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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Aug 1972, p. 2

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Tatechwork ThatreNine Figre heyII Make Money Even W ifho ut a Gîovt. Grant1 MIme young pople coucalp th~melve th Thachwrk ntredthat you dmpon' lE ways need anOII portun iiOs uucesfl umerproject1. i An e0tmated 450 pe«>l havre attended eroraneso Tbe Littie Prince anH A The-, >Atre CGilded at the NewcastleI Cormnity Hall The groupli finisbed theiv :ix eromac run SPturdfay night., _ne of 1the nmembIIers of the cast uan -Smegal of Ohawa, Fl4rInI-gtoïn Township. The talck ,vas 'supposed ta ao heav, geclnatredhckling evade ht low going for Dhe speaker. 1Iowevver, Lion MWI ler demo)ntratèýd thatMI cpaus2tir tongue wvas mrore thao, runough ta handie any wud be haciçirs Lion Presirlent for E927 Cuthbert McDonld reported1 on the lnconiing Officer's School lie attended this past iek nd luBeillèvile. That fetn eatuirerl 29 Amencr- cari exehange students aud The internional exchance lild breen sponsored hby the, relvîl Lions- in conjune-1 tibn w corresponding Arn- encan lus Wînr f ithe 50-50 drawi was ýGlenn, Landier who wente rome $16 rce.A special thinik.s goes oujftrtaTed Mii- 1-cr whoIinvited tisreporteri ta, the meet,ýing ëand even paidI for the dhinner, Butid e cof iFttM PASte NL) Ij -hrnien wee 1 A ýtakenta nowmvra'vIl1eMeoralHospi- ta! and were listed in f air ronditio'n. Mr, DoIdds suffered mruliple facial lcrtina broken arm ard possible in- ternai injuries. iMr, Wilson, theý driver of thie othier car, fo hved a benorthbound, receîved Ifacial ecrainud possile bead inijuries He was tranfrredCtaOshawa General 1was the daughter of Alfred nd Elsie Argus of Port Perry. EN and lier hsad wmee inartied lems ithanithrce imonths aga, on May 20, The couple w-ere southbouuld, cýoming intor rBowmnan1ville ta show Mr. flodds;' parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. Lenard Doddts, two pupples they had rerently acquîred wRheiithecrs occurred. Baith an__imais were killed in the eccîdeUt Funeal ervies or Mrs, I)odds vwill be held Thursday, Aiuue 17î t 2:00 pm tthe arl IHom-e iinio r enny. The acident is stiiunder o e~ilon y CPP cont- able Manlle, BUSINESS COLLIEGE FALL TERMA Oprening Tuesday, Septmber5, 1972 Six BsnesCours"e3 from whîch te e[hoose: uesAdmnitato Course ourseCun StenographieC- ourse Clerk-Typist Course fndiv'id'alI nstruction Job Placemaent Asýsitance MHoderp Equient * h ala dubl~ s bsinss ompny MunayTwitSue mianager, tlhîhk5 tIhal lie Brytaon and Michael Giliroolyv rbatlbwonk compauy is --tire are fi'rom Bowmanville. Keitir only Ilieaîne group lu CanlzaaAllun lu from lIewcastie; Uangý tbat is ual suppontad hy gav- Raed and Brian Smegal from1 ernmènt funids aud is Stiýi OsbaWa; Steve Cainpbel1 fromi rnakîng mny"Aflter iar-IPort Hope; Jack Ralph, Balla-j ing liri;tram a, pplication for %ville, sund HeatirnWeinstein, an FYgrat ad ee hu- baplaydclirhe litîla prince, ,d dowu tire gnoup went airèad bala from Toronto, 1uwy Gravanhurst qiid Toronto, Al,20.ontion -from tire wl sec Thatchw;ýork Tireatreý Cl,'anka Players gaItraem atarI- performanrces befora liragroup !d. They barrowed lîgirîs