rian, ZBowmanviJ.le, rNov. ,i97 FOR (LASSIFIED Tuesay,4:30 pm. iirths 3ERZINS--h4ýAndyadCrs (neHôskin) axe pleaSezd -tO arinounce the 1birth ci !ther3 daýughter Meiisea Christine,C 10Ps 4 '1/2ozs,, October 2thi i 92,at Mermorial Hospîtal,v Bowanill A siserforr Sye. Many tha-nke i.to Dr.r lvlk!os, Dr. Slemon and ma- ternity staff., 44-11 (ncMaynard) -%isnita ýan- rounce the arrivalOf their son, Scott Douglas, born atM- marialHospital, Bwavlc October 6, 1972, 6 lbi. 10 os.4- A brother for Shawn. 44-l' EROWVN-Jack and Gloia (ncAvery) are proud to announce the birth of, their first' chiid,- a girl, Heather Jean, 6 ibs. 8a os., barri Octo- ber 28, 1972, t Memoriai Hos- pitail. Proud grandparents are .Ur. and M&s. Norman Avery ancd Mr. >and Mrs. Alfred Brown, ail of Bowmanvilie. Spe-ciai thanks to, Drs. H. B. Runidle an~d F.- McKenzie and materftity staff. 4- M-GREGOR-Neil and Grace1 (nee 'Moore) _happily annaunce the rý rriv*1 of feir daughter, Mai-nie Janet, 7 lbs., on Octo- be-r 8, 1972, at Memnoial Hos- -pital Btowmanville. Praud granrdpoarents are Mrcs. Alex McGregÉor, Bowiiian-v-ille and Mr, Leon, Moore, Tyronte. *Great-graridmother je Mrs.1 vera Milisôn, Toronito. 44-1* NICHïOLS.-Doug and Audrey' (niýec Hayes) are happy ta annunce the arrivai of their1 *dauglter Laura Michelle. She weighed 5 Ibs. 7 àzs, and wvas barri Sebteiber 25 at Montreal Geneaf ôsptalFirst grand- child for Mr-. andl Mrs. Lloydc G. Nichols and Mr. and Mir. Robert T. Hayes. 44-1* '~SOUCH-Alvin and Trudy (nec Mayniard), are happy ta announce the safe arrivai of hq tjr first son Dwaynie Alex ander, 8 lbs. 1 oz. Born Mon- rlay, Octaber 23, 1972, at OChaýipwa, General Hospital. Fneia1 thanic o taDr. Býo'ut- lidge and mnaternity Ïtaff. 44-l* * STACE(Y-Jahil and Janet (née Hlicica) are hafipy ta grmunce tl'e arival of their ý3on James Russel on Wednesday, Octa- b er 25.i 172,a t3M1enmlo r ial Hons -1 italBwnii, A biroth-j er !or Teddy. 44-V i VE~.L~YSEN - Walt ad Dnorna (rie' Cle) are pli2ese ta u auce ,ht irth af their] aughter Sandy Mcel,7 !-bs il ozz.,, on Octaber .25, 17,at Memrial Hosital, ta, Dr. H. B . Rundle and mta- tErnUtyStaff.-41 Reception Mi-. anid Mrs. Chester Jeni- Sen will be At Home ta friende anxd relativens conthe ccasiion qf their 2,5th Wed- ding AniersryonSatur- daày, Navember 4, fram'2-4 and 7-9 At 373 Camrden Rd., Bo 96, NLapane, Ont. ý43-2 Cards of Thnk I 1wvsh ta thank murfricP- àiiEd reiative.s for visita, card and giftseturing my tayi -Merrorial Hospital. Speci4 - thaiike tc Dr. Ugray, D: Siemon and înurses, Mark Tennaut. 44-1 I1 ol like ta thank al n -frien-dz, neighbors and rela fives- for flawers, carde an viisduniin y stay lu Me marial Halspîtai. A spc thankz ta Dire. Sylvester an * .Ic pialaniSurgicai Fiao nursesý. Eveiyný Bouiti. 44- I1ieh ta convéy- my man thanke ta Dra. H. B. Ruudl Johln Runtile, nursing staff ô 2nd aund 3rd Floore for kin caýýre dJuring my stay in hcç pita1 and frieuds, ueigho andi reatives for carde An flowars sent ta me. Harvey Fleming. 