!Ian esman Bwn'ianvLe Ma'.11 72 E DITORIAL COMM EN-T Wfhat If the Clergymnen Did ýStrike? Thee ws a inrigingspeaker on C7FRB Su)nd-ay evening, He was a cler- gCy mnnwho ugtd that it's about time thie inisters of the gospel gotý taýgether, formedi a uinion and even- tuaill like almosteerbd else, these diays, wenit on strikýe to win thieir demands. That would ieed bc quite ýan' rvent, iniisters picketing with placards nutside the curýches and funeral hnr--es; maybe the mnore radical ele- rnent miight as decidie to throw rocks tbrough the stainied gl ,ass Windows and take' otherail toonf amiliar drastic steps to bring the church boards to the bar- guining table. And wihy flot? Why ,hould thiey be in a select group so dedicated to their vocations that they are conisidered exempt from the courses of actinthiat a great many of their parishioners follow to win pay increas- es, fringe benefits and ail the rest? This strîke business is rapidly reaching the silly s;tage n e heart- ily aigree wvithGeor-ge Mae that its. usefulness has worn îtself out. Possibly the reason is that gradually aill types of people have followed the lead of the industrial workers in forming unions, with the resuit that now there are so many unions seeking new contracts that it's hecome one strike after an- other, with at times considierable over- ilapping. If the unions continue to rec- eive con-paratively hugÎe wage increases for their members, while hundreds of thousands of other citizens are out of work. \ve'll end up b)Y having every- body unionized and- ready to go on strike at the drop of the hat. When it reaches that stage, the enitire picture will not only become siily, itIL be ridiculous,. And we're not f ar fron that situation now. So, maybe the ministers will ho next, and who could blame them? The Electronic Intruder PossibIy youl1l ho as interested as we wre in anl article that appeared recenitly ;in, one of the publications we rficeive. It stated that the average 4merican pre-schooler. . and we believe this w-ould apply toCanadians ~ wel .. .spendýs 64 per cent of his 4-me watcbing tLelevision. By the age of 14, this child will lýe een 18,000 imurders on TV, by the age of Il7, some 350,000 commer- rials. In the course of his life, the TV 4d1 hve consumed 10 yoars of his Thoee -acts were comilied recetly by Dr. Gerald Looney of th-e 1Uniiver- sity of Arizona. In his rem-arksto the American Academy of Pediatrics, Dr. Looney declared that telev-isioni, "The Eiectronic Intruider," has- replaced both parent and teacher as the primnary edu- cator of çhildren. Just in ter-ms of tîme alone, Dr. Looney points out, the Arn- enican pre-school child during his criti- cal pre-school years, spends more time watching TVthan he would in the classroom during four years of colloge. And what is ho leavring? At 'Whose' Expense? There sa ani interosting discussion atb re recent meeting of the Ontario L2ibera1 party in Ottawa, according to the Wingham4i- Advance-Times. It had little to do witb partisan politlics-. Rath- er it was hinged uïpon a social develop- ifnent peculiar to the times in whicb weý C. M.ý Druryý,, president of the fed- erRI treasury bo ard, said that Canada's Li.iemployment problemr is aggravated ffyte fact that A person can easily sur- eve these day'ý,s wiý,thout a job. Any «anadian whio reads a daily newspaper can venify the trthl of that statoment hysann the employment columns efhspaper and noting the tremendous nrrnber of "help wanted" ads and then pondering the incongruous fact of 580,- 000 unemployed across the land. ~Mr, Drury amnplified bis remarks: '"Thether you participate in the labor 4Mrve or not, youi can stili survive in this cunrtrY. People now are, looking more for theý kind of work that is satisfying in fterms, of personal development rath- er tha;r nemre survival." The frderal. welfare minister, John Miuro, suggested that Canadians should be prepared to wideni the definition of the word job to include worthwhile ,. tivtis other thant production with a dolar valIue. Wihen a few courageous -eople oni the floor of'the meeting rose to mention the fact that a lot of Cana- cans