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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Apr 1972, p. 2

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2 The Ca adian Statesman, Bowr"îanville, Apr. 19, 1912 ing conviction for impaired¶ drîvîng February 26th. Cons-I _________________________________________________________________table Gaylord, OPP, fôllowedl I the car w'est on King from the! I ueen's Hetel, NewcastleI I I where it turnedri ight onto I I North Street and into a Drivate; n C% a idiiowas obervion s n chon-! r jdnivenwa. The s dver' bco- HeId in B wmanillecamne se heligerent the officer Held i Bowmavillehad te radio fer help to e hlm te the detachmeet office Moinday, Apîl ilth, 1972 thie driner's. seat and Mr. charge was disrnissed, A second charge, refusîng te udeR B. Batten presïd- Snîth admitted ownershîp, Raymond Leblanc, 'Pr.,'take a breathalizer test, wasý cd st AsisantCrwn t- Donald W. Kîngdoel, GCi- fined $590 and cests, or 10 days, dîsmissed. torniey 17. tubington, tK, Van more Avenue. Peterboroughi, followîng conviction for build- aln oso taso Nst- as Legapl Aid duty coun- was fned $200 and, costs, or ing an addition te bis restau- in to sto at a stopt Ce i 20 days, and bis licence ju-ratw îutfrst obtaînîng a turn from' Beaver Street ente GeadSmth, 1191 Birch- Ipended for three months, tel- building permit, This was q SteNwcslct Monunt -Road Scarboreugli lewîng conviction for having in contravention of a Tewn-MGarySroe $20wantde costi was, fined $50 and cests orI care and centrol of a moter shîp of Darlington by-law Gryforemhie$20nsald cokets. linaý dyfori llegal pusses- vehicle whîle lits ablity wss and1 proseeiited hy A. A. f-i o od tecarsgeonstble uarketh sien oýf lîouor. Abeut 3 am.lîmpaired by alcohol. At 1:25 Strike. li h hreFbur t. Maýrc 1 ý26fth Constable Jer- a.m. .Ianus ry 28th Constable Donald Kent, Village of rett, O P.P., checked a vehîcle Jerrett, O.P.P., feund Mr. Newcastle, pleaded guilty of A nakdon the north should-. Kingdori behînd the wheel ef impaired driving. Conviction f er c' Highway 401, He found a vehicle wîth the engine brought a fine of $200 and apaýrt bottlc cf liquor under running and le drive position costs, or 15 days, and licence A on North Street, Newcastle. suspension. At 2 am. Feb- SATURDAY DELIVEU3 h oniinc tedie Apr wl n ps as confirmed by two bret fice ha.s corne te the con- alizer tests of .27%. lusio0n that cutting off iii Murray Alîson Butler, Osha- Deieyte homes on Sat- wa, charged wîth failing te turday îsn't wor-kig ,eut Stop at a stop sîgo January it 'Was announced t hi-,lO1th, pleaded fnot guilty. Cons- ' eecý'tht onidi,ïo Jý tab]eý Burke, OPP, was on week thivent oceatoring patrol eastbound onHighway bee ive ereterrng2 when he observed a deliv- Satuday deliery te in' ery truck pull eut frorn Lake- c'rease efficiency, Apparent- îew Road onto Highway 2 !y, there is quite a Diie-ip wthout stepping. Mr. Butie fmalduring the twe off argued that the road, theen das ht doesn't get clear- iwhich run.s aouth off Hîgh- cd omtiesuntil the o way 2 at Dr. Rudpll's, is net lewngWedesanmarked by that namne. The DEPARTMENT 0F' TRANSPORTATION and COMMUNICATIONS te o eld1000.a.' Thurday, April 27th, 1972 at1SHo(pe Street North, Port Hope, Ontario 7-l"67 t19nî70 -Automobiles .