44-1 I vould like ta thank a mrtîg ehbors, frieude ai relatives for g!ts, carde, visit Anti tht iaveîy flawers sentt me whilt undergoîng heai s urgery iu Toronto Genera Haspital. Special thanks Mie. Doug. Bothwell (June for many acte o! kindues shown me andi my huchai durîng my stay in haspita andi while 'corivalescinga home. Thanks again toala Mîrs. Stewart Jarvt (Edue' 44- For -el!the kiridrese ani sympêthy show;ýn tht famil of the iate Russell Gimblet i aur lass of a iind andi le ing hubnd atber ar( grantidfather, wc wouid lice t express aur sncere' thanke Aiea ta Dr, Allan B. Sylvees Nuring Staff o! Memania Hosptal for thaîr excellen came, and ta aur minister Bei Davi Harris for bis n: v,.iseaud spiritual support f aiur tme aÎ dcci, sarraw. 44-1 DeathsIn Memoriar ANDERSON, Sarah Jane-At MA1 R-I oiu e her home on Monday, October mary of my dear husband, 30, 1972, Sarah Bick, af 29 ROY-. wha Passed, away No- Centre ýStreet, Bowmnanivlle, veiber 7, 1969. ini ber 89th year. Belavad Gone dIearý husband, gone wîfe of Les Andersan, Dear foreveýr,. mother of Mre. H. Crvder- HKow we miss, your smiling mari (Chia), Mrs. A., Diiling' face, (Ztta), * Mre. C. Alldread But you left us ta remember (Keitha), Maorlarid, Oswaid,, Nanea on earth can take Oriisby, Thorrtan and George. your place. Rcstcd at the Northcutt A happy home we once Eliott Funeral Home. Funieral enjoyed, service was held at 2 o'clock, Haw isweet the, merary stili Wednesday afternoan. Inter- But death has left a lonelines ment Bowmanvîlle Cemetaery. The worid eau neyer fi.,à 44-1 ý-Lovingiy remembered and sadly- missed by hewif BAGINELL - At Mc-morial Hospital, Bowmnanviiie an Suni- day, October 29, 1972,Mbe Mille, 29 Horsey Street, Baw- manville, aged 79 years. Wifa of the late George Bagneli, dear mother of Ted. Sîster a! Emuly. (Mrs. Wilber Ogdan), R.R., 1, Newtonvile. Serv7ice was held in the Marris; Furi- crai Chapel, Bownrviile on Tuesd ay, at 3:30, p.m. Inter- ment Bowmanville Cemetery. 44.1 'BROWN, Vlma E. (Dnec Greenwoo ) -At St. Cath - arînes, Ontario on October 26, 1972, wife of R. L. Brýowýn,ý St. Catharines; daughter (if Mre. C. -Cooper and the late William Greenwood, sster' 0f Lawrence, Oro-no. Funeral service fram the Hulse & Engish Tunerai Chapal, Sat- urday, October 28 ait 3 D.m. Interment Fonthîli Cemetary. 44-1's COAME-At 'Memarial -Ras- pitai, Bowmanville, ou Satur- day, October 28, 1972, Thamras Comber, R.R. 6 BowmanvilIe, in his 69th year. Beiovcd hue-' baud of Gladys Comber. Dear father of Alen Boyd, Oshawa; Margaret arid Joanne at home, Mabel, Sait St. Marie and the late Lau Boyd. Grandtath- ei of three grandeblldreri. Service wae heid in the Marrie Puneral Chapel, Bawm:anviileý an Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. Iu- termnrt Soldiers' Plat, Osha- wa Union Cemnetery. 44-1 HONEYMAN, Catheririe -At Mvemorlal Haspital Bowman- ville on Tulesdlay, October 31, 1972, Catherrie Bradley af 48 Division Street, in her 86th year. Wife of the late Alex- anderHoncyman, dear mther af John and the late Bradley. Resting at the Narthcutt Elliitt Funeral Home. Funerai serv- ice 2 o'ciock Thursday alter- noon. Interment Bawmari- ville Cemetery. 44-1 TUERK, Victoria Jane - On Friday, Octaber,2th, 1972, a-,t Burliugtan, Ont., 'bloved in- fant daughter of Fred and Nancy Tuerk. Private fun- crai. 44-1's CARNATION, PLOWERS-ant! SEED STORE 33 Division Street Hospital Arrangements Corsages' Plants Wet!ding Eounets , dPloet623-7141 er 623-5577 >41-tf Dr. In Mernoriam' Bromnel:-Iri loving memairy a! a dear.wifc and mother Emma Luxtari who- passeetiaway Novemiber 2, 1968. We aften sit and think o! you And speak of bow you tutti, Andi many a tîme we longeti for you Aid mauy a tume we