12 Th Candian tatemsi!Bowianville, 'Au g. 1,§72 D A L -------ay,4:3êy[ iBrhUeaths Coming Lvents Cards of Thanlcs Articles for Sale Articles for Sale Help Wcrnted hleip WneWr Wanted ~~WA-Gryard os-EYMANN-At PotHope Hos- TeMngmr afnIws otakm eg-CUTTER for lTlpoeFRESH pullet eggs, 20e doz. WITESexperienced, ful1 XPERIENCED wirseWATI~Rw]sbrd 0tl - ~ ~ r e a e p e a s d t a a n - e t î T e d a , A i u t~ T h, e i o n t b go e d A u ga t b o r s a n t e h n s f o r t h l o - 9 8 5 2r.s a l e .J o n F y e , R R . ow an o r p r t t i m , P o e 6 3 2 7 . f r d y i e O l y m i a R e s - a d s e iB o i g T l noice teario t her17? difEmnn ..2, 20th at Balsam Lake Pro- ers and cards I received while BAE_ _r_ _LsleC ville, 623-2059. 33 -2 I3-1 taurant, 623-2451. 33-1*' phone3 -20.Rpenatv b r o t e r f o rl S P u n . S e e n t h î o e h u a e d o f Be r t hb - v i a ar kf s i an d r. H u bbial , a s r . T A n -k s h ._Ph o n_2 6_-2 7 4 ._,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __r dchldfo M. ndMr Ean ERofGODootyratha33 ~WATER for sal n eie- ladder)s and pîckîng baskets.lvi, rfrne.Telephonelranch, steady job. CalilHamp- bMONST or 7ztehWA SeRnhweils, boiefosi ad or ubdrd.Tll-s 1* 'ar e.CalCliff Pethick 623-2313. Phone 6-23-2637. 987-4283.;33-1 ton.63-2642, m322 edr , . Cnd Diln Cmay urce 'gnor;Werner, Bancroft; RRDY-745pm1 9t l. FR epwatd oasst eveigs. Ped Ohaa57-60Ci& Mary (Mrs. John Sutter) and We would like to thank > _____PhoneNWhoe n -- pis V-cKEEN-_1Mr, and ,Mrs.Ala rnl, saa; Fred. Court- Sponsored bhy Tyrone Community for the MELBA apples, and Rawleigh or y-our own pails filled for 'nr narvesting. C e r e s m o r e REQUIRE- men,, women, part- presenttv aryL ae ?ro s wilainrSfbal nee0 rytladPodcs .T.Cx al35e Ilb. Edgar James, Taunton Farmns,623-7150. 33-i time, .servicing Fuller custom-Nwcsl98-31 2-t 34'4ç9eer are happy ta an- ice; Rulif and Hans, Port Ohw ie ot ibeautifuli eeo rsa n rdcs .T o.__' ý avsigrqie.ec _rournce the blri'of terHopesîster 1Bertha and JUBILEE PAVILION I gft cert Yie receiveti for 623-2267. 33-21R.Es, 8-87,rn. REI R~ Nrsing1 s- ers. N,38, oavsg rtird ~tgtrWanda Leanine, 3-1it 1sadSii, broth'er Gottlieb, Swtzer- o S IRA W A 30-tf our wedding, also cards antUEd FriueadApi 31ssat nteiti is ulWieBxN. 381 -Por ~S, 4:oas, n Frida, Aug- land, twenty-nine grantihilti- -- ---____-visits ta Ron during his stay ances Partid'sretand p -EXCELLENT quality fiay, no and part tm.Ap]pyStah-Pri.33 ORAL gt 4th, 19721, at Ohwa-en- ren andSixgreat-gran tId:i-Field >Day, Pontypool, Sat, 1in the hospital. tn 6-21 6t a ni.Approxîmately ae urigHme 2-55 EIBLE wý,omnto careWEDN -cl spa l, Prouti rn e'LResting> at the. Morris Aug. 19. ,-Parade àt 12:00. Ball Jean andt Ron Geneau ______ _ l_ ,500 bales, miust buy whole 31 !for chiltirnn with ligh)t house- 146 QenS.Bwmnîl iareItz, 10r. and Mrs. ýNor- Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, games, 1 races, games of 33-1* ONE only useti refrigerator, lot at 50c Per bale. Phone OSWE-SifWokwrk live in or live out, with P 1-nMAcKeen, R.R. 1, ap for private service on Thurs- chance, barbe-que anti cold- $80. Carnegie Crest Hard- Blackstock 986-4656. 