ccso us diver Mss, L.1 l iHospital, ansi Mr.,BillAI Bo'atwou1jd lhke tisa stu- iAndrewsxves edosiltesi te dent takîîw siSala on leave tiasa ea isospital on SundaUyý ofesnefor' six weeks, andinmasning, 1 exýperts le( rature le ber job lM-sa, L. DaSmnit saturnes! a gain1 Junu st.hom Fsday eaning frei-ný ~n~red an bi c1prrlial-k eepicg bocuse forbe degic iy enshabsi b isa!o let tsMss. Bill Fowles,wh Tuesay ernngiii n asi-basbeau l isospitai. den e BswnviNe.!nvvng 's.ansi Msm.Melvillal tissa raa. SmisMs. ansi Mss. Jus a Ms.Mary Wade andi Mrs. laclis ans ivMs. ansi Mss, F. C-iI-! C. Wvalkey wese dincer guests mies wesea ano-ug the gat lest Mor,)day wltis Ms. ed et e peîty, Friday eveninig, et, Mis - y. výJeyjses. -tise haie o! Ms. ansiMs Msr, aidMrssGesaidi Zea-IGeorge: Stapleton, Little Ave- landi, Jaýnîce acd Ketis,ý ofinue, Bïowinanvilla. Elizabetllvihle, were 'elMs. ansi Mss. Ken Fletcisar vister wih ssA. uriy.have beau visîiig thiai soný Ss. a1el- e dur leQin Lansing, Miciigan, hom Tbrslayfron emo-~Ms. ansi Mss.,Bob lHenry of Qisawa ansi Ms. ans rMs. Leonarci Burns o! Peterbon- ougis visitadi Mr. ans Ms.L -71eh toivent oves tise eekend. NewasieA successful Bazear ansi Town ait Tee, sponsoresi by tiseW- mieni's Auxiiasyý for Cuba, 2 ,cots ansi ,VentUsers wa bais! in tise Suniday Sciýoolý Sa, prlt hall Spturdey efterilo0ji, Tise, 9:00 p.tckesmor.bequilt amountesi le $103, etisepý Musin by: Sbolder o! tisaI lurkytik, ROS, 0 AIlsAN was Bairbare Chart o!f or 1 Hope. Door and( Spot Prives Local ýpeople emong tisa Lunch guasîs et Use Stai'k-TheiîSpSSJnz Bar rivlegs wddicg In St. Joseph'a "sCatis Bar Privlegges elle Cisurnis, Port H-ope, onil A'dmnission Sturday aftennoen, inncludesii Ms.1-,ans! ss.Ross ron $3J10 per coupla Ms. ansi Mss. George Ebii poord isy ansi Ketiy, Ms. ans! Mss, Bih DurhemAtlendiug tise annuel Vimy! NDPAssciaion Ridige dinnas iîn Pont Hope'sI ______ LagionuHal. Sausday vn - I veg c waeMessý. A. Tonac Fran Gilertisa lattas rbPin aýnae o! tise ais-,t Wosld. W 01 Onie vetesans present. Tisesienne in Cceminiunitlý ,Hall, Seturclay eveusin-g, spon.- soes by the HallCnmte. wa weil attendeti. Ms ransi Msls. Earl ,CEw'el ndi Grace-Ann o!Peterbor- ouiswere supper g acta or, Satusday vit 1-jAMss. Agnai, Burley. M.W. Bueimr o!fssw representative oe!te Gideorl ýsociaty, w-,vs spenial speLta3 aI aur chuscis service, S-un- daky enn.Tbaa os f- !esing was 'lessWan Mc fer e Sunbeam,"versas aun-, b1 twoy younigas uensr Michellie Harns ansi Enuis Wasses. Ms. ands Mss.Clerence Pae- dean of soa Icîaw -vitars during tiaeees wýith Ms, .3a1s! Mrs.Wi!re Ms. ar ýns! Mrs.Bruce Don- neity, UDeala s! Lori-Annc ýof Port Hope, Gardon Mna 1o! Kenial, Gary Stap alan 1BekUnvila, J.Neil St.aplton Toronto, %were sibsues r ',01 -MJ.ywi r, ansi s Don stepleta2Asilois,cae bratu-g l'eils birtbJav. Congrtulations teo Ms. Fa ViendarsonMwio wn tiehe n- lUs ,ooe!T et, SqtUr daý aveniuig, at tise draw in He-J- 1ili.on, spons-.