fram dishanda ii ira jef ah. Samne vijl the Oshawa Little Tbèalrè, a go back ta university' von higi 1 truck from sarneone'sý uncla, scbiolan sd olinrns hope la con]- andî evenyone chippèd iu wiral mua their acting careers !lse- ýever monay lhèy fcoulid affo-,rd.!wliere. Sameliow, the group sunvived Phid . say Ibat the groiip -was and lias managad la put on rnaking moneyv? By tr end aI very profassional aud quite lire suniirner esci'r memibarai! successful tireatre. the cast airou-ld dlean a litie Tirnea oflire members af tbç-ýovan$0.__ ______ ENNISKI LLEN Mis. Mary Bèriseu, Saska- Maple Grave; Mn. sud Mru. oni, Sask., wirc ias just ne- Jim iKînamïan, Lisa andC turned fromn a five-wreek tour Robyn, Mr'. and Mn ýs,. Ray aI Soutirènu Europe, is spend- McGilI wreSunçlay guiesîs ing a lent dayýs wîtli han aunlt, at Mn. and Mins. Keilh Mc-: Mis. Ma y Slermon, before ne- Gili's, cal ehrating August tunnghborné ta Sauxialoon. birtirdays. Congratulations ta Mrnud lIns. -Russell Stain- ail. ton, Hampton, wvere Fiday Mn. and ln.Boyd SIplman evaening dunuenr guests wiIth aný1 Dav%7îd, Niagara F ails, Mni. and M ns. F. W, Wenry, ta wene Salurday caillars at, celebrale lnStainîan's suri Tire Siemons. M4rs. Werrnys bintlidays. Con- Miss Siraron Wanry spn graulaion, idie. hlidays w ýýitli Mrs. Ross Lee, Par-la Lambr spient a few Kedron. dlays with Judy VirluIe. Mn. and lins, F. W. Warry Mr. and Ml's. Lyai Brack, altîènded the Van CFamp picnlic Mr. and lIns. Reg Brôchi Lin- on Suindsy aI Caesarea Park. dJa and Brend.a, Mn. and Mrs.ý Mr. and Mrs. A. Wenry and Ray Vanmnear, Randy, Pallu famîly spent tire wehanrd aI sud Ricky, Mn. sud Mrs. Han- !Mn. ArthrnSlaintan's cottage man Haas, Ron, Nancy and aI Muskoha. Gary, Mn, Muray Ormiston, Mrs. Frank Spny, Mn, Han- Mr, Jahn Cordlen, Bowmau- aid Spny, Rochester_" NY., vil;Mn. aud Mrs. Samn Pip- have beau visiling witb tira aJudy, Sharon sud Kathy, E. Wrighls sud Miss B etty' Wight iras returned homne * with tram on holidays. Mn.lr and Mrs.- E. Wright ac- M camw ecampauie-ýd y Mrs. Lana Hma*d, lIs. Norma trad- EM«fard, Mn. N. E. Wright, Oshra- le Mqfflwa, viitad witir Mi. and (FPRoM PAGE ONE) lIns. A. Wearu an Sunday aI sudblak lcqun pintUiilludale Manon, on tireoc- gnea b;(klcqe an casion af tram 65tir Wadding Gary is framr Richmond Hill,1 Arnnversary. Congratulationsý, Ontario, anid tte car is featun- lIns. Murray, Marab ai], And- ed ln tire Auguist issue af ras and Carla wera Sunday Rod aud Cao Magazine, visitonrs witi r. n.sd Ins. Clive Allerton, aI Willaw- George Wood sud family, dale, will ha partlcipating Gore's Landîng. witir iis 19,28 Ford, which Miss Marguerite Wrigirt, appears i he latest issue aI Stoney Creek; Mrs. Normia Street Rod Magazine. Tom Bradford, Mn. N. E. Wright, Biles aI Touawauda, New Oshawa, were racent gueula York, will ieralne witir bis oI Mn. aud lIns. Edgar Wrigirt. 1934 Fond. Amang the many FMr n sd Ins. Wray Moore, awards tris car lias won, was aergus, were Tuesday lun- liat of Bet Car Ovarall, aI cireon guastu aI Mn. and Mrs. Moton City Car Club's final Clarence Avery's. Mn. and Mns. Donald Lamb rod run, ireld lau year lu sud fariily, Bailiahoro, wene Oshrawa, Driving aIltlie way Satnda calleru aI Mn. and tra Sot.hlal, McbisnMns&S.Larnb's. wli h aai-yTral mémb'ers ',of Mn.