33-2 ers. Earn exýtra ney driv- own ratsportation. Phone Poe6373 tn ani Mr, anti Mrs. Milton iday-at 2 o'clock. Internent plate supper. Admission 50c. W ol iet hn arwr,6350.3- VASE lpprcmiing School Buises. For intor-26-91 33-2 24 ORSU C ZkcKeen, Nv Scotia; great' Lakeview Cemfetery, Newton- vnce at, P p., $3 per famiîy, relatives anti fî4entisofae wht with Wisconsin V-4 motor, mation contact, hrewy MAN for general store work. _____________ Pee a-vle*Doain eCnda op1QUANTITY of, 30-4ea grïndmthe Mr, PterGat vlle Doatins o Cnadan oule. Bar privileges, _33-1 for the lovely surprise party straw, also faîl wheat seed. Cheap for quick sale. Aiso Co. Lîmitedi onil, Must have chauffeur's licence, -J2el, Burketn andi great- Cancer- Socety would be a-RVLTO sple gininoou0f aur 25th hn 6-65 33-1 George White threshing ina- 623-3811 or 723-7171. 3 2-4 neat in appearance. Write cuSTl<A MN ~ea-gandr)ther Mrs. 1M. preciated. 334Wdin niesras -83.-1LABEAtvertiser 309, c/o- Canadian ~wwe; Tronto S~ e c Iai ____R.E.ViE.L.A.T.L.O.N.ý! the îvany cartis andi giftsa we QUART jars, dean; also cieo3u3-1Cî OET ttsaPO.Bx10 adgadBln - anatri Dr.Spears. 3 3 -leaSTE ,,_W_______rak._______ ____lle ___FOTRW.Hatcher - Sud- B a' rr1. nig- receiveti. ltesrack .mP62-580 33-1 TO OWNERS 0F DEPENDABLE Bowmanvile 33-1 ~ o .pA.CELaryand Bab. denly at Bowrnanville on ~aL1±Ur.fg.L Harvey and Bernice Partner. fe 2- -±a La -ee VrgA), _Newcast1e, wisb Thursday. August 10, 19728 pmat 68 Little Av. - 33-1 STUDEBAKERÏ Service, newl 1H Farm Tractors NIGHT MAN For Rent Poe731O fin arliounce the birth of their Hatcher Foster 0f. Kendal, in and _____prt.__ 32-3d crip ent first son lMichae! Steven, 7 his à7th year. Beloveti>bus Phone 623-3171' 1 woulti like ta thank al Garage. 1-416-263-8172. 25-tf L1uCIen 12 midnight - 8 arna. FURNISHED raom. Apply ta 1lbs. 3 Oas; i August îo10, baniof Eleanor Hall. Dear 32tf neighbors, friends anti rela-FRAL o _-,tisai' We are, now' able te suppîv - 64, Se ugag St., 623-7841. 33-1l* fatherofMs.G.____(ar- 2tiesfo tLIGHT housekeepingds roomATSfoAov Mpren eoun70t wijoyýar IGIThoseepig oon -3wnavll.First granidson lyn). Mrs. G. CByters CrodBAN isforth n er flwers ars g1 mue oor iz 8.PRTuorAiv qupen iNewcastle. 987-4621. 