The Canadian Statcsmanh Bowraanvifle. Aug. 16, fl72 Warren Tope of ichi an ,rivîng a 19 70 Mustang Wîns Whîte Memorial Race Ad bis 170Muta g , uredTran -Ar eveta Mos- Arn cars hve aced At Mos- Poced frni te rce, of lon nd V Wite, tw promentjounalstain the racîn ceneho wr reent- ly iled n plnecrahwent to he nta'o ociety for the Secnd pacenthe feature race le",toWal Mînter of 1971 Canrpa oo-d 15 secods bhîndTopeat fthe one of te organizers of the eel t, finlshed third in bis 1970 Camnaro. Ili the- Bulova Chiamnponsbîp series Luke De Sadaleer edg-J ECd out Dan Burritt in the For- ruaFord division. Formula Fords are open-wheeled single seat vebîcles which look like scaled down versions of the big Formula One cars tbat race on the Grand Prix circuit. Burritt had led rnost of the race in bis Titan Mk 6 but impun out late in thne iace to C) e e Sadleer's Hawke DL LE the icvictory. Bob McCalum of Toronto finîshed thîrd, also in a Hlawke DL 2B. BMW entrie W ept1th Btulo)va "2.5" Sedanamin aip Bacc crossînig the inih line in first anseodpa. Klaus Bartels o f WstHill ilarrowly managed to bold off Thec bigU t,,ilte ius ,it ail. Warren To pec from tine charging BMW o)f Peter Michigsan poses pro-,udly bes,.ide bi Mustang which only Gudzus in a dramnatie mun to minutes earlier -had taken him bo a convincing victory theo wire. Roger Fountain of thfeurdTasAnacato Toronto finisbed third in a Fiainteetud rs7nrceat Mosport o Sunday, 124S. August 13.______ F-ourt h Spot ;,1 Playo0-fis Stli1Up for GrabsWIh OnIy 9 Glame,-s Left to Pa STANDINGS Frariks -- - ----- Krarnps --2-4-- Whytes ---- 42) W. Frank--- - 23 TOP 10 16 13 (50 Baker, Franks ---- --- M DnogueKramps O' 1ieEllis, HumeriukStephensý Websfer, Kramps, Wrig ht, Stephens .Coyle, Ells-s -------1--- T L 6 8 .3 9 ý3 9 IO 14, 9 14 8 15 or more GP AB 20 64 18 -61 17 62 22 82 21 57 18 60 21 61 22 73 21 76 23 80 T F 0 187 O 154 0 161 0 183, 0 12à" O 135 At Bats) 22 28 22 26 28 32 11 21 18 22 12 22 17 '26 19 27 24 28 Il A GBL 107 114 2 184 2 200 6 181 61/ 162 71/ W1 Avg 19 .4381 18 .4261 16 «419t 14 *.390 1 9 -.3681 8 .367 - 16 .3611 18 .356 9 .355 20 .350ý Onynine! garnes romain in meanwhile can clinch at least the schedule aller las t wook'sI5 i o fut lte i action a-ad thne fourtin and îast tcfrfut fte i piay-off spot ls stil], up forlone of fineir remainiiig two grabs. On]y a garne and a half games". and wîll ciincb fourfh separate the last throo ieans if tboy xîn both. Walter1 in, the standings, Kramps, Fvýrnk play Stephens twicc and1 Wntsand Walter Frank andIDFraoks onoce and botb of theso each bs a chance of rnaking te -a r tied for aeco nd and oapch bas p arnainernaticai- WstrFrank mnust w ino their caneof, faking o vor first renanîg ames and hoLjha pac adhý of ElsShoos wbo rapsloso al orf teis i bv1cicbda!lyo spot, ordecr to gaqin the fu-i poi- jýraýmps anle itb Stephens tion. H ovvever, ifl Whyes nd Ellis while Fraîiks take on hid wîjjýýt tn oof tLr aesWytstice, W. Frank and aKa rnps loe bothf their EBuis.Wh',tes rnust play Franks otesta hnf bto oudbe twîce a 7nd Stephens. la andKrarnp and aiter In Li-t week's actionto Fran~k would lie rrpsgms ee rîedOui 0o MÏR. ROY BARRV'AND - cIty lek h Ohaaleft p)acl;in severairuningevnt.Aged 62, he will run ii thre lces In uoeo h SeilFbesprog- irm foi: Senior cîb.izen, i. i t t 1 B'LAKERS DOING WELL - Gordon Blaker, playing to a 30 handicap, has-been winning at Junior tournaments these days, At Tan O'Shan- ter, he placed 6th low