have abanidoned the work ethie Rpd wanit hand-outs rather than jobs, MnJ. Munron said their attitude smacked nf "hard-h-.atism" as found in middle The ministers certainly have a p~oint. It is a stagnanit Society in which nO vaI[lue are menngu .nless the y liave a pnice taý,g. In fact, civilization as we know it was born in the fertile \vAl- leys of the Ni]e and thr Euphrato-s, where men could raise enouigh- food for their f amulies, and have at least a few momen ts left in the day for thoughts and dreams of a better way of life. The big difference today is that in ail too many cases, obviously so with the two ministers, the possibility of mixing hard work and progressive thought has been forgotten. Our own maternai grandfather was one' of the best educated mon we have ever known Y, possessed of a keen intelligence, read 'y wit and a brand of dignity wbich is rare in'our own day. - yet he had been forced to leave school in Grade Six to heip support his wi dowed mother and the younger children, Ho nover worked less than 60 hours a week and didn't own a car until ho was approaching 70. Abraham ,incolin, a mnrwho split fonce rails and operatedi an unprofit- able generai store', somehow found the time, to work hîs way through ]aw schooi and omerge as a national leader with international repute for wisdomn and foresight which has enidured -more than a cetury beyond his death. Thon, too thero is the final and ail- important question. Who proviçies- the bneàd and butter and the free timoe for tbose who will n-ot work unless the job is "fulfiling"? Th-ey must ho fed and clothed an-d their childnen mustsl go to school and to the doctor and the dontist. Someone, obviously, has to pay their bis. Those costs, staggering in their total dollar volume, are being met by ail the Lunimaginative dullards who still believe that tlhey wul rather keep on working at a boiing ta;k than accept hand-outs fnom athoin nleighbors. J~Corner for Çkoets STHE EYES 0F TODAY My onlyI com)ipanions Ar4e the booits on my feet, A7, 1 wander zthrough bbe alleys - Mymmd in a Can.ý ?My subodinat1self While expectabions diminish o reimi-nings, My transplante-d kîdney ]Lubnicatces my system, That demnids some legisiation, Fromn a countfenfeit establishment. I\y brain and rmy soul, In chaobic reprisai As1 Ilook fnuortmonrow, Tbrough the eyes of today. -Stan Gordon, Grade 13, CourtîceSecondary School WE SPEAK MVock us. Neglect us. Mistreat us. Strip us of oun pnîde And culture. But let me bell you thîs, When,,-le spoke, Our Chief, Silence coveecd the land, A stillness, su reah., -j The waters of our streams Were heard bnckling Tirougiý the funesîs And eveny Indien lisbenedç Sincenely, in expectationý, Depending on their leade-r To guide them., And lot me tell you this. Ib is a sign. For we are the cultivators 0f a new race. Durharm County's Great Fami)y Journal Estahblished 118 years aqo in 1854 1Also incorporatinq The Bawmanvile News Tic Newcastle laidependent The Orono News cond class mail registration number 1561 62.330 jOHN M. JAMES *Produced every WVednesday by Pone TH~E JAMES PUBLISH1NG COMPANY LIMITED - 623-3303 62-66 King St. W., Bowmavllc, Ontario GEO. P. MORRIS PATRICK GOULD DONALD BSHOP BusiNESS MGca. SALES MANAGER PLANT MGR. 'Cprgtrndor property rghts éubsist in the image appear:ng an this proat. PermIssion te reproeduge in ewhale aor in part and in anay ferra whatsoever, particularly by photagraphic ci off5et rpos -i a pubicatiain. ,s be obtaiaed trom the publisher and the printer. Any unauthorized reprcdur.ion witt be r.ubject to recourse in law." ý7,00a et 6 rnonthas $400 $9.00 a Year in the, Unted States strictly in Cadvance Ahugievery precautlioti wiII te taken to avad errai The Canadian Stctesman cepts advertis. jnq in its ohnlen on th, ndxsodinq that it wîtt net be fiable tor any erraiinja ony ailvertisement nuribhd eiae , untes-, o pinot cisuch odvertisment le requested in wriimg by ie advertiser ocdet ndta The Canadian Satimn usiness ofice duy signeci by thi aderts3raa Phit, uch erraiai cryeciansplaiiy ated i wittg thele0n, and in that crieil amy erri 3,, nAated îse t crr-,cteci by The Cnda taeta l Iîbility %t7,ft natect rý îîc;I,-a rtio'!tth, enire 'c.,7. ol; e1ch ave 0.