31-2 Bak eSevC SMr. anti Mrs. Albert (Pat), Mrs. J. Fonk (Judy), BR DANCE an'gfsatibs ihsPhone after 5 pin., 623-2084. J-Mar EcuipmentWllbtrie WO-biro aptnet Newcastle, anti-thrti Wayne, Tom. Son of Mrs. M. EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT whi]e 1 mas in Memorial Hos- 33-1 13 t . omille Wl et'nd W ero prmnB -ernisn orrs-Jand Vara E. Foster. Brother0f Mrs. L. (Couples Only) rJohlRuntil anste r.iflorGIRL'S 20" bicycle in firetÏ 14KnStE. omrfreied anrihe onerono983-nd8. 3y2* IStaltion ontain Wlh(rne) r.J. OSACA COUNTRY CLUBIChh odiio.Apply 54 --ashoneents -83565.ate33-2Li ceta -,eýbrL,-.Seilthanks (rane .MRs- ie atofNwovlestaff. 'hrhStreet, Bowmanville. ANRE-IS Apply between 9 arn & 3 pm WRHUS traea rsetStn,4rae&Sa tco Dr. Cniga anti nurs- Short (Bessie), Mrs.G.Rs4mieeateNeonie Mrs. Harriet M. Smith. NRW AEHUEioaesae rs .ez of maàternîty warti. 33-1 se~ (Rachel), Allen, Bernard, on5 Ne. 2 andi 4 miles north 331. 33-1 1~T~.36ý x 40', dlean anti central iNedt, Martin, Roy. Resteti ai. on County Roati 65 or 3 miles ýFORD tractor, hydraulie lift, TV TUVVfldl Flying Dutchrnan Phone John Rice, 623-2601 or Blaksok9647 ~~LEK-obatiNacyithe Northcutt Elliott Funerai south ef Elizabethville, re tk i power take-off, excellent con- ~d 623-2542. __-1 33-1 ,eLEKýE'o n ac .Funeral service was _________M___ tthns diin hoe75-13Oha n NTENNAS M trIn ,anîoucBothelire hapoyt i eldat2 'clok Sat31-for plants, flowers, cartis antidlin hn 2-13Oh-NII rc -eiombna L -f15noucehe bi _ dugrT 0f aternoonu au 20drmC ,aray THE visits whiîe I was in hospîtal. wa. 33-l* INSTALLED AT lov in Bowmanville. $180  ~~stchlt, tauhtrTa- '~~+', ~ 33 T.~,--.. 5.. .~.]Spcilthanks ta my tioctors, ROYAL manual typewrite,1Lw atsmonthly. Apply 141 Scugog. apt Uhitr ~Agust th, 197 2. Gzran d- WILL APPEAR AT THE Memorial Hospital, for excel- littîs, excellent condition. Tele- ALSO SPECIAL ON CPl63-37 Bsmnvle 31 daughe,. o ari rer-McWILIAMS HghAt bi lenoraraanp itenmon.t'MyWponb 97-r58.m3apartrmenttmeUp-WObFREEm aprtmeA, up rdugter r Dae ad er- cIL501MS, HughAt i ri. ± y ln ar§niÎtetiny hn_97438,3i oor-1sem ___ stairs. central; $100 monthly ~sec otwel gea-rat- esdnc 51Nomaty t, LmIrS .tt ± deepest thanks ta neighbaurs, F-Eic including heat anti water. Poe6320 ofD r bhwHgiMWlîmýi IEpeechrome set, black 1nn63206 FBOMNIL Epaug h , of Dr. hwe Sr OshawdyedarH MWflah ino N E W C A S T L E frientis anti relatives for visit- anti white TV anti washing Poe 6320 potnteà Caîl 623-2759. 33-1*, e-snani 4th Floor staff, IMrs J. A. MeNeili (Autieyrra i1-1 ng Etith at Southaven Nurs- machine; $40 for three items,.r7359 FIRro partinent, hr-_ 1t e~o ~a ngHm.Caîl 623-2793 after 6 pi. __îale1g Mr.A. . pat Mae) 33-1 C. R. Carveth. 33-113- 4t Aalbewood, adults, heateti; fritig 31Kenneth. RestÎng at the -33-1 2I-tf andi stove. Apply 72 Temp- JACiURGS Northcutt Elliott Funeral St. George's Garden Party,I DRESSERS, Betis, Chester- ~Fi ieat attm rneSre tLw.3~*OLBRESFJNLE SIDENIUSýý-Dc-rek. anti Pattie Home. Funeral service 10 August 19; bicycle rodeo The fainily Of t1he late fieldis, ail kinds of Useti Furni- THEMUSC BX" POSITIONS CEAE rif 130 West Keith Roati, Apýt. o'clock Thursday morning. f rom doinmunity Park at 1. Harry J. Datison wish ta ex- turc, Antiques anti Appliances. Prep Cook Wanted to Rent PLUBN EAE -1-15, VnouesreB. theter. 