cnet, We tii.nat stand beside you And sec your lite deparf, But when we héard that -yau bati gant It reariy broka aurhearta. -Laviuglyý remembered by husbant Hawart and children Richard, Debbie, Kim andi Laurie. .44-1 BROMEL-lu lovîng memory a! a dear daughter Emma Wiuona Luxton who passad away November 2, 1968.i To yburretng place wa visit Anti place the fiowers witb But no ont knows the heait- ache When wa turnu anti' leave yau there. If we could hava one -lifetime wish, Qune draam that cauid comae trua, We'd pray ta Got with al aur heurt For yestertay-anti yau. -.Always remembereti hy Mother andi Dad. 44-1*' BROMELL-1u loving imemory a! a dear mother, Emma Lux- ton who passed away Navem- ber 2, 1968. What would we give if wc coulti say Hello Nom, in tht came ait, ii o way, yo bear your voîce anti set your amile, in To sit with, you anti chat' awhile.j 15To you who have ainuother, _________________________ .Iersh her with care, instrutions For yaull neyer kuow t he Instrutionsheartache 'TiI yausec ber vacant chair.j Want to Lean. -Lavingly renembereti by b Drivetaughtcm 'Jo-Aune anti son-1 loDri-l i-lwFret. 44-1: Traictor Trailers? MORE-In n-±emory o! ai NOW eu au rainrigit omeloving fathe-r ;ani graritfather, dping s.For applicaion AndiLi1ke falling leaves tht yaars, inevIw wie:Sfei, ty De- séiipb-,1 pertnen, TansC a nadý-îa tloeai'memories ney7er 316, 07 QetusQuaiWest -Loîngl remmberet byl Tornt 17,Onaroor cal! hicu aulMuriel antid c 416-64-981iElsie ani Fioyti anti grandi- 1 -1 ----44 -fi* OLA-In loving memory of Fiorencýe, dear wife, imother and grandmother, who passed, away November 3îd,.1972. Gad watchad you lu', yeur .sut! ering, Ha ew you had yaurj shar Ht geutiy losed your weary eyes And took yoii inr Hrs-care. -Ever remnembered by .the, famîly, Alvin, Kayr and Fred, Linda and Marillyn. 44-1 PASCOE-In lovîng memary o! a dear father and grand- father, Frank, who passed aw-ay Navembar 2, 1971. He laft us uitlhis thoughts uuiiknawn, But leftus a mcemory we are proud ta owu, Sa treasure hlm Lord, iri your garden of test, For when on carth, hie was anc of thteheât.- _ -Sadly missed by daughters1 and sans-iu-iaw, Jean. Bertha and Rau, Marg. and Dave. Marilyn and Ran, Pearl and Dave, and grandehildiren. 44-1 PETTIT-In loving memory of my dear husband, Han-y, wha, passed away four yeare aga November 2, 1968. I lest a husband with a heart of gold Who was warth mare ta me than wealth untold: Withaut farewell, he fell asieep IWth onldy memanies for me ta keep. -Sadly missed'by wîte Mar- garet and family. 44-1 RUNDLE-Iu Aoving nmcmary o! a dear Dad, George, wha passed away. Novemnber 2, 1951. "Treasure stili, with lave sincere, Beautiful memeries of!oee 5 dear". -Sadiy missed, daughter Mal and -son-iu-law Jack,' 44-1 RUNDLE, Gcorge-#--A trîh uté ta the memary o! a dear Dad wha passed away Navember 2, 1951. "Apage in aur 1hook of memorîe le geutly turned today". -Evýer remembeicd, daughter Loia Brown, Florida, and granddaughtereather, il- Mis, È.44-1 RUSSELL-In loving memoryj of Harold Davis Russel.l, Who paseed away Novemnber 6th, 1964.* Garia but not fargotten. ,-LoVingiy remembered by hie wife, Sybil. 44-1 SEVER-Ir' lovîngrmemory, o! a dear father and grand~- father, Robert Gordon, who passed away Navember 4, i966.1 Every dlay lu some small way Memanies o! you camne oui way, Though absent you are ever near, Sf111 missed, Ioved, always dear. -Ever remcmbeîed by thtý family. 