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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Apr 1972, p. 9

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~-~- & I 623-33O3~' *1 NEW OWNERS FOR MOSPORT - Harvey Rludes and Bernard Kamirn, dîrectors af Mospart Park Ltd., annpounced last week they have purchased the 50 per, cetnt interest heid W.- Dr. and Mrs, Irwin Fineberg of Mntreal. Hudes and K>anin, bath of Toronto, tlrns tanke contrai oi more- than 80 per cent of the cornpany, contriling the auto race track. No purchase price was i7 cl edbecause it is a uairly involved deai,' said uds who takes over the presidency of the company front Dr. Fineberg. Ï î t t MITES IN MISSISSAUGA - The Bownianville Consumers' Oas Mites were eliminated frorn further competition i n the Paperweight Tourna- mnent held in Dixie, Gardens when they were defeated 2-1. by Care on Sunday afternoon. On S 'aturday, Bowmnanville defeated Frin.-ate hya score of 3-0. i- t t t RýAINED OUT The first try-out and practice session ai the Bowmanville Electrons was rained out on Sýaturday, Manager Clint Ferguson states it xiii ho held this Saturday at Lord Elgin Schooi at 1:00 1),manid asks ail interested players to corne out. SKATING CeK ARNIVAL 4- The Carnival ta ho preosen ted n iext weekend, April 28th and 29th in Bowmnvile Aenabasseveral treats in store for th14 ic.Te fîrst part wvilI feature SnoivWit 1rn te Seven Dwarfs, Aiso Head Jlinters will e on the scene, as welI as lions, tigers, etc. The second haif will feature Las Vegas and we h)ave heard a well known person- ali!ty will liepuitting in an appearance. It prom- isýes fo lie an entertaining way te spend an e've0n9. ; t t t t (ORIE,ýNTEERING -- The first organization meeting for the vear was heid Monday evening, April l8th, The- first event ai the season wil hob a reguiar arien- teering meet for this area, for beginners up ta advanced classes. Anyane interested, plan ta be ai Clark 'e High School, Saturday, May 231h, at 9:30 a.m. For further information caii Lars Carlson, 623-7824, SPORTS LOTTERY - The 20th and final draw of the Ontario Sports- Lottery saw Mike Kanuch, Oshawa anmd Bill ryant, Týoronto, l'hewner LICESEDCOCKTAIL LOUNGE AND'VIWHOCKEY ACTION CONCTED TO CABLE TO GIVE EX/CELL4ENT RECEPTION Liberty St. 1S. rt Hw. 40l Phene 623-3373 Bowman ville Firsi B'Bl 'Tourname -ýnt Aprîl 8 was a husy day as! luar as sport was coucerned înu Bowrnville. In addition toi MIlinai Hockey Day, the tawn' was hast ta the first basket-ý bal touruameuit of the West-I bru Area af the Norîhumber-1 land-Durham Board of Educa- The Boys and Girls ýInîter-j mociate games wre held Ioini two gyms atBomvil l'igh School. and the Juniorý Mixed gamoes were played 'ati Lard Elgin Public School. For H-ampIon Public School,I winners af the Junior tille, tiis touruameut was the eudI of the rond. Because of the. lack af corupetitian they can advauce nu f urîher. Wiuners of the Intoîmediate, gamos, howex or, uuw advancel ta tise fiuais in Campbellfordj !on Mai' 3. Celeb'rah-on anrd ConDisolation for Blades -As -winners on Saturdai', M. .y' J. Hobbs will ho sending teamsl aIf bath boys and girls. whii ýNewcastle and Grandview t~/i xii respectiveli' send a squad1 af boys and girls. 