- 4 door sedans -Auto, 6 an 8CyLI (Some with Power Brakes aod' Sern)Chev. Plymouth, Pontiac, Rambler, 1 --1 cn Frd 2 dr. hdtp. 8 Cyl. Auto, wlPovrer Brakes ansd Steering -98Chiev. Station Wagon 8 Cyl, Auto, 1-1M69 Chen. Station Wagon (9 Pass.) 8 CyL Auto. 1-1969 Ford Station Wagon 8 Cyl. Auto. w/Power Brakes and Steering f-1967 and 1-1 969 Chen, 1%, Ton Express 6 Cyl. 1-1967 Intern. s/ Ton Express w/5 Man Cabh 8 Cyl. 1-1965 G MZC.Pi Ton w /Stake Body and Racks 8 Cyl 1--1966 Ford 1I/2 Ton Cab and Chassîs - 8 Cyl. 1-1966 Ford 3 Ton Cab and Chassîs- 6 Cyl. 1-1967 G.M.C. 3 Tor Cab and Chassis - 6 Cyl. (Non-Operative) 1-1968 GMC,3 Ton Cab and Chassis- 6 CyL. 1-1956 intein. 5 Ton Cab and Chassis - 6 CyL. .-196,5 GMC, 5 Ton w/Dtimp Box, and, Hoist and Hyd. Plow Attachments 1-1956 Trojan Leader w/1 Cu. Yd, Bucket 2 Wheel Driv e 1-1969 Plymouth 4 dr. sedan -'8 Cyi. Auto. w/Power Brakes and Steering (Acc!dent Damage) 1-1968 Fo.d 1 ý Tn Express 6 Cyl. (AccidAent Damage) 1-190 W 6 Tor- Cab and Chassîs (Non-Operatîve - -r>eqires -zNew Engine) 2-156 r'd2-957MaseyHarris Tractors 19 H.P, w/SSîcleFar Mowera 1 -- 1 57 CcsutTracter- 27 H t-P wS î'l a Mowe,,7r and 3Pot Hitcb 1-1948 LncoinArc Welder -200 Amp, T7raîler Miourted d-- Cha-iusseMince Ke'tties- 4 BbI. Capacity 11--. Londorr Water Pump 2" - as Pewered 2- PIncer Chair Saws- 16" and 24" 2ý- Rtar-y Lawn Mowers- 20" and 2T' 1-. Surveyors Leveé!v /Trîpod 1- Surveyors Transît w/Tripod 6- Camneras 120 2- Bovïser Fuel Dispensîng urn's Quantity of Drill Steel - "/a" and 1" Various Lengths e-1 Rod of 7 Strand Farrnx Fence 26 Peet 72" Culvet Pipe Galn. (tsed) 3- Sroxiv iîîgs 3- One Way PIo, 1- Reversible Plewý 2-162 rantford Hyd. Sac dspreaders (Oewithout Engine) Ternis aind Condîtions -~ Items sold for $100.00 or Ies ui e raid foi in full at time of sale. A minimum deposit of0 $100.00 is required1 on earh item sold for oner thîs amount. Wthin five (5) rffrking days after the dae e the sale, the sucecessful hîdder must psy ie ful tebalance owïng for his-,purichase and reniove il froni -Department preperty. Failure te compléte payment wîtlîin the fine (S) workîngT1 days will resulitie the deposit being ferfeited and the ite-m held for resale. -Ail transactions muat be1 by Cash or Certified Cheque. Cheaues te lie marie payaible te Treasurer of Ontario. Vehicles will he sold "AsIs - Where 13" witbout war- rnyand suhject te Féderal Sales Tax wzhere applicable, "mith Ontario Retaîl Sales Tax, Veilswill be sold wîthout licence plates. Tiiese may be bained aller the rprsrbed inspection bas been aredetby a qualified mechanie and a Certîficate of Mechnicl FTnïess issued1, 1temsmay be înspected at -ti hp above location from 9:00 a.m te- 4 00 p, m. on Aprîil'241h, 251h, 26th and Thursday Aril 217th, 1972 until tîme ef sale, Furthier information may be obtained froni: Distrit Supply Superviser AmaCode- 416 Malerial Central Superviser Downsvîew, Ontario Telephoste:248-3725 Amea Code. 416 RýThompson, flewmanville. Mr. and Mrs D J. Canieron ý Local M an TY R O N were supper gue.sts of %. the April 12th meeting oh ithe BÉIllman-DeMille- weddinglVMr3, Cordon Lamaont, Rrn, on Sunday. Ik Deputy tI.C.W. was held at the home1 on Saturday at St. Joseph'sI manville. Mr. and Mrs. Rosh' Ain cf _Mrs. Ray Davey with a Churcb, Bowmanville. 