44- 1 TIIERNEY.-nIu lAng memary cf aur dear father 'Dennis Tierne who passed away Novemyber 4, 1964. What peaceful hauirs we* once enjoyed, Haw sweet their' memary still, But they have iaft an aching heart The warld,,eau neyer f111. .-Sadly missed by Elenar, Liv da, Donna-Marie and Den- nie. 44-1 Business __Opportunity MUTUAL 0F . OMAHA'S Exclusive mass marketing agencyinl the Oshawa -ý Bow- manville, area lian openjng for ont SALES REPRESENTATIVE Quality leae, highest com- missions anti bonües, or tiravr in thtder' For appoint- mient cal! iisrit Manages 576-0540C l Oshawa FOR LEASE [N.BW ~ VLI 220 Acres of, APPLE ORCHARD, with 3 homes FOR FUITHER DETAILSe SZ7HI.CKEDANZ r ELO'PMENT LTD. Toroânto 223-07 10 41-1* Cartwrigh-t Hîgh Sçhaal An- nual Commencement Exercises will be heldat the Racreation Centre, Blackstock, ou Satur- day, Navember 4 at 8:30 p.m. Preseutation 'a!f diplomas, echlarships, proficiency prnz- e -and field day, traphies. Vaiedîctory addrees, Gîte Club sciectians, one-art play. Every- body welcome. 43-2, WOOD VIE W COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDA'! e7:45 p.m. REDBRN - WAYNE ST. OSHAWA 21-tf APPEARING AT QUEEN'S HOTEL NEWCA STLE The Country Strings Nov. 3rd and -4th FRIDAY -ý SATURDAT ,DANCING 9 - 1 Dtpartment ef Recreatin Country & Western JAMBOREE TOWN HALL BOWMANVILLE- Sunday, Nov. 5th 8:00 PM FEATURING: MYSTER'! GUEST' ERIC ZAIT ant! tht CARLE TV, BOYS Admission- ,Adults $LOO0 Teens under .18 years - 35o Children under 12 years 25c - 44-i Livestock For Sale BULL calves for, veaiing. M. H. Pedweii, 987-4331 New- castie. 44-1* HORSES boarded, largeý box stalle. Spring' pasture. New- castle area. Cail 987-4039. 44-1 HOLSTEIN heifers, Holstein beef,. stockers, young and started calves. Keith Page 852-3923, Uxbridge. 36-tf TWELVE -Yorkshirepgs7 weeks aid, two Holstein cows. Aiea wish ta buy serviceable age Hereford bull, Telephone 263-2544. 44-1 Artîclesfor bale Articles for Sale Htelp atd WATER for sale and delivar 'PORTABLEE . V wîtih MAN for dairy fr cd. Cal Cliff Pcthick62-13 stand, 21". Phane 62'3-7635. Pedw7eli, 987-4311 wcste _______ ~~29-tfj 4I 41i USED Furniture and Appli- IIFLE,ý 6.5 M.M.. F. Nickr- STUDENT h ilp requjired; ances. Paddy's Market, Hamp- son, 107 Liberty St., Ba'w- sharp, cicari-cut, Graýde XI orý ton, 263-2241. 26-tf imanville. 4 * I;approx-imately ;16 hours' ________ _____ -per we.Apply in persan STUDEBAKER Service, new'COCKSHUTT No. 12A miaurtaFyn Duc anGfbe and used parts. Graham's spreader. T. Baker, Phana twcýen 8 arn. - 6 p,m. 44t-1 Garage. 1-416-263-8172. 25-tf 263-2172. 4- DAY care required for twa BROADLOOM - Ramnants- POTATOES, No. 1, for winter ejde atelu vhm Ends of Rails Retail values storage, $2.50 for 75 Ibs. Jae or. on schoal bus route lrom ta $18.95 per yard. On sale Bouma, 623-2847. 43-2< Libtrty and Fourth Concession $4,95 per yard. Factory Broad- loo Ditriutas, 1 Rch-POOL table, 4' x 7'. 3 cues and W'et tp Scugog and North mand St. W., Oshawa. Phone tw1eso.aleclen a Hmtn l~e ci 576-5522. 44-14 condition, $7.5. Tlpae 6-73after 6. Urgent. CmïngEvents There WY'Il be a dance at Saïna. Hall, Saturday, Nov. 4th with Ray Avery's Orch- estra. 44-1 Darlingtan Saccer League !Dance, Saturday, November 1,1972, 8 p.rn,, Solina Hall. $1.50,per persan. _ 44-2 1.0.0.F. Dance, Certennial, HTall, Queen Street, November ,24. 