-mntosthée pacé occupied hy thé nrOteci error tenr tathe wht. spaceýoC;cuPted THq SVERZDICTVIN: JALNA'S A AMESS Well, what dno you think of the CB C' s wijdeCýly -touLit ed jalina series? Please don't anse lhtaoud. There atre ladies peet Ahi, with wh0at hjopes we looked for'ward to a trLy brilliant, al-Cana- d'ian grand slam in the world of tele- vision. AICnda at il-Canadian nateriai, and a decenit'budget. I It woufld astonish thie world, daz- ,le the screen, and il of the world's gïreat ne-'tworks woldbeat a path-to the CBC door, c1Lutchýing' millions of pounds, francs, dollars anid lira, beg- ging and pleading forth e righit to re- produce it. So mut-ch for hop,-es, The result merelY ShPows that ou can have on haUndci hampn1Pe, caiariad filet mi- gnoni, but if thle cook doesn't know whiat he's doinig, it ends uip as watery, limp an)d lkear ash. We hiavýethe chiampagne in the sýhape of gorýgeous sets. We have the caviar in a colilection of firsit-rate actors. And we hbave the filet in the rare beef of the origin1al Jaîna novels. But wh)at emerges or the screen Is the most ham-fisted, ciub,-footecl, dis- torted, downright dog of a series any- one could dream up. Or nightmare up. The' champagne hasbeen watered, the caviar has been fired from a shot- gun, and the rare beef has been minced into haamburg. 1 warned the OBC, before the ser- les began,' that I would roast it if it waren't at least reasonably good. It's not even reasonably bad. Can you roast hash? I watched the first episode with a m-ixýture of disbelief and horror. The ecýond was a littie botter, and hope spranirg eternal. The flame was quickly esmothered by the succeeding wet blan- kets. I thought I knew the Jaîna novels iniside out. But' the series is s0 baffling that, were it not for the namnes of tho OTTAWA-Like an unstop- pable time bomb, the second volume of the report of the LeDain Committee's in- quiry into the non-medical use of drugs is waiting ta 25 YEARS AGO (March 6, 1947) An unusu[al event, a pie- eating contesb, was beld at bie Royal Thatre this week. Thepies were choc- olate smothediluÀ,hîpped cream. ovrScout John Brooks oubclasscd his rivais, taking juaý,t five minutes fiat. The other bespat- tered bo i e ron Brock, Wallace Dilling, Bob Bickle and Pau,' Vine. On Tues- dlay four girls:comipeted for the prize witb Doreen Wood winnîng the event. Heralding the approach o! Spring, Jamiesons 'rire Depot, King and Silver Streets, lias been complete- ly remodelled., At recent "At Home" or the Peterbiorough Normal School 'we notice by the Peterborough Examiner bliat une of the popular and tai- ented students, Miss Lillian Osborne, daugiter of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Osborne, Providence, was the accom- panist -for the entire oper- etta "Tie Gliost of Lolli- pop Bay". SMr. and Mrs-. T. Bennett and Dorothy, Toontoc, were Suniday vi,ýtiorswitLilits parents, Mn. sud Mrs. Thos, Bennett, Scugog St. About 16 tables were fi- ed witi euchre cntliusiasts at thie Goodyear on Fniday eveniag, who enjoyed 12 games of tis popular pas- time. Thos. Wright, E. Clarke andi.lMiss Rose Bate wcnee the committee appoint- cd by blie Recreation Club to supervise the games. Pnize winners inceluded R. Noble, Mr. Englisis, Mrs. S, i{odgson, Mrs. A. Kilpatrick, Mrs. F. Cowey, Boy McDon- aid, Mrs. A. 'Boe and Mrs. Henry. Miss Colleitte Ferguson, Ontario Ladies' Colle ge, Whibby, spenit tlic eeen with lier pare(nts. Miss Alice Lee, T'oronito, visiied her 'moblier, Mrs. Selena Lee,. Haydon: Mr. aadý Mrs, Jack Pot enbertsined sev- eral friends at asoia even- ing on Jicks irtliday. Turketont: IsabliCarter visitdc MVIiss, -,Phyllîs Nid- deýrY, HamXpton, explore onto the Canadian political scene. This report will deal with the question of legalizing the cannabis drug s including marijuana and hashîsh - a topic which 49 YEARS AMM (March 8, 1923) B.H.S. students in the cast o! "As You Like It" includ- cd Doris McConnell, Mary Somerville, Kennebli Fras- er, Will H. Pointen, Robert MVcCuliough, Andrew Som- erville, Oliver Hanna, Cihas. Pethick, Ronald