1 Sunday callêrs of Mr. andý and Mr. MichaelSteg vr good turnout. Co-Presidents Mr. aod Mrs. Drew Allmarî,î Mrs. George Alldread were get tteTbblek Mrs. Aldin Hoar and Mrs. Brockville, were guests of his! Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Justice Igessw teddnonFibbenng Sitsaedbr hemasir Walter Park directed the grandmnother, Mr. and Ms.ý and family, Richmond Hill, MisSeW Aho r Stillner md p e îgicu he meeting. Mrs. Hoar opened Lorne Phare, last week, and Mrs. Dave Aldread, Bow-iMaidscf honrlAs he btonabldnerand the ir aies Niht the meeting with thoughts Rey. David Northey, Betb-imanville. 1Bcetwdig gleaned from the new Hymn any, called on Mrs. Edithal Mr. and Mrs. George Ail- Bekttwddnefi previeus week, Bowmnan- Boek. Some supply wor.k, MurphY. dread were Sunday supper Mr. and -Mr.î, Roy Gra1srnî ville Kinsmcni troppd off ro both local and overseas, was Mr, and Mrs. Walter Mur- gue.sts of MVr. and Mrs. Jack and Mns. 1-1. Crosmran we" their rogional cenference in suthorized. Re mi n de r sof phy. Newcastle, were Satur-i WA7lsh, Bewmanville., guests at thje Tabb-Becke'tb! Petcrborough lasi Saturdýay, Presbytery meetings, and re- day ýevening callers of Mrs, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wilson, wedding on Fniday eveninîl. and returned laden witt p)ort on the receot Confer- Edith Murphy. Lorie and Scott Henderson, Symipathy of the coiýmun- glory ence U.C.W. meeting at Lind- Mrs. Lamre Phare spent a attended the Barnes -HButs ity is extended te lMr. acedJý Don MVastersori camne hark say were made. Mr%. Hoar~ few days this week wlth Mrs. wedding in Orono United 1Mn,. Ronald Rahm in the!tO Bowmanvi]le es deputy- and Mrs. Park attended the1 Breta McCoy, Bowmanville. Churcli on Saturday when pasn f n ams ft-"vernor fteK teZn Lindsay meeting and were; iVrs. Edith Murphy along;Lorie was junior bridesmaid.l er, the late W. Dawson. C, and Lloyd McRohbie ne- interested to bear Dr. Charles wlth, Mr. snd Mrs. Hugli Mur-, The Explorers practised - turned clutching the Ralph Service speak about Indla and phy visited on Sunday with Monday evening se they wiiU - rWE FAILURE Whyte trophy, awarded te, Major MeCorquodlale speak Mn. and Mrs. Roy McLaugh- take their place ie the choir 'rh lgit en utenb as 'President ef the about the House of Concord, lin and famuly, Blackstock. on Sunday.1 blihswnouat0:8 -, , Toroto."Eater was the Mr.andMrs.Waler ahî Mr.andMn.Llod Al in Bowmaeville this morning, Týrno "atr sLeM.and 1,Irs. altefr Ra ,. an d +h. Llyd Ahlanddidn't corne back on un-[I ie lecalClub wRsals »u~ ,Cntai slr, - w wm"'"% Tee 'un avoBose'"ca tiue tii 20 pminutes isier. The eow-, OPP, mnnestîgsted s cee carsented bic convenons Mrs. Tom- Býahm