9)-1. Bar privileges; prizes. ,$3 per couple. __ 44-3*' A Christmas Festival of r1usie wîll be presented by the Excelsior Choir on, Saturday, December 2nd, 8-pi. __ 44-1 Salvatian Ariny H om e League Annivarsary Tea and Sale 0fWork, Friday, Novem- ber 10, 2 - 4:30, Tea tickets 50c. ______ 44-2 Second Annual Cammunity Fair, March' 17, 1973. Any graup wanting te participate with a baoth, call Mrs. Dow, 623-5817. 44-1 -Lions Annual Turkay Rail, Lions Centre, Dec. Thlt. Aiea draw for 1973 Mante Caria. Only 700 tickets sold. Contact any Lian nereber far tickets. -----44-1 Eberiazer United Church Turkey Supper, Saturday, ýNova.mbe-r -4th. Sittings' at 4:30 arid 6:15.p.mn. For tick- ets phone Jack Locke 728-, 2172. __ 42-3 .Masquerade Dance, Satur- day, Nov. 4th, Pontypool' Com- m 'ntyHaIll Music by Fay Adams and the Cauntry Rite; prizes, refreshments. $,00 per person. 43U Maple, Grave Guides and ýBrownies Parents Cammittee are bavipg a LuckyLuncheon an Thuesday, November I 4th at 1 p.m. in Mapie Grave CE. Building. Pice $1.25. Far tickets eaul 623-7526. 44-1 MONSTER BINGO THRURSDA'Y -7:45 p.m,. Sponsored by Oshawa Muiner Soltball .TUBLEE PAVILION ,QSHAWA 30-tf TITIS EARTH 18 OYE COUiNTRY and MANKIND ITS CITIZENS BAHAULLAR Pliet623-3171 43-tf GET ready for winiter. inuin windows antd LamneAlin, 1 rince Bowmanville, 623-387 1. AJum- doore, Street, 44-2 McINTOSH appces, last BEDROOM suite, compicte; chance, hand-pficked, $1.50 dîning suite, 9-piace; chester- bushel, bring container. 37 feid suite, aIl Burmia tea- Prospect St,, North end Baw- woad, new. Mupt sali, Sacri- manville aftar 4. 44-I fiee. Phone 1-241-5971. 31-tf IDO.-OTOR.-ev 3 ROOMS rubbar baek, saeu nbright cal- COMPLETELY FliRNISHED ors, 9' x 12', only $35.95. Fac- NO DOWN PAYMENT tory. Broadloom Distributors, Low Monthly Terms 81 Richrnond St. W., Oshawva, Free Delivery Phone 576-5,522. 44-14 ADAMSFURN1TJ EBARLEY, straw, spîayed for 26 King Sf. E.. Bewmauvillz waeds. inside barn, 2,100 baies, 623-3808 40e4a bale. Cail after 6, lime 9839~38. ____43- Now is the ___ ___ns ai TO CHECK VOUR raady picked. Adrian Bons, BEATTY , RR. 5 Bowmanville. Cal] STABLE EQIJIPMENT 263-818,5. 43-2 AND WATER BOWLS NEWCASëÀTLE Traîler Park & ORDER PARTS FR051 ISales - 1972 Rambler Clear- HAR EY ARIERance Sale. New iow prices. HARVEY ARTNEROpan every day, evening and, 983-5206 ORONO iwaekends. No. 2 Hîghway, 41-4 Enetý end o! Newcaetle,. BROADLOOM, 9 x 12, Hard97-314-t Twist, in beautiful dark green 17' TRAVEL Trailer, 1969, Normal cost $180. On sala equipped with electric brakes,ý $119. Factory Broadloom Dis- stone guard, awning, tailat,, tributors, 81 Rlichmond St, W., tovr', propane fridge, furu-ý Oshawa. Phone 576-5522. acec. In good condition. Taele - 44-14 phonr (705) 277-2115. 44-i ONE 440 Snowcruisar, new; SAVINGS oua 440 Aretie Cat Puma; one 295 Palanis Charger. A full UP T $3O0O lineaof 1973 Polaris Snowma,- Precision cugineered hberes, 1983-5810. 44-1 treetet! on your foundation. 40 te. cheose troni or cusfem ALUMINUM SIDING designet!. Mertgare and! land Facda, soffitt, caves, awnings, sfern windows & doors. Ex- availabllity. Gef ail the tacts. pertîy iustalîed., Reasonable. PlietRAY NORTHEY at 19 eprine, 0va 723-3558 or visit Beaves' Luni- factory warranfy. 12 weeks ber for a Home Catalogue fa pay. Local dealer, R. M. 7-t GODIN, 263-8179. 