- and Mrs. Murray Mar- tireEany T~ne SîeetRadshall, Audrea sud Carîsi were Club, as well Ias tfirrea cars 'Sunday callans ai Mn, and lrom tir RseileRad and Mrs.Boyd Kinney',>Orano. Social Club, af Rosaville, Mnr. and lIns. Clarence Michiganï. Avary, John and James wera- S The tor iCr Club, Tirursday visitons with Mn. lu addition ti organizing sud suîd Mrs, Augus King, Little hosting ir event, xill bave Bitain. seven c ars ,entered in lire run.1 Mn, and lIns.' Gary liane- Tire club, in existence fan 13 wich sund sister Lori Hane- years, bas a r prasent active wich, Oshawa, were Sunday rnemhers,_hip of 15. Tir e re- gettts af Mr.. sud Mns. E. A. banslirp îlu dedicated tla lita Wenny. heiaia improvuement ofl Sorny la report lIns. S. R, tire a utoo e embe aiikad Mr. Fred Drap- have comipetadi on all tire an are patienta in Memoial major drag jrstn i iii ntar, Hospital, Bowmanville. Wa sud some nt lr ajoýr avents wîsirlhem bath a speedy ne- ~n tire US., inc.udingth coveny.Dai'Sin hîggest of them ail, htira N- Mn. 'andlIns. DvdSan lionals at Indianapolis, lu- ton aud Iamnily, Cobourg, ware diania. They have alsn pan- weehend guasîs wit r M. 'and ticipataed lu car shows ail aver Ins. L N ino n r n Canada, Psud tire United Mr. nd lns. JeRha States, un sucli cillas as DR ai- d Scott. Nwasl;Mn, las, BRoston, Chicago,,lNew and Ms Lloyd Aver, Maple York, Montreal, Quehec cýity Grave7; IMn. surd Mrs. Augus and Toronto. . King, LîiItîle Bilain; Mnr. and As well as bildçing, racungiMns'. Fnank Danlajnç ware sud %Ihowng cars, tire Maton Sunday evaning visitlons ai Ciiy CrClub fînds lime l10 Mrn. sudls, C.Avys participata lu a great numn Mn. and lIns. Floyd P ethick, af camrnuity-, ,fonctiois. *liane Scarborauglý, visited Mný. s. lu Bowmauv3ille-, tirey hava ,R. palh-ick ajid al2ista exhibited train cars. ivaen lins. pelbick ýaI the irospitai. tecÊirial talks, sirowu racing1 films sud oi.iganized anci judg- ed modal car contestsaÏ, tIhe Pina Ridge Scirool for boys. >w im On Saturday, airortly sItarý six P.11. Motor City Caâr - Clubs second aunual Invita - R esu ts htouai Lawu Show sud Rodi 1Tour will wind up a six hirun (RM PAGE ONE) tour by takiug part lu - lie Pro Berinnere Lions Club Panade, in cou-, Launie Kelly, Gary Ciraw junction witir lie Lions Cluïb Allan Chow, Edmond Chaov Carnuval. Tira Parada will P aula Manîle, Hanry Van'îidan travel esut, lang King Street gaasat, Pautl Steadmnan, Brynu 10 Libert;y, and tran soutliron rulice, Ciraryl Brook;s, Painii Liberty Street. Jones, Chris Wilson, Dianni Accarding ta George Ken- h-anicock, Jacqueline Burke nedy a o wf aviae èca-!Brenida Tirabesu, Rosemrar; cirairman aof lire lradySaStaven Kelly, Carsar avent, tirera, is oniy ana thiring1 Dyhtra, P a n 1 Postbumus tirai can heep It frnm being a Sali Bradley, Scott Richards success --RRin. "Tire unstt- Suzanne Stainton, Timoth) tled weatirar of lira laul few Hamatra, Stevan Whyta, An weaks naally iras11-s biting drea Daîrymple, Lynda Han aur nails," ha stated. "How- non, Kevîn Fry, Jo Auniie.Al, eve," ire addedH, "al] aur sciei- man, Stavan Ormie, Chnristîni duled tours sud atiitias will: Finucan, Bevancley ugs