net, Warkworth 5tli low ne' t and at Peterborough, 2nd low net. His brother Tini, also-a juvenile, with a,28 handicap, placdZn low net at Warkworth and laI Iow neçt ut Peterborough. Roth, are niembers of Newcastle Golf Club. t t t t t AN]'OTH"ER 1-10LE-IN-ONE - this tim-re at Newcastle Golf C- 1lub for Mr. Bill Corrigan of Cobourg on the Second hole. b t t t t' 1 STATISTICS - LOCKE'S TV ELECTROIN GAMES Plyd W L Tcam Avg. Errors Mca left 22 10 12 .294 66 20 HOME RECORD Ruas lits GP WV L For - Agg-t, For - Agsf, Errer% Left 12 5 7 72, 86 119 124 26 AWAY RECORD Ruas lits Gi- ' W'rFor 10 5 5 86 -ro gh ----- - -AgsI. For -A 69 i12 PITCIINt; iP R I 60 1/3 27 M~ 33 27 44 30 1/3 34 45 26 1/3 16 28 16 1/3 24 27 12 2/3 10 ic 9 6 14 2 4 r 2 6E Agst. Errors Lcfti 119 4 Tuesday nigbt but Walter Frank snapped out of a i-osing streak with a pair of wins. The Realtors downed Krarrnps, 19-3 and Stephens il-3 to krep their playoff hopes alive-. In the other two gamnes played, Stephens Fuels stayed close to Ellhs as they downed Ells 3-2 and Franks Variety re- !ma.inedl close also with an 8-3 WatrFrank epoddfor 17 hif s off losing pitcher Har- vey Webster (9-7)I as they tbuniped Kramps, Burton Sine (3-3) tossod the win. Larry Forsoy had four bits to pace the winners while Dave Pas- ]sant and Denis Bickeli insd three each, John Stainton chip- ped jn la i-h a pair of bits. Paul Thiiessen clubbod bis second borner oif the season. Thiessen and Forsey eachi drovo la tbree ruas. John Stainton Sr., Paul McArfhur and7 Doc Adams each had a pair of bits for Stephns dwnedEllis wif b ana, unerte rn in the last of lthe seventb " to spoil a fine four bit pitching effort by Howio Bryan (6-2). P. Forsey tossed fine four bit bail and Bill God- frey (1-0) picked up the Win tas he pitcbed one in'ing of runiless ball. Curt Vanstone paced, Buis -witb twobi ts. Jîi Coylo rapped bis second born- er of tho season. Forsey, God- frey, lIon Stainton and Dave sWrigbt each had a bit for Stophensý DFranks downed Whytes be-1 rbind the two- bit pîtcthing of Terry Baker (9 3). ïBaker had three bits toeaid ison cause and GrantTonponade pair. Bob Tgodbdbt of Wbytes bits lair V,11- i-ouginby ( ) ok h bs Walte Frak îoked he, usually tough pj tbg fStîe- phens for, 13 bits en rueto their second win of tho week. Dennis Sullivan (6-3) took the loss wbile Burton Sine (4-3) picked up the win. Dave Wright, lIon Stainton and Walt Weroczynlski eacb had a pair of bits for Stepheins. Dave Snowden was W. Franks best with three bits. Dennis Bick.el and Brian Holroyd addcd a pair, Big Market, For Cars 95,000(ar a year are stolenl. Aound 60 percent of (hemn are nover recoverod, accord- on base ing to NYC Police Captain 'oArtur Deutschçquoted by A professional thief luses a body. and fonder tool called a on aseclaperthan can screw into obaeauto lochs and rem-ove (hem, 102 Iftks about 45 seconds fo slap the door loch, slap tho ignition and drive off. Tino (bief gets $200 for fine jobI on base wben he delivers the car (o the big operator. 98 Winole boatloads -of stolecn cars are sbipped, ouf (olca L Sav. tîve foreign markets; a 19701 Cbevy, for Instance, is wortb 0 0 bout$ 10,000 in 'Poru. But 1 O0rnost cars are cut uip for îe- 4 placement parts - engines, 2oIwheels,, baqtteriesý, front clips, etc. A front clip is ino, whole 2 O front of any car-ocLpt (bel 3 0 enigîne and front axie - it'îI n'the t i mpor, rillo !ielits and! o ofront bond. A front clip onai 0 0 ^nemwCadîllac la worth $1200-ý