Courtice, Maitland Gould, Reid Pcarn, Alan McKessock, Ralph Carruthers, B. Inglian, M.A., (teaclici), Lawrence Mason, Mildred Souci, Marlon Pick- ard, Ruth Grigg, Iva Gil- bank, Stuart James, Ross Pooley, Alex McGregor, Mel- ville Dale. Pianist for the evening was Miss Gwendo- lyn Williams, and Cedric Needbam, tbc stage, man- ager., Miss Dorothy Tighe and Miss Frost, Toronto, spent Friday with lie, former's sister, Miss E. S. Tiglie, B.A. Misses Audrey Werry and May Armour, Oshawa, spent, the weekcnd witli tli laI- ter's grandparenls, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Multon, Mrs. (Dr.) F. Caloioo and son Eriol, Bloomfield, anti Mr. Corey Cabo'on, To-'ronto University, were gue,ýssof Mr. and Mrs. W. Claude Ives. Congratulations to Miss Anale Williams, Solina, who lias passed lier exam in Primany Tlieory with lion- ors. Bey. L. S. Wight, B.,A., B.D., of Tweed was gucat of Mn. W. J. Bragg, M.P,?., while la town. Miss Catlierine E. Warn- ica, Brigliton, spent the weekend witli ber mother, Mrs. B. M. Warnica. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ever- son, Toronto, were Sunday guests of bis sister, Mrs. James Courtice. Miss Annie Cox lias gone bo Toronto 10 take a bus- iness course at Central Busîiness College. Mrs. Thos. McGill, En- niskillen, spent tic week- end here, guest of Mrs. Chas. Williams and ollien friends, Misses Vers and ,Bhodaý Beacock, Toronto, spent Sunday with thin faller, Mn. A. Beacock. couki become one of the most controversial political questions this Spring. The Commýittee undoubt- edly will take a lenient at- titude towards the canna- bis drugs. fIs permissive approach was shown in the Committee's interimi report on the subject released ia tie summer o! 1970. la that report the Commttee sug- gested that there should be no Jqla.,sentences for simple poýsssion of drugs. The permissive approach of the Coittee, was agaîn shown in the recentiy-released first volume of its final report. There is proposed that in somne cases heroin should be given to addicts. Following release o! the secon)d volume o! the report, eýxpected in Mardi, the po- litical controversy is likely to centre around the ques- tion o! whether there sliould bue any legal penalty for per-sons wlio smoke mar- ijuaýna or the more concen- trated hashish in the priv- acy of their own homes. The,, laws against homo- sex u al.týy do not apply when the' act is performed in pniv- ate. Drunk and disorderly laws are not used agaînst a person when lie is in the privacy of his own home. Advocates of more lenient drug laws can lie expected to cail for similar treatment of cannabis smokers., The report will not end' debate on whether,,physio- logical dainage is caused by smoking marijuana or hasli- îsli. A1dvocates o! more leniient laws will contend whethâer it does cause physi- ological damage is irelevant to their argument. They wîll suggest that if a per- son wants to take the risk aodý does not hanm anyone eleby doing so, the state should flot prevent hlm from ti akîng the isk. AH the, Federal parties wIlI find ît difficult to deal wijt h this issue. One of their bscprob]ems will stem ro tic ll fact that no one knows accurately how maRny people have tried or con- tinue to use cannabis drutgs. ,Anid no onte knows at whiat levels of society they live. liowever, it can lie said for certain that use o! the drugs is widespread and la growing - almost any police officer will tell you tiat. As for total numbers of Can- adians wbo use or have tried thedrugs, that is hard- er to determine. A United States commiltee similar to Caniada's LeD ain Commit- tee estimnated that in the U.S. somne 24 million people hiad at least tried cannabis druigs. C'anada is one-tenth of tWe size of the US. and that mîigit suggest that at leasýt 2.4 million Canadians iadi tried 'bbedrugs. This fiiure on douit is farto hiig, But the U.S. expei- enoeiindtcates as man 'y as one million Canadian» mnay and Spice By Bill Smiley charac- ter's, I'd be willing to admit that it was the Bobbsey Twins series I was thi nking of. The most, coherent parts of the Sunday igt how aire the commer- cials. But even here you have to keep a wary- eye, because you're notý quito sure they aren't part of the plot, so dense and unwieldy is the latter. Those faintscreams you hear fromr your set are flot static. 