43-4-* R IJ G S ANDREWS 9 x 12 tram $59.95 WALL TO WALL CARPET TV TO'WERS, Freetitra 4.s. Largesepec- and ANTENNAS A»Atien ef calors, ADAM SF UJ R NI1 T U R, E INSTALLED AT 26 King St. E., Bowmaniville 'Low Rates -23-3808 435 ALSO SPECIAL ON ;EED A PRESSURE SYSTEM? Colour Systems' ' suMrPPUMPS Phone623-006 REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES Pone 23-2006 HARVEY PARTNER or 73-598 2-tfOrono 98.3-5206 - Zenith 14620 SAVE up ta 60% ou braud INSTALL AN name bioadloom. Wa guaran- eem FURNACE tee we won't ha undersold. BOILER Save a bundia at Factary HUMIDIFIER Broadlaom Iistributais, 811 or ROT WATER Richmond St. W., Oshawa. HS EATER Phone 576-5522. 44-14 Ne paymeuts fer six menthe ELDON racing car sets. One Caîl set ineiuding 38-place track, Call two cars and ail equipmeut, HARVEY PARINER alea fence rails and extra bodies, $16; second set, 50- Tour ESSO Service Dealer piece track, 2 cars, ail equip. FREE STMAES ment and bridge support; al FIEEESTIATES in good ordar, $21. Telephorie 983-5206 Orono . 623-5040 after 6 p.m. 44-2 or1 ih162 eSNOWMOBILES Zenih 1420 Nw 20 h.p. Deluxe - $500.00 24 Hour Service New Twin Cyl. Electrie $650 41-t! New Twin Wide Traek $700î BRO DLO M-Daa pieunt. Sports Orono'l 13RADLOM -Deep pil bard twist in bttrsweet and OPtal Eveninas - 983-5444 gaa1 îr, ugse rAn Aiu -' $19.95 per yard. Openiug speciai $6,95 par yard. Fac-1 tory Broadioom Distributors, 81 Richmond St. W., Oshawa. Phone 576-5522.1 44-14 WADDINGTON'S BARGAIN SHOP New anti Useti CLOTHING FURNITURE - APPLIANCES FURNACES, OIL TANKS, BLOWERS anti CONTROLS, TWO MILES Eas t of Newcastle ON HIGHWAY No. 2 1 Phone 786-2972 NE WTON VILLE 31-ti "THE MUSIC BOX"" Musical ï Instruments E IEARLY DISCOUNTij UP TO 10% DISCOUNT OFF LIST PRIVE STE WARTS SEED CORN ERNEST SWAIN- 986-4331 BRUCE TAYLOR 263-2741 43-6' Help Wanted HOSTESS - Waitress, fuît or part time fat private club near Bowmanvilla. Phone 623-2670. 43-2 GR7iAÀT-RIC -Aide -fam shift work, axparience preferra.t. Apply Strathaven Nursingt Home, 623-5555. 44-1 HOMEMAKER -for semi-retir- cd gentleman oniy. Modemn 6 maam bungalow, top salary. SUIPER VISOR vise ant! train other employ- CALI, Mr. McFarlarne 623-4411 between 9 and à BODYMAN i REGISTERED APPRENTICE For New FORD Dealership iu Bowmanville Good wages- and! workint conditions Company benefits See ... Martyý Stèl! Body Shop Manager 623-4481 î 1 MacDonald Ford 2Z19 King E. - Bowmanville 44-1 STORES MANAGER required for 131-bed, fuIllY accredited General Hospit. Must'be xihysicalIy fit and! have iventory control experience. Minimum Grade 12 education. Purchasing background an asset. Salary depending on qualifications, and! experience. Only those with stores cx- perience neet! apply. Apply to DIREOTOR 0P PERSONNEL SERVICES Memoirial Hospital Bowmanville, Ont.' ________44-1 INDUSTRIAL WORKERS We equire mature, respons- ible persons te work In out Bownianville arisaplant. Du. tie wil ielde eneaIMain. tenance and! heusekeeping werk. Persons, willing te work eau earn $3.44 per heur miùi- mumi, with substantial tringe benefits. Interested persoius should apply' in wrlting fer an application form te St./,Marys Cernent Comnpany Box 69, Bowmanvllef,, Ont. Northumberland andi Durlhamni Counfy Board ef Eduention OFFICE PERSONNEL Applications wiil be reeeiv- ed by tht undcrsigned until 5:00 