33mavil Cm-1 l es aRectary grounds,piz-Ipress, their sincere apprecia- Patity's Market, Hampton, MusicalGrlCokHUEnBwavîeaes POE4.TN -ýarrounce vi nesr, tejr.3- sfor best tiecorateti bicycles. tien ta Dr. Ewert anti the 263-2241. 26-tf Intrmetsr~itrCokess nomavle ra ariac bl agtrOfca pnn ý.A-Thirti Floor Nursing Staff for Isrmnsn 3ide.Poe63-67' Kahrnon Tuestiay, Aug- tractions: bake sale, tea table; the care given tiuring his-re CC Ht T 3f1h 2- MaitAtire3s h, !D72 7 A T'Ter for50-50 tiraw; penny sale; pony cent stay in Memoriai Ho- d -furrow paoug,2 and SuppMAesILLEor imMil~O o 3 amn V saahJae. ARATON de, entrtirmen, id - i.lBowmianville. Many sections \spring-tooth harrows, BSuppliesr mmdi FLOWERS an d ,SEED STORE _land ___32-y2 thanks ta relatives, frienis tonileaftoe76-264 33-1 and bsisan aedroom y houee y couplrt riesnedetanoytcety-piaarfrearsfor-trill fer. hn -640 New3- Records adTapes Kthn sitatsedicnit, hrùe oe r fou e a3nDiv.ioStr et_ nd_________or c____flo -_.A PPLY DIRECTLY TO tw o siali chilren. CalF A K B ~ H ;rpptoanounce. the birth 3 iiinSre WOODVIEW al tributes, contributions to BEDROOM suite, complete; M.R ASA72-58___ of a taughtc-r, Chrîstina Marie, osgs $!,, COMMUNITY CENTRE Sîmcoe Hall Crippleti Chilti- tining suite, 9-piece; chester- BO MA VILE M . . ASA -t Dellevil- G14 - - s. Ptee ren's Schoal anti Treatinent felti suite, ail Burins teak- WATDt-jn mmdae ',Monday, August 14j, a 'Plants UfljbIfBINGOcentre, the Ontario Heartiwood, new, Muet sell. Sacri- PAastyger yine are, moe -bNew- ISALT sýte fr pti.Grantýirpar- Funti anti other expressions of fice. Phone 1-241-5971. 31-tf ateae, oen3bd rnts areMr anti Mrs. B. Ho-l- edg NEXT MONDAT kintinese shown at thelosiý of - Phone 623-5471 Restaurant 'room house. Write ta Bruce R.R , OqANIL 'hnýý, ad r.andBo et 745p.m alovnghubar, earfàh-TRUCK caps for 1/2 -tan trucks, McArthur, Box 54, K iialoe, NOSNYCAL ner, Fox'1ho rani.aNd eoes EBR pm ov ubad isrft-distributor clearing 5 motiels 32-21, HIGHWAY 401 Ot. __ 31 N 2-70 RDAN- WAYNE ST. er anti grantifather. Ont. __________ 33i ae1The Datson Family. 33-1 * fram $260; genuine bargains NwcsleTndr It _____________ Armstrong Sports,, Simcoe'nSt. AD INGTON'J.'.I' WNetdwcastle_________ ~emnv1e 3-fArrage ents SAVA-North, Oshawa. 