ýoresi ty tIa Ba 4esshop li Gmn roup. M qaussiMss. Hendsearon, ecan' panies! by Mss, Marie 'min: 1droye te Harnilten for, tiesecal on Sundey afiern.oon. Mis- an Jones attnder, tise Ossawa Prasbyîtery Ra1l, et Cou.rline, Mondey imorning Two mrore birtedays wesr clebratib ashem onXMonclay When MýdsOlive, Hansiersor and Ms. F. Giluner zhce goud 'sihes.Tise latter Mi bis wife wasenlrtnsitc dunnes, -, unay evening, e tise horne o! Ms. ansi Mný WhClGliner ansi fansily, W1t bistsda cae, igistes candirs andsI]ailthe rimisings. WV id't cunt tise css Newtonvile %W. 1. Newtouvile Wm sisti tute hlsi tisa annuel pot 1uc1l dissuer iiutise Sunsiey - Scisco hall on Wednesdlay, Apsil il ýwith 27 ladies in atterdance eansi ona mamber naming h laIes for tisermeeting, After the tables wueemias- aid, tise annuel rmeeîtingve openas! by Prasisient Berselc Milligan lunlise usuel saunaie and rmnutes o!tise previa urîeetiug andI fiuanciel stand. lng ei ven bySerty-rs user May Buslay. Donationý ýwere votesi Comniunity h1al ans! Bill Ilceislson, wbe hac maclJe tie posters for tisa ca-- party. A ietipg late ha hel1c at thse housse o!tisaprasideil ou -April 191k et 1:30 p.uss. , t discuass, furtiser Plans, fer lb conng annîvessery inu May A report o!tisae District Ex, ecutiyc meeting ,was giOver andi pons for tise sae dis. musses!, along wit feas, pro. îeCis ,1ou mai, etc. Our se- precenlttive us to -maya eisE vote o! apprecletieon, ansi ex- tend tisetnivilaion t -eema Shera next year. Expression BUY GALONAT THE DUY i QUART RFGLAKý> PKE ET HE AT THE RECL PKE ET HE REGUAR NE >ý,,T 1I FOR ONLY 10 PRICE TS SA "ONCE-A-YEAR" OFFER'! GET the NEXI 1 FOR SOc EXýTE-qIRIO 01GLOSS GALONS- 938- o4>ï38FOR 2 QUARTS 2.78 OR 1,28 FOR 2 E-XTERIORLATEX GALLONýS - >-U8 - OR 88FOR 2 QUARTS - 27 - OR 32 FOR Z Býeach Tant la for~- aia4ed espelially for capadian eliniales. INTERIOR LATEX GALLONS - 7098 R8.98 F112 QUARTS - 2.58 - OR '0.08 FOR 2 INTERIOR SEMI4GLOSS fA LLONS - 1.7 8 - O R 10 .78 FOR 2 QUARTS - 2-78 - OR 3).28 FOR 2 Offer Expires April 29, 1972 Your "Home Hardware" Stores LANDe.ýER HARDWARE & ELECTRIC LTD. BOWMNVILE - 623-5774 MGR,,,,EGOR HARDWARE LTD. BOWMANVILL-963-2542 REI'5HARDWARE & GIFT CENTRE ORONO - 983-51307 T 0.VILLE ea fine ttendannce atssi tiste sessient fanter by 5.4 te 15.6. $ 1---66 . - nred la Future ideai5 president M-Viss.Mro in If tise information frein Alex 16,3a66lOtlyteu ~ev charge. Rev. Sneigrove assist- Cariruthers la correct, tisan1 . 1 eta eleýe,"ee nFtr e -Jl bar in tise sevotional pas- "ibis is quite acceptable te us,"Tise total chargees shown aboyae-were peisi from-tise Sonne capital! outlay does net reprasent a burdan on tien. Reports were given ansi saisi Reeve Olan. Tise new rate' generai revenues o!fise municipaliiy ansi are includi- genaramipal revenues as U is te be recoveresi sieflit plans madle for tisa would show a fous par ci-ent ed lu expenditure clissifiedi unsier tise apprapriate in future years froin olisr sources. bercer in May. increase lu Cavan's miii at functional tieadings.Seiicagsoeeftn adwes $2,0 Assistasi by Mss. Bothwell, as opposes! te tise nine pr entriiiaf eero , Ialit o e e il ev Bnft Mss Svey rvdS dPeli asictreseundar tish raiu Poiso> r1sevsamutng to $6,500 us inclus!- Unider tise asick Iileaebndit plan uniused isck leave lnhansi tisa ladies ppei-fae. s in tise statensent of revenue ansi expandituse as en- accumuliiate ansi enspleyees many bacoine antilles! llccl tise deliglis'rifuevening Tis i sayo! hope frin tisa diritaio xene.'