'I'hey- are lIiss Mazo de la Roche, author of thie novelds, shrieking- epithets at the C3C, the director, and everyone else connectedt with the mutilation of ber, manu- scripts. Perhiaps the most appalling- aspect of the whbole dreary business is thatl the CBC haýs'actually sold the series to some retarded British network, on the understandin g that it (the CBC) -Wili produce another 13 episodes in the serios. This is flot just flogging a dead horse. It is giving castor oul to some- one who is dying of dysentery. You may have picked up the mis- conception that I don't like the Jaîna series. Quite wrong. I love it, It's the best comedy-mystery bour' on the air, Mmnd you, the comedy, is of the black variety. It's rather like making jokes as the British Empire, on which th e sun neyer set, siniks slowly into the sunset. But the mystery, though there is obviously no solution, is fascinating. Sorting out the characters alone is more fun than reading a Russian novel. Who 'is marrieci to whom? Why? Wben? Which are brothers, which cousins? Is Ronnie's second wife Eden's first mistressl When is Rennie going tc get a new nightie-gown?, The ramifications are endless. And hopeless. It's a soap opera witb a schizo- pbrenic at the helm. I wishi they'd seli the dam' estIate and put Gra 1n in a nursing home, at give Ed Sullivan a'ring. Report from Otfawa By Russell C. Honey, M.P.> Theëre bas been an impression Primo Ministen made th e appýoîintmit-i arbroad that JohnTurner is the heir with exactly the opposi t tought apparent to the leadership of the Lib- that it would give Mn, Turner an op.- eral Party, and of course, the Prime portunity to advanice his position acs hisý MiCnistrr's office if that Party should successor. be in power when Pierre Eliiott, Tru- The turm)oil of several easofta deau retires. reform is behind us -. . Edgar eno There blas also been a general as-, bavîng carrîed the brunit of the criti- sumption that Mr. Trudeau will not ho cism in that exorcisep. The new tax another Mackenzie King or John Dief- legisiation will eliminate one mýIUlor enbaker . .. that is that ho will not hoid Canadians fromn the tax nolls and nediuec office until pushed- out by old age or taxes for another 4,700,000 Canad-is, by bis own supporters. The economy bas been on theupwn There was also the tbougbt in the for some time and ý1972 looks like anr country that Prime Minister Trudeau increasingly good yean . . even with bad named Mr. Turner to the Ministry the possibility of tax cuts on the hon.. of Finance, knowing that the position zon! bas been the gravoyard for manv aspir- For John Turner, stuck in thie ing leaders, in recent memory, Donald politicaily grey areas of the Justice Fleming, Walter 'Gordon and Mitchell Mtnistry this new appointment semrs Sharp. like an opportunity to comne up smelli- S No one, including 'Mr. Turner ing like roses when Pierre Trudeau soems to, ho challenging, or even wish- decîdes, probably in a few years, tg ing to challenge Mr. Trudeau's position. move on to other things and othen It seems probable, therefone, that the challenges. £.-,etters tb ,t/he c1itor PARADISE LOST sic: Bccently ln 'The Bulletin' tiere appeared a spale of articles promoting the new" concepts in edu(Ra- tion. As a "Iradibional" teacher, I tbink it is time to counler-balance th es e "innocjvative' articles wibb ,some pua gent observations o! one who objects tb ibis trend. 