723-2898. BRGorCand87421rs - __ Cawor Hatn Foirthýomaing Hospital Arrangements- 21-tf Notices ___ __ __ 24-12 R AIN SHOP for Cappoit987-TNDES23,1BRNE A Marriges W Sen Flewrs byWIre Don'tmiss he l7th AnualDr. E. L. Ewert's office will LOVELY big cook stave, lots New and Used CLOTHING___32 eNrtubraianiFRAEISLATO ýýîr, anti Mrs,.AlTSe are Phone 6234-1#41 or 623-5577 Biackstock Fair, Saturday ecoeiuti usiy e-anti lots of chrome, very good -APINE uhmCut or fHU Osaw Srîer tmbr th. ____ 32-4 shape, yesr 1926; aiseaVctor FUNESE I aranounice the29t Band to leati parade. Horse --_____-____- portable Stereopticon, pat. FURNACES,- OPI ANKSI THREE Ed.cation invites bide on twoE eg nySevc ofessed ____________________TANKS,_1971, Johînson 6 hD. Motro, m fb~thcquigrnrnageofthirShow anti Races, Entertain- -Horseback riding .$2.50 per May 27, 1913. Cali 986-4790. BLOWERS and CONTROLs AUTO DAE Model No. 6R91E, Serial No. 141 L1et . Bwnnil yonetduhJanet Lee, In Mexriamr ment by Abernethy Fa4mily, hour. Horses 'ooardeti, trainedi 33-1 Mm.K~neh esiey M,,art- Oakwiood; Dog Obetiience anti broken; The WIllow Sta YRDitctaberTi- TWO MILES I C25024 and No. C25018. These hn 6373 :n, son, ofciMr. anti Mm. RynIS n - l ovng ruse- rDeriontratin by Mm ini bles. 725-6611,30-IYOer District Resea1mobrtig to otrsmaTli senaIPa ~Mart-in 0fClg yA~Imoy îyterfte .o m Bem tngtto -------r Dealer a1972 models in East of Nw s i THope High Sehool by contact- -t Ai 0f s'otock. Newcastle Trailer Park J'ecs dealerships ini Oshawa and MmD.Glayfoa- lieta.Mariag tatak plce eivile Alisn wo pssei dnce -Square Anti Round 'Ladies 18 anti over wisinganiing ~Qtbe Pt t 2:00 rpus. in awayAugust 15, 1965. Dance with Frank BarkeV. ta bowl wîth',the Ladies' eentiOof Newcasto.e, telephone. po ~o~-n inTeei arsrv it n -tseAnglican Chumých. 33-l' What 1 woulId gve. if I couiti Teenage Dance te "1Juet Us, ,League (formerly Major) on e987-5131. as21-tf eliho n e '~JLThe motaors eBid sont AOR May _______________Monday evenings, cali 623-3 o 804 -5131.'__________ ees eyMe andiMeC .MDn el ai i h an lio 2-12 33-1* 20-85 FERGUSONX tractor anti NEWTONVILLE £ then be mailedtiet the untier-Blktoe ~Bowmanvi, areas-ELD OVER Ptic Setiora loatier with manure 31 _tf f.or Epninsîgneti no Jater than Brick ,-d bl aflnounce the are oice nti sc TheCounrick r Goodwin, wi ?tgoicnitoWi d e-O E S *AssatEpnin40 ..EDT HMES&FRPAE foîeo-To hear -youm oe responsîble for net fork antibucket, New paint,TAuoSlsAgt23192P ne6-17 terariSv Age o theitan ytmesle ca Jrnscurreti in my naineby iYaaelVJmBerBak angrAlVnUoe ue epan _ yvi nrJsta GMrriand Anticil wth you anti Fn. - __rtl__imByr, lck 1_- uus 2,19. Helka, sno M.atiMe ahl.Sat., Augf. 18-19 wife, Kathleen Gootiwin, as stock_986-5112. 33-i THE -BE ST IN Mange______ 49-tmstfbeplin _ï. éieikanp, West Hill,.ec- 1 ou wha have a fpoher DAINO- of Auguet 15, Ž17. DOBEaiytu33- iT BAC NDWIT Leasing manager ly marketi "Motars". An M Bm9 D---DS ULE drtabe,îMaager BsinessAtAmDnstHato intatakenac riiy Cherish him wîth, came Dr. Agus M. Bai, D.D., gavanîzepal, 1 i k e Clra H ServiceMage M. A. MacLEODSPTCTN ý1.