p.m., ýWedncsday, Navem.. ber 8, 1972, for tht position af Secretary for Clarke Higli Seheol HaIt Tume Dutias tD commence as soan as passible. Mulst hava typing, general kuowiadge a! office procedure and business machines, short- hand an assat but flo)t essen- tial. The ability to cape .with wvork load ,at peak p ellods 'a! primary importance. qualifications and e xperierice taý M\. A. MacLeod, Business Adminmistrator and Treasurer, D'Arcy Street, Box 470, Co- boug. ,44-I Northîumberland andi Durliai' County Board oet Education- CAILETAKE R Applications wil be'receiy- cd by the uudersigned for the position o! full time caretaker, 40 boums par waak,, at 'Baw- manvilie High Schooal tutil Navember 6, 1972. Good kuowiedge a! achool carctaking procedure.dan d cîeaningý methods, ability ta work tram verbaland written instructions, and ability ta get aiong witb others ara main qualificatiansi required., Please apply ilu writing stat-1 ing qualifications, expermance, I telephone number -and, addî-ess ta: M. A. MaCLEOD Business Adinristratar' andi Treasuirer, Northumberland and Durham, HEREFORD cattie, 22 caîves, I - - pl gvn ulprtclis'UUD Udi U Ul LCIN.,UBox 47 5 heiferz, 1 cow, 1 bull:, three Sple aBx8,Ubiia n. DAc t . o 7 horsts, Appaloosa anti quarter Supis___ox_ 8 Ubige n 44-2 Cobourg, Ontariao homse. Phone. 1-416-986-4641, and Instructions MECHANIC JUNTA ~ Park am, Caesanrea. 44-1LNEA 1-Records, and Tapes OR. Tht ,Bewmanville. Public Consigjnment O M N IL REGISTE!RED APPRENTICE ' Utilities Commission <Horse Auction B WM N L E for New FORD Dealership requires a LINEMAN for their MONDA'!, NOV. 6, 11:30 a.ni. PLAZA lu Bowmanville Electrical Line Division. Sfouffville Stock Yards Gooti wages andi Tht succestul applicant wïll STOUFFVILLE, ONT. Phone 623-5471 workiug conditions have tec have a icomplete 1.50 Registeret anti Grade, 34.tfj Company benefits knewledge of aIl phases et Appaloosas, Quarter Herses, overlicat anti underground Pintes, etc. Quantity et ucw A AA See,. Archie Grothliue construction anti be.train- anti Used Satdiles, ,Bridiles Y~ VService Manager jet! in tht usée ef live Ue Tack,. Cutters9, Sleiglis, Herse equîpment. Titis position.et-, Trailers, etc., anctloneti pre- Antennas cand - 623-4481 fers a goot! rate ef pay, eX-; cedint herses. cellent working cnîin Complete Tack Soponloca- T.a'aM cD nl od anti fringe benefits, tien, $5.00 Entry Fee, 5% jo èsM coadFr Apply lnu1wrlting statîn-c commission. Te cousigu hors- ROTORS INSTALLE» 1 igS.E. omuil qualifications anti peirsoual e or: for informationPliet4-1_backgound_________________, 1-416-640-4198 - W. T. "BILL" TJHF-VHF - Caloretl Acials ____4A1 baekgouditluieotr j SIMONS, netieneer Apte, anti Homes Pre-wireti rersonal OMNIL 441REPAIRS 1 Ontario llorkmanship Guarantetti YGIENIC Supplies-(Rubber PUBLIC UTILITIES Lost AI e eSV YuMnygaods maîleti nastoai inl _____________________A I pncet teSAV Ye Meerplain sealeti envelope wïth 1OMSSO GOLD lpendant, between -Terr- ,prîce list. Six samples 15,19 Kfing St. W., Bowmanvlll rncec treet ,anti Dykstïa's hn Ui-  2 smls$1,00. mail Octer Attentioen: MrM. 3J, Watsle, ~ood Markcet , Phonie- 623-3786.i L. NAMILTON, Manager Dcpt. T-28. Nav-Bubber Ca., Manage 44-1's I 38-tf Box 91, Hîamilton, Ont, 1-52 .. 