take place, relu orn,;hine." Cnaig VreSiraron Ver- Sa' lat's hope for brigrtý wey, Fric Dyhvistra, Billy M sunny skis au wmanviile ,An14hur, Gabialla Batelaar pîsys host fr a truly uniquel Amiy Balan PamalIa King m,,+rnma+lve f*r, nt Don ria erR W ncr.Bruce an.n Old WAoman in aShoe Float, Wins Top Parade Prize ,Wins $642191 Cnrc For Emerg-ýencyIri At Pine Ridge School n IY T oý ti c el ti ti a e s a v 'Yi NOW YOU GET. A SHAG CARPi IN YOUR HOME WITH Rt i OF SIX GRI SI/ he ~B4~I14TOTH CON-NUE MAYNARD TRIO EVERY SATURDAY DOUG LUXTON DUO- WED., THURS., FR1. MOTOR INN' RIESERVATIONS 623-3373 HWY. 401 AT LIBERTY ST. poiner 'ET GOOD FOR ANYWHERE LPBBER BACK AND CHOICE DU RA VAL OZUTE PLAIN BACK $1.69..q.Yd. PEOFESSIONAL APPLICATORS AVAILABLE ON REQUEST USE YOUR "CIKARGEX"9 McGREGOR -eHARDAE 95 KING ST, W. 623«2542 BQWMANVLLE .~s~~M+:~The Honorable Jamres W. I WÔnk on thé, prajéct is duie Snowv Ministan of Governmnent ta start aimast imimediaïtel,- Servces has wanded a $64,- aud saf ety àt the schotlWîl '~ ~ 291 cantract ýo Hadovic Coun begneetly împnoved ii thf Sstructian Limited, Biox 229, event of poweýr faiilure whencl "ilkè '", Toronto 11, for" the installationis i;compiete, tasupply and instail, -on of approximately six otsfo an emnergancy, powen eent now. ing plant at Pine Ri dge Schlý, Thýe academiic and vctoa ,owmvl'a 1le, for-tle Ministry truîngschool for boys is XMof Corrai-ctional1 Services, located in the Townhi of Haovc td sbmittedl the Darlington adjacent taoBa-- lowest of fouir bids raceived m ranville, north of Higýhway wihrauged up ta a highi of Ngo. 2. $69,971, Specificatious cail for a fuflly TRAFFIC DE,,TUS 1UP au ntcdee lnt with Il e death toil de teqýý, WM.ý:K Capaiyof 22 kilowatts, t1'o traffic accidents ilu reailly 'Sulpply ,ema1rgeucy powan wxith- spirallirqg thîs yaSn far "V i 12SecWIndu Of hy7doalure lun197, 2 eson chvebeeni ta the group ijjof-pprox.-ata'y kiled lu the i wavii 20 buildings at Pille Rîde. are. y oaratony n Also clud(It(ed is a 19' x 2'persans died ail 14f1,aft year, building addition ta ouose tha, equipient, bnic-faced, t 'i Match thre existing struturýje. New Oven Bag are tenastad iu using thin' x lo « n t alE t ts anid leisure fine ta la hiockey flot lhave thie ighitt E pososoa pl1a y and train in t1w0 Shud v e book tha a rena fa teyangfnu adnet aBe Prevented aduits in tow,ýn and thien oth)er Thie Oven Baglut- rd t arganiztions ater? eputation aste"otst This elaborate "OldWanan in thle Shioe" float to hnos in the Lions Cannival panade an Fîa, Tajno okyta n tmt î h uemne wno ý,o~~vlves ablout 2'-0bos as mnany wh411en it bit the ,co-nsumeral sponisored by Newcastle_ Recreatian Departmient, wan Augoust llth. orn more intaeuted girls as alveni. Although reports of bagu spcttrspus younig friands exploding and Fires occurrling stra, Byrant1 Bansýtra, Lana and futuriie junior hýockýey play- ware nlatîveily fc ew, thay an ChlshoIn1 , D ia nuiie îONael3 40%0114 ens. ;e cao safe]y saýy thaýt enoýught o cuecon1cerfi ta ii- yiriIsre ig assures about 300 parents de.paittments, nawvs mdaand viani, Andrea Dyksiîa rootkH yF Io nd rtenu are. T on f course thene ExploIsions are caused b lY a Cole, Cindy Boutiîir Brook IxIa are Saturday nighit midet