ÈjC iiplt' Durnrugtise weakend Michelle MPP woid sýeau t tabbIn'en eaa diitainepne.1 ahpaymnt when theylav ise nuiipiy a"s S>oît lHaiioweli, Me!rnisl iou by W. Frank 'hein, dirjec- 3,Ne -Log er-w Liabilitiesepomnt were gesîs mwith thiaisgrand-1e r o!edu-ca)tion fertisa Total long term liebiliiies ineurresi by liseTs iaiiyfo iee cuuets iys ets moui s, s.Llew 1Halioweil1. Couches. unicipality asioutstanding g is2eansi o!fcaentftisaIt Lhey have vestf-ci ansi 11couLsh aken ilu MsTionsageasusI tsetis ya iounite - . -- --- - -- $8-----<-cashIby aan eiployee on terriiatîng, mountlesite provinci assassirent fentes Of is-e ouîlstansisg long tarin liabilîties slown aboya, epprýoximaîel.y $18,380 et tsanie rdo! tisa12year. An j î ee cage!teaaatietise responsibility for payment o! principal amounit o!f6,9 bas been previlesi for Ibis past burdeni on sae mnici alitisani ntarest charges bas been assumesi by servic iblt nii eets nts osldts SYOtJR REDCOS1 u aton ia efrtsn others for a principal amount o! -------- 7930 blneset lainhpo! assassineli nt ap o! tise year --------- ------- -------- - - 80,0 T O~~AY + pertionmien. Ha ù si!hw Ciai dapaitinent lor a chane Jori Kent, Newcastle. The hee is a daughter of the late The Canadian Statvesman, flowmanville, Apr., 17 1 esentato f ail the giftsl lVIi. and Mrs. Wij»im Hen- Ceebat Slvr eddig were made by the Cuddahees'l derson, Bowrnanvile, Mrj Gran Kniht CareLogaii John Cuddahee, Littie ri M f S Joseph's Couni Ne tinHad the late Mvr. Cudda Ill c te Knighits of o]a- helie. His mother because ofl buvesented Mr. aid Mssii health was unabie to be Anivrar artïneiý prt. h nnvray ;vý I itati ons to the froa Friends and relatives were h e nbers rf the ceuncfl. present at the celebration ORSDNS0 A telegran from R C ýse1I C. from Oshawa, Lindsay, Mark- 4ne, M.P,, Depsuty Spea1er!bain, Peterborough, Toronto,ý of tehe House j , Trenton, Elora, Orono, Bewd- DARLINGTON TOWNSHIP a - is ï Anne extendeley, Newcastle, and Burketon.. theuir _cn-1atulatJons and bcti The heart-warming acclaîro wses tc, Mr. and M,!ss.C udc acco ded Mr. and Mrs. Cud- dlahee. A cable of gcod w.-she-si dahee on their 25th Anniver- 4,,"y_,ýlfenMr.Maet MIulh ol- isa.1ry as an expre aej ssion of ther a in d, 13elfast, frlrid, and ila esteem and affection in whicn - " - <~ 4'~congratfflatory wnef r o0- eyprie held. Mr. Cuddahe '4 i,,,, . 4Peg ynd ndyZenasCi- owathan outtadngmmbr ARE A FREQUENT ADDANGEAZOUS- ~, ~ 4' ~, a at, . ,ere aIso s- fr h iName Sayo 4 5~4.~ ,~, .// 4 ,,,,,,,,,,ceve Th,- cablJeand tele man-y years, a leadîng ne- OCREC TTlSTM FYA " am weeread alousi by ber of the Lindsay :Branch nfi CURNf -T "ITM C; YýP- 1 < <MC. 'rom MXastersun.heRoyal Canadian ;C ein l~"~ "'"4 .andMrs Cu~.aefor years, and is a charter .4 ,y ho expessei teir nksMarnber of St. Joseph's Couin-PE cil INo. 6391 of the Knîgh's P E S E cARI 4,« ,,, ~ 4forthewonerfl arprseof Colum-bus. Mss. Cucddahe. "4~~,4/. 