Genbank. ecett weddîng ln Eritýkil- e aln pedfoiTrn acc.idnt7ýfga onth we caundFROM PAGE OJ Pleasance, Mrs. Carl Car uchre pcrty Friday enen- len United Church on Frdsy ta t Ottawc, The Bîchviec accn 0f Hibeway 41 jst reeasd o $000 persona, and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon. Guest, ing was nery well attended. e ve n in g. Coniratuainsbsainbsbe oae west f IBennett oad.01 uTereconae balo n d pea of the evening was Bey. R. C.: Pnizes wene awarded te Mn lRuissel and Marie, 1 ýusast ourcs eoftenblat. I accse hfdBninen off ,T'nered co ut a t bai, an ler-liopkins, who gave us a Alice Hoakie, Mns. Eail Pres- Speedy recenery te Mns. lstesuc -t-le-'lco r ncasdab it s sioffndthav- Apin cort8th Becueof the exglimpse insiýde ome penial In-lcot, 'Mn. Joyce Masters, Mn. Ane Phillips and Mrs. Alvin elîrdwfoy 6 eet snadwntbel pceleng o t h cueoftrilhewe- stitutlons lbe bad nisited. Fred Parte en, Mr, Richard' lohnston who are patients I 7ditch. The drivers condition lener, the case wassheld overusly wishcdlegtion s o anMr. RGs; Et0-l0C'oa ia l. mnileMmnîil PRE - SEAS~ was confirnmed by the extreni-1te May 2nd, for the entemung ceg sca ie a n. .Glb; 05 ra.pli ly high readings oh .27 and cf a pies and for the settung enjoyed. Mn. Richard Mccci. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue .28%. !of a date for the preliminany Tesead are nery busyl Mn. and Mns. H. H-ardy, wene necent dinnen guesta o rl Lsli RoySawer, ron, herin. lthese days canvassing for the Bowmannilie, Mr. Russell Han-l Mr. and Mrq. A. Evans, Osh-ý BAC TA 1 chrch.dy, Tenante, were lait weekiaws. >pleadeel guilty of diving oni Tiie theft wss firat reported spegut oMranMs. rEd W dadsn a hîghx ýay wth an unsaf o ie in Ja uar yFak'Mr. and Mra. John Vaneyk, .supper gest Ma nd Mn. Mn. Eea Wod andsonpr Eloari. Constable Gsylerdf , p < oc i nay G.Aded.Jh wre Sndyspe who aid he cange forniGay, president oh Oshawal Mn. and Mrs. Paui Vaneyk, Mn. and Mns. Athur Younîg- uiso n n r M that Mr. Ssxvyer had dnîven limesMngmn t. alJadDw teddmac and Betty were SundalYiVain, Oshawa, to, help cale-! eorth an Highway 35' tram euaters of the tnack. after large, supper guests of Mn. and brate litie Jon's lat birthday.ý 'the Third Concession or di screpancies le the books were U U Clane t th notb nîrncerevealed hy an audit in Nov-I11111 IIU> of Oreno with a load of baled ember. A second audit wss A Y D straw net ,ecured je aey way. ordered, and wben it corrob- IWhen be lest six bales on onated the findings oh the fIrt1nto Death ofIu2, pimetn wa[rgm:làsJnsgvea the, a started driving the investigation which led u aothea shouider af the te hi week's anuest, was Black ck M ani bth at the Centre, rMmilIII Mmi Million passed around. road lie said that on gaing started under the direction ohfstckn acted. as presîdent annipaper and pencil and we don- bsc le fun nehaes;thn SrgantT.H.Kerr oh OPP On Thursday, Apnîl l3th, an opened the meeting w th s ned aur th nking caps. She had vansbd, onvcton peialSerics, nd ontabe nquest waheld at the Town poem, Marrîage Cook 'InaTh conducted a number of