phano)(menon known as "up ME nDonna oga rth' F U'.'IDN N-D5r and iJuvenile gams. Tese 1i1g".Water fnnm tii rnftie ýKeiiiSlo,ý Sephni Kigalso occupy sama ei rtimremenintead af boiling aqwayi Kavien Slaasople, StepheniaecomqKingr Peter Wiggans, Paul Cnoakae,l Negotiaions between On-: cost af - living clau4e, was duing i,,the nina days af taîka. aI athe aun qpole. swnt tht uodraall , ba1ci ' -,tape. iAngýela Locke, Laie Lce tarie Hydro and CUPE Local rajected hby the union. Tha Iia0wax'er, 110 items stili re- htw saqiswnitaudrahav ae Igresa P atti Jo Almond, Andrea 1000 'were suspended irdefin- CUPE Local ilu now seeking a a'in ite ha nasolved. .athe yuretm ngaeople cuy A the ases voits, botgpit, Mlooncraft, Dale O 'lIeu, Las- itely August 141h, jtniina9% ralse for each yaar of àa Mn. Walters aiso said t'iat thain eicurs iei e athy h wat vaporczest itb x lia McCulloch, Arthur He1im- days satire vo pristoIercn nac -i addition Hydýro management ln thewa?0 coresrasa a suc etu ac hti x stra,- Marvin Oldajans, Sus an bad bee h rought back Iota ttala3 ,-cost-af(-llving clause Bawmanville area will bha so enid onayc deck n campti ploes toheaig ereis. Pfeifer,1 Donna Stackaru bnginn tabl -es h)y the Min- îoan bath yeans. Prevîously able ta maintain vital ser- it a harbnaim.Hwvr, Oe raps anhagu anrno Joa Ninigon, Rabyn Beens, ister aoLaourite union had asýked for 11% vices indefinitely. However, a abraim o.vr %e ýasadbg r Gary Chappla, Susan Chapple, Hydro's improaved wage oî n a ona yeaancantract, new Instillations are ithagh cmpttin yugmaehaadosthncovn Jeff Woodman, Tara Lee Ai- fer, wîhwudhv ia .RxWles aae orwesbhn.Alhupeaplf, laarn ta, contrai them- tional roasting methods wa lin Lyia mit LoisePurytheu nio n ebers an aven(-.rof I-ydra's Bowmanivilla area, days for management er san e tani n ta d-isrcin aeha eet Gary Schissler, Susan'Schhss- age incr-ease of l1% aven al indicated that 67 outstanduing nel have, aI course, bansus- cartio naloes a the coach- lynsrucvio ns hould befol- 1er, Linda VanderWeer, John two year conitnacit, plus à 3r; contract items wene setledd ed na ici.-~.~a, nag roe auni organz h ôe atr lte ytecn VandarWear, Selena Gaughan, mngrado Liane H-enry, JoAnne Posthu- caIofschool beurs. Tiîs doas ntr lmloalev e ricn-sme.Yoiwllpo Ahlynot mus.Rali PsthuusKen(~j.*,,,'c incude~wotnibutin g ta young boys devel- that the aven shanuld 11vwaY, Fry, Chnis Mann, Marc Rich- u iha us C LI s b ed on waakday m iornlingu .opmaent, skill-wisa, attitudce-iha preheated,asealyi thp U n istim bs tatcoudiwise and behavior-wýýise. fl' ttop, elernent is n'1g19-i loi ards, Denisa Ovendan, EMaine ro :0 an t 80 an McCulloch, FarnnSteadmaolsPNtha om fusaetitprhiIstin.sinl Bnian Elamand, V a vTetisar tavefl ,y bean usad bafo e doîng this It is your rsos-nyrbe exposed ta the hIigh Steadman oh nu aVrael , and we biazard a guassu that il hility as panants, ta as a group heats emnitted by broiler ee Chr anls els, KevNin Wels hniva sti coure itOonoale-acoruseit 2. Tecs ftehoweven, we weie told wa volved.ta change the situation of the bag's melting point. To Chre lesKvnWlh nvriyccou]d not practice in town tsyusle. Intc giu the umin Christine Boh-iken. iif you hurry! Fo ute nomton