'a'i Other teams, compeuuin'ifg4i the Junior games xvere tramî South Courtice, Newcastle and1 The Elades ceLebraled a succe-ssful sesaus-la Koetje, Douglas Dilling, Dana Severn and David Ontaîla Street public schools.1day, and at the sarneteimne consoied them.selves wilth Býale. In front, from loi t, Daug Bickie, Paul Brock, Aiso rani in the Intermed- cake and hot dogs for a 4-i loss la the Steeler, inthe RIl aps ro rvsJmm oalMr 1ate laurnamerit came fro nm j-iaso h yeMgpaofls .'usa.Abt n tv ay !Cartwright, Orona and Ontario snifnl iteTk u lyffs aITusa.Abt n tv ay Street. In the back, i roin ltoit ta right1, are Darryl Play or, Doug-____ The tournament was co-or-1 dînat ed hi' I-arvey Webster of1 nI M. J. Rabbi, and is assistant, Recrebon n or'Al-Poce u ysAtM Chýmp-,s 14 p-, .vlen 228,1 22 224ý Counciliar Murce F-ront preseýnts the town's the righl, Rý DeBoo and R, Meeks. iu the b-ack ar ýe1 20'Police Commission Trophy t, -au Cascagnette, Cap- Mi<e Reyynolds, Wayne Porter, G. Cross, Kevin Waoley,j ý t-ain ai the Frank's Varielytem which won the AtoîFn B, Bain, D. Kilpatrick, Brook Cale, R. Rogers and P. gant1-e on lVfnor Hockey Day. Flanking hint on the i Reynolds, are J. Thiele, M. Bullonshaw and J. Donoghue, and on j Au' all HedPins~ Aces , ----- 466365 Sou" Hendi -----45731 Gutter Ralis . 434900 1-iZtSiogies - N. Heuri 28.S, Goodmurijphi' 264. HglxTrpls R. Good S. Gardon 652. Hidden Score Wiuuers Gami-e 1, J, Sierbuis; Garni C. Knapp; Game 3- N. Ca' Over "00 GWilson 216, M. Adl i.1 A2. tSweetî-a 'î 261, 1ite 08, L, Adams Il alantne243-229, NMil nig~7A, Cole 226-212, Gadn214-249, H. Aiken2 N. Cowle 248, S. Goodmurr '64, G. Simpson 220,F Good 234-237-217, R., S tI j216-203, R. Goodmurphýi' 2 Averages Over20 Rou Gaad - 42 H. Ballantine -------45 Bruce Smith ------27 G. W ilson ------ - 36 B, Partuor - - 42 iG. Simpson 45 lN. Cowle 3 ý9- 46695 45833 45862 SAL SART AR1L 2th Fising3: Rods and ArhcyEquipmcnt Table Tennis Sets and Paddles Badminton Racquets ,Tennis Racquets Bail Gloves Basketballs and Nets Footballs - Volleyb ails croquet Sets and More Adids Ro - $ .N Xdîdn Argntîn ,oo per do%. including tax "Sorry - 2 dez. only per custonier", Fishinq Lures&Plugs 1/2 Price KiNG STREETW E sT 8W M ANVI LLE 1-diiget Cibampionship at 10:16 of~ the firt avertime CoMmnssion Troishi î was pro- In the iVidget Championshîp, period was the tie breaker. seuîed by Councîllor Maurice the Gonerais came out flyîug Dale Cary fired twa goals for Prouuta Frauik's Varioti' cap- as they scored three unan- the Kîngs with assisti goiidg tain, Paul Caicaguiette. Cour- swered goals iu the first per- ta Rory Erwsin and John Hil. cllor Pi-out also preos8ueted lad and weat ou ta dofeat the For the Beavers, who had losI League Winnoîs cres15 ta MI. Rayais 5-L. Larry Brunt onl' one game ail season, Gar- Frauk's Varioti'. Fînalisti cresîs firod tise bat trick witls Russell don Wallace and Barry Liv-1were prosented ta ýthe Maîlun- McQuaid scuring the 01be1iugstoe otched -siaglotonisirnu igors hi' Larri' Dewvol,ýý Iwo. Pearce Wilcax drew two wlth assîsts goîig taJameslconverior ai theo lnsLeague.1I assists whi]e Eric Gossick, Pocock, Stephon Mai' berri' 'Cyke Championship Cliff Davidion and Ronaldaud Rabbi' Childs. utieinlam ofheay Strike chippod in with one The Consumers' Gai Traphylthe [udizaus upset the Cardin- assist each. Doug Bragg from was preseuted ta the Kîngis' 72taw_1h Tk John Trimble and Brad Miluer captain Rani' Erwin hi' Geo- Charnpiaushîp. John Klamp- was the anly scaririg plai' for rge Muttan of the Recro.alion inaker led! the Indians as ho the Mt. Rayais, Commiîtee. The Beax ors roc- fired three uaassisîed goals, Generals' captain Peau ce eived League Winnens cmoiti Edward >Osbornîe had one and Wilcax accepted the Lions tram Hoecrea-ilnyCumitteeaeLuadDc n n Club Truphi' tram Jack