con- brouglit a $20 fine plus cesta, Deug Martin of the OPP New- Hall into the death of ouglas secnetary, and treasune gavtes.Aete wsredl- *Selalv ani-i-d or four days. catedtchment. Asseistine, aged 23, RR 2,' their reports, Rail ccli was 1 vitlng the lisyden folk te the iigoudvnl ol RoaStefanlde el th, e Blackstock. Dr. William Beer answemed wIth a bausehoid; Tninity United Churcb, Eow-, 1ngon.vn] ol vate aldt il h conducted ibis enquiry and hint. Bazan date bas beený manville, on Apnil l9th tei * Pool Enclosers nîght of wsi' on Edward flAssistant Cnown Attorney K. cbanged froni May lOth ta hear Dr. Meak oh Tnontoý * Above grotiud Street Pt Chuîmch Street, New- Tow n Stubinglon acted as specia] in- May i7th. Panticulans ile speak. leie l engaged in ne-, castie, February 7th and bit C a terrogator. 'Coming Events' laten. Thelsearch at Princess Margaret' Pools another vehicle resuitîng ien- $30 ttaldaag. Te ic ~ O fl ImThe deceased, with Graham May, meeting roll raIl is te be l Hospital, Tomonto. Cangratu- * Complete hune of Chesl *was $30 and resta, or six days. Duif and Brian Lee, was east- answemed with a Tourh aedi lations to the fourth memben -Robert Blake McArthun, l ICROM RIAGE ONEi) hoind on Shirley Road on Take package. Plans wera aI CGroup 43 of Club 21, Mrs.' Canual Avnue Bemavule, ianien rae.snowmobiles Mardi 2ed whenl made ta bave a bowling ]T. Patts, who bcd a baby girl 'pîle Aeueti'o imaiîled touh nt aeeatmeaythey came upon a- car, parked nigbt May 27tb. It was derid- lin Oshawa Hosaital. The other dîîgFebruamy llth. He figurewaonnn the 'o-onieseti ide oh the road ed te buy new drapes andl members of C'roup 3 Irenel wasiý cnnicted and fineed $150O Couety Separate School Board because af deep snow in themr adtbe.Cop3 ab eg ilo n and cast,er 15 days with as cîidConi httediveway. The first two riders Blanche Jones, serned lunch. < 55oýtfedCuelthttesW the vehicle in their iead- May meeting, Croup, 1, wil autematur licence Suspension. rmiii rates fer separate achool l finie and missed ii- Soc, Arendy 9wmm As a resuit eh informatio e- Red CrolieseldiMy09th ceb7ed, Constabe la , supporters in the TnuniCÎPaVityth ir did neot, Iiti tnagic Mn, and Mmi. Bruce Gar- 5 Berr-d St. C623-0( OPP, investîgatedi a cri stuck will lie 30.84 for residenfiai esuits. lI' rn hKsikadMs uhrzddae au and henni pfperties andn4.27rTie fietmanijurydpeclerMeetin in a snew hank an Somerville for caimmperl a ndus3i.7 TeMiemafuylfcd n laI tiglCharlie Carmard visitéed Mn. Drive, Orono. The driver was Tbrcohuialan d idurare equal blame on the owner ohf' Char lie Camrard at Memorial_______________ .ot e, Th bll fr duat ohar the ired cs ndo .theyer Hsndal, B Cmard was1on, Tobreathalizer reading o, net however the only ones oepaf d a ad the river ril20-M isitSnal, eMr anviile, on 12% weme taken at the de- receîned hy the mu icipality, ecommended fiat snowmo r taken ta bhospital by ambul- tachment office and discussed by Council atîbilesi sd ssaînl s The l2nd Annuel. MuMeteg ,ance on Friday evenîng, bey. Failing te y1iid the right aflia Monday meeting, possible on meadsancd that