41 Re*- ROAD CLOSING The Couincil of the Miunicipityý of the Township ci Clarke -ives notice that it intends to pass a By-Law to close or stop-up the Road Allowance in thie Township ef Clarke' in the County of Durham, followýing, that is te Say- The open road allowaneetwe,ýeen Concession 2 and 3 of Lot 35, f romt the west limit, of Lot 35 thence easterly 965 feet more or less, to a point 100 f eet more or less,, east of the east boandary of the Canadian Pacifie Railway tracks. The sait! description te be subieet to the approval for deeding Registrar of Deeds hefere ,incorporation ln the enab- lingb-a. AND TAKE NOTICE that any înterested party desiring to make dJaim or te oppose the sait! By-law wilI be heard ln perâon or by proxy at the meeting of the said Council te be heIt! W the Township Hall at Orono, Ontario, on the 7th day ef Neveýmber 1972, at the hour of 10:00 o1clock in the morn- flate'd tieis 6th day et Octoher 1972. B. W. COLLINS, A.M.C.T. Cil1rk-Admintistrator ef the Municipality. 42-4 ONTARIO ENERGY BOARD IN THE MATTER 0F The Municipal Franchises -Att, R.S.O.190 Chapter 289 and-more partlcutlarly 3stion 9 thereef; ANP» IN THE MATTER 0)F an application by The Cnsmers' Gas Comnpany for an Order appreving the ternis and condjiins upea which and the period for whicb a preposet! by-law of the Town ef Bowmanville grants certain rîgrhts te the Applicant; AND IN THE MATTER'0F an application by The Consumers' 'Gar, Company, for the Boa rd te déclare and direct, in its Order, that the - assent et the electors of the Town of Bowmanville te snch by-law is net necessary. NOTICE 0F HEARING Tht Onttarle Energy Boarvd hereby apoints Monday, tht 12th day of Nevember, 1972 at 2 o'clack iu the aternan at the Board Offices, Roni 910, 790 Bay Street, Toronto, On1tairie fer thr. he4rng et thf above ap~plication: and! ail persons Interestet! therein. A copy of the application, by-law and franchise agreeý- nment may he inspected, and! turther particulars obtained ýi the office etof the Clerk et the Town et Bowmanvile, t'} solicitor for the Applîiant, Messrs. Zimmerman and! WinteLý 4 199 -Bay Street, Torolnte, Ontario, or front this Bosýrd. Notice of Application Io Dispense with'Vote of Municipal Electors TAKE NOTICE THAT at the above public hearlng, tha Board will be asketl te declare ant! direct In its'Order that the assent et the municipal electors te tht sald by-law le not If any pParty notifled dees net attend at the hearing, the Reard Mayný7 preceet! Iu his absence and!lhe will net be euttil te ayfuirtter notice lu the, Precéedings. DA'TE» at Toronto titis 25th day ef October, 1972, Ontario Energy Board A. B.JACKSON Vice Chairman I. C. MaeNABB Vice Chairman 44-2 For Rent VILLA, corner et Simpson Ave, and -Base LUne, Bowmanville NOIN One bedroom $15 5.00 ýTwo bedroom $1 75.00 Monithly includes hydre, Cable TV, lucide parking for ane car, etfa. Large pleasant suites with Coloret! applianees, superler secund prooflng, rtc reen, centreU!ed entrances with iutercom. Call 823-4172 or 723-0575 or 725-9750 Auctiort Sale AUCTION SALE-AT >BRIGHTON AUCTION HALL Every Saturday at i1.m OPEN FOR GCONSIGNME14TS REGULAR ANTIQUE SPECIALS For Information Contact CENTRÀAUCTION Co. LTD. 166 4AST-, BRIGHTON' (613) 47,5-1735 - Open Dai -5fý, COMMLEE AUCTION SERVtiC-ES DRESSERS, Beds, Chester- fields, ail kinde of Used Furni- turc, Antiques aud Appliances. Paddy's Market, Hampton, 263-2241. 26 t! -1 arremgemei ý1- 1- il -1- -1 1623-3257. 43-21