con- ya.Sm eol rb yornvoluntear yusle. poetaînttebmig Juir heUiesiyo aero at ogMffat R1K e r Thase'are Bowmanvllle boys. action anld ansura normal TheUnvasit a Wtenootat DugMofat, R n-question the feasibility of prac- Ara we gaing ta sand tham h oiling of ju1ices, the bag's In- Clilford Sînos, Jim Beers, lu offering au accradited uni- dal at 983-5328. tising then, howaver recreationout o f town on are we going, sida rnay ha coatad with ni; Evangeline Williams, Sally versity course Ibis fait aItiha begins at 6:00 arn. on Satun ta get logathen sud arrange laast oua tablaspoon aIf four, Bradley, Lynn Laskaris, Wil- uew Orono Publie School. - day and we know that this sontigf or with a saoigmxwt ma Kraay, Paul Dunharn, The course lu Arts 100 u.w ur on waakdays would not smtigfr thair heneft ne- saaigmxwt Raymand Prout, Sandra Mc-(omnctosen ii~7 b enmna atr os garding practica and playing flour base. A pan large enough A(hrCCtyOlhofunieaos)ad le ol involvei ent, Wo te boavetime? Let's keep aur youu ta contain the bag and dean Arhr ah lnkWen- cansisu fvdotac etrs schpeopla invlawntandeoccupiea enougir ta hold any liquidei dy Ferguson, Douglas Gauld, wbich will ha screaued wbe- VU stated aur situation and g eovln in ortwiandy.tht ayecae irul as Jule ayesChisineBuns avn t u cnvnint ormen-some hackground infort1ion, We are ual out ta stant a ha used. And flnally, if youl Susan King, Trudy Mulder. bars aI the course. ln additions, that we hava not had the 0P-ifeud on an article writing bat- ,shOuld aven hava aiinaveui fine, iSurvival:,1 thene will ha two hour discus- (FROM PAGE ONE) portunity ta do balora. l wejswatom cm-heOtai "FL ny' Don Marrisan, Grant Trol- sion semînlans wbich will ha we were notifled that 1ibasa Whal is happening ta this ton wenjsttwentione am ihed Ongtan.o (ia Sae th eau lay, Joe Daîrympla, Barry held the final two Saturdays tèaars would not heabale to four bours ica lime? is ilta o tsetetonapidaget yucoeteae Stevens, Sylvia Ter7p$tr, J Itr oîb hsasmnr rciei Bwavlaaeab sa o erain efor the benefit of tire young doon, swýitch off 0the aven and, JO f hemoth Teseseinrsprctei n waeut: warenali stnl eliforveeayild ? W people. We ask the recreationlif necessary,caiyrloa AnaeVanDyk, Bey Stavans, will ha lad by people fram lthe tbis yean. Irpn:w ees nIbleeeeycii nboard ta assiat us with fhirislnfinedepartmnenl.__ Diane, Stavens, Pamn Cattran, University. tld, tire midgat, juvenila and4 tawn who wants la play nec -______________attentionand .Shelly Farguson, Barbhanra Pansons wishing ta enroîl junior taams would ualha nbtio hockey sbould have sicomn wsen satetin anden - Cr o Feddema, Simon- Faddama, siouîd do sa IMMEDIATELY able ta practîce hene Ibis year.4tira oppantunîty, and lbislte tat~~lîir i1A iscusR a ar fo ýF-dHachîn, Ken Auger, in ana af the following cala-- Na alternative was given, nolshould ha thaeliraI allotment Thank you, Mn. James AfAoORrI~N Ran Cbow, Las Morrison, ganies: neduction, just. plain rejactian, of ice lima HoweVen, sinceth pouiyofvingo Akor.c... BarryBeers, Russell Carnutr- a) ragulan Waterloo admission This lu the situation. How can necreation registration bas ualtir patnt IviigarCUT ans, John Gibson, Mark Tan- requiraments; il ha handled? It