Locke eme P.lVwls.G orue, LMoar MDLea one and~ af L & L Tools. League wiu- Muttan presi eidte evr Moe adriean oîgneunand non -creits weîe prosonted ta with Fînalisîs cri.li, gaiidcarin orthardinalson the Generals bi' Larri' Dewell, foc Wee 11B" Chanpidoujslip wa.wSore gfavr te tarwni canveor aiflthe Atam Loague. ýTihe Pee Wee "B"i Champ- wero Michael Jozkoskî andi Finalisti fcroî,ts were presented:ioxship wealta the Canadians Robbie Sainshuri' whiie David! la the MvlRayIs1b Areaa they dow,ýn ed the1 Bins Masan picked up one assist, Manager --uy Neadi 4-3, Bobjy Dvs'g a uthe The Bon (manville Police Bantain Champlonship Ihîrd perî 'od povdto ho ihelCommiissian Truphi' was pro- 1In tihe Bantam Champion lwinner as the Cuadans ng'senlîd ta'Paul Gaina, captain ship, the Cubs upset the on for the ictari'. Other[ai tihe Indians. The Cardinals Indians hi' defeating them 5-2 scarons for the Canaians wore rec'ýived League Winnens creits This wasa terrifie eans effort John Gruetelas with woirn Jim Cayle Sr. ai the Rec- hi' the Cubi as nu lois thas Iil goals, Allan Ashtuone oa, .)an Cammittee. Convenor playors sharod se thoîr sean- Steve Greengrass two asisiofue Midgot League, Fred iug. Michael Habbs, Honnie Gardon Sharp, DougElidgeSheahan. presented Finalîsts Dusseldarp, Joe Bennett, Rich Pauni Hodgson, Glen iMýileiencresist tiste Cardinals. ard Sweetman and Lloyd and Mark Vansua ne a.silît l.lifonuntateiy, the picture.s Devries scared one goal each each. Thue Bruins gtgo ui,ýasof llio 1udýaus dîd nul lunul with Peter Willoughby, jim tram Raymand Dallas ý,Trent1out due ta -amera problem5. Stackaruk, Rick James, Tom Masters and Wayne Jahuasoa,1 Minor Hkockey'Day Woolner, Randal Locke, Don- whsle Dai' , Brock and JohT1-1'The Bawmanýiville Recrealin aid Chldi and Devnies pick- S00 pscked up assisîs. iDeparatn Mfinur Hockey ing up an assisî apiece. Reply Du aus nsne ts aheid an Saturday. April ing fur the Indians were Bob Dani' Rames iVemorial Tro- 8thsu tise Momnorial Arena,1 Shackleton and Jim Jozkoski phi' ta the Caîsadians' captaîn, prouved ta ho a ver' succesifuli with Mathew Jones and Curtis Clou Miller. Finalisti cresîs day, cruxsd nue, wils axer 900, Nuel pickiug up assisti. woro presenited ta the Bruins spectators in and out ai the! Reeve Robert Dykîsa pro1- by Jean Devîtt ai thse Recrea- arena durîng the six champ- seuted the Robent Dykstra lion Commiîîee. iousltip ganses. Trophy la ttse Cabi' Captain, Aloni Chainpionship The ganses wos'e excîting Garni' Perfect. Bud Perfect, Three unauswered goals by and woli played with ver' fewý Chiof Supers'isor ut the Minor Frank's Variotyin l the tbird1penualîies. Tise coaches are tla Hockey Loague, prosented the poriad gave tbem a 4-1 viclorylbe coýngratulated an the finel Indians with League Winnons in the Atom Championshîp spoîîs:manship shoaýn hi' Iheiný cresîs. The Indians were thon game plaved againssî the Mursi-layesý ý1pnesented with Finalisîs croîts auna Tigors. Paul Cuscaguotto M ,i. T. A, Fausiung, Dinectai' hi'1) Kim Rogers, Assistant Snp- wîth twa goals, une assist, audiof 1Ilecreatian, wauld like tao oýrvisor ai the Minor Hockey Kevisi Woalloy with twu goals 1thnk the coaches, play(ers and Lïeague. lwore tho pick uf the Varsety epe)ýci alors fan their exýcellent 1Pee Wee "A" Championship« squad wth Patl'Reynolds chp- suport ufthe Rcrealon Tise Kingi edged the Beav- piagin luwîth one assist. DaninyM1%1i Erockey L,"ague. Mr ors 3-2 for, upsel victauy Kenisedv set vp' onad rownu Fausiîsg was higlpeased !Ad the -Pi "' A" Champ-1foi