-i 'iepeed 22at 7p.m.ior you il nceyeBkow The F0ý0 amVEDas resumeti Generai Practice new; gartien ounger with 5" (WIthbd hpadBsns diita TriityUntet Chrc, 3W- heatace BEWEN 1:30- a.i.at 26 Frank Street, Bowman- mattreas, feeti 'n' play table, RECEPTION wt bd so antiat TreasurerP MIN ~1Isaùviiie. 33~1* 'Tii you stie hie vacant chair. PLUS5 TAKE-OUT ORDERS ville, near Dominion Stores. laminateti top; wringer wash- AIl Towers are mcaia xeine otubmat niDian Br 1 To eiamly lvneiever toe QueeOffilce hours 10 a.m. te 10 pi. m rwith timer, Cal623-7621. 114" Reavy Duty Aplyinwriin B ox40Dactrd feeut Nortnetniî M r. at r.Jacob Thomaas forgotten - daughtem Gwen. ,flens .riotelin uigSatumday. Phone 33-1 AWorknmanship GuBxaranteedy tret Nrt edYon, ewasie ar1onetepea-3-NECSL______1t SKI-cOOS- Clearance âlHIE' Advertiser 3 11 COBOURG, ONTARIO Poe7625 Im~nî té~au~5 _____________331 aned__ left oerbranti new e1e7TUD.CNADIAN 254 te- d. o1ý1li' G-HAWLEYi-1In Ioving memorv I _____TU CNAIA ~~~~~ý eIa aWlla u fa-dear father anti grand- BOWMANVILLE DISTRICT -______ - ni Ns; genuminebarains. LTkL TTSA Stock. T1-achkso o MF O F ndT Oly gnipice b, ndice MALEGRVEMortgages Wanted Bfreaio ,ýnti M e. Willia m ym hu father Melbourne who H RT UL RA SO ET DEAD anti, Crippleti Farm a T VantiN A osimawa. The ïtiSngtock.aayAguI14 66.Margwî l ur Farin, SotSmo t ot, 6355 rB avlc nai evc i, In tears ýwe saw you siinking, ANA 6-71 iec 364-C-72.SotSmo t ot, MPEGOEBwavle nai talte -lace StrtaSept -W aceiyufd wy NUL2322.Lcne- SfOshawa, 723-2898 24-12 6355 r623-3070 6t 24f~ plac 'be 9t O72ut 330p.m inFbBROADLOOM -Ohaas7 O Comria n Dmsi .arariýhF Christian iReformurr he were aimost Flwer and 's NTALN ersdl en, chu'rch. liroken, ~lowest prices on, No. 1 broati- Crse... o cd~ ~ ~ ~ J Chrh omavle ou broken, ar t ta Vay. bleShow $50.00 REWARD îoom- We specialize 'in new FURTLL NC ' .R1MOTAIS Rfi-e*n. ik olr _______ But whien wve SamW-,ou sleeping Fer information '1eading te home installations. Guaran- U BOIE etîzr as-6357 31nan Mý.-Ereý 1/a Soopainl1, _fe r-nWed.,.August 23rd arret andi convition 'of teet.i Loest pssible pr-rices OLE erilzrsFRS soGAE Mm ad me Enet va SDpacl, feefoprsn o eenswho stole Armstrong Sports Ltti, i101 o HUMIDIFIERNghe-2-37 ~uryKeaUr, -Ont,a eWe!ouli not vishi you back ..-9PM.A<e cne nFia i-L,' Simcoe St. N., Oshawa, 723- or ROT WATERLd.'"TAar ae omin uariae f!thir To suffer, that agaII. Memoial Park June 2lst. 2898. . 34 HEATER iL L a.