1 tbink \VC bave reached a state o! "Paradise Lost have at least expccîmented wîtli bic drugs. Thal is a large number of peuple for a party lu lirand witi bav- ing cummitted ,an ilegal act. The problem o! the puliti- cal parties on lic cannabis issue is compounded by tlie type of peuple wbo have used on are using tlic drugs. No longer cen a party cbarac- tenize these drug users as social misfits. Studies have sliown the drugs are used by some peuple wbo hold tesponsible positions la su- ciety, And the drug ques- tion can nu longer lie con- sidcred an age question, It la not just a teenager habit, Experts believe thc bulk o! tic users are in their twen- ties and Ihirties. Again, ilb will lic difficul for thie par- ties to insist. these peuple are acting, îllcgallyv by us- ing the drugs. But wbat choice does any gyovernment bave. How can a goverameal legalize use of the drugs when it does not know wliat effeci such action would have on su- ciety. How can a govern- ment allo\v legal use o! durgs witbnî,t making ar- rangements for their con- broiled distribution. And liow could' a. government alhow distribution o! the drugs if Ibeir full effects on peuple are nul knowa. Tic Federal parties know tliey will soon have bu face up to tlie cannabis iss9ue, And they kaow their an- swers will satisfy frw pol.Tbcy will just bave to it andJ wait unlil tic tePoi-t explodes, then try to maýke the bezt o!ilb. (Agaln!)". Do bic following snippets o! adminîstrîvis sound familiar? Memo: "Tbe Planning Coi- mittce will meet this after- noua lu discuss tic Evalua- tion Committees report on tbe Boacd's latest edict on tic non-structured, muibi- levclled, o p e n - concepted, free-choiced, K-13 integrat- cci,. individuel timetableci, moduleci, team-taugbt, re- source - centre:d, computer- ocicnted, H.S.-I conflict." Memo: "Would you %please slmta full page repor't on the aims and objectivesý of your subjecl, together with its appropriate educa- tional pbilosopby, liy bu. morrow morning, typed la Iriplicete and on 8½,'" by Il"e paper.", A, very !ew yeacs ago, la spibe of subliminal grumb- ling, tcaching was a simple andi satisfying expenience, You arrived back at school tai Srptemben, you wereL 1hande-d a reaspnable imez- tabl, y met your oon ableý size classes, anýdyo tauglit a tangible course or studv tiet bad a provincial standard tn back lb up. Wliere bas tiat panadise disappeareci. Ia vicw o! today's total chaos o! educablunal "Do your own tbing", blose days o! yuore sem now like para- dise imdccci.Wby do beach- ers accept sucli leaderless leadersliip wltiout su niuch as a vocal whimper? Why do tbey put up with an in- crcased work 1usd, langer classes, more paper work, falt.ering or non-existent discipline, and administra- tion-oriented boards o! cdu- cation wbo.se lackeys com- fort witi cliches: "Doa'b tbrow the baby out wlti bbe bath water";, "Let's get duwn to'the nitty-gritty o! the prublem"-i*; "A credit la -a credît is a credit" and so un,adauam Wbat las lappeneci b) fie intllcteland dedicat"dl teaclien wOiun eedelri only a text book and hieo ýwn eni- tbiu siastn o encourage a learnling p ro ceas9s You miglit licaile lu find him somcwicre ln thc sehool brying bu "'o pewith a. jungle o! over-priced audlu-visual equjipmcnt which was pur- chased bu boîster his board's fa ninhIuic image,'Mure han ýIIlikeiy lc will li found in bc ltbrry(Reaci: Be source Centre) presenig, ln Pentagon piraseulog, a low profile. 1These beaciers need. a leader who will stand up ta administrators wbo liaven'b been la a classroom for twenty years, wlio xiIlbuy books iastead.o! ..eup ment, and wio will figb1t the new jargon o! eduicaqtioni with cool and refreshinig logic. This leader muast belp us bo regain Paradise and.l hie must bcwlling bu psy bbe pnice o! his sacrifice, Aay volunteers? G. I. Hamîltbla, I-eaci, Depantmnent o! Engltsh, Courtice Scondlary Schaul, -froin Tic OSSTF '.Bulletin, WI 1Review Officiai Plan Darlington Township will review ils Officiai Plan and Zoning Bylaw. Tic decision waa baken at a negular meeting o! Council onFeliruary 18bh in Hlampton. A nepresentelive ô! Muni- cipal Planning Consultants o! Torontuolias been invited t) attend a. joint meeting o! bbc Planning Board and Council 10e dîscusa bhi malter in detail. Beeve Carl Down bld lic' Stalesman on Monday that lie ioped tebb.c eetig would be hield lanflic very nean futurle, but was nabie bu apecify ýa date Tlicr, r ficiaiPlýa bas been lu) effeet since 19(11 and ilas neyertý befone ,beeni revi(ewe d, MacDuff Report Drugs Are Dynamite In1 the Dim and Distant Past Froxu the Statesman Files &A

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