couid ha ac- taken place tbey do not know issue and tbank you citizeu.s CUT nant, Katby Spencer, Douglas b) on a latter of permission cepted and vwe could loak aise- what enrolment thare wil ha for your attention. CIIRYSLER-DODGE LTD. Brooks, Sandra Stnikwerda, fram your aown university if whara for ie lima. But, xvait ibis yean. If mare racreation Siucerelv, 6328 Launia Raynolds, D uni 1e n a you are enrollad at present in a'minuta! These ana Bowman- tima la naadad panhapu lhay lHarvey Webster Burgess. a degrea pragrarn; ville boys, lirey traval ta othen should considar the Satunday Intermediate: c) as a ondgepat - iatws nder tire name of Bow- altennoon midget racrealian Valenie Sloos, Launie Ford, student. This'is open taohase maville. Tbay are caached leagua. Over hall af those boys& Branda Prout, Diana Vandar.-, wbo have'hean out aI uchoond niorganuized hy people wbo iuvolved play an'aIl-star tearnu IITT. A<ISKIN CEIIC Wear, Susan, VandarWeer,,five ýyaars or more sud do ual wiýllinglyv giva them lima and!Satunday' nigbt and aut af Jolie Wigbt, Laul]ea DalrymT- hava nregular univensity ent- tailanit ta henefit, aducala andtawn Ibrough tire week. Thene-Cb pIe, Lele Mlrsn anret ranice requiramients. Scs-asIsthese boys. Wby shouldfore, il is ual uecassary for Ch rtered Aclcouiams Tigie, JearniaTigie. fui comrpletian of such courses lhay evgo lu anotlirntowu laIotitese boys ita play necreation1OFCSI ZJO AAINCTE Senior: will admrit tibese persans 1lo a tralin ta play foi, Bownaniville? ince tle younger aîî-sîar OFCSI AO AAINCTE > Lee Anne Hoekin, Murrnay regular degý.rea pragrsm, Wc are awarelira I iba minoriplayersa are ultparmitied ta BELL CANADA BUILDING Cooka, Robant Bryson, Jayne Applications should ha entsl-star tieamu under mnidgeî play recreaition. In th-at, samie OSH«AWA CENTRE -ORW Bradley, Kim Phillipu. , ta the following addness: Tha havepractisedi out ao ithe midgeî recreaion, leaguie play- Successîul candidates of Office af the Registran, Uni- laut f ew yeans but Ibat should ed Saturdiay aflarnooi( n a may PARTNERS: GORDON W. RIEIIL, F.C.A.,RiA Royal Life Saving Society: versity of Waterloo, Waterloo,' ha rernedieç alsa. açeesuans only about saven< GORDON F. SEDGEWICK, C.A. Bronze Medallion - Janet Ontario. (Phone 519-885-1121). i Practice lime for ail nîne shocw up for eab ieam .Car- BUTRT IR. WATERS, C.A. Locke, Sbelly Fry, Tire final Satunday sriartaaamauntu la 10 Ihours taînlly, realugrimal elea wuld lut Bar ta Bronze Madal- will he hald October 7 arid (givi;ng tire juniors two bannas.) suýtppi aar recreatuon Ilime lion - Linda Cavarly, Jphn they wîli îun thnougirunîlAco oun î ur calcu ain.'ePHsa ersiedllPHONE ,io-7ýt Parker,, Don Bradley. Apnil 14. The deadline Ianrnp-,-3poioxiatly 70 hour s are liauna aut of 70 avaîlable.Do Senior Artificial Respira- plidatians bas beauextnedaalal entail Iima oulsida yaung boys af aur twuwro, lion -Janet Loche, Sbelly fon anothaeak 50 please «Fry, Linda Cavarly, Don irny if you wîsli toa1ae ad- Bradley, John- Parker. vautaga of Ibis unusual op- Plays for Decoration Dayf McG'REGOR'S GREAT SHAGCARPET SALE Ai aul'uMULIVE ý,uuiixiii rtjrgubuli, mruue ma LI-,l

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