44f, paY ad ageacu ifabelci office as secretary of e - I anIsi e mosgf . and' ll , Catho]ic Women's League onr YOU ARE REMINDED THAT BY-LAW24A ci<'4' -~' ~S atnr rcetawS a- 3ears, was aise secretary T ~~of the Women's Hospita i A x-,l0F THE TOWNSI FDRIGO 4 ~ an adele'tabe ~ iiiary for a number of years:, parwasseresi Mag Rnd.s was secretary of the loal REQUIRES A ERMMIT FROM THRE FIRE was supperco venos. ome and School Associatiov CIFBFR ETIGA UDO Satu ~ ~ N M. and Mrgs, uddahee !for several years, On ayevnte a Lndaani sore. 1947, îin st. joseph*'s Rorsal IE evnn',ip.11'nd nC(-athiolic Ch)urch, then a rnuchl Re-nt a Car for RE exeejlypopuIllar opl1hescrtoft e rr1 saîredi elocatesi on A DAY OR WEEKEND ,Joe andi Mur iel Cusidahee, party was -well kept. On1 ther ÇbýSre.Te e.S .AL for Rae CAL ONJS.AMN wee onrciata uprseariaiete u itoriumStMeet. oe ey f S. M .urIce fr a Anîvrar o tai Wsi-Mu Mstrsn er geeai l st siman. and 1WM- . CHRYSLER-DODGE LTD. Reeve Fire Chief - ding Mre thiin 200 friands eat the- daor by thir itwo dairu Cudae sster, Irenle, wasj 621158 wee reen e te al gtes.Mss. Dawvs pinnied 3r bidsai.Mrs. Cusic.a-L t a angeentsfor Ze ceigjt- der oflier mte' cesn Y111 sfui Slvr Anivr ary ty pIrIk dres, ans anto were ;IMai Mrs.Cuddabee' bouonneawsatceito sdaugbtes we and iber buis-,her fathier's lapel by alee I, and AI Dawýs, Tarointe, itheir Th"Ie festive decorationis fori sdaughtecr, Mree o niUs eimernorable eetwr CI, GdsMasterson, MsI. Cus-i- most effcive.Thestgwa CI daha'ssister 1Irene and ber C1om11-1 c byan enom'il i i hshnsiTo Ceua, sh- pink -wedding bell ec;dged ith __ am_ t awa,, Barb andi Clare O'Nei, pinký andi white fîowers n V Daisy ansi Lornie Hyahs ag ivrltesra s Bew'Vdley, foi rerly)o ow-Ifi " 'Joe E a nsi ril- i- ý mavlllVIag Cod nI versary'v. AL thba _ck n[of thai e__ stage the buiffet talble coveý-res of ilhanks were heard ifr om ithaiit ltà a aon thlýose rememberes yih siwt iis-ftevla - SunhineComiTrnhee slceaas etei ihatrete îýas tmeeting. ,wýedding cake. Ars h Th -front of tee sage Uspenl1s c The ýiI yal finial report [rom-ia sIlVer wr ag u was gven folowad by se-velttr foms 'ap prsfenail conveners, and 25th AnnitersaIC' ansi 2 il 1rs. Annla Hughes then toek ivrels el spl.I(, thie chair fo)r the alection of ivrhlswr upne on l) cer sida -offi>ersý, as foIeWS: PI'esidentL, s Brnic MUign;Vice - Sial pi*nk ansi vt * Scrtay-Tea.,- whîte flowars vartically cmv-'F ~ iay Distct Pîecto, Mar ed the front of thestg - Wae; lterate Mar Joes;frein its floor te the floor 0 irn! hDrcer,>î oove's- the ,auditoriumn. Duplie' o dianclIndsreLt ari-tehl.Pnkadwic tpaeso ieror at !thea nufiigirl e fiaisialpoiinîo! h oprto sa Isiors; Puiblic Relatiois, ay teaesansi flowers dcor 1, ad; grculur asiCaa- te hebaratth hckof To Hise .Members of Cericil, Inhlab-itanrts ansinlurusopinion tbese scannîaistatements present Citishiip ansiWold -sramraieformd Twnhi o Drigton: Delbe 31, 1971 ansi tis resuits o! its operations for Af js, FIrw:Eljîliýtise year Ibanendei, u acordance witb accounting t asi ultre!AciviiesCia trium. ýTbe decoretions wee e bave ea Ineitieconisolidated (1balance sheat iLs1idWod Fl1[ýam cii, ly n a o- b h omte br. o!teCroaino ieTonhpo alnina tprinciples generally acca-ptesi for Ontario municipalities e~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h runr'AfarOiv In omnMasteeon was i-a Decetes 31,p1971initie owsteînto!f eeneasi appliesi on aebesis conisis-tent witb tisatof the praceding dlevsnb Rsluils ia lla ahI .C. for tise jnynus cela-i expanditure, o apital fuie perations ansi o! co tin- y -Lancaster: Twedsirli jHis b ratien. il) Charge of the reg ity of resae: fn V o h erthneds.OrDLITE AKN BL -tory CuIrator, Olivý,e Hne- se wr arnBycy, eaminatioiicueiC aa e Iewo!tise accourt- Auditors. 