the lasers>asl l" itlsthoengs \aia vork oai iahpJasiieýs lVlurphî "s guall Tte Bwanil Police Mri .A eaet oce d1 ministr atar; Mr. Bud, Perfect, Chief Supervisar af the Hockey League; and Mr. Kim Rogers, for the fine job, nat only on Minor Hockey Day, but al season, The tharik yous also oiv- ed ref.erees, timers, scorers-, ticket takers, ticket seller, 'P A. Airnouncer equipme .nt super1- 1 ïThe C anadian Statesman, Bowmanvilie, Apr. 19, 1l972 BANYAM GIRLS fligh Singlo Lane 5,'Ovenden 0; Luxtorî K. L-u-xton) 286-281, F. ,P- , Halrayd 0; Bruce 5, Far- vigne 260-246, D. rdck rand 0. 233. Team Standing K. igh Triple ý .Luxto.n 709,C. Laivigtie,, Luxton 49, Ovenden 444676 Bruce 41, Lane 35, Holrovdý 76 JUNIOR BOYS 27,l Sirrale 14.G ray 7, La e 0; M oshe r 'i, Higv inleBrooks 0; Whyte 5, Coombes ý21 B. Lane 196-185, C. Holro,,d[ Team Standing 169. iMosher 60, Gray 60, Coombes High Double 57, Whyte 54, Brooks 47, Lane B. Lane 381, C. Lane 30)1, C. 16. Holroyd 300, S. Bruce 295, High Sinigle BANTAM BOYS R. Terry 253, D. Gtay 244ý, Murphy 3, Wood 2; Thiessen J. Whyte 235, G. Lane 101.- 5, Edmondson 0; Piper 5, 233, R. Chow 222-216-239ý, P.- Sheehan 0. Lavigne 222-225-211, K, Wol-,i Teain Standing ley 224, H. Bain, 220, R.ý Wood 54, lVurphy 46, Thiessen Stacey 204, B. Branch 216, J. 38, Piper 3l. Edmondson 22, Laie 203, R. Chapple 203. Sheehan 19. 111gh Triple High Single R. Cbow 668, P. Lavigna'r W. Thiessen 220-190, J. 658. R. Terry 613, Piper 203, B. Moore 184. SENIOR MIXED LEAGUE High Double Robertsi.5, MacDonald 2 W. Thiessen 410. J. Piper ýTorry 5, Davey 2; Brock 7, 316, B. Moore 304, Whitehead 0; Bouwmeestlr7 JUNIOR GIRLS Jeen0 Bond7 MiTeam Standing Bn7,Mtchell 0; Aide Î, Bouwmeester 68, Terry 57, Gray 0; Taylor- 4, Luxton 3. Brock 53, MacDonald 46, Team Standing IDavey 44 Jensen 37, White-. Luxtan 64, Mitchell 56. Tay'- head 28, Raberts 31. lor 50, Aude 49, Bond 40,'Grayi ,~ High Triple 35. Dl Dadson 691, R, Bouw- meester 652. visor, Mr. Roy Neadi, Man-ý ager of the Arena, and bis staff 1 for a lob well doue. GET CASH TODAY To the special guests whol FOR OLD APPLIAN#CES' made the presentations, theý THROUGB Canzidian Statesman staff ofi S Mr. J. James, Publisher, Mrs, J. James and Mr. Simonl CLASSIFIEDS Wickens. 1 Phione 623-3303 fl/Ciy &[njrodc/ue on Oùnr St aff le nRi e e GlIenn is a resident nI Hamptoft and when not attending school he carrnes eut his duties in our new warehouse. Glenn is pictured here in front of our tenveyor system which feeds stock te the upper level of oui- 5500 sq. ft. warehouse, He aise spends lime assenibling bicycles, wheel barrows and laws i, owers which are in IreaI demand this time of year. Glenn wants you to know abosut our special 90"fl Tool Shed at $79.99l this week. STEW McTAVISH 1Presîdent CAROLE GOULU 1Store Manag-er M I- 9 FIGUE SKtriNGCLU MEMOR'LuAREN Frolsdayq SauramprI2e2 Friday Eve.ning - 8.00 pln. Saturday Afternioon - 2:0 .m. 1970 - F i-eSyleCp ion StGe alsiernational Granld ijx 1971 - Membepr, Cpeailadi North American Team and Linda Task9er and Allen Cro -him( Salu eta Disneyan andf Stars of La sv egas - ADMISSION - All Seats Reserved Children Under 14 Years - - - - Aduîts $1,00 Tickets may ho purchased at the Recreation office, Town HaFTll, 83 a..to 5:00 p.m. Mmnday through Fridny and at the MemorialAen Monday and1 Wednesday from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. Sponsored by the Depart ment of Recreaticri Corporation of the Tcvi of Bowmanviîle >/W al'î »I-

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