ne,,, thé Canaduan Bed Cross îng bcad a beant .attack. . wiay Marrb 16tbhcost Victor Notice was aise received cars lie left p bts don te"Soc tOtherDsoyn Yark Ha Mr.aneswrsiteob ber ,î- Boswell $35 and resta, en sev- tlhit the County rate wil ise rosdway witheut lighteor he dOtaeDvsowl MmcdMm.BbTw- andys. lie was-southhoued 'twa mii] s this yesr, as fie amea mnamked by flares.teirTnaeAil2tcd admtn, m.C. a- on Couvrtineo Road, stapped for United Counties assesses Bow- 21st, 1972. irend, on Surday encng. the stonp sîge atiliighway 2' manvîlie for $196,432.17. (S thn neeeenut wheme bÎi Ceun. Prout amazed Reeve BS TIME 0F VYEAR Mare than 400 delegates ne-l Mr, ced Mrs. Tom Asbton vehîcle was struck by a west- Dkta wen this notice If yo tbink you'd like to pnesenlicg Red Cross Branri- lcad Briaah Bolton. called beued car, îesulting in '$200 'cyamupfrW isusin,' be a niember of councîl or es arrois Ontario ara expert-lcon Mm. and Mný. Leslie Cma- te nageo tc bs cd $00 taking exception te fie lark nit on one of the several ed ta attend the twodyhmo audy th ar. lltp 'na tnof a hudgetîng imeakdewn io hubards *ueh as those who meeting ta discuas the Sa> Mm. anîd Mmi. Tom Pata aig to esîîtdte o nvicýýton ie ctic.ookuu after planning, educa- riety'a services ta tbe rom-Lced baby witb thc J. Potts and a lice o $20iend resa r The Beene appeared quite' tioit, etc., this Is the Year mnl e ecnutoficiailaiyo udyceig Intentions. buMinesd Mr dMs, W. Blackburn, four days. ft1dmLidJe-c a1ndd syngtata 0t oanilounce yonr netobuis. allr lwn s resngtat asonthe There's an election eoming Highligbt of the Annual Dale and Neil rallad on Mn. Peytah. Oshawa. Shortly a Caurtoncil lirend alwaystbee u n ibish15 all. Dinner on Thursday evenicgland- Mmi Wayne Blackburn, 'midiglit January 3Otbi, Cons7 Hoeew ol a.wieeget paeJhlroo nStra 'stable Jerrett inncstigated an back as many reports as pos-î Ioeew ul a-wujligetsekeJb OmnnStray 'iàcidnt t Slin Rod cd 'ubi, cd m neer a vise yOii o first $pend a W. Fisher, S.M., Canada's 1Mr, and Mmi, D. J. Cameman làcidet a Soin Rod adisble ad hd nverhadhi few minutes talklng to fsmed Centennial Commua- l'visitad Mmi. R. Nivina, Bow- Tauntan Road. Misa Peyton, action on the metter qIuestion- o tencnesu 5OCi.mnienStuay seuthboued, scw the stop sugnisoe f'edemmbrsobefore.nvleonStudaPrePs - eat liigbway 2 fao lete, bmcked The inclusio of oa c- those bodies who ai the Wekîos n lod t r Mm. L. Christeosen, Mr but slde out acrres the higb- penditunes oh $96,289.34 in fie moment and for the atSîî,SrvcsfrSnaa and Mrs. A. Trewie, Pauli Bcd Cross Yaulh ced Canerai c Wlia er atma way and !r ite h itri. mre- notice wcs lie only one deeni- severeal, weeks, have been lain will lie held on 11adWlim ieStra boldidgin addition ta dia- evenicg reliersaiat Mr. ad sulting iu $1,000 deri;mage. ed necessay, hli bought, lie- Tholding meetinitaoter intel- Lly 'ilam Beker, Oshe- cause the îown would even- n far loto the night tri'- paace namainp sta M. ccdMmiPRoa Ast !wa ws îed $100 and costs, tually receive e nebate oh 30% o ~stiepol n otheîr services. or 10 days, follewîng