5- son" AudCitors, Violet Gilr Wbitbyas atKn, igprclriacischtss !aconig records ani shawa, Otane, - ad abelWc PaisNwate npe fMs ise sppos:tîng evience a aconsijdCe rncessry Fehruary 17, 1972ý Violet Gilmer.dae. in tise circumstances, Licanse No. 4077 ae Mrs. Farrgw and Mss. MWood CongratulationsEVosiEhasD te ha the othar dalegates to wiehes for 1many more years S oAT tMeT0FREENE ND ePeNDI1,U197 t iaDistrict Annual Conven e!f happicassa wera xeds o h er ne eebs3,1 s 'tien, te Ms1. ansi Mss. Cudýrdabee by-, REVENUE ",1Suggastion,s for 'a buIli, UseoMuC., Ms.aswtrson, i aaio ,14,2 inclusiing etpaeicostt nelqetaniwtt d ontribuitions frein otier geveraments43,0 habouh e ianet ýdress. An original po----------it------ti-s--r - - - -------------- --------- -- --- TAEMNT F APTALVED PERxATI0 ing. A motio svas passes.'i tnfrts cainb n ! Total revenue -------- -------- --- - ------------- - for thle year mnded December 3 1, 19 î1 tisat acsconvenor phl eeMs u.ila' itrBhi I Ms Waiagivig hr , ý ws rend by balr hushnsi ýEXPENDITURE ril, etac. te ilp her mkep ohnSsw erhm eaalgvrmit 27CAPITAL OUTLAY, tisa new poraa oi ci h pecial gifîs fr he Protection te passons ansi proparty - ---- ----- 52,114Catlexndur wa ie paying o! duies, aniqil jvar w ddn lbrns Public works - --- --- ---------- ----G rlgvr m n --------- ----------41175 attar Vise collectintema-fentar rad nirI- Sanitation ansi wasle rescoval _- ---19--neai-ovaomnt------------- ng asclosesi withizî ise sing- tiVes WPe a bau ,)l ili Cosevaio o balis -- 1s5 ubi W o r s ----- ----- ---------6,0 .14 or -Thse Qeu.painting of anl autun scene Social ansi family services ----6,06 Trnfas---thr---- -. - - depicting ,,Gi]Lakalu the R)ecreationansi con-inuiity services -1.98$ 19,883 Muskoks y is el kows Commrunity flanning and. developinent 25,79a E TARK VILLEhui. -Financieîl expenlses --------- -----5,420 TAolsi ansi it 1ol Education ---- ------- 736,789 Capital financing wiite, a mnonay trac of ile Regien or couenty - -isare of expenditulre 17,3 Wkndguesis uwihMdlas(ietramceb oa xeniue- - 14802Long tarin liabilîtias frinurred ---------------- 6,000 an1 Ms unSakws s Illis daulistes Gen . ,Contributions from tise revenue funsi------ 13,883 ansilss.7Gant ylveserlfEx-cess o! revenue oves expeniditure ,,'purs e Oof ey$ 19,883 Jfi a"1D vidSïl n ;,l %rElessing for Ms. ai Mss. fort ise yeer ---.----- 46,856 _ ___ Somuervilie aînsi Ms. GeorgeCueldabea na luniaai Surplus (deficil) attise bg g 1240 Ms. rai Mrs. inSas niscral. Pape Paul VI's 01ssng o!tie yaar---------0 tiai ueîsatesis tsews presantasi by tise Rav, . Sui)rplus (dejficiit) etftiseansi of tise yaar - 809 wdigo!ftisaisson, Ted,tieHfrnn StarkÈ-Tisompson eiii etin A most tiougit!ul ansii pas- :laýfc AAC SqE- St. JOSepb'1S CuciBo . entlyarnai ad as at December 31, 1971 mNI ýll, Stay !ane. kiaetby MlS.Csi- Current liabilities Ms MrayCutsToo>.ba' sserEte Se, Crrntaset 'emporary lbans -----464------------ to, wýas a dinnar guesi, wiîls Marisamn,was given t is 131 couapaal as acueiiihliis 334 MsT. ainsi Mss. Ormie lails last Sîlver Wedding celabï1reýnts. ý Cas ---- ------- -- --- 1371- 5,35 Laa aaan Sndywee ren isis- agit- M. aeO1semssntasaî----------------1,75 Ne lngts ariyabîlîndlies--------is--- _- _109,70 DON'iT miss UT7 ý7ý