~e leaseti b announce b bcuphtfoth-iNo payments 'tii Oct. 151 Invites Applications for adEETI rhtrGrete1enke, o Stiy isetND dugiWer. rA. Tiebrq RUGS T>uT'FOE A____-t ob e m b C l i n e r t i , s n B o n n i e a n t i J u d , s o n s - i n - l a w I E F E S U i M1 , N T S A »YV>L i e J U g e 3 1 r $ 5 , 5C a l1SE O D2O T A E ,\nti Mqme. Coline Hiler enntiTed anti ,grantichili- DOOR PRIZES 63271Wall te Wall Carpet BOBON BEERSGE oBid, etrbrog, ntI enMi~eatiDona 3319q.9.7-192.1 3- m qy, ÂJý -L Y-ARNEIRspnsbliie: nmetprprt 171LGN1T 33-1Auget 1, 170.WESTERN CANADA '64 CHEV., gooci motori ra, (2las Sp.1, UHF-VRF - Colored Aerials NEEUIMT FOR NEW CAR DEALERSHIPREDNTA FL-IM BSIES emioies keep yoU ýever ýNEW ENGLAN» AN» . botiy, g00or et oepus. T and Homes Pre-wired one ->Model 350 Co ,. wïhni AP O oy $0 rbstotr ee- FApte. Harvester 10w rj '1ïh ew oR ea- ip n orS]nt near , of t ta I- <pCAPoCOe30623-3758. 33-1REPAIRS Unit, 6' cutter bar, pick,-Ulp a'M ust e c n c e to s a dwLg Rihy rbbl ni ianilBrnzepsne ha iî CAIONA 97CMAO 2, uoWorkmanshiv Guaranteeti unit. gbcurit vab!1e -te arn- fset Ëarever. -i (23 ,days) Oct. 14 buekets. console, 'new trans.,lprieit AETnMoe n oe Corne iindakfr_____________ people. Age10 nd d--Evr eemeetDoohyFr fllrîher informinl 'hnetfct. pir3Dub -12 Forage Bliiwer wilh pipesLOY AEIG -1 é.- FA g . ati - -onhi ,St.,Apt. No. 2, Bowmanville, Phone 623-12 J-MAI EQUIPMENTLOY JAE ~,ervie - Cati. . . 56-2957.__JURY & LOVELL after 4:00 pi. - 31-1 1 L. HAMILTON, Manager 3RigEsBomnie ~7ý W UADDTNGTON '-in lvn TRAVEL AGENCY DUNE buggy, new tires, new __ - 28tf331or __________________ ~~~~~~~mage, rebuiit notor, new SVNS iietcïnSl rc etrn meoy0 llni Bae 9Rng Si, E.,,Bowmnville brakes, chrome rail-bar, con- SVN LvsokFral InsýLtruct-ions Wtiînon who passeti away' Phone 623-182ý vertibie top anti site windows, UPT $3OO ALMN maeWstr RAE COAKWELLSikSrn WATT EANT RIEAget1,170. 00 PLMN ae etr -"N TCTO-L"R TAIERS We mies, you sa n mch in -11-3 licence plates. Wiil seli ch cap U O$ rkwt il ot hn TRCTR TAIE',-rýnywa3 --or accept rade. ephn Precisien engineereti homes, b7ok,- wth0i6. cot. 3hon NOmiesai thelt hteAccommodation 623-7416. __3-1 erecteti on your foundatien. ir aada anti applicaion ntiAni sed to aay7 Wanted 1968 FORD %4-tonî truck 40 te choose froni or custoni VS haetmyor___GahcDsg 4oing For __________________________fleeteide box wth rackesigt.Morte-eand land ef pcaiigi tme ~frterie, wite Sa fet rcal, ELDERLY Dutch lady, active, ratio, in good condition. Aiea availability. Get all e lacts. calve$. Keith Page, Uxbmige, ©cJLfW Denarti-sent,'Trans Canad t' then we m11b 0iss yu mot wants oom. anti board with 1V 'Ranbler travel trailer as phone RAT NORTREY at 85-92. 7-f lGE LTD, ranspart pro-Lum -CHILD'S Shetland pony, quiet, 219KING ST. E. 11OWMANVILL.ONT. 20 QcesQuy esTo .-~i Gd nash w oupl s-e, or'ti emneraDto n ; slees fiv nti l t, o-723-35 8 or viil BeavrL well kent, wîth lîglit mane ~~it0 17 Onara, r iail1mi* onTa, Rth ant Peac reiyto,9 ciranStCai9Nwcati 98-465. betfea eneaCtaoguNaticaisPtneeee98y7.-48Mc6oa. ~IG86493l, 3-3 hitirri __ . 3-1 lellevi.lle. Ont. 3- 31$1,00, 7-tf Stevens. 623-3090,. - 33-1 3l