co-a1ia mut work out budgets. -No doubt The electlon ah attirera for.sdGatrle nM.ar vician fr dniing a motor Depuîy-Reeve George Ste- svrl o thse wernth îcnig ternis wiil take!Mmi. Boy McLaughlin o vehîcle with oner .08 mliii- hnepaedttagrt folks woiild ýbe happy'h place eithte Business Session 1 Sunday enening et Blaci- grecs oh alcohol'le 100 miîîi pen l téineTat agmeat sec nome new faces and Friday. April 2lst. This ses-1 stock.' litres oh b]ood. Cons tabletamsiv einhe ces hear new voles. Mont oh sien will alsc featura Commît-! Mms. A. Thompianclled e Foreman, OPP, laid lie chargelt asv iel the mten have their regular tee repartsiîncluding semeiMmi. F, Osmondi, Bewmari- HURRY Deceber 6th 1terobsev-ao welfere, whuch lest year hei osttk aevsa reettoso hvle ecme 5h le hem-si ie asdle ncw de-1 daytime jb otk aevse rsnain ftcnle on Wednesday, and iCWHL O )SE lie mairpragras efa,1si, ' aue ýoh. tben sPend the evening Society's work. tage oMranMs.E1W I GO SL nie cersoutibcndon hîgipctment te un $53,000 even rRGX waycl5 she lie saui ent. lsoiinlidgtdshw hour% on the town's or 7C-IrI rance te Orone, Two breath- ane. uty's usains. h anhe curzer readings of .10% wene i!Tic ise la fie amaunts of1qiefnhrtn n h taken, cenfimming the dmîver's 1the lenies will surely have au, Drewards aren't cl& that cendition. Thema was auta- 'affect on lie tax rates, whichiget EOTE A KN EL matir licence suspension. !are expected li e reneaied' CI'artered Accountants 5 IGS.V iJabeoy Peter Kessier, Oha- 'by Councul ile'tic first week wa, was faund guiiiy af dang- !of May. Wbule changea in the Ot f OFFICES IN MAJOR CANADIAN UVUlES ereus driving ccd fined $250 !rate are as yel unknown, il BELL CANADA BUILDING L cead resta. on- 30 dcys. lie wans would appear almoat certain pneibited frani drining any-1 that tbey wîll definiteiy net go OHW ETE -OHW wbeme in Canada fer t lo dwo flc SHW ENR O S W ____ ontal PARTNERS., GO RDON W. RIEHL, F.C.A., R.I.A. OPP, laid the charge cIter lie tiat reeewai of tie permit' GORDON F. SEDGEWICK, C.A. ~. ced Constable Moan atapped NEED) FURNITURE would net intenhare with tiel I .R.WAER, .A the nehicle fellowing a hîgh The Drop-in Centre et officiel, plan, andi that Coun-lBR .WTRCA spceed nase at 2:15 s.m. westci olsupr-uear- on liigiwey 2 from Newcastle the Cream oh Barley milil wudspotsr a te Bowmanviîîe, scîti on on Simpson Avenue la belng newaî. PHOINE 728-7527 Sinmpson Avenue, wast on, eadied for tie summer Couin. Prorit ccd 1looperi Prince Street, nath an Lili- season with Botainssand questlened both tic support,-_____________________________ enty cressîcg King agaicaf a the yeung peoplt uncier on fia grounds fiat the Au- - red ligil,, east on Taunton direction of the Recreation tbority had oniy cskéd for Beari and Southi on tIc Danl- Dept. busy dolng more me- tht existence oh acy ronflicts,l Iinlo-Cark TwnhipLia.novations. aed lie assurance that tient, IBernard Lewis' Steeves, The current need isl for were none, daspite of the ne- fined $150 ac rsa or 15 jsucb as easy chairs, c chas- Clerk Joseph McIlroy ex Mc G R E G O R days, acdis licence stîspenei temfield, pool table or eny plained fiat wlIle on the newv ed for irce meisihý, follow- tiing else that could lie plan tic site was indeed zen-, - lîizri If yau have any of cd as openpce iaga Mýà 1 hase items te spame, please Iment sigocri witb Mn. Velti N clitic Becreation officeletFia, was made on the' or Postmcster Geo. Vie bau c f tice ld plan. TolAEC DK~N III NOFSIN WT HI cead tliey'll lie happ' t,> whlch Beene Dykatra edded, pic Ihni p.tint tht new plan bas yat te _______________ ha approvaed by the provne. I ~ - ~ . .- .- -~ ~ ML i n PIlq' e For 'Your Shopping Convenience PEFREE PARKING urDominion Store I G T~FAST -BOWMANVILLE BImuIT NEW STYLE TONES Pebble pattern with ruhher back O N LY -------------- $5,95 sq. yd. NEW NYL THYME Rubber backed for m~ anywhere in the hom, $ ),7 sq. yd. ()N LY -----1-------- awVrde UtMe prij.zJttlor DUt cews bulletin. in a, Senior luli. and rceicved the trephe or beýst attendance at Zone C ntercbuhmeetings. O'FF E R 'see Our Pool at .. TUE OSHIAWA HlOME ÉSHOW andomavil zi eerlPolAc Durcîtex Rtubber beck REDUCED TO Indoor-Ouidoor ONLY JlERALD' the SPRING with these carpet bargains we're flot ROBIN you with ii-eprices.Ho e H r ae Dqavol sq. yd, 95 KING ST. W, BOWMANVI LLE i ~.,~-~..-.------------.~ I Coun, Hoopar returned to~ lie attack, on lie bau sthaI Council Council could net include fi'e Planning Board's recomman- dation in tht motion, since ilý Refuses iad not yet even bacc ar-' cepted hy Council. 'I d'on't fi re II ikcow what's golng on,' lha Fire riaitsairi. 'Soething's cet night~ on tlii. iCotîncîl hai rehuseri permis- Cu.Frn inaee, sin onth By cot in Wtst saying he didn'f keew 'wfiy' Fuimt cltc l o-Cnn was intcnfering with mavileFie Hall, but thiintic permit. W e' s h ressens forticrfsiwcre Conservation Anthority fer benenolen ratier than ogre- other danelopans' permuta.' ile, as tiey mugit et final It wes tien that the mo- seeni. tien for cessation wcs rmade. "We'rc csking for trouble Debate resumner again cf- allawing a number 01 kidsin jertan eene Dykîtra moved thelý that building," said Counrîllon Council roocur wlti the re-1 Ho0oper. "Tht Scouts say thty cemmendation oh tic Plan-1 would bc respansible hon main- cing Board. lenance ced repaira, but I doc't Coun. Prout again quai-, thînil thcy know wiat napalms tionad tic iglit or naceisityl are needed. Wien it put ouI ehf Council dcaling with tie applications for tender on it, permit at 81l. we raquired tiat it muaI ha Mayor Habba hoevr was' tara down.' chie te pour soe oil on When Coun. Allie joined in traubled waters, wban lie with his muagivinga on tht pointed eut fief tht letterý building's sahaly' and said fiat froni Conservation hari esked! a rcam at the Liens Centra for Council's opinion. bcd specifirslly bacc set aide Tic rerommendalion wes, hfon ýuch purpases as Scouts' then like the pevious me -I ,meetîngs, lia requcat wcs rc- lion for ' dvIsemneet, passr luseri, ccd il was mnoer fhal1 by Coincil, te lie compild In li he roup lie icler med oh the, c notice _sent te the Au.then-r

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